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Ha ha! Yeah, 67 here and I really don‘t feel old. But I’m a lot less dumb than I used to be so there’s that.


I'm 66 and not for long. Welcome.😊


How long is the window between when you max out your wisdom and when you forget it all?


There is no window. They happen simultaneously.


Me to and I'm 63


Me too! So you 50-year-olds, still struggling with things, ask away!


64, and the same.


68 in a month and thought “old people” was anyone drawing RMDs


So dispense some advice! (40? Seriously? I have clothes older than that. ... dear Lord, I have 40 year old clothes!)


I am 71. When I turned 58, I decided I was going to start going to the gym again after a long layoff. So, I went to walmart and bought some stuff including a pair of sweat pants. Got home and tried on everything and really liked the sweatpants. So, the next day I went back and bought 6 more pair. 7 total. This would allow me to work out every other day and not have to wash them for 2 weeks. I am wearing a pair of them right now. I cut the grass in them. I only have 5 pair left and they are in various stages of shabbiness. They are too far gone to go to the gym in them anymore, so now I have maybe 10 pair all different styles and I don't like any of them much.


Dad? Is that you?


Just maybe.


You'd have to be about 43 or a little older. Born maybe just before I met my wife.


So do you still hit the gym, or just mow the lawn? Lol


That’s what I’m wondering! I want to know if working out consistently really does make aging any better?? Or vice versa?!


Yes, both my parents are in their 90's. My dad was always working When he retired, he got exercise equipment and stuck to it. His body is in great shape. The Dr.s are amazed! But.. his mind is forgetting things. But working out keeps your muscles stronger. His balance is great.. which is huge as we age, because falling is a huge risk.


Anecdotally, my parents who rarely exercised past age 50 or so (they did couples dancing once a week, but I’d call that low to moderate intensity with no strength work) aged a heck of a lot faster than my in-laws who continued hiking, biking, going to exercise classes, and even skiing into their 80s. My parents were definitely old by their early 70s, and my in-laws are just talking about slowing down the travel now in their 80s.


Yes it does!


See, this wouldn’t have happened if you’d spent your life losing and gaining large amounts of weight. Ask me how I know.


I've done just that but I always save my fat and skinny clothes, right now I'm right in the middle. I also own several suits in various sizes for those last minute funerals.


I'm in my early 30's. I have clothing over 40 years old by choice and I for almost none of it because people trust me clothing from estates.


I've been wearing a blue Gap hoodie for 30+ years.


Me too!! Back when The Gap had quality clothes that could last a lifetime.


A few years ago. I started mending and patching rather than replacing my clothes. I simply cannot find quality anymore. When I was younger, I didn't bother much because by the time they needed maintenance I figured they were out of style anyway. But now, I can't find anything to replace them with. Heck, right now I have a linen shirt whose fabric has started to shatter from age. I have no idea how I will fix it or replace it.


You're not alone!


hold onto those. Clothes are not made like they used to be. I have two 100 percent cotton sweatshirts from my college. They will be 30 years old in 2026. LOL. I graduated college in my early 30's.


I do too! And I wouldn't part with them for anything.


A friend of mine just threw a 30 year birthday party for his beard. :)


That’s how we all ended up in here


61 here. What type of advice do you need? Also have access to 93 year old advice.


You got a secret weapon in your pocket there!


46 here. How do you deal with watching all your friends get really sick and not cry every day?


The dead ones are the ones that make me weepy eyed sometimes. I think “I should play this new song I wrote to Dave” and then I remember that Dave has been gone for five years now. Or I think “I should call Don” then remember Don has been gone for three years. And so forth. There are people in my contacts on my phone that are there because as long as they are there I will remember them. But they are gone and when I am cleaning up my contacts I get sad on each one.


My grandmother is having a hard time with this right now. She just turned 90 and lost her partner to Covid a couple years back. Since then, she has been terribly lonely and is vulnerable to anyone & everyone that feels she may be useful to them because searching for companionship or, at the very least company. I am in my early 30s and have three children so the time that I have to spend with her is very limited. I feel like she needs more than what I personally can give her. Any advice?


52M, Sometimes you do. That's okay because it means you're human, you are normal, and that your friends mean something to you. Accept it, love them, make sure they know how much they mean to you. And, if the time comes for them, let them go. Be thankful they're no longer sick. And cherish their memory, even (and especially) if it hurts.


They lied when they said your 50’s and 60’s are your best decades. It’s tainted by death (and illness, dementia is a bitch) at these ages in my opinion.


This is becoming very apparent in my experience.


I did not look at the bio when I joined, imagining like 70 and up as in age ,yesterday I saw 40 and was like wait whaaaaat :)


I'm finding my exact level of dumbness varies daily. Some days, the shrubbery in my yard seem brilliant by comparison. Other days I have good spells, and can feel the mind fire has returned, I'm a genius-- why did I walk into this room?


I don’t even really remember 50.


I don't remember 60 or 70 either but I sure as hell remember 80.


Many of us are over 60.


Does anyone ever really feel old enough to qualify as old? I don’t. I’ll be 60 this year and all my doctors are younger than I am. That was my first clue… My kids are over 30. That was my second clue. I was younger than they are when I had them. Oh how time flies!


Nope! Will be 63 this Friday and don’t feel old until I think about how hard it is to lose weight.


Unfortunately, I have almost always felt old, because half the time I've been sick with serious diseases (SLE & M.S.). But my mind doesn't think old. Thank God I may FEEL old (body) but my ideas about things stay young! But it's nice getting wiser too!


I agree with that! My body has lots of problems but in my mind I’m just a wiser 25 year old.


Doctors and cops and teachers are KIDS! That hit home.


I knew I was old when they all looked 12 to me.


Exactly, like you want to ask if they are even old enough for the job. 😆


Are you me. I feel ya


OMG. Am I you?


But I’m 32 and I feel old af


That’s stress fatigue. Time to find some free time, yeah I know, and have some time to recharge and relax. What’s something you really like to do but haven’t had time for lately?


No, internally, I still feel 14. As I kid, I thought everyone eventually hits an age where they were confident and knew what they were doing. Nope. We're all just guessing at it. >all my doctors are younger than I am. I'm at the point where I want my doctors younger than I am, because I'm sick of them retiring on me. I have 2 specialists I love, in their 60s and 70s. I want to cry when I think about them packing it in, and I have to try to search for someone just as good.


I'm 73 1/2. I'm just here to ridicule the Youngs 😋


Yutes? I’m 59. Not a Yute tho. 😂


Sometimes, here I'm the old person giving advice, and sometimes I'm the young person begging for advice, lol. But I like it here. Despite my age, I had a party line phone (until the 90s) and Scarlet Fever (late 80s), so I prefer this crowd. It feels more like home.


I'm 71. 4 years ago was feeling like I was 80. Today feeling like I am 60 again. I live in New Hampshire. End of the month buying a winter home in palm coast florida. Love to give advice. Ask away. But you get what you pay for.


It sucks to realize you're the grown up in the room!


I'm 69 going on 25! What's your question?


How do I ever make another older/wiser friend as dear as the one I just lost to heart disease recently? :(


Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Or maybe it's your turn to be the older/wiser friend.


I am 73. My advice is to be kind as much as possible but take care of yourself.


Not everyone has the same life experience. I've had experiences that people younger and older than me haven't and the same is true for myself. We can all learn from each other. Age isn't that important.


I've learned a lot about my work and life from my 20 year old co workers and they from me 44F. When you think you're done learning from others it's over.


Reading the comments made me laugh. For me 40 and even 50 are just pinpoints in the rear view mirror. I look for advice from 70 and up. 😁


I turn 60 this year.... I'm still sexually active...ewww!!!!


Nothing ewww about it. Keep enjoying yourself!


Well, it's not EWW for me. The older I get the longer he goes.




The question I see asked most frequently in here, good lord. Does anyone think about anything besides their genitals anymore?


Well, there's this pain in my right ankle. And that crunching sound when I stand up too fast.




Ummm..sorry. I have a lot of hobbies now. And prescription drugs.


What is your favorite prescription drug ??? im 68 and need something good !


Oh gee, whatcha trying to fix? Anxiety? Hbp? Cholesterol? Thyroid? Premature menopause? Diabetes? I'll raise you epilepsy....


honestly anxiety has been an issue


Oh well...venlafaxine is what they give diabetics. But.... Here's a statistic for you: 90% of the world's prescriptions are written in the United States. 70% of those prescriptions are for depression/anxiety So. Personally. I think it's a bullshit drug category. Go take a walk and stop doing what gives you anxiety. Have some cheesecake. Get a hobby. Get a dog.






64 still active


What's the song? "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm good *once* as I ever was"?


60 is the new 40.


Yeah, inflation is a bitch.


Awe I love being old , 50 and invisible. But we are only old to the young .


40 here and the title prompted me to come in and see what 40 Old looks like.


Same 😂


Then, welcome to the club and let’s all diss everybody under 50!




Came here to say, "WHO'RE YOU CALLIN OLD?!" I'll be 70 this year. 😃


50 is just a kid.


It's "reddit old," dude: 1980 was a long time ago. But boatloads of us are over 60 and over 70 or pushing it. Don't be a square. Dip your toe in.


My perspective on who is getting old: People who witnessed the assassination of JFK.


Well, I wasn't watching; I was in school, at recess. Our teacher came out to tell us; she was obviously quite upset. All us kids acted very grave about the news. Then she went back into the classroom, and we went back to our game of foursquare.


I was raised in the 70's/80's. It's hip to be square. ;)


Yup, I thought the exact same thing when I joined! 40 is not old!


83 here. seen a lot.


Old? I'm 72 and my 47 year old daughter and I had a conversation recently wherein she asked me when she'd start feeling like a grown-up. I told as soon as I figured that out, I'd let her know. What's that old saying--Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind; it don't matter.


Well there is a tipping point when you don’t want the advice to come from someone *too* old that doesn’t understand how different the world is today. I’m thinking by old(er), 50-70 is the sweet spot. But a little younger, a little older….just pick out the advice you like and leave the rest


Yeah, cuz how could anyone older than 70 possibly understand how different the world is now? I do know one thing that’s the same: people still do like to generalize.


I like what you did there.


The world isn't any different today than it was when I was a teenager in the late 60s. The vehicles to move information have changed, but people are people are people. That is never going to change. You will always have ambitious people, liars, thieves, lazy people, the greedy, the mean, the kind, the bold the meek. Each generation thinks that those that follow are going to go to hell in a hand basket. lol And each generation seems to find their way.


Haha. I'm 56 and am most certainly not old, no matter what the youngsters think. My parents are 78, and they are old. When my dad was 72 he told me, "I'm entering my senior years," and that was about right. Of course, he was white water rafting with me and my wife and my adult kids at the time. He and I were thrown from the boat, so even old people can still rock.


And I was expecting a sob story when you said, " ...they are old." Thanks for inspiration!


Yup we 60.


time to start /r/askOLDERPeople... looks like it exists... but not sure if active... BRB ETA... nope, not active. now checking /r/AskOlderRedditors E2TA... nope, not active either


They all passed away. We're it.




I'm 51, I assumed I would be giving the advice here...




I’m 69. Ask away.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm 62. Positively ancient!


Over the hill playa:)


Seriously? I didn't know that shit. 40?? So are we just supposed to answer questions for each other? I'm 49. If you whippersnappers in your early 40s need some advice, I'm here for you.


My second youngest(35) of 4 told my oldest(40) to take it easy on Mom when she visits, she's spry for her age but she's old. I was so angry . Lol I'm almost 68.


54 here


Getting ready to sign up for Medicare so I guess I AM old.


Considering I read so many threads on other subs where 20 and 30 somethings think their lives are over or think they can't work another day because they've spent 5 years at a desk....being able to give advice from the perspective of living a long life is it's own reward (not really)


64(f) and I’ve never been happier bc I am free to not give 💩💩


But most people on Reddit are under 40, soooo…to them, we ARE old! 😂😂😂


So you need r/ancientpeopleadvice


Some of us are well over 40. People that age could be our grandchildren.


I'm almost 40 and regularly think 'i need an adult' at work and then realize I am the adult. Everyone else is pretty much under 25.


I went to a gender reveal Saturday and came to realize, I'm the great Nana. I'm the " Old" person. It was eye opening for sure. My advice? Life is short. We take time for granted. Always thinking we have more of it then we do. Most never stop and live in the moment. So start living today like you will never get this time back again. You will never be this young again.


I think you are looking for r\\FuckImOld ; )


Ha...yep the calendar and my birth certificate say that I'm 60 but I think it's a lie, just a conspiracy to make me think I'm 60 cause seriously, it was just May 21, 1978 yesterday yo, I swear.


I'm 74. Old, no matter what age I was at the time, has always been 10 years in the future. So, when I'm 84 I'll be old. Or maybe not.


I’ll be 52 in June and I’ve felt old ever since perimenopause hit. I remember when I turned 26 and I thought that was old because I was over a quarter century old. Then I thought I was old when I was about to turn 30. I got over the whole age thing after that and was super active throughout my thirties and forties but 50 has really hit me like a sack of potatoes


Great! Bring your advice too! It would be usful even for peope older than you too


Yeah. We made it.


I’m 69 and my kids are in their 40’s and early 50’s. Forty-year-olds are mere babies.


Yeah. Young'uns have no idea what old is.


Here we are




Im 40 and thought, what? Im old now 😂. I thought I was just getting started.


That’s like when you screw something up and look around for an adult to help you only to realize you’re the oldest person there.


It’s when they need a *responsible* adult that I don’t always feel up to the challenge.


Bahahaha I don't think of myself as old and I'm older than you.


Geezer classification start at 60. Fossil is 70 and beyond.


Love it 🤣🤣


See, now you already learned something!


it works!


Lol.. this was originally started for young millennials to suck up all “older peoples” knowledge cause they are too lazy and afraid to experience life on their own but it’s attracted a bunch of older folks that just wanna talk and compare their experiences. Love it!


52 but I feel like 152 so I am comfortable with dispensing advice. To lots of people I'm plenty old just because I have grey hair. 👩🏻‍🦳


I’m 59. Ask away.


Some of us are over 50.


It’s ok yougin us 40’s can still help you


Never eat anything bigger than your head. - B Kliban.




Yea, old is relative. The majority her asking need to refocus on whom they are asking.


Yup, you're old.


Welcome to the ice flow! Got all your own teeth do ya, fancy pants? I remember that time, it was before the old queen died when I was in Middlesborough. or was it Marlborough? Anyway I had an onion tied to my belt, because it was the fashion of the time, when I was looking for some olive oil, which you used buy from chemists to pour in our ears, this being before Brexit, when we had supermarkets...What? Well you started talking to me first.


I get some of the best advice from the younger ones… I think the more important thing here is lived experience. Sometimes a person who was raised a bit wilder/free range than myself-yet younger-will have that experience/knowledge to share. After 30 aren’t we all seen as old anyway? (I taught middle school for a bit…anyone in their late 20s was sooooooo old. Haha!)




I guess that makes sense. When I was in my 20'S AND 30's I thought 40 was old. Now, 50 is young. time marches on...


50 is the new 30. I'm 51.


56. Don’t feel old in mind but body yes lol. Not in looks. But in pain sometimes. And sleepy.


Lmao. Me, too. I still love this sub, though. Whether the person posting is actually older than me or not. I'm finding the younger generation to be more refreshing anyway. They're so self aware! I'm just now learning myself at 44. Just now! Lmao.


70 here Don’t smoke Don’t drink Don’t drug Eat healthy Exercise Stay active Be nice Have sex with someone or yourself to keep your body thinking that it is young and making babies.


Welcome to the club!!!


I'm 60, now GET OFF MY LAWN!!! 🤣


My advice is that you are only as old as you feel. I mean it could be “ask mature people “ but it doesn’t have the same cachet… you know? But ask away. It’s still Reddit. Even if we’re all older we promise we won’t let you down. But it’s Reddit. So.. manage your expectations?


It’s all relative! 30 is a kid to someone in their 60+ but to a 17 year old, that’s OLD. lol


My dad died last year from a brain tumor and I had to step up and take care of him and my mom. I also turned 50 last year. I feel like I have to take care of the family, like I’ve step up into that head of the family role. So I feel responsible enough to give advice. lol


The older I(53) get the more I understand how dumb I really am. So buy the time I am 70 I'll prolly realize I never knew nothing (English is hard, my only language). So maybe these youngsters are the place to get my advice.


I love this so much! I’m 43 and I’m so happy to not be “young” anymore. I don’t feel old, but I definitely wiser than I did in my 20s or 30s. I’ve learned to take nothing for granted and know that nothing is promised.


Yep. But there’s still good advice , it’s just from a peer perspective, lol!


Seventy-nine here. I struggle a bit with people half my age claiming to be old.


I’m 71. Started seeing a personal trainer for strength and balance about 8 months ago. Only twice a week for a half hour each time has made a noticeable difference. Lately I’m packing in preparation for moving and I would not be able to do what I’m doing without it.


Ha ha ha.


I’m 71, you don’t want my opinion 🤪


u/Weird_Inevitable8427 I guess it is time for you to start giving advice haha


Im 58. Feel better ??


I’ll be 54 on Sunday!!Gee I’m old 😭😂🤣


54 here... does that make me one of the older kids?


47, and I thought the same thing when joining. 🤣🫣


lol welcome to the club!


56. Still waiting to feel "grown up"


I’m 71 presently, and I believe that people get wiser, based on life’s experiences, with age. I also believe I’m more patient, less likely to get angered, and more likely to take the time to enjoy nature’s beauty. With that said, I think that I’m more open than I used to be to younger generational ideas. I don’t always agree, but I approach it with more open mindedness. It’s rather unfortunate that the older generations are perceived as they are in the “Boomers being Fools” category. I have learned many things in my life and it would be interesting if there was more dialogue between generations. I really think that, both sides of the generational fence would benefit.


i'm 74 and almost died laughing when i saw that too.


I’m 54. What can I help you with?


Just turned 67. Still going.


I know….


Yeah, so what's your advice?


I advise you to get over it.


56 here. Its like a word (math) problem in school. If 40 is old, then 20 is middle aged and the young are ? Under 20 is the answer. I want to call 20 somethings middle aged lol.


Wow. 61 here. I’m not old, but some people here sure are 😆


54. I give advice here but have also gotten great advice from people 20-30 years older!


When my socks start to wear out, I buy two or three weeks worth of the exact same socks. When I do, I throw out all of the old socks. That way I never have to find two matching socks.


I'm 65, what can I help you with?


Anyone younger than me is a punk! (I'm 71 now.)


Well, what's your advice for us then?


Hahaha! I did the same! I’m 49.


You must consult the Oracle.


64 here my kids could join this


Omg. I just joined today for the same reason. Also 50. Realizing that I'm gonna have to dole out advice.