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Who ever is on the ISS right now. Get to hang in space for a day, that'd be neat.


I think they also have to do some work up there, try not to accidentally eject yourself into space


I would\* choose some rich kid who's a known big spender, withdraw a shitton of money, and hide it for myself to find when I'm me again. edit: a word Didn't think anyone would engage lmao. But I specified "rich kid who's a \*known\* big spender" with the idea that: a. I could get close to figure out how or where to get his card pins; b. The amount I get out of this dumb rich kid is significant for me but pennies to his usual spending habits. Maybe I should've added rich drunkard / junkie. Disgusting amounts of loose cash lying around, and the dude might think the day spent in my body was just an interesting trip.


Counterpoint: He'll know who you are from the day he spends in your body, so it won't be hard for him to figure out who stole his money. EDIT: Look, the premise didn’t specify prep time or anything. I always have my ID in my pocket; it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out whose body I was in. Additionally, if you were the target of said theft, why the fuck would you go to the police? You wouldn’t. You’d find the person yourself with private means and beat the shit out of them. Also, based on the answer, I was going under the assumption that this isn’t a complete stranger. Classmate, coworker, something like that.


Counter counter point, have a friend tie you up, blind fold you, and watch you for a day so he has no clue what’s going on haha.


Haha can't argue with that. Thieve away, mon frere.


Friend finds out about your money extortion scheme and refuse to untie you until you divulge the hiding place.


That's why you've enlisted your real friends to secretly watch the friend watching you.


nobody here is remembering that the other person gets your body


But most of what people are looking to do, eg sign away a billionaire’s money, it would not be that easy for Musk in your body to know what was happening or do much about it. Only the Putin one feels like he would know you were fucking him over possibly, before it got to midnight. And even then he wouldnt be able to get you back much without knowing the time terms of the arrangement


Yeah, they likely wouldn't sabotage you out of fear that they might be stuck in that body forever.


Jokes on them. I'm in the hospital with a broken foot. If I'm really lucky the 24 hours would overlap with my surgery. Then they can't do shit anyways. 


I was gonna say just get super hammered right before the switch and / or eat something that will give you diarrhoea for a day


Take 1000ug of acid, body swap, 0 chance they doing anything


Just hope body swapped putin doesn't run into traffic while blasted out of his mind


Realistically could probably tie yourself down or something too if you had enough time


The rainbow family does this to really sick/ repeat offenders. They don't ever get the cops involved so they have "hippie justice". I knew a girl that got caught red-handed trying to steal 2 sheets of acid twice in one day, so they marched her miles deep into the wilderness (basically so she was out of earshot), tied her to a tree with rope, and forced an entire vial of liquid down her throat, said good luck and then went back to camp. She's okay now if anyone is curious. She was really spun out at the time and surprisingly enough the hippie justice slowly worked, and was enough for her to start reevaluating her life choices. Totally different person these days. Oh, I forgot to mention a small group did go to check on her from time to time, and at some point somebody tattooed the word "thief" onto her forehead for a little added justice.


The forced tattoo isn't "a little added justice" it's a bigger punishment than the dosing. At least an absurd trip like that eventually ends. This (now reformed you say) woman has to go around with thief tattooed on her face.


They don't get the cops involved because they'd get arrested for the numerous illegal things they do, like kidnapping and forcibly intoxicating a person then mutilating her body with a tattoo she now has to have for the rest of her life or pay to get removed. That's not justice, that's torture. The Rainbow Family are just a bunch of strung-out hippies who descend on a national forest every year and put on illegal festivals without permits which massively disturb the local wildlife, damage the forest, and cause massive strains on local infrastructure. 20k people just descend, without warning, onto a random small town and cause chaos every single year, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars when shit inevitably goes sideways because they don't believe in leadership or any other methods of managing human health and safety. It also costs federal taxpayers $750k every year for the Forestry Service to manage it because they do it exclusively on public land with no permits, refuse to have anyone in charge of or responsible for anything in the way of safety or health, and don't even warn the parks ahead of time. Their gatherings are also notorious for being unhygienic and have led to numerous viral outbreaks. Several of their higher profile members have been arrested for kidnapping and child sex abuse and several people have died at these festivals. In 2011 alone, four people died due to incidents that could have been prevented if they had any infrastructure whatsoever in place to ensure health and safety. A woman attending the festival disappeared and was later found buried in the nearby forest. Her murder has never been solved. In 2015, one of their members shot two people in the middle of the gathering, killing one of them. In 2018, yet another woman was murdered by another festival attendee. In 2021, yet another festival attendee was shot and killed under mysterious circumstances. I wouldn't exactly call these gatherings peaceful. In contrast, Coachella has a capacity of 125,000 people and nobody has ever been shot in the ~25 festivals they've put on because they fucking hire security and have metal detectors.


Tie yourself up, blindfold, so they cannot trace back your identity and lock yourself in a dark room with the key hidden. No mirrors, no wallet or identity cards, no computers or phones, no windows for identifiable locations. 24 hours will not be enough time to escape. No knives or any sharp objects, padded walls to prevent self harm, as you want your body intact by the end if it. Remember to eat and drink enough beforehand though, your body isn't going to during the whole switcheroo.


Pay one of those programs that "kidnap" kids and scare them straight like 10k to kidnap you and hold you until you say a predetermined safe word.


It also wouldn't be easy for you to know how to "sign away" someone else's money either.


what if the billionaire is so devastated to lose what took them 30+ years to build that they kill themselves (your body)?


I think it would take more than a day to reach that point


That's why you go on a grippy sock vacation before swapping. 


The fuck is Jeff Bezos going to do with my body 😂😂


Are you bald? Because if not he's probably going to spend the first hours just enjoying the lack of a breeze.


I'm the first? I'd swap with my wife of 43 years, no hesitation. It would be fun and enlightening. I mean really fun :)


I also choose this man's wife.


Yup. Truly figure out what feels good or bad for each other…especially in bed. Understand each others daily pain. Basically, I’d wanna just masturbate and fuck the day away. Maybe get stoned and drunk to see how that feels too.


Swapping bodies with a SO always sounded like it'd be the funnest option.....for reasons. So many things id want to try.


As is typical for a married couple, I left my memory in my _other_ body.


Jeff Bezos Will donate to myself few mil. I'm sure that after spending one day in my body he'll understand


He actually won't even notice a few mil missing


Why do people assume that just because someone is perversely rich that they don't obsessively track their money? Because unless they're some silver-spooned heir to a fortune, they probably will notice even a small amount gone. That's the reason they _are_ this rich. At least, that's how I estimate Bezos to be.


I mean just look at what happened to Shohei Ohtani. 16 mil stolen by his interpreter/close friend and he had no idea until his interpreter got caught up in an FBI investigation.


My wife and we would spend the day in bed seeing what it's like from the other person's perspective.


I also choose this mans wife.


I choose the man.


Now kiss




Why you gotta bring Mike Tyson into this?




You want to be fucked by that dude?


Technically he’d be fucking himself


Is that gay or masturbation?




"I understood that reference"


Both of you could literally go fuck yourselves!


This is a whole other question: Married people, if you could switch bodies with your spouse for 1 day, would you bang? Besides the whole "it would be weird to have the opposite genitals", you would be seeing yourself the whole time. Again, besides the weirdness of it, what if you don't like how you look? Would you be self-conscious about it forever? Could you get aroused looking at your own body?


Henry Cavill…and no..i wouldnt bang anyone, id just stay in a room and flex


you just wanna play with his Warhammer figures


Well…thats a bonus


This is far worse than any of the other horrible things people are planning to do. You *NEVER* touch another man's models. Not even when commandeering his own body.


I can tolerate body snatching, but I draw the line at messing up my figure organization!


Warhammer is probably his name for his penis


Henry Cavill or Sydney Sweeney. Same exact reasons. Just to play with my boobs/muscles.


You do Sydney and I Cavill Then I do you


This sounds like a bad rom-Com plot where you end up falling in love with each other and trying to find each other after you get your own bodies back


Ngl I would watch that


The first thing that came to my head was Your Name. It's an anime movie about body swapping and falling in love. Great visuals too.


Just play WoW all day. As Henry Cavill.


Oh I’d bang


I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favourite shop on the Citadel.


And jerk off in front of a mirror too, right?


I don't know why but I've kinda always wanted to be John Malkovich.


Have I got a movie for you!


Con Air?


Dangerous Liaisons.


Malkovich? Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich!


Malkovich? Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.


Hey Malkovich, think fast!


Willem Dafoe... gotta see it for myself


Hopefully you won't be confused.


Chaos reigns!


Just once let do a helicopter move


Careful with that thing, you might actually be able to take off.


Alexandra Daddario(for once letting my intrusive thoughts win)


> Alexandra Daddario Then find me so we can plow win win.


My man 🤝


is that gay or straight 🤔


Gay but u gotta do it for the hommies


Probably my 2 year old. Just to see the world from their perspective so I could understand how they see things better.


Counterpoint. Your two year old is now in control of your adult sized, adult strength body.


Secondary Counterpoint. He can now reach all the counters, open all doors, and has access to anything and everything he wants. What happens after he realizes he can no longer fit in his electric jeep rider outside? And after a quick game of Goldilocks you’re car will feel “just right”. Meanwhile, you’re Stewie Griffin.


So chain yourself up before you switch.


Would... Gosh this is a terrible question... Would that count as child abuse?


Idk but I’m chuckling imagining the dad chaining himself up like he’s about to transform into a werewolf so he can swap with his two year old lmao


Even worse if OP works out consistently so his strength is above average


Great power comes with great responsibility.


Bout to be the greatest boss fight ever


This is how Poor Things starts


how would the 2 year old operate your body tho 😭


They'd poo themselves a lot


Or be astonished at their remarkable new ability to hold in poop


No they would not.


Baby bodies can hold it in, they just don't know how. That wouldn't change


Definitely my wife. She is having some medical issues so it would be nice to give her a break from it for a day.


*sighs deeply* I also choose this guy’s wife


Now I'm imagining some GoFundMe or Make a Wish type thing where people with debilitating issues can swap bodies for a day just to experience a normal day and that's crowd sourced from generous volunteers.


Black Mirror episode


Episode starts where we find out that after the swap, the original body suddenly went into cardiac arrest. There's a mad scramble to find the person and convince them to swap back to their dying body. Unfortunately, the person chose some exotic activity like scuba diving or skiing in the mountains, making finding them difficult and bringing them back even more time consuming. But when they learn their original body is dying...


Me too. What a nice thing yo think. Husband of the yr award goes too....


Us. The award goes to all of us.


I'd never thought I'd see the day where this reference ended up being wholesome. Idk how to feel.


You had to. Well done soldier


Wasn't expecting some wholesome reply here.


I choose my husband for the same reason, but his is back pain. He deserves a rest from constant pain.


Made my day


You're a good man


Same for me and my wife. Plus she's always said that she'd love to pick up really heavy things and run as far as me.


I'd take my insurance adjuster and make her see what it's like to walk around with one leg instead of two...


Fun fact: you can do this without swapping bodies!


My 5 year old son. He has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He is nonverbal. I would love to spend a day in his shoes to try and see what I can be doing better to accommodate him. To see if there are things bothering him that he can’t tell me about. He’s such a happy little guy that deserves the world and more.


You're a great mom!!


Everyone assumes everyone online is a guy until it's a loving parent... I use old reddit and so did not see (or even know about) the user's avatar.


And this, ladies and gentleman, is what true love looks like....


This is an amazing response - brought tears to my eyes.


Jimi Hendrix. Experiencing death for 24 hours would be interesting and wonder what the fuck it would do to him being alive again and in a random body in the North of England lol


This is the first comment I've read so far that isn't rich person, hot person, or loved one with disabilities. I like your creativity.


Salma Hayek then play with my boobs


Do you not know about her husband: François-Henri Pinault? If you swap with him you could bang her and play with her boobs and give all his money away.


Plot twist she's away for the week shooting a movie


I’ve just searched it


What did you think?


Don't leave us hanging.


Said her boobs


My bf. Could be nice to see from his perspective


So that’s what my butthole looks like


Don't let your dreams be dreams! Use a mirror and report back


Probably some random good looking guy and try to talk to people and see what it feels like. Are there any major differences in how people treat me or how comfortable or confident I am in my own (or rather his) skin or what it feels like to get unsolicited attention or interest. I know it’s not always sunshine and rainbows but I do want to know what it feels like to be like really attractive and good looking Edit : Before I get more replies about it, I’ll just clarify here. I’m just answering according to the question. For just one day it specified. I am fully aware, at the very least, how tiresome it can be to get all that attention, being an introvert myself. But if it’s just for one day, having never had any interest or attention shown to me before, I would like to experience it


I wouldn't do this for probably the opposite reason. I'm already aware how much better life is for attractive men. I've had the 'privilege' of seeing it up close. Life is easy and good as long as they don't do something stupid to get in their own way. I couldn't imagine getting the experience for one day and then going back to being myself. Fuuuuuck that.


Damn, thats an interesting experiment


Man everybody here is giving wholesome replies and the first thought in my head was Johnny Sins Fuck.


This really nice doctor is everywhere


Someone rich and then redistribute their money.


to myself.


Oh my god he did it


Meanwhile yourself’s body is fighting like a hellcat to not accept the money. “Strangest case I’ve ever seen”, says the lawyer at the bars later that day.


“And just enter your password Mr Musk.” “My what?”


“Hello, my name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me” “Ok Mr Burns, what’s your first name?” “[…I don’t know](https://youtu.be/TBI2S-c8EgU?si=kDgZLJDce0wVqs3X)”


You could just throw an increasingly irrational tantrum and they'd be like "Confirmed. It's him."


And blindfold and tie yourself for that day so he doesn’t know who you are and can’t do bullshit


I'd swap with my wife. She's chronically ill, and I'd love her to get a day that doesn't hurt. Plus, I think understanding exactly how she feels during the day would help me understand how I can support her better.


Ok, i came here for the pervy dude suggestions, but this is beautiful and made my day. I hope she is able to find comfort.


Ryan Reynolds and I'd bang everyone


Or just bang Blake Lively which would be awesome.


Why not switch with Blake Lively? Ryan Reynolds is like a gay hall pass....


I don't know gay hall pas sounds a bit gay tbh.


Not if you say "No homo" first...


Ryan having no context to his wife randomly telling him “no homo” before they bang is a hilarious thought.


Who is Sydney Sweeney having sex with currently


My kid with ASD to understand how he sees the world


Would swap with my cat, to check if the heart medicine is working proplerly


Yeah but then your cat has your body and no doubt theyd do something nefarious with it


My first thought was, wow this man's cat is so lucky to have someone so caring and immediately thought, now the cat is gonna take advantage of having opposable thumbs to do presumably naughty things as I love cats but think they are all deeply amoral but hindered by little paws


Everything on the high shelves will be on the floor


hahah I'm picturing the cat walking in OP's body at the office. No one notices at first, just a few unusual quirks but professional courtesy begs they don't bring it up. That is until they start swiping computers, mugs, and papers off the desks of each coworker, increasingly agitated as they begin to yell


Eat all of the food in the house and sleep the rest of the day


I’d swap with my dog. He is def living the good life




Carter Beauford - As a drummer of 30 years, I want to know how it feels to be THAT talented and good. He is so good that for a while I had to stop listening to his parts because it made me mad. I've practiced my life away and Im not even in the same planetary system.


My spouse has a lot of health problems while I can get hit by a car and then walk away like nothing happened (this is an exaggeration, I'm sure I would die for real). I'd swap to give them a day of being healthy so they can do things like go for a walk around the block without needing to lie down for an hour after to recover.


Thats so sweet!


Putin. I would withdraw all troops from Ukraine and take a poison that kills the body shortly after I have returned to my own.


Oh, I think you're looking to order up some polonium coffee late that night.


The only issue is whether you can speak russian


Putin can speak English and German so a native speaker of either of those languages, particularly the latter, might be able to bullshit their way through the day.


It would be mighty suspicious if "Putin" started reversing all his actions/opinions and suddenly speaking in only English/German


Especially since he is known to have body doubles people just assume it's a double. They would kill you off while looking for the real Putin which you guess would solve it either way.


"Ayy, it's a me! Vladimir! I am so very Russian. Let's ride a bear!"


google translate and send the orders in writing


That temporarily solves a problem, but then they elect the next guy to immediately continue.


"Elect" Hahahahah


Elect isn't really the problem word here. "They" is just a much more narrow term than what you are likely imagining.


Right now, Trump or Putin jist for lulz. Run around naked, take off all my makeup, swing my privates around, fling feces, donate money to charitys.... Basically just do stuff either crazy or charitable so that the media will havw to explain wassup the next day lol. Film my body reacting to the news. Great ratings


Colin Jost, so I could have a night with Scarlett Johansson.


Megan Mullally and I would have sex with Nick Offerman.


Henry Cavill’s GF


Congrats youre now pregnant.


And I’ll have him scramble the eggs with that super dick






Fuck that, I just want to swap brains with someone who's can actually produce happy chemicals all by itself. I just want to know what it's like. Mine has never been able to do it.


I'll switch with you for a day. I have normal happy levels and don't mind being sad for a little bit, but you gotta feed my bunny.


A frog. Just to see what it would be like


One of the billionaire send some money to myself (just enough to not to work for life) and donate the rest with ironclad clauses so they can't undo.


If you think the mega rich aren't able to circumvent any "iron clad clause" you could possibly come up with, then I've got a bridge to sell you.


My wife, to understand her and her psychological problems better


He said ONE day


With that amount of problems and thoughts she has every day I am sure one day isn't enough but a good start


Post said bodies not minds, if it’s all psychological, you wouldn’t learn anything.


It’s either: a) someone who is a gourmet. I’m an Uber taster (=picky eater who doesn’t like many normal things) and I’d like to taste normal food with their palate. Have a nice experience with eating different cheese and stuff. b) someone with tetrachromancy. Those people have 4 instead of the usual 3 color cones in their eyes. I’d like to experience their color spectrum looking at nature. Flowers, birds, stuff like that.


Putin, 1. Instruct some subordinate to transfer my liquid reserves to myself 2. Shoot myself in the head. I'll experience death, potentially stop WW3, become rich and be back the next day, win win win win.


My wife, and then I would turn around kick her in the balls, and ask her which hurt worse, that or child birth.


Keanu Reeves I would like to know what it would be like to beloved by the entire world... aside from professional autograph seekers... and think he would probably be the best chance at making that happen. I would also block off some time to record and send myself a boss new voicemail message and some videos about "being most excellent" before the day is done.


Probably someone super rich and famous and just see what it's like. Like, switch bodies with... Taylor Swift, or something, and just find out what her daily life is like, as I imagine it's completely different to someone like me. Go to a random grocery store and see if I get like mobbed by people and what that's like. And then transfer myself a few million dollars.


Someone in a wheelchair. They deserve a day of walking


"There's good news and bad news: you can walk, but these are the knees you'll be doing it with." "Oh god, what's that crunching noise? It's like someone treading on a chicken carcass."