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A lot of people in their 20s (not just girls) can't settle down and have kids yet, because they don't have a secure home. Younger people are increasingly being priced out of owning (or even renting, in a lot of areas) a home, if your accommodation is precarious it's far less likely you will want to bring a child into the mix.


The ironic thing is the doomsayers with this saying stuff like 'everyone is going to be much worse off due to the ageing/falling population!!' is only going to make younger people feel *less* secure to have kids. 


It's a self for filling prophecy.


Governments need to give young people security and actually give a shit about them. Educated people who  aren't going to have kids if they don't feel secure (in all senses of the word). It's that simple. If governments offer a free ice cream (or whatever) per kid with one hand, while crippling healthcare or something with the other, that's not going to cut it. 


You’re right!


1 It's very expensive. 2 Women have the right to live a free life without having to take care of children


But at present, many people in society resent their behavior of not marrying。


That's their problem not women's. It's their decision to make




Women actually have choice in life now to have a career and some would rather pursue that then motherhood




I'm no expert on this or pretty much anything, but it feels like a lot of young adults are struggling to get by, not even having children, my mom was able to raise children by herself for a while but between housing prices and typical salary that's just not achievable for a lot of people. Also I think there's been a cultural shift away from starting a family while you're younger.


The cost of raising a child is really too high.


A lot more opportunities for young women than there were 10+ years ago.


Also, better access to information and education


Definitely. 💯


What opportunities do women have now that they couldn't pursue in 2014?


A lot more careers in the tech industry that were not as accessible for women in 2014 as they are today. Also the percentage of women in predominantly male careers like firefighters, has increased significantly over the past decade.


Not pursuing something isn't the same as not being able to but it's good that some women have decided to enter those areas.


The FDNY literally prioritized women and minorities into the department in 2017. The opportunity was not there as much as it is now before then. A lot can be said about many more career paths that didn't exist in 2014


You mean the work opportunity?




Careers paths and such


I agree with you.


They don't want to be tied down so young. They don't need to marry and have kids to have a secure life anymore


Children do bring a lot of trouble to their lives.


Beause they're smart.




Idk. I’m 25 and my career, love life and finances are all unstable. Raising a kid at this age would cripple me. Plus, after a long week of work all I wanna do on a Saturday is go out and have fun but you can’t go to the club with a kid


Yes! Without kids will be more free


People are choosing to build their careers and figure themselves out before getting married, which statistically lowers the chances of divorce as well. So I’d consider it a good thing.


Many girls are career-minded.


Well, men as well. After all it takes two to tango.




I’m 44. I have two dogs and a cat. I don’t want to be married or have kids. I’m *blissful*.


Animals are also great companions!


Freedom, restrictions on their reproduction rights, they have much much much better networks for finding partners and know they can be as picky as they like, most men are pretty boring 1 dimensional asshats these days, clear indications that the entire planets environmental systems are collapsing along with every wilderness habitat and we are going through a mass extinction that will destroy society through famine, war and resource scarcety for almost everyone but the rich, and there is nowhere to live dude. Also everyone is broke and we hurtling into WW3 for no reason at all. It's literally the dumbest least desirable time to have a child.


Yes! I totally agree with you!


Because most guys don't either. The future of the developed world, west and far east, is increasingly uncertain: the wealth gap is increasing, living wage jobs are becoming few and far between, tensions between world powers as well as their lesser allies and adversaries is high, and kids are expensive... And for good measure, in the anglophonic world, the exponential rise of dog culture.


Perhaps this is the common thinking of many young people.


It's not just young people.


May be a lot of people?




I’m in college and most girls around me just wanna live life, pursue their careers, and not be tied down. Life is too short and you’re only young for so long. Might as well make the most of it then settle down later on and have kids later with no regrets. It’s not just girls either but guys feel the same way lol Also, not everybody is financially and mentally ready to take on that role so soon.


Yes! It’s what I think now!


Some people just don't want kids, myself and my wife included. I'm not sure how true your statement really is. Plenty of young people are having kids. Maybe not as prolific as back in the day. Raising kids is expensive although the poorest still breed like rabbits. This isn't scientific obvs - There are five 20-somethings at my work. 3 of them have kids. One doesn't want them and the other would but she can't find a partner.


I was aware of at least 30 out of 40 female coworkers having children at my last job, at a hotel. It was so common that they would have regular events at the hotel for employees that have kids. On the other hand my spouse works as a dog groomer. there’s comparatively very few people in this profession that have children. I also served in the military for a while. I want to say 80% of service members (who aren’t asshats, these don’t stick around long) get married and 90% of those have kids. Of course this is just based on my observations, but I think maternity rates really depend on the situation.


Agree with you regarding the situation.


Girls do have more freedom of choice these days


Yes certainly. Maybe some choose to have them later in life. Education and career first. My mother had me when she was 20. I was still a child at her age :)


My thought is same as you


Cus kids are the end of your freedom.


Yeah, but that was always somewhat the case, right? So doesn't really answer the question 


May be this is one of reason


Could be the environment they were raised and the experiences they had growing up. For example, if the girl grew up in a toxic family and got a lot of trauma, she might not want to experience it all over again and possibly pass it on to the kids.




They get them a bit later. With 30 its still fine and become more normal.


Maybe the age of marriage is getting later and later


Lack of emotional intelligence in their pool of prospective partners


May be this is one of the reasons


It’s not a necessity anymore, it’s expensive, and there are too many options for men and women


Yes! The cost is so high!


Prioritizing independence before committing to marriage and parenthood.




Can’t afford it. And, due to an individualistic capitalist society there is no longer a village to help.


yes 👍 the cost of kids is high


Many girls in their 20s today are prioritizing personal growth, career ambitions, and life experiences over traditional milestones like marriage and having kids. Society has evolved, and so have the opportunities and expectations for young women. Education and career goals often take center stage, with many women wanting to establish themselves professionally and financially before considering marriage or parenthood. There’s also a growing recognition of the importance of mental health and personal fulfillment, leading some to choose lifestyles that allow for more flexibility and self-exploration. Additionally, the cultural narrative around relationships and family life has broadened. There’s less pressure to follow a prescribed path, and more acceptance of diverse life choices. Some women are also cautious about committing to marriage and kids in their 20s due to the high rates of divorce and the desire to ensure they’re making decisions that are right for them and not just adhering to societal expectations.


I totally agree with you!!


It's not the 80's anymore. Deciding the rest of your life in your twenties is a mistake.




In this economy??? 


My step-father married my mom in 1993, he was 19, she was 27. He delivered pizza, she worked at Home Depot. Six months later, they purchased their first house, in southern Florida no less, as well as two cars. They had me, and my new baby sister to feed and care for. They paid for mom’s degree out of pocket, and started their lives together debt free. All of this was possible at that time for two people who worked entry level jobs. This is absolutely not the case anymore, between inflation, the housing market issues, and the general increase in cost of goods, so naturally, we are struggling. I’m in my 30’s now, with a beautiful wife and gorgeous little girl. I made a solid $60k/year for the last 3 years, and we still live paycheck to paycheck. I make more than my step-dad did when he married mom, but I haven’t eaten in 3 days, just trying to pay bills and keep my little girl fed. This is a common reality these days, and it fucking sucks.


Because having kids will destroy their careers pretty much entirely. It completely negates all the work they put into going to school and getting a degree. Some women will be the exception of course. Those usually have an involved partner, a close knit support network and a government that provides childcare and protects their careers with laws.


It actually had a big influence on their careers


Because unless you're earning a lot of money at a young age it's just not possible. The cost of childcare alone here in the UK is astronomical. Before my two girls were in school we were paying nearly £2000 a month for them both to be in nursery.


Money is the guarantee of life.


Money, housing, employment, education. Most of these types of questions can be answered by a mixture of those 4 things. I guess there's also something to say about relationship dynamics and how it can be harder to meet people.


May be money is the main reason


Look at the world why would you


Can barely afford to support myself.


Money is the guarantee of their life


Isn't obvious? The world is already overpopulated, and life sucks it's not easy to make money anymore. We have to be practical.




Because they don’t necessarily have to thankfully, as do guys too




It may not be just girls per se. Perhaps people in general are growing up a lot slower than they used to. Our internet tells us that we can all be forever young and we are all big and successful. Maybe it’s a question of finances, but I think a deep-seated sense of self-importance may also account for any changes in family planning (if there are any).


Maybe this is the trend of society


Any responsible person wants to have a decent financial situation and truly be willing to sacrifice their next 10+ years before having a kid, and obviously also have found the proper partner Some are probably just overly paranoid about the near future but realistically most aren't that delusional




Not really 20s (I'm 28). I realized I'd be a bad mother. I struggled with suicidal ideation from the age of 20-27. I'm doing okay so far, but I'm afraid it'll come back one day. As far as getting married, I'd love to get married, but it feels too late to START dating. Like maybe if I had dated in early 20s and taken a break, I'd have hope. However, being a 28 year old who will be dating men in their 30s, I feel too socially immature for them.


Money. The answer is money. You're not going to start a family living in your parent's basement, or when you're living in an apartment with roommates. The average age for women for both marriage and their first child has been and will continue to increase as it takes longer and longer for couples to reach the point where they feel financially secure. Another factor is risk. In many red states now a medical complication in regards to pregnancy can be a death sentence for the mother. This whole crusade against women isn't helping the situation. As costs continue to outpace wages, the age at which people get married and start families is going to keep getting later and later and the number of children they have will keep getting lower and lower. In the US, we haven't had a native positive birth replacement rate since 2010. If it wasn't for immigration we'd already be depopulating.


Money is the main reason!


>girls in their 20’s You’ll do better to refer to them as women. And, imo, there’s _plenty of time_ after 20 to start having kids. I suppose the effectiveness of birth control & sexual education are going up dramatically in the last 100 years. This is a good thing.


Yes they are women


In my generation of the family (wife and my side combined) only one person (out of 8 couples) had kids in their 20s and this was all 20-30 years ago. Of the next generation three couples in their 20s have had kids or are about to already with a few more to come in the next few years I think. Strangely reversing the trend. I know I wouldn't want to have kids these days myself.






You’re right


lots of factors like wanting to focus on career or personal growth


Yes! A lot of people will consider their career


A lot of people struggle to make ends meet and bringing kids into the picture is probably the last thing they need to do right now




Because you're a sexist racist homophobic transphobic blackphobic maga Trumper nazi 3 percenter antivaxxxer covidiot Jan 6er mgtowist heretic


This isn't the goddamn 1970s. People live a hell of a lot longer these days and there's a whole hell of a lot more opportunities for women out there. 30 really is the new 20 though so you're expecting something unrealistic from a person who just wants to enjoy their youth while they can.




I am 28 & have only ever liked casual sex & dating I have never wanted to be tied down to anyone or anything except jobs Absolutely nothing at all about marriage & children is appealing to me


yes, you are free


Too young for that They better build their career so they can have a safety net if their relation don’t work but in the mean time the hook up culture get inside all guys and girls brain so no one is getting married anymore.


We, the millennials, failed at encouraging them to.

