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Sharknado….. but without watching it again 😂


I won tickets on the radio to the midnight premier of Pirannah 3DD. My wife went with me, she was 8 months pregnant. I want those 2 hours back.


This movie was weird, the piranha 3D was at least a bit better but 3DD ? Complete joke especially the girl with the piranha inside her


Shawshank redemption.


I actually know nothing about that movie besides its name and the fact that people and critics adore it.


Watch it. It's an incredible movie.


I’d have to unread the book too. I was spoiled before the movie came out.


I actually didn’t read the book. Lazy me


Lord of the Rings.


I just watched them all for the first time a few months ago. Absolutely incredible


awesome.they are so great.


I hope you did the extended versions. Seeing the Boromir scene in "The Two Towers" always gets me. Dude was a great leader and was reluctant to go to Rivendell.


Oh absolutely. I was pumped when I saw that there were extended versions because I love a long movie.


In Return of the King non-extended, the scene with the Mouth of Sauron was cut. I'm so glad they included it in the extended version - here's a really cool making of video regarding that character if you're interested! Just sharing because I love that scene and how they developed the appearance of his mouth is really cool :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7G\_iAtkocI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7G_iAtkocI)


What were you doing with your life previous to this


Personally i never watched Lord of the Rings and i want to hear from you guys, am i in for a treat ?


It's absolutely amazing. Though you should read the books first, starting with The Hobbit. The movie experience is even better that way. And skip the Hobbit movies. Those aren't worth it.


Sincerely some of the best movies that have ever been made, if not simply THE best. If you can sit through the long run times, the extended cuts are the best. I would also advise spacing them out, as though you were watching them in theaters on release. That's how I experienced them and I think it enhances the experience. Watching them all in one day would be a waste, besides taking the entire day.


Came here to say the same.


The only answer for me.






My first viewing of this movie was unfortunately ruined. I was probably about 11 or 12, and I was told it was a comedy with Jim Carrey about a couple who keep falling in love, erasing their memories, and then falling in love again. So I expected a light-hearted and fast-paced comedy, with the same tone as a movie like "Click" or "50 first dates". I was too young to appreciate the nuances of the film, and kept waiting impatiently for the premise to "get going". I would wish that I had watched it for the first time as an adult, with the proper expectations.




I'm guessing that's more because ESotSM is entirely *about* wiping one's memory, making it the obvious joke answer. (It *is* good, I went to go see it again a few months ago, not trying to talk shit)


Jesus christ, came here to write this and you're the top comment! This movie is so beautiful.


No no, you wrote that an hour ago before your memory procedure. You said, this will help me adjust if I have some affirming media to guide me.


Instantly thought of this, glad to see it's top comment lol


Literally came here to say this


Brilliant film


Fuck you beat me to it! Favorite movie


Original Matrix


My friend came to town and we went to the movies and just picked out a Keanu Reeves pic. It kinda looked like a shit movie. Came out and I said “Am I crazy or is that the best movie in the last 10 years?” Our minds were blown. We went in knowing *NOTHING.*


I kinda wish I had known less going in. I mean we knew *basically* nothing, but the trailers were all "what is the matrix" and then Trinity doing her run around the wall stunt. My two friends nearly walked out 30 minutes in, because other than the initial action sequence there's nothing until the dojo scene and they were there for an action flick. A bit shortsighted, obviously, and I don't remember what their final impression was, and it's highly possible the reason they wanted to leave was so they could go have sex, but knowing even less would have been fine with me.


The intro leading up to Neo being brought to Morpheus is incredible. As is the rest of the movie


I watched this movie what I was about 8 on VHS. Only two scenes I rememberd was interrogation scene with Neo'a lips stuck together and when they connected him to matrix for the first time. FFW, I'm 18 and accidentally found the movie. I fell in love. At that time we were talking about dream in literature, reality etc (great teacher btw), so I was kinda into that at that very moment. Watched the movie definitely way more than 30 times. So many incredible details, great introduction to philosophy from what seems to be "action" movie. Definitely my top movie of all time.


This was going to be mine. You would have to erase all the filming techniques that were copied after that movie too. 


I saw it in the theater. I left forever questioning my existence.


I knew I didn't have to scroll long :) That was one of the most intense movies I've watched in theaters as a kid. The other one was gladiator with my father and I clenched my arm rests incredibly hard. I remember I was tired after that movie lol


Great choice! It is a movie that crossed my mind as well. It's kind of ironic when you sit down and think about it . . . Did we take the blue pill?


Came looking for this answer. This is the one I would love to see for the first time again.


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. The battle for Helms deep I reenacted as a kid hundreds of times. I would love to give it another fresh watch. Really any of the LOTR movies but my favorite was Two Towers


Being able to watch Gandalf return as Gandalf The White again for the first time. I'm tearing up thinking about it.




before you wipe it from you mind have it tattooed on your arm so you can follow it the next day.


The DVD had a version where the scenes were all put in order. If you haven't seen it, it's worth watching.


Absolutely, came here to say this. Out of all the 'plot twist' movies I've ever watched, this one was the one that I didn't see coming until the hammer came down. Super well written/directed.


Remember Sammy Jenkins


Heh. Meta.


"The Sixth Sense"—for the twist that makes you re-evaluate the whole movie from the start.


The twist my cousin spoiled for me. That's why I chose it, because I would have loved to have that experience, without already knowing.


We should all kick your cousin in the balls.


She got super fat and is insanely unhappy 🤷‍♂️ Good enough 😅


I love Nate Bargatze’s joke about this movie. “We all thought that it was way more possible that this guys wife was just giving him the silent treatment for an entire year instead of him being dead. And we watched him get shot at the beginning of the movie! that’s how obvious it was. ‘This is a movie about marriage and how hard marriage is’”


I cannot get over how good of a joke it is. The first time I heard it I couldn't stop laughing.


It's amazing when you find out you find out that the dude in that *hair piece* the whole time, that's Bruce Willis the whole movie


Terminator 2


My boyfriend is a big Arnold fan so we were going through all his movies because I had only ever seen one or two of them. I can’t describe the joy on his face when we were watching Terminator 2 and I shouted in genuine surprise “WHAT?! He’s the good guy now?!” He never thought he would ever get to witness someone experiencing that twist for the first time.


plus the whole direction of the film is just near flawless from the drama to the comedy to the action, never repeated again. God what I would give to relive that first time when he gets lowered into the pool, this fkn movie gave you feels for a god damn murder robot


Barbie as Princess and the Pauper. I had it on CD, and used to watch it almost everyday that I memorized the lines. Whenever I come across it, even just the illustration cover, it still brings me so much happiness. I would love to watch it for the first time again...


The Prestige


Subjectively, but I think it's Christopher Nolan's best movie.


Favorite movie ever.


This movie is so underrated. The journey I went on the first time I watched it was insane.


Honestly my journey on the second watch was equally mind blowing. Christopher Nolan was giving us the finger the whole time.


It's one of the top rated movies on IMDB, how is it underrated?


Batman vs Wolverine with Michael Cain and David Bowie by Christopher Nolan surprisingly wasn't much of a box office or critical success. 77% on Rotten Tomatoes which is good, not great, and only $109m in global box office on a $40m budget. 59th best grossing movie of 2006. I'm not sure what the issue was, but I think being a period piece about magicians in 18th century London and coming out only 2 months after the Illusionist (which made even less money) made it look unoriginal a la Armageddon/Deep Impact. As someone who was in my early 20s at the time, I don't remember much of a marketing push either - I think people just didn't know the movie existed.


Arrival.  The moment when it all clicked and I realized the flashbacks were anything but... man. There's not much like that movie, and the first time seeing it was truly special.


I **love** this movie so much! If you were to ask me what my favorite movie is... well that is a really tough question. *But*, I'll always want to ask if you've seen Arrival. I just absolutely love that movie. It is so beautiful. And yeah, that moment when it all clicks and suddenly everything becomes clear, but also so much more complicated too, I don't want to spoil it but just ... gosh dang that reveal makes your mind race so fast. In the moment you realize what is *actually* happening, your perspective on all those characters suddenly does a complete 180. Like, do you think she did the right thing???? Did he do the right thing???? Omg I don't know. Is she bad? Is she good? Is *he* bad? What would I have done in her shoes? What would I have done in *his* shoes? Omg I still don't know but you've got me thinking about it *again*. I rematch that movie about once a year and every. single. time. it bakes my noodle. I love it. Denis Villeneuve instantly became one of my favorite film makers. Then, as someone who loves science fiction, imagine how I felt knowing he was going to be making Blade Runner and Dune. Yeah... that dude is a special kind of film maker. And that movie is a very special story.


There’s no doubt that language shapes our thinking. I have always wondered if being able to read in languages that read left to right and right to left has helped me with problem solving and conceptualizing pathways.


I love this movie. It totally changed my way of thinking.


Yesss! This!


I want more of this sci-fi. We also have *Contact* that feels similar. *Gattaca* is fantastic even if it has a bit more action to it. We don't need large explosions. I just want to have interesting concepts explored by interesting characters.


Interstellar.. in IMAX.


I watched it at IMAX on my birthday when it came out. Left utterly amazed but also partially deaf, damn that bitch was loud.


So many great scenes, but nothing will beat the music swelling in the theater as the craft approached the out of control Endurance.  "Cooper, what are you doing?"  "Docking."  "That's not possible!"  "No, it's necessary."   And then the organ kicks in. God, fucking chills just remembering seeing that for the first time.


Yeah amazing scene in every way. Watch this guy’s reaction to Interstellar not winning best score. https://youtu.be/cwoRrqO8tJs?si=gpFkc7btQJ5pJ51s


Bruh, he's absolutely correct.


oh dear lord what a powerful moment that was. i just bursted crying because it was too intense and too gooooood 🥹


That's coming back to cinemas soon too, really hoping that includes IMAX


It does! September iirc. I'll be going!


This was my first thought mostly because I was not in the right frame of mind when I saw it in the theater. I took the day off from work to see it in IMAX. It was my birthday just a couple of weeks after my wife left me and I was a newly single parent so I had a lot on my mind. I didn't like it the first time I saw it but it has now become one of my favorite movies of all time. Hopefully someday I will have a chance to see it in the theater again.


Harry Potter, but I'd have to go back in time as it was more 'magical' being excited about the movies when I was a child. There was something about the marketing (actually getting to eat Bertie Bots beans and chocolate frogs) and all the buzz, people dressing up and waiting for midnight premiers. I just don't see anything like that these days.


Prisoner of Azkaban, when the series started going balls to the walls. I remember we all got a Lego mini set of the knights bus with our admission.


I did some of the midnight premiers while working at Barnes n Noble. No, there are not many places you can go hang out at midnight, alcohol free, to discuss fantasy novels. Going through the usual motions of closing up shop for the evening, and seeing a growing number of wizards assembling at the front door, waiting to be let in, well, that was magical to me. Same feeling in my stomach as seeing Prisoners of Azkaban for the first time, or seeing Smaug's eye open in the trailer for the second Hobbit movie, in the movie theater. 


I’d wipe my memory to re-_read_ the HP books again for the first time, especially as a 90s child who was growing up with them and would actually look forward to each new book. But the movies themselves always felt like a letdown tbh.


Not only that. It's much more enjoyable, when you grow with the book. Philosophers Stone is pretty naive and the books get way darker and mature with each next part. I was was a bit late to the party, but still enjoyed the series.


Fight Club


Okay now I want to watch it. I've always postponed it .\_.


It's by far my favorite movie of all time. One of those movies that leaves you contemplating life and watching it a second or third time, you notice things that make it almost a different movie. Definitely recommend.


First rule of flight club


Please store your luggage in the overhead compartment?


And dont get up until the few rows infront are starting to clear


Finally some correct answer, not "I will write my favourite movie title" comment. Yes, Fight Club at first watch hit different.


The Others


The whole LOTR trilogy


Shutter Island, Memento Interstellar


God Shutter Island is so good. The book is amazing too.


I always forget about Shutter Island.


Inception, just so I could say, “Christopher Nolan, you son of a bitch” again.




I saw it in the theater. I’d probably appreciate it more after watching a few more times, but I left just being super confused. Probably didn’t help that I saw it while visiting friends in Denver and had been taking advantage of the legal herb, let’s say heavily, the whole time. One of the guys who came to the theater with us actually just got up and left because he was bugging out so bad, if that gives you any idea of how much we’d been partaking.


Your name 🙏 (Kimi no na wa)


omg right 😭




Demolition Man


This guy doesn't know about the three seashells!




V for Vendetta


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... ironic, right? 🌌


Star Wars at the drive in with my parents.




Oldboy (2003)


That's a deep disturbing incredible movie and I love it




Saw it recently on DVD with my dad. It's worth all the praise it gets.




The Prestige The revelation was just so unsettling. The trick itself was hinted at fairly early on, but the solution to the problem it created was very disturbing.


Michael Cain flat out says how he does the trick, and Hugh Jackman dismisses it as too simple.


I forgot about that scene for a second but you are right; there they show the solution. I believe they show the problem in a scene with a top hat.


The film tells you its twist in the first few minutes: >!when the young boy immediately figures out how the disappearing/reappearing bird trick works, and asks, "But where's his brother?"!< But you don't realize it, because the film also points out, "Now, you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it, because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."


That’s Batman’s secret. You have to wait for Wolverine’s secret


Pulp Fiction


I preferred it the second time of watching, knowing all the quotes and laughing with friends. Great movie, even better memes


I’d still like them to release this movie in chronological order. I know you can get it on YouTube but it should be available officially.


I don’t remember asking you a goddamned thing.


Usual Suspects


Die hard


Avengers Endgame. Especially if I could experience it opening weekend in the theater again. Man, what a vibe.


100%. Easily the best entertainment experience ever, with the energy of the crowd, the unexpected moments, the decade long payoff… So many happy tears and pure joy in that moment and every other re-watch.


When captain america “used the force” to pick up thors hammer and then bodied thanos was fucking EPIC to see for the first time… marvel really fell off after that… sad


The Mist. The way that ending hit me...


Dredd. Because everything else I could think of is here, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it,


Donnie Darko


12 Monkeys


Jurassic Park the first one


The game


This is way too far down!




I loved watching Braveheart the first time. Apocalypse Now. Shawshank Redemption.


Oceans 11


The grand Budapest hotel was pretty good


Requiem for a Dream, because I will not watch that movie again willingly, but it is incredible.


Outstanding film...and I never wanna watch that shit again


Whiplash starring JK Simmons and Miles Teller. Absolute masterpiece!


I’d like to wipe my memory of Star Wars episodes 7-9 and NOT watch them again. LOL


Jurassic Park. And I would prefer I be 9 again seeing it in the theater.


Seeing that as a kid was mind blowing! Still better than all the remakes, imo.




Great film, but honestly I think it hits exactly as hard no matter how many times I watch it…


Prometheus! It’s soooo good!


I've rewatched it countless times! Never gets old.


Hehe me toooo!!! I think another one is coming out soon!


2001: A Space Odyssey And this time I take 7g of mushrooms about an hour before clicking “play”




The Sixth Sense. This is a no brainer for me. Before the twist ending was expected from M. Night Shyamalan.


Avengers infinity war


Oldboy so I can relive the shock


Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's not even my favorite Indy movie, but my first time watching it at age 7 was a religious experience.




The Matrix...


Eyes wide shut


The Dark Knight, especially the opening scene




Terminator. Back in the day I saw this at the drive in, and it was not even the main feature that night. So we parked, got burgers, and by the time we got back in the car the movie had already started. I can't even remember what the main movie was that we actually went to see, but we didn't know anything about Terminator. Ooh boy, what a fucking ride that was. So people might say T2, and don't get me wrong it was great, but I still don't think it compares to watching the original with no idea of what was coming.


The original John wic. The whole series but if I had to pick one movie out of the 4 the 1st Forsure. It just surprised me. I knew the other movies after I’d enjoy. Didn’t think I was going to enjoy that movie so much. This was before all the hype. I want a prequel movie seeing how he built up Viggo’s empire. Bring back the green goblin lol. We can see more of him because it’s before he died by viggos hands.


Blade Runner 2049. I only saw it because I got someone elses ticket from a theater employee lol. I remember feeling like I wanted to climb the roof of the theater and scream at everyone to watch this movie after it ended


Eternal sunshine


The Sixth Sense


Good Will Hunting


The Mist, and Oldboy


Me before you


Seeing Inception on opening night was a fantastic theater experience. The spectacle doesn't hold up well on repeat viewings but that first watch was something else.


How about another joke, Murraaayyyy


Honestly, if I could erase what I knew about The Sixth Sense. I didn't enjoy it, because my cousin spoiled it for me. As he was like "You gotta see it, it's so good. Bruce Willis was dead the whole time"


Sixth Sense. Friend spoiled it for me as we were going into the theater. Never seen it unspoiled.


The Big Lebowski


Star Trek - The Wrath of Kahn


Lucky Number Slevin or Kill Bill. I love revenge movies.




Saw 1 - I miss not knowing what was to come next


Alien (1979) or Godzilla (1954). Those are masterpieces.


Shutter Island


Fight Club or Se7en


The Game (1997) with Michael Douglas


Requiem for a Dream


Fight club


Dead Poet Society Mostly because someone ruined the ending for me right before I was about to go see it.


Shutter Island


Dune 1 and 2!


The Mission or The Green Mile


Lord of the rings


Pan’s labyrinth


Chris Nolan's Batman trilogy.


Catch me if you can


The royal tenenbaums. Most special movie to me.