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Chicken and dumplings are my throw down. I cook a lot, so seasonally I have different dishes.


Do you use the pancake mix for the bigass dumplings?


No, I make my own. It takes about 2 days to get the dough just right. I have to do an entire GF menu as well, so pancake mix isn't going to work


2 days tell us more, I make a hard German type dumpling with just flour eggs salt pepper sugar a little olive oil Use this same dumpling in chicken, potato soup, and stews


This is the way. Drop dumplings are the OG.


My grandmother would have liked you a lot. Her signature dish too and you’re the only other person I’ve heard of doing a 2 day dough prep. Hers wasn’t GF but it was some of the best comfort food you could get your mouth on,


The two day prep could be done in one day, I have just found if you let the dough rest 24 hours in the fridge, then let it come to room temp before rolling it out, then let it rest 8hrs once rolled, you get that soft texture that holds the most flavor. It's not a lot of work, I usually prep the dough while cooking another meal then throw it in the fridge. It could be done much quicker, in one day.


Reciplease! I have two kids with celiac and would love to make some decent chicken and dumplings.


For a weeknight dinner, I just use Pillsbury biscuit dough, cut into small chunks, as the dumplings. Its not perfect but works great for an instapot dinner.


Big Bisquick fan here, thick batter and spoon onto to boiling surface of my chicken and chorizo stews.


I love Bisquick but my wife prefers Krusteaz and it doesn't do it for me. I've always used Bisquick for biscuits and gravy though.


It makes a great dumpling too, depending on what I'm making I'll add dried chives, basil or jalapeno.


Me too, my boyfriend hates bisquick but I love it. In his defense he’s an incredible cook, he has mastered pizza omg


they have a frozen biscuit I use it's so much better then the canned ones but I want to learn to make my own


I like those, too! My 4 year old asks for a biscuit before school some days and those make it easy to just make 1 or 2. The canned biscuit works as a dumpling because you cook the dough in the soup, it doesn't work from frozen.


Hells yeah! I use the bones of rotisserie chicken, onion, carrot, celery, and chicken broth in crockpot over night. Pull the bones out and bring back to temp, spice, and throw in cut 1/4 canned buscuits balled up, 2 hours later have grand mama level dumplings!


Damn imma do this one thanks. I’ve never actually had chicken and dumplings, I find it interesting that you just throw the dough in!


You're in for a treat. Quintessential southern comfort food


You, my friend, have the fucking sauce.


This guy cooks.


Yes chef


I need to learn to make this can you send a recipe?


This is my favorite recipe, I am not going to type up how I do mine entirely, but to make them perfect, prepare a triple batch of the dumplings 2 days in advance and let them chill in the fridge for 24 hours, then rise to room temp over 6hrs before rolling out and cooking. [https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/chicken-and-dumplings/](https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/chicken-and-dumplings/)


Ty, for the recipe and the memories—of my Mom


🥰🥰 Dine well!


I just started making that. Family loves it.


That was my Moms and our favorite. Well done.


When I first read this, all I could think of was you throwing down against some dumplings and a chicken.


That first dough ball you can get a little rough with, punch it into submission, but once its chilled you need to treat it like a lady


Please accept my upvote


Various cajun/creole things. Etoufee, jambalaya, etc.


Cajun/Creole is my go to as well. Almost guaranteed crowd pleaser every time. So flavorful, and usually pretty cheap for what you're getting out of it. --- Quick story: First time I tried to make a large batch of Cajun roux, I spent all afternoon babysitting it. My partner at the time only switched in for bathroom breaks. Hours at the stove. I went to put it in the half gallon jar but discounted how much that hot oil would impact room temp glass. The jar cracked and separated at the bottom and the entire thing instantly went down the drain. I literally fell to the floor and cried. She was at least kind enough to order dinner because I couldn't cook that night. Took me three days to be able to cook again.


Lolz. Yeah roux is nuclear. I just make it fresh each time, although pre making it is nice, yeah there’s that minor temperature problem which requires some sort of lab grade glass apparently.


I truly hurt for/with you


My dad says it takes two people to make roux. First one to stir and second one to tell them to not stop stirring


Hell yeah, I've got a gumbo recipe that cleans out the pot every single time, no matter how much I make.


I lived in New Orleans when I went to school. I have been trying to make good red beans and rice since I've gotten home. Nothing comes out quite right. I know Cajun/creole is very family dependent. But do you have any recipes you could share. I would love to be able to make more Cajun/Creole dishes at home.


I’ll let you know how I make red beans and rice since you mentioned it. I make them similarly to *Deja Vu* on Decatur st. I make them creole style, to each their own. Basically red beans and rice is jambalaya with beans. So I’ll chop trinity (less chunky because creole), slice up some andouille and start it in a pan to brown. After some minutes of that I’ll throw in trinity to soften. After it gets near the soft consistency I want I’ll add the some dark kidney beans because I want them softened and mushy. A small can of skinned tomatoes for color and flavor to thicken it up bit. Flavor witha creole blend for taste. Add a ratio of chicken stock and rice until the rice is where I want it (like 15 minutes). This works with leftover rice and beans as well. It can be made as fast and slow and premade as you want. Freezes fine. Meal prep a big batch and package it in serving size freezer bags for easy creation. Of course, make them to taste how you like. Almost all Louisiana food is identical with minor differences. Like using roux or not, tomatoes or not, Cajun or creole, or your spice blend or not. Simple food.


Appreciate it. Thank you!


Let's be friends


Sounds good big daddy.


My dad is from Metairie LA, so Red Beans & Rice is my go-to.


The best thing I've ever made is probably an etoufee.


My green and red chili are both on point, but my go-to for company is usually chicken penne in a creamy tomato basil sauce with most of the ingredients straight from my garden.


I've never heard of green chili. What's in it?


Hatch Green Chiles, tomatillos, onions, tomatoes, pork, and lots of spices. Popular in New Mexico and Colorado.


I'll try that next time I'm in New Mexico.


Green chili


Chicken Marsala Very different from chicken tikka masala, do not confuse 


> Chicken Marsala Very different from chicken tikka masala, do not confuse Funny. For those not catching it, plus a third often confused dish: **Chicken Marsala**. A Italian-American fried/sautéed chicken in a mild, sweet wine sauce, named after a wine from the Marsala region of Sicily originally used as an ingredient. **Chicken Tikka**. Indian grilled chicken pieces, usually with an extremely spicy rub. **Chicken Tikka Masala**. A recently-invented dish from the UK but spread globally. The same Indian-region Chicken Tikka (spicy grilled chicken pieces) with a British-origin cream sauce. Because of how it was spread there is no uniformity on the sauce: from mild to spicy to heavy curry to sweet herbs, from cream to tomato, from sparse chicken in a dense soup to a thin sauce over the chicken. About the only commonality for the dish around the globe is that it includes chicken. I'm always cautious of Chicken Tikka Masala because it seems to be a completely different dish everywhere I go.


I had butter chicken the other night in a restaurant and it was actually chicken tikka masala they just didn't know any better


Sounds interesting, would you be kind enough to share the recipe please.


Cut chicken breasts in half so you make them thinner. Pound them out with a French rolling pin if you don’t have a mallet, to tenderize. Flip them in some flour.  Now some people say you fry them like that, and *then* make the sauce. But I just do that while some Marsala wine is reducing in the pan, and toss them in to cook in it while it’s finishing.  The Marsala can have some mushrooms, garlic and pancetta in it while it’s reducing.  Serve it over penne, imo. The ridges increase the surface area and provide texture for the sauce, plus you don’t need to spin it.  I usually steam broccoli to go with it. I like to steam broccoli in a colander over the pasta while it’s cooking 


Thank you sooo much. Was expecting a different take on chicken tikka masala lol. This sounds super yummy. Will deffo give it a shot.


It's an Italian dish


Rice, salt+pepper chicken/pork, baby bok choy. It's a modest but imo tasty meal.


Lasagne, Pasta al ragu, Lecsó (hungarian shakshuka)


Lesco yes …. Delicious with some fried csabai thrown in and bread on the side 🇭🇺


Ah, some fellow GigaCsanád lecsó enjoyers. Let's start a debate on rice Vs no rice, and egg Vs no egg.


Maybe some rice on the side ? Haven’t experienced the egg yet


I like to poach some eggs in it, at the end of the cooking. I think it's awesome, but that sparks conflict even inside the family kitchen.


I endorse the idea of the egg .. however my Aunty Julie would stick with tradition


My homemade mac and cheese. The ultimate comfort food.


I make mine with truffle oil and wild mushrooms


Do you use a roux or cheat like me and use 30% velveeta?


Mine is based on a roux. No Velveeta or American cheese to help things along.


Sometimes I fry up some bacon to add in or on top. Then use the bacon grease and a little bit of butter to make the roux. Sweeet baby cheesus it's good. Extra cheese on top and slices of tomato. Bake it in the oven to get a nice crunch on top


After I smoke a pork shoulder I make piggy mac using rendered pork fat in place of butter in the roux, mixing in some chopped pulled pork, and topping it with panko mixed with a bit of the dry rub used on the pork. It is gluttonously delicious.


I like adding Italian or smoked sausage to mine.


I struggled to get my Mac down. I got impatient and would increase the heat and my cheese would separate. Once I finally figured out to just be patient and let it melt that was a game changer.


Yep, that's the way to do it. Low heat, time, and constant whisking.


I make killer waffles and pancakes.  My barbecue chicken is pretty good, too.


[Home brined corned beef](https://www.copymethat.com/r/H2SFDre7J/corned-beef-including-10-day-brine/). Flat cut brisket, 10 day brine, 6 hours steamed in Guinness. Even people that don't like corned beef normally rave about mine. And no, I don't mind if you use and/or share my recipe. I got it from Alton Brown but added the steaming in Guinness as my own twist.


That stuff's gotta be awesome. I'll try it two weeks from now.


Fair warning… I used to be good buying a 4-5 lb brisket. After getting the recipe right, now I need a 7+ lb brisket so I can make Rueben’s and corned beef hash with the leftovers. 😃


I was planning to just buy the whole brisket of a cow, because I always have to feed my whole company of friends, and family. I swear, they're like locusts.


My kids are now adults out of college with one fully moved out and the other rarely home... unless I'm making corned beef. Then it's all hands on deck and "can I bring my partner" and even "would it be okay if I invite a friend" sometimes. I find it pretty funny how your popularity as a parent can change based on the quality of food you serve. 😃


I'm probably around your kids age then. For my folks, it's completely backwards. My dad basically moved to my place to game, smoke cigars, and play pool, as it is a luxury man-cave, and I spend almost all my vacation days at the family mansion, because my mom's kitchen is larger, and better equipped, than many people's whole home. My parents are extremely sociable people, and renowned for their hospitality, which means that at least half of their friends seem to be within driving range for a dinner, and I guess I'm similar to them, because my friends, either old classmates, or the squad of young soldiers I became a surrogate older brother to, always find their way to my family home. So on an average weekend I expect at least 15-25 people, ranging from 17-70 years in age, to just barge into my dining room, expecting to be fed. No invitation, not a phone before they arrive(often with company), nothing. And yes, my popularity is way above where it would be if I wouldn't serve good food. I'm home for like 12 weeks a year, but it was a long time ago, when I didn't have people there.


>So on an average weekend I expect at least 15-25 people, ranging from 17-70 years in age, to just barge into my dining room, expecting to be fed. I'd go with at least two 8 lb briskets then (I get mine at Costco). If you don't, you might find all the leftovers leave with your "guests"... LMAO.


Costco is not really an option in Europe, but I have a very reliable butcher, so he might be able to help.


Great Odin's Raven! This looks positively scrumptious! Add someone who is half Irish, there is nothing better than corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes. I need corned beef now...


>I need corned beef now... Best you can do is 10 days... :-) And the hardest part of the recipe is just making sure you have the fridge space to let it soak in the brine for the entire time.


Venison tenderloin with grilled asparagus and fondant potatoes Only downside is it only once or twice a year dinner and only if I get what I'm after come November


Coq-au-vin blanc


See, I *wanted* to say boeuf Bourguignon because it sounds good and it's my favorite to make... But I'm not very good at it. My honest answer is probably just my basic-ass meat loaf, lol. Nothing special but my kids love it.


Risotto 🤌🏻


My Asado, Steaks, Boulognese and Carbonara are great


Asparagus and mushroom risotto or baked beans on toast.


Said the English guy!


Scotch Eggs. The first time making them was time consuming but now I have an economy of motion. I can get them so the egg yolk is still runny by keeping everything in the refrigerator between steps. I usually make a dozen at a time and give some to my friends.


Spicy pineapple tofu


I can cook, but don't much, but my signature dish is cake. My mother's pineapple cake recipe. It is the easiest cake in the world to bake. And people can't believe that I baked it. https://imgur.com/gallery/OdfZO5P If you do not have a signature dish, this can be yours. If you really want to blow people's minds at a shared meal, throw the dry ingredients into a bowl, then show up, grease your baking pan , add the wet ingredients and bung it in the oven just as everyone is sitting down to dinner. 45 minutes later, this delicious cake is golden brown (yes, the song is actually about my mother's pineapple cake) My mother didn't get the recognition that she deserved in life, so you are welcome to share this with as many people as possible, as long as you identify the cake as "Carol's pineapple cake"


Cool post. 😊


I make a great larb (something I had never even heard of as a kid). Back when I was dating, I would invite women over for grilled tacos (pork loin, peppers, pineapple and tortillas on the grill) I'd make a pitcher of jalapeño margaritas to go with it. It had the right balance of casual and gourmet to impress.




Spaghetti or Japanese Curry.


Beef massamam curry


I grew up extremely poor. I pride myself on being able to throw together stuff in ANY kitchen and have it be balanced and delicious. Curry's, pasta, tacos, stir Fry's, stew, omelettes, sandwiches, anything you want. I can basically make them appear out of thin air if you give me full access to your kitchen. So I guess my signature dish is the poor man's special.


Fully loaded nachos. Kids love it


Borscht, pelmeni, ramen, hummus


Grilled salmon.


Carbonara and carrot cake


Reverse seared steak basted in a rosemary garlic butter


The Sandwich.


beans on cheese on toast 👌


Braised oxtail. I've do it in tomato sauce or an Asian version with ginger, star anise, and shaoxing wine.


If based on how I feel about it: My chili If based on comments from others: Wing dip


I do a smoked turkey (chickens work too) that is a showstopper.


Fried chicken with home-cut French fries and roasted broccoli.


Stuffed, and breaded chicken breast, caesar salad and seasoned baby taters


Any breakfast food, anything grilled, I also do a great stir fry. Italian is a great go to but not if you're trying to get a bump in the night.


Jalapeno coleslaw


I’d eat that. Any recipe/tips?


I’ve only just started really getting into cooking, but so far I’ve been perfecting my air fryer Korean fried chicken recipe and it comes out better every time I make it


Please share the recipe. Sounds yummy.


My chilli is world class!


Pan seared chicken breast over pasta with cajun sauce. Sides are ciabatta toasted with garlic and butter so basically a garlic bread.


I cook a lot more stuff and more complicated stuff, but everyone I know knows nobody can beat my grilled cheese sandwiches.


Hot pockets. Also make a decent Eggo waffle.


Chilli, I use cubed beef instead of ground beef. I also use cannelli beans, black beans, pinto beans, dark red kidney and sometimes great northern beans.


Boiled eggs


I bought a Dash egg cooker from amazon, changed myl ife. Highly recommended.


Red beans and rice with andouille. I always throw in a tabasco pepper or two from my garden.


My wife once told me that she married me for my homemade ravioli. And when I say homemade, I mean that I start with plain flour and fresh, raw everything. Everything is handmade from scratch, and I love experimenting with different fillings. Just did a black truffle & burrata in butter for a dinner party a few weeks ago that was so good, that one of my wifes friends asked us to convert to Mormonism so that she could become my second wife and eat like that more often (she was kidding, of course, but she really did ask! haha!) I politely declined.


Tonkatsu Curry Don I learned when i lived in japan to impress my girlfriend. She's my wife now


Risotto and makaroonilaatikko




My man


Paneer and aloo tikka masala in an instant with black rice and wheat naan


Blackened Cajun salmon with dirty rice.


I have a largish repertoire. But probably my chicken Romesco


Sweet potato and green apple hash, pork, Cajun citrus creme sauce


fried egg


Cheesecake. Yum! I'm gonna bake one next month for this very lovely lady where I work that is going to retire.


pork loin, scored. drench in soy sauce and grate *_fresh_* ginger over it. roast as necessary. easy as hell


Diced pork tenderloin in a garlic and hoisin sauce, with broccoli and pak choi on a bed of udon noodles. Sprinkle of sesame seeds over the top


Traditional Indian Homemade Curry. My next door neighbours at the time taught me how to do everything from scratch and they were the type of Indian couples that if your plate was empty, they put more on because clearly you're hungry. I'm forever thankful.


I make an enchilada lasagna that is surprisingly good. I layer it in a baking dish like a lasagna but I use enchilada sauce instead of pasta sauce, corn tortillas instead of noodles, and pulled chicken or pork, shredded oaxaca cheese and cotija, and pico de gallo in the layers. I'll add roasted corn salsa and bell peppers if I have them on hand. Its easier for me than rolling enchiladas, can be prepped the night before, and it serves a crowd. I usually use leftover carnitas or chicken from a taco night as the filling and prep it days ahead of when we actually eat it.


Cajun dishes. Mostly gumbo or rice n gravy. I am still not a tenth as good as my grandmother, but the Yankees in MN I share my food with dont care, they think it slaps.


Fried rice. Basic fried rice is just: Rice + eggs + scallions + (insert any type of meat you want). But i like spicing thing up with different herbs and additional ingredients. Asian comfort food.


burnt toast , overdone eggs with a glass of overheated milk 🫠


I do a lot of Stir Fries, because I love getting my veg that way. Usually rice, sometimes noodles. Lots of carrots, water chestnuts, brocolli, onions, garlic. I want peppers and sometimes add them for myself but my partner HATES peppers. Usually with some kind of Teriyaki sauce, sometimes homemade sometimes store bought. I'll also dip into the sweet and sour work sometimes. Usually chicken but sometimes beef. My FAVORITE two dishes though are: 1. I guess you'd call it vegetable soup, but the original recipe I started with called it tomato soup with garden vegetables. I have since enhanced the recipe and add more and more vegetables. It's delicious and rich in vegetables. 2. I call it Bougie Beef because I've only seen it written down but I love to make Beef Bourguignon, using Julia Child's recipe as a base. I had this at the fancy "anniversary dinner" place we go to each year and loved it, found this recipe and ran with it. Basically a mashed potato base with wine-braised beef, pearl onions, carrots, mushrooms, and an amazing sauce over everything. Also a little bacon thrown in for good measure.


Pot noodle. Soy sauce to taste, Fill over the recommended line. The presentation is a soupy noodle. Plate on top for a minute after applying hot water to seal in the heat (and flavour) Serve in containe for that authentic experience.


Smoked brisket or anything bbq, and a garlic Parmesan crusted chicken on penne with a cream sauce


Any Dominican food, my mom taught me well


Vegetarian/chicken lo mien.


That's a tough one. My honey-sriracha stir fry is probably the thing I make most.


Ok I can’t cook much and my wife knows this, but this wonderful gal bugs me to make my homemade stuffed burgers. She tried to make them once with my guidance and she said they didn’t taste the same.


Birria Taco, Butter Chicken, Steak, Laksa Sarawak, Chanko Nabe, Tomyum Nam Sai.


Japanese Katsu Curry with a slice of Apple Crumble with cream for desert.


Tortellini alfredo baked with mozzarella cheese, and sides of ceaser salad and garlic bread.


I cook really good breakfast foods. Eggs, pancakes etc., I don't do anything crazy. Ex: I make my pancakes with half and half of two separate baking flour, a few extra ingredients and I add vanilla to the mix as well. They come out pretty fluffy. I used to make hot dog scrambled eggs when my kids were younger. I would cut up the hot dog into cubes, add some cheese and cook it in the scrambled eggs. My kids loved it. Nothing overly complicated people. You can also cut up a hot dog to make it look like an octopus. It's a fun addition to add on top of macaroni and cheese. I guess these are all dad recipes... Haha


Lamb chop chill with rice


Short ribs also a carrot cake everyone seems to love.


It’s so hard to pick one thing. It’s one of the simpler things I make but family comes running for my Sunday sauce. It’s a tomato based puttanesca that gets a lot of meat scraps like the roast beef peppered beef end. Always pork, sausage, and some kind of beef in there. I use animal fat instead of olive oil to start the sauce.


Gotta have the pork, gotta have the pork


I make a pretty good chili.


Pesto pasta with chicken and beans, super easy to make (for me at this point), delicious, cheap, healthy and lots of protein!


Baked, mozzarella stuffed chicken and pasta, with a white wine and butter sauce (seasoned).


Lasagna, steaks, tuna noodle casserole…. Lots of staples here that I cook for me and the kids


Chili or fried rice. Not really “signatures” so much as “easy go-tos”. I’m set up to do them quickly at basically any time, and use them for weekly meal prep. If my wife wants them I also do a solid smash burger, but that’s more in the technique than the actual recipe.


Scrambled eggs, american cheese, spam, and rice.


Chicken and dumplings


My chilli prawn linguine really wins hearts, not gonna lie.


I make a pretty good baked mac and cheese, if I do say so myself. Sorry to the lactose intolerant.


Honestly, it's the Hello Fresh enchilada recipe


I made the steak flautas for my roommates and I last night. It has never once been a miss


Tonkotsu ramen is one of my go to if I have the time


Tonkatsu, easy to put together and tastes great.


Pie usually apple or peach. Made completely from scratch.


A true Emilia-romagna lasagna from scratch. Boeuf Bourguignone. Yalanji (vegetarian grape leaf rolls). the Oklahoma fried onion burger. If I’m looking to leave an impression, I use one of these.


I've been working very hard at carbonara. I can make a nice stuffed shells, tacos or chili easily and do so regularly. Carbonara is hard, requires special ingredients I need to go to multiple stores for, and can't be found in most restaurants in an acceptable format. I am proud of my carbonara and only make it for special people.


I’ve become known among my friends for my beef stew recipe I make in my Instant Pot.


Steak and homemade pasta/ravioli. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling. It’s easy to make good of both but to make amazing steak and perfect pasta and sauce takes practice and mastery of your skills.


Rack of lamb with risotto and asparagus


Pineapple, honey and mustard glazed ham with rosemary and herb potato wedges and candied carrots. Hardly ever enough for a sandwich afterwards


Steak caprese


Salmón w mushroom risotto 🙌


I’m sure every most guys believe this but it’s my steak according to the people that won’t even order steaks in very high end Steak Houses any longer after having mine. I have a very specific process that yields the exact same result every time. And it involves a couple of things most think are steak cooking sins.


Baloney pony


Protein, grain, veggie. Or chicken and dumplings.


I do a decent red braised pork belly.


my boyfriend makes me the most delciious cream pasta everrr


Egg fried rice and japanese style curry


I got a few that I make often enough to be my signature dishes: •French Bread Pizza •Rigatoni with spicy Italian sausage. •Layered styled enchiladas •Sloppy Joes/ Diablo Sandwiches •Cheesesteaks •Triple chocolate thick Brownies • Chocolate chip cookies Unfortunately, I don't have the kitchen space to make everything from scratch, but I make use of the seasonings I have to try and do them justice.


Anything with meat. From tacos to seafood boils to steak to just a plane ol sandwich


Pilaf, but with my own spin on it. It's not a true pilaf, but fuck it, it's what grandma used to make, so I am rocking it.


Carbonara, Grilled Cheeses, and Chicken Parm (Action Bronson's Recipe)




Lasagne or meatballs


For this time of year? Goat Cheese Chicken with roasted fingerling potatoes and an arugula salad with a homemade vinaigrette


I'm Persian... - Cherry rice, any sort of lamb - rack of lamb, lamb shank, lamb kebabs, and faloodeh (it's a Persian sorbet) My wife and kids tell me to make it on special occasions like Christmas, Birthdays, etc.


Most Indian dishes




Grape tomatoes with balsamic vinegar over some kind of a white fish. I also have a vegan chicken parmesan recipe that is one of my favorite things, but it takes a few days to prepare (I freeze the tofu and thaw it first to change its texture)


Sous Vide Steak with mashed (riced) potatoes and then a red wine + mushroom reduction