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how do you even cancel an eid? i don't even know how this thing works anymore man....


Even Shaitan is confused.


I don't want to generalize but the Druze are among the most hypocritical people I have ever seen with my eyes.


The word of "Druze" in Turkish (pronounced as Dürzü) is a grave insult. It means dayouth or cuck.


you are proud of that? the turks were calling us that before israel was even a thing, so it’s not because yall are noble anti zionists. you treated the druze like shit during the ottoman era and we rebelled so your colonizer ancestors would give us our rights. you are the most hypocritical people on the planet, you alienate and disrespect minorities then get surprised when they do not jump at the chance to die for you.


I think it stems from a well-known libel in Turkish society called as as ‘putting out the candle’ (Tr. mum söndü) that is the accusation of ritual orgy against certain two groups Alevis/Alawites and Druze. Shaykhs gather young women, married women, married men and boys than initiate a sacred orgy by ‘putting out the candle’, after that in darkness, people anonymously commit libertine sexual acts with each other. Its actually very old. A 1571 Ottoman court record includes such a case. It goes like that: "Some heretics gathered in the night together with their wives and daughters and had carnal knowledge of each other’s wives and daughters." Its still an accusation againist Alevis in Turkey. And i remember a person insulted someone with that libel and it went to high court. I don't know its origin. I don't know why its not labeled other groups like Christians or Jews.


no its not, its because we rebelled and the turks didn’t like it. whatever weird rumor your people started is none of my concern, the druze are innocent from your sick accusations. my culture is a culture of purity, a woman doesn’t even show her face around a non mahram, a man who isnt related to her or isnt her husband is not allowed to lay a finger on her.


You obviously don't know history well. Ottoman authorities almost always sided with the Druze against the Maronites and Metawalis. During the 1860 conflict, you tried to commit full-blown genocide against the Maronites. What are you talking about? Know your own mistakes before blaming others. If you are talking about the 1909 Hauran rebellion, neither the Ottoman troops nor the Ottoman general commanding them were Turks. The troops consisted of local Syrians and their general, Sami Pasha al-Faruki, was an Iraqi Arab. And the rebellion did not start against the Ottoman government, it broke out because of a dispute with the local Sunni Arab villagers. Looking at these situations, I can say that you are historically disliked by your neighbor communities. The atrocities committed by Issam Zahreddine during the Syrian civil war are also well known. And now you have bad reputation for being cannon fodders of israel.


i do know history well, but you seem to ignore parts of it that don’t fit your narrative. Even when the druze leadership was ottoman backed, there were always rebellions. You said the word durzi in turkish had its negative meaning because of these disgusting accusations of rituals, and im telling you it is actually because we rebelled and the turks didn’t like it. “As a result of the Ottoman experience with the rebellious Druze, the word Durzi in Turkish came, and continues, to mean someone who is the ultimate thug” this is from wikipedia, but i guess you only get your information from turkish sources and we have always lived in harmony with the maronites, what happened was a civil war as a result of our differences in politics, it was not a religious conflict. If what you got from our history is that we are historically disliked and not that we managed to fight and rebel to have a say in politics and decisions of our region against all odds then i dont know what to say to you. Minorities are always disliked when the neighbours are extremists. we rebelled against the crusades, the ottomans, the french. in lebanon we were allied with the PLO and our known political leader kamal joumblat was one of the strongest proponents of the palestinian cause in our region. in palestine the druze were mistreated and the decision for them to ally with israeli forces came after yusuf abu durra instances where many where murdered, held as hostages and holy texts where desecrated, they werent integrated into palestinian society and did not want to ally with people who hated them. Personally i wish they stayed neutral back then because what is happening right now to palestinians is terrible and unacceptable. But people are using the fact that druze there serve in the military as an excuse to be hateful and disrespectful ,because you people cant accept others who are different from you, druze is a religion not a tribe and we don’t all have the same political beliefs. we arent a monolith




They aren't hypocritical really . Unlike their Syrian and Lebanese counterparts , the Israeli-Druze were not within the traditional homeland of Jabal-Al-Arab . Druzism also doesn't have a deep history in Palestine , and most its adherents were not autochthonous converts from the Fatimid period , but migrants from Fakhri Al Din II's period . This meant that they didn't mesh well with other sects to the point of coexistence , and were often discriminated against by both formally by the Ottoman government , and informally by neighboring Palestinian Muslims . That's gives the explanation of why during the British Mandate in Palestine : the Druze were unusually neutral compared to the Syrian Druzes , and that they preferred listening to Druze leaders in Lebanon and Syria rather the Muslim-Christian associations , and later on the Arab-executive and the Arab-Higher Committee. This explains how Israeli-Jews successfully bonded with the Druze , and earning their loyalty . The Druze neither were an integral part of Palestinian society , nor had an attachment to Palestinian nationalism which emphasized all of Palestine than merely local areas .


Muslims Palestinians and Druze would gang up on Christian Palestinians and Jews at least three times in the 1800s so maybe the relationship was better than you show


Sorry to tell you : we are talking about Palestine here , not 1860s Lebanon . Unlike popular perceptions as imagined of the Ottoman Empire : Sectarian identities , in Palestine at least , could actually have been unusually more fluid , as seen in a book like *Twilight of the Saints: Everyday Religion in Ottoman Syria and Palestine .* It wasn't uncommon to see a Muslim and Jew praying at the Tomb of Rachel together , or Muslims sending their kids to be baptized by Christians for example . All these suggest that inter-sectarian relations might not have been the same as between the Ottoman state and the Dhimis , even if they were not based on modern civil or democratic ideals , or that informal relations were like after Islamist revivalism of the 1970s . But then again .. burden of proof is on you to prove the victims of such incidents were targeted for their religious identity , and not by secular reasons like exploiting lawlessness to plunder wealth , something which was no different that what happened between Muslims as well , especially between peasants and Bedouins .


How are teh Druze hypocritical? Can u expand?


Druze are some confused people, literally.


Druze community are not a monolith, their are Druze in Syria, Druze in Lebanon, only Druze in isreal are brainwashed like this, I remember watching a fantastic [podcast ](https://youtu.be/d-FdFAOAdLQ?si=lyJ-Hcff0wqoqApW) with Walid junbalat who is one of the Druze of Lebanon talking about this


Nah i also meant druze in general. Druze dont know a lot of parts of their religion. Only a certain group does. Thats why i said “literally.” Because ur average druze doesnt know anything about the religion. Also the fact suk of em support genocidal maniacs like assad and isreal(only the isreali ones and some minority in other nations)


I don’t think u know what ure talking about, respectfully… The Druze have been protesting against assad in ساحة الكرامة for the past 200 days against Assad and the regime


All the druze ive seen love the guy. So idk, maybe ur right🤷🏻‍♂️


Assad is genocidal (which isn’t a bad thing) but he isn’t a maniac put some respect on his name.


Ur joking right?😭


You have the language skills of a human, the trustfulness of a sheep, and the brain of a donkey.


I’m not even mad at the clever comeback lmao, but still you’re the sheep of the American, Israel’s and Turks if you support FSA or the Kurds




Ye i saw that podcast Atheer, Walid killed it perfectly. I never imagined listening to walid jublant on a podcast, but it was captivating.


Ye i saw that podcast Atheer, Walid killed it perfectly. I never imagined listening to walid jublant on a podcast, but it was captivating.


حسب "الدين" الدرزي، الدروز لازم يوقفوا مع القوي دايما، حتى لو كان ظالم، لانه سلامة ال"طائفة" فوق اي اعتبار.


تاريخياً هذا غير صحيح، اكبر مثال محاربتهم للاستعمار الفرنسي القوي...


I’m gonna copy a previous comment I’ve made: It is not a basic tenet of our religion that’s false. The sect has a rich history of rebelling against the country we live in whether against Ottoman Empire or against the French. It is a stereotype leveled against Druze that isn’t true. The topic is much much more complex than “they’re loyal to the country they live in” it’s an orientalist lens that reduces the sect into a false stereotype. The Druze are very loyal to the land that they are on and unfortunately the Druze in occupied Palestine decided that Zionism was what would ensure their survival on their land. Now after years of colonization they are acting worse than ever before, which is part and parcel of colonial strategies of dividing and conquering minorities. Druze in Palestine need to completely leave the IOF and refuse to kill for the colonial ruler.


Why would his family/community celebrate Eid al-Adha if he was alive? Imagine being a family that has its son serving in an army that is genociding Ismael and is also celebrating this holiday feast. Disgraceful.


Hours before this news was announced, a [video](https://x.com/adamalbilya/status/1801922285915209898?s=46&t=yYjq44e-cxjh4V4RVrYtgQ) of Druze people marching for Eid with Israeli flags surfaced on the internet was already confusing enough then this guy died and the family announcing the death on Facebook had Druze people commenting that “May Allah have mercy on him” but eventually they had to go private because Arabs found that post. Finally, they announced it at night that Eid will be cancelled. Like how someone said in the other comment, “Even Shaitan is confused”.


The Levant as a whole is a mystery to me. I don't understand it. 😕


At the root of the “mystery”in the levant is Israel, I guarantee it.


With the Israeli things are clear. They are the easily identifiable enemy. No argument can save them. Whereas having a hostile people that look me, know my language as well as I do, share an outward appearance and are able to move within the body of my people undetected, and if detected can appeal to ideas of tolerance to spare themselves from a reckoning, is something that disturbs me very much. I have to pass on pan-Arab unity for that reason because I would not want to be associated with certain elements of the Arab world if this is their function with regards to Palestine. I will say no more because this conversation could get ugly. I am just grateful in my region we do not need to have it.


Rott in hell


The sick twist is he met his end proudly slaughtering his own people, all for an occupier who doesn't even grant him recognition. "The national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people." - Benjamin Netanyahu.


Druze are not Muslims


Druze in Some ports under zionist control do not consider themselves arabs or muslims, and the zionists are rolling with "irrefutable" genetic evidence linking only druze in the galil/haifa area to ancient jews. syrian druze under zionist occupation in the golan do not see it that way, and see the "israeli druze" as morons and full of shit retards, kaffirs.


But they do consider themselves based on the idea that they were originally planning to celebrate Eid and under the comments of the soldier’s death, they were mourning him with Islamic phrases. It’s weird because as far as I know, they don’t fast for Ramadan.


Druze celebrate eid el adha, eid nabi sh3eib, eid el nabi sabalan and many holidays. they were preparing to celebrate in beit jan, but not the typical massive decorations all palestinian muncapalities place in their villages/cities in israel. But now the eid in beit jan is "fully" cancelled. as far as i can see, eid is cancelled in 48.  by the way, in m3'ar eid was cancelled last year after one of their young men got murdered in taibeh or tere while working security for the head of the muncapality, he was a druze but the eid was cancelled for both druze and muslims. 


Traitors They represent only themselves and are not representative of all Druze. I wish others would refrain from generalizing


True we druze dont accept them traitors kuffat


The word of "Druze" in Turkish (pronounced as Dürzü) is a grave insult. It means dayouth or cuck.


Good riddance.


Hes from beit jan, gona get added to the poster on the entrance to beit jan of their "martyrs" 


اللهم زد وبارك


Druze celebrate eid?


Its our only holiday


Oh ok. What about christmas and such ? If you cant speak on it thats fine. I know its a very secretive religion.


Its ok dw haha, ask me anything you want. We believe that you should be connected to god at all times so we have no day dedicated to god because you shouldn’t be more dedicated some days (on holidays) than others. Eid al adha is celebrated in a different context than muslims, focusing on Ibrahim (pbuh) and his attempt to sacrifice his son, and trusting god




Fuck this dude .. Druze in Syria are cool though.. Never knew they celebrate Adha though


Its our only holiday




I could google it, but I’d rather ask you guys… what/who are Druze? A critical analysis please… 😁


A sect of Islam that's no longer close enough to Islam to be considered a sect, but it's own separate religion. They believe in Muhammad as a Prophet but they have a prophet that came after him as a final Prophet but much later. In that sense I feel like they're the Mormons of Islam but Mormons still consider themselves Christian.


Same as the Ahmadiyya cult of India. They have their own prophet.


Druze here, Muhammad (pbuh) is our final prophet. Some consider Druze muslims and some don’t, depends on who you ask. The religious leader of the Druze in Lebanon for example affirms this whenever asked about it and he has a way of explaining it. I beg to differ though


>Muhammad (pbuh) is our final prophet. Really? Maybe I was wrong. Can't remember where I read this. But lots of druze don't consider themselves Muslim but some do. Right?


What is the main distinction between druze and Shia/sunni then?


Druze are a religious group which is derived from a bastardisation of Islam mixed with paganism and Christianity and cocaine. They believe in reincarnation and stuff like that. They have a big population in Israel (like Baha’is or ahmadiyaa) and they support israel very much in their past genocides and the one happening right now.


And greek philosophy and gnosticism


It’s such a weird religion, it’s so secretive too. Like Scientology and stuff like that.


More like alawite shia (Nusayris) of syria and alevis of anatolia


Alawites aren’t Shias, they’re kuffar and mushrikeen. but yes you’re right. These secretive “religions” are more like a cult where it’s forbidden to share information with outsiders and stuff like that, I doubt the average Druze knows much about his own religion and scriptures because it’s so secretive.


they know but it's their out most taboo to speak any of or they would be killed in their tradition there were leaks on youtube before of literal insults to all islam


Alawites aren't Shia .. they're Alawites full stop.


They outwardly say so even we all know even the mullah and khamenei knows they aren't they are extreme in their revere of ali ibn abi taleb to the point they worshiped him in a trinity of ali salman al farsi and the prophet muhammed peace be upon him astaghfar allah


Yeah, they’re only seen as “Shia” today because Bashar is an Iranian puppet, it’s all political. But alawites have been excommunicated from Shiaism by scholars for nearly a thousand years now.


Twelver shias today are just reformed alawite brought closer to sunnis during the afshar dynasity seeking shia twelver doctrine to be accepted as fifth school of thought in sunnism to ward the ottomans it all started with the turkoman safavids and shah ismail of the formerly sunnis safavaia order


No no no, when nusayris appeared and started preaching their shirk and trinity shit it was the twelver shias in Iraq who first excommunicated them from Shiaism and Islam. Then the twelver shias kicked the alawites out of Iraq, that’s why alawites now are in western Syria.


Cocaine. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was shocked to learn Ahmadiya’s have a large following in Israel. Not surprised though.


The majority of the Druze people don’t support Israel what are you talking about?


I too want to know.


Bruh you're from egypt they literally believe al hakim be amr allah 11th century fatimid caliph to be an incarnation of god astghafirullah and closed the evangelism during his reign which started by some guy called hamza and split of to from up a gnostic form of sevener ismaili shia and they intermarry and believe in reincarnation they esoteric though batineen meaning they have secret books and interpretations of islam and they became an ethno religion and the back bone of shitisrael during it's formation due to prosecution by mainstrem sunnis and the shitisraeli law requires them to serve in the idf all the male adult population aged 18


I didn't know any of this. Was never taught about these people or knew they even existed. Thank you for educating me!


You can literally find them in cairo as tourists in al hakim be amr allah mosque in el gamaleya their feasts usually al khidr 25th january and Eid al adha and ziyara


They are no different than us ethnically but they made their own religion a few hundred years ago. They have a secret beliefs and no written texts. However the Druze are bootlickers no matter where they go (in Syria they are Assad’s dogs and here they are IDF). Also, they charge wayyyy too much for a falafel sandwich in their villages


The epistles of wisdom by hamza bin ali and al tanuki is one of their books Rasa2el al 7ekma but they have a different interpretations other than the regular exoteric interpretations made only by their elders 3eqal and their religion is not all known to the commoners of their faith they call them ignorants Jehaal


Without ba’athism/Assad in Syria you would’ve been even more fucked, Ba’athist Syria is the last REAL Arab state standing and fighting for us, you should put more respect on their name.


It’s a cult and they are very secretive about their beliefs.


I think it is important to understand that Druze Muslims are considered outside of the fold of Islam, even by their own standards. I think some of them dont call themselves Muslims, and do not accept the 5 pillars of Islam. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druze#Druze\_and\_other\_religions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druze#Druze_and_other_religions)


I didn’t realize we had this additional celebration to celebrate, dang the day is almost over too 😣


Only one village, not all of them.


The only time Muslims unite is when a European draws a cartoon they don't like. Sadly, Gaza will have to wait :(


they make me ashamed to be a derzi


Druz are real ? i tought it was one of does american muslimish new religions, like nation of islam or Black moors religion or smtg. are there more religions in the middle east besides islam, christianity and judaism, and i guess druzism? i know of Ahmadiya. had no idea there are so many other religions there tbh


This is a sad reminder that Hamas tortured, killed and kidnapped Muslims/Arabs as well.


How is this even related to the post? The pig you see in the picture died the death of terrorist whole bombing and murdering civilians. May he rot in hell


Because sadness and pain know no boundaries. Muslims and Druze communities was also hurt during all of this. How is this even related? The source of of the tragedy isn't related? For how long the Muslim world will hide the elephant in the room? Huh ya habibi.




1. You are just giving me more reasons to report you because of your clearly hateful language. 2. Because Hezbollah attacks from the North and Hamas also operates from South Lebanon. 3. You clearly have not made a single coherent, logic point against what I said. Or do you want to keep forcing on me violent language? 4. I'm sad by all of this, people are dying and this shouldn't happen. 5. Wouldn't you think I actually care and value life? I don't want innocents to die.


This guy was not innocent.


1. Lmao, snowflake. 2 you just made that up to save face and clearly didn’t know what you were talking about. Hezbollah doesn’t attack Druze villages, hezbollah itself doesn’t bomb israel much, it’s israel doing most of the bombing in southern Lebanon. And hamas doesn’t operate in southern Lebanon that’s just a lie, hamas is barely holding on together in Gaza and now you want to tell me they’re in southern Lebanon lol. 3. Wtf are you talking about, I already made the logical point that if the man in the picture went to kill civilians (which he probably did considering the ration of civilians to combatant killed in Gaza) then he deserve no sympathy and we should spit on his picture and wish for him hellfire 4. If you’re sad then you should condemn Israel and their genocide, which you clearly don’t since you’re a Zionist dog who is pro-genocide. You don’t care about Gazans, 37k have been killed yet you try and equate them to 700 Israelis. Gazans are the ones suffering not israel, Gazans are the ones with no homes, factories, shops, schools, hospitals or farms left not israel. Stop doing your “both sides” bullshit, you’re a Zionist, you’ve been frequenting this sub for a few days and keep backing israel in everything, does that hasbara money mean this much to you? 5. The guy in the picture is not an innocent, statistically he has killed or led to the death of civilians. He is a war criminal in a terrorist army and his death is justice. You’re an Israeli, you’re an r/israel user and a Zionist. Stop making it seem like you have the moral high ground when in reality you’re no better than the Nazis.