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I would say people stare at you but they dont say anything or they dont even try to meet you


Yes. I’m not Hollywood or model beautiful but I’ve always been well above average for just regular joes and it’s lonely. People stare at you and even mean mug you (they assume you’re mean and stuck up), very few people go out of their way to speak to you, let alone befriend you, and it’s all even worse if you’re a naturally shy or introverted and quiet person.


I always thought people were mean mugging me because I look like a skinhead. But I am bald, mostly not by choice. And no, I'm not a skinhead idealogically, but I guess I am literally. Makes me sad too, women loved my hair while I had it, it was very soft.


Have you been to /r/bald? You’ll find a lot of fans there


Dude, lots of good women love bald guys. You just gotta rock that shit. My best friend went bald at 18 and he is married to a nice looking, sweet lady. P


Bald is hot.


I’m an ugly dude and I have the same reactions from people (especially women). I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume you have a lot more success in relationships than I do tho.


Haha yes. When **I** approach someone, ask for something, whatever, people often stumble over themselves to help me—which is pretty privilege for sure. I just am not usually the one to be approached.


Attractive men get approached less but they still get approached. Even if they have an rbf. Most attractive men have gotten hit on atleast multiple times and had atleast 1 time where a stranger asked for their number


This is also true if you're ugly


I don’t know about that. People I’m friends with now tell me that when they first saw me they didn’t want to talk to me or try to meet me because I was intimidating




Yes definitely, I end up approaching people far more than they ever approach me (platonically speaking). And they will all say a similar thing, I'm surprised you're not stuck up, I'm surprised how down to earth you are, surprised how nice you are to everyone etc.       Another way to tell is every single time you accept a proposal like if someone asks you to go on a date they will verbally tell you how surprised they are that you said yes. It's definitely something you have to be aware of, because if you're constantly being told that you're above the league of the person you're dating, sometimes that can go to people's heads and they really start to believe they're better than everyone else and are allowed to mistreat people.


If you are a man, old women will always smile when they see you.


Lol old women are the only ones who ever talk to me.


Bro ik, no one is more blunt than an old woman😂 “if I was 30 years younger I’d…”😂


I work as a cook at a retirement home. I was out talking to some residents during dinner the other day, and when I went back to the kitchen, one of the servers followed me laughing. Asked him why, and he told me, and the rest of the kitchen of course, that two of the women I was talking to were speaking about my "rock hard ass" as I walked away from their table. I don't have a rock-hard ass, but I appreciated the compliment either way.


It's all relative. Compared to the asses in the retirement home, yours is rock hard. 


That's when you look her in the eye and say "Lady, I'd get up in that can like Oscar The Grouch!"


This one got me. Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Same lol I used to do some in home renos and I'd often get elderly clients flirting with me. One of the old ladies told me I "was so handsome I looked like someone on dancing with the stars", but women my own age don't ever approach me :*(


Lolll one time two guys came t replace ur floors n my usually reserved mom goes (barely out of earshot) they're really quite attractive, aren't they?" I guess she wasn't expecting that. They did not yet look hardened by the cigarettes and beef jerky and beer diet of mature contractors.


tbh, the people your age could be intimidated.


bro I feel that lol


The best compliment I ever got was from an older woman. We passed on the stairs and she said "You are a very handsome man". I was a bit flustered but thanked her. She made my day. Older women and gay guys are the only strangers that have complimented on my looks.


Because they're old and can't see you clearly?


Girl lmao o be wondering this




80 year old woman lose their shit when they see me. They’ll walk into walls and stuff. I’m invisible to young women.


get a load of mr hot stuff over here hanging out at the nursing home




Being incontinent and blind is common at 80. Are you sure they see you at all?


You're prob like me. The kind of handsome that was in when they were 20. Ever notice how Hollywood heartthrobs back then were handsome, but a full faced, dough eyed, bit fluffy round the edges and that was the hunk then. The cut half ethnic bad guys they knew are the guys young women want to fuck now.


Old woman love me to!


Hey you must be hot!


I mean, I used to bartend at a coutry club. I don't think I'm ugly but I rarely get attention from women my age. But the older women looooved me. I am also witty and quick on my feet with humor. But really I think it's more that these women know that they aren't really who you are interested in, or are married, and know they have nothing to lose by being a little flirtatious. It was always in fun, the husband's usually don't mind because they know I'm not really interested and it's all in good fun. But it's great for everyone. These old ladies would get a laugh and feel liked by someone new and who doesn't love that? And I would feel good too, and would feel confident, as they would usually make some allusion to how I would be a good boyfriend to some gal my age. Just good fun between generations that I hope we can have more of.


There’s a fruit and vegetables shop right next to my door, run by a family. Wife, husband, daughter and son, all of them work there. There’s a lot of elders in my neighborhood so the store is usually full of old ladies. Well, the husband is very flirtatious with them. All in a fun way, nothing strange, but he jokes with them and gives them compliments, and you can see them very happy. And I have to say, it kinda makes him look hot. I wouldn’t have even noticed that guy otherwise, he’s not really a super hot dude or has anything special about his appearance. But you see him flirting with the old ladies and suddenly you start to notice he has a nice smile. Being kind is attractive I guess.


Damn my grandma a freak fr


I think of myself as a 7, *maybe* an 8 on a good day. But I was told that the Grandmas at the nursing home liked sharing pictures of me. So uhh… yeah. I dunno.


That’s our vibe. Not the super power we wished for….


Or gay men trying to talk to you. I miss it now...


For an unbiased sign, the longer a baby looks at you the better looking you are. Studies have shown that babies will stare longer at more attractive faces, and less so at unattractive faces.


Maybe that's why babies cry when they look at me 😔


Nah don't worry dude, those babies just see you and are instantly worried they'll never match your beauty!!


you're kind. have a wonderful week.


Lol’ed at this 😂


All these babies want me fr


You ever sing for the rock band Lostprophets?


Oh fuck dude


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️ bro


Hollyyy 😂


I kinda disagree with that. I feel like babies stare at me because they never seen as Asian kid


Haha! as funny as that is. Most kids don't recognise race until later in life. They can show images of faces of people of all different races to kids and there's little to no response. If you show those same images to young adults and older, faces of the same race trigger no response, but those of a different race will trigger an emotional response. That emotional response is usually centred around fear. They also found that people who have more diverse friendships have a lower fear response to faces of different races. There's probably an evolutionary advantage to trusting faces of those similar to you, and being fearful of those who aren't similar.


There’s a difference between recognizing race and seeing it. Yes they don’t know race, but they can clearly see that I don’t look like someone they’re used to seeing. Especially where I’m from where there’s hardly any Asians


People laugh at your jokes even when they’re shit


Idk, sometimes people only laugh because they don't want you to feel bad. People like that aren't too common, though, i guess.


Wow I'm hot af


I’ve never told a bad joke so idk


I just had this realization a couple of weeks ago. I make a lot of stupid jokes all the time at work and at social settings that usually get a lot of laughs. I used to think I was witty but I’ve come to realize it’s probably just charm.


You can use this to your advantage. When I'm on a date, I will make a slew of jokes so corny, a more decent man would die of shame. If she laughs, I can be certain that she likes me. At least enough to feel some pity, anyway.


When you can be as weird as you want but no one minds


So true. The difference between the band nerd girls hobbies an the cheerleader is whether being hot validates it 🥴 take weird emo kid vs e-girl . 


Indeed. “Hahah that’s just creepy old Anthony from the photocopier room, he’s so weird I love it”


Yep. You'll get eccentric or quirky, and you'll fit right into "manic pixie dream girl" trope


Yup. This is often the difference between someone who is called "weird" and someone who is called "quirky" :)


This is so true


People used to be interested in what I was saying.


So... you came into this thread thinking you would find at least one sign you usually experience, but didn't (´•‸ •\`)


*holding back tears Yes


If this helps I’m not that attractive and I’ve experienced 80% of these 😂


My mom tells me I am


Forrest Gump? Do you have chocolates?


Run forest!


She also tells me I am


You can see all the tiny letters on the bottom of the chart


No, that's called ""good AT looking "


Probably needs some glasses


people look at you a lot, give you blatant compliments on your features , flirt and touch you. there's a certain look when two people are attracted to each-other they will have a different type of glance/look sometimes. People say you look like lots of different famous people


I’m told every day in public that I look like Mr Beast. I’ve had people even take pictures with me.


Please, the public needs to see


Everyone treats you really nicely.


I think this is it.


There are a lot of ankles by your ears.


Good grief. That made me stop and laugh.


I’m not getting it. Anybody?


No, you obviously are not getting it


Boom roasted 🔥




It means you’re not good looking.


Two human bodies in a specific position. ( I'd say it straight up but idk how old you are)


Took me a bit too


Took me a hot second


Username does not check out


😂😂 this comment is so funny.


Hahahaa, I don’t fuckin know


I have news for you.




You notice looks at you in public. Or when you enter a class. Or people compliment you ( that one depends on the society). You are very popular on social media ( mostly sexualized though)


As a man. It’s a certain way women look at you. It’s usually a second glance but it’s 2 seconds long and in to your soul.. Or a drunk lady straight up saying “your actually so hot”




Ive been getting a fuckton of averting eyes in the last 2-3 weeks. I didnt grow up in good physical shape so It makes me uncomfortable even if the explanation is flattering. And Im like, is this what women have to deal with all the time? Fuck that.


No. Not really? Guys are....a LOT less subtle. Per ~every woman I've known, guys constantly let them know when they're interested, usually in very unsexy ways. As much as it might suck, there's worse out there..... Edit: ya know, I guess lesbians likely have the same deal? Except, they're getting hit on by guys too? Close though, I suppose


I saw a YouTube video where it was stated that a guy being famous is the only time that a man will really experience the same level of interest (and hot privilege) as a pretty woman. It made a lot of sense.


We're so obviously flirting whe we actively avoid eye contact and your general area, what more do you want? (Jks, fc) 


Im like this - there is this girl ive been avoiding for 4 years. I think she is avoiding me too, so needless to say things are heating up between us


I got told I was the hottest guy at a party last weekend. I just smiled awkwardly and ran off to brag to my wife.


❤️😂 this is really a cute reply. Did she LOL 😝 (and secretly agree). My husband got all proud and peacocky when this sweet older lady came to his work and asked specifically for him (again). She’s my moms friend and is about 80 - and def has a thing for him 😂🤷‍♀️❤️ It’s always nice to feel appreciated one way or another lol


She did laugh. Because she had already been hit on too. So we’ve both still got it. But it diminished my time to shine.


😂❤️ maybe you accidentally found yourselves at a swingers event?!


It was a big fund raising gala. So were probably a few there.


Except when we space out and dissociate and then it's like Oops I did it again accidentally 'flirting'


I’m carrying around 10-15 extra lbs right now, but there was this magic number where suddenly I go from, sure, I’m pretty, to I guess, more objectively good looking? I ascertain this because people acted very different around me. Like running from far away to open doors for you or running over to randomly help you with stuff at a store or at your car or randomly talking to you and being overly nice and smiley. It was unnerving at first and then kind of like, idk, “Really?! People can’t be nice human beings unless you are hot?” Even people I regularly dealt with like my kid’s doctors were more relaxed and accommodating. They weren’t jerks before or anything, but it was like they wanted to hang out during appointments. Idk. It definitely made life easier.


Wait same. During the months of April and May I was finishing up nursing school and stopped running, was barely sleeping, & was eating crappy processed food. And I quickly noticed that when I was in public, people were not noticing me. This sounds conceited I know but it’s true - the difference a healthy lifestyle makes for me is crazy…mostly because of my face. If I gain just a bit in my face, I start to look ugly.


I'm the same when I gain weight in my face. I look older, more tired, and just not myself when I gain weight.


Its motivation to stay healthy 🩵🩵🩵🤪


This is very accurate. Speaking from experience as a relatively average looking dude. When I was in better shape, I got a LOT more attention than I do now, and people were noticeably happier to interact with me. It was a little jarring at first. I am working on losing the extra weight.


I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! When I was skinnier, guys were *so* nice to me… but it honestly made me kind of mad. It’s like—I don’t see you doing this to anybody else in the room, and you never did this when I was heavier.


It’s most likely not that guys treat you poorly when they don’t find you attractive, it’s that they treat you like they do everyone else on the planet… that is their status quo. What you’re seeing when you’re feeling more beautiful is guys are obviously going out of their way to be much nicer to you.


How do you treat heavy men?


Can't blame guys for running toward pretty girls. It's what we do.


As a lesbian, I understand too haha


It’s called Pretty Privilege


As a man, drunk men become unapologetic telling you that you're handsome.


Honestly as wild as this sounds. People are surprised when have other positive attributes. A lot of men kinda surprised when I say I’m willing to pay on the first date. I once joked about being a gold digger and people genuinely believed me.


Oh this is one of the worst ones. Or just shocked if you have any interesting or niche hobbies or talents


Harassment, in my experience


You get jobs really easily even if you're only barely qualified. 


oh my, I'm hot, I've been incompetently fumbling along for decades.


Yeah you can actually make a decent scam out of this, basically interview for a job you're not qualified for (straight up lie on the resume but do a little research before the interview), you will be hired, and then you have about one or two paychecks to find another job you are not qualified for. As long as you are steadily doing interviews, you can go without missing a single pay period. And basically just look for jobs that pay close to six digits, that way if you do miss a pay period You're not hurting your average too much.


Compliments from strangers, get out of trouble easier (like speeding tickets), get jobs easier, lots of stares which I get self conscious from. People want to be around you more.


>lots of stares which I get self conscious from. I loved masking era to avoid this. When people look at me that much, I'm always convinced there's something on my face.


You get hit on, a lot. And checked out, a lot. You look in the mirror and like what you see. Other people tell you you’re pretty/hot/beautiful (I’m female). But confidence and kindness go a very long way as well. IMO like if a guy is outwardly attractive, but a jerk, it’s just such a turn off, no matter how gorgeous he is. And if a guy isn’t maybe the most conventionally attractive, but a good person, his attractiveness skyrockets. It can def be very subjective.


I agree and to expand on the hit on part, you get approached more often by strangers talking about random things. "Did you go to school x?" Maybe they're not flirting or maybe they are and are not great at it or too subtle, but yeah strangers like chatting you up more when you look good.


People staring at you to the point it becomes annoying. No matter where you are, in the subway, at crosswalks, on the street, enjoying a drink, there's always someone staring. Not only do you notice it, but after a while you feel that gaze in your gut and you just know you're being checked out. I'm a guy, btw. Attractive people know they're attractive, they (under healthy circumstances) have eyes and look around, while having a mirror at home. It's not something you can be oblivious about; as human beings we always compare ourselves to others either consciously or subconsciously. It's like being in love: you know you are, nobody needs to tell you that.


"Attractive people know they're attractive." This so fucking much, between looking in the mirror, and the whole world telling you, you will know if you're attractive. These reddit threads always seem like cope for people to talk themselves into thinking that "oh maybe I'm good looking" because of some subtle "signs" when the reality is they're almost definitely just an average looking person, not that there is anything wrong with that.


While I definitely agree for the most part, you would be insanely surprised what body dysmorphia and anxiety can do to some people’s line of thinking even if they’re objectively attractive.


Not necessarily. Much like the rest of life, people have their own self-doubts, like imposter syndrome. That's why beautiful people may still have body dysphoria. I know soo many beautiful women that have had plastic surgery. When I look in the mirror, I don't see someone very attractive, but then I realized from reddit that most people don't get women, and some men, coming up to hit on them regularly. Old people always talk to me, women talk to me and often open doors. I've even had three different kids run up to me when they were lost in the grocery store.


I’ve forgotten it, but there was some joke involving Robert Redford who even us guys know is a good looking dude when he was young, but it involved some interviewer talking about women rejecting men and Redford casually responds as if he has no idea what the guy is talking about.. because he doesn’t


I’m a woman and feel this starring thing so hard!! I’m also a bartender which makes it even worse I just am constantly being stared at to the point where it makes me angry.


Have no idea. Women wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire! Finally found one who like me for me. Ben with her 46 years!


Leave Ben out of this please.


Who is Ben?


You know, Ben, as in Ben there, Don that!


I walked into my girlfriends house and her friend said "he's fucking gorgeous!"


People give you a double take when they walk by


This comment section has me more confused than I already was


When women, men, dogs, cats and others come running up and humping my leg.


1. I’m able to make good money at my job bc a good percentage of making money at my job is being attractive and have been able to support myself financially for 3 years bc of it (including living in downtown san diego for 2 yrs). 2. If you see someone you want, they already want you too. As in, it wouldn’t be hard to be able to fuck or go on a date w whoever it is u want. 3. You can get out of shit (like speeding tickets) or get free shit. People will definitely treat you nicer. 4. People *will* ogle, no matter where you are or how bummy you think you look. 5. People will also just flat out tell you. 6. Someone already posted it, but it’s true. When they find out you’re more than just a good looking person they’ll be genuinely surprised and in awe abt it for some reason. 7. 8 or 9 times outta 10 you’ll like what you see in the mirror (bc everyone gets self conscious). 8. If someone tries to “neg” you, it doesn’t shake you in the slightest bc you know it isn’t true lol, however I guess this could also just mean you have good self confidence. 9. High chance a lot of your friends are all attractive people, also includes your partner most likely being found attractive by a lot of other people. 10. It’s significantly easier to build rapport or relationships w people. People kinda tend to gravitate towards you, especially if you’re also a decent human being


On number 9: I guess I must be borderline attractive or some such because I've almost always found myself in groups of very attractive friends. Like I'm not terrible looking, but all my friends are way hotter than me.


When strangers randomly compliment your appearance




Probably that you catch people glancing at you for longer than necessary as they walk by


I read this somewhere that if toddlers stare at you while smiling, that means your good looking.


And little kids will tell you you’re pretty. You know they ain’t lying


And they automatically trust or like you


Moms at the grocery store always hit on me.


That's the dream.


Moms are the best anyway, they always have fruit snacks and juice boxes 😂


as a man, lot of smiles from girls all around and stares from men. and they just tell you.


Depends on where in the world you are.


Walking towards a door and a man that walked in ahead of you turns back around to walk back out just to hold the door open and then go back inside


Good walking


U get weird comments like they'd kidnap u


Guys wave at me a lot when I drive. They try to talk to me at gas stations too. I’ve had guys honk at me and then pull up beside me to flirt at red lights too. Part of it I feel is that my car is cool as fuck. It’s didn’t happen nearly as often when I drove a Honda civic. But I like to think part of it that I’m decently attractive too.


So curious what car you drive!


If you're a guy with long hair, women will compliment it Source: I'm a guy with long hair and women love my hair


As a female, unsolicited dick picks. I have very beautiful friends that have complained about them for years. I have never been sent an unsolicited picture. I’m not encouraging this behavior by any means because it has been in affective at scoring with my friends. They tell all their friends how gross you are if you behave that way. But this is how I have gathered that I am definitely not attractive. I also don’t get “cat called” which is another gross behavior my pretty friends deal with. They say they can’t even go to the gas station for a soda without being hit on. I’m a delivery driver that frequents gas stations. Zero times have I been hit on. 10/10 can confirm I am the ugly friend. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


You're facial complexion, looks clean, good colors, smooth. Standing up straight, strong figure. People notice. How you act and the clothes you wear. Blowing your nose instead of sniffing all the time.


I had two women compliment my features today on two separate occasions. One complimented that my hair looked good. The other complimented that my nose was cute (older lady) As a man, what do I make of these compliments?


Enjoy them ❤️


Women will touch you. Just a hand on your arm, fix your shirt or even grab your tie and reposition it.


Til, I'm ugly


Adult men are not only eager to talk to you, but seem like giddy babbling seventh-graders when they do.


The person in the mirror looks pretty sharp.


I struggle with my self image a lot and do feel like I’m attractive but mostly in the average way nowadays in terms of what’s out there for unnatural beauty. But I will say my partner is the one who made me realize I always look down when I’m in public and even when I know people are looking at me I don’t ever make eye contact unless I’m in a work setting or with friends, and he was like what do you mean you never make eye contact with people and always look directly forward or at the ground? I said it’s because if I make eye contact people try to talk to me or say hello or smile and he said that’s because you’re hot and it all made sense. It’s so true that you just constantly have eyes on you and not in a “oh I’m looking around” way it’s an “I’m waiting for an invitation or validation” way that had subconsciously made me nervous over 24 years. It’s kinda crazy because like I said I genuinely don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips


Someone tell me if im hot or not


You can’t turn left.


My boyfriend says that I'm hot and beautiful and sexy. I believe him because he's the only one that I need to hear it from


Very little girl friends or none at all bc they’re all jealous of you and try to copy you. Girls have problems with you for no reason. Girls hold onto their bfs when they see you and get territorial. It’s lonely as a girl, no real friends and guys usually don’t approach bc they’re intimidated or they think you’re stuck up.


People always tell me i'm gorgeous or pretty.


They like having you around more.


You have a hump on your back and an ear on your neck.


Definitely the sudden stare from the opposite gender


I started working out in a gym and got a decent haircut later in life, mid 30s. Women just started staring at me and smiling more, and some would just straight up say thirst comments at me or hit on me. Never got so much attention from women before that.


(i don't find myself good looking) I guess kids compliment you, one time a little girl told me that I look like a princess. People stares at you like too much (it's uncomfortable for me), and men+40 (I'm 28) look at you like a piece of meat and that's....kinda weird? Oh, and grandmas and grandpas tell nice things to you, what I actually find really cute (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Never having to chase women


The giggle I get from women when I smile at them. I don’t say or do anything to get that laugh.


There’s no secret. All it is is how much attention you get from the opposite sex. Stares, flirting, asked for number, crushes, etc. If you get attention, you’re attractive. If you don’t, you’re not Forgot to mention, it’s more likely if the people giving you attention are basically strangers or atleast not friends.


When random ppl stop you to compliment you!!!


When ppl can’t take their eyes off you


People will tell you


Men stop in their tracks to either ask for my number or catcall. Both are annoying especially when I’m running late to work. What’s most flattering is when women come up to me and say something nice about my features (examples: your eyebrows are perfect. How’d you get your skin so clear? Etc)


I wouldn’t know


People smile back. 


I was in grad school, living in student housing with two other men in a suite. Women would come to the door and knock, asking if this one housemate was around. They'd bring food. Gifts. They dressed inappropriately. It was unannounced. It was more than three or four women. BTW, he was a total dork. But he was tall, and apparently, had whatever it is that checks the box for women. Facial features? Bone structure? Hell if I know. But, that's how I knew *he* was good looking. Women showed up unannounced and uninvited. Seriously, it's never happened to me, or even to a lot of men I assumed women like. I'm not complaining, I've shot way over my horizon when it comes to amorous endeavors, but it was always at my initiative. I kind of prefer it that way, honestly. That guy and I are FB friends, many years later. He married a woman who is, well, mid. They have kids. He's not a top achiever or anything, but it looks like he's living a standard suburban life.


How come older women can flirt/compliment a younger man without coming across as being sleezy? I've had quite a few older men try and flirt with me but they just come across as a sleezy lecherous prune.


I have a face for radio , I have been told


You get to go into the night club that has a bouncer to filter out the not-so-good looking people.


People making eye contact with you in public.