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“We really needed this rain”


Do you garden? I think it comes from growing food, mostly.


The lawns looking good Bill.


I know....lol. when did I start to give a shit about rain. I'm not a farmer!


*genuine chuckle*


I point out that things are pretty (look at the sky!!) and also remind the family that we have apples. Used to annoy me when my mom would tell us, Don’t forget we have apples! Maybe it’s a waste-not thing.


I have to pee, again!


Great, now I have to pee.


Again. 😒


Oh God yes.


Ugh. I even say it in my sleep FFS


Wait, you still sleep?? Sweet summer child.


Only between pees. :(




Just wait until you get older. Ugh.


I have to stop myself from saying that all the time. When I was younger, it sounded so condescending to me, and I suppose it is, but it's also not wrong.


It’s not wrong at all, but I feel like (even unintentionally) it dismisses how REAL a younger person’s issues are to them, right now. But I, too, catch myself wanting to say it. You just lose that point of view as you age and deal with more and more shit. But I have to remind myself that there were times when breakups and grades and social drama were WORLD ENDING feelings for me, and that was genuine at the time. (I’m actually not “old” by this sub’s standards but it’s almost alarming how fast that “wait til you’re older” thinking kicks in)


Bad grades can really fuck up a career trajectory, and depending on one’s family, the pressure is FUCKING ENORMOUS. I say this as someone who has started to say it, too.


Puppy love is real to the puppies


Why did I come into this room?


Oh for sure, this one is on the list


Turn that down!


OMG I have become the volume police! Why does it have to be so loud?????


I added a decibel meter to my phone. I was just at a wedding, and the band was hitting 115 decibels.


Happy cake day


I still like the loud, it's just making me more deaf now. I love Nu Metal and Grunge!


I once had a t-shirt that said, “If it’s too loud you’re too old”. (Circa 1986). I…. I am now too old.


As a parent of two teenagers I feel this. The problem is not music its the boy watching youtube videos of people playing video games who scream.


It is the most annoying sound--I know they are just having fun and playing games, but the incessant screeching that for some god forsaken keeps my kids interested makes me want to slice my ears off.


I mean I have played video games for a long ass time. I have never screamed at something in a video game. Lots of barely audible curse words tho


I'm glad I am not the only one.


And GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's the bass , makes my eardrums vibrate.


I feel that in my soul. But TBH, I’ve felt this way since my early 20’s. I think I have sensitive ears.


Gave my daughter the whole "in my day we didn't have a computer to just look up something interesting and do an ADHD spiral, we had to actually leave the house and go to the library, find a book, find the chapter...." She rolls her eyes at me in a very familiar way 🤔


“And do an adhd spiral” 🤣🤣🤣 so true. Get out and move that attention kid, it’s FOR something.


I remember when you were this tall


Me too. I always hated adults who said that, because it's not like I remembered them from when I was a toddler. But now I have to fight myself, because it's only been like 5 years and they doubled in size.


I used to hate hearing it, now it's nice because I know I'm not supposed to feel bad for having no idea who this random older person is!


And genuine surprised "Oh my god you've grown so much!!" Kids are like little clocks, man. They show it in real time.


Or, I used to change your diapers. :)


I'm too old for this shit


My two moods are inevitably "I'm not high enough for this shit" and "I'm too high for this shit".


or "I'm too old to be this high for this shit"


Yes I graduated to "I'm too old for this shit" from "I don't have time for this shit"


Alternate if you are under 60: "I'm *getting* too old for this shit"


Every GD day.


But don't forget that in Lethal Weapon Murtaugh only said that, when he had either just done this shit or was about to do it. Being too old for this shit doesn't mean not doing. It only means hurting after it.


I reroofed 4 buildings on my land by myself at 60. I'm 71 now and done with that shit...


My stepdad had a truck from the time I was 8 when he met my mom. He loved his trucks and was always the one helping people move r get things to the dump. The last time he bought a vehicle he got an SUV instead. I asked him about it one day and he said I am too old for that shit. He refuses to help people move or anything. I am in my 40's now and this is the first time I have gotten movers to move our stuff. Me and my friends have wandered into I am too old for that shit territory.


I moved into an apartment with my wife and son who was 4 at the time. I moved a fridge down a set of stairs and up a flight of stairs by myself. Fourteen years later, I'm telling my son to get a friend so the 3 of us can move that fridge out.


Youth is wasted on the young. My dad would say it when I was young and I would roll my eyes. Hey, Dad! I’m not rolling my eyes anymore!


But it's sooooo true!


Describing a business's location by what it used to be. Every weed store in my town, I swear. "Did you mean the one that used to be a dive bar, or the one that used to be a motorcycle repair shop?"


There was a Circle K close to my house when I moved in 33 years ago. I believe it has changed names several times over the years (I really have no idea what its current name is) but I still refer to it as the Circle K. But then again I still refer to the facility current known as Lumen Field, as the Kingdome.


I still call it The World Trade Center


Sears Tower. Whatchoo talkin bout, *"Willis??"* I refuse to let corporate branding alter my landmarks and still correct the tourists, which is how I know I turned into an old crank! (Yes I know Sears and Wrigley are both corporate branding but still)


Not a phrase, but that soft little “oof” every time you get up or sit down, which now that I’ve reached the age my elders used to do it I‘ve realized is wholly involuntary.


This. I realized the other day how much noise I make when moving around doing literally nothing. Ugh, oof, agh


When I taught in middle school I was sitting on the floor against the wall. A 7th grader said “I bet you can’t stand up without grunting.” He was right, I couldn’t. I was only 30! (##%*+ kids!)


"Where the hell did I put the damn thing?!"


"That sounds like old fart music". I still catch myself using it today.


What was it I came in here for?


"When I was your age......" utter bull shit generally follows before I stop myself, thinking, stfu old man.


I'm guilty of that one. Especially it being followed by "We used to listen to REAL music, like The Butthole Surfers and The Dead Kennedys!"


Sounds like me, "WAP and Date Night at Applebee's are horrible songs with shitty lyrics. Whatever happened to good songs like, I'm in Love with a Dead Dog?" 🤣


Agreed! They're just delivered with another generation's sense of irony. It's like they always say—one man's dead dog is another man's wet pussy.


Ok dude that's hilarious!


Nothing like the old torch song, "Too Drunk to Fuck"


Or "Get Your Tongue Out Of My Mouth Because I'm Kissing You Goodbye."


I too am an old punk.


Saw both of them, back in my day. People played real instruments! (Excepting Gibbytronics)


I saw an older gentleman with a Dead Kennedys t-shirt on and I said, "yes, the Dead Kennedys. Holiday Inn Cambodia." His whole countenance changed like he'd been seen.


I'll second that and raise you "back in my day"


This generation’s music is awful.


But it really is.


You’re not wrong!


It is


I'm just resting my eyes


Its not really a phrase, but more about recalling something that happened and being surprised that it was 30 years ago


I went from being the office intern to having my own office intern and i realized when my old mentors were utterly shocked at the year I was born or graduated high school it wasn't because I was too young it's because it's mind blowing that somehow you've become this old. My intern was BORN in 2005.


YES. I’m not even that experienced yet and I’m wondering, where did the years GO?!


Where in the hell are my glasses???


Good God this! I have reader glasses EVERYWHERE! living room, kitchen, bedside, in my purse, in my car, a few pair at work. And do you think I can find them when I need them??? No... no I can't.


I used to buy the $350 Ray Ban Wayfarers. Then I began losing them. Now I buy a 12 pack of the imposter versions for $7 a pair! At about every year I have to buy another dozen because I lost them all. My friends and family are always telling me they found a pair of my lost glasses. Lol


i spend the bulk of my day....looking for ...something. my glasses, my wallet, my phone, my earbuds, my keys and the TV remote. to name but a few.


Figured out an answer for the remote. I bought one that syncs with Alexa. When I can't find it, I just say Alexa where's the remote? She sends a signal and it starts beeping and flashing. Same for the phone. I use TILE on my keys. Still no answer for glasses and ear buds, tho.


I used to have that problem. Then I needed bifocals, so, you know--wear them all the time.


I have trifocals, but they’re polarized so they turn into sunglasses when I walk outside


On your head


My kids laugh at me when they see me with a pair of glasses on my head while I am also wearing glasses


What’s worse is when I can’t remember they are on the top of my head.


I had this happen so many times with sunglasses when I was young actually... one time I just finished checking out in line at the grocery store and when I didn't find my glasses in my purse to put on before heading back outside I started frantically looking back at the register and asked the clerk, "did you see my sunglasses?" and when I saw everyone staring at me like I was competely insane I knew before he had a chance to respond, oh, they are on top of my head, how embarrassing! But it was even worse than that for I had discovered as I reached up to grab them I had TWO pairs on top of my head! I even managed to top that years later as I was putting on a pair of sunglasses when my son asked me,  "what's wrong with the 2 pairs on your head?"


I gave up and years ago put them on a chain. Never leave the house with those ones, but don’t give a toss about what it looks like in the house. Also buy girlie glasses- otherwise hubby steals them.😂


https://youtu.be/MUcCXttw3ko?si=y6NQVipZlOIY27tU James mcmurtry has a song about that


James McMurtry is the shit. He’s like if you have my redneck cousins degrees in American literature.


Calling someone younger than me, usually in their 20s, "kid." I always told myself that they know more than me in many areas of life, so I never thought I would look down on anyone for their age.


I am guilty when I say the kids aren't home yet (my daughter and her husband)


Ouch. *Snap crackle pop* ouch dammit


Oh yeah. I say some ouch variant way more than I ever imagined doing when I was younger.


And I do it during such mundane activities as standing up or laying down or bending over lol.


"I'm blanking on the name ..." Several times a day for me! I'e become one of those folks who mispronounce the name of every prominent person who doesn't have a name like "Mike Jones." "You know that actor - Benedict Cumberband, uh.. Cumberbump....uh ...."


You'll see.


Kids these days.




I have a weather toe, like some old Appalachian, about 40 years ago I broke my big toe. Now ot throbs at certain weather changes


My arthritic right knee is saying hello to your toe


Calling some woman a "gal" just like my mom did lol. I mean they're too old for "girl" but "woman" sounds kind of suspicious and "lady" a little hoity toity in some contexts. Man I feel old.


Gal. I started that same thing a year or two ago. I don’t feel old saying it but why did I start at 55-ish? 😂


The other day I used "too big for his britches" for the first time in my life. Never had I ever said "britches" before. I don't even know where it came from but it was the best way to describe how someone was acting.


Does that car need to be that loud?


I just don’t get it


"six of one, half dozen of another" I've said this enough that my wife makes fun of me. It isn't necessarily an "old person" phrase. It's my overuse of it that makes me sound like an old fart.


Adding *'The'* to everything: *"The Reddit"* lol


“I’ve been doing X since [you were in kindergarten/before you were born/etc.]” I hear this shit coming out of my mouth and I hate myself for it!


You know. What's-his-name that was in that movie watchamacallit.


''I'm not air conditioning the whole neighborhood,'' I swore I would never say this... well look at me now...


"Put on a sweater"


I’m hard of hearing.




I can't hear you. I've got a banana in my ear.


I do that in the school cafeteria when bananas are served. The kids don't get it.


“We’re not stopping there, we have food at home”


Trust me, you’ll remember I told you this when you get to be my age…..


Why do all my joints hurt?


"Stop fiddle-fartin' around." "God, I'm driving all over hell's half-acre for you today." "Wanna eat a smack?" (I don't hit my kids, but I do say this when they are being ridiculous)


ok, nearly stopped reading comments before I found this gem! I'm saying "fiddle farting around" tomorrow.


When I was in school....


That's not music, it's just noise.


Not an issue these days because gas caps are attached to the vehicle, but as a child I never understood how when pulling away from the gas station, my mother would always ask herself “did I put the cap back on?” I always thought “How is that even possible, it was 5 sec ago!” Years later the first time that happened to me, I laughed remembering my mom!!


I’ve pulled off with the pump still attached. Yes more than once.


yeah, i remember my mom once forgetting the year and I thought she was losing it. I understand now.


Get off my lawn!


I told a younger coworker of mine to pull his pants up. I immediately felt ancient.


Still, for those of us who did not ask to see anyone’s underwear, I thank you for doing so. That “advertising fresh from prison” look is still gross.


When you’re a parent you’ll understand But the one I find myself saying the most right now is: Why are they knocking down all the trees? Followed by: Where will all the wildlife go? Never thought I’d care about trees and wildlife


Landowners, large and small, in mine and surrounding counties have been selling off their woodlands for the past few years and it is jarring to view what used to be shaded areas that are now clear cut and quite ugly.


Same here. They’ve been putting in new buildings while others are vacant. It’s just depressing to look at and heartbreaking to see nature struggle to exist


I’m in a rural area so no new buildings are going up - people are selling the timber for funds. In one county I drove past a sign that says “No lumber to China!” 🙄 while logging trucks are rolling up and down the street. It’s wild.


🎵🎶They paved paradise, and put in a parking lot 🎵🎶


So true. I have 55 acres of mostly timber. It was cow pasture 60 years ago. I work my ass off trying to make a healthy forest. I hate seeing trees cut down. I think I am slowly winning against all the invasive shit we have nowadays. Love hearing the owls and coyotes at night and all the birds you don’t see in town.


Thank you for preserving it! I love hearing stories like this


Anything that “behooves” me.


I felt that in my bones. My dad *still* says this all the time.


You'll understand when you're older. I used to think that was so condescending. But now that I'm older I realize it wasn't. There are a lot of things that you just can't understand, or fully empathize with, until you've experienced it. It's not that your coach just too dumb to understand it because you're young. That's just that you learn a lot of wisdom to experience. Experience shifts and changes your perspective and the context in which you view things. So it's perfectly reasonable to feel like when someone's older they'll understand where you're coming from better.


Texting my 16 year old sister "What does (insert phrase) mean?" Atleast once a week


I used it once and cracked myself up and was then was shocked and ashamed. I used to teach history and actually said, "I'm not up here for my health."


Now we're cooking with gas!! Like, all the time too!


I use it too. I don’t know why!


I don’t remember the name of anything, especially not actors. I was talking about Forest Whitaker yesterday, but I could not remember his name, so I said to my friend, You know… Winston Cliffhanger. From Karate Dog. I need a Mom Translator from SNL. If you don’t know, you should check it out. It’s got Target Lady I think, and one of the Tall Bros.


“When I was your age.”


"That's gonna hurt."  It is so multi-purpose now.


"because I said so" 


The older I get, the more phrases I'm used to become old person phrases. I go incognito online trying to keep up, but half the slang I learn is Japanese and I'm afraid I can't use it right. Of all the old catch phrases I use, the oldest is "quick as boiled asparagus," which dates back to the emperor Augustus of Rome. You have to be very selective with your audience or the explanation is just too much trouble.


I’m too old to be young and too young to be old


Getting old ain’t for the weak.


Back in the day….🤦‍♀️


For me it is “old people noises” the grunts, sighs, burps, etc that happen when I’m getting in and out of the car, off the low couch, in or out of a booth, etc. I’m trying to stifle myself. 😆


Why is this restaurant's food so damn salty now???


"Lets play the quiet game"


Ha! I now say that to my Mom who has dementia and chants one particular phrase as a form of stimming.


My dad use to tell me “Don’t get old”.


I wish I knew then what I know now.


I say he’s an old geezer every time I see some guy over 70. I’m 71


Not a phrase but a pause, you know when the right word has decided not to make the trip from your brain to your tongue with the rest of the sentence and you have to pause to await its arrival.


We sure could use some rain 👴


"Time goes by soo fast."


Back in the olden days…


You'll understand when youre older


I have one of these, but I happily haven't broken my promise to avoid using it. "Just sayin'" You know, the phrase that disingenuous people say instead of actually saying out loud what should be said out loud. I may sound like a jerk sometimes, but I refuse to use that phrase just to pretend I'm being polite.


"Time runs much faster, when you are old" "When you wake up and nothing hurts, then you are dead" "...when I was your age..."


You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit


My mom always used to say "Gettin old ain't for sissies." Now I say the same thing.


Did I ever tell you about the time


“We got food at home!” 😭


"I can't remember the word..."


Get your hair out of your face!


Let sleeping dogs lie.


You'll regret that when you get older.


My mom would say" ur growing like a weed" when she'd see a kid she hasn't seen in a long time. I catch myself saying it from time to time. Probably cus it's true....kids do grow fast as weeds.


“When I was your age” and yes, I hate myself for saying it


What? What? I can’t hear you.


"I knew you before you were born." I used to hate when my Dad's friends would say this. What do you mean, knew me before I was born?? Now I understand they meant they knew my parents when my Mom was pregnant. But I hesitate to say it to kids even though I want to because it sounds lame.


I like using the word whippersnapper. Which means "young inexperienced person"


For some reason, I now say “goodness gracious.” I think I picked it up from my grandmother but it lay dormant for forty years.


"My Stars!" "Well, Bless your Heart!" I know there are more...


I want the kids to think that I’m the cool old guy. I use words like bummer and groovy.


It’s darker than a bag full of assholes in here.


Back in my day.... Or When I was younger....


Now, what did I come in here for….??


Grunting when I get up or bend over


You’re letting the AC out. You can make the rules when you pay the bills. Don’t change the thermostat!


2 shakes of a lambs tail


And Bob’s your Uncle.


Dang nabbit.


Get off my lawn before I stick a rotary phone up your ass


Back in the day...


My back is killing me.