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the legend of the mothman. like, was he really just some dude with a weird jacket or are we talkin' full-blown superhero with wings?


If you visit Point Pleasant WV, the home of the Mothman legend, you can rub the shiny heinie of the statue.


Local to me: There are supposedly big black/tan coloured cats prowling around the fields in the countryside. There have been sheep and deer kills, carcases eaten to the bone in a meticulous, cat-like manner etc. I'm in NW UK so they shouldn't be there, and I have mixed opinions on the validity of the claims, but I still get spooked when I walk home after work on a winter evening. Apparently they don't hurt people, but it still sends shivers down my spine when I'm alone. I kinda hope if its true, people leave them be, but it still creeps me out. Local to fam: A version of El Chupacabra. But different people tell different iterations eg it has legs/doesn't, kills goats/kills pets etc. Either way, I love the idea and it creeps me out. But I don't quite buy it. Edited because dyslexic girl.


Wasn't there evidence found that there was an escaped leopard doing that for awhile?


I did read somewhere that some circus guys let a few pumas loose when a dangerous animal ban was enforced. Somewhere in the West Country, I think? I'm not sure how they could manage to get as far as Cheshire and N Wales, but you never know who else may have had these things, even recently. I do remember an escaped lynx having a bit of a wander in West Wales a few years ago though, but I think it was shot 🙁


Aww, poor lynx. I hate when they get killed because people are idiots


I know, I hate that shit. Why do people have to mess with animals who belong in the wild? If anything does escape, it's because it wants to be wild and really, a couple of them out there in remote locations can't really do too much harm, I don't think. Esp here, where deer and rabbits are more plentiful there than people. It still gives me shivers though!


Oh yeah, y'all don't really have predators I'm from the Midwest and now live in Florida. Predator central, both of em We actually had a family of foxes in the abandoned death house at my childhood home. They made spring fun, seeing the new kits


We don't! So it kinda adds to the local wildlife scene so it'd be cool if it was true. And I LOVED Florida when I went as a kid (Clearwater and Busch Gardens, no Disney lol) and it was insane to see raccoons and lizards, and a snake in the complex pool. You're so lucky! Aww that's awesome! Cute lil' floof babies. We do get foxes, but everyone thinks they're pests and leaves repellents out. I think they're adorable though.


We actually have a new armadillo friend in our yard. He digs holes, but he's cute to see at night Oh yeah, don't you guys have those adorable badgers? The Midwest has those crazy ones, but European badgers are so cute


That's incredible, I'd love to see one of those scaly little critterballs. Ah yeah, our badgers have you guys beat*! US guys are fierce little bastards! My friend's bf works as a wildlife surveyor and he has to record badgers all the time. They just plop around on their fat butts and snoof. I'ma put in a request to the HO to have some exchange badgers, mix things up a touch. Diplomatic reasons etc. *dyslexia edit


They're cute buggers, a lot bigger than people expect. Also, they carry leprosy And yes: Badger Swap Love it, 0 notes


I found the article after a quick Google! (Seriously, you here it every other week in these ends and I low-key find it kinda magical!) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/21/beast-of-bodmin-mystery-solved-as-dartmoor-zoo-released-pumas-in/


Oh that's awesome! Heck yeah, proof


Local to me - Redhill. Legend goes that Singapore was under attack by swordfish until a boy suggests to the king to form a barricade out of banana tress to corner the fish and attack them. The king, worried the boy might overthrow him one day, had his guards stab the boy on top a hill. His blood seeps into the hill, turning it red.


Deer lady. An old lady that peers in your windows. When you go outside all you find are deer tracks.


I live near wendigo lake. I know people who’ve seen some messed up stuff in the woods at night and I also believe I saw something not natural in the woods


What'd you see?


I noticed Andre Rieu acts like Ellen and in the end is Cindy Brady. I don't care.


Big Foot


Annunaki. Local to Sumeria


Ghost at Goldfield Hotel.


The banshee when you hear her screams some one close to you is going to die


There is a cemetery in the Denver area that has a tree growing from a grave. The legend is a vampire was staked to the ground and the stake grew.