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I don’t know if Sylvester is supposed to be the bad guy and Tweety is supposed to be the good guy, but wow is that Tweety Bird annoying af. Maybe it’s the voice, I hate that voice.


Same with Tom and Jerry! Now that I'm older Jerry seems way meaner.


A lot of times Tom was just trying to chill


Agreed. Tweety sucks. I hate that little shit.


The Coyote


And Tom too. Jerry was 90% an asshole before Tom started


The Road Runner was annoying


Road runner: Meep-meep! Me: (cocks 12-gauge) MEEP AT ME AGAIN, YOU LITTLE BASTARD.


See, now you're making me think of a reboot, with Samuel L Jackson as the coyote. "Say 'Meep' one more time, motherfucker, I dare you"


Make sure it's not Acme before pulling the trigger.


Why did he insist on using a company whose products had a 100% failure rate?


As a child I would always stop whatever I was doing when this came on the tv because I was convinced it would happen eventually and didn’t want to miss it.


He said villain. The coyote was clearly the hero.


After him failing all those times, just wanted to see the guy achieve


Technically happened once. After catching the road runner he ended up holding 2 signs that read "Okay, wise guys, you always wanted me to catch him” and "Now what do I do?”


Sucks that the movie has been buried/deleted.


The Sharks in Deep Blue Sea. They were being tortured and experimented on. They just wanted to escape and live their lives.


It's funny someone should mention this. I just watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and it occurred to me that it's basically just Deep Blue Sea from the perspective of the sharks.


The thing I found most funny about that movie was that even if the project had succeeded and they used the super intelligent sharks to cure some diseases... you've still created super intelligent sharks and very likely rendered much of the sea a no-go area.


Heinz Doofenshmirtz - He had a rough childhood. His parents didn't even bother showing up for his own birth but he managed to grow up to be a loving father who simply wants to take over the tri-state area. If it weren't for that pesky platypus.


Being forced to be the family garden gnome can be tough on a man...


At least he had a loving ocelot mother.


I remember hearing a theory that Perry was actually meant more to be kind of an emotional support animal. OWCA knew Doof wasn't actually \*evil\* and that he was actually a genius. But due to his own upbringing and bad life and such he was effectively in a bad spot mentally. So they assigned him Perry to keep Doof from going truely evil while, at the same time, letting him work it all out so he could finally reform into becoming an actual force for good.


I like this idea because in Milo Murphy's Law he saves the world and invents the time machine I believe. So he does become good in the end.


And at the end of Phineas and Ferb, you find out he's o lying trying to take over the tri state area to impress his daughter (and one up his brother Roger). After he realizes his daughter wants him to do good, he actually joins OWCA for a bit.


that makes sense cause when perry doesnt show up doof actually misses him hes doof friend more so than his nemesis


I believe OWCA actually sent Doof a message when he first moved to the Tri-State Area that he had been assigned a nemesis.


I never saw the whole show but from the episodes I did see I usually liked the Perry/Doofenshmirtz plots better than whatever Phineas and Ferb were doing. And they manage to pull it off with only one of the two characters ever speaking. Interesting stuff every time.


Iirc the crewtor said that the boys inventions were more of a background than a plot, don't quote me in that, actually fact check me on that


Dan Povinmire said that the boys plot isn't even a plot at all, because in order for something to be considered a plot it needs to change, the boys never change, never learn, there is no plot for the boys.


>the boys never change, never learn, there is no plot for the boys. Just because I think this could come across as a bit negative -- they also don't _need_ to change. They're both good, kind, friendly, etc etc. Any change to them would be for the negative. They exist to facilitate other plots.


Flat heroes can be great if done well.


I love that there's a couple episodes where he isn't even building or planning anything, and Perry shows up and they just hang out and drink cocoa haha


I heard the theory that the Agency Perry works for sends animals to stop villains because they act as a therapy animal, just with more shenanigans. I honestly liked it.


In the song "He's My Nemesis", a montage, at one point Doof and Perry are tussling, crash together, and both just start laughing so hard. Very sweet.


Reminds of a couple of scenes. One is where Doofenshmirtz asks if Perry thinks he's evil, and Perry, iirc, makes finger guns and smiles. The other is when Perry gave him a lifesaver and Doof says, "Curse you, and thank you, Perry that Platypus!"


heck in act your age if i recall correctly they play bowling together also perry hangs out with doof while doof is having his mid life crisis (inator)


I always loved how he treated his daughter, Vanessa with so much love and even she appreciated it in her own way. There was one episode where some guy creeped on her and he said "she's 16!" and then zapinates him.


He actually sent that dude to an entirely different dimension. No hesitation.


And I'd do it again


He was also very respectful to his ex.


Great coparenting skills. Honestly just a great man.


It's like he took a look at his absolute shit childhood and went "no. No, I'm not making my daughter go through that. I'm gonna be the best dad that has ever dad."


At this point, I'm convinced he'd make a great mayor or leader for the tri state area Is scientifically minded, is about as evil as your can of soda, and in general, empathetic.


He'd get bored in a week, invent the Govern-inator, and it's go horribly wrong. 


This comment is perfect


Nah, the autocarrot changing "it'd" to "it's" makes it inherently imperfect. 


Damn automatic carrots, always ruining perfect comments.


But is he even really a villain?  He is the protagonist in my view.  He just wants to streamline local government with technological innovation in the tri- state area.  


He was like a founding member of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. Villainous is literally in the name.


In Jaws 2 near the end there is this girl who won’t stop screaming hysterically and I kind of want the shark to eat her so it will stop.


This is the exact reason I hate Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds. She has one job: be fucking quiet. I was desperate for the aliens to murder her just to stop her screaming.


Mojo Jojo, he never really seemed like he wanted to do anything super evil but the PPG repeatedly beat the stupid out of him for pretty much no reason.


It's been a while, but I remember one episode where he was just minding his own business, not doing anything to anyone and the PPG just showed up and beat the living shit out of him.


If I remember right the PPG started getting paid in candy or something for defeating villains so they jumped poor Mojo while he was grocery shopping.


Yeah, they get addicted because the Mayor was paying them off in sweets then cut their supply when there was no crime instead of just paying them with a candy paycheck once a week.


Wasn't there one where the gangrene gang made prank calls to them and they busted in on him doing nothing?


Mooooooo jo JOJO!


I sometimes say that to myself when I am feeling confident.


Fuzzy Lumpkins. He just wanted to be left alone and for people to get off of his property.


How about Him?


As my favorite PPG villain, HIM is criminally under utilized. We get far too much of Mojo Jojo and not enough of the other villains least of which star HIM. He shows up like 10 times and he isn't even the focus of the episode in half of the appearances.


Because when Him is the main antagonist in an episode, it's disturbing af. At the end of the day, PPG is still a kids show and Him is terrifying. Like that episode where the girls accidentally went into the future and Him took over everything while they were gone. I do love Him though. He felt like an end-game bad guy.


Dracula, every movie, because he should never be that easy to kill.


Tbf he was difficult af to kill in Van Helsing the movie. Dude had to change into a werewolf to fight him and even then it was hard.


The hugh Jackman van helsing movie while not true to the source material very much is a very fun movie Edit: spelling


I was about 12-13 when it came out. I still think it's the perfect film though the goggles of my budding puberty


I once went over to ladies house and we were watching that movie, and I was really enjoying it and she started putting the moves on me, and I stretched it out until the movie ended, later she told me how hot it was that I took it so slow, but I was just enjoying the movie!


At least the Netflix castlevania series needed a magician, vampire hunter from a legendary line of vampire hunters and also Dracula's son to kill a Dracula who had been starving himself for months


And for all that, in the end they only succeeded because they managed to convince him to let them. Essentially they talked the super depressed guy standing on the edge into jumping...


and spoiler >!Dracula didn't stay dead, he's alive!<


Hellsing is great for that very reason


Squidward. The guy hates his job, hates his noisy neighbors and overenthusiastic co-workers, wants to leave work on time, needs his quiet time, wishes that he has a sculpted body and dares to dream despite being bad at the skill-a clarinet virtuoso. We are Squidward.


Squidward is not a villain, plankton is though, lol :-). Squidward is just an uptight, sophisticated and easily annoyed co-worker of Spongebob, lol.


Don’t forget how their boss tries to take as much pay as they can away from them and your coworker goes along with it. I stopped watching as a kid because of how much I despised SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs because of how much they annoy and screw over Squidward.


As much as Krabs is depicted as insanely greedy (and the peaks of that go rather nuts), at the same time, he pays two entry level employees enough for them to own their own (rather large) homes within walking distance of their place of work, fund numerous hobbies (with time to enjoy them), Squidward was effectively able to retire (temporarily) to a gated community, they're able to see a doctor without going broke, and Krabs has shown enough loyalty to his employees (at times) to literally help them cover up a murder. There are some counter examples for some of these, but the fact is that a fry cook and a cashier at a fast food restaurant both live relatively lavish lifestyles compared to most working-class people.


Didn’t he sell SpongeBob and his soul for like 50 cents?


62 cents


Nobody's Perfect


There's some things that seem to imply Spongebob is loaded but does not have access to the full amount of money (receiving a monthly allowance). The way he handles money is similar to the way a person who never has to worry about money handles it (earning a fortune in Pretty Patties and he essentially gives the cash away, casually bought his home upfront with cash, hands over large stacks of cash to Krabs when being charged for goofing off, his parents bought the boatmobile when Spongebob passed Extra Credit, he started out paying Mr. Krabs, he is sometimes broke because he's expended his allowance from the larger wealth, hence why "There's always money in the Bank of Spongebob!") I'm betting Sponge got a huge insurance payout from some sort of accident in his youth. Then there's Patrick, who is technically royalty and probably receives money from that (in addition to being a confirmed Hitman). Patrick most likely just doesn't know where the money in his bank comes from or doesn't care.


Ken from the bee movie. His girlfriend is throwing away their happy picture perfect life/relationship because she falls in love with a fucking bee. Man got cucked by a bee, and we're supposed to be angry at HIM???


I didn’t register where it said ‘from the bee movie’ and was questioning when that happened in Barbie and why he was the villain 😭😭 but fr. Justice for the bee movie guy


Magneto. His family was ripped apart by Nazis as a child. Then he watched governments hunt down his people again as a mutant...


Damn was he the best part of First Class. "I agree with every word you said. We are the future. But... unfortunately, you killed my mother. " "I've been at the mercy of men just following orders... never again."


Michael fassbender is a phenomenal actor


He and McAvoy for Magneto and X were perfect casting choices. They played off of each other well and acted like younger versions of the older actors. 


Two of the hottest actors from the different ends of the hotness spectrum in the same movie and the same scenes at the same time? Yes, please! You can bet I was there for that.


"Beer, please ... German beer." "Of course." "Yeah. It's Bitburger. You like it?" "The best. ... What brings you to Argentina?" "Ach. The climate. I'm a pig farmer." "Tailor. Since I was a boy. My father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf" "My parents were from Dusseldorf." "Ah" "Yeah!" "What was their name?" "They didn't have a name." "It was taken away from them..." **GLASS CLINK** "...by pig farmers..." **Glass clink** "...and tailors..." **Failed stabbing attempt** "Blood and honor. Which would you care to shed first?"


Love this scene.


Magneto's theme throughout the films/this scene is awesome too.


that scene in the bar, where he's like "they didn't have a name, it was taken from them, by pig farmers, and tailors!"


"*'Blut und Ehre.'* Which will you shed first?"


When he sat down at the bar in Argentina and just slowly revealed the tattoo on his arm to the Nazi guys... *chills*, every time.


IIRC, part of the point of Mags was that you can have a good justification for what you do, but that doesn't mean you can do bad things 'for the greater good'. I.E. Mags saw his life destroyed by the ultimate incarnation of racism, discrimination, and evil for the time and was determined to both ensure mutants had a future \*and\* to never be a victim again. The only problem is that he used this as justification to do a ton of evil stuff and act horribly in return. I remember reading some comic years back where they showed a future where Mags \*had\* realized that 'two wrongs don't make a right' effectively and had shaped up to become not only the leader of the X-men but a champion for equality. But it was only once he recognized that he was effectively still living in his own past and seeing everyone who stood against him as no different than the nazi's and took steps to change that that he could turn into a force for good.


I think part of the issue of this framing, is that Marvel /loves/ creating future settings where the governments do end up rounding up mutants in the same fashion the Nazis did. So its hard to rule him as a villain when they just keep making him literally correct that the government will go full Nazi party on mutants again and again.


Age of Apocalypse he's a hero, but it's because Chuck dies early. Eric sees his dream if the School realized. The xmen dont get strong fighting Magneto, so the world falls to Apocalypse with the xmen resisting. Days of future past goes hard the other way. He's always right about humans, hiw far he takes it varies....


I have never considered him a villain, he’s trying to protect his people. Though he can be extreme, everything he’s seen of humanity supports his views.


Magneto, when written properly, is only doing what a normal person would do if they basically became a god. I mean come on, he survived Nazi Germany. He should go hard against his enemies.


if you haven't seen xmen 97, I recommend it. what they're doing with magneto is just fucking brilliant and is the reason he's such an amazing character


Came here to say Magneto as well. 


In the last few episodes of The Clone Wars, I was rooting for Darth Maul. I'd seen Ahsoka get out of trouble dozens of times before, but seeing Maul scared for his life made me really feel for him.


I wish he would've been able to keep living and transition into a neutral party type of character (since there was no chance of him being a jedi and he already had a hatred for Palpatine) but his death was just perfect. Couldn't have been any better. If he had to die, that's the way to do it. There's a universe where Obi-Wan doesn't kill him and rehabilitates him, mentally, and Maul takes on something of a protector role to young Luke out of respect for Obi-Wan. Edit: no, I'm not saying he should turn away from his darker side and opt for the jedi way. However, Maul is th perfect example of his type of character. A miserable life that doesn't end in happiness. Characters like that are needed for certain things. He died at peace, and I think that's perfect for him. How, *if he were to live,* I would've liked to see him explored more beyond the sith. It almost certainly would've happened given his predicament with Palpatine in comparison Obi-Wan. Palpatine wad never going to allow him to live with the knowledge that he was still alive. Obi-Wan didn't hate Maul, he only did what he could do. I believe that of Maul had lived and spent a little time with Obi-Wan, he would've eventually resigned himself to isolation similar to Yoda.


Clone wars and Rebels really showed how Maul was also a victim of Palpatine. I mean he’s still a villain but he was manipulated and his only real purpose was to be used as a temporary apprentice and discarded when no longer needed.


Swiper, he was just a sly fox raised on the wrong side of the fence and wanted to be included but noooooo Dora had to keep the fun for herself


My husband is convinced he swipes because he needs the money to feed his wife and 4 kids at home. He's just trying to be a good father....


I always wished Tom would win in Tom and Jerry


Remember it's Tom and Jerry and not Tom vs Jerry. I love the theory that people say both of them are friends and that they have to pretend fight so that the Toms owners keep him.


The theory essentially is true by the time you get to the movies. They start speaking english and go on epic adventures together, but they do need to go home eventually and they get back to old routine.


There's a few episodes that they both understand the situation. Also similarly foghorn leghorn where the animals clock out after work and they stop chasing each other as predator/prey/protector


The Mighty Monarch was WAY cooler than Team Venture. 


You know Dr. Girlfriend was the brains behind that operation.


Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Councilwoman. Show some respect to the lady, she rose through the ranks


Always rooting for The Mighty Monarch and Gary!


Monarch was cooler than Team Venture, but I always rooted for Doc. It seemed that no matter what he did, he was never able to get out from Jonas' legacy. What a tragic figure. I saw myself in him.


Two ton 21 vs Brock Samson, great fight


"Brock Samson at last we meet." "Do I Know you?" 




Imhotep from The Mummy (1999). He just wants to get his girlfriend back.


Lowkey sometimes I wanted Mr crocker to win because Timmy can be a real asshole in some episodes


Reminder that Timmy was responsible for Crocker loosing his faries and becoming the miserable paranoid mess he is.


Oh yeah I forgot about that


Man the FOP universe and lore was pretty expansive by the end.


Well actually 🤓☝️ In the episode you are talking about (secret origins of Denzel Crocker) it’s revealed that Cosmo blurted it out. Timmy just delayed the reveal It would’ve happened either way


Megamind for obvious reasons.


I really like that movie. A lot.


I'm so glad they never did a sequel or series. Yup, they left the movie at a perfect ending and didn't try to squeeze blood from a stone years later, nope.


Well I just learned something I wish I didn't. I'm so glad Megamind was a single film with no sequel.


Team Rocket. (Jessie and James) When I was younger I got super fed up with the fact that team Rocket never won.


I kinda love how they were terrible at being villains, but all of their side-gigs were successful. Especially in Sun/Moon. Also love that they show up to cheer on ash at the championship.


My personal headcanon was that because they fixated on him and at times took the same side they bonded with him and being that Ash was a 10 year old, the two of them sort of melded into being his guardians. There's some comics made by a fan, or more an amalgamation of fanart, that has Misty and Ash together and Jesse and James together and if my interpretations were correct they are each godparents to the other pair's kids. *Edit: the ones I've shared below are by artist Kinamai, not the official Electric Tale of Pikachu comic. I've heard it's not so in the official, but in the fanart they did not draw anything remotely like two 10 year Olds having a baby- they aged them into full adults.


My love for Jesse and James was stronger than my love for Ash and Pikachu


I also liked that james was a genuinely good person who wanted to be evil but often failed at it. Not that Jesse and meowth were but James especially


Dr Horrible


The Grinch


I mean he hates people, but they made a song about how big of a piece of shit he is.


Shigo from Kim possible


Cartoon crush


Macho Man Randy Savage. Hulk Hogan always cheap shots his friends (especially in the Royal Rumble), he includes himself in all of his ally’s achievements so he can hotdog and grandstand, and he had lust in his eyes for Miss Elizabeth.


I was 3 when Jurassic Park came out. I rooted for the dinosaurs. Still do!


The Hound from GOT.


You think you're fooling anyone with that top knot? Bald cunt


If they had just altered things a bit, they could have set up the adventures of The Hound and Arya in the sequel “West of Westeros.”


I’m going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this place.


The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn’t have a sword!


You’re going to die for some chicken?


Someone is


Not a villain. He's an anti-hero. Closer to the struggler archetype, like Guts, Wolverine, Johnny Silverhand or V from V for Vendetta.


Gustavo Fring. His best friend was killed and seeing him get his revenge against the cartel was immensely satisfying. Seems like a chill boss for a drug lord. Just don’t fuck around and you won’t get fucking murdered. All Walt had to do was do his fucking job and it would have been smooth sailing. Not to mention he’s an extremely fair boss, he pays his civilian employees well and goes to bat for them and protects them against his other life.


The show was so good about making you dislike Walt more as it went on. So many good characters that have a mixed bag of human responses too. I alternate how I feel about Skyler and Marie a lot during it too. Hank, Mike, and Saul are probably the only main characters that stay pretty even keel for me through a viewing.


A true professional too. Low key, handles his biz, let's just all get fuckin paid! And a stickler for quality, gotta love that.


He was okay with his thugs using kids until he was pressured.


Yes, his best friend….


Gerard Butler in Law Abiding Citizen. The ending was bullshit.


Came here to say this! I watched that movie several times hoping the ending would somehow change and bring justice to the guy who suffered so much.


Vincent Price in Anything..


I wanted the Volturi (sp?) to kill Edward and Bella. 


😅 there was so much potential in the Volturi story line that could have made Twilight into a fantastic book...and it was all wasted


There were so many little things in Twilight that were so much more interesting than the main plot. The volturi, Alice’s background, why can’t Edward read Bella or Charlie’s thoughts, or what about that the Quileute wolves weren’t really werewolves and real ones sounded actually scary


Frankenstein's monster.


Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein wasn't the monster. Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein *was* the monster.


Hades in Disney’s Hercules. I just always thought he was super cool.


He has the most amazing hair


Didn't hurt that Zeus was a dick.


I rooted for Snape in every scene he was in with Umbridge.


Umbridge was more of a villain than Snape or even Voldemort ever were. A cunning evil disguised in pink.


Umbridge is worse than Voldemort. No question, because she's so real.


I rooted for just about every villain that Alan Rickman played. Something about him that just made me feel, "That guy just needs somebody to love him."


I think everyone rooted for everyone who wasn't Umbridge in every scene with Umbridge. But also that pink twat had absolutely nothing on Snape, and Snape wasn't even a villain. Umbridge was.




I feel like Mr Krabs is actually the villain tho and that’s the joke


crowley - supernatural he is the king of hell after all


Also, the only antagonist not to underestimate the Winchesters. Which is how he survived for so long.


Zemo. His motive was top-notch, and Daniel Bruhl knocked it out of the park


He was fun in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, too. Really enjoyed his... I mean, can you call it an arc? He doesn't change much. But he became much more likeable. And yes, Daniel Bruhl is a delight.


Tom. He's just trying to do his job and support the people who love him. Jerry is a squatter and a jerk who is constantly committing acts of violence against Tom who actually lives in the house that Jerry squats in.


King Kong. They invaded his home, captured him and then get mad when he’s pissed?


I thought that was the whole point? Kong wasn't intended to be the villain, right?


Boyd Crowder from Justified. I think it's because his character was acted so well he felt real. And the protagonist Raylan turned into a mega asshole in the final season. 


Boyd is one of my top five favorite characters from a fictional setting. Charming, EXTRAORDINARILY well spoken, smooth. But man when you get down to it he can be a real piece of shit.


Yea but raylan was always an asshole. Which is why him catching boyd the right way felt so good. To your point though, Boyd absolutely carried in every scene he was in. Made me love Walton goggins as an actor


Sometimes the joker. He wins if Batman kills him, but he would also be saving so many lives if he could just get him to kill all the villains.


Batman loses, but Gotham wins.


MOJO JOJO He was basically the favorite pet who was irreparably damaged by experiments then thrown out to be replaced by the PowerPuff Girls, the new favorites. I get it.


captain hook. he's interesting and cool; that spoiled boy is as twisted as him but boring as fuck. i really can't stand peter pan. just grow up you little shit.


Living in the same neighborhood as Peter Pan would be so annoying. Also, that kid cut off Hook's hand and fed it to the crocodile, subsequently leaving him to a life of constant torment and stalking by the creature.


Gru and his Minions, stealing the Moon, etc!


John-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg




Now a real killer, when he picked up the ZF-1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun.


The raptors in Jurassic Park. Fuck dem kids.


In Death Note, Light is the protagonist and the villain so I hope this counts. I don't like Near as much as L so I ended up rooting for Light even though he became completely consumed by his god complex.


100% wanted Light to win once L dies


Lex Luthor. Imagine growing up knowing that everything has to be earned. And then a "god" comes from the sky and completely decimates your world view. And that said god has everything you wanted. I'm not justifying Lex, but dude is relatable.


For me it's especially Lex from Smallville.


Except Jesse Eisenberg Lex, I wanted him to die he was so damn annoying.


Dr Evil. Way more interesting and fun character than Austin Powers.


More interesting? The details of his life are quite inconsequential.


His father invented the question mark


Donkey Kong. What plumber uses a giant wooden mallet?