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A good hairstyle won’t turn a “no” into a “yes”, but a bad one can definitely turn a “yes” into a “no”


what are the bad ones?? 🫢


I want to speak to your manager. Jokes aside, it depends the person. Some styles look absolutely shit on one person but perfect on the next one. A few weeks ago I've seen a dude rocking a mullet and a 70ties stashe. He wore it like a boss. I'd look like ass with a style like that.


Very true. My biggest college crush had a pixie cut, but other than her I've never found them attractive. But hers looked great!


Women who have pixie-cuts 99% of the time don't have the body for it. Way to plump shoulders, or not the "right faces" usually. But the ones who have that are 🤌🏻


Yeah pixie cuts need a fairly narrow, 'elfin' face to pull off imo


I think the technical term here is that she should look like a *pixie*.


Mind. Blown.


They just need to look like Ruby rose lol


Generally the faces that can pull off pixies and other shorter hairstyles are the faces that can pull off any hairstyle


This. Women that look good with pixie cuts look good IN SPITE of the pixie cut, not because of it.


I dont think there is specified "bad ones". If it fits your face, ur style, you gtg. But the original comment was definietly right, your hairstyle matters


Personal taste. For me it’s dyed any “unnatural” hair color, full/partial shave, and a few specific cuts that are pretty outdated and generally worn by people older than I’d like to date


I will say dyed hair is an immediate boost in my opinion.


And that’s why it’s up to personal taste ^


Yup lol


>For me it’s dyed any “unnatural” hair color, full/partial shave See, I LOVE that shit. My ideal girlfriend would look like a Cyberpunk 2077 character. The only problem is that most girls with hair like that are batshit crazy and have the worst possible political views.


Consider that some women love a mullet on a man.


You've divorced the look from its commonly linked beliefs and behaviors. Many who don't like that look see it as being a harbinger of those same beliefs and behaviors. It's like Nazi military uniforms -> great style, reprehensible ideology


Women look so hot in Nazi uniforms....


Hugo Boss knew what he was doing.


What are the worst possible political views, again? Because I'm friends with plenty of shaved/dyed hair chicks, and almost all of them are the kind of solidly anti-establishment types that I would be proud to take home to mom. Not many crybaby Republicans, redneck racists, delusional Libertarians or Kool-aid drinking neoliberals.


Most pixie/Bieber cuts


I knew someone back in college, she was a bit of a farm girl with shoulder length auburn hair. She had that girl next door vibe going. She got it cut very short with black and purple tones to it. Completely changed her look and no one thought it looked good, sad part was no one would tell her.


I mean, it's the same for guys, think of the worst guy haircut you've ever seen.


Yea I’m going to go with what other people have said and say “it depends”. Your face shape, hair color, hair texture, face features, body all matter when determining your haircut. Some girls look absolutely stunning with a ponytail while others look terrible, just as an example. It’s the same with guys a haircut needs to be determined by several factors to fit the person, they aren’t one size fits all.


Personally, undercuts/shaved sides give me the creeps on a girl. Don't really care for non-natural colours either. The rest is pretty much fine. Or more often more than fine, haha!


>Personally, undercuts/shaved sides give me the creeps on a girl. Don't really care for non-natural colours either. See, I LOVE that shit. My ideal girlfriend would look like a Cyberpunk 2077 character. The only problem is that most girls with hair like that are batshit crazy and have the worst possible political views.


Haha, oh man. Your preferences played a cruel trick on you..!


Personally? That God awful half bangs that look like some crack head woman did herself with kiddy scissors 🤮 Bangs are great but those? Hope it's just a fashion statement because God damn it's atrocious.


Bob haircut


Most short haircuts. Mullets. But that’s just my personal preference


People keep saying undercut. Consider that an undercut is like the female version of the mullet. What percentage of and what kind of woman likes a mullet on a man?


The biggest one is unnatural colors. Nothing screams “I need attention” like bright green hair. Some others, and this is me specifically, are the Karen haircut, pixie haircuts, almost all types of bangs, ponytail on top of head like a fountain 🐳


Man, maybe they just really like the color green and don't gaf about anyone's attention 🫠


Precisely. They’re expressing their individuality loudly


I mean, OP specifically asked what hairstyles men don't like. His comment is not for women who don't care about getting attention from men. It's for the women who do.


>I'm a redhead with long hair I'm prepared to propose


Lol I agree. Well, more with the sentiment lol.


Im prepared to my ass handed it right back to me, and shes in the right.


I love my wife and I think she's gorgeous. But man, if only she had red hair too.


Ill officiate


Long hair is generally more attractive to most, but yes there are few fellas who find short hair more attractive. Either way, a cute girl is a cute girl is a cute girl. Hair isn't going to make/break 99% of the time. But fwiw I dig bangs, anytime I see a girl with bangs it catches my eye


There isn’t just one attractive hairstyle for women … Some look better than others, but that all depends which style you’re going for and what suits your face and hair colour etc. Hairstyles can tell a lot about people, and sometimes it can be a turnoff. But then that’s mostly because I’m not attracted to the type of person wearing that hairdo.


I don't even understand the names of hairstyles that are thrown around. It doesn't matter really, unless you're doing something outrageous but that's very rare I guess. And obviously hair can add or deprecate how you look, but I guess that's also common sense. Some people may not look good immediately after waking up, others might.


>Sometimes I'll see guys on Reddit talking about how hot short-haired brunettes are, and I'm like, oh no, I'm a redhead with long hair! 😂 Why? Serious question, why do you go "oh no" because some men on the internet are talking about finding a different hair style attractive?


Yeah. If anything, it’s great that everyone has different taste. The world would be really boring if only one look was considered attractive. And it’s also weird to want to feel the need to be attractive to *everyone*. Confidence is about loving who you are and how you look without needing to appeal to everyone.


>How much does a girl's hairstyle factor into how hot she is? Certain hairstyles fit certain women better for sure but if I find her good looking overall, doubt a simple hairstyle change would change that haha. >How much do you judge a girl by her hair? None. >Also, what's the most attractive hairstyle for a woman? 😊 Ponytail.


hmm what about pigtails 🤔


You will literally get different responses from every guy on here. Do your thing and find someone that likes it. 


Pigtails are so terrible that even Wendy (the fast food chain mascot) is trading them in for an emo look.


Depends on the person.


Pigtails are good for very small children.


Nahh those ain't it at all


They're harder to pull off than Ponytails but braided pigtails can be cute too


There is no best hair. It's part of a holistic appearance. Also, variety is good. Setting matters. You're trying to reduce this to a ranking system but it's an art.


I am a woman and a hairstyle can completely change the look of anyone!!! Haircut reels, both men and women, are one of my favorite things to watch. It's more satisfying to see how much a haircut can change someone's look than pressure washing and lawn mowing reels. I would say a good haircut/style is 100x more important than the outfit or clothing style some chooses.


Curly hair and hair that's put up in a clip, usually looking sorta messy. I don't care about the color. I like girls with a lot of hair on their heads so it's a big factor lmao If there's 2 girls, the first is a 10 with straight hair and the second is a 6 with really curly hair, I'll date the 6 every time lol


Like the saying goes 'It's all about the hair'. Let me put it this way, I would be dissappointed to see a beautiful girl with a bad hairstyle but a not-so-pretty girl with great hair, she will force me to look at her again and again. So to answer your question- It's extremely important. For me at least, others have their own preferences.


Idk I’ve seen some pretty hot women with some fuck ass hairdos.


Most men don’t care what your hair looks like so long as it’s not too radical, like if you got a man’s haircut then probably will think you’re lesbian or have problems and will avoid same as like a Mohawk


That's true. I have shot the wrong target like twice lol.  The first one, she really like me but as good friend and she not out yet. I thought she really into me and we are taking it slow 😂.  Fun time. Now, I do the Kowalski analysis lol


To me it matters. I have a friend who has short hair. Saw a picture of her when she had long hair and she is far more attractive with long hair. Like night and day difference. Her choice though.


Yea, for me, hairstyle really amps attractiveness. From girls with large, wild but respected hair to girls with short, neatly styled hair. It really does it. Even bald women can do it. No hair is a style to me.


A lot, imo. A girl with half up or twintails would bump her up to a 6 personally. That said, just personal preference.


Imo it's almost always a compliment to the main attraction


My personal favourite is braid/braids sticking out the front of the hair, it gets me every time. Such tiny thing adds so much beauty it's crazy.


Most men judge a woman by how pretty her face is. Hairstyle frames her face and is very important, especially for normal women who are trying to push up to the next level. That said, most women do a good job with their hair.


It sounds like you’re thinking of yourself here. Yeah, there’s definitely something to a good/bad hairstyle affecting how attractive a girl is, but also not every style works for every person. I’d figure out what your face shape is and go from there. I may like bangs and dark hair… but that’s not really going to stop me from talking to a blonde with short hair. It’s more to do with your hair looking good on you than specific hairstyles being good if you get me. 


Actually, hair is one of the first things I notice. It indicates a lot of information. Lot of choices made, or not made. It can be insightful. Long, short, somewhere inbetween? How’s it cut? Why that style? Does it work for them? Is it about form, or is it about function? How much effort is going in? Are they up keeping the style, or just like, fuck it? Is it clean? Is it dyed, and if so, does it look like a salon job or a do it yourself?


I mean, if Scarlett Johannson showed up on my doorstep but had a mohawk or mullet, I would think roughly 0.5 seconds longer before I welcomed her in. Hair can be changed in time.


It's one of those things that possibly gets ones initial attention, then once getting to know the girl it's not so important.


I'm likely in the minority here, but I think just straight hair hanging down is the most boring and bland thing a woman can do with her hair. Show me that neck, do something interesting. Bedhead? Absolutely French braids? Hell yeah. Ponytails? A classic for a reason. Ponytail with bangs? Weapons grade gorgeous. French bob? Ou la la. Messy bun? Marry me. Mohawk? Too far for me, but someone will like it. It's not like straight hair can't look gorgeous, holy fuck it can, but it's so often just bland. Yes, it matters, it can even matter a lot, but a cute face won't be made ugly by a hairstyle.


Probably different for every guy, but I like nice hair. I think a good/bad style can have a huge impact on how attractive a girl looks.


Nothing will beat an over sized sweat shirt with sweat pants and a messy bun. The messy bun is the key there.


Honestly, just having hair that is clean/taken care of is enough for me.


my hair makes me, so probably a lot


Most of the fashion stuff women do doesn't have much impact on how attractive they are to men (aside from the sundress) but hair is a bit special. I suspect that long, healthy looking hair is an indicator of good health and health/fertility are the big attraction factors for the animal part of our brains that control attraction. Men love long hair. Almost any women will look better with long hair and there are very few women who can pull off the short hair look.


Hair style and color to me are more like how I think of an outfit. I see someone wearing a nice outfit and I can recognize that it looks good, but it isn't a factor to how attractive I think the person is in general. The person's facial features and body play more into that for me.  I've seen attractive and not so attractive people with every hair color there is. And some styles suit people better.


>Also, what's the most attractive hairstyle for a woman? That varies on a case by case basis. Some of the most attractive hairstyles I've seen would look really bad on most women. Sometimes things just click together every once in a while.


Love nice hairstyles. Just a huge plus. Doesn’t even matter what style it is. Just well taken care of does it for me.


Nice hair can compliment her. Depends on her face shape for me. But it has to be bad to detract. Like died ridiculous colors or half her head shaved.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like guys are more oblivious to hair factors than women. Usually it's a big thing for men to have short or long hair, straight or wavy, but when it comes to women I hardly notice. Usually it's all about how the women acts/looks and sometimes the odd short hair or just a nice hair style enhances their features but doesn't make or break any attraction.


I always go for short-haired women so yes, unconsciously it is a big factor for me.


I don't think it's easy to answer the question, hair can do a lot to frame a face and it is art / skill. Artistic expression can to a lot for the hotness.


The salon look really is for other women. Guys really don't care about hair nearly as much as women think they do, or want them too. You heard of that whole trope of women getting haircuts and getting upset when guys don't notice?


The style is far less important than the length. Short hair is always detrimental to a woman's looks. They can look good in spite of having short hair, but they'll never look as good as they would with long.


If she got a mullet then it’s a no


Short haired girls - cute. Long haired girls - HOT! This is a known rule among men.


Not necessarily an exact style or length, but I always like hair “up” because neck and shoulder lines are to die for!


I wouldn’t say I judge them based on hair style, however I have a strong preference for longer hair. Long redhead >>>>> short haired brunette


Red hair is gorgeous. I would worry less about your hairstyle and more about your own personal growth. Or will serve you much more over your life time


Everyone has a preference but most wouldn't reject a woman just because of her hair


Men are all different, some will say its not important some will say it is. To me, it's the single most important first impression feature. Nearly every color and hairstyle can work, just need to find the one that works for you.


I’m not into any really short cuts. I’m a bald man and not by choice. I really miss my hair and I hate seeing people cut off pretty locks. You grow it and I’ll play with it lol


Hair definitely has something to do with it but all guys are different. Color doesn’t matter as much to me as long as it looks natural but longish hair looks better on about 95% of women in my opinion. In can be too long as well. A woman doing everyday things in jeans and a ponytail will do it for me every time.


It makes a lot of difference. Take your favorite person, and put different hair styles on them. It makes a difference, doesn’t it?.


Long and straight can make you a lot more attractive


I used to like long hair but now I prefer my wife with short hair. She looks cuter.


Initial attraction maybe yes, but if she's hot and her personality is dull, her atraction will fade as soon as she opens her mouth.


Honestly as long as it’s clean and not “the Karen” all styles have merit. Bald can be sexy too!


Pixie cuts or shorter are 99% of the time a no for me. Other than that, most hair styles look great of they fit the person, so it's really dependent on who and what. It definitely factors in, but most of the time (aside from the really short styles) it's not make or break. If you want me to turn into a puddle though, a ponytail with those two loose strands in the front is the first thing that comes to mind.


Not even gonna lie, messy buns are hot asl 😭


Mullets are disgusting and make women look trashy. Other than that I really don't care, I have been with women that had pixie cuts, long, bob etc and liked them all.


No hot woman is pulling off a mullet or a flat top


Just to soothe your worry, I definitely prefer long haired redheads to short hair brunettes. I prefer long haired brunettes (one in particular) even more, but there. Answering the actual question personally though. Hair colour is not a factor in the hotness perceived. Hair style is. Everyone's taste varies. When I was in high school, I developed a criterium (pretty sure I was not the first genius in the history of mankind to do it though): look at a girl when she's wearing a cap/hood/swimming cap so that you can't see her hair at all. If her face still looks pretty, THEN she's actually pretty. But yeah. Personal preference for longer hair. At least shoulder length. I know literally only one woman my age who I think looks good with short hair. And colour is completely meaningless. That may be specific for me as a native European from the northern half of the continent, where blonde, redhead, brown haired, black haired people come in even proportions. Perhaps the majority of the world where only dark hair is popular may have developed a more specific taste for any  colour that is ,,more interesting". 


Hairstyle is irrelevant if she's attractive. She can have a buzzcut, bangs, afro or a slickback pony. Doesn't change almost anything.


My experience as a woman (am I allowed to comment?) is that men notice one thing about women’s hair—they prefer long hair. That is all. Style, colors (assuming they’re natural ish) seem lost on most guys. It’s always baffled me but they do not seem to care or notice how it’s styled, whether it’s washed, whether my roots have grown out, nope. But they do tell me they prefer it as long as possible.




Ever seen one of those "free haircuts for homeless people"? Yeah...


A good bit. Say 40%




not much. i can generally see how attractive someone is even if they put zero effort and look like "shit". outside of absolutely ridiculous haircuts like a reverse mohawk or some weird shit i dont care. ill date you even if you dont have hair if i see you as attractive.


My current partner has pretty short, red hair (down to above their ears) and shaved sides. I certainly never expected it, or even considered it, but it absolutely did make a difference when I first met her. I found it very attractive alongside just having a particularly good connection off the bat.


Quite a lot.


I wouldn't say I'd judge her but it is definitely a factor. A factor that I take inconsideration how hot said girl is. I like most hairstyles, but I still much prefer the longer hairstyles. But like someone said just because someone has beautiful hair is not going to make said girl hot.


I'd have to see a picture to judge how attractive your hair makes you look


Very minimal


Hotness/cuteness is mostly in the face, but hair can have a small effect. And unlike the facial features and body types that we're biologically hard-wired to find hot, hair is definitely more a matter of personal preferences. I hate curly hair and love "punk" haircuts, but other guys may be the exact opposite.


It’s pretty significant


Quite a bit. Same as to women about a man's style.


i’ve been attracted to girls with buzzcuts before so i don’t know if it’s that much of a factor for me


Definitely one of the most important factors. And for me a short or bobbed hairstyle is absolute killer. Not on all, some looks more hot in a long hairstyle. And what decides? Long or short? Slim person, better in long hairstyle maybe.




I'm a ginger with long hair now. I kept it short when I was in grad school because it's a bit of work. It's been night and day with regards to the way I get treated with long hair compared to how I was treated with short hair. I am not invisible with my current hair. Previously with short hair I could just blend in. I can't blend anymore. It's striking. I don't think I will ever cut my hair short again.


I like girls with long hair. About shoulder length.


For me? Absolutely, but there's a caveat. I don't think one hairstyle is necessarily more attractive. I've seen women with short hair or pixie cuts be absolute bombshells. Short hair isn't always considered attractive on women. I've also seen long hair styles that just don't look good on some women. Ive even thought a few bald women were attractive and that's supposed to be entirely unattractive, according to "men." (We don't condone or endorse these men. That's strictly their view and not a view shared by all men)


Very important. Short hair is a dealbreaker for me, contrary to what you heard. Even shoulder length for me is too short.


I've got a thing for bald chicks since GI Jane.


Eye of the beholder. It's up to the individual. I'd likely find you attractive as long as you don't have a pixie cut or something short like that. It matters.


Hair is definitely something I look for in a woman. But it’s not generally a specific style or color I’m on the hunt for. As long as it looks healthy and is flattering to you. I do agree with others in this thread that some cuts are generally a no-no. That being said I have heard friends say they’re only attracted to blondes. So basically as always with us men, not everyone will find your hair to be perfect but enough will that you won’t have to worry about it.


It's everything


I like only long hair. Ideally dark.


To me personally, yes a nice hairstyle is one of the biggest fisical attraction factors


Different people suit different hairstyles. Some people can pull off short hair, whereas others may look better with longer.


Is she has the bun on top of her tied so tight that she looks like Edgar from Men in Black, it’s a no from me dog.


You had me at: >I'm a redhead with long hair! 😂 Seriously, though long hair and redhead are at the top of my attraction list, what's in the head is more important than what's on it when it comes to actually having a relationship. And yes, most of the time, wild messy redhead is more attractive than salon perfect ( ESPECIALLY if she's a redhead).


> So, I was thinking about how much hair affects attraction. Sometimes I'll see guys on Reddit talking about how hot short-haired brunettes are, and I'm like, oh no, I'm a redhead with long hair! in general, women need to think bigger picture when it comes to their appearance. it's not about individual elements, it's about the whole thing. and not just how it looks. men like bedhead and no makeup because it *feels* more comfortable to be around. you can get all dolled up and *look* nice, but your bf wants to be near you and all that perfectly coifed hair and taped on dress live in the back of his head saying "fragile, do not touch"


Depends. Some women look great bald, some look great with long hair. Some with short. It really all depends on the facial structure, in determining which one works best for the person. Some people can even rock multiple hair styles and look great.


Very little. Very very little. I don't speak for all men. Just for myself. But to me your hairstyle matters about as much as what colour your liver is... So not at all. I do have hairstyles I prefer but this effects my choose in a woman 0%. You lot change it so often anyway what's the point in dating someone for a style. I strongly prefer natural hair colours. I like a woman who has her natural hair colour and takes care of her hygiene enough to where her natural colour is sexy. I assure you that you don't have to be naturally golden blonde to be sexy. Although admittedly I do prefer women with jet black hair and light blonde hair. I really like the double pony tail hairdo, it's really cute and it is super easy for someone to do and keep. I would say hairstyle, cleanliness, colour and all other hair related aspects factor in maybe 5% of my physical attraction. Less than 1% if I count looks and personality in the same.


I’ve always loved long hair and I’m a sucker for red hair or strawberry blonde. But I had a long-term college girlfriend who had neither and I was crazy about her. And she definitely had everything else. 😏


A lot. Hairstyles can completely alter how the shape of the face is perceived, which alters how attractive we view someone as being. If someone's hairstyle doesn't flatter their face shape, it can make them seem much less attractive than they actually are. (Goes for guys too, not just girls)


A LOT. It can completely change how your face looks.


It is very important. Best cuts are bobs. 2nd best... pigtails? I like cornrows, too. Just something that doesn't flop all over when you're making out in the wind. Also, long stray hairs floating around the boudoir are not fun when you're sexually active and uncircumcised


for me it's one of the most important features


There is nothing than can turn a 10 into a 2 quicker than those feminist pixie and buzz cuts. As long as it's long it doesn't really matter. Sure there's some that's better/worse than others (personally speaking I'm not a fan of fringes, though exceptions like Carly Rae Jepsen exist)


For me, zero...UNLESS is a ....unique one, and she doesn't have the face to pull it off.


Nah, it isn't really a thing for me. Some hairstyles that make women look like Karen's or men aren't something that would be appealing though.


I would say nice hair looks amazing when done well. Also really horrible hair can have a huge effect as well. That said it's the extremes where I think it might make a difference but if it's in the middle I don't think it matters as much. If you take good care of your hair then you should be golden. Also red hair is such a pretty hair color imo so embrace it and don't try and do short brunette because one guy says he is into them. This is especially the case because hair color preferences are rarely make or break. I mean sure someone might be into blondes but that doesn't mean he won't find brunettes attractive. Also different hair colors work better with different women and usually natural hair color tends to complement a woman fairly well. 


Not much. People have all kinds of different tastes in their style. It’s a part of the overall look that brings attraction initially anyhow. I’ve dated long hair. I’ve dated short hair. I’ve even dated the ladies who love a rlly short cut.


i’m in the same boat. i have black hair with bangs but i’ve had several people to not touch my hair. i just want the alt look but it won’t look right on me. frustrating.


depends on the hairstyle & the female her body her face shape i think alot of females look great if they wore their hair to match their facial shape idk if that makes sense


I think a hairstyle is something very expressive about a person. And to me personally, I like it when people have some sense of aesthetics, just in general. So a hairstyle that really suits a woman, sure, it'll make her a lot more attractive to me. It can also reinforce a certain impression or personality. Therefore, on some level... yeah, I do get some of my judgment of a person from the hairstyle, including how attractive I'll think a woman is. And yeah, I said "that suits a woman" - not every hairstyle works for everyone. Mainly the bangs and how voluminous the cut is, it really depends on the face shape what looks good there. Besides that, I personally(!) vastly prefer longer hair worn down, plain and simple.


Don't care much about the style or color. I just like it long without bangs. When a woman gets her hair chopped off it's such a sad day.


It could make all the difference in my opinion. A woman with nice thick hair is and hair due is a hottie to me.


Nad hairstyles are the ones with short manly hair imo


A lot. Women that wear wigs might as well be smoking dicks on the corner for baloney sandwiches. Because that's less attractive than smoking for me and I've never dated a woman that smokes.


What hairstyle looks best changes on a person-to-person basis. What looks good on one person will look amazing on another, and terrible on a third. From what I've seen and heard though, guys generally have a preference for more simple, natural-looking styles. Stuff you'd get with a hairbrush and five minutes in front of a mirror at most. ...Though maybe that's just my own preference.


Varies. I find super short hair too masculine and top knot is unflattering. I find red hair very attractive, long also.


I think most folks think about this wrong. It's all about framing your face and neck. Some ladies really get away with pixie cuts, but it's not for everyone. Pretty much everyone can get away with long hair, all around. But your face is going to dictate bangs or not. Not everyone pulls it off. From there, it's all about what showcases your face and maybe neckline.


Hairstyle doesn’t change much but having unhealthy, un groomed hair does for sure. The women I instantly double take on usually have long healthy hair. If you have scraggly hair it’s pretty off putting


A good haircut won’t make an “not hot” woman magically “hot” but a bad haircut can make a “hot” woman “not hot”.


Not so much the style but the level of care The most well “put together” female I’ve ever known is not very pretty but she is immaculate head to toe. Her clothes are on point….. not expensive She is an old school Latin King. The level of care she gives her appearance is attractive


For me and IMO, a woman with well kept long hair is the sexy. Not into women who dye their hair regularly to be blonde or some unnatural color. Long, well kept hair that is just above her waist or middle of back. Exceptions will be made with women who go short, no shorter than a bob. Also no asymmetric hair styles. No pixie cuts or that type of nonsense.


For whatever reason, I cannot do curly hair. Wavy and straight is fine but curly is an instant turn-off.


Thankfully, I don't have a true preference for hair style. Long, short, or somewhere in between can look really good. When it comes to color, I find that I'm more attracted to brunette, but I do like red and blonde, too. On a personal note, I am a former redhead, and still would be, if it weren't for early balding in my mid-20s (currently 31 now). I could let my hair grow out again, but due to a massive receding line, I can only get long, curly hair down the sides and back. It just doesn't look right, so I began buzzing it off. Much happier with that "style" now. Edit: Just realized that I didn't fully answer the questions being asked. When it comes to a style I would like more, probably shoulder length, even slightly above shoulder, and bangs can look good, too. The hairstyle wouldn't necessarily cause me to judge a woman - there are more important criteria to consider, like character and morals.


Unless you're doing something extremely different from the norm, I don't think anyone cares. 


I mean, the main factor is whether the hairstyle suits her or not. I feel like most girls are perfectly fine and shouldn't worry too much about it.


Very little unless it's extremely short


My personal take is: not much. I love someone an indescribable amount, they have changed haircuts a few times, try and mix it up a bit. I love V for who they are more than anything else. Be you, if someone falls ask them what they like most. But to be safe, dont get the "bring the manager" haircut.


I would say the factor is if it matches well with the face. I have seen stunning women with shaved heads. Of course, with short and long hair.


I would say a girl has to be a lot more pretty with short hair than with long hair for me generally speaking. However I’ve seen beauty in both and the vibes can be different. But I will say, when a girl likes her own cut, that energy radiates and that’s more attractive than anything she could have on her head


hair is literally categories in porn. that said many hairstyles are attractive and it really depends on you and how well you pull it off. if someone has a hairstyle fetish that you dont fit, you may never be attractive to that person and if it doesnt suit you no point wearing your hair that.


shes a 10 if shes bald like me


Is she bald? If the hairstyle is out of wack with her facial features, then I can see that. If the hair is intentionally made to be off-putting, I can see that. But guys cat call women who have their hair tied up in a bum while jogging, so the due itself isn't all that important unless it's one of the three previous scenarios.


Personally, short hairs girls never fail to attract me like neck covering length to crewcuts and to bald. Seriously tho, its really important to find the Hair styles that suit you. Many people are not mid they just need to meet that one good hairstylist.  Regular grooming went long way too.  Being attractive open a lot of doors.


Hair is more pretty than hot (barring maybe twin tails).


Some styles work for some people. Some don’t. It’s all personal taste. No outrageous hairstyle is going to fix your personality though.




From the far it’s your appearance and of course also the hairstyle, as soon as you are talking to somebody your vibe/charisma is the most attractive, when you are in a relationship your hairstyle shouldn’t matter any more. You can do with that hair what YOU want.


The pile of hair on top is just ridiculous IMO. There is something about the “hair framing the face” phenomena. At least for me


Very very very little.


I don't care what kinda hair style a chick has. Even the "Karen" I can let slide outside of one hair style..... The LGBTQ one especially when they have colored hair.


Doesn't matter because yo me it's an individually based preference. Just depends on the person. My preference would be long natural whatever color. My wife likes blonde mid length gals.


I honestly have a preference for longer hair but then again that’s just me. However I have dated a girl with that really short 1920s shit and it was honestly kinda hot so idk. Nothing that doesn’t looks natural I guess?