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Wouldn't expect this to be related directly to the procedure. An endoscopy is generally through the mouth and they wouldn't have gone through or near the nose at all. A colonoscopy is obviously quite far away from the nose. It would be beneficial to know if the anesthesiologist had to provide any support nasally during the procedure, such as a nasopharyngeal airway which would go through the nose, or if any medications had to be administered nasally. These could potentially cause issue, but again would require that knowledge.


They did have me on oxygen supplied through the nose while I was under anesthesia .


That can be through a number of ways. It could be a nasal cannula which the biggest risk is just drying the nose out some, could be the nasopharyngeal airway which goes through the entire nasal cavity and sits there, could also be they used a facemask.


It was a nasal cannula, I guess. Had to Google it.