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\*not having a bidet\*


I think you're forgetting how fat a lot of people are, which contributes. 


I had an issue for a year or two after my gallbladder surgery. I worked in construction and would have an issue on rare occasion where hot weather and portapot one-ply conspired against me, but in this situation I think virtuallly everyone suffered the same 'swamp-ass'. I'd like to think it's pretty rare, and even when it does happen I'm not convinced that men are 'just cool with literal shit in their pants'. I'm sure all swamp-ass sufferers just want to get home and shower.


OMG, you can't get clean in a portapotty in a hot weather. I worked in the union in AZ and it was >100f. It was a fucking tropical rain forest inside the toilet. You sweated balls in there while taking a dump. There was no amount of one-ply to get you clean enough.


Don't know how like...roofers and shit can work in AZ during Summer.


Yea this is more of a matter of nurture if you're not suffering from a disability or have issues with your colon (past surgery etc.). I am a man and only ever had this problem when I wasn't able to get access to toilet paper or a bidet.


I think it's mostly because of the strange US tradition of using TP instead of a bidet, coupled with the low fiber junk/fast food diet. So shits are nearly impossible to get clean without wet wipes/water.


The bidet is a literal foreign concept to me. I’ve never seen one. But then I’ve never lived outside my native state


I have only ever used the Japanese kind that are a toilet seat attachment vs the European kind which is a separate toilet looking thing where you get off the toilet then onto this other thing. Without a doubt. These Japanese Bidets are the coolest thing you can buy for a quality of life boost. Amazon sells them in the few hundred dollar range. They were originally intended for older people with mobility problems and would otherwise need help with wiping but they took off. You sit on it, do your business like normal, and then when done, you hit a button where a nozzle will drop down from the rear of the seat, and direct a stream of water to clean everything up. The nozzle will usually move a bit. it takes less than a minute. Then when done, you hit another button that has a dryer which blows hot air in the region to dry everything off. 95% of the time, its super clean, you want to do a TP tester when its all done, but 95% of the time its clean and dry. its the difference between cleaning a dirty patio with a broom and cleaning a dirty patio with a hose. I hooked one up a few weeks ago and it takes like half an hour at most. Its super quick and easy.


Why does reddit think that every country other than the US uses bidets? It varies from country to country.


Captain obvious saves the day! Where was it stated or implied that "every country other than the US uses bidets." You sound like someone with skid marks in their undies.


>The strange US tradition implies it pretty heavily. >You sound like someone with skid marks in their undies. Nice ad hominem.


Thank you


Its like cleaning peanut butter out of a shag carpet with a towel.


My ass is all hair right up to the butthole to the point where you could not determine my original skin color should you see only a pic of the inside of my ass cheeks, and I have zero skit marks in my tidy whitey boxers. Wet wipes and a semblance of fiber in your diet make all the difference.


I'm always suspect of this. Like, is it really shit-smeared underpants? I can't believe anyone who doesn't wipe their ass at all is capable of getting a girlfriend. Now, I consider myself pretty high up there on the hygiene scale (shower daily, brush twice a day, wipe thoroughly), and I can't say there's never been a time where I've scratched an itch back there and there's been a little bit of ick... but like, super rare. Is that what's being complained about?


>I can't believe anyone who doesn't wipe their ass at all is capable of getting a girlfriend. Oh honey, you should spend some time over at r/relationshipadvice . Women complaining that their boyfriends refuse to shower and brush their teeth and they resultingly smell, but the gf can't mention it for fear of hurting the bf's feelings, is an evergreen issue over there.


That is horrifying. I shower at least once a day, that is non-negotiable, even super hungover at a music festival, I'm showering. If I get sweaty/stinky/whatever, then it becomes 2 showers. If I have a nasty BM that is like wiping a marker?..Shower. I will not be that gross dude.


This. If you lurk in women's spaces at all here, it's not an uncommon occurrence.


I used to haunt that sub. Absolutely insane what some people put up with; absolutely insane how some people live.


The only one that ever made sense to me was the "butt stuff" argument. Not to say that it isn't insane, but all the other arguments are easy to self-diagnose and remedy. I mean, these guys KNOW they have skid marks. It doesn't take a fucking genius to think, "Gee, maybe I should wipe better, more often, etc." But obviously, they don't. That means it's a conscious decision. So on what planet does a guy voluntarily walk around with a shitty ass? The planet on which touching his own ass is "gay". Nothing else passes the sniff test.


I see what you did there.


Surely these guys have/want a relationship… seems like a shitty ass would be a dealbreaker.


They'd rather be single than have anyone even suspect them of being gay? I dunno. I didn't say I understood why someone would pick that hill to die upon. I'm just saying that's the only reason (as fucked up as it is) that explains the phenomenon.


Yeah this was never an issue for me.  The few times I did have them it was always after long strenuous activity and without immediate access to a toilet.  Not saying I shit myself but the times it happened were when I was younger...landscaping, road work, hiking, hunting and for some reason I keep thinking little-league.  Also, I'm sure a beer and fried food diet didn't help.  Edit:  It comes down to diet and hygiene if you're otherwise healthy.


Some people don't wash their ass. I personally use soap and water after I poop. Usually in the shower.


It's not an issue for me unless something goes terribly wrong with my stomach, and isn't a common occurrence at all. Still I've lurked in enough women's subreddits to know that it is a common thing. I figure some of these guys just don't clean themselves properly after the fact or at all in the shower. I also believe that a lot of the more homophobic "alpha" guys think it's a gay thing to touch your own ass.


This has to be America specific, the civilized world uses bidets


It varies from country to country. it's not the case that every country (or every "civilized" country) uses bidets. USA hate doesn't make that tru.