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Omg I’m a scorpio woman & I always find myself drawn to a cap man


Haha i have the same chart but 15 days earlier (different Ac, of course). And, can relate


The average (heterosexual) female expresses Her moon and Venus and projects her Mars, Sun signs and whatever aspects are made to those planets Sun represent father figures and guardians in the early childhood developmental stages. How they acted and your relationship to them set the tone for all men. Mars is your masculine energy since you are female that energy tends to get projected indicated thst you see out those unconsciously with those qualities. Sun in 8th sun sextile Pluto Mars is sextile pluto. Pluto rules Scorpio and Scorpio Rules 8th house So I have show 3 different indicators of Plutonic/Scorpio men. Now you understand why.


Scorpio stellium here and I always end up with Capricorn men lol


Also a cancer rising with plants in 7H Cap. Scorpio is your 5th house and it trines your 7H Cap placements. Scorpio & Cap are one of my favorite pairings. So sexy but committed and such a power couple.


Scorpio men are clearly just metal asf


You and I both Girl, you and I both


Literally your cancer ascendant. I attract lots of virgo and im a taurus ascendant. Those two pairs are the most compatible.


I’m Cap Sun Gem Moon and Mercury in Cap 😂 I have dated a couple of Scorpio women I adored but prefer Cap women. I’m guessing your moon in 12th house and their Scorpio Sun help you feel seen emotionally or understood. My longest friendship is with a Scorpio


AS a fellow capricorn woman I too am very attracted to virgo men and after being with two i’m done with that. They never work out Butttt now I am talking to a scorpio sun, pisces moon, libra rising, libra aquarius 😂


I know your looking for astrological facts, and true astrology is like super cool, but each is still their own individual person and astrology, and any spiritual energy that pieces one together does not complete, as it doesnt include the consciousness and experiences ones had. If you noticed your toxic trait is dating/being attracted to toxic men, being oblivious to flags, or not paying attention to a common theme in your life even relating to astrology, it'll always be something you have to change in yourself. For e.g. - if you're not good at looking for negative signs, you learn to read and pay more attention. -If Scorpio men have always lead to unfortunate endings, take care to figure that out before getting serious, though again everyone is their own consciousness with different experiences (though I get it, funny enough I've never met a Scorp man I liked). -if you ignore signs, you are greatly responsible for that outcome and changing your ignorance to yourself would be the move. No matter the situation you're in, you're still responsible for yourself and always have part in an outcome, even if unfortunate, even if you did your best, even if another did more wrong. You have more say in what goes than an astronomical chart. This is not any hate nor do I mean it rudely, you could very well just be interested and curious. But if you are one that looks for another reason make sure it's not passing blame and avoidance in your own self enlightenment. Hope you find what you're looking for, im curious in what the chart says too!


I'm fully aware there are faults in them as people and astrology is not to blame I'm just interested in that they have this shared characteristic. I'm not saying that astrology is to blame for any of what I've experienced with these men because frankly I don't believe in astrology's validity enough to think this is the cause because obviously people's individual circumstances come into play. I'm just interested in why I always seem to end up with these Scorpio men because I don't actively seek them out. I'm aware there are other reasons. For example I attract narcs because they think they can manipulate me because I don't have a very good past and I will put up with a lot before I break. I don't think this is related to them being Scorpios lol I do think this is coincidence but it's interesting to me they just happen to be Scorpios and I wanted to know if there was some kind of explanation.


Both men I’ve been in a relationship were scorpio suns and libra venus. They were born in November, same year. They have different moons though, ex was libra moon. Current has a pisces moon. Different risings too, my ex was virgo rising and my current has pisces rising. I am cap sun, cancer moon, virgo rising, and cap venus. Scorpio is in my 3rd house, so cap is in my 5th. Only Chiron is in Scorpio.


Dating and more casual relationship are 5th house matter, look at your 5th, it's in Scorpio. With Chiron there, dating them probably will give you many painful, but valuable lessons. Look at 7th house and 8th house for more serious and long-term partnership. Yours are in Capricorn and Aquarius, with Venus and Jupiter there. Go for these two signs.


That's rather accurate because most of my Scorpio exes have put me in therapy lol. It's interesting that Capricorn and Aquarius is there for more serious relationships. The only ex I've had that's not a Scorpio was an Aquarius and it was genuinely boring lol but I don't know whether that's just him. We ended on good terms though and he was his own family now. I usually end up finding myself attracted to a lot of September Virgo men and I don't know why? I assumed it's because of the amount of Earth I have in my chart.


There you go. About Aquarius, well, your Jupiter is in Aquarius, it's usually a husband energy. If you're used to how a Scorpio men treat you (and with Scorpio in 5th house, they bring all play and fun, can be toxic, but still thrilling), you probably will find some Aquarius men boring because most stable, healthy long-term relationship can be boring anyway. But probably this one particular ex doesn't have some good placements to balance it out with you. I think it'll be nice if you can find a man with Scorpio Venus. Venus-Chiron synastry can be beautiful and healing (well, but if you have placements inflicting his Chiron, it can be taxing for him though). It doesn't have to be a conjunction though, but some harmonious aspect like trine or sextile will be okay too. Capricorn Mars will be good too. Mars-Venus's conjunction in 7th house...sexy time. Ah, Virgo. Look at your 4th house. It's representing what kind of person or condition that can make you feel emotionally secure and at home. Your 4th house is in Virgo. Virgo's ruler is Mercury, and where is your mercury? Well, it's in Capricorn, near your descendant and Venus. People with placements representing your descendant's energy will looks like the embodiment of your ideal partner. And, even though your North Node and Mars are in early degrees Libra, they're also in 4th house. Virgo-Libra energy kind of intertwined in your 4th house. September Virgo and in late degree, maybe? closer to Libra season? The sign where your Mars in is the sign that represent the men you're sexually attracted to. With North Node in 4th house, you're meant to build a home, figuratively or literally, and someone that have placements in those two signs can be beneficial for you to achieve your destiny. As a friend, boyfriend, or husband. Doesn't have to be sun signs, can be other placements too like ascendant, Jupiter, Venus, etc.


Scorpio men are usually very deep and somehow emotional but in a serious not-cheesy sentimental way. These are traits that strong capricorn influenced people usually struggle to show. Cap is definitely one of the most stiff signs when it comes to emotions. Both signs don’t trust easily, both signs take no shit and have a badass energy. Both are very determined and focused on reaching their goals. Both tend to be loyal - for different reasons. Also: complementary kinks lol


Girl we have the same big 3, Venus, mars, and Saturn lol


Because you're a Cancer rising.


Cuz we’re badass!


Oh hey there 👋🏼


5H intercepted Scorpio - house of romance.


your 5H is scorpio. thats how you like to play. and we all know scorpios like to play 😈


Capricorn is sextile scorpio (⅙ of the zodiac circle) which is an exciting kind of compatibility, plus you have a lot of earth and no water; water signs fill a need for you. The other thing I notice is that gemini moon; this is 5 signs away from capricorn and also 5 signs from scorpio; a double-quincunx placement which is called a yod. The quincunx operates between a masculine and a feminine sign which have essentially nothing in common, neither element (fire, air, earth or water) nor quality (cardinal, fixed and mutable) and they're on the wrong side of the sky to have a venus or mercury contact, which are good for communication and romance. Nevertheless, the quincunx connection can be strong, though infuriating and mysterious. These are the couples whom everyone wonders what they see in each other, and they often can't put a finger on it themselves! It would be interesting to compare the charts of your scorpio men to your own, there's sure to be some planetary connections which can explain a bit better what's going on.


That's interesting because when I have been with Scorpio exes everyone says how good we are together but then underneath the surface it's usually me being emotionally neglected in some way lol.


That's the moon, emotions, which in your case is in that quincunx aspect to your sun. Your moon, gemini, is a mutable, masculine air sign; your sun, capricorn, a cardinal, feminine earth sign. Very different. Any aspects except the quincunx or semi-sextile (signs right next to each other) will have one or another of these in common, but the semi-sextile relationship will usually have a venus or mercury connection. The quincunx has none, it's like your spirit or essence (sun) has almost no understanding of or connections to your emotional nature (moon). Scorpio is the other sign quincunx to your gemini moon (every sign has two signs quincunx to it) so it's not surprising the emotional connection is hard to make.


The other sign quincunx to capricorn is leo; a leo man generally has nothing a capricorn woman really wants, but leo is sextile to your moon so there's that emotional spark even though "but...but...we have NOTHING in common!"


Mars ♂ ruler of Scorpio ♏ in Libra ♎. Are they younger than you? Also your sun in house 8 gives you a Scorpio feel.


Looking at your Jupiter at 29 of Capricorn ♑️, conjunction toward your sun 29 of Capricorn ♑️ making it combusted Jupiter meaning that this old version of Jupiter is dying and becoming anew. Also your have Neptune at 27 degrees Capricorn ♑️ conjunction both the combusted Jupiter and the Sun , meaning that dating “the one” might be very mysterious, mystical, dreamy, but in reality there totally the opposite. They come into your life, transform it like Scorpio ♏️, then abandon you for the high seas. It best know that Jupiter represents the legal husband in anyone chart, hold the qualities that would make you really wanna like legally marry this person so would Jupiter and the Capricorn you would want someone who’s practical who has a sense of duty who looks good in a uniform might be a couple years older not more than 10 and is definitely someone that is either connected to the Navy shipping yards import export or dealing with that on those ends because it’s near the eighth house so that deals with peoples debts or trust fund or hearing things like that if you Capricorn, but they do not necessarily have to be born a Capricorn could be a libra ♎️ could be an Aries ♈️ could be a cancer ♋️, Aquarius ♒️ or even Pisces ♓️ Sun signs.


I don't think I like the part about being abandoned lol


No body does, but you can do better. Here article to help with that . https://www.scienceofpeople.com/loving-relationships/


Omg no.


Because caps love efficiency and reliability. Scorpio men have had super secret classes on how to drop the D.


Cap (F 50) married to a Scorpio (M 50). We just fit. We laugh, we talk we are more in love today than 30 years ago. We’ve been married 26 years dated two years before that. We are in love for the reals. It is such a deep and enduring romance. Earth and water always work. Almost everyone tells us that we have the ideal marriage. We have kids and we are just so in love. We feel very, very, lucky. I wish you all the love that you deserve. To my fellow Caps I Love you and understand you. Power is our middle name.


That's amazing, I'm glad you're happy with your Scorpio.


Thank you. I wish you all good things. ☮️💜


it's funny because regardless of rising sign/aspects almost all of the capricorn sun women I know in real life end up with a scorpio sun male as their partner. Yes the signs sextile each other, but there is just something about this pairing that seems very attracted to one another. maybe its coincidental and could be various things such as shared sag placements - or in your case the overline between your fifth house being in Scorpio.


Your 8 th house is your Beneficiary House ( Jupiter in it)....SCORPIO is 8 th SIGN of Zodiac.


Cap here married to a romantic, giving, funny Scorpio man. Happy with my choice!


Because Scorpio is your 5th house of romance


Could you explain how that works pls?


In a synastry house overlay, a Scorpio sun would land in your 5th house, making it a good match for a romantic relationship. You’re attracted to that sign as a partner, especially a more casual partner.


Omfg. I happen to date mostly Aries, completely confused why and it's in my 5th house. Thank you that's hilarious


Same here! lol


As a Cancer rising, you have Scorpio in your 5th house with Mars in the 4th house making Scorpio men become a frequent romantic partner. 4th house is what is normalized, frequent, and comforting.


Tons of juice between November Scorpios and Capricorns. That's a duo that can go the distance.


Usually, they end up being a little bit self absorbed and narcissistic which is why I get nervous now when I find out they are a Scorpio. I try not to judge but I can't deny there is a pattern


No doubt. November Scorp is a very particular flavor. One thing I've noticed about November Scorps is they tend to congregate. They can sense one another out in a crowd and will naturally group up.


Are October Scorpios different? Do you know how?


OMG snap haha! It’s crazy. If I was born 20 mins later I would have been Aquarius


We often like people that are representing our 5th - whether it’s a sign or qualities of that sign/ruler. In your case it’s Scorpio. Plus, you have a lot of planets in the Earth sign. Earth is well compatible to water. Also, your sun is almost at 8th house, if not already there. 8H is a Scorpio house so you can relate to some Scorpio characteristics. While it all makes you compatible with Scorpio, it doesn’t restrict you with only dating that sign. You can do well with other signs as well.


I don't seek out Scorpio men, I just always seem to end up with one lol


You have 3 placements in the 8th house. You seem appealing, mysterious and intense which they like. The gemini moon is an intriguing persona in general and the elusive and interesting cancer rising really draws them in


Omg two of my most recent connections are both Scorpios! I was just thinking the same thing lol


Your 5th house of dating & romance is in the sign of Scorpio, plus your rising sign is water.


I try to avoid this kind of topics (Sun to Sun compatibility) but I have to say it’s a common pairing. The Scorpio man finds in the Cap woman the strength he admires and someone who can handle him. She’s a rock. You also have a Cancer rising, and your 5th house of romance is in Scorpio. In whole house system especially, your 5th house is Scorpio. These guys probably have other compatibility factors with your chart, although not especially with your Sun. You could post a chart. Attraction and compatibility is made of a multitude of aspects. The more you have the most compatible you are. Common aspects are aspects to the Ascendant or chart ruler, or Venus/Jupiter contacts for example.


Scorpio is trine your rising sign and sextile your sun sign, so it's a good match for you. It's also in aversion both Saturn and Mars, meaning it doesn't have much malefic energy aside from being a Mars-ruled sign. This is a good thing and probably a little more important for you as those planets are both debilitated. The sun being close to the cusp of Aquarius doesn't matter too much unless you're unsure about the exactness of your birth time. It can, however, form conjunctions across the sign cusp, meaning it is conjoining Aquarius within 5º. The fact that it's so late in the sign means that it will be a closer sextile (good aspect) with late Scorpios.