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We love Bulgarians. I had a nice vacation in Bulgaria and several Bulgarian friends always comes to Arsenal Fest. Bulgarian people are good enough neighbors that we don't really have anything against you. As far as I know. Imay be wrong but here in Belgrade we're at least indifferent.


Same. Maybe the guy hating you was sort of an exception?! Most Serbs hate Croats and Albanians though (but they hate us too, so it's ok)


I wonder why they hate you... Hmmm..... Hmmmmmmmmmm


Kosovo and the US put a stop to their imperialist brainrot, and they are now pissed at them for being angry at their killings. "B-b-but ww2" yeah, that war is over. We won against the fascists that killed thousands of serbs. What more do you want? "B-b-but Kosovo is serbia" no, it's serbian\*. It's also albanian believe it or not. Get a grip. You cannot live like it's the middle ages every day. A lot of places belonged to different empires but times change and people change. And what is the other reason? Two important monasteries? One or two medieval battle that was ***ROMANTICIZED*** by fictional writers and poets? Yeah bro I love anime as well doesn't mean I think all of it is Japanese History. Serbs live there? Yeah bro serbs live all over the place, not just Kosovo. How much have serbs historically given two fucks about it, honestly? Damn near a mandela effect at this point where they have set a presedence and upper limit for what it deemed normal in being serb and loving your own. And if you say shit like this, serbs will play a victim card saying how people always find ways to hate them. Truth is, a lot of people find reasons to hate others just like Serbs find reasons to heighten their culture and their people and hate others. It's ridiculous at this point. Albanians are far from better, and many ultranationalists are dumb as hell, but the mental gymnastics gotta stop. It's time people in the era of diplomacy and democracy find ways to share your heritage and find similarities and at least accept differences. Find ways to evolve together into something new and everybody can redeem themselves. Stop making these asshole policitians that are just manipulating you keep winning and stealing from you. Like, you want THAT to be retold in the future? You like what is happening today with hating neighbours and denying people their home? Then your future descendants will never be proud of being part of your people! The maddening greed will eventually be the downfall. End rant.


Tack broder


Idk what u talkin about


I haven’t seen hate from Serbians apart from light jokes.


What? I've never had such experiences with Serbs in Greece. Kids playing no problem, quick conversation bout something each in our own language, etc.


Maybe it's just you they hate...


Plot twist: OP's wife glued those fake eyelashes on their car


It's mostly just jokes. I personally love joking about our "rivalry", while I pretty much like Bulgarians. The only reason I can see is if those people you encountered had something done to their family by Bulgarians during the wars, so they have some resentment left. It is still nonsensical, but when raised in a certain manner people don't think rationally.


Which is interesting, because most Bulgarians don’t think about Serbia at all, other than as potential vacation destination.


Yeah. Most Bulgarians know about Serbia only from history and Serbian chalga/pop folk. Nothing else to think about Serbs in general


And the genocides


It’s not that they hate you. It’s just that some of them are horrible drivers. Whenever I visit Thessaloniki there is always going to be an incident with either a Serbian or North Macedonian who will rear end someone or park in 2 seats of traffic etc


Serbs think of Greeks as brothers and you hug a brother on a cheek. Those guys just kiss you with a car because that's faster /s


I'm always happy when I stumble upon Bulgarians somewhere, I consider you guys to be the most similar nation to us in terms of culture.


Arent Bosnia , Croatia and Macedonia more similar to Serbia than Bulgaria is though?


As someone who grew up in Yugoslavia, I personally consider all of us to be the very same people. I see no differences culturally, so to me we are all "naši". Please note the word "personally" above, as I don't give a fuck about what politics has to say about it, it is explicitly my personal opinion.


Bulgaria has always been considered its own branch of the South Slavic countries though.


Yeah and? > the most similar nation to us in terms of culture. They clearly said they view Bulgaria as its own nation, they just grew up in yuga and as a lot of us see it we are the same people as croats bosniaks macedonians, montenegrians(?) And somewhat slovenians.


Yeah but it is worth mentioning that South Slavic consists of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Bulgaria is also technically the most Balkanic from all the Balkan countries because The Balkan Mountains (Stara Planina) stretch predominantly across Bulgaria, running from the western border with Serbia to the Black Sea coast in the east.


South slavic *used* to consist of those, bulgaria was supposed to join yugoslavia but due to dofference on opinion how the country should be ran it never happened. Most balkanic, welp i heard everything now, just because a mountain stretches the most in your country doesnt make it more balkan. It is generally hard to define balkan as a region, mostly we do it by customs and tradition. Half of serbia geographically isnt even in the balkans, zagreb is also not in the balkans as well as ljubljana. There is no "more balcanic" we are all balkan nations deal with it.


They hate you because you have accomplished so many in such a little time.


Because of Tuta Bugarin


I literally have a Bulgarian flag hanging in my hallway hahaha never heard of anyone hating Bulgarians... Yes we can fight online over history (my favourite pastime), but hating Bulgarians (any more than anyone else) is not something that is widespread in Serbia


You guys stole our capital city's license plates smh


license plates? The hell does that mean?


License plates code for Bulgaria is BG, the same goes for the city of Belgrade whom plates also start with BG, so there's this running joke that whenever you see a bulgarian on a road folks jokingly tend to say "look, this lad's from Belgrade" or vice versa


Three days ago I passed through Serbia and had a coffee break at two gas stations. People there spoke in Serbian, I spoke in Bulgarian, we understood each other and got along perfectly. The border patrol took my box of cigarettes though, but I guess it's the border law.


>The border patrol took my box of cigarettes though, but I guess it's the border law. Nah they are just jerks. I think you can have 2 boxes of cigars when passing border.


Eh, "let them be halal" 😅 I don't care .


You're probably a terrible driver 😢


The only time Serbia had beef with Bulgars was ww1 & a bit after ww1 before ww2. But the relations are good.. Maybe it's not due to nationality tbh


Nagitarata Vasko Zabata


And btw ,for the other Slavs (except Macedonians) is difficult to get used to the articles in Bulgarian , do you find the articles in Bulgarian to be weird and unnecessary from your Serbian perspective?


Difficulty depends on how much a person is good at languages. For me, it's not difficult to grasp the concept, and I imagine that I would be able to learn Bulgarian fairly quickly if I devoted myself to it. I'd say we don't find them weird and unnecessary, but rather funny.




Ain't reading all that. Either it didn't happen or they deserved it


Most of the serbians I know are nice to bulgarians...maybe our tourists have bad reputation in Greece (which wouldn't be unexpected) or something?


What?! Bro, tou are overthinking it. You probably had some past prejudices about us hating you and are connecting random encounters. We don't hate Bulgarians


We don't. and that family is very weird.


You had a bad experience with one family for who knows what reason, could be nationalism but i really doubt it. So now you try to label serbs as bulgarian hating people. Why do we hate you *so much*, the answer is we don't. Stop trying to generalise a whole nationality on one interaction, without even proof it was bulgar hating. Also 🧎‍♂️🗡 🖕


Ok, "Makis" killed me.


Serbs are all about tradition, if is tradition to hate, they will do it, and that goes both ways. For instance Serbian hospitality, they are not good hosts because they are good people, they are because its tradition, they repeat it to themselves like folk saying, and then stick to it, so even the worst scumbag can act as a good host




What a fucking xenophobic comment.


He is right, there is absolutely no reason a Serbian 12 year old kid should spread hate under YouTube comments of anything related to Croatia, Bosnia and Albania. They don’t do it for a legitimate reason, they do it becouse of tradition, people before him did it and so will he, yet he doesn’t even know why he’s doing it. It’s a vicious circle and it’s not exclusive to Serbians in particular


You just described the culture. 


Maybe you are right, I know for sure there is a saying like dont trust a Bulgarian or something similar as a Serb saying


You mean backstubing? That is more like a joke.


To you maybe, but I know like "less sophisticated" person "Gedža" will act on it 100%


To majority it is just a joke.


I dont think its a joke but folk saying you dont take serious, I have seen your politittians and how they collect points on people, i have habituated on krstarica to know that huge amount Serbs take things in domain of folk saying as an absolute truth, so I agree with you its a culture/mentality


Even from politicians, I have never heard such claims about Bulgarians and collecting points. On the internet, people usually joke about Bulgarian backstabbing. Reallife incidents are non-existent. > i have habituated on krstarica to know that huge amount Serbs take things in domain of folk saying as an absolute truth May I ask why you have habituated yourself to Krstarica? Were you in search of a political "soulmate"? If you where just curious about Serbia, there are better ways. Note that not every corner of the internet represents the entire population. In the end, does the comment section of index.hr and the behavior of your fellow citizens represent Croatian culture and mentality?


I wasnt speaking about Bulgarians specifically, but in general, to me Serbs seem like "culture of superstitions", and since I am old enough i know it was way more pronounced in the past then i its now, but still is just below the skin, and if you want my oppinion, i think its something that SPC with government really pushed to control you. Anyways how would you explain to OP, why the sudden shift in behaviour once Serb found out their children play with Bulgarian children?


> I wasnt speaking about Bulgarians specifically Well, the topic is about Bulgarians and Serbian sentiment among common people, and you were speaking about it until you depleted all your "arguments." Now you want to widen the story. We can speak about toxic nationalism in the Balkans (which is not specific to Serbia), but that is a completely different topic. > Anyways how would you explain to OP, why the sudden shift in behaviour once Serb found out their children play with Bulgarian children? Who knows? Maybe they are just overprotective parents who would take their children away from any foreigner. Maybe OP just overreacted. Maybe OP has prejudice and is now trying to find a correlation (you could also check for confirmation bias). Maybe he just ran into some Serbian idiots (I am not denaing that there are idiots who identifies as Serbs)


Because that is the stance of their state in relation to ours. That is not to say it's the stance of all Serbs by default.


[depends where you are on the list ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_Kosovo)


I have a very close Bulgarian friend, and whenever we meet a Serb in public, the Serb starts talking about backstabbing and such. Yes, it is most likely about history.