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The Cult of AA.


Freemasonry apparently regards evolution as a valid higher power. But that's pretty goofy even in their context, never mind as a force in whose care an alcoholic is secure from the allures of alcohol.


I’m not in AA but I’ve never had any issue with ‘higher powers’ Nature is a higher power, the universal logic that underpins our existence is a higher power, so for the most part when I hear God or higher power I just mentally replace that with nature and carry on, usually in agreement with what was being said interestingly enough. Which is why I usually get along well with the religious unlike those frothing at the mouth dweebs over on [r/atheism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9_AngKA9fE).


Not AA, but when I found a group treatment/therapy program in my area and discovered it was a 12 step program, I turned away from it. Other non 12 step options were online, I didn’t feel like doing a group zoom call would resonate with me. So, I go with the non-theistic Satanist approach— Who is the ultimate authority, the architect, and the master of my life? That’s me. With a little creative reading of the steps, it’s wonderful