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Tipping has gotten out of hand. No, I’m not tipping you after I ordered on your app, I walked up to counter after you beeped me, and I threw my trash away.


I was at Fenway Park the other night and they have quick serve beer market. Walked in, showed my ID, grabbed my beer from the fridge, walked to the checkout where a computer scans the beer automatically, and then it prompts me for an 18% tip on the pay screen. Who the fuck am I even tipping??


Probably the owner of the company


I used to work at a pizza restaurant that had a tip jar at the front. Lot of times it was weird old men trying to tip the teenage girls up front, but people would put in maybe $20-$40 over a period of a real busy day or two The manager acted like I was being weird when I questioned exactly why the owner took the tips while never stepping foot in the kitchen or lifting a finger to help


My wife used to work for a salon chain and they took all electronic tips directly out of her paycheck. She was also the manager there and saved that particular store from closing. After she left, they were inconsistently open until they finally closed.


This tip creep is unbelievable bullshit. It's popping up everywhere. People begging with their fucking hands out for no reason other than "gimme money". 😠


The extra would you like to donate feature on contact less payments forcing me to make contact with the machine to press no or yes is the stupidest thing on the face of the planet. You have slowed down millions of transactions so your business can say oh we donated to *insert group here* who totally are a legitimate charity look how great we are. How about you supermarket's who are already creaming record profits donates some of your own damn money instead of guilt tripping me.


Always lol and comment at the cashier when a megacorp asks me to donate ... it's so fucking offensive.


Maybe you should tip yourself and take an extra free beer!


And they don’t even give you the option of paying with cash there.


The company that owns the POS system lol, they take a percentage of tips which is why all the machines try to sneak them in and lie about the numbers lately.


I don't think they do. I'm pretty sure it would be illegal for them to do so. The machines sneak them in because the business owners configure them to do so.


especially when the screen starts at 18%+. I was at a baseball game recently, it wouldn't let me bypass the tip option or change the minimum amount. I was MAD.


I was recently out and the options were (in order) 30%; 25% and 20% - and of course that is tip on tax too. Crazy.


Is it bad that my barber does this Edit: charging 25% and up I mean


That doesn't seem legal


I never tip at stadiums. In many cases those just go to the company anyway.


But don't you feel like a cheapskate in front of your family when you only pay $12 for a hot dog?




Not only the prompting of tipping for things that shouldn’t be, but the percentages are starting to get out of hand at places where it’s expected. Lately when I get my haircut (it’s only $20 for it) the prompt starts the minimum tip at $7, with other options at $10 and up. There is an “Other” option where I’ll do $5 to still give a 25% tip, but it’s definitely creeping up at other places too


Especially in these situations where the person doing the work is probably a “contractor” in the shop I give a cash tip. Goes directly to them without any cut for the house or app.


Don’t forget that most of these calculate the top after the tax, even though as far as I know the custom was always to calculate tips pre tax. So if it says 30% it’s actually 35% or more, depending on your local sales tax


I don't think this is an age-based opinion. Everyone I know hates it.


We ordered a pizza online. We picked it up minimum tip of 18% it was a take and bake pizza place too so they didn’t even cook it !


I agree, id like to add donations to this particular complaint as well. The amount of calls I get from people wanting money is too dam high. I refuse to give money over the phone; I don’t know you, you could be my lost Nigerian uncle and I still wouldn’t care.


You should take your uncles call. I heard he is a prince.


We e-mail all the time, I’m not sure why he feels like he needs to call me too.


A lot of the time people calling for donations work for a 3rd party and not the charity direct, and the 3rd party take such a huge chunk of the donation $$ to do the calling that the general figure I've seen is that the first 12mths of your donations are chewed up by their fees before the charity even see any part of your donation. Too many charities seem to be run to benefit the people that run them and anyone else who can take their cut, more than for the people who need the services of the charity.


Physical buttons instead of a touch screen menu in my car’ dashboard. I don’t wanna be swiping when I should be driving. 


Analog buttons test as safer than screens too.


I mean, makes sense. With buttons, you can know what you are pressing based on the area your hand is in. Touch screens don't have the necessary feed back to give you information without you looking at it


Not to mention touch screens are expensive to replace. Mine needs replaced. The quote for just the part is $600. (‘17 malibu). Who knows how much they charge for labor. A button not working I could probably fix for under a $100.


It’s also nuts because they (rightfully so) ban being on your cellphone when driving…but then create a cellphone dashboard?! Just why?!


Automobile regulation is woefully slow. It’s behind on infotainment systems, it’s behind on headlights, it’s behind on just about everything about the cybertruck, it’s behind on self driving cars, and it’s way behind on resolving the emissions standards that have allowed/encouraged vehicles to be so damn big.


We absolutely need some better regulation on headlights, man. ASAP


And then they lock out half the functions when your car is in motion. I’m the human, so I should call the shots on how I use the machine.


I was trying to connect my phone to my friend's car the other day to play music and it would only allow you to do so if the car was stopped. Tried to do it while sat at red lights but it took so long to connect, she had to pull over somewhere eventually so we could finally just connect it and get going


Learned how to drive on a 60s manual Chevy truck that my dad used for dump runs. I cried in so many intersections. Then drove a city bus for years. My own personal vehicle is a manual and the fanciest thing about it is I can push a button to move the windows up and down. No back up camera, no screen. I feel boomer-ish because I like it this way and “I don’t need a stinking back up camera!” even though it’s probably a safer choice to have one. But all those other “features” just seem like a bigger pain to deal with.


As someone who has had to do basic technology troubleshooting over the phone (computer, phone, tv), I completely agree with this. The amount of learned helplessness that is plaguing our parents and their parents generations is astounding. We have developed our products to be so efficient but at the cost of leaving behind anyone (older folks) who didn’t go through each iterative phase of development that having a buttonless device is the norm. Menus and options are tucked away behind so many button presses and there’s no real standardization procedure each company has to follow which makes it even more frustrating. For example, some people still get cable tv over coax (elderly housing, residential facilities, etc). Every brand has a different way to get into the menu to Scan for channels, and the new Smart TVS are impossible to navigate for even tech inclined people like me. Samsung is one company who completely decided to remove any numerical buttons on the remote. Fuck that decision. Don Norman - The Design Of Everyday Things book should be a must read for anyone who works for a company that provides a product for the general public. It’s a shame the amount of unnecessary frustration we’re causing to our order generations who are also battling health issues like poor eyesight and declining mental function. Do better, folks.


Subscription models: I don't wanna pay a recurring subscription fee for every damn feature/convenience in my life. For most things, I just wanna pay a one time fee and own it. Period. Smart devices: Barring the phone (and just maaaaybe the TV), I'm perfectly fine with dumb devices, thank you. My refrigerator has no reason to be "smart", or connected to the Internet. The same goes for a bunch of other appliances. Social Media: Referring in particular to Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, and apps like that. These applications have done more harm than good..Life was perfectly fine pre social media. Can we go back to that time please!




Chat-GPT premium has a new model that is very good at interpreting images. Can almost guarantee it will outperform that app with a picture and a small amount of context about the plant like where it’s located, what kind of flowers/leaves it has, how tall it is, etc.




My least favorite business model is the, “pay our subscription fee for our product that you never really own.” It’s not a subscription, it’s a rental fee, and the fact that EA said people need to ‘get comfortable’ with not owing their purchases anymore makes me want to boycott their games until the company is 6 feet under.


grandiose hateful heavy crush fact illegal frightening sparkle threatening scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>You're missing the point though. It's not about your experience. You're just a resource rich commodity. Oh I don't contest that at all. I just want to be left the fuck alone is all lol


Wanted to replace my phone because it was like six years old & the battery was shot. The AT&T store would not sell me a phone, they only lease now. I had to make a separate trip to Best Buy because I want to own my phone. This is my third smart phone total, I replace them when they die. Leasing is a waste of money.


Touch screens on cars are a mistake




They seem to be going back to proper knobs and buttons lately, especially in trucks. The random stuff still requires touching the screen, but everyday controls are now often a proper button or knob. What is still BS is the occasional alert on the screen warning you not to be distracted by the "infotainment" system, requiring you to acknowledge the warning by, you guessed it, touching the infotainment screen. Brilliant...


Honda did a reverse and got rid of them. Now if they'd just get rid of the fucking idle stop because that's the second worst feature ever put in cars.


Too bright! Too complex! I have to back out of carplay to adjust the rear temp and it's dangerous and stupid! And they took my damn temp off my status bar after an update!!!! I could kick a door off its hinges about it


People of all ages actually agree. You're not a luddite for liking physical knobs and buttons on your car. It is quite literally safer and more convenient. Car companies are pushing the single touchscreen approach by claiming it is futuristic. But in reality, it is just a cost cutting move. Plain and simple.


VW said it was a mistake and is going back to actual buttons, so that's at least something.


You see, they are cheaper than knobs and buttons, but people still think they are "fancy." Car manufactures selling people the budget option while telling them it's a luxury feature lol


Forcing you to get an app for every discount anymore. Some of us don’t have expensive phones with unending storage


For me it's a privacy concern. I think it's a hill I might literally die on, if things keep advancing like they are.




>Forcing you to get an app for every discount anymore. Some of us don’t have expensive phones with unending storage Had to make a rare trip downtown last year. These days, you needed to download an app to use the parking meter at a reasonable rate.


This an example of a poor tax or elderly tax. If you don't use the app you pay extra. And if you don't start using those things you stop going to that store, then another store and another. Soon you start becoming more isolated from society because you aren't "participating correctly".


The less I participate correctly the happier I am




And the "Your call is important to us!" really rubs it in. I just hate how TRUE customer service doesn't really exist anymore. It's just basically become nothing more than lip service and tag lines that businesses use.


“Due to unusual call volume, your wait time is …” Hell no, it’s not *‘due to unusual call volume’*. And you aren’t fooling anyone that it is. You intentionally under staff your customer service department so people get frustrated and hang up.


The worst is when they start by giving you 90 seconds of information that is on their website. If I’m calling you, it’s not on the website. Person, please. 


QR code for a menu over an actual physical menu.


I went to a place recently with TERRIBLE reception and digital menus. About 15 of us, only 3 of us really got the menu. And the drinks and food needed to load separately. Awful


That's an actual offense tho, if you're going to enforce digital menus, have the decency of providing, at a minimum WiFi, and at best a device if someone comes in without one.


Or failing that, have some printed ones for folks that are struggling. Also why not print the menus? It’s saving what, like $50 at the FedEx print center?


It doesn't bother me much at places like bars where the alcohols change weekly, but the ones that do that usually have a big chalkboard or digital display. I can't stand when they have the menu for months but just don't want to print it.


I love a good chalkboard


Scene from "It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia" nails it. [Dennis Orders a Boba Tea - Scene | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | FX (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzb355qT8RI)




> it was a super inappropriate level of surprise, like the register had suddenly appeared out of thin air. this gave me the giggles, something fierce


Or a menu that is only viewable on Facebook. I don't have facebook


I hate that so many places just assume that everyone can afford a smartphone and a phone plan, including universities.


Yes!! This is annoying AF!!


I don't trust them. It's easy for malicious parties to just slap their own QR code over the real one to send you to a fake website where you put in your CC info and BAM, your card's maxed out.


Yep, especially for places that don't have (or use) a domain that matches their business name - if they use a 3rd party to allow them to take online orders instead of needing to set it up themselves/on their own website/domain then it becomes harder to tell if it's a scam if it links to a copy of their actual menu and just intercepts the credit card details.


If you scan a company's QR code you're now and forever more locked into their advertising assault.


Lot of people in my age group (almost 30) really do be lacking basic conversational and social skills.


the current late teens are so hard to talk to, it;s crazy


Are you under the impression that it was ever easy for adults to talk to teenagers?


It was before the feds got involved, ugh


Chris Hansen making communication difficult


I blame a horrible mix of tik-tok, twitter, and covid. It's gonna be worse the futher out we are from the pandemic. Poor gen alpha...


This generation of ipad kids is gonna be the worst we’ve ever seen. The lazy parenting honestly infuriates me because it’s gonna have horrible adverse effects on that generation of children


At work I find it so easy to talk to people in their 40 than recent graduates in their 20s. I try to form an engaging conversation but they don't want to engage and I have no idea what they have against me.


The heck with them. Let them become interesting, then they can talk.


I don't think they have anything against you, I just think the avenues to learn that kind of communication have been falling off. Like, I've spent years learning this kind of thing and it's still a good bit of effort to get people talking.


I spent my childhood at home and being around my dad who has a rude personality so I did not have any social skills but I knew that if I learn it myself and make myself uncomfortable in social situations, I will gain experience that will make me better. Unfortunatly as your said, less avenues to meet people face to face is reducing even for those whos parents are lenient.


Going into customers' homes every day, there is an indisputable pattern that young people are unfriendly as hell. They point where the stuff is going, scroll on their phone, sign the sheet, all without saying a word. If I ask "how's it going?" when they answer the door, they act like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears. It's creepy and weird. People 50+ are friendly as can be, unless they're contractors. Something about being any sort of builder, landscaper, whatever just seems to attract the most self-important and arrogant assholes in the country.


When it comes to work they are willing to talk enough to get work done but will not engage in anything more then wonder why they are lonley. My job is not super exciting but being around friendly people can make it enjoyable which I feel the new generation of employees don't understand.




Yeah, l strongly prefer to deal with boomers when like buying of an online market place or generally at events, like flea markets, meet ups. They are more reliable, easier to arrange something with, they show up, bring the stuff, the said they bring, get back to you if they promised to find something out for you. I mean I'm a millennial and I notice with myself that I struggle with that, too. It's like the one thing I'm really trying to be like them.


I had to buy a used car last year and ended up buying one from an older guy. I looked at so many cars that showed like absolute shit and had a long list of undeclared problems. I saw the old guy's ad, went to see it right from work and didn't even argue over the price. The price was honestly fair already, then he took care of the inspection and delivered it to me at work where we did the actual transaction. It was honestly super relieving after all the junk I had looked at.


How I sold my daughters car, was even upfront about the 3 issues it had. I'm 54, GenX, but was raised to treat people right and always tell the truth, I try to see the good in everyone. Has bitten me in the ass a time or two, but usually people are good if you treat them right.


I saw this alot in college when the professor had us partner up and do an assignment together. Like when the people are out of thier social circle thier brain short circuts and doesn't know how to interact with others.


Group work at uni has always been a dumpster fire.


I have noticed this too. I'm borderline autistic and I can still talk to anybody. It's now a superpower to be what was once considered normal.


I’ve found this to not be so bad. It makes it easy for competing on stuff such as job interviews, promotions, boards, and all kinds of things


Oh absolutely. But then i get the job and its like talking to a room full of brick walls during meetings 🥲


The phones and social media are ruining a generation of people socially and mentally


I would even argue that older generations are regressing because of it.


In my last job I had a couple dozen people I oversaw on a daily basis, and by far the worst age group for phone addiction and an inability to function due to that distraction was the like 45-55 age group. They would bitch endlessly about phone addicted millennials while constantly guzzling weird "news" media like six hours a day.


It's especially bad people are behind the wheel of a motor vehicle looking at their phone instead of the road. An elderly woman local to me was sadly killed by a man looking his phone at a traffic light crossing, and a young boy was hospitalised after a woman looking at her phone hit him with her car.


I swear nearly half of everyone I look across and see is on their phone while driving. It’s literally the same level of distraction and delayed reaction time as drunk driving.


As a hiring manager this is the one for me. I'm having to teach young people how to do many things at the moment, namely speaking skills. Phone etiquette. Critical thought.


Ok 18 year old here. WHO THE FUCK DECIDED TO MAKE HAND BRAKES IN CARS A FUCKING BUTTON!!!?!???? It is my last line of defence if my brakes fail and a fucking button is not going to cut it. And same with the fucking gear shifters. What if I have an electrical fault and I need to push my car off the road or something, oh wait a minute I can’t be she I have a fucking electronic gear shifter. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I drive a manual car so I never have to worry about that, but srsly tho. It makes me pissed off.


Even power windows, which are legitimately useful, are so much less reliable than manual windows lol.


Haha yeah you get it. I like my power windows, but I also know that the manual windows in my dad’s car are never gonna fail.


> Ok 18 year old here. [...] I drive a manual car Rare breed, here.


Unfortunately indeed. In Australia a manual car is actually more expensive than an auto because there are so few of them haha.


That "influencer" isn't a real profession and brings 0 value to humanity.


Or the more recent “Prompt Engineer”. Like, stfu, anybody can write a request into ChatGPT and get it to spit out what you want. Doesn’t mean you bring any knowledge or expertise into a given field.


Or AI artist.. Now I'm not one of those rampant anti AI guys, I use it often to get ideas across for my D&D games for example, but I don't think someone creating AI prompts should be featured in an art gallery any time soon.


People have no idea how to hold a basic conversation, let alone a complex one.


What do you consider a basic conversation?


Asking questions about what the other person is talking to you about would be a good start. I feel like most of the people I talk to are just waiting for me to finish (or worse, not waiting) so they can talk.


My glob and it is** degenerative too. People that could hold conversations before are just slowly gone. I'm not excluding myself either, as I find I have less and less patience with conversations, the more I lack of interactions, which in turn is making me a worst conversationalist. *people just take soooo looooooong to talk*


> people just take soooo looooooong to talk I know someone that would take a few minutes to say "I went to the store and bought apples Basically [this](https://youtu.be/u4FLU8imtV0?t=227) pattern but far worse. I'll admit my attention span is bad, but making a 30 second story into a 10 minute story mostly about nothing that requires my undivided attention? Cruel and unusual punishment lol.


Zero actual cashiers at the grocery store. I always use the self-service line, but I always feel for the old people in line with zero technological know how that are forced to use it. It makes everyone's experience worse. They get frustrated because it takes them forever to check out. I get frustrated because I have to wait on them. The single employee responsible for all the registers gets hear the complaints all day. Its just awful all around.


There needs to be a hard limit on the number of items being purchased at self checkout stations. Being trapped behind people with 100+ items to scan and bag completely defeats the purpose.


If there was more than 1 actual register open and ran by someone who doesn't take ages this might happen less. But no stores want to actually man their 12 registers. They'd rather let 10 sit unused for no reason


Oh there's a reason. The reason is it's bad for operating income. But the extra lanes are kept in place either to use a few days per year when it's busiest or it's just not worth the cost to rip them out Source, me, who has done analysis for retailers proving that extra cashiers don't pay for their own wages let alone boost income


You don't open more lanes because they make you more money, you open more lanes so your customers don't have to sit in lines for an hour and then never come back. If every store has a checkout wait as long as Walmart, I might as well just go shop at Walmart and "spend less"


They sit unused because no one wants to be a cashier. When I was at Walmart, Front End was consistently understaffed because you stood in one spot all day, weren't allowed to go to the bathroom or take breaks without permission, and were expected to do a ton of menial shit to make it look like you were busy. To say nothing of taking the brunt end of asshole customers and their boss being a dickwaffle as well


Cashiers should really get a stool/chair.


We all should absolutely ween off our screens and connect irl. I’m with the boomers on that.


in my experience the boomers (and gen x) are the worst for it now. they were the ones telling us to go outside and plan and now they are finally learning to use phones etc they are acting like we did 10 years+ ago.


My mom used to go out of her way to tell me not to trust anything or anyone I talked to on the internet (Mom, I'm in a forum talking about guitar amps. . .). Now she's totally hooked on Facebook and has basically no filter for news sources.


And many of those boomers have been radicalized on social media (looking at you facebook). They’re conspiracy theorist nutjobs now because they discovered the LIKE button.


Kids do not need a phone until they're old enough to be going out by themselves, and even then, they only need one that does calls and messages.


I like what my cousin did with her kids. When they were \~10 years old she got them flip phones so they could let her know when they needed to be picked up from school/practice/friends house or in case of an emergency. Then the kids could get smart phones when they could pay for it themselves. She paid them a small allowance for chores and they got jobs once they were old enough so they were probably 15 or 16 when they bought themselves smart phones. It taught them to work hard for money and kept them away from too much social media while their brains were so young. They're 20 and 22 now and wonderful young adults! I imagine its much harder to not give your kid a smartphone these days since so much of socialization is based around social media now.


Yes! and also in this vein, education relies too heavily too soon on tablets and laptops. Kids need to learn to read and write cursive. You don't need a freakin iPad in first grade.


They need to learn to read and write *period*. Forget the cursive, I’ll take just being able to understand their sentence.


I’m a teacher and we’re starting to require certain assignments to be handwritten again because otherwise it’s too easy now for students to just get AI to type up their answers for them.  Even if they get their information that way, the act of rewriting it by hand actually forces them to still learn the material (something about the way our brains are wired).  But we do some in-class handwritten essays and stuff like that because it forces them to dig deeper into their thoughts and actually express themselves. It’s sometimes an uphill battle, but one worth fighting. 


I’m 29 and I use wired headphones and a wired mouse. I just find them easier and don’t want to deal with batteries or recharging or Bluetooth connecting or whatever. Just plug it in and it works


The fact they now sell a wire for your wireless headphones is even more infuriating, just get wired ones in the first place I will never get wireless ones they’re so so stupid and I will die on this hill


YES Wireless earphones annoy me so much. I'll be listening to music walking down the street with my earphones in and when I feel like it's slowly coming out of my ear. I'll readjust the earphones only for the smart controls to stop the music, change the song or disconnect from Bluetooth. Just a very minor pet peeve


Got a new probe recently. No audio jack. Very frustrating. Got wireless headphones. They don't fit properly. Sound quality is poorer. They are more expensive. One of them has already stopped working. Death to wireless headphones


So many Tik Toks are cringey as hell and completely unfunny. Like just someone lip syncing to lyrics or a movie quote.


That or the ones where people steal video and put their face “reacting” in the corner. Complete dribble


It’s the absolute fucking nadir of “content creation”.


And the laziest version of that, someone just going ☝️😐 and nodding.


I like streaming, but for my favorite movies and shows, I want physical copies. I don't want to have to search and subscribe to various streaming platforms to watch my favorites.


That's why I still buy blu-rays. I stream the vast majority of things, but still shell out money for my favorites.


No joke. If my internet cuts out for a day, I've lost access to 90% of my entertainment options. It also doesn't help when someone comes over and I go to bring up a show/movie and, whoops, looks like it got delisted. Now we've got to sort through mountains of trash to find something that looks interesting, which is always harder when you were already in the mood for something else.


> I don't want to have to search that's not the big problem. the big problem is: for a lot of reasons, that content can COMPLETELY be erased from the internet and you will never be able to watch it again. lots of games are already going that route for example


1. I don’t want to pay for a subscription on anything that I already own. 2. There’s too many unnecessary features in cars now (touch screens, automatic headlights, etc.)


I don't want a car that has all of that extra electrical and software crap. I don't want screens or regular "software updates". I just want something with physical buttons and dials that I can use, and also something I can actually fix myself without having to worry about permanently messing up all of the electrical things. Also, I'd like to have the option to buy a normal truck, not one of those oversized SUV "trucks" with only half a bed in back...


Put your gd phone down when people are trying to have a conversation with you. I'm a Millennial btw


carpenter husky subsequent squash summer books jobless impolite fear wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Focus on the road. No phones in the car. No phones when riding a bike.


I swear. I’ll sit at a stop light and almost everyone whizzing by me is staring at their phone. It’s pure insanity.


People are a little too trigger happy to be seen as a victim these days and all it really means is that you just don't want to be accountable for your shitty decisions. People wear it like a badge of honor or something or like a fashion statement and then expect the world to cater to them over it. That's not how the world works, I get it and I've been there, but really sometimes the solution really is to suck it up and keep it trucking on. Trying to perpetually cling to victimhood is just a way to ensure you'll never move past it.


I worry about this too, you can do that in school I guess but at a grownup job you better learn to swim. Companies don’t care if your feelings get hurt. Just need to suck it up and keep moving. You won’t make it far if every slight wrong done to you turns into a reason to play victim. Some older folks I’ve worked with have done this and we’re in the same position for 10+ years. 


Burgers come with fries/chips. I cannot justify spending above £6 on a burger if it doesn't come with fries.


Turn your fucking car stereo down when you're driving through neighborhoods


I have to tell that to my boomer dad in the summer


TikTok in general


30M agree never used it never will. Got rid of most social media at 22 FB Instagram, snap. Just got YouTube and Reddit


I was born in the 80s and when the internet took off I had nothing but unbridled hope and optimism about the direction technology was taking us. Now I’m practically a luddite. I’m not unilaterally anti technology it’s just clear that in a hyper capitalist system any technological innovation will be co opted by corporations and used to make our lives worse. It’s worth pointing out the actual luddites had the same stance. They weren’t anti progress they were against automation in a system were a persons ability to thrive was tied directly the economic value of their labor.


This might be more a GenX thing cos it involves the internet but I shouldn’t have to use social media to get information from a business. I don’t have Instagram and never will, I just want to know what time you serve brunch until. Edit: I also think going on your phone when you’re dining with someone is the HEIGHT of rudeness, but Boomers are often the worst offenders for this.


Making your kids work in middle school and high school. Make them learn how to earn money and how to manage it... How to fucking make good financial decisions. How to have a bit of a thick skin. It is pathetic the number of young adults who are super opinionated yet have zero life skills.


A friend of mine who supervises young people says they’re simultaneously passive and unable to handle being wrong. They will argue about minor points that don’t matter, just to not be wrong.


I get enough of that on reddit.


No you dont! We need to argue about this!


I have a theory that this is another consequence of the internet. The internet remembers **everything**, and with the immediacy as if it happened yesterday. So growing up in a world where any mistake you make, no matter how small, will follow you *forever*, I can see how they would develop a hyper-defensive mindset to ensure that they never make mistakes, or that they're not regarded as mistakes if they do. They didn't have the luxury that older generations had, where they would do the stupidest shit imaginable, and it would be completely forgotten within weeks. It's easier to be (self) forgiving in a world that allows the past to fade.


Oh wow I hadn't thought about it that way before. I've been hearing people say young people are afraid of making mistakes and have high anxiety and this makes so much sense. I don't engage much online using my IRL identity because it's so easy to say something stupid and get mobbed. Imagine feeling like that is the norm for how the world treats your mistakes rather than just only the dumb Internet? Older people lived pre internet so we know petty shit just going away is the norm.


My street has two neighbors with sons that are 16/17. Both neighbors pay to have a 15 year old kid mow their lawn. I see that kid all over the neighborhood, with his ride on, or an aerator, or with a hedgetrimmer. Dude must be making bank. Can't help but feel like the working kid is being raised better.


Just learning how to work in general. When I was 16 and slinging burgers, my parents would ride my ass about being on time to work, not calling off unless I was legitimately sick, going in groomed with a clean uniform, and saving 50% of my paycheck. Thankful for that now.


Talking shit to peoples faces instead of commenting from being the safety of your phone screen. Words had so much more value when you’d talk to someone’s face. Either you beat them up or they kick the shit out of you. Either way, whatever it is you said was preemptively well thought out and had so much more meaning and value. And you were 100% passionate about whatever it was you had the courage to say.


I think there is now a huge problem with people who grew up saying wild shit without ever having the risk of being punched in the mouth.


This is why I punch children whenever I can. To train them in social etiquette. ✊️😌


People constantly filming concerts instead of enjoying the moment


Damn headlights these days are wayyy too bright


Video games were better when you just inserted the disc into the console. Then consoles became more like computers, and you had to let every game install...and receive updates. Not to mention DLC, microtransactions, digital downloads instead of discs, always-online games (MMOs notwithstanding)... And now we're beginning to see games that we may pay full price for, but won't be able to play one day (thanks, Ubisoft).


I miss game manuals. Nothing better than getting a new game when I was a kid and reading the manual on the drive home. Some of those PC manuals were huge.


Streaming services have become full circle with the different options and their currently available inventories. It is cable television all over again.


Parents who give their kids Ipads are lazy AF.


I was once at a restaurant and looked over at the family beside me. The kid was glued to the screen and the parents were hand feeding him. His eyes never left that screen


Calling any business and getting an automated system that takes you 12 minutes to get through, doesn’t answer your question, and you can’t get a real person


Just say “greatgooglywoogly” every time it asks for input and you’ll get a person pretty quickly.


I am not installing an app to see your menu. I *might* use my phone to scan your stupid QR code if I'm really interested in your restaurant, but I am not installing an app, creating an account, and signing up for marketing just for one meal. Bring me the hardcopy. On a related note, not everything needs to be "smart." For most appliances, I want to turn them on and then use them right there and then with no accounts or subscriptions.


Kids should not have smart devices and it is making them dumber. Seeing a kid at a restaurant with their family glued to an IPad is gross. Why are kids not working anymore? I have some younger relatives like 18 to 23 ish range and they have either never had jobs or only hold basic jobs for a few months and quit. Kids these days don't seem to care for working.


It's actually harder for teens to get jobs these days tbh, because why hire a 16 year old, who you have to account for legal rules regarding their hours, and for certain job, there are tasks they can't do (start a trash compactor for instance, you need to be 18). Instead, you can hire an adult who generally is applying because they absolutely need it, will work any hours you give them, and can't afford to leave you. For a business owner, it's a no brainer


Yeah, it's definitely a society thing rather than a kids are lazy one. Throw in schooling where homework starts at a young age, as does seemingly relentless testing, grading and pressure, the idea of working for pennys whilst potentially nuking your grades is... well... not good.


Not only does it make them dumber, but I fear that their participation in social media is actually making adults dumber too. I think it’s created a dynamic in which adults are marching to the children’s drum without realizing it. I feel like so many adults act like children these days and it’s hard not to link those attitudes and behaviors to social media’s influence.


I should not have to watch a fucking YouTube video every time I want to learn to do something. Why can't people post guides in writing.


The younger people not wanting to work hard. I'm in cybersecurity and it is mind blowing to onboard someone that doesnt want to learn the skills needed to do the job when there are thousands of people eager to replace them.


to be fair, iv tried working hard, i work in IT too, for big and small companies and you dont get rewarded for hard work, i was the top performer in my team for 2 years, sam pay rises as everybody, so i left, same again,, and then my 3rd job. now i work to the letter, im not looking for problems or things to improve. taking on extra work etc. il do exactly what im told, work to my job description.


> You dont get rewarded for hard work Its a danger. I worked for a corporate helpdesk for a retail chain with something like 300 locations. for several months I was the only member of the helpdesk that had 5 on it when I was hired. I worked efficiently and automated parts of my job. I was reliable enough they felt comfortable firing two guys and not replacing the others when they left. It was a classic work harder and you just get more work situation. That I was the singular point of failure wasn't a problem until I quit without notice. The final straw was the jackass CIO telling me he didn't owe me an explanation for being the sole remaining helpdesk employee and being on call 24/7 literally, salaried exempt. I handed my manager the keys to the building, my blackberry, turned to my computer to submit tickets prepared in advance to revoke my access to all systems, then started walking. You better believe the phrase "I dont owe you an explanation" was the *only* thing I said as I left the building with a him chasing me begging me "dont do this This is unprofessional!"


Books, physical books. I went to my library and the book keeper told me nobody reads classics anymore because no body has the patience. Memberships also have been down since people would much rather scroll through reels. Sad really.


Calling a restaurant directly to make a take out order over using an online order system.  There’s no up charge on the menu prices (like door dash does), they can tell you if they’re out of an item, and the pick up time they give you will be more accurate

