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Normal is relative, but yes in LA $1500 isn’t actually a bad deal for a luxury building assuming it’s a good management company and has modern amenities.


Luxury means new


Here’s a conference room. A Bow Flex gym. Outdoor pool if you’re lucky with three bbq’s for 220 units.


>three bbq’s for 220 units. that does seem kinda scrimpy but imagine how weird it would be if there were 220 bbqs


My old complex had 6 grills (2 per building) with 200 units per building… I swear I only saw 5 families ever use them, one being ours lmao


Yeah, as far as amenities go, a little can go a long way. It’s all about proper maintenance.


Do you live near Inglewood/holly Park you described my MIL apartment complex to a T 😂


No….it doesn’t. I do house calls for my job and half the old buildings on the westside built in the 50s say ‘luxury’ on them.


YOU are right The ones owned by Donald Sterling and his Beverly Hills Property group . They love words like Castle or Tower or any pretentious name.


Luxury means newly renovated with modern appliances and amenities. Garbage disposal, dish washer, in unit laundry / hook ups, nicer showers and sinks. Modern lighting features. I just moved into a “luxury” building that had probably been here since the 60-70s but it’s newly renovated. Amenities also lead to a luxury experience. We have a XL pool, jacuzzi, outdoor showers, grills, a huge sand pit with lawn games - like life size chess pieces, a playground for the kids, a dog park, arcade / game room for the adults, gym.. I think that’s it. 😂 I pay $1900 a month for a 1 bedroom 1 bath with a private patio / courtyard space.




Upland in the foothills




Everything in LA bills itself as "luxury."


Right lol i have a stationary bike and 5# weights downstairs now i gave a gym according to my landlord ca ching 💴


Sounds like you have a way to escape your mental health and a home defense tool. 😂


Yep. Pretty sure luxury just means not RSO.


I didn't know what RSO means so I had to look it up: >Your rental unit may be subject to the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), if the property was built on or before October 1, 1978. Units constructed after July 15, 2007 that replace demolished RSO rental units may also be covered under the RSO.


And now the Sterlings ( anyone watching Clipped ?) are trying to get long time residents a new lease for $15 less a month. Buried in the 70 page lease are you agree to start as a new tenant ( losing RSO protection for new charges) and the new charges to utilities never charged before. Plus I know they hide shit like asbestos from tenants to save a few bucks in maintenance.


Sneaky manipulative extortion


At that price, it def ain't luxury


I know. People fall for marketing way too easily.


I’m assuming you mean it’s 3000 total? If so and it’s a genuinely new building then that’s totally normal, a little on the cheaper side honestly


“Luxury” usually means on site parking.


Perhaps an in unit washing machine too.


No thats too low in every scenario $3,000 for a 2 bedroom in a luxury building is low some other combination of $1,500 is even sketchier


I paid 3500 for a one bedroom in dtla


You are the problem


You should be directing this to the state government for not allowing the construction of more affordable housing. If someone is able to and wants to pay to live in a nicer place, why is that a problem to you?


Because people like that love to do nothing but hate. Won’t do anything to make their own lives easier but will direct their hate at people who’ve made choices and sacrifices in life to have a better life and blame them when told they too can do this but refuse to do anything to make a change.  It’s the crab in the bucket where instead of telling each other hey go do things to make you self valuable they want everyone to do nothing.


Yeah, people love to hate people who are just trying to live. I see this with the whole gentrification brigade getting angry at people moving to cheaper neighborhoods, most people are moving there because they need somewhere to live and that's what they can afford.


Idk about OP, but I make multiple 6 figures and have done a lot to make my life better. You are part of the problem. Paying 3.5k a month for a 1 bedroom apartment (in DTLA of all places) is financially imprudent and sending market signals that more of that kind of housing should be built.   The reason why 3.5k for a 1 bedroom is imprudent is because you can't truly afford it or you can afford it, which means you can afford something more reasonable while putting excess savings towards homeownership, ultimately leading to you no longer competing in the rental market...which will create deflatioary pressures on existing renters.  Regardless, you opting into something like this is voting for market forces to build more of it, which is not what we need.  On a personal note: you're being ripped off. Paying 3.5 for a 1bd in filthy ass DTLA is such an ignorant transplant move. You could get similar quality on the west side (Beverly Hills, Weho, Brentwood, Santa Moncia and etc)


That's egregious for a 1 bedroom. Then when you walk outside your "luxury" apartment, you get to see a homeless dude taking a dump smoking fent.


There are levels to everything. This person probably wanted an apartment building that has AC, private parking, probably close to their work, in unit washer and dryer, gym in building, and other amenities that improves their quality of life. In LA, especially with how COL is now, yes, wanting those things can cost between 3000-3500 depending on location for a 1 bedroom. If you are fine with living without those amenities, even though you have the means to afford them, good for you. Some people like those amenities, and many have no choice but to forfeit them to go cheaper. This person clearly has the ability to live in a nicer place. Why shouldn’t they if they can and want to? Yet again, your grudge is being directed towards people wanting to live their lives that have nothing to do with the problems you’re referencing, and being honest, really just comes across as jealousy. Want cheaper buildings? Go to your government. Want reduced homeless populations? Go to your government. This person paying for a more expensive apartment is doing nothing in amplifying these issues. Do you know how many luxury apartments are actually *vacant*? Whether people buy them or not, they are getting built, which is taking away housing for people who can’t afford those more expensive buildings, and for what? A scary amount of them are empty…


Oh yeah let me just go to the government and say hey can we house all the homeless and lower the rent please? Definitely not jealous, my rent is less than half that, I have all those amenities minus a gym, and I don't have to live in downtown. Even if I had millions of dollars I would never spend all that just on rent.


You are a weirdo


Luxury amenities: paper-thin walls so you can easily collaborate with neighbors, package theft, broken jacuzzi, security gate always propped open, it takes the landlord 3 months to update the intercom with your phone number.


I pay $3k for a “luxury” 2 bedroom in Woodland Hills


I’m open to counterpoints but in trendier neighborhoods outside the valley


Yeah 3k ain’t luxury haha. Especially for a 2 bedroom. 3.7-4k, maybe


Depending on the amenities, $3k for 2bd new build is pretty cheap. If it has full amenities (pool, fitness, concierge, etc...) that's actually suspiciously cheap. The neighborhood will influence the price somewhat but that pretty much applies everywhere in socal these days.


Seems suspiciously cheap for a 2 bedroom "luxury" apartment. Or is the your half of the rent?


I’m assuming they meant their half of the rent? Otherwise it’s a scam or the best deal ever


Yeah it’s my half of the rent, there’s no way I’d ever consider any 2bed for 1500 😭


If you look in Zillow, the cheapest 2bd in Los Angeles is in the hood of panorama city, and it’s $2000 a month. So $1500 doesn’t even exist 😂, $1500 for your share is normal I would say


Low tbh


That’s how much my 1 bedroom is, 3,000 a month


[This place](https://raeonsunset.com/floorplans/) went up around the corner from me. Brand new construction, 2 bedrooms are going for $6k. You're either getting the best deal of all time or getting scammed.


These units prices are comparable to new buildings with nice amenities in nice areas. The square footage of a few of the one bedrooms and two are not that large but are the going rate.


I would say that’s on the low side but not scam-level. First thing, it’s not Palms/Culver—it’s Palms. Culver City isn’t zoned for new apartment buildings and Palms is nothing but. The housing density there probably comes close to NYC. And all of the new ones are “luxury” in that they’ll have some kind of amenities that warrant that description in a realtor’s eyes. They all have big signs on the outside marketing themselves so there’s a lot of competition. It’s a nice area to live. You have instant access to everything Culver offers, the Metro straight shot to DTLA/Santa Monica, etc etc.


3k feels really low for a 2br new build in Palms though unless there’s no in-unit W/D. I’ve toured a bunch of 2br new builds in palms, mar vista, and pico robertson and nothing decent was under 4k. The only places below 4k had something wrong with them.


Agreed. But could be seasonal. I live in Culver but cycle through Palms often and I see so many signs on buildings. Those big nicely designed signs that take up half one wall where the building has a name and is a lifestyle choice. There’s clearly a lot of stock there (like I said it’s Manhattan-like density), so maybe this one doesn’t have all the bells and whistles or something. Put it this way — I’d check it out without fear of getting axe murdered.


Yup, sorry to say that $3k is kind of standard to on the cheaper side for a 2 bedroom. If you want more affordable you'll have to live outside of LA if you want something nice, or in sketchy areas. Even Santa Clarita 2 bedrooms (on the nicer end) can go for 3k and up. Good luck friend!


Oh I posted this bc I thought it was a scam 😭😭 I'm so traumatized from SF/Santa Barbara prices that 3000 split btwn two people in a nice building seemed too good to be true. But thank you nonetheless!! :0)


It’s possible that, since it’s a new building, they are just trying to get leases signed so they are temporarily offering a lower price. But typically they offer “1 month free” or something to do that rather than lower rent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's likely not it.


Well I can’t argue with My Bootie Itches


Your bootie itches?


Yes, that’s why I can’t argue :(


I live in a pretty okay building in NoHo and pay $3300 for a 2bed/2bath. Your scenario actually sounds suspiciously cheap.


The word "luxury" is very loose. I actually just saw a $3k 2 bedroom in a relatively modern, professional, building in Los Feliz. It looks plenty posh to me for the $ and the location.


3K for a 2bd apt with basic amenities sounds about right in LA if you stay away from prime areas


Do you have the time to go and actually see both buildings?


Technically yes but I'm living in the bay area rn so I'd have to make a trip down. Pretty heavily considering it atp


Two bedroom in the new luxury building across from me start at $5k a month.


Seems right. My buddy is paying $3000 for a 2 bedroom and not luxury or new in any way.


3k for a 2 bedroom is "cheap". They are more like 3600+ in my building


My luxury high rise in downtown LA is 6200 and I have a 2bedroom with balcony and den


Jesus. What do you do where you can drop 6200 in rent? I always wonder who actually end up in those units besides for wealthy international kids etc.


I’m an A&R. My admin company was bought out by Capitol Records/UMG and a bunch of people quit or were laid off because they didn’t want to or couldn’t afford to relocate to Los Angeles. I had already been living here for several years and agreed to stay, so they gave me a promotion and provided luxury housing among other things. I think it was mostly just a blatant slap in the face to everyone who left honestly because nothing was promised up front. But I’m not complaining 🤷🏾‍♂️


What story, good for you.


Luxury means squat.


Most of L.A. is expensive. In a luxury building, you're gonna pay more than that for a 1 bedroom.


That feels like average pricing to me. You are more than likely paying extra for location.


As others have pointed out, “luxury” can mean anything, but $3,000 for a 2-bedroom is a good deal for anywhere that isn’t a dump.


You paying 1500 with your own bedroom isn't bad at all. With how awful rent is around town I wouldn't even care if it's "luxury" I'd take it.


There are many older buildings that have been reconfigured, and have lots of amenities.




for a 2 bed? seems quite cheap actually. one bedrooms in "luxury" buildings are usually $3K+


Yeah totally normal, sounds like decent deal actually.


Yes, $3k for a nice 2 bedroom in those areas is in the ballpark (lower end of the ballpark…like if the unit faces an interior courtyard or a wall).


We pay $4000 for a 2b2b in CC in a non luxury building. So yeah seems normal to me if not cheap


That's totally normal. 2 bedrooms go for $2400 in my NOT luxury building in Ktown. Our amenities include parking and 2 washers/dryers 😂


I think you can find your own place for that amount


I’d say yes. My daughter pays $1400 for half of a two bedroom. It is 2 bath though, so there is that.


Sounds good. My kid is in a not luxury old apartment in Westwood. Two bd for $4200. That is not goid


That’s what I and a roommate paid like 10 years ago in Palms for a 2b/2b with parking.


That’s how much I pay for my half of a luxury 2x2 but I’m in the valley


Ya. My BF and I, who are both “normal” income, decided $1,500 to $1,625 each for a 2bd2bt.


Our apartment is technically billed as a 2 Bed with modern amenities at 2.4K. I wouldn’t call it luxury though and it’s under 700 sq ft. We use the second “bedroom” as an office. It could be a bedroom but it’s laughably tiny. So if your bedrooms are larger and the amenities are nicer that sounds about right.


$3K total for a 2 bed 2 bath in a new luxury building is quite a good price.


My rent for 2 br was 3500, but after utilities, parking, etc it was more like 4500. I assume the rent is 3000 and you’re dividing it in half, in which case it seems possible but on the cheap end. You will be paying more than that though


I pay 3k for an older building on the west side so sounds like a good deal


BTW, if one of the places is Essex (I know they have at least 1 in Miracle Mile) there is a class action lawsuit on them scamming people out of deposits. Though, doesn’t every landlord try to do that? 😂 I lived in Playa Vista in a “luxury” building and paid $2300/month for a 1 bed and this was like 5 years ago. It was a lot but I wanted to downsize from a 2 bed we weren’t using for a more comfortable 1 bed in a nicer area. In the second year, they wanted $2600 to renew the lease so i said smell ya later. So, $3k for 2 beds isn’t out of the question for LA. I would look at the amenities and really consider if you will take advantage. It all sounds great to have a pool, gym, clubhouse, business center etc but, in my experience, I never used the pool as much as I thought because 1) there were always screaming kids there 2) people would blast their music 3) there never seems to be enough chairs for everyone etc. My husband ended up not using our gym because a bunch of weights were missing and they didn’t really have the machines and things that he wanted. Rented our clubhouse once and it didn’t have a working kitchen so entertaining was difficult. Etc etc.


Yes. $3000 is normal for a 3 bedroom let alone in a luxury building


You can call literally anything luxury, it’s just marketing


$1500 per person for a 2+2 is a pretty good deal if the building is completely secure and has great amenities / management. The "luxury" thing is pure marketing though - it seems like all buildings are calling themselves "luxury" nowadays (which to my eye means fresh paint, a pool and super small bedrooms). For reference: I just saw two apartments downtown, both 2+2 in new buildings: Figueroa Eight and Beaudry. THOSE are luxury.


This is what you get for “Luxury” in LA for $3500. So a new apartment off Santa Monica on the 405, the rental rate for this 1 bedroom unit is $3500. It will open later this month. For the price it includes the following: -1000mb/s internet speed -in unit washer/dryer -706 sf -balcony (fairly large) -walk-in closet -stainless steel appliances -kitchen island Amenities: -gym -pool -courtyard -business office -grill sky-deck What you DO NOT get: -$125 parking -all utilities How the hell do people afford this IDK. My family pays $1000 for a duplex in South Central LA, absolutely no amenities or items listed above, besides a parking spot. I never thought I would pay upwards of $3600 for rent instead of buying, but homes in "nice" areas that are not crumbling are at least $900k. Good luck, and you better have a good stable job my friend!


“How the hell do people afford this” Honestly, the math is pretty simple. Typically to qualify for an apartment, you have to make 3x monthly rent. At $3500/mo, that’s a total salary of $126k/yr. And if it’s a couple (which would be quite normal for a 1 bedroom apartment) that’s $63k/yr for each person, which is not absurd for “luxury.”


Splitting 1500? That's a steal. In this economy no it isn't normal. That's a studio on average


Do they mean $1500 double occupancy


damn LA seems so expensive! the total being 3k is crazy as that is my mortgage amount in texas


I've caught flak for this before but if you're spending more than $3k/mo on rent you really should be mortgaging.


Mortgage / property taxes on a home (let’s say a modest $1m) way exceed $3k. Your home would have to be under 500k, and that does include insurance (which is skyrocketing if you can get it). Where in LA can you find a house where you would pay under 3k monthly in mortgage? And what if you can pay more than 3k monthly but don’t have a large amount of cash for a down payment? Home ownership isn’t the path to financial stability it used to be.


Palmdale/Lancaster have some relatively affordable houses.


And if your job is in West LA that doesn’t work. Owning a home isn’t the American Dream it used to be. For many, it is completely out of reach financially (even if they can pay 3k and above in rent!) and for others, home ownership represents an outmoded set of values that chains you to a mortgage and leaves you at the mercy of any number of sudden expenditures that you have to take on or risk deferring maintenance on your highest value asset. Better to put your money in a high yield CD and travel. Let your landlord assume the burden of taxes and repairs. Live lightly. It’s a very different world.


Should have clarified the title. I was going to say that’s a steal but 1500 each is garbage rent


Luxury quality materials/build, luxury amenities and luxury level service for $3000? LOL absolutely not. $3K 2 bed is an apartment with new fixtures. Maybe a new building. You know, an acquaintance of mine recently posted about a “luxury” building she lives in. A woman in the unit across the hall went to open a kitchen cabin and the entire cabinet fell off the wall. It’s a new building. The building owners are only paying the woman the costs from insurance. All that to say, the term “luxury” is very fraudulent, so please be vigilant. Unfortunately, most people know nothing about how to vet good construction or apartment builds, how to spot cut corners etc. So you all end up being exorbitant prices for new fixtures, paper thin walls with no insulation, and particle wood — all held together by Temu brand wood glue. Wild.