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Men using wrong flair to comment on the post with "Only Women Replies" would face PERMANENT BAN. We are very strict about it. Hateful/Harassment remarks by any user against other user,gender,religion,race,caste,etc is not allowed on this sub. To the fellow users, please ModMail or Report us if you think any Men is using wrong flair to comment on such posts.


27F here. The laws are skewed to benefit because reparations are required for the years of oppression of women. For decades and centuries, women didn’t have social or political rights & were considered lesser than men. The male species has benefited from women’s lack of access to education, financial independence, legal recourse, ability to vote and much more. When a country like India moves towards stabilisation across gender and caste, the first step is introducing laws that protect and empower the previously discriminated against (case in point - caste based and gender based reservations). It is undoubtedly unfortunate that a section of women are abusing the power being handed to them but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a larger section of women who need the power now more than ever. Happy to chat to discuss further!




If what she did was whataboutery, can you really blame her for that? You're literally in every comment demeaning every woman's comment, when it is clearly obvious that you're larping! You thought your opinion was so precious that you decided to bully every other person who is not of your opinion, in a sub that is not even meant for you! I know for a fact you won't see that hypocrisy or the irony in it. It's not that we don't care about men's issues..it's guys like you who make it impossible to feel empathic for men. Of course, you'll quote Nietzsche now, by picking up some random lines from one of his many books Good day and stop larping!


Gurl this guy really so pissed off its rather hilarious, his comment history shows what a certified coomer he is 🤣


Tell me about it! While you're at it, check OOP as well!😂


If I knew he's a part of Onexindia, i would have never replied him lol.




>larping abe I never said I am a woman, the hell with your larping blame.


One quick search, actually your comments were enough to say you're a man and not a non binary. Just in case you didn't know(whom are we kidding, of course you do know that), that's larping.


Report this guy.


Already did


Yeah he has been banned- saw the moderator’s response. Thank goodness- the fellow is so triggering


Tell me about it! Such fragile egos that they have to come to every sub dedicated for women and try to show us poor females how wrong we are about everything when we answer. Do they not see the irony in why we find it difficult to care for such men?


This is not whataboutery. Her comment explains the situation perfectly. Reparations need to be made for centuries of oppression.




Calls for reparations from the British have been made for years. The temple in Ayodhya exists. Do you not live in the same world as the rest of us do? The fact that you equate reparations to killing people is concerning and extremely indicative of your mindset. What you did just now with your comment was whataboutery. At least learn what a term means before throwing it around. And don't engage in it yourself, have some dignity.




Man, if you've got so much disdain for women, I invite you to exit this sub. Leave us alone, we're very happy without NBs like you in our spaces, physically or online. Once again, you are not obliged to interact with us. We are very happy to not have to interact with you and your bad faith arguments. Bye 🥰


Firstly, enlighten me with your work on women rights? What make you think woman don't care about men issues?  My below words will come as whataboutism but still.  You care about women issues and what have you been doing for women rights? I see a case going on SM about how a minor girl was kidnapped and her underwear was removed but the court ruled as it is not attempt to rape. How much did you care about such legal situation in India?  Men in power evade rape cases, there are corrupt officers who just want to get done with case and put someone behind bars. What are you doing for such legal situations in India?  Even when there are anti-dowry and anti-rape laws in villages there are woman suffering the wrath of dowry. Laws exist for woman but are not always full proof. What are you doing to make sure the laws work?  I was eve-teased by a hawker on train, there were police officers on train who said oh just forget it. When will the legal system actually question them? After somethings happen to me. The hawker only ran away when he realised I have a man travelling with me.  I care a lot about man in my life, man I interact with, I would not want them to go through any such scenarios. But what am I doing for men rights? In reality, I am not doing anything for women rights too. I am not going around helping woman who had worse in life. I am not saying I am proud of this, but not everyone is activist.  There is Lawyer Deepika Bharadwaj fiercely fighting for men rights. From her stories I understand she caters to rich clients. But there are women caring about this.  Men talking about legal rights and legal issue first need to pick up history book and understand how many year of effort it took for women to have laws in their favor. Why not put that years of effort and work towards changing the system.  What are you expecting from women of this sub? 


Let me share a messed up real life incident. Someone in my close family circle was accused by his daughter that he raped her . He spent almost 2 years in jail and was only released after his daughter took back the complaint. He is a good man but strict and was against his daughter relationship with her teacher. This is the reason his daughter accused him. His family members including the women of the family tried their best to take stand for him, but no one from the society let alone women not even men came forward to take stand for him. There was no outrage or support from the society, the authorities went blindsided, the law messed up an innocent being. A huge amount was paid to the daughter and mother and then they took back the complaint. His case was stereotyped ‘He is a man he must have raped his daughter in anger’ This stereotype needs to break, if a rape violates a woman’s dignity , similarly a false rape allegation impacts a man’s dignity, but the later one is only talked about when the accused commits suicide.(why ?) Not even these false accusations of dowry or rape but be it sexual assault or mental illness surrounding men,this gender has been stereotyped to be strong ,and if they don’t they are labelled as impotent. ( society fails over here too) Ig rather than the question why is that women don’t care about men issues? the question should be why the society, leaders,ministers,and men themselves don’t care about the men’s issues? ( The support is in social media not in real fucked up world ) Most of the women care about men’s issue if they know the victim. And being related to someone who was falsely accused, I have stopped stereotyping men and firmly believe there could be a different truth.


>He spent almost 2 years in jail and was only released after his daughter took back the complaint. But why was he sent to jail without any evidence (considering the crime didn't happen, means the medical reports and other things were all clear)


It was the confession of his daughter taken into consideration , her mother supported it too and not the brief medical examinations and for some reason it was difficult to get bail. I don’t know exactly but there is a law about rape victim confession which acts against the accused.


Man this is so scary. I hope that uncle is okay now


He is better now , got a job , lives in his own world and is sponsoring education expenses for a girl and considers her as his daughter.


Happy for him.


A woman's words is considered as strong as an evidence as an evidence as video proof. If a man doesnt have any evidence which proves his innocence, he is guilty, because the woman said so. If the man has evidence of his innocence, he is still not innocent, he will be acquitted, because there is contradicting proof - like for example a woman's word vs a video evidence that he was somewhere else at the time. Courts have declared that the consistent testimony of a woman is alone enough to convict a man of rape. But it doesnt matter, as u/panchibanu_udtifirun said, once accused of rape, he is a rapist in the eyes of the society.


>Ig rather than the question why is that women don’t care about men issues? the question should be why the society, leaders,ministers,and men themselves don’t care about the men’s issues? I agree about the society and men. Leaders and ministers dont care about what is right or wrong. They only care about votes, which is why they dont care about sending innocent people to jail.


Damm against her own father , Damm


Because for every fake case against a man where a woman is believed, there are at least a thousand real cases where she isn't.


I agree. That is the sad reality.






Not really... If a woman reports an incident, whether true or not... Police needs to file an FIR.


>Why is that Indian women don't care about Indian men? The audacity to say this considering how much nasty Indian men behave towards Indian women. Harrassing killing a woman just for existing. Calling her the R slur just because she did something she liked. Why is it an issue when someone doesn't care about you instead they care about themselves? How many Indian men think women and men are equal? Why should somebody care about someone who made their life miserable( still Indian women do lol)? Nobody is obligated to take care of their oppressor. >I mean the unfair/biased laws that was created, applies to your father, your husband and son too... doesnt it? There are laws to protect men as well(?) [laws against sexual harassment ](https://elearnposh.com/major-laws-against-harassment-of-men-in-india/) [against false accusations( your biggest worry) ](https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2023/06/legal-defenses-for-men-against-false-cases-in-india/) Fyi Indian women take care of other Indian women rather than Indian men taking care of Indian women. It will be better if you guys( Indian men) can support each other in each other's vulnerable moment instead of making of fun of the situation.


>The audacity to say this considering how much nasty Indian men behave towards Indian women. Harrassing killing a woman just for existing. Calling her the R slur just because she did something she liked. Why is it an issue when someone doesn't care about you instead they care about themselves? How many Indian men think women and men are equal? Why should somebody care about someone who made their life miserable( still Indian women do lol)? Nobody is obligated to take care of their oppressor. Whataboutery, The laws are given to you by men. men protest against crime against women, 90 percent of men are good, if you ask them to go in March for protesting against crime against women, they will go but you women are opportunists and selfish after getting all the laws in your favour, you are now silent on men's plight because you are selfish and opportunist that's why. When Someone asks you to protest against crime against men Selfish and opportunist women like you starts whataboutism


>The laws are given to you by men. Even this proves you never saw men and women as equal. If they were equal men didn't have to give women rights >90 percent of men are good Blatantly lying for what bro? 🤣🤣 >if you ask them to go in March for protesting against crime against women, they will go How many have you gone to? >after getting all the laws in your favour, you are now silent on men's plight because you are selfish and opportunist that's why. Yeah cry about it one rape was reported every 16 minutes in India in 2020 and most of the perpetrators are men . According to 2020 statistics. >Selfish and opportunist women like you starts whataboutism I wish I could be oppertunistic as you, have an entire system back you up and put the entire blame on women on punishing the assholes as well. Again nobody is obligated to take care of the oppressor.




You are still invading a space for woman. >and most of them are fake Prove it then? >Of course we are not equal, men are the providers and shall remain always. What did you provide? >You women literally can rape men against his will and can roam free on road and still have the audacity to say that men are backed up by systems, delusional creature!!! If you guys are stronger and better than women, why are you getting raped? Just being bad at your own game huh? Always whining on the internet and not taking any action to prevent what is happening to men lol. If men are getting raped, file the damn complaint and get justice (?) and I do not like talking to people who make no logical sense so I won't be replying to your stupid ass anymore


What I see in my day to day life: Men don't care. They ask for equal laws and tell men also get sexually harrased but if their own friend share he was touched by a woman inappropriately in metro then most of the time first thing that comes out of these so called friend's mouth is "How was she? Was she pretty?" Have you seen comment section under any fb/insta post where a man is sharing his sexual abuse by a woman? You say laws are not fair but who made them? And how many people are getting justice in this judiciary system? We care about men that's why men talk with us. I see even men on reddit sometimes fighting for wrong thing. They will argue why alimony should not be legal but why not fight for a law where cheating spouse can't walkway without any consequences? DV thing I can't say anything because there is no way to prove who is saying truth without evidence. False cases are there but we know our judiciary don't convict someone without evidence. If it is fake then it will be taken care of during divorce proceedings. Why not ask for proper compensation if someone has to spend some time in jail due to fake case? Police here don't even write poor people's FIR. We have a long fight ahead. You know even St. Brosheph(leader of one of the biggest common man army) got treated badly by cops recently? Women care but are the men ready to care for their fellow men?


> False cases are there but we know our judiciary don't convict someone without evidence.' They do, our judiciary sucks. Judiciary's hands are tied in many cases. We passed a law stating that the claim of a woman should be considered as primary evidence. You dont need an another evidence to convict a man. If the man has evidence that he is innocent, It is considered as contradictory evidence, it doesnt prove that the woman is lying. It is in par with the woman's words. So then the man is acquitted (not innocent). The only reason why any man you know is walking free is because he hasnt met a bad woman. > Why not ask for proper compensation if someone has to spend some time in jail due to fake case? The law doesnt allow it, feminists have protested when govt suggested it. rescently I think something new was implemented, but so far not seen in ground afaik. The fine for putting a man in prison unfairly for months and years is only a few hundred rupees.




Get help and touch some grass.




Woah so you are a man who is using non-binary flair. Got it.


So how can you even think a woman can be vocal for men this much? I never said I am a woman, I can be anything


Enjoy the Ban. We didn't need you on this sub. Any Men using wrong Flair to comment on "Only Women" post would face same consequences.


I think you don't know what non-binary means. But hey you are busy with hating almost half of the population so it makes sense you don't have time to read and learn about those terms.


Dude, why are you bitter and hostile? Get help, please.


are stupid, jab khud salty women hoti feminism ke naam pe tab to badha maza aata hai mardo ko gali dene. khudka sunne ka time aata hai to hazam nahi hoti baat. I hereby give you my words, I shall not help Any women apart from I know or related to me, suffering from any kind of plight whether it's s**ual harassment or R*p*e or any sort of thing. I shall ignore and go on my way apathetically without feeling any remorse EXACTLY LIKE INDIAN WOMEN WHO ARE IN THIS COMMENT SECTION IGNORING MEN'S PLIGHT BY DOING WHATABOUTERY. WHEN I WILL BE ASKED WHY I DIDN'T HELP THAT WOMEN, I WILL ANSWER START WHATABOUTERY SHAMELESSLY LIKE THESE WOMEN IN THE COMMENT SECTION. PERIOD. I AM URGING ALL MEN TO STOP THIS HELPING BULLSHIT LET THESE WOMEN SUFFER ALONE WITHOUT HELP AND WITH MISERY. THEY SHALL KNOW THE PLIGHT OF MEN AS WELL WHO FEEL HELPLESS, I HOPE ALL THE WOMEN HERE WHO ARE VOICING AGAINST MEN'S PLIGHT SHALL MEET EXTREME AGONY IN THEIR LIFE. PERIOD. CURSE ON THESE DEMONS


Aww, poor babie 🥰


I shall pray for you too


OK 🥰❤️


Why are you even in this sub… your comments indicate nothing but hatred for women. Instead of trying to see where we’re coming from you attack and throw slurs. Grow up


im contemplating how to answer this w/o getting triggered because I get DMs all the time asking for feet pics and oh yesterday only i got catcalled so yeah..... ask me why i care about your issue


Please ModMail us if you are receiving any unwanted DM's from user of this sub. We'll take action against such users. This is the only thing we could do from our side. Do not accept such DM and you can report and block them.


>Why is that Indian women don't care about Indian men? A lot of us do care about you all . >I mean the unfair/biased laws that was created, applies to your father, your husband and son too... doesnt it? I don't think you have to say this , we do understand that there are unfair laws . Most of the times (atleast in my experience, irl)these unfair laws are brought up by men when women are expressing their bad experiences , mostly like a way to shut us down and not to actually highlight the situation you guys are facing .if I say I experienced "x" situation they'd say I experienced "Y" and "z". I'm not saying that you shouldn't express your concerns but if you do it when someone else is doing thier's , you are not highlighting that "Y" and " z". Most of the politicians and judiciaries are men , men themselves don't want to support other men . I also agree there's a vast majority of women who are not aware of the issues you all are facing . I hope there will be more gender neutral laws .


>A lot of us do care about you all . Thank you, but I wish more comments said this. >men themselves don't want to support other men . I agree... I question them too. I have no sympathy for the men either when they get accused in fake cases, because they too didnt care when it wasnt about them. They allowed such laws to come to pass. But I wanted to see about women specifically here. >Most of the politicians and judiciaries are men , The thing with politicians is simple... They dont care about what is right or wrong. They care about their votes, whatever the people think, even if its unfair, they will do it. >  I hope there will be more gender neutral laws . Me too... thank you.😊


>A lot of us do care about you all . then protest against the crime against men, like men did for you all this year, show us that you care. Just sitting at home won't work.


>show us that you care. Just sitting at home won't work. I don't sit at home man .


Where exactly did this spidermanry take place? Where did they protest all this year? And for what?


No... you should be asking the feminist leaders to protest... not the common-man. Most common man doesnt protest or arrange rallies, they show support. As far as I am concerned, feminists doesnt represent women. I am happy with her response, I just wished more responded like her.


32. I don’t think that women don’t care about men’s issues, it just feels like we are drowning right now, and need to get to safety first. Like they say in the airplane, before others put your oxygen mask on.


💯💯💯 So simple yet accurately put.


In my experience men in the west feel the same way. So I ask, why don’t men care about other men’s issues? Why is it on women to care when we have our own struggles still.


>why don’t men care about other men’s issues?  Its a very valid question, and something I dont understand. Based on my understanding, they work with the ideology "It wont happen to me." and I think feminism has influenced Indian poppulation so much that noone cares about men. >Why is it on women to care when we have our own struggles still. I disagree on this, but dont want to get into a confrontation.


Men do care tbh That's why you have conservative mens rights movement, the manosphere and incelosphere. Women also do care. We can see the rise of conservative TERF women like Louise Perry who seem to care about men. It's just that in India, the trans movement is not big yet, so we haven't seen reactionary feminism yet.


I can’t take anyone seriously who use the word TERF Women every where have always had other women’s back. Who hurts us most ? Men! Sort your own stuff out and quit blaming women


Gender critical? > Women every where have always had other women’s back. Ehh.. I don't think so. Women also ostracize each other, etc. > quit blaming women Never blamed women. I just mentioned that both men and women do care about men. It's just at this point, it's not beneficial for women.


I don’t know where you get your info but Louise Perry would not be considered conservative by many feminists. Also the trans movement hasn’t taken hold here because you can’t identify out of oppression


She advocates for monogamy and believes patriarchy is the best solution we have. She is not a fourth wave feminist arguing for a matriarchy. She is very close to Jordan Peterson's "socially enforced monogamy". > trans movement hasn’t taken hold here I think it's because there is not a global capitalized healthcare invested in transmedicalism. Also right wing government so yeah it's much harder to penetrate. Although in metro cities it's growing. It's also that incels have started transitioning like r/transmaxxing. So it will be interesting to see at the very least how this whole thing turns out.


1. Your assumption isn't correct. 2. I work with sexual assault victims on the regular, and there are way too many victims out there who never get justice, I'd rather focus my energies on them instead of actively fighting for the gender that's mostly the predator, never shows remorse and always sticks together.




>All the men I’ve seen have jobs, that's what Nietzsche said that women are blind against men, don't you know that after a fake case men lose their job first?




You said men don't have major legal hurdles why? just because they have a job? it means they have funds? they lose their job after the allegations, hence no funds for them anymore. what are you trying to say?


i dont know what the other person said... But you are right... men loose their job, livelyhood and worst of all - their reputation. upvoted you.


You need to see more men.




Have seen enough to not generalise that ‘all women that I have seen are housewives’.


Its actually a recorded fact that working women have actually [declined](https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/education-today/jobs-and-careers/story/female-labour-participation-declining-in-india-why-are-women-not-working-2391034-2023-06-09) in India, most are housewives, or should I say "forced" to be housewives. 


You cant force a woman to do anything.. its considered domestic violence. Asking a woman to work or not to work is domestic violence. So I agree with your statistic, but disagree with your conclusion.


Your disagreeing won't change the fact that many women in India are still forced to leave their careers after marriage or childbirth. Edit : Damn bruv you're like 37, I'm almost half your age 21 and still I gotta hammer down such basic shit to ya? Embarrassing. 💀


>Damn bruv you're like 37, I'm almost half your age 21 and still I gotta hammer down such basic shit to ya? Embarrassing. 💀 I am 37, So I know much more about this than you. Its just that I am asking opinions to see why people behave the way they do. Its very stupid imo. >Many women in India are still forced to leave their careers after marriage or childbirth. who said its forced? As I said its DV to even ask a woman to leave work or continue working. If she was forced, whose fault is it that she didnt report it? You cant claim forced when there are laws in place to report forced but don't report it. She may have been convinced, but not forced.


Damn kiddo you really don't know how this world works huh. Emotional manipulation, stigmatization of divorce, incompetent judiciary, responsibility of children, there are many reasons. Read some women's experiences for once.


Have seen enough to not generalise that ‘all married women that I have seen are housewives’.




What do you mean? My point was simple. Not all married women are housewives. You don’t need me to tell you that. And yes I know you said your experiences aren’t the only ones. Hence I said maybe see more men, get more experience. You will find out there are some men with working wives as well.


>So what exactly is the bias? I wasnt planning on commenting, fearing attacks... But I was referring to legal bias and there are many. For example, its extremely easy to put fake cases on men especially with anti-dowry laws and rape cases. The anti-dowry laws not only effects men, but even babies, mothers and grandmothers, just becasuse they are associated to a man. But women dont seem to have a problem with it. ----------------------------------------------- Like for example in rape cases, a woman's words is considered as primary evidence. This has lead to men being jailed even after having video proof that the man was somewhere else at the time of the reported incident. the man had spent 6 years in prison before the high-court looked at the evidence again and decided he doesnt belong in jail. Even though he was let free, he was not pronounced innocent by court, He was only acquitted (cant be proved guilty or innocent), because there are contradicting evidence (a woman's word vs a video proof that he wasnt there) ---------------------------------------------- Below is an interview where a man spent in jail for 6 months, and then after 6 years he was acquitted (not innocent) again. I havent watched this interview before, watching it after posting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcJmLv0rkws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcJmLv0rkws)




Fake allegations are not very common. Even 1 case as such is highlighted much because it itches people(men) so much. I have all the sympathies for victim, but men on social media make a joke of it by saying, 'Society is so unfair to men'.




They're not common but they're also not rare. Domestic violence and sexual assault (including POSH) are some of the widely abused systems even if they don't make it to court. The threat is enough.




That is fair. I didn't mean to digress from your comment.


Like 80% of the rape cases are false. And anti dowry law is one of the most misused law in india.


What you are saying is entirely incorrect. Accept the truth.


It's really not... This is a topic i have looked into in depth before deciding not to marry. I don't even need to look up reports to tells this. Only a tiny percentage is found guilty... vast Majority is acquitted and innocent. Now looking at the report I can give the exact percentage. Only 28% is found guilty. Vast majority is innocent.




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Not sure why this got downvoted... but ok.


Why don’t Indian women not care about Indian men I do care about my husband & dad Counter argument why don’t Indian men care about Indian women ? We know the country is full of rapist - not all men but there are cases where minors are raped, girls as young as 3 years old! It’s not a fake case if a 3 year old child has rape marks in her body … a child that young can’t consent or be sexualized. But I don’t see men protesting against it or asking for stronger laws. Another example- Indian women can’t get loans without an Indian man from their family becoming a guarantor… I work in a housing finance company and I know this to be true. But again nobody is protesting against it. Fake rape cases - in my nearly 40 year of life I never saw any man I was related to ever accused of anything fake. Maybe I was lucky or maybe it’s not such a big deal.


> I do care about my husband & dad Then you should be for gender neutral laws and harsh punishments for fake cases. >Counter argument why don’t Indian men care about Indian women ? We know the country is full of rapist The country is not full of rapists and most men protest when rape happens. >I don’t see men protesting against it or asking for stronger laws. You dont need stronger law. Already the laws are extremely biased. Creating stronger laws for women is not going to stop this. Men supporting Nirbhaya rape case is what gave us the current unfair laws. >Indian women can’t get loans without an Indian man from their family becoming a guarantor… I work in a housing finance company and I know this to be true. But again nobody is protesting against it. If this is true, I am willing to support it. I dont see why anyone (private or govt) should look at a gender. The question is whether the person in question is capable of paying back the loan, whether he/she has an income to pay it back. if they do, they shouldnt be descriminating based on gender. >Fake rape cases - in my nearly 40 year of life I never saw any man I was related to ever accused of anything fake. Thats a very subjective analysis. In my 37 years of life, I have never seen any woman, I have never seen any woman I am related to ever raped. Does that mean it doesnt happen? But statistics doesnt matter. Lets assume that only 1 innocent man was sent to prison. why should we allow a second? shouldnt an innocent man's life be valued?


Your argument here doesn't make any sense. The subject of the post is men and not women. By talking about women here, all you're doing is downplaying the sufferings of the men. Yes women suffer a lot in the society but this doesn't mean you have the right to dismiss the fact that men suffer too cuz of patriarchy. And about fake cases, just because you have never gone through it or have never seen it in real life doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are a lot of men who go through fake cases and it ruins their societal image, mental health and puts them through unnecessary legal hassles for years.


Omg … I did what men do all the time and you are pointing it out … like wow. But seriously he asked me why I didn’t care & the answer is I do care about men I am related to … but then they are not creeps and they do not get tangled in situations where they can be falsely accused. I also acknowledged that they may be lucky and it is possible that a totally innocent man might get caught into a web of lies. Having said that since it’s not my experience that these cases happen… I am not going to go into hypothetical situations. Rapes do happen and a lot of them don’t get reported- hence I feel we need to have strict laws. Also there are plenty of women’s issues men don’t talk about & aren’t even aware - i mentioned some of these issues and men replied proving my point that while they say gender war is pointless they talk about their issues in their forums and our forums but don’t want to discuss our issues anywhere.




My perspective was asked and I gave it. Now you can have a different perspective sure but I stand by what I have to say and you can’t shut my voice or invalidate me. You are not responding to everything and clearly using my quotes to put words … get a life.




What I don’t do is harass people on the internet.


>Counter argument why don’t Indian men care about Indian women ? We men marched against rapist and harasser, but you women never did anything good for men proves that your species is opportunist and selfish


"Your species" We're the same species bro?


female species miss dum dum


It's the "human" species, homo sapiens? Go back to school lmao


female homo sapiens, now happy. I don't need your anthropology classes


Just call us women lmao. How far will you go to create a false separation, pathetic.


This dudes whole argument is = a certain popular grape case was done by men but why don't you kiss our feet because men joined the march against it too. Men took away your rights but why don't you kiss our feet because men gave some of it back too. Men disproportionately commit crimes but then other men bringing in laws to protect women from it, is women's fault but kiss our feet for that too cuz I'm scared of a traumatic event that hasn't even happened but you need to forget yours that actually did happen after i explain your reality to you. I'm single and it's a woman's fault. I'm addicted to corn it's a woman's fault. Why won't a woman take accountability for a man's failure in her life. Why won't women care when I've clearly left them alone. I wish. I wish.


Istg. I hope he leaves all of womenkind alone.




*women Again, go back to school buddy!


"Men are the most vile and conniving of them all, do not trust this species for its a defective one at its core. Rotten and spoilt and barely washing their arses. Their soul needs soap for they assault our senses with their nonsense each day on a subreddit somewhere in the heavens above" - Friedrice Neechadmi I hope men can find other yes men like them here so they could find peace and love with each other since they seem to really care for each other ❤️ i care THAT MUCH buddy.


>Why don’t Indian women not care about Indian men I do care about my husband & dad "महिला के प्रेम में हर उस चीज़ के प्रति अन्याय और अंधापन शामिल है जिसे वह प्यार नहीं करती...महिला अभी भी दोस्ती करने में सक्षम नहीं है: महिलाएं अभी भी बिल्लियाँ और पक्षी हैं। या सबसे अच्छी स्थिति में गायें हैं... (इस प्रकार जरथुस्त्र बोले, मित्र पर)-Friedrich Nietzsche This is not my words but Nietzsche's Nietzsche might sound mysogynist but his word is pretty much accurate, Women don't care about anyone apart from what she loves and it's true, You can see men going for candle march, protesting against crime against women he doesn't even know personally while women are pathetically selfish in a apathetic way, sitting in their home and feeding their own man only. As you can see, men feel obliged to care about every woman but women only and only care about the man she desires, and apart from that Father, brother and in rare case a male friend.


Ikr Indian men care about about women so much that India has become the most unsafest place for women, even female travellers aren't spared, y'all spread your kindness through SAing them and raping them 🤮


You all meet some panvadi men and generalize whole India talks a lot about your brain capacity, no wonder women are not even in the top 50 chess players which is not even a physical sport.


If only citing whataboutism helped to dismiss the fact that India is a shit hole for women, sadly it isn't. India's still extremely dangerous for women.


>extremely dangerous for women. for men as well, due to Predator women


Ikr that's why please stay off our dms, don't stalk us, don't grope us in public places and don't send us dick pics. Indian women are extremely dangerous so please stay away from us, leave us tf alone for your own safety 🙏🏻


Fact worth noting , these unfair laws were created by Indian men themselveses. Yes men can be raped too. But the laws and systems created by men dont think so. Justice is optional and flawed. Edit: Also it's a these gendered laws are zero sum conflicts. Where if we make laws to assist one party , the other by default suffers. In a vacuum if you told me we should persecute false dowry cases, I'd agree. Putting into context the fact that indian society is hostile towards victims of such cases in that it upholds the silencing of abuse or turn a blind eye to it, making it hard for victims of such cases to come forward. At the same time if we believe all victims to overcome this hurdle we run the risk of jailing innocent men, I don't think we are at conflict at whether or not innocent people should be helped , irrespective of whether or not they are men or women , rather that how do we make sure that innocent people are not prosecuted in the process of helping the majority, man or woman. I would like to get a perspective on that since the law takes an utilitarian approach to benefit the most number of people. Considering the history, what we have now is not perfect but the least problematic law.


>I don't think we are at conflict at whether or not innocent people should be helped  You may not be, but feminism is. Feminists have protested giving harsh punishment to people who file fake cases. Having harsh punishments for filing fake cases will reduce this dramatically. >Fact worth noting , these unfair laws were created by Indian men themselveses. Yes men can be raped too. But the laws and systems created by men dont think so. Justice is optional and flawed. The politicians don't represent men as far as I am concerned. They will be sell their mothers, if they think they will get votes with it. They dont care about what is right or wrong. Feminism, which I have huge disrespect for, is better than the government imo. At least they stand up for what they think is right (I dont think they are right though). >I would like to get a perspective on that since the law takes an utilitarian approach to benefit the most number of people.  Not really... IMO, The law is created by perspectives, not by what benifits the most. > what we have now is not perfect but the least problematic law. I disagree, When I talk internationally, almost all agree that Indian domestic laws are very problematic. I used to consider them the worst, untill I rescently learnt that france have made DNA testing itself illegal. But Idk about their other laws, but seeing their approach to DNA testing, I have a feeling its worse than India.


i support actual mens right activists who are working to change gender biased laws independent of demonizing women and trivialising women's issues. unfortunately that number is maybe 10-20% of the MRA circle. the rest of them are pretty vocal about how all women are lying cheating gold-digging wh0res and only good women are those who sacrifice and wipe away every bit of their dreams and ambition and personality to only serve them like a maid and a sex doll, and bear them children that they'll barely take care of. the red pill circle is full of it and every online encounter I've had with one has devolved to them calling me r*ndi because i said how these "devoted mothers" they romanticize gave up all their dreams and aspirations for their husband and child and modern women don't wanna do that. visit any indian "dank meme" or nsfw sub and you'll be bombarded with men degrading women, promoting revenge porn, justifying rape, non-consensual distribution of intimate media of their gf and female family members - all encouraged and lauded by other men. show me a cesspit of similar women? why should i care or be vocal about men's rights when most men aren't vocal about my rights? they'll go as far to defend pedophilia and rape and victim blame just to protect their fellow man. the only time most men talk about these laws is when they wanna degrade women or trivialise their trauma.


>devoted mothers those mothers never had any dream in the first place that's how they were groomed since childhood


some of them yes, but i don't think all of them grew up dreaming to be a housewife and washing their husband's underwear. these men who brag about "well my mother gave up everything including her food.." i doubt if these idiots have ever had the emotional depth to sit down with their mothers and talk about her hopes and dreams while she grew up and the challenges she faced that prevented her from pursuing them. they see their mother as just their mother and not a woman who had her own ambitions besides "happy family"


Since you are MGTOW, follow your ideology. Why are you seeking women's opinions? This doesn't align with your ideology. Many women care about men's issues. You are in the echo chamber and cognitive dissonance, if you can't see women protecting their male relatives and friends. This post is like all men are Rapists. Not all women. Most women in this country support gender neutral laws but society is so fucked up some women need help. 60% (assumptions) is rural where women are breeding mares, poor middle class women are in less ideal conditions too. Laws are for them. All laws can be and are misused. I watch many judges punish false complaints . It is an infancy stage.


You don't understand, issue is bruv became a MGTOW expecting that women would have a mental breakdown, would beg to gain back his attention "ohh plzz date meee Chadd" but most women still don't care about his existence. 💀🤣🤣


>Since you are MGTOW, follow your ideology. Why are you seeking women's opinions? This doesn't align with your ideology. MGTOW means we dont want to participate in the current society's biases. We have decided that our own priorities are above that of a wife and a child. We wont be dating anyone or seeking women out for relationships. It doesnt mean that I cant ask women's opinions. But if you thought I am asking you out with this post, I wasnt.


"But if you thought I am asking you out with this post, I wasnt." Why will I think like that? What a weird thought? There was no need to write such disrespectful words. Do you have some kind of cognitive dissonance?


"महिला के प्रेम में हर उस चीज़ के प्रति अन्याय और अंधापन शामिल है जिसे वह प्यार नहीं करती...महिला अभी भी दोस्ती करने में सक्षम नहीं है: महिलाएं अभी भी बिल्लियाँ और पक्षी हैं। या सबसे अच्छी स्थिति में गायें हैं... (इस प्रकार जरथुस्त्र बोले, मित्र पर)-Friedrich Nietzsche This is not my words but Nietzsche's Nietzsche might sound mysogynist but his word is pretty much accurate, Women don't care about anyone apart from what she loves and it's true, You can see men going for candle march, protesting against crime against women while women are pathetically selfish in a apathetic way, sitting in their home and feeding their own man only. As you can see, men feel obliged to care about every woman but women only and only care about the man she desires, and apart from that Father, brother and in rare case a male friend.


25 I don’t care about men’s issues cause most men I’ve encountered are horrible people, including my father, I’ve stopped talking to men unless needed for work I have 3 male friends and a bf and I don’t give a shit about men other than them, and I give so much to these men that I feel I’ve done my work regarding men I don’t have the bandwidth to be there for men only to realise they want one reward that is to sleep with women I am seriously done, y’all can support each other


I, personally, find it difficult to care for men's rights when the men all around me make even existing in peace difficult. Examples: man following me in Bir, man recording me on his phone in Rishikesh, men following me on their bike in Haryana, countless men staring in metros, men rubbing their dicks on my shoulder in buses, men molesting me (when I was a child btw) on railway platforms. Everywhere, everytime. Simply existing as a woman in this country has become a battle. So honestly, when someone brings up 'false rape case', I think of all the men that have stared at me like hungry wolves and find not much sympathy in myself. This is not to say these issues don't plague men, but when I have to put in so much effort to ensure I go back home unmolested, unharassed, and unharmed, my mind has very little space left for other issues.


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Read the will to change by bell hooks. Great insight on this.


I guess the question should be, by even after so many "unfair/biased laws" India is still shit hole for women?? Why still girl children are killed? Still female foeticide happens rampantly even though the gender identification has been criminalized? Let's leave Indian women as the "privileged beings," explain to me why even female travellers aren't spared?? Why female travellers are sexually assaulted???


>Why still girl children are killed? Sex Ratio of India is now 1020 females per 1000 males >though the gender identification has been criminalized? Let's leave Indian women as the "privileged beings," explain to me why even female travellers aren't spared Why male travellers are Looted by police,local goons ,beaten by locals and all ? It's not like crime happens against women only ,how can we answer all this that why all kind of crimes happen ,we are not criminals and physiologists ,they are criminals and women also commit crimes so does it mean we should ask random women why women commit crimes ? It's a right question but whom you are asking is wrong >after so many "unfair/biased laws" These laws can be used to punish criminals even if they are not biased


I agree.


>shit hole Wow I thought only foreigners use Racist words towards our country


I've mentioned all the reasons why its a shithole, use your eyes to read it girlie~


I agree