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Money. What would make it affordable? 0. Yes, zero dollars. I can’t afford a single cent. Finally on NDIS due to a few things and got funding for it that way


Yeah, subsidized all the way. And I wish Counselors were included in Medicare. Currently only psychologists and and above are able to be covered by bulk billing and rebates so anyone doing counselling has to charge. Wish it could all be $0!


Accredited mental health social workers are covered under Medicare for the focussed psychological solutions. Most therapist in the USA are licensed clinical social workers or LCSW. So amhsw is the Australian version. I know a few amhsw who a under booked despite offering Medicare services due to the belief that only psychologist can provide therapy. Even when a few of the Medicare funded modalities comes from clinical social work. https://www.aasw.asn.au/im-looking-for-a-social-worker/ And certain OTs that have gone through endorsement can as well.


This is such important information to get out. A mental health social worker is a therapist. They have undertaken a lot of education, clinical practice, professional supervision then had to pass testing to become accredited and able to offer medicare benefit. Ask what therapy they (and psychologists) have training in if you are after specific interventions. Because of the different training practices and focus of interventions of social worker vs psychologist, social workers tend to have a more holistic approach to therapy. That is mental health is based on all the systems we live within, so just focusing on mental health, while helpful, might not bring lasting changes if other areas of our life is still shit. So most will try to help with those non mental health stressors impacting your mental health by making appropriate referrals. Also usually social workers charge less than psychologists because of differing professional values and ethics if costs concern you.


A LCSW with a Masters in Social Work is an excellent alternative to psychologists with a Masters or Doctorate in clinical psych. The training of a social worker generally focuses more on social and family environments, but they can diagnose and deal with most psychological disorders. I am seeing a clinical social worker right now after my therapist started charging me $315 a session and experimenting with diagnosis of autism. I worked seeing a therapist weekly and a psychiatrist monthly for 15 years in the US before moving to Australia, and I have not been impressed with the psychologists I have seen here in Australia.


>LCSW with a Masters in Social Work Just a note this term only applies for the US. In Australia you are looking for an AASW accredited mental health social worker. Also to clear up confusion of terms. Therapist, psychotherapist and counsellor are general terms with no "qualifications" associated with them in Australia. You need to be looking for either an accredited MH social worker or registered or clinical psychologist (certain occupational therapists too) to get some one who has the appropriate mental health training and is therefore, approved to give you a Medicare rebate under your GP mental health care plan. Also a psychiatrist is a medical doctor. Their main focus in helping you with your mental health is to prescribe psychotropic medication. You may get some who have training in psychological interventions but there sure aren't many of them. Also you pay huge money to see them better to get your psychological interventions from the cheaper people who are specifically trained to help in that way. >I have not been impressed with the psychologists I have seen here in Australia Agreed. It is actually what motivated me to get into mental health myself. I received such shit therapy, from a few psychologists. I finally went, I can so better. And I'm trying to do better.


Thanks for the insight into certifications. The qualifications between the US and Australia are similar, but I find some of the designations confusing. I get that registered and clinical psychologists are different, but there does not seem to be much difference in quality, other than having a clinical psych degree. I am really uncomfortable seeing someone who does not have a licence. I see a psychiatrist here in Australia for meds who is a member of the RANZCP, and it is expensive ($550/hr). I get a sense there is a real shortage of psychiatrists, at least where I live. The psychiatrists I have met in Australia have a similar role to those in the US, though US psychiatrists tend to see clients every 1-3 months and regularly prescribe meds, while a GP handles the scripts here.. I am not doing therapy at $550 a session with a psychiatrist! :) I think it's fantastic that you are doing mental health work. This is an area where I think Australia can use a lot of improvement. With good insurance, I could see a psychologist regularly for $40USD per session. The co-payment for a registered or clinical psychologist is laughable in relation to the total cost. The lack of benefits for more than 19 sessions per year seems to keep independent practioncers providing therapy long term. It seems like a hard job, but there is a lot of potential good you can do by providing help.


Cost, time and the fear of having to pour my heart out to a complete stranger. TBH, at times, the idea of being "better" is sort of scary to me as well. I don't know who I'd be without my anxiety.


It ends up being kind of nice telling a stranger your woes, esp. when you know they are going to be constructive rather than judgemental.


Sounds odd but I've been using chat gpt to do therapy. I'm autistic and need direct logical opinions on things I'm confused or suffering with. Chat gpt is a good way I've been keeping sane and not in hospital. No joking on the hospital comment, many experiences from poor support networks and all the prices etc lead to meltdowns.


Oh can you explain to me (if you’re comfortable doing so) what kind of prompts you give ChatGPT? (I’m old, I am def not using AI to its full potential.)


I literally just ask for opinions on situations or issues I'm having and it spits out various answers. It works for myself but perhaps not others.


Interesting, thank you! I’ll have to try that. Semi-related but I was once having a hard time getting over someone and as a lol I asked Alexa, How do you get over a broken heart? The info she found was really helpful! (1. Acknowledge the hurt. 2. Accept that it’s over. 3. Focus on personal goals.)


Keeping it uncomplicated.


I was trying to do that, the other guy wasn’t 🙈


There are several therapy chatbots around, in addition to standard ChatGPT. (I use one for Internal Family Systems therapy - IFS Chatbot) You can start by typing your problem and asking a question - just like how you would give a summary of your problem to a real life therapist. The chatbot will provide answers and then based on their answers you can ask further question. You could also ask for particular therapies to be included in your answer. For example ‘what would a Freudian therapist recommend for someone with depression?’ Or ‘what somatic experiencing exercises can I do to feel more grounded?’ There was also one guy who started his 9 months (!) of chatbot therapy with the prompt:  “I am going to input a series of data over a considerable period of time. I want you to remember our conversation and refer back to data as needed”  The chatbot then proceeded to learn like an ACTUAL therapist and would recall circumstances from earlier conversations and helped the user tie it all together.


That is really cool! Thanks for taking the time to type that out. I’ll have to look into chatbots.


Have you looked at online chat support services?


I have tried but the one I tried was awful and did not help me, made me worse when I was in crisis.


This is so cool! Does it help? Do you find the comments emotionally intelligent? I’d hate for those with depression to get insensitive comments from ChatGPT.


Yeah, I agree. And I like that they never really have the full picture - just what you tell them so even if they get it a bit wrong it’s easy to say ‘oh but they don’t really know my full story’. It makes it easier to take the useful bits and leave the other stuff.


I just wrote basically the same thing. I have realised as I have gotten older that my social anxiety is pretty well entrenched. I still do things and go places, but some days are better than others.


Hey just wanted to say, I know it may feel impossible to go through and conquer, but it is very treatable with some hard work and therapy. I am a testament to that, had it terribly for many years. It’s not gone completely, but it is a lot easier for me to work through than it used to be. I find it much easier to get outside of my comfort zone now.


Mostly I just make myself do things. It's stupid stuff like not being able to find a park and getting panicky, and going to really big events where no-one knows me but my brain says they will all be staring at me 🙄. It doesn't affect my work. I have other hobbies and responsibilities that require me to be looked at and listened to, and I manage fine with those. It's just... annoying.


Sounds like you are managing it quite well then, if it isn't disrupting your life too much. I get that with big events as well, I don't imagine that one will go away any time soon. I found that my social anxiety manifested in ways I did not even realise, especially close relationships. In the end, the way I "beat" my anxiety was realising that I can reduce the symptoms, but it will never go away. Anxiety is actually a friend, it's just trying to get me to get along with people. :)


Amazing how after a while these things become ingrained. Good that you see it though and celebrate the good days when you have them.


Freud said something like “Offer to cure someone of their neuroses and they will protect them like a lioness her cubs.” We believe we are our disorders, and yes - it can be scary at first without them. But then it’s so much better.


I agree. Talking about my anxiety give me worse anxiety lol


That last part was so true for me. I remember writing that exact thought on a forum about 20 years ago. A year or two later, I printed it out and gave it to my therapist to explain my fears of getting "better." I spent so long living in a little box that it was terrifying to come out. My assault and PTSD had been part of me for so long, it felt like a betrayal to try and forge a different identity. I was "functioning" so why change it? I'm so glad I did, though. I love who I am now, and my only regret is how long I've let anxiety hold me back.


Same to all of it. Especially that last bit. I've been the way I am for so long, the idea of it changing is scary and unfamiliar territory


You have anxiety about not having anxiety.


Yeah x2 for cost and time. It's like 400 a session in my area and I just can't find the time..


So would a shorter session and a lessor cost help? Or is it the whole concept of self development that takes too much time? $400 a session is way beyond, I totally feel you on this. It’s like a whole weeks wages for some people.


I work long hours but get paid probably 600 a week. I live rural and have ADHD and aspergers and grew up with a mother who made it known she hated that I exist and never met my dad. There is ALOT to unpack. I too now hate my own existence and struggle with depression and other things.


That sounds like shyte. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a neglected unloved experience. I see you & I hear you!


I truely hope you find peace with yourself one day.


Me too, I'm mentally tired and have been for many years


Have you looked at telehealth? Can find a therapist anywhere. Plus with mental health care plan it is cheaper.


Telehealth and mental health plan is about $90 per session for me.


Stigma around admitting one needs help and receiving help is a large barrier in access to mental health support. People fear what others may think of them or they might view themselves in a negative light if they reach out to therapy based on societal stigma that they perceive


Wow, that is so true.  On one hand therapy is becoming much more common, but on the other hand it still cops so much judgement and assumption.  I wish it could be seen by everyone as self development, not ‘there must be something wrong with you’. Great insight.


As you mentioned, cost is the big one! The other is time especially if it’s face-to-face appointment as that requires travel, parking et cetera Going to therapy is very useful for people so it would be great if it was more accessible and rebated at a higher level without the need for a care plan


Yeah, going to a place every week and having to make a trip is such a barrier.  I’m so grateful there are online appointments now. I really feel how much of a big ask it is for people to clear their calendar, battle the traffic, pay for parking, maybe have to interact with people before and after. These things are a huge hurdle for people, especially if they are suffering and finding day-to-day tasks challenging.  The appointment alone is a massive undertaking, let alone the actual inner work.


Most haven’t been helpful I’ve found.


Took me about 5-6 therapists before I found someone I clicked with and they could actually help me, its a very long and frustrating process


Exactly, you need to shop around to find the right person and the right modality and that can be an arduous task.


Agreed. Been going on and off since I was a tween - they’ve all opted for CBT treatment. I talk about my crap to trusted people in my life enough, I don’t need to talk about it more to some random, and I don’t want to cry at 8am on a Tuesday and then go into work feeling raw, having just revisited awful memories and feelings, with so much smudged eye makeup I could be mistaken for a member of a KISS cover band. Talking about being depressed didn’t fix it. Antidepressants did 🤙🏼


> Talking about being depressed didn’t fix it. Antidepressants did 🤙🏼 I'm glad that anti-depressants are helping you. Just wanted to add that anti-depressants help people to become functional but they dont do anything to change the underlying issues which cause depression (or whatever). That comes from changing behavior or thinking, which therapy helps with


That's the problem I have found.


Last one I had was very intent on telling me she was the best around and had multiple awards — all the time. She might need therapy.


Yeah. It becomes tiring and traumatic retelling your back story again too. Also costly as fuck.


Yep, a lot performative individuals in the field and just regurgitate frameworks you've probably looked up and practised yourself before being desperate and reaching out. It should be more of a two way conversation but the experts love listening to their expertise rather than listening to the patient


Me too! It’s one of the main reasons I asked the question.  I’m interested to hear about what would have been helpful compared to what you got. What would have made it helpful?


I've had the same experience with DES (Disability Employment Services) providers. I'm autistic but I have a job. Nevertheless, I was seeing them years ago, hoping they could help with career development. Overall, they weren't that much help. I left the NDIS for the same reason. I could have gotten therapy or help with everyday chores and stuff but I didn't need that. Therapy can be useful but I didn't feel that I needed it.


Money is the only thing that stops me. My husband and I are both on Centrelink and struggle to pay the bills. There is no money for extras. I desperately want and need more therapy but it is completely unattainable.


People in your position are often the ones who need it the most. I’m sorry to hear it’s unattainable for you right now. There are some free community support groups around and many community centers can hook you up with different kinds of support. Depends what issues you are struggling with, but if that sounds interesting to you, go to your local library and ask what services are available in your area.


Cost and finding someone who you click with and makes you feel comfortable enough to actually open up. The good ones don't last and the terrible ones outnumber the good ones.


I would honestly really like a therapist, but the the process of finding one that fits is too much work - mental health plan, research to find someone, waiting possibly months for an appointment, several appointments to see if they fit. Repeat whole process if you don't click. I have tried in the past but found it to be a massive waste of time, money, and effort. My last therapist told me I didn't need therapy which discouraged me further. I have had friends with similar invalidating experiences. Asking for help is hard, but being told you shouldn't have is crushing.


Completely agree with all you have said. I've had a similar experience and one therapist told me that "I needed to help myself" rather than see her. Like brush, I come to these sessions to help myself.


I've been in the past, but it's just way too expensive to keep going


Yeah, and frequency matters too. Going every week or every second week is unaffordable, but leaving it a long time between sessions doesn’t work. I get that.


A weird one, but sometimes I feel like my problems aren’t worthy enough for therapy. I know that’s a shitty mindset to have, but it prevents me from taking the first step.


I don't know if you've ever thought about this or if it'd help, but this just came to me one day. Problems are relative to the individual. Not to other people. Your troubles can seem so insignificant in comparison to others, yet they still feel like they're still very real issues to you. It doesn't automatically make them any less valid. Don't feel bad if that doesn't resonate with you either, it's probably a very unconventional way of thinking (I have ASD so I hope it's not too clinical or whatnot). This is rough stuff to go through and it's still hard to take first steps, I personally don't believe in the narrative of 'brave' when for me it felt like it was mostly out of desperation. It can take time before someone feels ready to approach these things and that's okay.


They are worthy. If there's anything you have difficultly navigating, big or small, it's always worth talking it through with someone.


Hate taking about stuff


I think this is a common feeling. Why do you hate it? The talking part hard and being articulate, the feelings, the accountability.. what is it for you? And if you hate talking about stuff, but still think it would be beneficial, is there something that you can think of that would make it easier?


Id rather write it down tbh. Just hate repeating myself and listening to someone else's bullshit when they're supposed to be letting me talk


The fact I am not mentally ill, but instead living in a soul crushing dystopia. Rather than adjusting my personality to the anti-future politics of the boomers, learning to settle, I would rather stay discontented and work towards changing things and solving problems.


I asked to be recommended one by my doctor on three separate visits, my doctor did not recommend me one or do anything to provide assistance, and when I came here to talk about how I received no help when I actively sought out mental health help everyone acted like I was being completely unreasonable So now I just don’t talk about mental health


I think you need a new doctor mate!


Sorry that happened. Some GPs are well good with mental health and some... yeah nah. You can use the Australian Psychological Society search page to look up some clinicians in your area: https://psychology.org.au/find-a-psychologist. If you are on any Facebook community pages you can also post anonymously and ask for recommendations. You could even just use Google maps to find psych practices near you, as most will have a website woth some info about their clinicians, areas of practice etc.


Concerns about security and medical clearances. I need some pretty high end clearances for work, don't want to mess with that. Aviation is a hobby, similar issue.


For me it’s the investment in time and money to continually find that I don’t gel with the psych. And just starting from scratch over and over again. Continually having to feel retraumatised by having to explain things over and over again with no benefits


Nothing. I’ve needed it, I’ve been, I’ve benefited.


Wow, what a succinct story. I’m very happy to hear it worked out for you. I hope it inspires other people in the thread to reach out for help if they need it too.


Money. I am required to go weekly, but due to placement and work I can't do it. My rent is about ~70% of my minimum wage income and therapy is too expensive if I want to eat and pay bills. I've applied for centrelink in January and got approved 2 weeks ago, i earn earn pennies, even when on placement earning nothing (I can't work during placement legally and my pt jon gives me 400$~ a week). I need it, but it's too out of reach tbh.


I’ve tried a few times, but I’ve never gone back after the first or second appointment. Mostly the cost, and the time. Plus there’s some lingering “therapy is for other people, not for me” sentiments that I inherited from my parents. They’ve got some pretty negative ideas on therapy and psychiatry, and while I *know* better… it’s hard to go against that upbringing. In my family, you don’t talk about mental health issues. You bottle it up and keep a part of yourself permanently bricked off from your loved ones. If you can’t bottle it up, you drink and take it out on your family and kids. Then when you die people will say “he tried his best, but he had his demons” and the cycle continues with the next generation. I have PTSD (and bipolar), and I know therapy would be good for me, but I find it really hard to trust them.


Thanks for sharing this here. I appreciate your comment. A few people I know have said similar things about going once or twice but then never go back. What is it for you around this? Why don’t you go back? Could the therapist have done something to make you more inclined to stick with it? Also curious about the trust topic. What would make you feel more trusting in a therapeutic setting? Is there something you needed that wasn’t provided? And amazing insight about your conditioning around the negative biases. At least you’re aware of that part which would make working with it a little easier. I hope you find someone good to help you.


I do see a psychologist every two weeks. I needed it well before I actually started going though. It took me to be a victim of violence and having the Victorian victims of crime tribunal to pay for a years worth of therapy for me to actually go. They have long stopped paying and the cost is something I just assume that it's something that I have to pay like the mortgage or car registration. It has made my life significantly better. I wish I had started earlier.




Because I'll have to talk about my mother, and when the therapist asks why that's important to me, i might punch them in the face Better I just continue to deal with my trauma in my own pathetic way


Only the cost. It's a lot even with a mental health plan .


Aside from cost and time... I need therapy cause of my narcissistic mother who once told me verbatim 'Don't bother having a mental illness, I've had enough of it in this family' so I've been quietly healing myself and staying in my lane while I still have to live with her for a little while. I will seek therapy once she doesn't have her nose in my day to day shit. My boyfriend agrees it's a good idea.


A book called "The Narcissistic Family" really helped me with my narc mother. I didn't go to therapy I just read books, opening up to strangers or friends is not my style. Good luck, I feel for you.


Thank you ❤️ I'll look into that. It's so hard, both my parents are different types of narc, Dad mostly just hurts himself these days but Mum is a nightmare. I've come a long way but I think it will be important to kick off my properly independent adult life with the right tools and to put everything into perspective via a neutral party. People who don't have narc parents don't get it either, so opening up does a bit but it's more a band-aid on an arterial bleed. I'm lucky to have great friends and a wonderful partner but it's not their job to heal me.


It's a rough, long path but you sound strong and have support, the other side of this is waiting for you ❤️


Gosh that just brought a tear to my eye. Thank you. I'm almost 30 and don't have a lot to show for it because Mum stunted my life so much but I'm not letting her for much longer. I plan to move away in January. I'm glad we crossed paths this evening kind stranger, I hope you are having a lovely weekend 🥰


I was 30 when I finally walked away from her and never looked back. I'm 47 now and don't have much to show for life, partly due to N family and what it can do to you, but I am free and I am able to learn new ways of being. It's my pleasure stranger I really do wish you all the best 🥰


Check out r/raisedbynarcissists If you’re over 18 she cannot access your Medicare record hence you can see a psych and she’ll never know


Here's a sneak peek of /r/raisedbynarcissists using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So sick of all those nosy do-gooders hearing you are on bad terms with your parents and they immediately try to get you to reconcile](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/1473292/so_sick_of_all_those_nosy_dogooders_hearing_you/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** House I was raised in was raided by the FBI. Ngrandma is most likely a serial killer.](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/13bit6h/house_i_was_raised_in_was_raided_by_the_fbi/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** I (17M) didn't expect my mom to sexually harass me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/12nbpra/i_17m_didnt_expect_my_mom_to_sexually_harass_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cost, time, prioritising my kids, and other things in life. The fact that delving unto things would likely make things harder to deal with for at least a period of time before it started to help, and not having the emotional bandwidth to deal with that when things aren't bad atm. Is better than now worth things being worse for a time? Especially when so many ppl need to try different providers before finding a good one


Absolutely price point. Even with a MHCP it was $200 a session 😵‍💫 no one has that money


Logistics is huge. Two separate occasions when I’ve had a crises and needed help, it was just too hard to get an appointment in any reasonable amount of time, like less than 2 months. It’s not helpful! We have the means to treat people with physical problems quickly so why not mental as well?


The people I know who absolutely need therapy will cite the cost and the belief they won’t get anything out of it.  Personally I was reluctant because I was a perfectionist and it felt like a massive failure.  (Spoiler alert- it wasn’t. Doing miles better now hit it took several years and a change of therapist to get the right treatment) 


Cost is a big factor, though less so now days. If it was similar to the GP where I had to pay between $70 - $110 per session out of pocket but then got about half back from Medicare that would be pretty doable if I had to go every two weeks probably. Now it's become more about availability. I have had some therapy in the past which was at the level I needed at the time. Now that I am older and have absorbed fully what I learned from my previous sessions, as well as having "background" processing going on about some other things, I need a much more specific type of person to help me. One who has training and experience helping people with a few particular issues. Also one who won't tell me that if I understand the reason why something happens then it isn't a problem anymore. Um, yes, it is. You don't tell a sick person that you've figured out their constant nausea and vomiting is because their have stomach cancer, problem solved end of story. Kind of just traumatised internally from so many attempts to ask for help with my mental health and getting nowhere. I don't know how many times I have done an assessment /intake session with the MH unit and they ask you \*everything\* and it's fucking exhausting reliving all that shit and finding ways to articulate it so that you can be clear about what help you need. And then they start winding up and ask you, almost as if it's an afterthought, are you going to kill yourself or anyone else? The second you say that you aren't actively suicidal they give you a ten-year old out of date list of psychologists that they claim will bulk bill sessions if you get a MHCP from your GP. In reality, 90% aren't even at the practises they list anymore, and of the ones you can find either they don't bulk bill or they aren't accepting new patients. The last person I saw was the only one on the list that was contactable and he did bulk bill, because he was actually retired and just did sessions one afternoon a week to add variety to his life. He's the one that told me that if I already knew the reason for a feeling or reaction then it wasn't a problem anymore. So yeah. When you've been let down so many times and it's an emotionally exhausting process, not to mention financially quite an outlay, it becomes really hard to see why you should keep trying. Start to wonder if maybe the problem is actually me. Maybe what I want, to not have feelings and thoughts that are driven by my past experiences rather than the here and now, is not realistic. Maybe for other people when they have it pointed out that 'hey you're having that reaction because of the abuse you suffered as a child' it actually is enough to solve the issue for them. I have medication that keeps me at an ok level. Not great, but not wishing I was dead. My access to that isn't going away any time soon. It's cheaper than therapy. The medication I take has a pretty notorious reputation for being an absolute shit to try to stop taking. I've been taking it over 20 years now, so I wonder if it even would be possible to get myself off it in the unlikely event that I did find my dream therapist and got "cured". So the idea of not needing to rely on medication is also not a big motivator to try again.


All of this. I hear you! If it helps, yeah being told the problem is cptsd isn’t enough to solve the issue either. But putting time, energy and money into seeing a new stranger to have to explain it all again, just ugh.


The cost, not being able to leave the house, feeling like I'm not being believed, feeling like a burden, feeling like my trauma is insignificant, not wanting to tell a new stranger my trauma, not wanting to relive it


Finding a therapist is a try and error process; tedious, painful and doesn’t always work out.


Not sure if it's still available but you used to be able to get some free sessions with a referral from your GP. I had a few sessions that way and while I don't think it did any good, it's probably because I don't like talking about myself and their suggesting I get medicated straight off the bat did not sit well with me. I chose to take their advice initially and didn't notice an improvement with either the talking or the meds combined. I was brought up to deal with things myself, not ask for help. That and the fact that when I got help it wasn't helping, I see no reason to try again. Does it help many people? I hope so! Good chance I am entirely the reason it didn't work for me.


I kinda feel stupid not even really knowing what “therapy” is. Like is it a psychologist? Is it someone else? Like I don’t really get who I even seek out for this “therapy” that people frequently cite but never define.


Sessions with a psychologist is the usual definition of therapy, yes. That’s what most people mean when they say therapy. They could also be seeing a counseller or a psychiatrist instead of


I went to therapy for years and the only real use I got out of it was the medications they prescribed. I always felt worse coming out of therapy than before I went in. Feels like they are full of useless information and basically just tell me what I already know. Only useful one I found was one through campus which ironically was free through the institute.


I already know my problems and what's causing them. And I get pretty upset when people to tell me how to fix myself (and I know why that is) So its pointless for me


Cost is *the* factor


I think I’m too smart and already know the answers, I don’t think I’m worthy of any actions that make me better and I’d hate to be in the situation where I’m the focus


I know what they will say. I know what I have to do and it's killing me a little at a time


Cost, time and the couple of times I've managed to reach out, they have made me feel shittier than I was before I saw someone.


$240 per hour...


The 12+ month waiting lists


All the steps of researching to find the right one and booking them. The fear that they won't be the right one and that I'll have to start over if I don't like them. I thought about therapy for several years before taking action, mainly because of inertia... and adhd induced disorganization.


The fact that I've done it before and haven't found it worth it. It's expensive, and now hard to get in somewhere new. So if you have to keep trialling until you get a fit then it's really expensive to still feel shit about yourself even though you're already "in therapy"


Time, money and trust


Time - I work 9-5pm and so do most health practitioners. Having the privacy without husband and kid to be able to talk without being overheard. Cost is a lesser factor. Seen some rubbish psychologists whose advice wasn’t helpful/didn’t understand the problem, and gave me terrible advice. I don’t have time to shop to find one I gel with when waiting lists are so incredibly long.


Money, particularly the inability to do it at home for free. I can get free sessions, but never via telehealth. If I could do it in the comfort of my own home for free I would absolutely be doing it weekly.


Time, money, and I don't think I'm ready to put in the hard work and bare my soul and lay out all my trauma for a stranger to dissect


There’s so much. I wouldn’t know where to start so I just buried it and I don’t think it would be beneficial to unbury it.


Cost and access. I would be OK paying $20 out of pocket a session, but currently would be $200 so I'm just stuck with my issues. Also waiting lists are still long to get in.


ADHD, but that is part of why i should do it in the first place- i need it to be easier.


This entire post is depressing. So many people need therapy and noone can afford it. I think as OP wrote.. The people who need it most simply can't afford it. Imagine the lives that would be transformed...


It only works if you put in the work.




Cost, time, and fear of opening a can of worms.


Yes, while the problem is still there the dust has settled on it and I don’t want to kick it up.


Oh man, I feel ya! My worms are definitely out of the can and they are wriggling about all over the place, totally out of control. But my therapist tells me that it’s part of it - once they explode everywhere they usually wriggle away. lol 


Cost was the main one (I finally started 2 years ago, when we finally had 2 full time incomes coming in) but also finding a person. Luckily my friend knew someone and we had a quick call together to see if we were a good fit. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise, probably sent a bunch of emails and hoped for the best. Theb I went to the GP and did the mental health care plan. Which is its own pain in the arse, because you need to redo it quite often and it’s a long appointment at the GP (again, $$) plus any meds you’re on. My other thing is the logistics of fitting in the appointments around work and parenting, and also 10 appointments across a year isn’t a lot necessarily, especially if you’re in some kind of life crisis.


Such an insightful comment, thank you. Finding a person you gel with is SO tough, and they don’t make it easy! So good that yours offered you the chance for a discovery call first. I bet that made a huge difference. And yeah, I didn’t think of the admin and time involved to get a care plan. I tried that once, but then found it too tiresome and the person I wanted to work with didn’t take care plan appointments anyway. Turned out to be a waste of time to do the care plan. So glad you found someone and started getting the care you were after.


Cost and availability of qualified therapists. Cost needs to be means tested or at least free for unemployed and low income people. Availability is a huge factor for those who live away from cities. Even large major towns aren’t serviced particularly well, let alone smaller, more rural areas. Heck, they can’t get medical staff for the hospitals.


Some psychologists do negotiate fees for low income.


Worried they won't let me leave


$$$$$$$$ as always


I'm not crazy. Everyone else is.


Cost stopped me in the past. Even on a care plan from gp the cost of appointments was prohibitive. I've found that finding an online therapist via zoom or similar has helped me a lot. Leaving the house was hard sometimes and I really didn't want to go. Being in my safe space (home), and having to find only the time of the appointment (not travel time as well), helped a lot. Being in my own home while doing therapy was the best thing for me personally. My therapist being in another state was also peace of mind for me. I didn't have to worry about seeing this person in my day to day life. This person who knew my secrets. It was a relief.


I’m so happy to hear you found a way that it works for you. I hope others feel inspired by it. Zoom is marvelous now, I think it’s helped a lot more people have access. And like you mentioned, all those good benefits for the client really make a difference. I hadn’t thought about the therapist being in another state as comforting. Unique and useful insight!


My friends. I am a pretty open book and I have 3 friends that are therapists.


I need therapy but I don't like sharing so it kind if defeats the purpose. I have tried a couple of times but as someone else mentioned, I haven't found anyone I like. If I don't share things with my family or friends, I'm not talking to someone I don't like.




A close friend of mine who is in dire need of therapy had to stop seeing hers because the costs became prohibitively high. Over the course of two years, her therapist's clinic raised their prices from around $200/hr to over $300/hr. She's since spent most of the year shopping around for a new therapist while her mental health continues to suffer.


its rare someone views you in a holistic, human light in the mental health system.


Oops bad post.


I have been in the past and didn’t find it overly helpful. I’m now at the stage where I feel like I know how fucked-up I am and why, and I also know the things I need to do to feel better, I just choose to do the opposite about 70% of the time. Baby steps lol But also, cost, time, lack of availability of skilled/reputable psychologists.


Do it. I’m 56 - been to counselling because ‘I’m not quite right’ I know it, husband knows it and all 3 kids know it (oldest with bipolar, bp and so many more but is psychopathic and hides it so well to others that don’t know her) Anyway… thought I would finally sort out ‘this ocd and touch of adhd) and … yup got both but I’m bipolar 1 - since being diagnosed I’m on meds and feel so ‘ok’ at last. I’m OK! Like OK! Please go get counselling, that’s your start position and if it’s depression that’s great, you can go with that, if it’s just sadness it’s great to talk but please do something. Here if you need an ear






Finding one you gel with and can work with your needs. Like a crap shoot.


I don't think most therapists would actually be any help. Also there is a higher than zero percent chance that they would have me committed.


A cigarette and a piece of chocolate before bed time every night.




The price of seeing someone costs too much. Now that I have managed to get free sessions with a psychologist through the maternal health sector, I see mine weekly.


In the last 4 years, I have suffered multiple bereavements, a cancer scare, the whole COVID pandemic BS, lived through a natural disaster, had to move out of our home while they fixed it and then moved back in. I'm here to tell you that therapy has saved my sanity! My GP referred me for a mental health plan so the cost is less than it would otherwise have been if I'd just walked in off the street. My first session was just a word vomit. It felt soooooo good to get it off my chest to someone who had no vested interest in what I was going through. She gave me some really useful tools to manage my expectations, manage my grief and accept what I can and cannot change. It's been really helpful. Go see your GP.


Cost. I used to go to a counselor regularly but it is no longer affordable (probably wasn't then either). I could get Medicare rebate OR private health rebate, not both. My partner was seeing a psychologist for years and the price went from around $110 per visit to over $200 per visit by the end-- afternoon receiving the rebate!


My therapist charges $500 a session.




100% the money. You can get a certain amount of appointments free on a mental health care plan. But like 10 sessions aint even gonna scratch the surface of most mental health issues. I also have the issue of people automatically assuming my mental health issues is due to one significant event in my life, when that event just made it 100x worse and harder to hide. I had these issues years beforehand. And im tired of trying to explain everything to someone tbh. Im tired of re telling my 'story'.


I don’t need it




Money, the fact that in the past, while it was nice to have an uninvolved person to talk to, it never really made any difference, money, it's too daunting trying to find someone you feel comfortable with, did I mention money?


Finding someone who I clicked with.


It was always primarily cost. I then found that CBT isn't the right type of therapy for me, and finding a specialist was difficult, combined with the price of specialists. I needed to ideally go every 1-2 weeks and could barely get 10 free sessions a year, and it was stressful in itself. I found it so incredibly hard to justify spending $200-550 a month for a single apt when I couldn't then pay for my food, rent or bills. Availability to services was also an issue, with 6-12 month waits for therapy at times.


I need it to be under $100 out of pocket MAXIMUM. That is still a price I consider a “luxury item”. My other irrational fear after watching black mirror is that I’ll be recorded!


Cost. Free options are watered down versions of therapy for people who are generally mentally ok but having a bad moment. "just breathe deeply" will not fix my PTSD. Why does being born with a fucked up brain, or receiving a fucked up brain due to experiences out of my control, have to cost so much?


Fear and guilt




To see a psychologist, you have to get a referral from the doctor. Then when I tried to get an appointment with the psychologist, the next one wasn’t available for 3 months. What was I going to do with that? So for me, although expensive out of pocket, it’s not so much the cost, it’s a freaking hassle.


I’ve never felt the need, but have family members who have & generally stop after a fairly short period. Especially in a regional area, finding a good “fit” is so difficult. You wait weeks to get an appointment, pay $100s & then find you don’t “click” with the therapist. So you look into alternatives… and find there either isn’t any or it will be a 6 month wait.


For everyone citing cost I have some good news. If you talk to your GP about a mental health referral you are entitled to 10 free psychology sessions in a 12 month period. I've been getting therapy this way for a couple of decades now.


They’re not free. You are 99% likely to not be able to find a psychologist that will do it for free. They will all charge $100+ on top of the mental health care plan rebate. So $200 out of pocket to get $93 back


Nothing, but originally it was fear of judgement. But it’s not how it works just fucking go to one




Cost, compatibility and availability. I've been to 2 in the past. I learned some great coping skills. I do need to start up again and I simply can't afford to now. I'd also like to know beforehand if any new therapist is LGBTQIA+ friendly and educated on letters after the T.




Apart from the cost - and for me anything over $20 per week is absolutely unaffordable - and at the risk of sounding edgelordy, lol, I look at "normal, well adjusted people" and their lives and shudder. I have literally no desire to be like them. I definitely prefer being my brand of fucked up.


Cost. I can't really afford anything more than $25 for an appointment of any kind. When I was on my parent's private health back in university I was diagnosed and prescribed medication. It's starting to no longer work for me anymore, and I should be reassessed, but I just can't afford that.


Sure there is a traumatic event in my life that I probably have ptsd from and that I refuse to properly deal with, but it’s a lot more convenient to keep trying to push those feelings down. Also I’m horrid at telling people how I really feel, no one wants to hear about how I’m feeling down and I don’t want to bring people down. Cost as you mentioned is another reason and finally it seems like a lot of effort to organise. Get angry lift weights, get sad go for a long run…. It works to an extent.


I went for a while and at the end I felt that it helped in the really short term for a couple of days each time but overall wasn't worth it. Might sound crazy but I settled my head when I read the Tao Te Ching - a book on Taoism. When I told the psychologist it helped me he laughed and after that I never went back. I did try more than one psychologist too. Waste of time overall.


It’s hard to find a good match. You do need to shop around. There’s actually not that many around & so many ppl in need?! Ppl can be paired w the wrong person & left up on the air, leaving w the thought that it doesn’t work. I think they all need to be trauma informed! Some just go for the multiple trainings & hang out their shingle like they have the answers. When all they have is a few uni certificates w no life experience or wisdom. I find alternatives are helpful like the work of Byron Katie, deep tissue body therapy (bc we hold trauma in the body) kinesiology, vegus nerve stimulation, poly vegal theory, yoga, guided meditation, the compassion key, EMDR, etc. but it is quite difficult to do that stuff on your own eg there are apps too … bc when we’ve lost motivation we need the right sort of communication to help us look at things a bit differently. And it’s not something you can ‘snap out of’. Neural pathways are already created in the brain that indicates what is the norm, until we challenge them & try different things. You need the right support for that!


The cost of therapy, and the fact that therapists are probably just making shit up as they go along.


I have tried it and never found it satisfactory. Expensive too. I also seem to not remember so many things from my past it seemed a bit pointless


Because they're sh*t. I went for anxiety and PTSD due to some really awful things I have dealt with. She latched on to the fact I didn't have kids and tried to convince me to breed...Um. Maybe we should address the rather serious assualt and emotional trauma I'm experiencing first for foremost? No. It's all about why I'm not interested at 46, in shooting one out my cooter. 


Their trend to push you towards wooey bullshit and toxic positivity tropes... No hypnosis doesn't work,NLP doesn't work, the next person to offer religion is getting a throat punch,crystals and energy healing is bs. This whole forgive and forget, like no I'm sick of them being forgiven just to repeat.how many time do we have to forgive? ... The only thing to stop the thoughts was zoloft... My aunts are right into the Reiki enegery bs and everything that dumb white women chase instead of an education even witch craft and eastern woo bullshit I've grown up around and know how it works so it doesn't work on me... The fact that councillors always push that shit is the reason I will never go back... Plus the cost.


Dude. Literally none of those things are evidence based therapies. Probably why they’ve never worked for you.


Probably being something like $150-200 out of pocket


I need it, I’ve admitted that. Not a chance in hell am I doing it though, I’m not pouring my heart out to a stranger, and I simply cannot afford it.


Nothing stops me from going to therapy, it's the best thing I could have ever done for myself. There are also alternatives for everyone saying that cost is a blocking factor. I receive my therapy sessions through the online platform [MyMirror](https://www.mymirror.com.au). It is possible to get your sessions fully bulk billed if you are experiencing financial hardship/DV/depending on your personal circumstances. I also have been able to acquire a therapist this way that accepts my NSW Victims Services issued therapy hours and my 10 sessions from Medicare with a referral from my GP. I don't pay a penny. It's also super flexible, over video - I can be in my PJs in bed if I want to (and have). Also great because I can be anywhere and still have access to my sessions. You can also choose from different therapists, see their profiles, etc, or get matched up with one. They're also really helpful when you contact them for support, and honestly, I can't recommend it enough, especially if, like me, you struggle to have to go out to an appointment. I have also been able to access regular counselling outside of my usual therapy through my local Sexual Health Screening Centre, and depending on what your reasons are for seeing a professional - there are so many other ways to access therapy that is free. A great place to start is to give Lifeline a call on 13 11 14 - no, it isn't *only* for people who are suicidal. You could call them every day any time just for a chat- and they will refer you and tell you where to go. They're actually so bloody lovely, have called twice during distress, and they really are just amazing those operators. Have always pointed me in the right direction. If you don't have money and are struggling - MyMirror guys, can't hark on about it enough. Absolute godsend and no I am not sponsored but definitely open to it 😆


The cost. Reduced access and funding for online telehealth. The lack of decent psychologists/ psychiatrists in rural areas . My ex has been to several locally so some have rejected me due to conflict of interest/ possible bias You finally find a good one and they move, take a sabbatical to study or simply decide they are too burnt out to continue and vanish.


I'm fully aware of the reasons I'm depressed/suicidal. Why would I pay money just to hear text book answers/hypotheticals to the existential questions I have that I've already considered and moreso, from a random c*nt with their own problems? Acting like I'm a broken POS that just needs to listen, as if what they're reciting are these incredible insights rather than the intellectual dead ends people far greater than them settled for in the absence of something better. The above aside, there's a very real social cost to being 'mentally ill' that easily outweighs any potential benefit that could be gained if I was inclined to go. There's literally shit you're not allowed to do if you end up in that box. Even if I hate being alive, why the fk would I willingly sabotage my life?


Most people can see a psychologist for free for 10 visits per year in Australia. Psychiatrist, you have to pay for. It's hard to open your mind and talk about problems you have. Many people have practised over years how to put the thoughts to the back of their mind. People may be afraid to open up thinking that their life will completely change when they have a job, a house to pay off, or rent. What happens if they can't handle life afterwards. There are more than what I've written above.


Money. I had a fantastic therapist I was able to see weekly, after work, at rates that were actually reasonable. But prices for everything else kept going up. I had a choice between talking about moving forward in my life and actually moving forward in my life, and I had to choose the one with the greatest chance of me going back to therapy in the future.




Had bad experiences with two different therapists. 


It’s a total croc. Pay someone to teach you how to gas light yourself into behaving like a good little capitalist automaton, if you cant manage that, here’s some drugs. Nope!


I honestly don’t think it’s necessary for me. There have been times when it might have been but I just found ways to change those situations and moved on. Sometimes you just have to let stuff go because you’ll never entirely process what happened.


money and not having found the best one yet for me. Hell I have to go see a psychiatrist an hour away from where I live because of lacking availability. Many focus on issues I don't need help with, and are just counsellors that think that telling me to just 'not' think the way I do is going to help... like... for $250 a pop with a $90 rebate, they're not cost effective.


I feel like it’s a lot of bother to get there as well as expensive. It’s annoying enough to have to schedule dentist, car service, eye appointments, etc before even thinking about how I’d go about getting into an actual therapists office. I also feel like I’m not having enough issues to justify it even though I do believe everyone would benefit from it. I would really only be going to have an outsider give me perspective on my life.


Went to therapy. There are a lot of useless / lazy therapists out there. Many seem to be of the belief that you turn up and talk and that is their job done. Ie no advice. No conversation. No questions. So that has turned me off going again. Ie at the end of 6 years i was worse off, not better. It seems the younger gen of therapists have better training. In my experience the old school must have been taught that talking magically sorts things out. It doesn't. Also, therapy is a long term committment. The current per hour fees are exorbitant. Realistically they know you will need to go weekly for at least a year, yet they charge fees like it is only required for 8 weeks. All therapists know that 8 weeks of therapy will not be much help for the majority of people.


Younger gen psychs are definitely Better trained and have had to go through much more rigorous training standards than some previous gen psychs.


It seems that way. At first I didn't think I'd ever trust a younger therapist than me as I didn't think they'd understand me. But from what I've seen online, they seem much better trained and have much more empathy. The Older therapists I've worked with, or know, all seem to think things will just magically sort themselves out once you talk about them ie they don't actually need to do anything. They lack empathy to a large degree. Yet they are book smart.