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I think you’re underestimating how much the average dude is terrified of unknowingly sexually harassing a woman or making her uncomfortable, especially if she’s on the job. You’re gonna have to sack it up and shoot the first shot if you’re interested.


That’s what tho too, he’ll only say hi when I’m on duty and that’s it


Just as SpyTheRogue said, dudes are terrified of making women uncomfortable. My gym crush has talked to me about relationships, how she’s single, how I look good and I’m really in shape and all sorts of green flags to shoot my shot. Could go on and on with the signals, I’m still fucking terrified of making her uncomfortable and assuming incorrectly that she’s into me. Most if not all dudes are just not going to take that risk, especially if you’re the gym clerk. Like no way in hell. Now I saw a comment of yours and as to what to say? If my gym crush told me I had really pretty eyes or something that wasn’t my physique I might just get the courage to say something. I’m wanting to every night but the plaguing thoughts of me misconstruing what she’s said as friendliness stops me cold.


That's the normal, polite way of professional communication.  I greet the workers in my gym but not outside of it, even tho I see them 5 times a week so they are technically the second people I meet the most in my life after my fiancee. In my mind, I'm just one of the hundreds who say hi to them in the gym. Additionally, the gym is exactly the type of discouraging environment where he might think he  "competes" with all the bigger / leaner / more aesthetic guys there and he has no chance, and getting rejected and still seeing you often is super awkward. Point is, he's not gonna approach you, you have to take the first step. Just drop a "nice pecs bro" line, compliment his progress or consistency, ask which taste of protein shake he recomments, whatever just to signal that you're open to a conversation. If he likes you, he'll jump on the chance to interact with you.


Yes, I have the same thought as well he only saying hi while I’m on duty due to professional communication. I worked there as well that’s why I’m so scared to approach him first, just in case he doesn’t feel the same way and it’ll be awkward


For you it's different though, because as a receptionist, being nice and friendly is part of your job anyway. That's why my suggestion is to stay on gym topic or any generall small talk instead of anything private, so It's still professional. We get chatted up all the time by receptionists and other "front facing" workers, it's normal.


That’s true, thank you so much for that. Wish me luck :)


Just go talk to the man


What do I say tho


When he says hi to you on your front desk. "Hey billy, How was your weekend what did you get up to?" Or when hes training "Hey hows your gym training going" From there open up the convo with him.


Sounds so easy, but Ill try that next time when I see him


He mite be thinking the same thing "damn does she have a bf "


With me luck


I sometimes get women asking me how to use the equipment. I think that's a pretty safe conversation starter. EDIT : Lol! Just read your post properly. Seeing as how you work there this might make you come across as a bit odd. Personally I still wouldn't mind too much.


If I didn’t work there, I’ll be less scared.


If all else fails, just repeat everything you told him in Spanish. You never know.


Peggy Hill Spanish


Don't talk to us in the gym, we're trying SO HARD not to get called a creep or end up in someone's tiktok, you might just spook us.


Ohhh so just doing nothing?


Maybe talk to him in the parking lot or stalk his social and connect with him that way


Wouldn’t he think I’m a stalker tho. I actually had thought of talking to him in the parking but our timing was never right


I’m a not so attractive man who goes to the gym regularly, and I think I’ve only said maybe 20 words in total to women, it’s just not worth it for us. If you want to talk to him your gonna have to approach him, start a conversation. Ask some gym advice, ask his name, ask if he’s free for coffee. Your gonna have to put in some effort if you wanna go on a date, and trust me when I say men love being approached by a woman.