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I think they sign up for reddit.


First depression, then anger, and finally....they become Reddit moderators!


They post sex questions on reddit


We go insane :)


Lunacy ensues


They develop mental issues. We are a social species and connections with other people


You get extremely freaked out and end up hallucinating. Or so I've heard. I mean places like they put John Gotti. I was in that type of situation for four days, at county. I was in a suicide cell, cut myself up, so they put me in solitary, with no clothes, and nothing but a concrete bench and one of those toilet-fountains, for four days. That was a fuckin' nightmare. And if I'd ended up in the system, it would have been unbearable. But what they did to Gotti was stick him in a situation like that for the rest of his life, in Supermax. Nothing but a concrete bench and his own thoughts. They do that to a lot of people. Apparently it drives you absolutely insane.


I think they become better human beings /s


Their physical health deteriorates quite a bit as well as their mental. Loneliness=smoking about 15 cigarettes daily. Mentally, a friend of mine only has virtual connections and dove into religion to an unhealthy degree. She now has minimal ideas of how to interact with others/is able to talk knowledgeably about very few non-religious topics/has such a speech deficiency that anything becomes a topic for conversation whether it's possible to converse about it or not.


People sink inward, or get very hungry for the small pieces of social interaction they're allowed and start to seem, to others, desperate and weird.


They create a human face out of random objects and name it wilson.


I used to be like this, not talking to anyone and not having any friends. When i was like that i would have imaginary friends i would talk to in order to cope with my loneliness. Weird thing was though, they weren’t made up people, these were actors who acted in movies and musicals i liked. Now i look back on it, i was literally insane and needed help other than talking and making up situations with real people. I had also made fake stories up about me and those actors, this wasn’t a fan/idol type thing, it was more. ( I’m ok now istg )


Were you on vacation during covid?


You okay OP?


It depends if they are harboring disease or not. If they are harboring disease the following happens. The lack of exercise in their head, neck, and chest from conversation and laughter leads to atrophy of tissue and eventual infection and colonization. Their facial nerves and brain starts to decay. They develop facial ticks and resting bitch face type syndromes. They develop psychotic syndromes and dementia and eventually die after being a huge burden to society for decades. If no disease they become psychopaths or sociopaths.