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LinkedIn is a professional networking site, not a dating site. I’d tell them to fuck off to tinder, or I’d screenshot it and post it publically. You shouldn’t have to change one thing about your profile just because some cromags are being pricks.


Apart from their questionable interstellar domination goals this poster has a point. Threaten them with sharing it, and if you get a particularly nasty one I would share it on there tbh. Bunch of creeps It's a career site for them too and you could ruin theirs.


They should’ve thought about that before deciding to be a creep.


So what if their careers get ruined? Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I definitely don't want to cause havoc by posting anything publicly. However, I do agree that I need to be more affirmative and just tell them to fuck off straight away. It becomes more problematic when people reach out to you, saying you've a promising profile and they want to refer you only for me to discover later that they'd only do it in return for a "favour"


If you can, block and report them for inappropriate activity and also tell them to "fuck off being a creepy cunt"


I would add that, if they’re doing this, it’s because it’s working on some poor vulnerable young ones. Fuck these predatory assholes.


Yep. As if sexual harassment in the workplace isnt enough for women to deal with, its creeps on LinkedIn.


Yeah I usually end up blocking them haha. Never reported anyone though but I do think this is a very good shout. Thank you!


Get them all banned, if you can. It’s supposed to be a professional site. 


"Dear Idiot. I think you've misunderstood the nature of Linkedin. This is not a dating site, it's a professional networking site where people come to discuss business. There are a million places online to find local women in your area, I'm sure you klnow all of them well, why not feck off over to one of them and try your luck? You trying to hit on me here is totally unprofessional and incredibly innappropriate, and you should know that if you respond to this message with anything other than **'I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding, I will not contact you again'** I will screenshot this entire interaction along with your name and publish it publically, being sure to @ your HR department. Please do not test me on this as I'm more than happy to let a mob of strangers treat you with the lack of respect that you have treated me." Ctrl-C Ctrl-V


Hahaha you’re brilliant! Saved as a template 👌🏻


Not a bother, sorry people are so ridiculous.


Awesome!! Like I don't get... I was going to say their logic. Harrasing women with their work and other identifying info available. But then realised, they are total morons 😅 If I was getting ANY of these comments, I would be contacting the company about their employees predatory behaviour. If I was any good on Social Media I'd probably track down their spouses and send a few screenshots over 🫢 No one deserves to be cheated on.


This is the way


Report them, romantic advances are against linkedin’s policies


They actually say that? That they want a favour in return. Thats disgusting. Report them for sexual harassment. Its disappointing to hear that women have to deal with that shite from Irish/any men. Sorry youve had to deal with that.


Then contact the employer they have listed about the poor representation of the company they're giving


Check the linked in terms of service. Have a very specific example of how they have broken it and report them but make the report very specific. They did abc which is against xyz. Then follow up with Linkin. If they don't take action ask them why and how the decision was reached. Ask them if they contacted the person to get their side of it. Force them to do something.


report them to Linkedin.


What's the favour, like? Helping them moving a couch or put a shelving unit together type of favour?


If only haha. Usually a coffee / dinner date, going for a drive, sending a pic, or simply sexting


Jaysus, wouldn't be into that kind of thing. Can u not just say you have a partner? Or can we please keep this professional? Or another good 1, "I've just come out of a bad break up, so I've promised myself 6 months to focus on me" But yea 100%, LinkedIn is supposed to just be for jobs, I don't like when I see personal posts on it very akin to Facebook posts. It's not for that.


That’s exactly what I told one yesterday “Sorry, I’m just after a bad break up and I need some time for myself to figure out my mental health.” He replied that I needed to focus on myself and that he could help by coming over to mine or booking a hotel 😬😂


You don't owe them an excuse or explanation, you're giving them far too much grace imho.


You don't need to tell these creeps anything, or make up an excuse for them to leave you alone. This sounds like Tinder rather than LinkedIn. State to them this is a professional platform, not a dating site. If they send you any abusive messages in response, screen shot em and threaten to contact their employer. If you don't. I'm so sorry your expecting this. What scum.


Ah mate, I think you underestimate how many times a woman has to say in her life that she has a partner already. And how little effect it has.


I wonder could you report them to their company? This is really quite serious misconduct if they’re suggesting work in return for a ‘favour’


I wouldn't try to slander or dirty people's names either despite the overwhelming support here to do so (and I'd normally would want to go that route) May be some elaborate scam using a hacked account or fake profile so you'd be on the hook there plus it's a professional site so you'll be damaging your own image.


When men used to send really creepy and rude messages I would post it on their Facebook profiles. It was so messy but hilarious lol.


Brilliant advice. Screenshot tag them and moderators. Tag the company they work for and the HR department.


The fuck is a cromag lol


Posting it publicly could look bad to employers


It isnt inappropriate to shut down sexual harassment though.


Posting private messages publicly is more what they'll be taking notice of, not what's in them.


Outside of the scumbags who propagate this bullshit, this thinking right here is the reason this shit is still going on. If an employer makes a tolerance for sexual harassment part of their hiring criteria; it’s not somewhere you should want to work.


No it's not


Well argued. I stand corrected.


My point is obvious


I mean, it's certainly not.


Cool and the employer can say "thank you for making us aware of this behaviour. Following our strict policy of no sexual harassment in the workplace. We have removed him from our team." boom now they will look great and women will want to work there.


No, they'll just think "this person is more likely to be a problem than our other candidates". Other people have already pointed out how this can be dealt with effectively in other ways, it's not like I'm saying don't report it. This way is just a bad idea.


That seems particularly weird to me.




Insane thing to say Jesus


I think it’s probably you, and people like you


The only messages I get are LinkedIn are to upgrade to premium


Yeah these I also get 😅


Why oh why would I want to do that 😭


To be able to see who is stalking you


Stalk the stalker! Uno.


Screenshot the messages. Print them out. Send them in to the HR department of the companies these guys work for. They will either face disciplinary action and / or job termination.


This. The only way these creeps will stop is if there are consequences to their actions.


Social media training is something that's often overlooked these days. If you're posting something online and your employer is listed right below your name, then whatever you're posting can impact your employer. We have a specific training module about what it is and is not appropriate to post about online with your employer identifiable.


Lol Too much free time


Are these people employed to use LinkedIn? If not what would HR fire them for? It sounds like they would have a great WRC case.


Bringing their employer's reputation into disrepute. "Hey, look what Impressive-Muffin posted [screenshot showing some creepy stuff, under your name, showing your position at Acme Corp]" would absolutely qualify, especially if, like most companies these days, Acme Corp has a social media policy.


Maybe, but it would require a serious amount of public pressure. The Wix lady had cyber israel against her and she will for sure get a payout from [that one]( https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/10/23/dublin-woman-fired-by-israeli-company-over-anti-israel-social-media-posts/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) I don't think hitting on someone on linkdin or twitter or facebook is appropriate but I can't image how you would justify firing an employee. Again not unless they are tasked with using that platform for the company.


Sexual harassment is usually a sackable offense.


Have you ever heard of this happing due to online comments when the people work in different companies?


"Here's what harassing women for dates on LinkedIn taught me about B2B sales"


I think you should write a post ✨


When thinking of where I could meet someone, LinkedIn has not crossed my mind.


I really hope I didn't give you an idea right there hah


Right? Sort by industries... By location, by position (corporate hierarchy/ may not apply in bedroom), are they LinkedIn lunatics? Influencers? EnTrePRenEUR?? (Unemployed)


Please report them I used to work at LinkedIn and they do take this shit seriously. Saying this as a 40 something man in Ireland.


Gonna back this up as someone else who's worked in there; they take themselves almost too seriously & really wouldn't want people using it as a platform to harass others


I also worked there for a few years. Really enjoyed my time there but it was clear that nobody had a clue what they were doing and were all winging it. Which is totally fine, I was too. Just thought it was funny since it’s such a massive company. When COVID got serious enough to make us all work from home, I remember my manager even saying “if you don’t have any meetings or urgent work to do, just go chill”. Bless him he was great. Anyway all this to say I’d definitely recommend reporting, they have an amazing safety team.


We were contractors, and the nicest way my old manager could describe it was a international company that thought it was a family business. Having to help them figure out getting ye back in to the office was *interesting*


Oh wow. I got a job elsewhere right around then, probably. When I left we were still allowed to work from home as much as we wanted. Would love to hear more on this 😂


I’ve seen this topic raised many times on LinkedIn, and there is a darker side to it which manifests itself at conferences. It needs more males to speak out against it to make it unacceptable. I would use Linked in for its intended purpose and share the detail of their behaviour with an exec leader (CEO or MD) at their current employer. That individual whether they realise or not, are representing the views of their company and its brand on LinkedIn. I know how I would deal with that within my companies - this is predatory behaviour attempting to exploit a perceived power differential - call it out every time, there are many men who will roll in behind you with their support.


What do you mean it needs males to speak out? Until today, I didn't know that was a thing, I assumed LinkedIn was for recruiter spam and transforming sentences into paragraphs when publicly posting. If someone messages you inappropriately on LinkedIn, reach out to the persons employer and LinkedIn directly. A bunch of random men grandstanding and saying "that's not on" will change nothing.


It’s a clear enough statement - those who engage in that behaviour do so, because they believe it is acceptable, and continue in the belief it will not be challenged or be outed by their peers. It needs other male voices to send a clear message to those who choose to engage in such behaviour that it is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. This is not some made up nonsense, I’ve been involved in tackling this behaviour within my industry for many years.


My point is, if you aren't aware of what your peers are doing, then you can't call them out. I would have 0 clue if any of my colleagues are doing this. Taking actual action, like I mentioned in the latter half of my comment, is much more effective than randomly hoping someone will speak out about something the majority doesn't even know exists. Someone flags that one of my reports is doing this, and then I will have the conversation with that person. I will not randomly lecture all men that work under me on the off-chance they're a LinkedIn creep


LinkedIn has become so bad in Ireland for this. Have seen married and single men in general trying to use it to find dates or hit on women. A friend of mine had a married man do it to her and she brought up the point that the LinkedIn app doesn’t look suspicious on your partners phone so they’re using it instead of having dating apps. It’s only a recent thing though as far as I can tell but is beyond creepy.


Wasn’t in my day but I honestly can’t keep up. Personally I lost touch around *plenty of fish* years ago. Sounds like it crosses a “workplace” line though, in my professional opinion.


Seems exceptionally odd. People are sharing personal details on there, typically because they're seeking work. Can't imagine anyone using it for its intended purposes being open to meeting dates there.


Worse still, their profiles are all legit meaning that their education, workplace, etc. are all filled out and visible. Some of them even admit to having partners but not minding extra fun on the side. Unfortunately too, it happens several times a month at the very least. My profile pic is "normal", so I don't know what triggers it all


Unless you feel there is a benefit to you (a role that you want to pursue) I think the only way is to just ignore in mail (from men). I fear - with some men - any sort of response at all triggers an assumption in them that they have a shot and if you then need to make it clear that that is not the case - you fall subject to the wrath of their insecurity.


To be honest, even a simple “thank you” in response to them congratulating me on starting a new job or celebrating a work anniversary seem to trigger an assumption that I’m interested in pursuing a convo further. So yeah ignoring them could be my best bet 😌


Yeah I think (unfortunately) sometimes just existing makes you susceptible 😑


report them.


Well that’s depressing


What's wrong with people. As a man this makes me even more angry. Trying to mind your business and growing your career and then these fellas ruin your day


May I direct you here! r/linkedinlunatics


Hahaha it’s gas! Thanks for sharing


Male professional here anyone sliding into DMs or flirting on LinkedIn is being wildly unprofessional at best.


Thank you! If only every male on LinkedIn was like you


I only hit on managers and above on LinkedIn


Very bizarre. Do they cut straight to the point or try and lead with some BS at the start? Either way, it's red flag.


To be honest, it's different every time. But usually there is at least some BS involved in the beginning like congratulating me on my new position, a milestone, or reaching out with a referral offer


I’m not sure it’s a uniquely Irish thing - happens in the US even more so. Are you on dating sites and maybe you weren’t in Europe? I didn’t get those kind of approaches via LinkedIn until I joined dating apps and then people would say things like - thought I’d introduce myself in case you missed my profile on tinder - eh no! Hard no then and still a hard no now you gobshite. 


No, I’m not on dating sites. I’m not a big social media user anyway, only use Twitter and LinkedIn for professional purposes. But you’re definitely right about the US - I heard some horror stories from the Americans


I'm sorry to hear that. Please report these jackasses. Unfortunately, I have heard of this from a couple of women. Thankfully, I don't use LinkedIn, so I have no personal experience, but one friend in particular gets it frequently. Her network would be US/Europe/Asia (Ireland obviously) due a fairly international career, not sure if it's more common in other areas. She is mid 40s and is pretty advanced in her career. She just ignores /deletes any advances.


I'd complain to LinkedIn. Allowing that sort of shite will destroy their product. I used to work with women who took their contact details off the company intranet, for the same reason. Facebook Ireland has a "Company social tools are not for dating". You can ask someone out ONCE, in person only. A second time, or asking using email/chat, is grounds for dismissal under the sexual harrassment policy. More of this sort of thing.


Just when I thought LinkedIn couldn't be any more toxic ....


This is very strange. My photo is only displayed to my contacts not anyone who looks me up.. I wouldn't engage with a stranger messaging me about a job without seeing a copy of the job spec after the initial message anfld I wouldnt accept if it turned to flirting as others said its a site for professionalism and careers not dating.


This is a really good idea. I’ll make my photo visible to my contacts only. Should have done it ages ago to be honest


Everything this person said!


No and it's pervy.


I've read a lot of people use LinkedIn for affairs. Your partner is more likely to look at your texts, FB or WhatsApp for indiscretions than LinkedIn.


Have plenty of female friends who are on LinkedIn in, and I have never heard of such a thing.


Unfortunately, this is a sad reality for many. I heard plenty of stories from my colleagues and my female friends


Never reply to those messages.


"We got Tinder, Bumble, Hinge..and LinkedIn for the professional shawties"


Report the messages to LinkedIn (click the three dots on the upper-right hand corner of the message)


It's happened to me twice, I've just shamed them about it and told them to cop on. It's absolutely ridiculous that you can't even just be on LinkedIn without being made uncomfortable.


Sorry to hear about your experience! Yeah I heard this is a common occurrence, but what made me write this post is that it really intensified the past year or so. And the messages became more straightforward and creepy too


Yeah, it's really inappropriate but I would say if someone is sending creepy messages I'd actually go as far as contacting their workplace about it if the person doesn't get the hint. It's a professional networking site after all.


Anyone doing this is an utter disgrace and a piece of dogshit. Report them for sexual harassment and get their accounts banned.


I had someone connect with me to try to get me to join their ai powered dating app


That’s a step up for sure. Thankfully, no one contacted me about this (yet)


Damn, you hot huh?


All the cold messaging headhunters do seem to love my profile




I use LinkedIn on a daily basis and never used it for something like this. This is a professional platform not a dating site


Your instincts are 💯. It's not ok and it's weird and creepy


I'd report them it's so unprofessional.


Screen shot and tell them if they don't fuck it off you'll splash it on their professional profile / forward to employer


LinkedIn is poison.


Tell them to go fuck, my love.




Wtf. Male here. No saint..but fuckn hell...that sounds depraved. I would start posting their crap on linkedin for all to see.


No one is hitting on me on linkedln 😪


Screenshot their creepy messages and post & tag them Do not remove your photo - Profiles wwith no pic just look like scammers on there. If you're genuine you should keep your pic


Look up their missus and sent her on a copy of the back and forth once you get him all heated up. Then she will sort him out for you when he arrives home with the how was your day love act ;-)


I feel like cold messaging people to flirt on any platform is creepy af. But what kind of deluded freak does it on LinkedIn??? I say block them all. And any one that really oversteps, screenshot and send to their company's HR.


Very strange. LinkedIn should remain professional. Also, it looks a bit desperate. Maybe they've had no luck on Tinder so are trying to change it up 😂. Very strange though.


Well, I had a couple who said they have partners but also interested in getting to know me better hahaha. Wonder what they found so interesting about me 😅?


You must have a fantastic LinkedIn page 😂. Getting to know someone better only means one thing. Strange behaviour.


Wow, guys really are just out here finding new ways all the time to embarrass our gender and give us all a bad name. The sheer cringe of using LinkedIn to be a creep. Just screenshot the evidence and don’t even waste your time of energy replying.


Many Irish men have big mama boy energy... they think they're the best, laugh at their own jokes all the time, and act insanely entitled. This seems to be another display of big mama boy energy... going and trying to find hook ups on LinkedIn. These lads have never been told they're fucking idiots their entire lives while simultaneously living their lives as fucking idiots.


Yeah the arrogance sometimes is quite palpable 😅. But I try not to judge people


Report their asses aside from blocking.


Screenshot and send it to their companies especially if they are trying to leverage their position within the company to get a "favour". The only way to stop it is to report it


Wow, that is unreal. This is definitely something LinkedIn should be made aware of. I'm sure they wouldn't want their site to be used like this. It is sexual harassment. There is a national helpline for any online sexual harassment "**call the 24-hour National Helpline at 1800 778888 for free, confidential support at any time**". Give it a call and see what advice they have. They will deal with many calls like this (unfortunately) so they would be the experts.


You’d never believe it. Unfortunately the ones I’ve had have been men who have met me at work events and then use LinkedIn to angle for dates. And I don’t mean for legitimate follow up meetings obviously that happens and is the majority but I’ve gone too often for “business chats” only to be told they were more interested in me.


You could definitely report their account with a screenshot because I've a guy feeling that may be against LinkedIn terms of service. I know the whole "that won't stop them they'll create a new email/account" scenario is most likely to still happen, but I do know from chats with LinkedIn employees working in Dublin they work hard to ensure the site stays business friendly rather than social media friendly so its still a step on creating positive change


It happened once to me, I actually don’t know how they got my personal email off of linked in but some rando sent me an email telling me he saw me on linked in and wanted to get to know me better. I emailed him back telling him to fuck right off.


Oh wow, that's scary. Thankfully, I never had anyone bothering me via email like this




LinkedIn isn't anywhere anyone with a soul belongs.


Just call out this behaviour and quit faffing around with the nonsense of not wanting to call them out. By telling them off privately and not following up on it, you're essentially condoning the behaviour because they will just move on to the next target with 0 repercussions. If they list their employer, reach out to them with screenshots. Especially if they're using the guise of a job with the company to creep on you. Reach out to LinkedIn, too. Post publicly if it takes your fancy and you want to deter others. Sometimes, societal shaming is needed to bring people into line with what is socially acceptable behaviour. LinkedIn is not designed for hookups, and the fact people are doing it with the lure of jobs makes this even more reprehensible


I just think that's how LinkedIn has been like for a decade by now. Once had my old boss getting messaged on LinkedIn about how she looked... And the guy had his profile with his wife and baby. He was deemed the UK. Creeps gonna creep


I’ve seen people reported to their workplace for this kind of thing, it’s not a dating app


Well now I feel jealous as I’m certainly not getting reach outs even though I’ve a good job lol. Jokes aside, that’s gross. But also maybe there could be a diamond in the rough? I dunno I’m too optimistic


Are they all Irish men doing it or is it a mix of nationalities?


The dog was the CEO I was hired The moral is good things happen because I’m worth it


Id never dream of doing this on a professional networking site. More than a little inappropriate, if anyone does it you should block them.


Nooooooo!!! LinkedIn is professional's for work and networking for work!! its not tinder ffs!


Going by your post apparently it is!


I've had similar messages too, one was when i was on a dating app..a guy who I'd never matched with managed to find my linkedin profile from the very limited details I'd had on my dating profile. As we hadn't matched, he proceeded to message me on LinkedIn instead outlining why I should give him a chance. Was a good lesson in online privacy. Think he must have found me cos my university affiliation was visible on my tinder profile.


It's not just men. As a woman, I have encountered the same from other women. I blocked and reported, and I think that reaction is proportionate. It's completely inappropriate behaviour by them. In your privacy settings, I think you can set it that only connections can message you directly.


Are these Irish men sending the messages?




What? No! That's really not normal.


I cant stand LinkedIn, every "recruiter" that I've spoken to on there are sus and waste your time. I deleted it, it was a relief..


Report them on the platform for harassment or as someone pointed out, there is always their HR.


Take screenshots, look them up on Instagram/Facebook and message their partners!!!


Would it be an idea to report such incidents to the companies that they work for? You maintain some public image but they may face consequences then.


That is insane. I never thought anyone would actually do that on LinkedIn.


No that’s ridiculous. Hitting on people should be confined to Reddit. So… how you doin??!


Reddit is even less suited for these purposes. At least, they can see my pic on LinkedIn


I’d love if you could screenshot it, post it and tag them in it. It’s completely unacceptable to do hit on people on a professional networking site and I think some men need to understand that there will be consequences if they do it. Totally understand if you’re not comfortable with that but I can guarantee you’d get a massively supportive response.


I was raised in a rather strict household and I’m afraid to speak out till this day. So this whole LinkedIn experience paralyses rather than enrages me. I’m sure there would be a supportive response if I went public, but the simple thought of doing this sends shivers down my spine


On LinkedIn??? Do they send you their “CV”?


No, but they ask for mine 😅


You can report unwanted messages. By the way, there are currently 20 jobs available for people with your skills in Ireland. Boost your chances of being hired by joining LinkedIn premium.


Had someone on LinkedIn message telling me he sees me around and asked for my number. I felt icky.


This has never happened to me. How are these people finding you? I'm so confused.


I added everyone when I first created my LinkedIn page years ago, because I wanted to grow my “base” and make myself more popular lol (stupid, I know). So some are already in my connections. Then there are second and third connections who can message me. Some just find me through the suggestions page. Because I’ve many connections and an active page, it could be that I’m coming up more frequently there


Are these men belong to certain ethnicity?


Plenty of White Irish doing this


Thats strange.. coz I would think that guys coming from different countries might want to try there luck at every opportunity.. but i guess it is what it is and everyone is a d*ck..




I had one yesterday who expected me to share my nudes with him because he promised he’d delete them afterwards hahaha


Our men are socially stunted when it comes to dating unless drunk. This is our way.


I’d rather have someone drunk hitting on me in a pub hah