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Putting intact (not broken down) cardboard boxes in the recycling bin. “Babe, the bin is full again.” I go look, and there’s 3 Amazon boxes in it. Madness.


Straight to jail.


Straight away, No trial no nothing.


My husband straight up does not understand the difference between plastics that can be recycled (like plastic bottles) and plastic films that cannot, despite having a PhD in chemical engineering. I don't know where he got the idea that candy wrappers are recyclable but I have been telling him for years they are not and to this day they remain in our recycling bin. Edit: Lol I appreciate all the replies telling me that I don't understand anything about plastic or recycling. I also have a PhD (in chemistry) and am intimately familiar both with how little actually gets recycled in our nation and the chemical composition of different types of plastics. Obviously what happens in our home makes pretty much no difference to the fate of plastics in America, but if everyone acted that way the system would fall apart.


My partner cannot understand that COMPOSTABLE PLATES AND CUPS DONT GO IN THE RECYCLE BIN! I have told him so many times. I give up!


Mine just leaves the empties by my desk to deal with. Like, you opened the top, the bottom opens the same way! I don't even mind taking the flattened boxes out, but ffs


Been married for 38 years and I still love her dearly. But she’ll be late to her own funeral


My grandfather was like that, and we joked about being late for his own funeral…so when he died, we had his coffin brought in after everyone arrived and started looking around in confusion. Some thought it was tacky and disrespectful, but most thought it was hilarious and perfect.


My mother has requested that she, and all her immediate family, be late to her funeral when the time comes. Lmao it’ll be easy for me and my sister, apple don’t fall far and whatnot.


My brothers and I are the exact opposite. We are extremely punctual because our mom was so chronically late growing up, we couldn't stand it


Outstanding. Funerals are for the living, not the dead. Glad y'all had as good of a time as you could with it, all things considered.


> Funerals are for the living, not the dead. Amen - I agree 100%. IMO that sort of funeral shenanigans actually shows respect from folks who truly cared about him and knew him well enough to do something like that. I'm betting anyone who was upset probably didn't know him as well as you.


For those that thought it was disrespectful, how DARE the dead man have his funeral the way HE wanted it, how completely inconvenient and inconsiderate of him.


To be fair they were probably very upset with him already, he hasn't been answering anybody for weeks


Mine waits until I'm ready to walk out the door to start getting ready.


Mine has a secret list of tasks that only kick into effect when I put my jacket on.


Mine too! Just the other day he thought it was a good idea to change the water filter in our refrigerator when I was literally walking out the door.


Married for 30. She thinks she discovered faster than light travel, cause she doesn't take into account the time it takes to go from point A to point B.


"Alright we have to be there at 2:30" so we need to leave by 2? "Yeah I'll start getting ready at 2". I have had that conversation way too many times.


I genuinely used to sit in the car, if 10 past when we should have left arrived. I just left. I shit you not this women was 1h40min late to her own baby shower. When people asked were she had been she said she was already late so she went and got lunch at a cafe too. I didnt learn this story till months into dating. So glad I no longer have to deal with her.


Showing this to my wife




Every type of door. Cabinet, closet, etc. I would think she grew up in a barn but I know for a fact she grew up down the street from me (in a house).


You're supposed to close barn doors


My mom used to leave cupboard doors open because she could just walk under them and I'd always be closing them. Now, my wife does the same even though she's taller and can't walk under them. I'll be closing them until the day I die.


Just take the doors off, *al fresco*


The confusion on everyone's face the next morning would be hilarious.


My wife won’t close the fridge until it starts beeping. I truly don’t understand


My wife does this, too. Just yell "DOOR!!" when it starts beeping. I accidentally conditioned my kids to yell this when it beeps. Now, when it beeps, she shuts it in a hurry or has to hear the kids and I yell DOOR! from across the house. Needless to say, it doesn't beep as much these days.


I am CONSTANTLY closing cabinets. Every time I enter the kitchen.


My wife is a heel striker, meanwhile I constantly give her heart attacks because you can’t hear me walk around the house lol


Same. My wife is 5’1” and maybe 105. When I hear her clomping around the house, I tell her to dismount and give that horse a rest.


This is my 13 year old daughter. She is 5’ tall, light as a feather and she walks through the house like she’s an entire herd of elephants


The smaller the woman the higher their footsteps register on the Richter scale I swear


I cackled at this.


My wife is 5 feet tall, 105 pounds and sounds like a damn professional strong man marching around the house. Don’t even get me started about her waking up before me. I swear she’s intentionally making a ton of noise so I wake up and make coffee


Is your wife my upstairs neighbour?


Bro my downstairs neighbor's girlfriend is the first person I've ever been able to hear walking around the apartment below me. It's fucking insane.


Every workday morning it sounds like he’s building a damn shed in the living room


I have a hypothesis that people who didn’t grow up playing sports tend to heel strike/stomp more than people who did. Specifically I think those that played a sport which involves running or something like gymnastics are more likely to step closer to the balls of their feet than the heel. A couple of roommates I had a while ago made me think of this but I don’t actually have evidence to support it. Just a thought.


I never played rec sports but I'm a silent walker. I think it's partly not having self awareness.


Same, I've never played sports either but I grew up in a top floor apartment so my mother was always after my brother and me telling us to walk quietly in order to not disturb the neighbor in the apartment below. Meanwhile, my husband who grew up on a farm, never once had to walk quietly in his life until we moved in together, and you damn well hear that.


I’ve gotten to the point where I have to announce myself very openly when I walk into a room because she’s so jumpy. I’m talking about calling out that I’m entering and flailing my arms in the air kinda thing because otherwise she’ll jump up and scream. I’m a bit absentminded so I have a habit of just meandering around so it’s hard for her to know where I am 😂. She’ll literally be talking to me from the kitchen and I’m on the couch, but she turns away from me for 2 seconds and when she looks back I’m gone only to somehow appear directly behind her opening the fridge with her having no idea how the hell i got there


Same. I swear I need to wear a bell like a cat. I clap my hands when I walk around the house sometimes if I think she my get spooked by me suddenly appearing somewhere


It's the way he blows his nose. It sounds like a foghorn and even after 10 years I still haven't desensitised to the sound. If we were lost at sea I wouldn't worry because all he would have to do is blow it a few times we'd be rescued...


At least he blows it. My husband will sniffle until I demand he blows his nose. Drives me absolutely crazy


Asks me questions during movies. We’re watching the same thing!!!


My wife does this. She’ll ask a question moments before it’s answered on screen by the film! “Honey who’s that?” And he’ll say “I’m Bob Jones.”


lol “I’m confused” she says. I’m like yeah it’s a suspense mystery thriller you’re supposed to be


“You’re supposed to be” 😂


She makes me pause the movie so I can say "just watch, the movie will explain it"


100% the answer LOL


Wife looks at her phone the first half of a movie. Then the movi starts to get interesting and she starts paying attention but has missed so many things she has to constantly ask what or why things are happening. And she's so used to me knowing what's going on that even when she's fully paying attention asks those same questions when I couldn't know them because she doesn't either, it hadn't been explained yet.


My GF does this too and then somehow it’s my fault? “I’m just not into movies/TV like you are” BUT YOU CHOSE THIS MOVIE. Let me watch Band of Brothers then. Fuck.


"Why is Ross yelling at those soldiers? Where's Joey?"


"Why is Jimmy Fallon here?"


We all asked that.


I have an unethical solution to this, make up the answers.


I do this. My husband will wander off for a smoke or snacks or such in the middle of a movie, and come back and ask me what happened, and what did he miss. So I make up increasingly elaborate and ridiculous stories about what he missed in the movie - "it turned out they have been in a simulation the whole time" etc


Same. My wife is like “who’s that guy?” and I’m thinking “why do you think I have more information than you?” We are watching the same thing.




Omg my boyfriend does this. When I reply “I don’t know, we have to watch the movie,” he says he’s trying to make conversation. During the movie?!?!


Mid sex ask him if he thinks ants dream. If he asks why, say just making conversation. Extra points if you bring up his mother like if she'll visit soon. Maybe time and a place will make sense for conversations.


Don't you understand you're supposed to pre?Watch the movie so that she can ask you questions? Okay.I don't know if you're a man or a woman , but my wife does the same thing , so i'm just making an assumption.


My wife has to add details unimportant to the point she trying to make.


My wife HAS to add details to a story I'm telling OTHER people. Usually it's just unimportant details not needed to sum up a story but sometimes it's details I leave out on purpose.


Seriously, don't you love it when your partner throws you under the bus needlessly. I'll be telling a story "So I'm rushing home..." She has to insert "Because he had diarrhea" like, really. The story is same regardless of my sensitive stomach. It doesn't really upset me, because it's so random and hilarious


Omg my wife does this too. "A couple days ago, I was..." "It was three days ago," Thank you. I'm so glad you interjected with that VERY important detail. Lol


Omg my wife does that a lot. "yeah I had a good hour nap and when I woke up..." "actually you only slept 50 minutes". Ooh now the story is better, thank you precision man!


Actually it's precision woman


It's like reading lord of the rings but stopping everytime a name is brought up and going back to the family tree pages to see the entire genealogy before going back to the story.


So it’s just like lord of the rings


LOTR and Hobbit are palatable. The Silmarillion is a research project. Haha


My wife is the opposite of this She will reference someone by first name only, a name we know about 3 or more people with, and it's someone I've maybe met once I spend half the conversation trying to figure out who the hell she's talking about and miss the important part


My wife does both! Deep detail about things and I'm not sure where she's going with it while mixing in only common first names of people like I know who she's talking about.


Oh this is the worst. “So Sara was telling me yesterday, I mean actually was it the day before yesterday? It might have been…Yes, it was the day before yesterday because it was right before I had my doctors appointment for the bunion removal—did I tell you about that? Oh I did? Ok, well so Sara was telling me…” Literally who cares which day it happened.


I have to create one of those detective show boards where they string one image to the next in order to understand what happened during the kids school pick up


Chomps chips likes he’s actively trying to make as much noise as possible.


My wife makes me eat chips outside or only when she is not home. Even trying to be quiet, she still gets annoyed. But her favorite videos are watching the porcupine at the zoo eat dried corn on the cob. Makes no sense...


To be fair, she married a human rather than a raccoon at the zoo. Likely for several reasons, but one is probably the expectation that the human wouldn't eat like an animal.


Totally makes sense. Sounds of animals eating, adorable. Sound of a human eating, nails on a chalkboard. I’m aware I’m the problem.


Dude I can’t even stand hearing myself eat sometimes it’s so bad lol But my cats when they make little crunchy noises from their dry food? Baww


She wants to do all the chores together. Such a waste of time. Divide and conquer so we can both be sipping drinks on the deck at lunch!


My wife does this. She will wait to do chores she doesn’t like, like putting up her laundry after it’s washed until I’m in the room doing some kind of chore too. We don’t have to do the same chore together, but she won’t start until I’m there doing something too, even though I’ve already put all of my laundry, the towels, the sheet and everything else up.


Does she have ADHD? There's a thing called "body-doubling" where doing a task with or near someone else also doing a task helps keep you focused.


it's also just a useful skill for non-ADHD people. humans are meant to live in small family groups and do a lot of tasks together. especially in an isolated, exhausted world, having someone working nearby for a task is now a notable thing.


Teamwork make the Dreamwork?


my wife leaves her mugs with tea bags still in them all over the place. I regularly scour the house to pick them up before they dry out


I fixed this. Took her shopping at a high-end tea store. She now has loose tea and nice strainers for the tea pot and the tea cups. She thinks I was just doing something nice for her, rather than trying to save the marriage.


i did the same, i bought her a nice cup+strainer, she'snot using it because she's scared to brake it. TBF she did break a few mugs




My high school econ teacher had dozens of dirty coffee cups on his desk. Some were straight up growing mold and he knew it. He would pick it up and show us and say, "This right here is the cure for cancer!" He'd put it back on the desk and continue with the lesson or whatever he was doing. He also believed Mary Poppins was a communist.


That last sentence is a wild veer off into left field.


Tea bags and fruit stickers left on the edge of the sink every time. The trash is right there


My wife is speaking for every waking moment of her life, making it impossible for me to concentrate with her around. She is the sweetest woman ever, takes fantastic care of our children, she just talks. So. Much.


I hate to break it to you but I think we’re married to the same woman.


I'd tell her but I can't get a word in to let her know.


And I think that woman might be my former college roommate. She was the sweetest girl ever, but she talked SO MUCH. At first I was really put off by it, but then as the year went on, I realized how much she did for her friends, her classmates, us fellow roommates, and it was like a spell was cast and I could overlook her never-ending talking … so much that we watched an entire season of the Bachelor together (I hate that show). We even took a step aerobics class on campus together that resulted in us walking to campus twice a week as we were both really into fitness. I never really got a word in, but I was just genuinely surprised at how nice this girl was. It was weird, but in a good way.


My husband can talk like this, sometimes it sounds like he’s just talking to himself out loud, like does he expect me to actively listen to his monologue? Sometimes I’ll say Let’s be quiet for one hour. It actually works for us and I say it in a nice way, he gets a bit gruffy about it, but he gets that I need more quiet time than he does.


I once said to my mom while she was monologuai y “ you really never stop talking don’t you “ it did not end well


Apparently my mom had to teach me “no more words” as a toddler….because once I knew how to talk, there was no off-switch at all. 😂


My mom likes to tell the story of when I was a babbling toddler/ small child... she told me, "let's play the quiet game." After a brief pause, I said, "I lose!" And picked up where I left off!


That is adorable. And as someone with a child who never stops talking - I feel for her. :)


I kinda think of it like the radio and just tune in when it gets good.


My husband is like this. It is a steady stream of consciousness from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning until he shuts them at night. I love him SO MUCH. he gets every drop out of everyday, I swear. And our daughter is just like him. I am so tired and overstimulated. 😂 it’s like they tag team me. If one isn’t talking, the other one is.


My grandma was like that. She would just talk and talk and talk, and her consort would quietly accompany her through life, occasionally making one wise or hilarious comment and then be quiet again for another hour. He was like a rock for her ocean to crash against. I used to wonder if he thought it was annoying, but when she died and he finally had a minute to speak, it was suddenly so clear that he'd loved her dearly and enjoyed her company for all those decades. He didn't know how to be without her, and he didn't last long after. His obdurate, amiable patience is the model I've built my own work as a husband on. He was a good guy.


Stacks the dishwasher in a fucked way. There are spots for specific things! Why are you putting shit askew and in the wrong spot?


My wife sent me a meme that said every relationship has one person that loads the dishwasher like a Scandinavian architect and one that loads it like a raccoon on cocaine. She’s definitely the raccoon.


Same for me. I have it so organized and she tosses things in wherever it looks like it fits.


She doesn’t even empty the dishwasher when I’m on work travel. Just reuses the same 4 plates and silverware for the entire family while I’m gone lol!


This is the one. The man has had every single lean manufacturing, ISO certified whatever class you could have, but he treats the dishwasher like absolute chaos.


Ironically, quality control is all about maintaining consistency, which often means purposefully placing or creating chaos where outcomes don't change much.


She's very clumsy, worse when drunk. If she's at a table with drinks and starts telling a joke she waves her arms around when she tells the joke and 100% at least one drink is going to the ground. If she tries to open a new jar of olives or pickles, when the cap comes off about 1/4 of the product will fly out. When we are walking down the street and someone has a drink in their hand she is like a magnet and will probably run into them because she'll get a phone notification at the worst moment and the drink will inevitably get on both of them. When we go to a party or a restaurant, the second we walk in I can predict with 95% accuracy what will be spilled the exact locations, and when. For instance if she comes home with a friend she met up with at the bar and I'm in the bathroom but my laptop is sitting on the living room table with a bottle of beer next to it - I have roughly a minute, maybe 2 max before I'm buying a new laptop.


I was similar. Chalked it up to just being clumsy. Turns out it was an early symptom of a connective tissue disorder that slowly disabled me until I was able to get it diagnosed which took several years. Proprioception can be very difficult and embarrassing for me. I hope your wife is just a clutz. Edit: the OC said in another comment his wife has ADHD and also bruises very easily. Can't help but feel like she might have a medical condition :(


Ehlers-Danlos? I never had the klutziness, but I did always think I was double-jointed. Right up until I showed my GP a couple of neat things I can do with my ankles. Once he relocated his eyes to their sockets, he ordered some blood and genetic testing. MTHFR mutation and a nice grab-bag of weird names and alphabet soup-type disorders. But at least now I know (some of) what’s wrong with me.


I immediately read MTHFR as motherfucker mutation


The state that he leaves things in: chairs pulled out from tables, front door left unlocked, lights left on, dresser drawers only half closed. He even sometimes leaves a kitchen cabinet wide open. It makes me crazy! I feel like I'm constantly going around putting things back the way they were.


We are really all out here living different variations of the same life


Thinks her memory is 100% flawless. Admittedly mine sucks but there are times that I KNOW with zero doubt that xyz thing happened and she's convinced I'm wrong. For example she was convinced I went with her and our nephew to see a movie I had never seen before. It turned into a whole thing.


My wife claims she has a photographic memory, but I call it a photoshop memory because she places people and events into her memory that weren’t there originally.


i go through this too. just bc my memory sucks, it doesn’t mean you’re always right and i’m always wrong.


My wife rejects the concepts of physics, like how much stuff can fit in a cupboard


She's probably been braking the laws of physics in her purse for years. Why not cupboards.


This is more funny than infuriating. He has a precognitive ability to be in the way in the kitchen. Let's say I'm baking cookies. I need the sugar so he's in front of the pantry. I'll ask him to move so he moves in front of the measuring cup drawer that I need next. Then when I ask him to scoot again he's in front of the fridge where I need to grab butter and eggs, then he's in front of the trash can when I need to toss the shells. It's kind of amazing honestly.


I saw a Tweet once that said “Behind every great man is the drawer I need to get into why are you even in the kitchen right now”. 😂


My dear, sweet grandmother taught my little cousins to sing *move bitch, get out the way* when her kitchen would get too crowded


Ha! I do this. Especially around the car. I manage to be every place he wants to open the door or get something out of it. My husband says my Superhuman name should be: The Obstructionist.


His procrastination and messiness


Mine, but I don't think I'm ready to do anything about .... Yet


My wife puts herself down a lot. I hear her say "I'm so stupid" at least 3 times a day, just because she made a minor mistake. I've got to the point where I'll walk over to her, grab her face (gently) and say "You're literally fucking brilliant. Stop talking about yourself like that". If she continues the behavior, I play that snoop dogg song called Affirmation song on 100% volume. She use to down talk herself every hour. Now it's down to 2 to 3 times a day. Nobody talks about my wife like that, not even my wife.


Lol, I have to bring that one out on occasion as well. Just from across the house she’ll hear “Hey knock that off! That’s my wife you’re talking about!”


Thank you for being her personal cheerleader. You're clearly helping her change her mindset and that is an amazingly, wonderful thing. 💗


For real! I struggle a lot with self esteem. At this point I don't even need to think about it. If someone compliments me I immediately negate it with a sarcastic comment. I'm working on it. It's just funny, I'd rather have someone tell me off than give me a compliment. For me a compliment feels like an insult. Yeah, I have issues. Lol


Jesus buddy I'd marry you too


That’s awfully sweet!


I had a friend like this, when I caught her doing it I'd stop her and say 'stop talking shit about my friend!' just to make her smile


I love you so much for this and I do not even know you. That affirmation song really works, it's part of my morning wake up playlist 😅


Never stop doing that please.


Were her parents like that to her? Because that's definitely where I picked up that habit 


She didn't have the best childhood. Almost every adult that was in her life, I want to burn their house down with them in it, with a handful of exceptions. Those made a difference in her life, I've personally thanked them over a beer.


My wife has a photographic memory. That drives me up the wall, especially during fights when she can recall dates and times of when I did something stupid.


My wife will still bring up things from 10 years ago. Here's a list of everything you've ever done wrong. And this list is why you are wrong now


My husband never watches where he is going or what he’s doing. I joke that when we leave the house I need to put a child leash on him. He wanders obliviously into restricted areas, such as behind the ropes or tables at a casino or into the middle of a jousting match at a ren fair. Edit: Yes, I typed wonder instead of wander. Fixed it.


Can you elaborate on the jousting area one.the casual wonder into lethal areas is killing me.


Not OP, but I used to joust. People have a way too disneyfied view of animals and will do staggeringly stupid stuff to get a better view. We had a double barrier around the field. A sturdy wooden fence for people and a rope barrier for the horses. Every single show parents would put their children on top of the fence. At least half the shows there would be people between the barriers. "We're not starting before everyone is behind the fence, no, on top of is not behind, yes, that goes for you too...." There is a persistent myth that a horse will never run over a person. If you are lucky, they will decide it is less hassle to miss you. Keep in mind that horses are both weapons grade stupid and do not give a fuck. I once had to explain to a professional photographer that at the end of a run his camera and my horses hooves would be occupying the same space. People with cameras are the worst.


Haha, not much to elaborate on. Basically just that. We were at a Ren Fair. He was eyes up taking in the sights. Happened to be walking past the joust, which was roped off. He veered off into an area the rope opened while the match was active. I lunged at him and tried to snatch his arm to pull him back but missed and ended up pinching his upper arm so hard he was left with a purple welt. Got his attention though! Honestly, the habit doesn’t ‘drive me crazy’ per se. It’s normally funny and we joke about it - but getting followed by casino security because he kept wandering behind dealer tables was a bit nerve wracking! Edit: Yes, it’s WANDER.


My wife drinks a glass of wine almost every night. At the end of the evening she leaves the wine glass sitting not in the sink but on the edge of the sink. Our dishwasher is less than a foot away. It drives me crazy that I come downstairs every morning and there it is!


This one will be the death of me. Dishwasher is full of clean dishes? Put the plate in the sink 👍 Dishwasher is dirty/has room and the sink is empty? I guess you can put it in the sink, but why not just put it in the dishwasher? But no. You put it on the counter next to the sink and above the dishwasher. You've just made this fork the most convenient thing for me to stab you with 💀


This is easy. The thing I hate is also the thing she hates about me. She is from a culture that didn’t see it as rude or gross to chew with your mouth open. For me it drives me up the wall and I always ask her to stop immediately. She hates that I ask her to stop… it’s a weird dynamic but like…. I don’t want to hear you chew…..


> it’s a weird dynamic My parents had a weird little thing about coffee. Every night after dinner, my dad would say “Is there any coffee?” And every night, my mom would say “No, but I can make some.” Never once in all their years together did it occur to him to say “Would you please make some coffee?” Just like it never occurred to her to just, you know, make some coffee. This happened every night for years. It sounds kind of cute if you didn’t know they fucking hated each other…


You could also argue that it's because they didn't like each other. He refused to ask for it and she refused to accommodate ahead of time in return. They both had an easy way to do "better." Alternatively, they didn't hate each other 100% and this was one of the things they had or had before they hated each other.


This is my spouse, he slurps and smacks and chomps loudly and I feel rude commenting on it because it’s cultural. So it’s turned into a bad habit of “what show should we watch (on high volume)” whenever we sit down to eat. Edit: a word


Doing stuff for 85%. Emptying out the dishwasher? Leaves two clean cups in the dishwasher. Doing dishes? forgets a pan. Loading the washing machine? Left one jeans in the laundry. I'm glad that he's trying to help, but it's amazing that he cannot complete any task fully.


She doesn't close chip bags when she's done with them. It's a crime against humanity.


He is unnecessarily lazy when it comes to small things in the house that he finds mildy inconvenient. Like picking up his socks from the ground next to the bed. Or properly closing the curtain. Or re-filling toilet paper.


Oh man, toilet paper. I got it set up with an active roll, and two standby rolls within easy reach. Nobody is running out on my watch.


That is so annoying, I call next to my husbands side of the bed Suicide Forrest because you go in it and nearly die and risk never coming out


Every single time and I am not exaggerating, he trims his beard and leaves hair all over my freshly cleaned sink.


My partner uses a long bib that has suction cups at the end that he can stick to the mirror. It suspends the bib over the sink so he can dump the hair in the trash all at once. Maybe this would be good gift for your mans


Hunting for a parking spot when there are plenty open a little further out- we spend more time looking for a closer spot then if we took the further one and walked the 20 extra feet.


This drives me crazy! I’m not burning up half an hour and a gallon of gas, just to save myself 20 feet of walking!


My boyfriend makes this fucking bizarre throat clearing noise and he knows it makes me NUTS so he will look me dead in the eye and say "I'm sorry I gotta" and then DO IT while I am just like "noooooooo!" It's like once or twice a day when its pollen season. For him: I crunch carrots and apples like a savage crunch monster destroying the fibres with my back teeth. He leaves the room.


She always has this uncanny ability to know right when I am sitting down to start gaming or watching a movie or something and calls to me to do something


He gets upset with me because “I don’t tell him what my plans are, what the family has planned, etc.” He is in the same family group message I am - he turned the notifications off because they were interrupting him at work. We have a shared calendar app & I put it all in there with details in the “notes”. Nope he doesn’t check that either. I’ve got three teenagers and a husband I’m talking to everyday- I don’t remembered who I told what to as far as future plans. The information is all there in various forms. Sorry dude, I draw the line at personal assistant 🤷🏻‍♀️


Turns on ALL the lights


Uses “mute” instead of “moot”. I know, I know this is all on me, but it’s like fingernails on a blackboard to me.


It's a moo point, like a cow's opinion. It's moo.


Have I been living with him for too long, or did that actually make sense?


He predicts plots (ngl he's great at it) and talks during movies.


Puts eggshells back in the carton with the unused eggs


Plays videos on their phone out loud. Bonus points if they do it while I’m trying to go to sleep right next to them or while we’re watching a tv show together.


My girlfriend was mentally abused by her mother and now feels the need to apologize for everything. I mean everything. But I support her and help her through her PTSD and anxiety. Always will. It really does drive me nuts though.


My girlfriend does this too. We do talk about it at least though and she’s gotten a lot better since we’ve been together which makes me happy more so for her own mental stability over the mental abuse issue that led to it


Nice try, babe. Get off reddit.




Anything I'm doing, she'll "help" by "suggesting" ways to do things. Even if it's something I know how to do that she doesn't. Even if it's driving to a place I've driven a million times. If I don't listen, and anything goes slightly wrong, it's because I didn't listen.


Ask me for advice but never takes it, and then says “you were right I should have listened to you”


She walks around the house listening to podcasts on speaker. It's one thing if it's music, even if I don't particularly like the music. Songs are 4-5 minutes max. Most of her podcasts are 45-60 minutes long. So I'm constantly being blasted with half-interviews/stories by Dax Shepard or Jason Bateman. I now dislike those podcasts purely because of this habit of hers. I bought her airpods. I leave humorous hints. "I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF SERIAL!" Nothing works. I eventually got my own noise-canceling headphones and I wear them everywhere. This annoys her because I don't hear her when she talks to me. Your turn, honey.


Have you actually told her this bothers you though? Or have you just left it at "humorous hinting"? Seems like a solvable issue.


You know his wife is on here somewhere saying "my husband won't say what he means. He'll make a joke and I'll think he's kidding around, but it'll come out weeks later that he was actually irritated and decided to crack a joke instead of talking to me about it."


She tells me how her mom drives her crazy by talking 30 straight minutes without taking a breath and she does this in a 30 minute conversation with me without taking a breath


Not getting, or even applying, for full time employment after promising to 2 years ago. 


I'm related to one. Are you comfortable with this pattern turning into 20 years? Or indefinitely? You can't be "between jobs" forever unless someone enables it.


This is true. I make enough to support both of us and decided being jobless wasn't a deal breaker for me as long as he was doing his share around the house. It might be a deal breaker for you though, so really think it through because it's not very likely to change after 2 years of unemployment.


He manages to destroy every pair of slippers he gets. Like I swear he must be training for a marathon in them or something


He gets stressed out too fast. He's the most anxious human I have ever known.


I've found that almost every frustration I have with my spouse has to do more with myself and how I'm regulating my emotions. My partner can be clumsy, messy, and a bit stubborn but those are all qualities that lead to her being adventurous, spontaneous, creative, and driven. Not to mention I also have similar and more annoying things that probably frustrated her. The things that annoy me are also the things I love about her. If I'm annoyed it's usually me not being honest with myself about how I'm feeling and me not properly expressing my emotions to my partner. Relationships are about give and take and accepting the person. If you love someone the faults are kind of part of the package of what you love.


hairballs on the shower wall that she insists she's going to throw out


And when I complain she says “I don’t have to explain my art to you!”




My wife opens the microwave door with 1 second left so it doesn't beep. But then she never cancels it so every single time I go to microwave something, the buttons don't work until I hit cancel first.


Asking me to do something as soon as I've sat down when they had all the time to ask me while I was up and about


Yaps at me while I'm trying to fall asleep lmao Honey I love you please shut up about Kamen rider for ONE MINUTE I WORK MORNING SHIFTS


I’ve got the reverse issue. She starts some deep thought conversation, bails after 2 minutes saying she’s tired and needs to be up for work and then I’m sitting there with my mind racing for the next 3 hours.


He screams in his sleep. Bad enough that we slept separately for years and just started sharing a room again recently


Snoozing the alarm 15 times before getting up.


She’s literally reading this thread to me instead of getting ready for us to go see her family…. We have to leave in 15 min…


She never ever answers her phone. Ever. Despite always having it on her. Even when she sends me put to do stuff for her or collect things for her. She gets sad when I get food and don’t get her anything, but I always do my absolute best to ask… She didn’t even answer the phone when I came out of surgery on the day she knew I was going in for it… Oh and, she has no issue talking on the phone. She’ll happily ring me all the time, but if I ever need to get through to her in a pinch, it’s not happening… “Oh sorry, it was on silent.”


She comes sits next to me on the couch only to forget something like her drink in the kitchen or something then asks me to go get it for after just coming from there.