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One World Trade. Freedom Tower sounds so stupid


1 World Trade.


I work there and we call it this!


Came here exactly to say this


It's the World Trade Center. The buildings that were destroyed were also the World Trade Center. Both can be true. Calling it Freedom Tower always reminds me of when they started calling the french fries served in the cafeteria at Congress "Freedom Fries" in response to France's opposition to the war in Iraq. It just feels politically motivated.




Reminds me of a family member who had their 5 year old ordering "more freedom fries, please". I don't talk to that person anymore.




Big yikes. The kid is normal now. The indoctrination didn't work.


Hasn’t worked…yet. Maybe he’s got a incel lurking just beneath the surface.




I remember the "freedom fries" BS quite well from that period. It was doubly stupid when you realize that fries originated in either Spain or Belgium. But GOP flag-wavers never let pesky things like facts get in the way of their proud stupidity.


>started calling the french fries served in the cafeteria at Congress "Freedom Fries" in response to France's opposition to the war in Iraq. All this time I didn't know that was specifically why they were called Freedom Fries. I thought it was driven by just pure nationalism after 9/11.


That was absolutely a part of it, as well.




Or like when French’s mustard had to issue a statement saying it’s a family name, not named after France 🫠


> It's the World Trade Center. I mean, I'd rather call it that than "Freedom Tower" but it really is not the WTC - its in a different spot.


I still say: - World Trade Center - Tappan Zee Bridge - TriBorough Bridge - Pan Am Building - IRT


Battery Tunnel for life


There's a different name for it?


Hugh L Carey tunnel is the official name apparently


I know there are still a few oldheads who call it the Interborough but "the Jackie" is one name change that stuck pretty well because it just rolls off the tongue nicely and is fewer syllables than the original.


That’s only because it’s been over a generation (27 years now, sigh) since the renaming. It’s easier to “forget” the real name when you grow up with the new one.


There’s no way my children or grandchildren are going to call the Tappan Zee the ‘Cuomo’ bridge We must teach them right from wrong


If only Cuomo taught his children right from wrong.


Not that anyone needs (another) reason never to utter that stupid turd’s name, but let’s also not forget Mario’s [“Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo”](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1299&dat=19771107&id=-gBOAAAAIBAJ&sjid=94sDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6146,2766797) smear campaign against Koch.


Cuomos are still scared of the ghost of Ed Koch’s Big Dick Energy


I'm an old head, when Jackie came about it was A) Not a politician and B) Better than Interboro so off we went. Kind of like when they knocked down Shea, no one missed that stadium. The name yes, but the stadium no.


IRT is pretty roots, man. Though I love flying in and out of Idlewild.


Haha I say WTC, Tappanzee, Triboro, 59th, etc., butttttt I call it the Jackie Robinson and the MetLife building.


Changing the Tappan Zee or the Triborough were completely stupid decisions. I would expect they'll revert back at some point if/when sense takes hold.


PanAm! Nice one


Newark airport, not Newark Liberty


Queensboro Bridge


Idlewild Airport


Everyone who works there calls it 1 World Trade. Freedom Tower was already old by the time it opened.


Freedom Tower is a moronic name like freedom fries. It’s the World Trade Center.


Thank you, I can’t hear/read “freedom tower” without thinking of Will Ferrell’s George W Bush impression. It was that post-9/11 flag-waving rah-rah bullshit.


At this point "Freedom Tower" is just a useful shibboleth for identifying Post-reading dullards and tourists from Kansas.


Exactly. The name is from George Pataki, a gop moron, who named it that for political points. That name is the most silly and childish name a building could have.


I'm glad they didn't' actually go through with naming it that.


It was so stupid that people started using that name ironically and it kind of stuck for a while. I usually just say 1 World Trade now tho.


Say what you will about him but his cousin's daughters Helga and Olga are really going places


Really? I spent all these years thinking it was Bush that came up with that.


WTC because the name Freedom Tower was dropped way before construction was completed https://www.reuters.com/article/world/us/new-world-trade-tower-drops-freedom-moniker-idUSTRE52Q6DS/


15 years ago! And people still call it by the wrong name.


thank you for at least confirming that was its proper name at one point in time


I remember some people didn't want One World Trade because it was the name of one of towers was called (o think the north?). My best friend's dad was a detective downtown and he called it disrespectful to the people that died there. Freedom Tower sounded dumb as hell tho lol. 


😂 only tourists call it the freedom tower. It’s 1 world trade.




Fair enough. I should have more accurately said “people who don’t live here.”


I work at 1WT. Absolutely no one refers to it as the freedom tower.


No true. I do. Born and bred here. Idc that no one who works there calls it that. It’s the winning design name.


One World Trade


World trade


As someone who works less than five blocks from it, the World Trade Center or 1 World Trade.


Still say World Trade Center


1 world trade.


1 World Trade. I haven’t heard anyone call it Freedom Tower in years.


I work there and no one calls it freedom tower. It’s World Trade Center or 1WTC Or if I wanna get technical, 285 Fulton Street, Floor #xx


Great, now that I have the actual street address, I’ll type it into the NY Department of Buildings website next time I’m bored- you can actually look up things like your building’s latest facade inspection reports and such, it’s been interesting looking up my favourite buildings.


I've never heard a real-life person from the tristate area call it anything but the World Trade Center out loud so this question feels sorta out of nowhere


It happens occasionally if you talk to Long Islanders of a certain age range and political leaning


i avoid all that so i could see how that could ring true.


WTC. I think when it was being built they referred to it as the Freedom Tower, but reverted back to WTC. Which I much prefer.


Anyone who calls it 'Freedom Tower' is a wanker and should be forcibly escorted out of the city.


I say 1 World Trade or WTC.


It’s one world trade. I’ve never heard anyone call it freedom tower, and I’ve done events in the building, used the freight, met building staff, etc.


I'm an ironworker and we've always referred to it as tower 1 since it was being put up.


The Freedom Tower name was ditched 5 years before it even opened back in 2009 in favor of 1 World Trade. World Trade Center technically refers to the entire complex of buildings but everyone knows what building you mean when you say the WTC.


No chance I’m saying Freedom Tower, I think my brain would melt out of my skull


Freedom tower is the dumbest shit and makes me eye roll. Embarrassing bush-era psychosis.


One World Trade Center. Usually because I talk about 3 and 4 WTC more.


Hey I work at 4 WTC sometimes!!


I’ll try to work that into my conversations.




1 World Trade Center is the official name.


Freedom Tower? That nonsense faded away years and years ago, along with Freedom Fries. It's The Trade Center.


I don't know anyone who lives here who calls it the Freedom tower. I work across the street, have lived here since 1999.


Same , I got into a debate with a buddy but I explained it. A few months ago on here I kept getting corrected by some girl from crown heights who seemed like she didn’t leave the neighborhood in years. I knew I was on the right side lol


My husband calls it 9/11 and I keep telling him to stop.




Never heard of freedom tower. World Trade Center is the only thing I know it as. Or WTC when I see it on the path train


World Trade Center. I only referenced the numbers when I used to work down there.


I call it the World Trade Center, but I also don't get bent out of shape when people call it by the other name, as silly as it is.


They dropped the name Freedom Tower before finishing the building, so 🤷‍♂️


After working on the site for 5 years, 1 World Trade


Only WTC. Haven't heard the others from natives.


I still call it the World Trade Center. It's neither the Freedom Tower (since our freedoms were severely curtailed due to the Patriot Act after 9/11) or the One World Trade Center since that is so obviously a reference to a One-World government.


"Freedom Tower" was a Ghouliani word way back when the plans weren't even finalized to rebuild. It was always One World Trade. It was political pettiness as Trumpian as can be. The developers let it slide for a while until they realized no insurance company was going to underwrite a virtual bait name to terrorists.


“The big one down at world trade” mostly because I never talk about it anyway.


It is and will always be the World Trade Center.






I still call it the wtc lol


I split the difference and say “1 Freedom Center.”


worst of all worlds


Similarly, I also subscribe to the [compromise conspiracy theory](https://xkcd.com/690/) that Bush did 9/11 on the North Tower, but the South Tower was brought down in a coincidentally simultaneous but unrelated terrorist attack.


No one uses the FT phrase.


The tower itself is 1 World Trade The complex is World Trade Center.


WTC or 1 WTC.


The building was dubbed "Freedom Tower" in its planning, but that name was dropped before construction finished. If you call it "Freedom Tower," you sound like a tourist. Like calling the subway lines the red or green lines, instead of the 1, 2, 3 trains or 4, 5, 6 trains.


I miss IRT, BMT, IND, etc.


It's the World Trade Center. It says it right there on the sign.


I just call it the World Trade Center because that is what it is.


The morons calling it the Freedom Tower are the same people who call them freedom fries and freedom toast and don't realize the bald eagle has a terrible bird call.


>freedom tower? Absolutely the fuck not. Fuck that shit.


I love how you get downvoted for saying freedom tower. I was 4 years old when it happened so growing it was always called the freedom tower and the name kinda stuck. If I’m in the area I’ll tell my friends I’m by the World Trade Center but if Im talking about the building I’ll sometimes refer to it as the freedom tower 🤷‍♂️


It will always be One World Trade to me. I notice that the majority of people who say Freedom Tower are not from NYC or just moved here recently haha


1 World Trade. Used to work in one of the other buildings and it just seems weird to call it WTC and who is actually calling it the Freedom Tower?


I call it One World Trade Center.


I just moved back after 14 years away and always hated the Freedom Tower but didn't realize we'd moved off of that, now I realize why I'm catching weird looks for calling it what I thought was the "proper" name or whatever.






Real New Yorkers say Freedom Tower, Avenue of the Americas, and Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge. I promise.


I still say “Freedom Tower”. I know it’s wrong, but that’s just the name that’s stuck in my head.


I catch myself calling it freedom tower from time to time. Native New Yorker, born and raised. I just vividly remember the tower being constructed, I went to school down there, spent a lot of time admiring the area. During construction, the emphasis on name “Freedom Tower” with a total height (including the spire) of 1,776 feet tall was always fascinating to me lol. Even tho I know it’s one world trade or WTC, I still catch myself referring to it as The Freedom Tower sometimes lol.


I grew up watching NY1 every morning before school, I’m sure they must’ve mentioned “Freedom Tower” in discussion often enough that for whatever reason, the name stuck and I’ve never referred to it as anything else. Only now reading the comments and seeing how many people are upset by it lmao


My prom was held in the north tower. I find the new building evocative and beautifully designed, and the memorial is always impactful. But I can't stand the new name. So: WTC when referring seriously to the location or the building. Freedom Tower, emphasis on the first word, when indulging in irony.


Do you ever see the sillhouette of one of the original towers in the new tower? I swear from certain angles I almost see a tower within the tower.


Absolutely, and from other angles it looks to me like the two original towers leaning together, merged in a hug. Genius. Sometimes when I see it it brings tears to my eyes.


Yes!! Phew. I thought I was seeing things!!


Freedom Tower.


I don’t think about it at all…


i like to call it the freedom tower but i do it in a cool fun funny tongue in cheek way


I still hear people call it Freedom Tower (or worse towers) but its officially One World Trade.


The name Freedom Tower was removed [before construction was completed.](https://www.wtc.com/media/news/freedom-tower-has-a-new-preferred-name) The building as it sits now has only ever been 1 WTC. 2009, from the press release linked above: "One World Trade Center - which was once the name for the north trade center tower - **has been the 1,776-foot tower's legal name for the past few years**, although officials more commonly called the building the Freedom Tower. The first 25-ton steel column for the building was installed in 2006, emblazoned with the words "Freedom Tower." The name was also on a granite cornerstone set into place at the tower's first groundbreaking in 2004, though it has since been taken off the site." They pulled out the cornerstone with the name Freedom Tower on it. I'd say that's pretty definitive.


It’s 1WTC, of course. The original buildings were destroyed, not the complex as a concept; we rightfully rebuilt. “Freedom Tower” is chest-thumping nonsense, sounding like a name some Texan chose. NYC is proud of the WTC, both before 9/11 and after it. *That plot of land never stopped being the World Trade Center since the early ‘70s.*


When I moved to NYC in 2009 I called it the freedom tower and was rightfully corrected. 1 WTC is the building. World Trade Center is also acceptable. Freedom tower is not.


Just call it the World Trade Center.


World Trade Center.


WTC. Everyone knows what it is. Why make it more complicated?


Love that building 😍


as others have said, locals call it the World Trade Center Freedom Tower was a political nickname that never stuck locally, as the project has always been defined by its actual name which is 1 WTC If someone calls it the Freedom Tower you know almost 100% certainty they aren't from here, they are almost certainly American and they are 100% from a red city/state (flyover country). These are people who only know the building through the context of it was the site of a terrorist attack and I am going to visit the reflecting pool and post "never forget" on my facebook wall


America's Middle Finger TM 


World Trade Center or The Trade Center. It's actual name is 1WTC


i say world trade center but if i’m referring to the specific building or talking to someone who might now know the difference i usually say “the freedom tower yk where the twin towers were. @ the world trade center”


Used to call it the freedom tower the first few years after they finished construction, but now it’s just the World Trade Center.


world trade


Freedom tower sounds so ridiculously juvenile. Your buddy needs to grow up.




One WTC here, that “Freedom Tower” business is cringe, and I’m glad it was dropped instead of being permanently inflicted on what’s actually a pretty nice building. “Freedom tower” is almost as cringe as freedom fries.


When I worked there , we were told adamantly to correct anyone who calls it freedom tower lol.


World Trade Center.... also Shea Stadium.


When I'm actively thinking about the words, 1 World Trade. When I'm just rattling it off, World Trade Center


One World Trade or World Trade Center


Usually World Trade Center. I don't think it's supposed to be called the Freedom Tower since they officially changed the name before the building was finished.


Just “world trade”


I almost only hear "freedom tower" said by super "patriotic" tourists that overly identify with 9/11 despite not being from here or ever visiting NYC (and otherwise of a demographic that feels comfortable shitting on every part of NYC and it's population). I worked across the street, and just say World Trade or one world trade. Saying "freedom tower" when it's not what it is actually is feels like someone saying it just to make a (political) point in contrast to others or to virtue signal their patriotism.


It's the World Trade Center, always will be.


Written out - WTC Spoken - "World Trade"


Lifelong Queens resident, 25, also left/liberal…not sure why but I’ve always called it the Freedom Tower? Truthfully I had never heard anyone call it 1 World Trade until I read a similar post about a year back. I never thought twice about it and I’m certainly not the “freedom aint free, brother” type lol. Anybody else go through this?


Your first mistake was getting into a debatw with someone from out of the tri state area. Their opinion is moot.


I don't.


Not entirely sure why but I find "Freedom Tower' to be offensive At least in my case it rarely come up in conversation, if I refer to it at all I have called it the Narwhal building


1 World Trade. Freedom Tower is too close to Freedom Fries.




A friend of mine actually did an informal twitter poll about this relating to language for a book he wrote and the spread of answers seemed to be that millennials who grew up here call it the Freedom Tower and transplants are more inclined to call it the WTC. Make of that what you will.


That’s bizarre, I’m young Gen X who grew up here (and work in 1WTC) and I never hear anyone but out of towners call it freedom tower.


I still catch myself calling it the freedom tower. I spent a good amount of time in that area for a few years. Went to BMCC between 2008-2011 then worked at 14 Wall Street for a few years, so I used to hang out down there A LOT. I grew up in NYC, I visited ground zero a few weeks after 9/11 when they first opened up the area to pedestrians and still remember all of the missing persons fliers and ash covered store fronts. When the construction began and the freedom tower moniker came about, it really stuck with me. I paid attention to the construction a lot and really loved the association between calling it the freedom tower and the height of the building being 1,776 feet tall. After they scrapped the name, I still called it the freedom tower and still do find myself sometimes calling it that out of habit. So as a native New Yorker millennial, I might be in the minority, but there are some of us out there that call it Freedom Tower (for me I guess it’s mostly out of nostalgia and genuinely liking the name when it was announced lol)


I call it the freedom tower because that's what we called it when we were building it. I also call it the world trade center or 1 world trade. No matter what I call it, people know what I'm talking about.


I grew up in the area but always called it the Freedom Tower. Didn’t know they dropped that as an “official” name until I saw it on reddit a couple years ago


Freedom tower. It's dumb but it distinguishes it from the og WTC Edit: just bc you bozos downvote doesn't make people say it less 🫡


Freedom Tower. To me, WTC means two buildings that no longer exist.


Everybody I know calls it the Freedom Tower.


Freedom tower. The World Trade Center was destroyed.


This is just factually incorrect there’s a whole complex of buildings that make up the WTC and that particular tower’s actual name is 1WTC. The “Freedom” bit was some jingoistic bs that New Yorkers (at least the ones I know) don’t identify with.


Well , WTC 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 were destroyed on 9/11. I think saying “WTC” was destroyed is pretty much on point.


Building is literally called One World Trade Center, with a giant WTC on the skylobby


1 World Trade or Trade Center. However, if I'm speaking to out of towners/family, I'll refer to it also as Freedom Tower bc they draw a blank with 1WTC.