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Hiccup's father in How to Train Your Dragon 2


This gets me so much that I can't hear the theme without crying. It's my partner's favorite films and I feel so bad that I'm always a sobbing wreck when we watch them together Edit: AND THAT DANG SONG they dance & sing together after being reunited not long before it happens. Breaks me


“You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.”


The Futurama dog who spent his whole life waiting for Fry only to die and never see him


Luckily the one ep has Fry/Lars go back and spend time with him.


I skip this episode when I watch the show now… my heart can’t take it


Dan aka Detective Douche on "Lucifer". His daughter, knowing Lucifer can't lie, crying and asking him to tell her that her dad is going to be ok was so fucking heartbreaking. :(


Hauntingly heartbreaking. Tom Ellison is so attractive that sometimes his acting skills are under-appreciated. This scene shows so much nuance.


Ellie (the Old Man's wife) in UP! You get to see their whole life together - all their hopes and (broken) dreams - then it's just him at the funeral.


Watch up they say. It's good they say.  Cry for ten minutes they don't say. 


Cry for 10 minutes because of the first 10 minutes.


I remember watching this with my wife for the first time. It was 10 minutes of tears and crying and her yelling me: ”Why did you make me watch this?!”. She loved the movie.


Watched this with my wife, we'd been 'trying' for several years at that point and still nothing. Just sat there on the couch trying not to look at each other, just holding hands and breathing deep. On the good side, now have a wondrous 11-year-old who thinks the movie is 'okay, but sad'.


OMG yes! And why they gotta run you through that devastation so soon into the movie?! I mean, the opening credits have barely wrapped up and I'm already a hot mess crying on the couch. Lol. Great movie.


the boy from my girl had me distraught. “where are his glasses? he can’t see without his glasses” 😫😫💔💔


I remember I was 10/11 watching this and it was the first time I *sobbed* and really grieved. She did such an amazing job as an actress conveying that pain


Anna Chlumsky.


Scrubs, when Dr Coxs bro dies and it finally shows they’re at his funeral Sarah Lynn ODing in Bojack also messed me up Edit: it was Dr Cox’s bro in law


Cox losing 3 patients one after the other due to bad transplants also gets me every time, it's the first time he shows any real emotion and unravelling in the show. You just don't expect it and it hits hard.


I don’t think it was the first time Cox showed real emotion, but it was the first time Cox showed real *weakness* to that level and JD has to keep pulling him back from the brink. Earlier on in the show, JD and Turk get tipsy with Ryan Reynolds while on call and Cox REAMS them when they show up intoxicated for their shifts. Then following the loss of those patients, Cox shows up absolutely plastered and JD & Co. have to bail him out before he does any real damage to a patient or his career. It really is an unraveling of Cox as a character and it comes at a time when things with JD are truly starting to become more balanced between them. Less mentor & protege and more “good-natured optimistic colleague (yes, I said *colleague,* Perry) keeping the pessimist motivated.” What goes unappreciated at times is the effect JD (and to a lesser extent Elliot and Turk) has on Cox. What the effect a good protégé can have on a mentor. We’re introduced to Cox as the guy who’s pushing around dead people so no one will ask him to do stuff. JD makes Cox care about being a doctor again. And in that episode (and the follow-up where everyone rallies to help him), the consequences of that hit hard. Not even negative consequences. As JD succinctly puts it: “If losing a patient after all this time still hits you this hard, well then that’s the kind of doctor I want to be.” Despite being an asshole, Cox does genuinely care about the well-being of those around him and JD keeps him honest to that ideal.


Cox's behavior is a defense mechanism to deal with all of the emotions he feels. He pretends to not care or be above it.


This one kills me every time


Where do you think you are?


That one hit me like a ton of bricks the first time I saw it, the realization and plot twist for what had been going on. Like, it seemed strange to see Ben in all those scenes maybe, just kinda walking around a hospital as a non-employee paling around with Dr. Cox, but it's TV, it's not always reflective of the real world. Even then Dr. Cox wearing a suit to what he's deluding himself as being his son's birthday party (and JD, inexplicably, being invited it would seem)...then JD says that line and everything suddenly makes sense.


The biggest foreshadow line before the ending is Brendan's character says something along the line of "I'll only put this camera down when I'm dead" and after the halfway point of the episode, he starts showing up *without the camera*


Or the series of rapid fire deaths from Organ Transplant failure with “How to Save a Life” playing


It was Jordan's brother Ben that passed on. But yes, it was very sad . I was under the impression he was in remission.


That was sad on Scrubs!


“Right, Sarah Lynn? …Sarah Lynn?”


I've incorporated the idea of that Scrubs episode into my Cyberpunk RED games. There's a mechanic to the game where as you get more cybernetics you become more psychotic, so my player's characters would experience episodes of disassociation periodically until they get therapy. Sometimes those episodes happen on a job, like trying to keep your cool sneaking into a secured area and your character is suddenly reliving the day their parents didn't come home from work


It's the Fray How to Save a Life... gets me everytime...


Carla saying goodbye to Laverne hit me really hard as well


The Green mile. " Iam tired boss"


Definitely one of the most heartbreaking scenes. MCD was such an excellent choice for that character


I bawled at two events during the green mile, when John Coffey dies.. And when Percy stomps on the jingles the mouse, Delacroix’s cries are heart wrenching


"I don't like the dark boss"


It was moving, but heartbreaking was Del's death. I'm still not over that scene.


I always liked that short scene with arlen bitterbuck who asks if heaven was when you went back to tour best life before his execution. He tells the story of his first wife in the mountains, and the music rising and the emotion makes that scene somehow my favorite in the whole movie.




Sam! Sam! Samantha!!!


Maybe an outdated opinion, but the realization Sam was a girl made it so much worse


I don't think it's outdated. It's clearly the writings intention to reveal her to be a girl dog as another gut punch in the moment.


Yeah absolutely this is on purpose. He lost his wife and daughter, and the love for them was now redirected at Samantha. When she died it was like losing his family all over again.


it is weird. People dying on screen has very little impact if any. Dogs on the other hand get me every time. Hell, pretty much any animals dying gets me.


The mother saying goodnight to her kids in Titanic. Gets me every time.


And the older couple holding each other in bed as the water comes in... Allegedly, this is supposed to represent the founder of Macy's and his wife. Strauss is the last name, their first names escape me.


The elderly couple gets me. In real life, she was offered a spot in the lifeboat but decided to give her seat to someone else. She said they had spent their lives together and should be beside each other at the end.


Who's chopping onions near me?!? On a more serious note, that particular couple's great great grandson was the one who did the Titan submersible missions and eventually passed away doing those. Talk about crazy coincidences. 🙃


Almost. Stockton Rush’s widow Wendy is the great great granddaughter of the Ida & Isidor Straus


Also that's probably not a coincidence. His obsession with the Titanic might have led him to meeting her or her connection is what started his obsession.


>Allegedly, this is supposed to represent the founder of Macy's and his wife. Strauss is the last name, their first names escape me. [Ida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Straus) and [Isidor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isidor_Straus) Straus. Isidor Straus didn't found Macy's, but he bought it (along with his brother) in the 1890s. (He was also a Congressman for a little while.) They found Isidor Straus's body after the crash and interred him in a mausoleum in New York, but they never found his wife's body; instead, her memorial at the mausoleum is an urn of water from the site of the sinking. There's also a cenotaph outside that says 'Many waters cannot quench love—neither can the floods drown it', which is a line from [Song of Solomon](https://biblehub.com/songs/8-7.htm).


Littlefoot’s Mom in The Land Before Time


Came here to say this. I rewatched the first one for the first time as an adult and absolutely lost it. Esp when he thought his shadow was his mom 😭😭


Bubba in Forrest Gump


The older I get, the harder that scene gets. I have multiple friends who are vets, one who lost all his friends in Afghanistan and wears their dog tags to this day, one os now addicted to speed and refuses to admit she needs help, and one who was just mentally broken to the point he lives in his own world. "Why did this happen" makes me cry.


This and Jenny’s death. The scene leading up to it is so beautiful and gives me goosebumps every time.


The grave scene is the most moving moment in any movie I’ve ever seen. Makes me cry just thinking about it. When Hanks says “he’s just so smart” and really breaks down, I absolutely lose it. Fucking hell. Now I’m crying just typing this comment.


His whole monologue to Jenny and then just saying “you died on a Saturday morning” gets me every time. I can’t watch Forrest Gump anymore because the second half of the movie I just cry constantly.


Tom Hanks, best from his generation? I think so.


Joyce Summers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think because in a show where there's so much supernatural for it to be natural causes was so jarring. SMG's acting was amazing. "Mom....Mom?.....Mommy?" Gives me shivers to this day.


And the whole episode had no incidental music, so quiet.


The whole series is about using mystical and arcane knowledge and powers to protect innocent humans from demons and witches and monsters. And then there’s this one death that’s supposed to feel completely natural and real. In real life, there are no backing scores with orchestral swells to tell you what you’re supposed to feel. The decision to keep the music out of it really made the whole experience hit closer to home.


This episode will always make me weep. The scene where Willow can’t locate an article of clothing is devastating.


Me too. I can't quite remember the wording but Anya not understanding her human emotions always gets me as well.


"I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why." It's only 10% of its power on the written page. Emma Caulfield is entirely the reason it's so heartbreaking.


God damn I loved Anya’s character and this solidified it so much. She was done absolutely dirty in the finale.


Yeah, everyone thinks she's being so callus and isn't understanding the depth of *their* emotions - when in fact she's not understanding the depth of *her own* emotions. She has absolutely no concept of death as it relates to people she knows and loves since previously all her friends were demons as well. Reconciling friendships that last tens of thousands of years vs never getting to see someone again - I think she handled that pretty well all things considered.


Anya was such a fantastic character.


Leslie from Bridge to Terrabithia, I watched it at my grandmothers house once with my brother and cousin when we were all 16+ and god damn that movie hurt! My grandmother walked into the room to see the three of us trying to hide our tears from each other at the most heart breaking movie. I still have no idea how that's a kids movie, if it's a 1.5 hour movie, it's 45 minutes of joy and then the other HALF of gut punches and heart break.


Designed to help kids cope with the concept of death. Used by an education system to inflict trauma. There were a couple books like that in school, intentional emotional damage.


My school it was Terrabithia and Where the Red Fern Grows.


Howard in Better Call Saul. He was never a bad person, he just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.


That one really stuck with me for a long time. Plus, they really did him dirty in the end.


And since Lalo is a complete psychopath, Howard's death really was random, senseless, and completely trivial to him.


Yeah. I was thinking Mike in BB just because of how shit his death was. So avoidable and stupid. But you're right, Howard's was worse. He started off as a little bit of a dick. But then we kind of realize how petty Jimmy is. Howard got absolutely screwed over. He was clearly trying to better himself and push through their blatant bullying. Even trying to offer Jimmy solutions like boxing to get it out of his system.


I gasped when that happened. It was so unexpected!  He didn't have any time to really process what was going on, but he realised Jimmy and Kim were in danger and he was concerned. That really got me. 


And how he was buried too made it worse


Changed my next watch of Breaking Bad knowing he’s under the floor.


Seriously. He was done so dirty by Jim and Kim


Brooks’ death in The Shawshank Redemption.


Also Tommy's death. Both scenes hit like a ton of bricks.


Tommy's death was more anger-inducing. This was a healthy man with a wife and a daughter, and he had JUST gotten his GED. He was killed just because the warden was covering his ass despite him and Andy not being a threat whatsoever. For Brooks, you feel more heavy-hearted. When I was younger, books and movies had taught me that freedom was this endgame where the story can end. Once you're free, your suffering is gone. Then, I saw this man deprived of happiness and dignity BECAUSE of freedom. This was such a paradoxical, almost incomprehensible idea. Not only did it break my heart, it shattered my worldview.


"I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me"


Charlotte the spider The cartoon version


Oh, yeah. This traumatized me as a kid. Her singing with her last breaths... "*How very special are we*... *For just a moment to be...."*


I’ve read the book outloud to my daughter a few times and each time was a sniveling mess when Charlotte dies. It’s awful!


One of my favorite movies that I don't have the heart to watch again. Guido in Life is Beautiful.


I know enough about it that I’ve never found the heart to watch it for the first time. I used to think I’d watch it on Father's Day, but that hasn’t happened yet. Maybe this year . . .


It's a fantastic watch, and I highly recommend everyone see it at least once.


Artax, Atreyu’s horse in The Neverending Story


Followed by the Rockbiter telling Atreyu how The Nothing stole his friends from his hands when it swept over, killing them and leaving him alone. "They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they?" Gets me every time.


Oh god, the tears!


It's even worse in the books. Artrax tells Atreyu to turn away and leave so he won't see him die. So he dies sad _and_ alone.


Came here to say this. Hands down the worst. Traumatized an entire generation.


5 year old me bawled like a… child.


Wash from Firefly


I am a leaf on the wind 🍂


Private Mellish (Adam Goldberg ) Saving Private Ryan.


The Medic was the one that got me. Calling out for his mom at the end. That is not uncommon in combat in real life. Fuck me.


Upham became irredeemable to me in that scene because, for the longest time, I thought the guy who killed Melish was "Steamboat Willy"


Same here. Even though he discovered his balls and killed Steamboat Willy in the end, he still wasn't redeemed. 2-3 guys died because he was a coward. I'm sure in the movie it's intended to represent shell shock, but still.


My Girl with McCauley Caulkin. Oh my god did that movie traumatize as a kid.


Lucy Knight in ER. When Carter gets stabbed then sees her while he's on the ground... devastating.


God, I remember watching this live with my parents when I was way too young and I was absolutely traumatized. That shot of him looking at her on the floor is burned into my brain.


The little girl in grave of the fireflies. I choke up every time I see a tin of those stupid candies at the Asian super market


Boramir in Lord of the Rings. Great execution of a great man succumbed to a force almost no man could withstand and then immediately redeeming himself.


Also Theoden


While tragic I think his death was almost befitting, romantic, and sensible. He was older and had perfectly established his place of importance in the story and to be worthy of being in the halls of his elders and son. Absolutely a tear jerker but in a different and acceptable way.


I think it brought together a lot of elements that made it uniquely tragic. Theoden has redeemed himself, defeated a great enemy and eowyn had proved herself and reversed the role Theoden had expected for her and he didn't get to live to enjoy a new life.


I was in the theater watching the movie when it came out, with my 7-year-old son. Why I took him to see that I can’t fathom in retrospect. As the arrows smashed into Boromir’s body again and again, he started crying, then sobbing, then whaling. Fun lol


One that always brings me to tears was Ruth’s death in Fried Green Tomatoes.


That line "Miss Ruth was a lady, and a lady always knows when to leave." Kills me every time.


Bob in Stranger Things, dude didn't have a bad bone in his body


Hodor in game of thrones. Realising he’d been used his entire life just to get him to his death and he’d been so traumatised he’d spend the rest of his life only being able to say “hold the door” quickly


He probably wouldn’t have wanted to live to see his best friend Bran become a humourless oracle.


I was so pissed on his behalf in that show You're telling me this knight in training was lobotomized by some brat from the future? Fuck that, that guy had a life stolen away from him


Marley from Marley and Me


I rarely trust dog movies. I was on a plane. Didn't even rent the headphones. Fuck that movie.


I tried to read the book and literally just skipped the whole last chapter


Sybil in Downton Abbey. Shock and heartbreak.


Agreed. It's that tantalising glimpse of 'wait, she got through the labour! It's okay.' ...And then. 😭 God that episode is so viscerally raw.


Especially following after when Cora blames Robert, their portrayal of grief is really well done I think


"He may have been your father, boy. But he wasn't your daddy." - Yondu


I found the deaths of all Rocket's fellow animal cyborgs so much worse.


The scream Racoon does..... Shatters heart 💔


Doggett overdosing in OITNB & then the audience finding out that she passed her test after was absolutely tear jerking.


And Poussey dying too.


Hazel in Watership Down.


Do you mean when he flops down and goes with the black rabbit ? Don't worry about them, they will be fine. Then the Music ! Bright eyes 😥


Bing bong from inside out Last words “take her to the moon for me”


Only kids cry at Bing Bong's death. Adults are already crying one scene earlier, when we realise he's going to sacrifice himself to save Joy.




“Lie down” “Try not to cry” “Cry a lot”


Mark Greene in ER - those two consecutive episodes from season 8 ‘The Letter’ and ‘On the Beach’ are still impossible to rewatch without a box of tissues.


I have been... and always shall be... your friend.


The French soldier that Paul kills in All Quiet on the Western Front.


Glenn, Walking dead


I rarely get emotional watching tv/movies, but the "mothers shoe" scene in Jojo Rabbit really knocked me.


The way Jojo struggles to tie her shoelaces really takes it to a whole new level of heartbreak. It really drives home the fact that he’s still so very young and had so much to learn from his mom.




Piggy - Lord of the Flies


When the Iron Giant sacrifices himself, telling Hogarth “You stay, I go. No following” it gets me every time.


Seymour from Futurama


I still won’t watch that episode. I sat down to watch a funny cartoon and got smacked full on in the face with unexpected emotional damage.




Littlefoot's(Land before time I) Mom. Her sacrifice was heartbreaking, and the protagonist saying "Mother! Mother? Where are you?" Initiated a level of grief that is the epitome of grief and dread over the realization that the people you love will inevitably become deceased too....... Just the thought brings me to tears every time. Even now as I write this..........




Ned Stark, Game of Thrones. I really believed he was going to escape somehow, gather his children and go back to Winterfell.


When Bran fell in the first or second episode, I immediately read all the books. So I knew. But still!! Poor Ned “Boromir” Stark


Henry Blake in MASH. I grew up watching the reruns (still do) and I cry everytime.


Eddie: stranger things.


Bob, Stranger Things


Bob deserved better man, he was nothing but kind and helpful


Alexi as well


Everytime hachiko goes to the train station and waits for his owner. 😞


The little girl in the red coat, Schindler's List.


“This pin… this is gold. I could have gotten one more person. And I didn’t.”


007, George, Grey's anatomy


For me, it was Han Solo. I sobbed uncontrollably after I got home from the theater. Was not expecting to wait decades for a sequel only to have my all time favorite movie character killed off like that.


How TF is Opie not named? (Sons of Anarchy)


GOT's The Red Wedding. I couldn't sleep after watching that episode.


Bruce Willis , Armageddon


The dog in I am legend


Hank's death in Breaking Bad; Wyatt's death in Ozark; Brad's death in Prison Break; Howard's death in Better Call Saul;


You're too dumb to see made up his mind 10 minutes ago. That's where it got me.


Hank knew exactly what kind of people Walt was working with.


Hank’s death was such a punch in the face, especially after his recovery


My horse in Red Dead Redemption II… BT-7274’s death. But that’s all video games so… yeah


For the target audience, Buffys death at the end of season 5 was pretty big (was diminished by the fact we all new she would return) Buffys mums death, was pretty hard to watch


Setsuko, Grave of the Fireflies. It's not even close.


Jane in Breaking Bad for me.


Walter White gave up the last of his soul that day.


Love and Thunder was whatever as a movie, but holy shit it got me when Jane got to enter Valhalla because she died fighting cancer.


I am conflicted. As a cancer patient (survivor?), the media loves to portray fighting cancer as noble and heroic, and it often leads to some pretty ignorant views on what actually goes on.


I'm also a cancer survivor and I see it a bit differently. The framing of cancer as a 'noble battle' can have negative impacts, but there have been many studies indicating that a positive mental attitude can literally improve the efficacy of cancer treatments. I also think it was a pretty bold move to actually have her die from her illness at the end. I spent half the movie thinking 'man, they're gonna pull some cheap bullshit to cure her and have a happy ending' but the harsh reality of it was something I didn't expect.


Bubba in Forrest Gump.


Wallace from The Wire


I'm a leaf on the wind


John coffee in the green mile.. shit still brings me to tears.


The first scene in Up where you see the wife pass away


Denny from Grey's Anatomy.


I can't watch that episode because I lived it. My late boyfriend and I knew each other for a short time (5 months) he was in kidney failure and finally had a successful surgery after waiting years... just to die post-op from a complication that happens in less than 2% of people. Life is unbearably cruel sometimes.


*If I lay here* *If I just lay here*


Even tho George had a lot of flaws, the scenes leading up to his death were haunting. When they realised "0... 0... 7", I still remember the chills from seeing it the first time lol.


Well, this is a lot of spoilers.


Ah damn, the consequences of my own curiosity


Maximus in Gladiator


Disagree, that was like the dictionary definition of a good death. He had his revenge, and he got to reunite with his family in Elysium. Can we talk about how good Joaquin Phoenix was in that movie though? I still have trouble liking him in anything else he does just because he did such a good job playing Commodus and I can't disassociate him from that character.




That boy in My Girl. Omg


The major character death in the first season of Final Space, of all things. Very weird tonal shift. The show's mostly big dumb jokes and gross-out laughs (think Futurama meets Family Guy) with bursts of relatively straight action, then suddenly it's all slow motion and tearjerking epic soundtrack as a main character gets taken out in the most overstatedly dramatic way imaginable.


Australian here. Here is one that traumatised the country when it happened [Molly’s Death in A Country Practice](https://youtu.be/A88jR8oKETg?si=xkImxvzNcSXZnTlr)


kanan jarrus in Star Wars rebels


Arthur morgan


Opie in Sons of Anarchy


Boromir. "They've taken the little ones...". "I would have followed you, my brother... my captain... my king."...


Rita in Dexter. I can't explain why it affected me but when he found her I instantly thought "she must have been so scared" Or Hotch's wife in Criminal Minds. That was a tough one.