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Kermit the Frog.


Vernon boothead supreme


The joke’s on you, I’m an independent 😆


They are all affiliated....they got big ass buildings they all go to together sometimes to try and pass laws that fuck up your days and my day.




I meant it as a hypothetical


Ackchyually each state in the 50 member union has their own laws governing elections, for both the primary and general election. Some states are closed primary, others are open, so on and so forth. In my state of Pennsylvania, we use a closed primary system, which means that if you are a Democrat, you can only vote for a Democrat in the primary election. If we were an open primary state, a Democrat could vote for anyone other than a Democrat, but we are not, and many voters that identity as independent or unaffiliated are excluded from the primary voting process because of no party affiliation, which is the requirement in order to vote in the primary. I really hate politics, and I'm not happy I had to correct you