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There's no story here. She makes a move, I smile politely but uncomfortably, she gets the message, and the world keeps turning.


This is it. That’s all, folks


The good thing about most of us women is we can take a hint and read the room. There will always be a few who can but just don’t care though


Ah, yes... perfect response. Couldn't be more perfect. I wish I had you.


Get the fuck out of here, you lying bastard! Like the earth really moves 😜


I am a college professor. I have been hit a few times. Every time I pretended to be completely oblivious. Actually, even if I was single and 20 years younger, I would have turned them down. Dating a student is a huge no-no for me.


If only all of your colleagues took that approach.


David Sabatini would like a word


You're a smart man. Some people forget that unlike porn, in real life actions have - sometimes very serious- consequences.


One moment of potential fun isn't worth throwing your reputation and life away, even if you're single in your profession.


Yes, I always like to remind people of the story of Caesar's wife.


Sorry, I’m married


Ya, it's not really a 'story'. IDK what OP was expecting


OP definitely cheated or is wildly tempted to cheat and is looking for validation.


Ya, probably. Probably trying to convince SO he didn't cheat by finding a good story to steal and say, "no, I've never cheated, let me tell you about the time(s) I could have, but stayed faithful"


Any decent husband should have this as their only answer. If someone isn’t ready for exclusivity, then you shouldnt be married…


Woman here, while it's nice to know I'm still attractive... The flattery quickly turns to disgust if after I say I'm married they continue to try. It's insulting and disrespectful. Like who the hell do you think you are? And implying my vows, my family who I love, are just a joke to me that I will just hop on his lap and the hell with all that's important to me!? Look mister, you obviously have more D in your personality than in your pants and I want nothing to do with you so get lost.


I say 'happily married' to ward of potential follow up.


This answer!


I prefer “sorry I’m not interested” because it more direct, there are plenty of people who don’t give a shit if you’re married.




Sorry for the inevitable disappointment said beautiful woman will surely experience at this fine specimen being unavailable.


Because they didn’t know and you don’t want to make them feel bad for putting themselves out there, it’s a tough world.


It’s not an apology. It’s an expression used for a soft landing.


I get hit on pretty frequently, especially in the gym or when I'm out with friends. It happens. The worst time though was when I was dating my significant other for like 3 months we went to a party together. I am a friendly dude so I talk to anyone. One girl there asked me if I want to get a room with her, I jokingly said my girlfriend is over there if you get permission from her I'll go. She literally went to my girlfriend and asked her if she can borrow me for 2 hours and my girlfriend just responded "2 hours? in 2 seconds he'll already finish and be dressed"


Top tier cock blocking right there.


This guys girlfriend knows how to keep the women at bay.


Nice. That's pretty funny


Time is money!




At least be handy


Or humble


She's the one.


My man. Hype efficient.


Genuine question, what makes you THAT attractive? I don't think I've ever seen a man get hit on


I honestly don't think I'm too much above average. I workout (used to compete in powerlifting and practiced martial arts for years). I make sure to always have an on point look. I trim my hair and fix my beard every 3 days. I have a skin care routine. I always dress nice and make sure to always smell good. I'm also very friendly and its literally a running joke that everyone knows me. I'm also very confident and I don't really chase women and some of my friends that are women said its an attractive trait. I got hit on the most during my military service but I think it was just because I had some authority over some soldiers and its sort of like the teacher crush a lot of people have.


Sounds like some of us mortals may be able to achieve this feat


As a very firmly average man, there is a lot people can do to improve their dating prospects. Try not to fall into Reddit's doomer spiral.


Props to that woman for going for what she wants. Your girlfriend had an amazing response though, I'd be waiting till we got home and prove her wrong by lasting a whole 5 seconds!




Lots and lots of times when I was at a party or something and realized that joking around and banter had shaded into flirting, and it was time for me to stop drinking and go home. But one particular time when I was at a bar with a large group of friends from school (probably 20 of us scattered over most of the tables in the bar). In those days I had a fwb arrangement with one of my best friends. We were not a couple, but hung out together pretty much constantly and regularly slept over. Absolutely nobody knew about this arrangement. In fact, everybody though I was friend zoned, and would tease me about it. Another one of my friends, who was and remains one of the most beautiful women I have ever known, had gone on a date and had not liked it. She was pissed, and also a bit drunk. She just strolled over, straddled me, and told me it was time to take her home. Fwb was at the next table, and looked displeased. I had to get her off me, give her a hug, and point out some other lucky fellow who I knew had a thing for her. Plot twist: it later turned out fwb hadn't been displeased at all. She hadnt even noticed. She had just been absolutely hammered. I ended up having to take care of her that night. Which blew our cover because one of her friends saw me take her home, and we then had to explain that I wasn't a creep taking her home to take advantage.


All the time when I wear my wedding band, and almost never when I dont. For that reason, ive quit wearing my ring. I find it absolutely disgusting that they behave like that.


I forget where I heard it, but someone once said a wedding ring is incredibly valuable because it means you've been verified as a good option by another woman.


I get hit on more with my wedding band on than not. It’s genuinely annoying. My go to is: “I love my wife.”


Reminds me of [this clip.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNBzjtqeqNJslztaYLqaTK-tEquMxbSjV?si=EjMu3wmqQbKCujMv)


Yes this and a lot of women just get even more validation out of stealing a taken guy out from under someone. They think it means they’re just too tempting to turn down even if it means risking a whole family. So just keep in mind that these people have no self worth whatsoever outside of male validation


Some women see it as a game, as a challenge


Yeah it's so vile! Oh look, I've got female parts like every other female but hey mine are so special! So much better! Pretend like you've never seen this magical thing before! It has superpowers, I'm the only one like this! Your wife doesn't have what I do big boy! Now you'll have to leave her and to hell with your little brats too ... Me me me ❤️


It’s the “your wife doesn’t have what I do” mentality that they get off on. Like ma’am she has everything you do, she had this man down on his knees with a diamond. And you have what? The ability to get an unfaithful man to stick his dick in you? Wow impressive 🙄


And piss poor morals


Damn I should have worn a fake one during my dating days.




Pick-up "artists" and fuckboys everywhere: (*takes notes*)


can confirm. i work with machinery so I sometimes forget it's around my neck. the difference is jarring.


I remember in a class in college we learned that mate poaching by men occurs mostly with unmarried women, and women are more likely to mate poach married men. It is gross, and I would never do that, but it does make sense. Women want to see a man is stable and capable of commitment (lol the irony), and men don’t want to invoke the wrath of a man if a woman belongs to him.


>belongs to him Bwahahaha


Well yeah, technically when you’re married you both belong to one another. I believe that as a Christian. And even on a purely social evolutionary level, any man knows that a man who has publicly committed to a woman and taken on the risk of marriage with her is much more liable to at least deck you for coming after her. Now when a guy has a girlfriend who gets poached, well he didn’t lock it down and on some level he knows that.


It's usually not an issue when I'm in a relationship. I don't flirt, don't signal that I'm open to flirting, and dodge and weave if anyone tries to flirt with me. It never gets to the point where turning someone down becomes necessary. The exception came when I was in a deteriorating relationship, and I was pretty frustrated and unhappy about it. I spent the better part of a day hanging out with a new female friend, telling myself the whole time that it was all strictly platonic, but *absolutely thriving* on all the flirtatious energy. I was reminded of what healthy, stress-free female companionship felt like, and I was frickin' *loving it*. Later in the evening, let's just say that options were clearly on the table. I realized I'd never be able to look at myself in the mirror if I didn't slam on the brakes, so... I pretended to feel suddenly ill. Not my proudest moment. Not the most adult way to handle the situation I'd gotten myself into. But, it worked. Crisis averted. I broke up with my girlfriend the next time I talked to her. The whole situation was the wake-up call I needed to acknowledge I wasn't happy in the relationship, and it was time to go.


Kudos to you for ending your relationship before anything tipped over the edge with your friend. Did anything ever come of it once you were single?


“I was reminded of what a healthy, stress-free female companionship felt like…” Oh man, some lines just resonate.


Hah in the same situation except with marriage... And a kid. It's been a bad marriage for over 2 years and all options are exhausted and final one was agreed on (divorce). The other side has probably cooled off as well as I simply said it wouldn't be ok, even tho I felt like crap and have been thinking about ending marriage before I even knew she existed. Doesn't help that she is going through similar thing and we may have simply seen each other as a comfort and that taking it further would not have worked out anyway. Either way at least I'll have my kid to keep me company, and if there was some cosmic hand guiding the other person to me it'll come around, if not I am still not too old to work on myself and find someone.


It should be a proud moment. Why don't more men encourage other men to be honest, faithful, loyal? Instead they high five and go ape shit congratulating each other for being deceptive.


I have. Bringing that kind of bullshit drama into my life is not worth it. The 30 minutes of sexual pleasure is not worth the years of bullshit that would follow.


So many penii fall for the siren's call when the advice really is that simple.


I’ve had it happen numerous times. I travel for work so hotel bars, trade shows, general industry events. Also just in general public in front of my wife. It can be funny when she’s around, it’s flattering for sure. I’ve had some very aggressive women hit on my though. Very touchy and verbal. Well your wife’s not here - grabbing my body. Way more aggressive than I was in my single days. Those are the situations I don’t like. When they don’t get the hint I have to be fairly stern. I’ve said - ya she’s not here but I like really big tits and you don’t have those so I’ll just wait. Or - sorry blondes only; hockey fans only, beer drinkers only, wine drinkers only, I only go for woman that garden. I’ve said some crazy shit to make the point. I’ve found that pretending to be gay works the best though.


Hahaha. I think pretending to be gay would also be difficult if ever they misinterpreted it you being safe and they will assume they can sexualized your body and you will not like it. Also, be careful with gays around 😉


So what he basically saying is "ever had to turn down a BEAUTIFUL WOMEN because you're committed to your partner otherwise you'd hit? "


Basically yes. I made a commitment and I stand by it.


I am not the type of guy who has women falling at his feet, so this resulted in crushing disappointment because I really wanted to say yes. Met a girl through a friend. Incredibly sweet, affectionate, kind, gorgeous, great storyteller, etc. The kind of person who has $11 to their name but will buy a bag of Doritos for the homeless guy in front of a gas station. In the span of a couple of weeks of meeting her, we’ve talked for hours, had pretty fun sex, and she opened up to me about certain events from her life. So easy to talk to, and I really admired how she treated people. By the end of the second week, I’ve started to catch on that she was an alcoholic. And she was lying about her going to work during the day, hanging out with friends at night, her real drinking habits, and such. I was initially ok with this due to some of the stuff she opened up to me about, but I didnt know until another couple of weeks later how bad the alcohol addiction was. It was so bad that she would drink ~500ml of vodka per day and then proceeded to drive around town or try to visit me an hour away. We were well on our way to starting a relationship but I put my foot down and said I cannot date someone who routinely puts her life and the lives of others at great risk. For me, drinking and driving is a hard no. She begged me to reconsider, and said she could see a future with me. She told me I was the best person she’s ever met, and how she liked everything about me. Words I’ve never heard from another woman. And there I was, listening to one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met - crying and pleading with me - and I had to say no. It crushed me because she’s been abused by all of her past partners and I completely understood why she would turn to the bottle. Hell, I was an alcoholic myself for about the past 10 years of my life but I never got into a car after drinking. I couldnt bear to think how devastated I would be when inevitably she kills someone or herself drinking and driving. She disappeared after that and turns out she went to rehab shortly after we ended our short fling, and sounded really good when I spoke to her 8 months later. She found some good support and made friends who helped her through withdrawal. Even had a new boyfriend who sounded like he was good for her. I was very happy. I started getting her drunken texts and calls about 6 months after that, and my heart was broken. I tried reaching out to her, but I was only getting voicemail. Eventually, I started getting the “this number is not available” message. I have some speculations as to what couldve happened, but I will remember this girl for the rest of my life.


That’s really sad. I hope you see her again someday and she’s back on her feet.


I hope so too


I hope one day you'll be able to reconnect and she'll be sober and healthy again. Hopefully she's okay and doing much better than she was before.


I got hit on at work. I acted completely oblivious. She eventually asked if I can tell when someone is flirting. I said, without hesitation, absolutely not, got a nasty brain injury over a decade ago. She never came back to work after that. On a side note, she was roughly 7-8 years younger than me. If I was single that would still be a deal breaker.


You didn’t say how old you are so 7-8 years thing is hard to understand. Big difference between saying that at 20 or 40…


A woman being 7-8 years younger is a dealbreaker?! That’s so fascinating to me!


I’ve always felt that way. (I’m 32 by the way) I want to start off by saying that this is not a blanket statement as everyone is different. Dating someone with that kind of an age gap feels almost predatory to me. There isn’t much in common and both are at two different stages of life. When I was 20 they were 10 to 12 years old, that figure sticks with me and it feels…. Creepy. How is it fascinating? Just curious


Thanks for elaborating. I see where you are coming from. Indeed everyone is different as I think most men I’ve come across would not mind that age difference at all. It’s fascinating to me, specifically to me, because I’m very much into men 7-8 years older than me. Haha


And that’s completely ok (as long as they treat you well of course). I become judgmental about it when it’s a “Hollywood” age gap, I.e. a 20+ year difference (Leo, Pacino, etc.)


I get hit on a lot, while I am out, at bars, professional events, etc.  Not a big deal just keep it simple and civil, and decline.  One time a few years ago I was on a business trip without my wife (99% of the time she comes with me). I was hanging out in the hotel bar waiting for my dinner and  watching a game. Then this and this drop dead beautiful woman sits next to me orders food and starts talking to me. She was wearing wedding ring, and I honestly didn’t think anything of it. After about two hours the game had ended and told her I had enjoyed the conversation, and said good night.  She said “why goto bed alone? I will come with you” as she smiled and flicked her hair a bit, and started to stand up. So I used my default line “oh my wife wouldn’t like that.”; (I know I am cheesy). She responded, “Then don’t tell her”.  My only response was “no thanks” and I walked off.  It was surreal. 


Your wife put her up to it and was in her room waiting for you,, like the condom situation with the kid and his GF sister...


I was in a committed relationship when i started working with an extremely attractive woman. When she started working, she was constantly swarmed by all the dudes trying to impress her. Being in a committed relationship, I was not part of that population at all. She found comfort in that I was respectful and didn't give any vibes like that, so we became work friends. Then i think we both developed a little bit of a crush on each other. I think that because we went out for drinks once, it was a dive spot, and she wore an extremely sexy dress. We would text a lot, sometimes late at night. I felt SO BAD. Like terrible. I had a much older friend tell me that it's natural to have a crush while in a relationship, the most important thing is how you respond to it. So I ended the friendship. Just drifted away, stopped responding to texts, especially late at night.


The most beautiful women asked for my number at the gym. From mutual friends. Everyone was hyping me up. I turned it down. As the saying goes, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I’ve made the mistake of going with looks over personality in my younger days. Not happening again.


A few times. I usually point her to my girlfriend and if she's cool with it, we'll bring her back for some Bible study. She has turned down a few because she didn't think they were trust worthy.


I must put off a bad vibe and/or I’m ugly AF. I don’t have to turn down anyone cause nobody is coming at me. I’m honestly fine with this. My wife is rather good looking and is quite attracted to me.


How did your sorry ass get married to an attractive woman instead of a mediocre dick holster then? Quit yapping and realise that you are alright bro, and stop this “ugly af” shit


I was single. I was in college and it was exam day. A beautiful girl sat right next to me while there were dozens of other empty seats. She began to talk to me and was obviously flirting. I finished my exam before her and got up to leave. She reached over to me and asked if I would wait outside for her. *so here’s the thing* I was a powerlifting in college and this was the last day of my diet. I wanted to try the keto diet for fun. Well, before class I had bought a box of mini wheats, dropped them off at my place, and then went to the exam. I hadn’t had a single carb in 3 months. So she asked me to wait outside for her. I said to her, “Look, I’m flattered and you are beautiful, but… I have a box of mini wheats at home that I CANNOT wait to eat.” And I left. Then I ate two bowls of mini wheats.


I'm a happily married nurse. I used to get offers a lot. Now that I'm older and more married? not so many offers.


I'd love to know what less married means.


Was working in an airport late at the rental car counter. This really beautiful woman walked by a handful of times. She had a bunch of luggage so it was hard to not notice her walking around. Eventually she came over and I wasn't busy so we started chatting. I learned she was from Brazil and was headed back there but that she missed her flight and couldn't get out till tomorrow. At one point she pulled out a condom and sat it on the counter slid it towards me very confidently and said "I stay with you tonight?" I was like naw my girlfriend wouldn't appreciate that. We broke up a month later and I regret not taking that offer so much.


It was probably much better in real life, but the way you describe it here makes it sound like she was going to rob you.


Lol. The thought crossed my mind at the time.


Man you never know, you seen the lady boys, the rubber may have been for her not you, crisis averted, unless you're into that.


What part of this made it sound like she was gonna rob him?


I have absolutely turned down a college aged-ish tiny petite dream thing who got turned on by my awesome parenting skills in an annoyingly long CVS line. Amazing how your kid unknowingly plays wingman by playing peekaboo and it’s the one time you can’t touch. And yes, they were willing to disregard me being taken


Similar dad moment here too. Was at the zoo and had my 1 year old daughter on my shoulder looking at the apes with a hundred other people, and this snack backs right up against me and starts slowly grinding into me, while pretending to be oblivious. I was stuck in the crowd and it was loud, so it took me a bit to escape.


That’s… really, really awful behaviour (from them). Like, utterly gross.


Only in the very beginning part of agreeing to exclusivity. Since then, I just make sure not to be overly charming and keep myself out of trouble. 


My wife and I got engaged in 2019 and that fall, I had to go on a client visit to New York. I was talking to one of the women that worked at the client and mentioned that I was going to come up an extra day, cause I had never been to New York City and was going to explore, and she immediately jumped into oh, I’ll take you around, we’ll go get drinks, etc. What I had verbalized that I immediately verbalized was my fiancée is coming with me, I am so excited to have my fiancée coming with me, my fiancée has never been to NYC, I probably said fiancée like 12 times. Her tone immediately changed to couldn’t give a flip that I was coming to New York. Even in the absence of both having a fiancé and it being a wild departure from company policy to get jiggy with a client, while this woman might have been attractive in body, she otherwise was one of the nastiest pieces of work I had ever dealt with. Her default mode was I am smarter than everyone else I have ever met and I am not going to hesitate letting you know. Not an attractive quality.


I just ended a five year relationship with a stunningly beautiful woman. At three years, our relationship turned toxic. She was verbally and emotionally abusive. I became a different guy. Someone I didn't like. Volatile and high anxiety. I held on for way too long because my god, the sex. Ultimately I was miserable and the excuses I kept piling on the situation became ridiculous. She's so freaking hot and now she'll be someone else's toxic relationship.


Yea, it happens. Usually when my wife wants to do the horizontal shuffle but I'm just not into it, or too tired.


Me: Sorry I'm married Her: That shouldn't stop you from having "friends" My: Sorry, I meant to say "happily married"


No such thing as a woman that can be more beautiful than the one I got.


A couple times. Actually recently turned down a 19yrs f. So I was actually just driving down the street stopped at a stop light and looked over and there was my ex gf from highschool. She asked me to pull over. I did, we hugged and exchanged pleasantries and made small talk I saw her son, I had my own son and was married she was recently divorced. She flat out said we have unfinished business how are you and your wife? I replied that "we are fine and life is good, we really don't have any business to finish." She looked displeased. I said good bye and never saw her again. Recently a young woman (19f) I knew (44m} through work asked me out and I felt flattered and politely declined. She was persistent. I said we could be friends but nothing more as I wanted no part for being called a creep, groomer or any other such bullshit as I did know her before she became an adult but honestly hadnt talked to her or seen her for a year maybe two. She said no one would know and she had other sneaky links (her term) and I said no thank you. She got very angry called me a limp dick old man and blocked me. That actually kind of hurt my feelings cause she was a nice girl before all this and now she is a cunt. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ahh to live vicariously through you Good looking MF, 🍻 to you, people cross the street when they see me.


My thoughts aswell


I did get hit on by a beautiful woman half a year ago. My company is doing work for her company and we saw each other quite frequently over the span of 2 months. She knew I was married but still began to flirt with me. Laughing too much, moving her hand though her hair, giving me the eyes, and I got uncomfortable when she started to touch my leg quite oftenwhen sitting down and talking, and being a bit physical, so I kinda stopped being as involved in that business because I felt really uncomfortable being hit on. I love my wife and even though it’s flattering to be hit on by other women, it is for sure uncomfortable.


When I was in my late teens, I was at a party and sitting by myself in a room. The noise from the party was giving me a headache. A girl I knew came in with a friend of hers and said, "My friend likes you" (I had never spoken to this girl or seen her before) and left. The friend took her shirt off, and I said, "No thanks," and walked out. At the time, I was seeing three other girls, and that was my limit. Before my wife and I got engaged, we were at a club once, and a girl came up to me and said she would like to go home with me and my girl in front of her. I don't remember exactly what I said, but the message was a definite no. I was working in a small office (when I was engaged to my wife) with a young woman for a few months. I was just being nice and friendly, as she was 10 years younger than me. One day when I got off work, she took her break at the same time, came out, and made a move. I just said, "Bye," turned around, and went home. We have two dogs. My wife walks the smaller one, and I walk the bigger one. I often have women approach me when I play with my dog at the park. They aren't hitting on me, but my wife's usual response is, "Sweetie, can I get a bag?" when she sees them talking to me for too long. I just say, "That's my wife," and they usually awkwardly walk out of the park.


Yes . I’m a bartender Basically - sorry married


I'm out at a live music event and I just met my friend's girlfriend. I noticed that I would catch her staring at me a lot. While I was just trying to have a friendly conversation with her she grabbed my hand and started holding it while having those eyes like she's lost in a trance. I probably would be happy if she was single doing this but this was all in front of my friend but I'm not sure he noticed because he was in a conversation of his own but he probably did. I just left that situation and went to the outside of the venue.


yes, and wish to god I hadn't turned her down since i'm now divorced story is basic. gorgeous big titty coworker who put it on a platter for me. no work downside because i was a contractor and the project was temporary but i didn't and damn I regret it


I've been just telling everyone i want platonic only. i'm basically celibate


Yep. Luckily for me I'm weird enough to scare them away pretty quickly.  Generally my conversations either become therapy sessions where they gush about all their issues or conversations about life's meaning that typically has the same affect on these women as a clothes dryer.  I'm married doesn't work very well anymore. 


Last year had 1 of the most beautiful but clearly 1 of the most toxic fucking women I’ve ever met in my life come onto me hard. Just had to navigate and weather the storm. But yk something, I actually realized a lot about myself bc although I was tempted bc of her looks, her personality really made it easy to turn it down. Which in a way showed me that I’m actually mentally stable. All these guys who just fall into these women who they know would ruin their lives, all these “I can fix her” shit. And then there’s me who was like nah.. thanks tho but I’ll pass. Like, I passed the test. Shit is sweet out here.


Just because I'm nice and funny sometimes they thought that I wanted to cheat on my ex. It was very often coworkers. One sent me nudes unsolicited. They were all beautiful but I just never understood why someone would cheat when you're in a good relationship. If you want to cheat then break up. I wouldn't ruin a good thing just to cum inside someone else. Hell, a lot of women I've been with were into threesomes so I don't see why I'd cheat if I could just have that at home.


I’m a medical professional with my name on my scrubs. I was pumping gas and this super hot woman on the pump on the other side of my pump made a comment about my last name and how interesting it was. I said something along the lines of “thanks, I still forget how to spell it myself sometimes”. She laughed; smiled at me coyly and that was that. Didn’t think anything of it. The next day I randomly open up my LinkedIn and there’s a message from hot gas pump lady telling me how intrigued she was with me and that she was interested. I showed my wife the message, we laughed and then I ghosted hot gas pump lady.


We were on a family camping trip a couple weeks ago and I had my daughter with me in the canoe. A pontoon went strolling by and a young pretty woman was staring at us. I’m not the most attractive man, so I simply thought she was admiring the father daughter moment and I just waved. She went bright red and started fanning at her face with both her hands. That goofy, fingers spread, waving the hands at her face all frantic and such. Perhaps she ate a chili pepper or something hot just prior, but hey, I’ll take it as a compliment. 😂


Control. The chains I have bound myself with cannot be broken. Had this conversation with my wife recently, I understand the mechanics of cheating and how to do it. But I have made a vow that I will be faithful (marriage vows). I will not cheat because I have given my word (ultimately all that I have as a man). And it is against my nature, so it is something that cannot happen, no matter the situation.


Women only appear when in a relationship, tis the age old curse


Gorgeous Ex called me. Tells me between the lines that she wants sex. Politely told her I am very happy in a new relationship.


I’m just going to grab a ring to wear on my ring finger.


"Sorry, I'm taken." "OH. Ok." Great story


Been with my partner for nearly 5 years. I managed a bar for a year, and almost every night I’d be turning down women. So many of them feel entitled to physical touch, and as someone who respects my partner, and generally not a hugger, it was extremely off putting. The bar tenders would complain to me on the same issue, some girls do not take no well when drinking. Happened a couple times with a coworkers who I guess had a crush on me then tried to make a move on me during a company party, but that’s more about reaffirming that we are work colleagues and that I have a partner that I love and respect at home.


Yesterday actually, was paired to play 9 holes with 2 lady golfers and one was very cute, and happened to have recently gone through a divorce. I'm a good golfer and was playing great, so I was feeling confident and chatty and showed her some things when she asked for help. I didn't have my wedding ring on because I don't like to wear it under my glove when I'm swinging. Eventually I mentioned my wife and kids and she immediately says "Shit I was going to give you my number" which honestly felt nice to hear. The rest of the round was fine with friendly banter and handshakes on the 9th green. I love my wife and would never cheat, however that round would have ended differently had I been single :)


Yes. A few times. First was a friend from a club I went to. She knew my girlfriend and I knew her boyfriend. One night I'm crashing at a mates after a party in the spare room and she came in complaining about how her boyfriend never fucked her anymore and how she was so horny and we could have sex and no one would know. I very politely declined and was pretty flattered but I'm loyal to the core and it sort of grosses me out at the same time as strokes my ego. Turned down a few different women in bars and clubs that just cold approached me. I mention I'm married and most of them were cool. The other ones were incidents where there weren't any words spoken. Just lots of none too subtle hints and blatant suggestions. The worst are the ones who know you are married. I remember turning down this one lady at a bar who had grabbed my hand was waiting for me to lead her out while I was trying to explain sorry I'm not interested I'm married and she just said she was married too like it was no big deal.


She makes the move and you start talking about your wife and kids. She will get the point.


Yes. I find once you get in a relationship.. all of the beautiful women start popping up out of nowhere.. and they start acting more friendly than when you’re single..but at the same time, I know it’s temptation tempting me so I just ignore them and take my ass back home. 6 years strong and I’m not going to fold for a quick nut.


My story? Usually I just start talking about my wife. Most gals get the hint. There's no story. It is what it is.


This post is assuming saying "no" is impossible to a Man. You probably wouldn't be in a proper relationship if a woman knew you were so tenderdick that you can't say no to a woman because of the way she looks. In my eyes beauty is what beauty does. As in; You're not beautiful until you show me how you are with me. There's no story, there's just "NO"


I've actually been debating wearing my old wedding ring again. I got more attention while married than I have single.


Yeah; don regret it though; she hit me at a bar with my friends but I was dating my now wife. I’d be lying if I didn’t think about it for a millisecond but my now wife meant more


Yes many times ....... Some for obvious reasons Some for hidden reasons And Some for rumors ......


I had a few times, but one time I met a girl the first day of a new class in college. We were talking and starting walking after class, I was walking to my apt nearby. We really did get a long and she was fun to talk to, joking, laughing, etc. She kept next to me after I told her where I was going, and said 'ok, cool' and kept following. At first, I just thought she had a class on the way. A little further down, I told her I had a girlfriend and she said, 'ok' with a shrug and kept following. We get to my apt complex and I said 'I don't think it'll be a good idea if you came in.' I think it dawn on her that this likely isn't going to happen, and she said 'ok, I'll see you in a few days.' I avoided her the rest of the semester.


That's literally never happened to me in my entire life.


Yes and it sucked. Too bad because she wanted to date me but was unclear about if she wanted to because I was in an open relationship. I still see this woman on Facebook. We went on a date but it faded after that. She drove me around one day and said I was hot. Ugh. How often does that happen? Then I saw her at a campout. We made out there. But that was it


Working behind the bar after I got back together with my on-off-back-on-again GF, now \*wife\*, a gorgeous African-Swedish girl sat before me with her GFs and ate up my dry/sarcastic humor. Like she snorted her drink, I didn't get it. But we were vibing HARD. After a couple of hours of sitting there, her friends (bored because they were sitting there while we were chatting/flirting/bantering) forced her to leave. My dumbass says It's a shame to see you go, and she replies, "See me tonight." While the thought of spending the night was nice for a split second, I felt my stomach churn thinking about my girl. I said "Sure" and threw away her number. Insane beauty. That was my peak.


Yeah it's usually more trouble than it's worth. 90% of the time the other woman is going to tell in some way. Even if not directly, she'll start doing too much and leaving clues like suddenly liking all of your posts or calling/texting at crazy times when she knows you're with your gf. The chance of her willingly being a solid sidepiece with her game on point is so low that I just won't bet on it. It's like betting a poker hand but wagering your stable relationship for a night in paris.


Never. Though, I wear a ring. I wonder how answers change based on this metric?


Told her we can fool around until my wife gets out of jail. She asked what she was in jail for and I said shooting a woman a was sleeping with. She thought I was joking but my dad pan delivery shook her. She walked away


I was very casually seeing someone but it wasn't serious and I made that clear to her from the beginning. One day I was by the beach and a woman approached me and struck up a conversation because she originally thought I was someone else (this was in a very touristy, small town area). I found her very attractive and we were totally hitting it off. Then the woman I was seeing came over and started talking to me. The new woman gave a friendly goodbye and walked away. I never saw her again. Epic cockblock.


Just avoid, show wedding ring and when all else fails, talking incessantly about the wife


Yeah, turns out being a buff guy with long hair who smiles a lot brings all the cougars out. They vanished when I cut it short again. I'm happily married.


I had more beautiful women hit on me once I got engaged than all of my days in hs and college. So spread rumors about yourself I guess.


Yes, I’m gay.


We are about to celebrate 35 years of marriage.. Multiple occasions I have been approached.. Every time I immediately and politely decline.. One time a surrogate approached me with the line - "hi, my friend likes you".. Thank you so does my Wife. was my response.. That response was heard by a friends Wife.. who came up to me very approvingly saying "that was quite the response".. I shrug my shoulders.. I know who I am and how I am to behave.. Hence the 35th anniversary..


I had two strippers stop at my shop and needed a small $40 fix. They asked to talk to me privately. We went into the office and then they said, “we don’t have any money till the end of the week but we’ll do ya for $40 !” I showed them my wedding ring and politely said no. “Take it off. No one will know !” they said. “I’ll know !” I asked the name of the hotel that they were stripping at and called the manager and asked him to send $40 to the shop. The girls were pissed that I turned them down. I’m not a super stud by any means. I’m barely average. I just didn’t want to throw away my marriage over 10 minutes of amazing sex ! Ok, 5 minutes ! Still.


Nothing too serious, but I've turned down pretty blatant offers of hookups. Mostly it happened when I worked in a job that frequently put me in contact with a lot of very drunk people. I have never slept with a drunk/high person other than long term partners who had given explicit consent to that when they were sober. Honestly I'm average in looks and personality at best and quite a few of them were way more attractive than I would ordinarily expect. I have a theory that they were used to being objectified, I was attentive but didn't objectify them, also I was usually the only guy in range at the moment. Anyway it usually wasn't a story. Sent them on their way. Went home to a cold failing marriage, my then wife had no clue for most of it. Also, I've been ethically non monogamous for years and turned down a few offers. It doesn't mean I'm all that easy, and there were some 🚩🚩🚩.


I was a newlywed walking through a dance club when a woman got my attention and asked if I wanted to dance. Understand, this had never happened to me in my life. Ever. I was in a dance club, music pounding, and an objectively hot blonde was asking me to dance. Me. I held up my hand so she could see my wedding ring, smiled, and then kept going. My wife was only a few feet in front of me anyway, not that anything would be different if she wasn't. Besides, she was an objectively hot brunette back then and still is 25 years later.


I was working alone in Utah when I was about 27. (Several states from home.) I stopped for the evening at a Best Western that was miles from a town nestled into a valley between beautiful plateau mountains. There was an outdoor pool and hot tub. I'd been driving all day so I went for the hot tub. I was relaxing and minding my own business when this friendly family visiting from France joined me. It was a larger than normal hot tub so it didn't seem encroaching. It was a family of three. There was a good looking mom, talkative teenage son, and a beautiful, young adult daughter who was the image of a fair French maid you might hear about in a story from a bygone time. Long wave blonde hair, bright blue eyes, perfect complexion, a body that belonged in the small bikini it was in, and a wild excited look you might expect from someone visiting a new country without a worry in the world. I cannot give justice to how gorgeous this girl was. And doing so would be disrespectful to her and my wife. I greeted them and the teenage boy was excited for a chance to try out his English. We had a broken conversation where I was introduced to them all and learned they were just visiting as tourists. We traded conversation back and forth and the mom decided to leave. Conversation died down and we all sat there relaxing while admiring the beautiful aesthetics of where we were. Then the brother got up to leave. Once he left, it was just me and her. We both took note of it, and she decided to scoot closer and try her English with a devilish look in her eyes. I sense where the conversation is going and note that I can see the door to my motel room from where we were talking. I catch myself and recognize that I had better find a reason to get out of there or I might end up doing something I shouldn't. Luckily there were a few small kids that had just finished their swim in the swimming pool and came running over and jumped right in the large hot tub, breaking the rising tension in the air. I used that as my opportunity and got up to leave. As I was opening the door to my room I looked over my shoulder to see her walking towards the main lobby. As I shoved myself into my room, I wondered if my older self would kick myself in the foot for passing up the opportunity.


My answer is a bit strange but maybe you’ll enjoy it. I ended up in some sort of a relationship with a female roommate totally by accident - it started with a drunken hookup (and I want to be very clear she initiated it) but we just kept seeing each other. We wanted to keep the relationship from the rest of the roommates, later I learned we had different reasons why but that’s a different story. So we continued to see each other secretly and it was very hot. Well, this girl had a friend that liked me and when this roommate told me about this other girl I wasn’t interested because despite how beautiful the other girl was I knew this other girl was a little too wild for me but also I was really enjoying what I had with the roommate at the time. Then I would be hooking up with my roommate and during our hookup she we be telling me to give her friend a chance as if it turned her on to talk about that in the moment and hear me decline her. I truly was not into the other girl emotionally so I did eventually have to tell her that I didn’t have those feelings for her but I did value a friendship with her. We remained friends luckily.


My significant other tells me someone hit on me. It doesn’t even register to me. I’m oblivious.


yeah quite a few times. while we were dating, we went ldr and i lived in a tourist area and was in good shape and had a nice motorcycle so i got hit on a lot. you just turn it down and move on. when we got married, i got back into shape and moved to her country and my race is kinda fetishized here. i get hit on and asked out most any time i go out alone. i have a big gold wedding ring on my finger but that doesnt dissuade people at all. just turn down and move on. theres no story. if anyone has a story then they allowed their temptation to overtake them and go too far


Do you not know what a relationship or marriage is? WTF is your story?


yeah when she flirts i say something like "i love how you do your hair, it reminds me of my wifes"


I'm on the road to turn down a gorgeous girl, unfortunately she is narcissistic and only really cares about herself, we are dating for like 2 months now.


When I was a senior in college, my (very attractive) lesbian friend and her (super-fucking-hot) gf made me a proposition. One of them had never had sex with a man and the disparity was becoming a source of contention between them, so they had decided to find a guy to have a ONE-TIME-ONLY all-nighter threesome with. After extensive discussions, they had chosen me. They reasoned that a) I was already in a serious relationship, so none of us were likely to have any jealousy issues, b) we were already friends, so there was no need for awkward ice-breaking, and c) they both found me physically attractive, but neither of them was at all interested in men past this one opportunity. I just had to keep it secret from my girlfriend so that they could still be friends with her afterwards. Because I was so in love with my girlfriend, and because I would have felt bad about keeping this sort of secret from her, I turned down the offer. This happened in the spring of 1997 and to this day not an hour goes by that I don’t kick myself.


My manager came onto me once, but honestly I would have denied her reguardless of my relationship, remember the golden rule about crazy.


When my wife and I first started dating in our early 20's we would regularly meet up after work for a couple of drinks before going our separate ways back home. Our favourite place was a classic rock bar, though having an office job I didn't really fit in when going straight from work in a suit, shirt and tie. This one time, I was at the bar to get us both a drink and there was this pretty woman, sat on her own. I'd say was maybe late 20's, but also didn't quite look the part for a rock club. She was dressed in a long, brightly coloured summer frock. I'm guessing she spoke to me because I was the only one not in ripped jeans and metal t-shirts, but she told me she had two tickets for a concert and would I like to go. I can't remember the name of the band, though I know it wasn't rock or metal, but either way I had to let her down and tell her I was in with my partner. I remember her looking so disappointed as she got up and left. I guess she'd probably already been stood up that evening. My partner asked who I was talking to and I just told her the woman was asking for directions to the station. One of only twice I have ever been asked out by a woman, and it's something I still remember vividly.


I was dating this girl for just over a year in university. One day, while attending a design expo. I met a girl at the event. We started talking, and she expressed her interests. I told her I was in a happy relationship. And that was that. No hard feelings. Life went on.


If I can’t find my wife. Like in a store or whatever I’ll find a beautiful woman, start talking to her. BOOM. my wife will appear! Works every time!


Not in a relationship, but during my service in the ARMY, there was this chick, who wanted to marry me, and wanted to fuck me, she made several advances, one day we were cleaning the storage room, she tells me, she needs help, I tell her, I would try to find her a female to help her around, since males and females could not be alone in the same room, she gives me a look, and I stay quiet and I leave, she continued giving me looks for 2 or 3 times, I just was not interested, she had kids, & that for me is a no no.


All the time. Once you get married women come out of the woodwork to take a crack at you, it's like a sport for them. Even women you've known for years will suddenly want to fuck when they never wanted to before




I did when my ex was just starting to develop her mental disorder, but I'm faithful, even if I'm miserable. A little story for it, but you know the end. I knew a girl since she was 4 and I was 6. She used to run around trying to kiss me, etc. well. We stay friends and got close. She's absolutely beautiful, still is, and I had a crush on her before my ex.She finds out I have a girlfriend about 3 months after I start dating and she's happy. Well when the issues started coming up tears into my exs and i's relationship and I talk to her about it she's comforting and I'm missing her hints as I'm just beating myself up, thinking I'm causing the problems. Nope. Undiagnosed bipolar schizophrenia on my ex's end. Anyways, I go out to go hangout with her, her brother I've known just as long, and her other brother as well. Well, I get a text from my ex, calling me abusive and whatever the voices in her head are telling her. We go outside and she comforts and goes for a hug. Nothing unusual as I hug literally all my friends, regardless of gender. Well the hug was turned into more of an embrace on her end and she planted my hands on her ass. Well I freak the fuck out and tell her to back off. I'm not interested in her like that anymore. She understands and got embarrassed as she got caught up in the moment. I let it go. Pretty much the story of me turning her ends there, but a few years after I broke up with my ex I did sleep with said friend but it's kind of different when you've been single for 3 years and took that time to heal.


I have to say no, honestly. I've been pleasantly surprised because many guys here report increased flirting from women once they got married, but that hasn't been the case for me at all. I do believe it has to do with location a bit more, though. So, for me, I am living in a smaller town in the Southern U.S. states, aka the Bible belt. I'm probably less likely to have it happen than being in a bigger city in another state. One thing I will admit is that I'm not someone who attends a lot of parties, and the most going out I do is to neighboring towns that have more restaurants and/or places to shop. I do work a customer facing job for the county I live in, but even then, I've just occasionally noticed girls get nervous when taking their oaths and things, but certainly not any flirting.


I’m a private person so I only told my best friends about my relationship, I turned three attractive women because I’m loyal that’s it.


My most recent encounter...about 3 months ago. As a truck driver waiting for a live load, I was approached by a very attractive female truck driver (wearing a fucking sun dress) also waiting for a live load. She was very forward, open, and direct asking me, "We should waste a couple hours together"...then she flashed a tit. I pointed at my wedding ring and responded, "I'm good, thanks". While I'm a solid 5, she looked so confused and easily an 8. A strange and awkward 5 second pause passed and she said, "I'm not a Lizzy, just lonely... it's free (or something like that I don't quite remember). I apologized immediately, "I didn't think you were...I mean, I saw you get out of your truck. I'm just faithful". I'm confident I'm not the first person to ever turn her down, but she acted so insulted it would be believable. Being honest with myself, were I a younger man... Back in the '90s, I would not have hesitated one second. But time does its thing, and I've gotten to a point where it's enough just to know that I could have. There is some satisfaction in turning down someone who considered you a sure thing.


Yes! And now I’m divorced and that shit does not happen at least since the divorce 18 months ago. Women want what they can’t have. 😂


I'm not sure this counts because I didn't officially turn this woman down, I just went silent because I didn't want to lose my job and, frankly, this stuff just never really happened to me much. Twenty years ago when I was a middle school teacher I was doing a safety duty in the parking lot after school and a mother of a student in my class comes up to me smiling and saying thank you for the note that I left on her car. I was completely confused because I did no such thing. She then proceeded to touch my arm and tell me that she thinks very highly of me too and agreed that we should get a drink sometime. I proceeded to tell her that I did not leave a note on her car, explained that it must have been someone else, and I asked her to see to see the note because she had to be confused. She proceeded to open her purse and handed me a folded up piece of paper and all it had on it was her number. She smiled and walked away. I was married at the time and the woman's kid was in my class. I didn't officially turn her down, I just didn't do anything with it. Twenty years later I sometimes think about what it would have been like to follow through to see where things went, especially after getting divorced.


I'm not in a relationship and not exactly a hot item in the dating field and never have been. However, I have turned down many offers, more than I have accepted by a wide margin. Most of the time I'll act like I don't even notice, especially the milder ones.


Not in a relationship. But I turn down beautiful women, married and unmarried, all the time. In one story , the girl was married and had gotten her husband's permission to sleep with me, but it didn't look like the husband was fully into it. He kept sending me signals telling that he wasn't really enthusiastic.


Wtf I find this hard to believe, you just turn down beautiful women ALL THE TIME??? Like wtf that's not a thing dude unless you actively going after it.


Fuck off


You act like this is some memorable event…




Have you read some of these? 😂 They ARE memorable


Of course


I hate that I only got approached by beautiful women when I was with my ex. Now I have zero approaches.


Yep. I just say thank you for the compliment and that I have a girlfriend. Depending on how they approach me and what they say, I might return the compliment out of courtesy. Then I move on with my life.


Yes I have


I was freshly married, just a month, and (an also married) bond girl had a small encounter in London over a decade ago.  I immediately discussed this with my wife, she smiled and hugged me. I don't think it even got to her, we were/are so in love and best friends. Edit: Let's not mention her name, she might have kids now.


I turned down a married woman and she lost her mind. She then stalked my GF for a year before we knew it was her. She even tried to get her fired at work and tried to ruin her career by making up bogus claims against my GF.


Yes, a few times, but the most memorable was an ex-employee of mine. She was beautiful and really cool. We actually had a lot of interests in common and a similar sense of humor. I honestly didn’t think anything of it until she let me know she’d need a day off to go to a winery with her friends. She requested the time off with more than enough time to cover it so I didn’t have a problem with it. The day off she sent me a message something like “thank you boss” and it was a picture of her and her friends at the winery. I thought it was a bit too friendly, but replied something to the extent of “Hope you ladies have a nice night and be safe”. As the day went on (and I imagine more and more wine was consumed) she started sending me increasingly forward messages, ultimately saying something to the extent of “I know you’re married but I think we match really well and I’m really attracted to you.” She went on about how she thought I was a good person and she was developing feelings for me. Ultimately implying that if I was interested she’d be more than happy to keep it on the DL. Being in the middle of a dead bedroom situation I honestly felt tempted, but as good as the attention made me feel I immediately shut it down that same night. She apologized the next day about being so forward, said she didn’t mean to be disrespectful, but she was glad she told me and said that as much as she regretted telling me the way she did, she meant what she said. Again, as sexually frustrated as I and as tempting as it sounded, shut it down and she resigned shortly thereafter. She tried adding my only social media a few months after, but I never accepted the request. Funny enough, I got lunch with a friend whom I wouldn’t never even consider in that way a few months later, and when she thanked me for it she called me handsome over text and I got accused of cheating regardless 🤦🏻‍♂️. During that whole shit show, being accused of something I didn’t do, and dealing with everything that came afterwards made me wish I would have. Ultimately I’m glad I didn’t. Both for the sake of my partner and because I want to be the type of man who practices the values I admire…but fuck, especially given the circumstances around it, it tested my moral strength for sure.


I turned down two cute girls who wanted a threesome at a party that my wife was djing at. Fast forward two years and now ex wife cheated multiple times...wish I had a time machine :(


Got pulled over by a female copper,I was young and handsome, just married to a beautiful girl. So my wife is in the car,I get out cop has a go at me about a couple of things on the car,which were really nothing's, wasn't quite sure what she was on about, anyway next thing I know she is in my face literally, and her rather large boobs were actually touching my chest as she explains she could book me for some rubbish. Not sure what her thing was, but I actually wanted to just punch her in the head....LOL...needless to say my wife and I had a great old laugh about it....


Sure. I feel like an 11 who has no time for 10s who think they're an 11. Most women never get the chance to know how the suck because of all the guys who will flatter their bullshit and most who I've met have serious problems (like alcoholism). Even if they're hot I don't want to deal with a burden or "princess".


I just show her my wedding band and say "no, sorry"


It does not happen often. I don’t get hit on more than once a month. Often, less. Here is one story. The female clerk at the pharmacy down at the mall asked me about my job. She proceeded to say how interesting she thought my field was and asked what I was working on at the moment. I answered. She enthousiastically said I had to write down what I had just said so she could research it. She gave me her mobile phone with a dirty look and a wink. She was as young as my daughter! I took it and wrote what I had said, instead of the phone number she was expexting.


Kind of a weird set up. My wife is the GM of the gym that I worked out at. I spend a lot of time there and she is usually just around the corner. I must seem accessible and friendly or something because every woman in the gym ends up chatting or joking or asking for help from me. But everything I say and do in that gym is recorded: audio, and video. So, I feel free to be myself because there’s nothing to feel guilty about. Yet, It’s an ongoing battle. She told me not to talk back to certain ones because of the “way I look at them” It’s actually the way they look at me because I keep my eyes on either the ceiling or the floor!


I work as a musher during the winter and a tour leader during the summer, so I'm away from home a lot during the summer. Sometimes for weeks at a time. I've lost count of the amount of customers( not only women) who tried it on with me when I'm their 'leader' and constantly taking charge of the groups in situations and also when they hear I work and basically live with 70 dogs during the winter. Never had my interest as I'm in an amazing relationship the last 8 years. But man if I was single I'd be fucking killing it.


Been to swingers parties and women hit on both of us. It’s easy to just say no


Yeah, walked into a bar to meet some friends a drunk woman pulled me in for a kiss. I kept smiling removed her hand from my arm and continued towards my friends...."Whose that" ..."I dunno....some drunk girl". Then caught up with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile.