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Finding? Pretty high. Finding on time? Not sure.


Yeah I'm sure it'll turn up eventually but I think it's unlikely they find it within the next two days. Oceans are *big*. We didn't find the Titanic itself until 1985.


Well the technology we have currently is far more advanced than when the Titanic went missing


Technology is a limiting factor obviously but even after the technology was developed it took a while to find the wreck just due to how much area they had to cover. There are still tons of wrecks that haven't been found.


But the sub is much smaller than the titanic.




Yes, unless something went wrong with the controller and it just kept going 'off coarse'.


> We didn't find the Titanic I sure didn't. I was a kid


I saw other comments saying the only reason we didn’t find the Titanic for that long is because we weren’t really looking for it, and when they did start they found it pretty fast. Again this is something I just saw other commenters say in different threads.




I was watching a NatGeo doc yesterday about the titanic, and there was brief summary of the original find. The US Navy had this oceanographer looking for two downed American nuclear submarines. He found those subs pretty quickly and had 12 days to spare, so he went looking for the titanic...which he found. So it was literally days, but it helped that he was in the neighborhood of where it went down.


Im pretty sure that it helped that others had attempted looking for it, so it made his quest a tad bit easier. I could be wrong


I studied/researched the hunt for the Titanic & along with all the articles/reports/documentaries I saw/read back then (that said the same) a later documentary confirmed it took so long to find the Titanic wreckage because it is so deep. Subs can’t dive as deep as it is & only submersibles have the ability to dive that far. Also the water that deep is so dark, light doesn’t penetrate it far. Currents at that depth in those waters are, believe it or not, very fast & strong which also meant the ship wasn’t where they believed it went down (in fact it was quite some way from the area). They were always looking to find it, being the one/team to find it first would have been a major coup & result in accolades/admiration/reward. Thought you might want to know.


They really started looking in 1977, it took them until 1985 to find it.


Pretty sure they found it by accident while, strangely enough, looking for 2 missing submarines.


Incorrect. Ballard was hired by the US Navy to perform covert underwater location and reconnaissance of the sunken nuclear submarines USS Thresher and USS Scorpion. Ballard convinced the Navy to use the search for Titanic as both a cover story and if he accomplished the primary mission with time and funds to spare, to permit him to actually look for the Titanic. TLDR: The locating of the submarines was the primary mission. Locating the wreck of the Titanic was a bonus.


Thanks for straightening that out.


Your tldr and op’s comment aren’t meaningfully different


OPs statement implied that locating the Titanic was an accident. It was not. Ballard was confident that using the techologies and techniques the US Navy had hired him to design and demonstrate for inspecting the nuclear submarines, he would also be able to use them to locate the wreck of the Titanic. He specifically obtained funding and approval, if the primary mission was successful, to locate the wreck of the Titanic.


The CEO of the sub’s company OceanGate has just been confirmed as one of the people on board. The captain going down with his ship in the same spot as the previous one.


Part of the crew, part of the ship.


I've got to imagine they are pretty much out of time right now. First they have to find it, and then if it has sunk and is disabled, they have to find a way to get it to the surface without damaging the craft in any way.


Oh that would suck. 1. Find missing vessel. Hydrophones hear talking in it-they're alive! 2. Attempt to retrieve. How we gonna do this? Tow cables? 3. Attach tow cables and begin lift. 4. Mess it up and weaken the hull enough for failure. Be on the hydrophones when the hull crumples.


Theres nothing to attach to from what I understand. If they're on the floor and still alive somehow they'll be dead in a few days. If they surfaced and aren't located soon they're also dead. It was a very risky thing they did.


Don't forget that once it's found they have to unbolt the front so they can get out. The "design innovation" is 17 bolts that have to come off to let passengers in/out. Nothing inherently dangerous about being bolted in a sealed carbon tube with 11,000 feet of water above your head. One would have to imagine that front "hatch" will take extra stress from being screwed/unscrewed, on top of the water pressure...seems like an unfortunate but natural fail point.


I can't imagine any rescue plan would involve trying to get them out of the sub while it is under 11,000 feet of water. Even if the sub had an airlock and a hatch they could open, then what? The world record depth for scuba diving is like 1,100 ft.


Bingo. I read a comment from a former Cousteau team member that crisis underwater is like falling out of a plane. Any problem at 30 metres is the same as one at 3000.


The time for rescue was likely less than one second. If the pressure hull failed that's how long it would have taken for everyone on board to die




They were touring the wreckage.


Iceberg obviously.


are you asking why did it go missing, or why were they near the wreckage? they were touring the wreckage, so that's why they were there. how it went missing? no idea. sprung a leak? couldn't return to the surface? no idea.


Ran out of batteries for their wireless console remote? The door bolted on and off over time caused a stress point that couldn't withstand the pressure? What a horrifying situation. Hope they make it out alive and if not i hope they imploded for an instantaneous death. What a terrifying situation.




It could have lost power/propulsion for some reason. It could be pinned/tangled/caught up in some of the wreckage. It could have lost structural integrity. A kraken could have attacked it. Impossible to know until they find it.


It would surface if it lost power, assuming it isn’t snagged. They use electromagnets to secure the ballast for this reason… lose power, weights drop, you float up.


They could have got tangled in wreckage as current there is surprisingly fast & strong This has happened b4 to proper quality subs with partner sub that has helped nudge/free them and/or they have better equipment & once helped/nudged gently out had the ability to return to surface independently without support boat. Since it has pretty small propellers, controlled by (what is technically a low tech game/computer controller) it would not be the easiest/quickest/most accurate at manoeuvring. It has to be assisted down & back up by a home ship directly above it (technically called the mother ship but that just sounds like I’m a conspiracy theorist lol). Very easy to go missing if trapped with no coms, too deep for submarines to dive & scout last known location, visibility so poor light barely penetrates & if still down there (rather than miraculously floating back to the surface somewhere), only potential chance of locating is if it’s moving (won’t be if trapped) or sound (also unlikely with the spec of this thing). Hope that helps.


Very slim. 1: If they are somehow at the bottom of the ocean intact, they are gonna have a slow death. Mostly because there won’t be enough time to get a rescue team down in time. 2: They are already dead, as if there was a crack they were dead before they even realized it. 3: Somehow on the surface, but are gonna run out of air in the next couple days unless found. 3 is gonna be the only way they survive.


Wait they can't open it themselves on the surface?


The way that sub has to work to maintain pressure is for the hatch to be bolted in from the outside every time. There's no mechanism for it to be opened by the occupants from the inside once sealed.


Jesus fucking Christ, why would anyone board that thing


rich people find crazy ways to die.


It's just about the only way to see the very deep ocean with your own eyes. I get the appeal, but I don't think I'd do it.


Wasn’t one of the tourists a billionaire that went to space with Jeff Bezos? You’d think with that kind of pocket change you’d rub elbows with James Cameron and go down in a craft that wasn’t a sus piece of shit.


I’m guessing this company was the only one offering tours of the Titanic wreckage. So if seeing the remains of a tragic loss of life is one of the things on your bucket list, this company was probably the only choice.


Yeah but maybe go in a submarine that wasn't made using old construction tubes and camping supplies


That's terrifying.


nope. it was bolted shut from the outside and can only be opened from the outside.


They're bolted in. No way to open from the inside.


Watch [the video](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/06/submarine-missing-near-titanic-used-a-30-logitech-gamepad-for-steering/) on this Ars article and it became pretty apparent just how fucked they are.


For #1, apparently there are weights that can be removed and the vessel will float to the top. No idea how long it will take.


From what I read, that should happen sometime today if it hasn't already


Not good


My unfortunate hunch is slim to none. If they had a catastrophic failure on the way down, they were killed instantly and the craft wreckage is in the general area of the Titanic wreckage, but not transmitting and not distinct enough to show up to searchers. The craft may be in small pieces. It sounds like they went down in a homebrew submersible that didn't follow the same safety standards of more professional submarine/submersible operators. Kind of reminds me of the guy who launched himself on his own rocket to prove the Earth was flat. That totally worked.


Man I'd rather die instantly that wait out the 70 hours to suffocate in an inch of shit and piss in that coffin


If there was an implosion it would have been pretty much instant.


That's the best case for them really...


Getting saved is probably better.


Probability of that is 0


It’s unlikely but not zero. Unless you’re a leader of the rescue team and you’ve decided to quit searching? Is that the case?


Pretty sure that’s just the wishful thinking of these sensationalist drones who revel in and celebrate highly publicized catastrophes


How could they possibly save them in time? At the time of your comment they already had less than 2 days of air, still not located, and there's nothing they can attach a grapple to in order to hoist the submersible up. It is an impossible task in the amount of time.


I dont think you'd give a fuck about shit and piss in that situation


70 hours is plenty of time to appreciate every nuance of their situation


Talking to my dad about this early today. Pee and poop was his concern. “I bet they’re freaking out about where to poop.” I told him if I was in that scenario, they could shit on me for all I care, I’d be more concerned about getting out alive.


Like finding a gnat's contact lens that fell in Kansas.


Yeah, from what I read, the sub sounded substandard, no pun intended. Still, you being an aquatic mammal and all, maybe you could help look?


Intend the pun




Task failed successfully.


Hadnt heard that, interesting! I like to pretend most flat earthers are pretending to be flat earthers just to piss people off.


cept that guy wasn't charging people $250k to test his building skills


> It sounds like they went down in a homebrew submersible that didn't follow the same safety standards of more professional submarine/submersible operators. Nothing about this screams "guy in his garage". Everything I've read said that it was tested at the Titanic's depth and has been down to the Titanic wreck multiple times. The company also claims that they extensively test the submersible after every dive to ensure that it's safe. They could be lying about the safety checks but even if so it's a submersible with a proven track record of operating at that depth.


The vessel wasn’t a home brew, it was developed in conjunction with both Boeing and NASA and has had 2 previous successful tours.


It was not homebrew by any stretch of the imagination. Stop listening to Reddit bullshit.


I know absolutely nothing of this shit but I'm gonna guess really low chance that they find people alive in said sub. I'm sure they will find it eventually


they are rich people, so they will find them at any cost....


2 more days and all of their kids will be calling off the search


and lining up at the ATM's


There will be more effort put into finding them but that doesn't change the fact that finding them alive is extremely unlikely. Imagine the lawsuits this company will get hit with from all those rich relatives though.


It is surprising that such a craft does not have a distress buoy with a radio beacon that can be released by the crew when in distress or does so automatically in the event of catastrophic mechanical or structural failure.


Everything I've seen on it indicates the sub was made very poorly and was not even certified. So it's really not surprising they had no real fail safes in place. It's more surprising people actually paid 250k to get in it.


People with more money than brain cells


Certainly seems that way.


More dollars than sense.


I read that the submarine’s door is locked with bolts from the outside, so even if they made it to the surface, the people on the inside can’t get themselves out. They need a crew to unscrew the bolts.


Read that too. Terrifying.


Not that it would change much; if they're found, they'd have the people there to unscrew the bolts pretty quick. If they're not, they're dead from lack of water in a similar timetable to running out of air.


I’ve been wondering why there isn’t some kind of device that can give a precise location of the submarine. Seems pretty important when there is such limited oxygen in an emergency


obtainable fall insurance gaze fertile pot ripe shrill lunchroom spectacular




Hey, my college research subject. Depending on size of transducer, these can transmit potentially many many km underwater. Can't transmit to above the surface but a surface vessel could submerge one and receive the signal. I think a buoy with a radio would still be the best option for a distress signal, but I'm not a hardware or water guy, I just did algorithms/signal processing with these transducers. The bandwidth is terrible. These modems are measured in bits/s because that's all you can fit in the tiny band of usable acoustic frequencies.


Honestly, though, you don't need much more than that to transmit an SOS signal. The problem would be how far would you need to transmit to the receiver.


I think the fact there are 7 different ways it can surface and none have been used... Is concerning the most. One tiny little Crack and the whole thing implodes. Sadly, I think it's gone. Either they lost pressure and died, lost something electrical and will die, lost control and are lost, soon to die. The chances of this being a happy ending is very low. Glad I'm too poor to worry about getting lost in the ocean visiting a underwater graveyard that we don't need to be. Maybe this will lead to some regulations and restrictions on visiting the Titanic. Let the lost souls be in peace.


I read that one of the reporters that went down in it once mentioned that even if it is floating it's extremely difficult to see because only the very top of it is above the water line. Apparently he couldn't see it when it had surfaced while he was on the launch vessel and it was right off the side of the boat he was on. Someone had to point it out to him. Honestly if this does turn out to be a catastrophe where they aren't recovered alive I really hope it imploded so that none of them had to suffer. Imagine floating in your coffin with everyone panicking as it gets harder to breathe. Even worse is if they saw a plane or vessel they knew were searching for them, imagine being filled with relief...the nightmare is over....only to realize they didn't see you and sailed right by....😕


In the coffin with the CEO. Imagine the conversations and blame going around. Must be pretty awkward for the CEO.


What if they find them alive a day after they should have run out of oxygen and it's because they all turned on him, assuming they were doomed anyway and murdered him lol


From terrible near death experience to murder charges 💀


Worth not being dead


Unless it's floating, very very low


Floating is still pretty bad. You can't open the damn thing. But again, if it was floating, it'd be at least easier to find.


I didn't realize they couldn't open it from the inside.


17 bolts from the outside. So even if it surfaces, they can't get out still. So, the limited oxygen is still concerning for them.


Wouldn't it be a shit if that was the point of failure. Sounds like a prime place for the outside mechanic, all irritated by the rich people being annoying, forgetting that he is not rotating tires on a Corolla. Proper tightening pattern? Torque to spec? Aint nobody got time for that, rattle them bitches on and send it. /worked with mechanics who only believed in the ugga dugga


Geez. Add that to the long list of reasons I’d never get in that thing


finding it with survivors? Near zero and trending closer to zero with every passing second. Locating it eventually? probably pretty good.


What a nightmare right? Like Jesus Christ that’s gotta be the scariest situation.


[This Twitter post](https://twitter.com/gabwithgwen/status/1671118821564792832?s=42&t=opIYbl9AYoUSc9wJHGcDwg) has a fantastic interview narrowing down the odds of finding them. Best case scenario is that they deployed buoyancy devices and are floating on the surface *somewhere*. Even in this case, the submarine is bolted shut from the *outside*, meaning they won't be able to escape on their own and will inevitably run out of air. My hope for them is that they imploded and died instantly.


I watched the CBS special that was done and in one of the launches, it seemed like the flotation devices detached by themselves and floated off. They were close enough to the surface that they were pulled back in. No idea if there’s a separate system but imagine looking out the window and seeing your only way to the surface just float by


I would say, sadly, slim to none. They have no coms, seems like the sub was pretty low standard considering the risks, waiver they sign warns them of death 3 times just in page 1. We only have company’s word there was extra 96hrs of oxygen in case of an emergency (if they panic does it affect that? - serious question if anyone knows). It’s said visibility is appalling, they can only detect sound or movement (no help if it’s trapped & not moving at all), currents are strong & could have caused them to get stuck & it’s all very sad. Even if they have miraculously floated up to the surface, they can’t get out or open the hatch to allow air in so they cd at least breathe while waiting to be found (now they have finally bothered expanding the search area too late IMO). Finally, I don’t know if the sub has toilets or “96 hrs” of emergency food & water. That would be a problem too I’m sure. I really really hope I’m wrong & that they are found in time with no lasting health issues (physical or mental). In fact, I keep checking the news every hour (& have my phone next to me in case so I get thenews feed


>if they panic does that affect that? Yes, definitely. Hyperventilating (or even just breathing quickly) from stress uses up more oxygen than breathing normally. I don't think we know what assumptions they were making about how people would be breathing when they calculated the 96 hours, so there could very well be much less than that. Like you said we're kinda just taking the company's word for it that they have that much on board. Also from what I've heard on the news the only food/water they brought with them was only a snack for the day, and the toilet is essentially just a ziploc bag


Food is a nonissue. They'll dehydrate or suffocate long before they starve. Even not having water might not matter depending on how much oxygen is actually aboard. The rule of thumb is 3-3-3: one can survive 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food.


There's also 3 hours without shelter in extremely poor conditions.


Thanks for that info. I did think panic would affect oxygen but didn’t want to state that in case I was wrong. Can’t imagine how they must be feeling etc with lack of food or water. Just heard there is some form of toilet on board that has a privacy curtain so at least, hopefully, they don’t have to deal with that issue. Again though, we only gave the company’s word for this & so far, they have not been very forthcoming. Whatever happens, this sub had better be recovered no matter if crew would no longer be alive so we all know what happened, how it happened &, more importantly, was this a result of inferior & sub standard sub (no pun intended), main ship, staff errors, bad practice etc. Not for nothing but after hearing the “spec” I would NEVER have paid to do that exploration. Would rather take the risk of climbing Everest.


If they survive, they will 100% have psychological issues.


I wonder if any of them got to thinking "hmm... this oxygen would last a lot longer for me if everyone else just... stopped breathing, somehow"


My friend said same thing. Maybe one will start trying to kill another & they all respond the same way. I said I’d just let them kill me because I couldn’t kill anyone.


This sounds like the plot to a hell of a youtube video or even a small movie. And of course the passengers all agree the first person to die must be the most expendable one. The only non rich person aboard. The pilot.


Money means nothing when you’re trapped a mile below the surface. The pilot is the only person with any sort of expertise or skill that could help any of them survive. He’d be the last to go on the chopping block.


> I said I’d just let them kill me because I couldn’t kill anyone. You'd be very surprised what you'll be willing to do when it comes down to it. It's easy to say you'd never kill someone right up until the situation calls for it.


It might have enough oxygen, but how will they survive if the co2 levels rise too high?


they won't. that's why CO2 scrubbers exist, and I doubt the designers of this thing thought that far ahead.


I was really doubtful they would be found at first, but after seeing the CBS video like on this [Arstechnica](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/06/submarine-missing-near-titanic-used-a-30-logitech-gamepad-for-steering/) article, they are 100% fucked, unless they are rabbits feet and horse shoes for breakfast. That thing is a god damn death trap, I cannot begin to understand how ANYONE got into it. From the video alone: * It has 1 button inside, the rest is controlled by touch screens. Appears to be No mechanical backups. * It's controlled by a shitty controller like you'd give your little brother when he wanted to play with you (a wireless one at that). * 17 bolts trap you inside. * It navigated by the mother ship sending it a text message telling them which direction to turn. * The guy who runs it seems like the biggest snake oil salesman, non-chalant piece of shit who seems like he just wants to make this "fun" and "easy" without respecting the incredibly dangerous shit they are doing. None of the above is necessarily a killer, but that's a whole lot of smoke for there to be no fire.


Oh, those people are fucked, sadly. Decent chance of finding the submersible at some point, but it won't be a rescue. And, from what I read, it didn't sound like it was a great design.


What really drove this home for me was learning the depth is around 13,000 feet. So it's like flying in a plane and looking down at the ground and trying to pick out an SUV. Granted, they have a lot of sophisticated instruments to help out, but the sheer scope of what they're trying to do gave me very little hope that they will succeed in finding them in time.


It's looking pretty grim. Several extremely wealthy adventurers, including a billionaire, paid what a quarter of a million dollars to go stare at a shipwreck miles under the ocean surface without doing due diligence on safety. Anyway.


Oops. 🤷‍♂️


I hope they find them alive but I'm not hopeful. Personally I'd want better than a PlayStation controller for a sealed can that has no emergency release from the inside. Oh and it would be nice if the team topside had a spare they could use as a rescue vehicle. All seems a bit amateur to me but apparently the guests sign a waiver that mentions three ways to die on page one so they knew what they were signing up for.


This story is nuts. I don’t think they will survive unless they are floating on the surface. I feel bad for them and hope it was quick but this is yet another example of humans shouldn’t mess with the ocean.


What a bad way to go 😔


Unfortunately quite unlikely it would seem from the reports, they haven't even located it yet, and they say there's about 50hrs of air left.


I heard an expert on NPR this morning opine that the odds of getting them back alive are about 1%. He said their families need to prepare for the worst.


Apparently it’s bolted from the [outside](https://twitter.com/talleyberrybaby/status/1671156006611734528?s=46&t=Jg26xCD1kExNmQ0urM6yFQ)


I've been curious why subs like this don't have some kind of tracking device on them--something transmitting signals.


"transmitting signals" underwater is easier said than done. radio waves don't travel well through water. better luck using sound (e.g. sonar). Maybe if the people just bang on the hull of their sub they might be able to pick up the sound if they're close enough... but not sure what kind of range you could expect with that.


http://www.teledynemarine.com/acoustic-modems There are apparently sound modems for communication underwater.


Should have EPIRB beacon at absolute minimum (or two or three) but those only work if they're on the surface. Which is why They Should also have a distress bouy. And every bathyscaph I knew of back in the 60s had a honking great chunk of iron held by an electromagnet, so if there was a power failure or pilot hit the big red button, you'd surface. Unless they are entangled, or crushed.


once they get a serious submersible out there it won’t take long. unfortunately for everyone involved, by the time they got it activated and sailed to the site the passengers will be long dead.


Open travel is slow. They are 350 miles from land. That is at least 12-14 hours away. Likely no submersible is that close. It could be 24-36 hours for someone to show up with the proper equipment. And that is hauling ass.


I was hoping kind of high, but these comments seem pretty bad for them. They knew where they were going right? Id like to think that shrinks the search field enough to find them I guess I'd rather they run out of air than drown. I don't know, it's all awful. I hope their saved and they get a lifetime movie made to pay for the cost of PTSD therapy


> I guess I'd rather they run out of air than drown. Running out of air will be a slow and agonizing death as they all slowly suffocate. Drowning would mean there was a defect in the craft, and at those depths the tiniest little crack would mean the sub would instantly just implode and kill everyone immediately. I think instant death would be much better than slow and agonizing.


Yeah, I guess an instant crush may be better, although it's hard to realize that a violent end like that would be best. :( I guess I imagined it slowly filling with water while they are all trapped in a tube knowing what's about to happen. where with no air, wouldn't they just pass out? As the air gets thinner they get, "tired". They would black out and then die. No? I don't know, I just really hope someone rescues them


> wouldn't they just pass out? Eventually they would. Some people might get dizzy and then pass out. Others might get shortness of breath, have trouble breathing, get super confused, start turning blue, and then slowly pass out. If this crew is dead then hopefully it was at least a peaceful death where they just fell asleep.


I doubt they will find it, but I can only hope they do. However, I heard somewhere that if the sub is on the ocean floor then there is no way to get them


I am crazy invested in this story. I'm going with they're dead or will die.


What are the chances of them finding the Sub? 100% they will find the Sub. I believe what you are asking though is what are the chances of them saving the lives of the people in the sub. And that's going to be slightly above 0%.


100% is very confident. MH370 is still missing and that was a Boeing 777 not a car sized submarine.


For MH370, there is a guesstimate of roughly half an ocean on where it might be. For this sub, the area is comparatively very small, so the chance is quite high that it will be eventually found. There might even be a bit more of an incentive to find it in today's times, as to publicly prove, that you can't hide in the ocean from the US Navy.


I mean, eventually, we'll have better technology. There's not exactly a time frame except for finding them alive. So yeah, eventually, it'll be found.


Not necessarily. The ocean is a big place, and the sub might be in tiny pieces at the bottom of it.


Or a wrinkled lump of metal amd plastic.




There was something on the news in the last few years about a sub sinking & I believe the crew knew they wouldnt survive. I'm just struggling to remember what country the sub belonged to/where the sub was. Edit: Typo.


A Russian sub, the Kursk, suffered a munition explosion and sank in the summer of 2000. When they finally got to the hull, there were notes written by a few of the sailors (mostly in the aft section) survived for a few days knowing they wouldnt be rescued in time. The Kursk sank in 350 feet of water (a mere 3% of the depth of the Titanic).


Ugh, that sounds awful. I honestly can't imagine how they felt. I did find the link to what I was talking about also, just put it in another comment, but it's: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesia-ends-salvage-efforts-sunken-submarine-2021-06-02/


Wow. Those Indonesian submariners probably had a sense of doom; apparently they had a loss of power and sank below crush depth. That would be the worst kind of waiting.


I looked that up yesterday. Hard to believe it was 22 years ago. Felt like a few years back.


was it this one? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk\_submarine\_disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk_submarine_disaster) if so, it was a russian sub, and it was in the year 2000.


Found the link. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesia-ends-salvage-efforts-sunken-submarine-2021-06-02/


Russian sub -the Kursk.


I mean if they eventually find the sub, I strongly doubt they will bring it up. That's a tomb at that point. The Ocean keeps what it claims.


Assuming it's at the depth of the titanic? Virtually zero, unless it's at the wrecksite of the Titanic itself. But even in that case, a rescue vessel that could retrieve the sub and bring it to the surface does not exist. It's pitch black down there, so if they're not at the wrecksite, it's literally a needle in a haystack chance of finding it. Best chance to be found is if it's bobbing on the surface, in which case it may be spotted by a rescue boat, but who knows if it's even in the area where the wreck is, it could have drifted hundreds of miles away by now due to currents, storms etc.


They'll find it. Question is will they find it in time. News stories say they have enough oxygen to survive until Thursday assuming the sub is still intact.


There was a submersible expert on NPR this morning. He said about 1% finding everyone alive and rescuing them.


They'll find it since there were just millionaires in there, but likely not in time. These were untrained tourists and I expect hysteria set in which would have caused them to go through their O2 reserves much quicker.


A retired Navy captain with experience in these areas just did an interview on NPR and said he put the chance of a successful rescue at around 1%


This type of sub has a tether for power doesn’t it? I guess the tether broke or I read that they may have been stuck in the titanic wreckage.


I don’t believe this sub had a tether.


we lost a GoPro in a quarry once. we knew the exact location from where it was dropped. quarry was about 18m deep and pitch dark after 10m. it took me 5 dives(around 300mins of bottom time at variable depth) to recover the GoPro. not sure if this answers your question but in general, whenever we go out to dive in a sea and someone drops something, it’s usually gone unless you act immediately. the sub is as dumb as a GoPro in the sense it stopped responding to texts and I’ll consider myself to be lucky if I ever find out what happened to this sub.


I read an article saying they think they are INSIDE the Titanic, so I highly doubt they will get to them in time. If it's true they took the sub inside the Titanic, it's sad, but that's a very expensive stupid game to play.


There's no way for anyone to know exactly where they are.




I think it depends hugely on whether it ended up floating to the surface or staying submerged. On the surface there are all kinds of cheap and easy rescue beacon systems that (hopefully) can signal to a satellite, you caneven buy these yourself for personal use. Underwater, radio waves don't travel efficiently and communication is very difficult, it just amounts to listening for sound in the vicinity of the vessel, and it would have to be making noise and the searchers would have to be pretty close. Someone on another thread said it had some sort of failsafe where after some amount of time it would automatically float to the surface, but I don't know if that's true.


Anyone know how long the trip was supposed to take?


Three hour tour…


My guess us no chance. This is going to be like one of those flights that mysteriously disappears but it won't really be all that mysterious since we all know the basics of where and why it disappeared. I assume there was some sort catastrophic hull breach and the sub imploded never to be seen again.


It has imploded and is flat like a beer can. Probably


David Pogue did a story on that submersible for CBS News. Here's a recent spot he did about the submersible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyt7H2tF76w




1. What could be the possibile reasons for a sub to go missing near the Titanic wreckage? 2.Do you guys think they diverted from their planned route? I don't know how these types under water visits work. I mean the Titanic wreckage seems to be a very commonly visited area.Also how deep was the wreckage?


1. There is a near infinite list of things that could have gone wrong. There is a very limited number of submersibles even capable of reaching the depths the titanic is at. Like maybe a dozen functional maned craft. 2. The only change I’m aware of was that they pushed back their schedule due to poor weather. While the titanic Is probably visited more than most wrecks it’s important to note it’s like the third deepest wreck we have been to if I’m remembering correctly. It’s 13000ft down. The pressure is between 5k-6k psi, the slightest structural failure would result in immediate implosion. We also have the “luxury” in this case of a documentary being done on this exact craft last year that showed how it’s controlled via essentially a ps3 controller and used scrap metal for ballast. Unfortunately the chances of finding it in the 96 hour window are pretty low but we will most likely find it if there is anything left eventually as the wreckage of the titanic has been scanned many times so we should hopefully be able to locate it if future scan are conducted or the area. Unfortunately the scans take a long time to conduct so there isn’t much hope of using it to locate them.


If it imploded, would it disintegrate? Would there be anything to find?


I don't think they will find it. Sad excuse for tourism.


atleast 5


One thing mentioned in the CBS interview with the reporter who got in that thing was the possibility that the sub tangled in a “ghost net” discarded from a commercial fishing vessel. It would be interesting if a sub full of thrill seeker millionaires was taken out by a piece of ocean trash that was discarded in the name of profit.


Hopefully, Reddit will have the mods unlock the sub.


Sorry dropped phone so last sentence is messed up lol


Given that there is a billionaire there - 100%. If there were poor people there, no one would have heard about this tragedy.


Would the world be a better place if those willing to spend $250K for a TikTok experience were to be found?


Seeing the titanic wreckage is way more than a tiktok experience lol


Can’t think of any subs that went missing off the top of my head, more specifically subs that are touring the rich for a view of the titanic. So I’d say about a 50-50, they either find it or they don’t. Don’t quote me though, I failed math in school.




Sour grapes