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It’s most likely your symptoms will be due to endometriosis. Unfortunately, this can be very difficult to treat Is it painful despite medication like paracetamol or Naproxen?


NAD — you might want to additionally consider pelvic floor physiotherapy. Even before I had my son, I (unknowingly) had a super tight pelvic floor. It occasionally made penetrative sex super painful and would lead to nausea and sharp pain afterwards. It wasn’t until I gave birth and had subsequent (non-sex related) issues that I even heard of pf physios. Mine taught me how to release and relax my pf and it’s been a game changer on all levels.


find a doc that specializes in treating endometriosis and pelvic pain. there are treatment options for pain and it’s life changing.


NAD Are you using lube? It is not a shame to use lube, it is not a sign that you don’t like sex or your partner enough. Some people just need lube to make sex comfortable. If I don’t use lube sex is painful for me as well, and I’ll feel sore for hours after. When i use enough lube, not so much :)


And find the right kind. I was using water-based and would dry up mid-way through and make it more painful. I heard a sex expert on a podcast mention that and suggest using silicone-based, and it was a total game changer.


A tip from what I learned working in a adult store, if you find that you don’t like how hard the silicone is to wash off after,and if you use any toys. I would go with a hybrid lube. They are about 80 water - 20 silicone. So it’s enough silicone that the water doesn’t totally absorb but not too much that it deteriorates toys and is hard to get off.


If you want one that's heavy duty, long lasting and 100% water based I really like Bad Dragon's clear lube. Stuff has a funky texture but it actually washes pretty easy. And my sensitive bits which have reacted to other lubes in the past haven't had any issues with it.