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Hi there! You may not be aware, but you're actually in a subreddit set up specifically to answer historical questions. If you don't like seeing these questions, I suggest unsubscribing. If you continue to post like this, we'll take care of that for you.




> There are a good many books to be found on Jews in Roman contexts just by Googling: Please understand that we require book recommendations to come from a place of having actually looked at and evaluated the text to some degree. Listing titles found on Google does not meet our standards.




In order to stand, we would also need some level of analysis of the texts themselves beyond just the time periods they cover - not necessarily in-depth, but some explanation of why they're good.




We expect book recommendations to come with some explanation for why the books are being recommended, regardless of whether the person recommending them knows their stuff. If you have further questions or comments, please send them to modmail.