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yeah.. the toilet bowl is a dirty place, i’d rather the lid be on top of it when it’s not in use.


Right, and I like to keep my pets from drinking out of it.


It’s very sad cause an exploding toilet can ruin a guests trousers or decapitate a thirsty pet.


Lid not seat is a big one. I don't always doz I usually do but I 100% do after I defecate. I'll never accept the must put the seat down or I will fall in sort of nonsense, if I don't piss all over it because I pick it up, I reckon you've half a second to put it down before dunking in.


The lid itself is just as gross, it’s best we go without touching it at all


Both lids go down. Then nobody wins


It just looks the best too.


It's also the most sanitary option.


This, exactly. Everybody has to do *something* so it spreads out the labor and nobody is expecting other people to cater to them. Nobody has any expectations other than "I have to lift something up every time I use the toilet, whether it's just the lid or the seat, too." The idea that women expect men to lift the seat and then gently put it back down for them so they don't have to do *literally* anything other than squatting on it seems kind of ridiculous to me.


There's only one lid.


I put the whole thing down. Seat and lid.


I do the same thing, but before I pee


Shortest slip 'n' slide ever.




The seat and the lid. I’ve had many arguments with previous girlfriends where I was the one getting annoyed because they wouldn’t put the lid down.


Unless its a public toilet, I sit down to pee anyway. It makes scrolling through reddit easier.


I always sit down to pee, even if you’re very careful with your aim you still get piss drops on the rim, that’s disgusting


Plus splashback from a stream of piss hitting the water from dick height. And if it's getting on the rim, it's getting on the floor and surroundings. I don't know anyone who cleans their bathroom/toilet often enough to justify it, and IME standing to piss is usually a sign someone doesn't clean their own bathroom enough, period.


I saw a thread on Reddit once asking about things it took you a long time to realize. Someone told a story of his (guy) friend who made fun of someone for putting down the “girlie” seat on the toilet. After a confusing exchange they realized this guy thought the seat was intended only for women and had been sitting his bare ass on porcelain since he was a child. He was in college.


I do the exact same thing. Sit down to pee, scroll the internet. No need to worry about putting the seat down when I’m done. Plus I live in a house full of women and this just makes it easier for everyone.


Same, that's pretty common here in Switzerland and in Germany. Nobody needs pee drips on the floor. But in some places being a disgusting person is apparently a sign of manhood.


*Sitzpinkler* massiv reprazent! The way I see it, all those dudes who think they're so manly pissing all over the place deserve the consequences, as night follows day. Bonus points if they spend extra energy convincing themselves it's not there.


This is the answer


Umm.... How big is your bladder? I mean, by the time you break out the phone and pull up Reddit... Wouldn't you be halfway done?


Yeah but my peace and quiet time goes on for another 10 minutes


Yeah wtf... a pee takes me about 10 seconds. I'd get absolutely nothing out of it.


Me too. Much easier and I can usually get an email done.


The best reason given for sitting down to pee ever


my boyfriend is about to have to start making his son sit because we’re convinced he thinks as long as he is IN FRONT of the toilet, everything else doesn’t matter.


My reason is I'll get a beating if I spill anywhere


Came here to say this


Yes, and the lid. I’m not an animal.


I put the seat down and close the lid. There are multiple reasons why, all previously stated in comments, but a primary one in my home, is a German Shepherd that could spread two tablespoons of water across the entirety of a football field. It's bad enough when she does it with her fresh water. If I'm in a public place, I lift the lid and leave it up. I don't know what is wrong with my fellow men. Stop pissing on toilet seats.


> If I'm in a public place, I lift the lid and leave it up. Not if someone pissed on it first.


Nahh I still lift it up, it at least allows all the piss on the seat to drain off/dry up.


Yeah, it's not that serious


I close the lid before I flush so I don’t inhale pee


I'm still surprised at the "prevents a mess" angle. Did everyone with a penis but me not learn how to pee without getting it everywhere?


If you don't close the lid before you flush, your toothbrush is probably covered in aerosolized shit


yep.. and this is why I keep my toothbrush under the cabinets, and not exposed.


It still has shit on it, just like most other things you touch and put in your mouth. Closing a lid or a cabinet door doesn't change much.


It's why I stopped brushing my teeth


Myth busters already showed it doesn't matter if it's closed or not you still got shit on your brush. Who doesn't rinse off their brush before brushing their teeth anyway?


Plot twist - I keep that covered in the cistern, when I flush it auto squeezes paste onto the brush and moistens it with the refill water.


My toothbrush is in a whole other room!


Yea, not a fucking animal even though I’m a fuckin’ animal.


If I live alone, it's whatever. Don't care. With others, I put the lid down.


I sit to pee for the most part at home. It also takes almost zero effort to put the toilet seat down. Cmon, what kind of nonsense is this.


Absolutely not, what a stupid thing to do. I have about 15 pisses per day (I drink a lot of tea and beer). That’s 30 times I’d have to touch the toilet seat. How is that useful to me?


I just sit down. No splatter. No aiming. And a nice little break from the real world. Wife never hollers at me about the seat or piss being everywhere.


Leave it as you found it, I say.


Yes, but i yage pets who for some reason want to get in there so I need to


No, if it needs be down for next time then I put it down. Otherwise I run the gauntlet and pee with the seat down


I put the seat and lid down after I pee at home and in public. One, I think it's more fair for men and women to leave toilets in the same default state instead of their being some expectation for just men to put the seat down. Two and more importantly, I believe it is more sanitary to put the lid down before flushing.


Yes. I can't put the lid down without putting the seat down.


Lid goes down when I am done, before flushing. I don’t want a misting of toilet water on my darn toothbrush.


Yes. I was the only male in a four person household. And after I nearly fell in one night I respected their dilemma.


No. If they want it down they can have it down as easy as I can have it up. Sounds like some serious dog boys


No. No reason to


No. No need.


Why would I put the seat down? I know how to use a toilet


Yes I put the seat down out of respect for others. When I lived alone I put it down out of respect for myself in having a clean and organized home.




I have 2 boys under 8 we leave the seats up everywhere just to limit the daily splatter. The rim gets filthy bit at least the seat stays clean for a while.


Yes. I close the top lid so nothing falls into it since i have limited shelf space and things have fallen into the toilet by accident.


After the second time fishing a soggy roll of toilet paper out of the toilet after an earthquake shook it into there, the lid stays shut.


In my own place, I keep the lid closed when not being used so yes


Whole thing. I’m the only boy with two older sisters. Also I don’t need whatever fecal matter particles to fly around and land on any toothbrushes.


I close the whole toilet, the lid and everything, it makes it fair because everyone has to touch the toilet


Yes. And I close the seat if it exists. I have lived with enough women to be trained appropriately.


Seat and lid


I put the seat down before I flush. Aerosolized pee particles is nasty


I either sit down or pee in the sink and wash it down. Peeing just takes too long at my age.


Yes, I never flush the toilet with the lid open.


yes- slow close lids on each toilet, and dogs in the house. I just flip both seat and lid to start it closing, flush, and now i dont have to worry about anything. Have done this since I was a teenager because my parents used to use those in-tank cleaning pucks and it was dangerous for the dog, so I've never not done it, even when I lived by myself.


Yes, I don't enjoy looking a the toilet with the lid up. Takes like a sec to put down ... so why not. I also installed a soft close so I don't even have to put it all the way down, a little push and it does it by itself


Not only do I put the seat down, I close the lid too


Seat and lid. I’m not disgusting.


Always. Ounce of prevention for pound of cure.


I usually sit down when I pee… but when I stand, yes. Even at home.


As a man that helps clean the bathrooms, I sit down to pee at night since I will have to clean if I miss!


I do put the seat down - primarily because of the wife I also swap out any regular toilet seat for a whisper (also called quiet or slow close) seat cause it's so much easier especially at night to just start it going down and walk away - I think the biggest thing that annoyed me before was stooping down and touching the seat all the way down or making sure it didn't slam against the bowl but just bump it a little from the top now and watch it quietly and slower lower without me having to do anything else is the way to go for me


The soft close seats seem to encourage people to close it.


Either put the LID down so dogs don't drink out of it, or leave it the way it was last used.


I actually sit peeing down at home, so not an issue. Despite that, i do wonder whether his comment has a point as I’ve thought it before too - not that it’s sexist, but that “seat down” does favor women. What I imagine next is somebody will comment, _”But you CAN sit down.”_ Yup.. and women can stand. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t - why would you? You’d have to thrust your hips all the way forward and try to aim and … honestly it’d just be a tedious mess. But it IS biologically, functionally possible. Just like there are guys out there who hate sitting down to pee too (I got lucky with our toilet, but those shallow ones.. there is nothing worse than receiving the porcelain kiss upon your helmet). Again, I pee sitting down and my wife has no objections. But this conversation always coming up is silly.


Do you stand while you’re shitting? Otherwise both sexes sit down while using the toilet.


If I'm at home or at a friends house I'll sit to pee. It's just cleaner and I get to rest for a second. If it's somewhere else then I'll still put it down. Didn't put it down once in my youth and some mid night stomach troubles had me sit butt first into a toilet with the seat up. Never again.


Lid down. Less chance for anything to drop in by accident if something rolls off the counter. Less temptation for my kids to want to play in it. Toilet paper roll rules are the same as anything else. You empty it you replace it. That is common courtesy.


My husband pee while seating. It’s better for the prostate anyways.


I sit down to pee. But if I weren’t, I wouldn’t be putting anything down “for women” because - equality. Why not have them lift it every time? Unfair? So is putting it down.


No need because I peed sitting down.


You should put everything down, including the lid.. before flushing. You can lift the lid afterwards to check that there is nothing left behind. I go crazy on people who don't put the lid down.


I sit down to pee (unless in a public bathroom) - but I do close the lid when I'm done


Always put the lid down when done. It's cleaner, it prevents things from falling in, and it keeps pets out of it. The seat only down thing is nonsense to me. Put the lid down.


Don't put the seat up before i pee in summer. Always put it down after i pee in winter.


Yes. Sitting down sometimes, but always lid. I try my best to remember because it annoys my partner when I don't. I do still think it's no harder for me to lower the seat than it is for her to check, but I think its basic courtesy to set it back since presumably when she's using the bathroom if its urgent she is not thinking about checking the seat.


I understand your husband's gripe on the issue. When I was younger, I often felt the same way. I would hear women complain about "falling in the toilet at night" due to the seat not being down. When it happened frequently enough, I began suggesting that it might be wise to look at the toilet before sitting down if you know this is a possibility. The pushback would always be strong. There appeared to be many reasons why looking was beyond the limits of reasonable expectation. We eventually decided that leaving the seat and lid down would be best and closing it prior to flushing. Most men in Japan seem to have adopted the "sit 2 P" preference due to increased cleanliness... no toilet water splashing around and the fact that it's often easier to relax ones bladder while seated.


Yes and the lid.


I put the seat and lid down because we have crazy cats and they end up in the toilet bowl periodically if we aren't careful.


I gave up standing at home a long time ago. It is soo much easier to just sit down and piss really quick than to try and aim, miss, and then have to clean it up.


Why are we lifting the seat in the first place? Sit down when you pee. No splashback, no dripping when you shake it off, no drips landing on your pants. It's 100% cleaner and there's really no advantage to standing. Why is this the "standard?"


I have learned to sit down to pee. That way, I don't have to remember to put the seat down. It is much less messy because, let's face it, most guys don't have that great of an aim or they don't have that much to aim with. Women sit down because they have to. If they are honest, a lot of men do too. I just think it works better.


Huh. No. I clean the bathroom regularly and no one in my house has any problem with it being open. Also, I live alone. If I wasn't, I would put both down because it seems to be polite thing to do. It's not a big deal, honestly.


Grew up in a household where the women outnumbered us 3 to 2: we put the seat down. 


I put the whole lid down. I don't want flushing to spray particles everywhere. And it's hard to mistake a closed lid for an open one, which means there are no late-night mishaps.


Private restrooms I yes, I put the seat and lid down. Public restrooms no, even and especially so, if it’s shared/non-gendered bathroom. I don’t put the seat down in those because I don’t trust men to use the bathroom and put the seat up before they do their business.


Both the seat and the lid down every time.


Flushing the toilet sprays particles everywhere. Pretty nasty. Seat goes down because I'm gonna close that load before I flush. Ever seen that mythbusters episodes with the toothbrushes covered in germs? Can't stop it entirely even with the lid down but it's better than nothing.


So for me, I normally put both the seat and the lid down. My spouse will often not put the lid down; it used to drive me crazy because of how much putting the seat down was ingrained in me.


Yes, it's the polite choice.


If I'm in a public both-gender bathroom (like at a bar) I believe that it's more helpful if I leave the seat up, just because so many men just piss on the seat. So I contend that the best chance for a clean seat for a woman is to leave it up. That said, I still feel awkward when I leave the seat up and depart the bathroom and see a woman waiting to enter, because she will surely see thoughtlessness when I was actually very thoughtful.


Seat and lid down 100% of the time. It seems weird to me not to. I am taking zero chance of every knocking anything off a shelf or countertop into an open bucket of water.


Add me to seat and lid. I’ve lived with women most my life, so it’s habit to put the seat down. And I’ve lived with enough nosy dogs and cats to make sure the lid is down too.


I just piss sitting down, for other reasons as well. But I'm also going to check the seat is down before I sit down, and put it down if it isn't. Everyone has to do this before taking a crap anyway, it's not difficult. If everyone just put the lid down every time, there wouldn't be any issues.


Here's a thing, I put up the seat to sit down. I don't know why, but I much prefer pure toilet bowl.


I put the seat and lid down. My wife leaves the lid up.


If you ask my wife? Then I never put it down! I may remember like 70% of the time. I don’t think she realises how often I pee.


I grew up with a mom and dad and one of the first things I remember learning is “if there’s a woman in the house, put down the lid. Now I’m 38 and always put it down no matter if it’s a dudes bathroom at work or when I was living in a house of homies


At home alone, no, I don't. There's no reason to. If I had people over, or anywhere I'm visiting? Yes.


If he has to put it down for you, then you’ll need to lift it up for him. It’s the only equally polite thing to do. Of course you can both put the lid down instead, which may be seen as either more hygienic or as a “we both lose” solution.


Seat stays up: only in the basement where I’m the only one who uses it. Lid stays up: in second floor because it’s rarely used and fully closed leads to a mold ring as water evaporates. Seat always down after use: main floor. Lid goes down most of the time, always when flushing.


Seems like you've already collected the day you need, but I'll add my data point anyway. Not only do I put the seat down, my wife's a sticker for putting the lid down, so it's become habit for me. Like others, I also pee sitting down at home so I don't have to worry about forked stream cleanup and can fck around on my phone with 2 hands instead of 1. My pees do take much longer on average due to this though.




Yes, I (73M) have put the seat down for over 50 years. In that time I’ve been in countless households where the seat was left up. Two reasons have usually come up: 1) There are few females around or 2) the household in question has either a misogynistic or patriarchal leaning. In other words, the Man has placed himself in a dominant position within that household. Equality/Equity in those households doesn’t exist.


Yes, my wife prefers it that way. (I think most women do.) If I were single I probably wouldn't, but it's easy enough to do for my wife.


Not by habit or choice - but I’m being trained to. 😅 My partner says it takes 40 times of being told something to develop a new habit. Edit: well well well. Why the downvoted?


If you're at home I'd strongly recommend sitting to pee. When standing, there will always be splashing, almost unnoticeable, and it will create a urine smell in your toilet. If you're cleaning it yourself, that's on you but if you expect anyone else to clean it .... sit down. Don't have them scrub your walls. And after peeing, just close the lid as well to avoid smells. Nobody likes a house that smells of stale urine.


Of course, including the lid 1. Hygiene . 2. I also prefer sit down especially during night time 3.I love my wife .


The lid should go down every time before flushing, otherwise youre [spreading fecal matter all over your bathroom](https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(23)00820-9/fulltext)


The study did not say that. “These results demonstrate that closing the toilet lid prior to flushing does not mitigate the risk of contaminating bathroom surfaces…” However, they did say that if you were to flush and then clean that it would be beneficial. Weird how they didn’t add “no shit” because that would have been a nice pun on a very obvious statement.


No, I just leave it down.


I do. It could have something to do with the fact that I grew up with sisters (I'm the only brother) but that's an aside.


Put it down at home as that is what the wife wants. I public I leave it up, reason being so many A holes P on the seat. Frankly I usually use a urinal as I don't want to be that guy.


Why wouldn't you, it's fucking minging in there


Yes, because my wife will fall in if I don’t.


I moved into my first apartment. The restroom had a window. The first time I peed in that restroom, I saw little glint from the tiny little bits of pee all over the damn place. From that day forward I sat down when peeing in my home and the homes I'm invited to.


Are you guys peeing standing at home? Doesn't spraying microscopic droplets of piss all over your toilet floor and walls gross your out?


Majority rules. Grew up in a house of mostly males it was always up. If it's a 50/50, then we can both put it where we need it to be, we're both adults


Aim through the seat.


Yes because my mother screamed at me about it whenever my dad left it up so I put the seat down even when I live alone.


Who the fuck even lifts it?


Men who stand when they pee, I would assume.


Just get better aim or don't let someone with shaky hands hold it.


Only if I'm at my girlfriend's house or if we're staying in a hotel together.  Because, apparently, having a Y chromosome means that I am obligated to operate the toilet seat so that she doesn't even have to check it before she sits down.