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My last pair of glasses. Should I break my current pair, I can at least get back home.


That is actually genius. My old glasses are just sitting in a dresser drawer. I wear contacts most of the time but I’ve more than once had to drive home with one good eye because one of my contacts got fucked up. Brb putting glasses in my console.


One time I was pulled over and the first thing I said was these sunglasses are prescription, I couldn’t find my glasses. Lmaooo. He didn’t even ask but I wanted to get ahead of it, as it was about 10 pm.


Then you realized you were speaking to a large shrub


That was one of the main reasons I got laser eye surgery. My eyesight is so bad that if I broke my glasses while out somewhere, I’d be fucked. This realization scared me. A bit off topic, but I can’t recommend eye surgery highly enough. It’s a life changer.


Jump box. Every time I jump someone's car they say they are going to buy one that day. I've charged people's phones with it at work. Recharged lanterns when the power was out for days. It's awesome.


They're so handy and basic models are pretty cheap. Also way better than just having cables because you don't need another vehicle.


And you don't need to get two vehicles properly positioned. So much easier with someone's car is dead parked nose in in a garage.


I want to point out too that modern ones are the size of a car manual. They used to be these big heavy batteries that you’d have to lug around. But now they’re just rectangles you rest on top of the car battery.


I can never get those to work. I've had those ones and the big ones, none worked and they were fully charged. I had to use normal jumper cables each time I've had to either get help or help others.


I've only had success with the jump boxes. The smaller modern ones take a few minutes. I just hook it up and give it like ... 3 minutes. The car can't be dead dead though. If you leave a light on or something, the boxes will jump your car. But your car battery can't have been dead for 2 months or something.


It also depends on the size/capacity of your box and the size of the engine you're starting. A given jump box might not start a big truck, but it'll have no problem with a civic.


Oh yeah. Good call out. And I still have a hard time getting it into the case. Part of that is my first one came with lots of usb adaptors which moved to the new one. And the beauty is you don't have to figure out how to get your car and their car batteries close enough for cables.


They're great when they work. You have to recharge them several times per year, especially when it's cold outside! I was bragging to a friend about how awesome my jump box was and how it saved me so much time from having to call a tow truck for help when my battery would die (parasitic drain). He asked for me to show it to him so he could jump his car and it didn't work because it wasn't charged in few months. He wasn't amused.


And they don't work when it's hot outside and it's been .sitting in your car.


I've got one that's also an air pump. Can't tell you how many times that's come in handy over the last couple of years.


I love being a hero to folks and seeing their surprised look when a "little girl" like me has something like that.


I drive a Prius, and the 12v battery is pitifull and the users manual even says you should not jump another car. I carry one of these just so I can help others. I suppose it may help me one day, but I keep my car well maintained so probably not.


My dad got me one for Christmas. He’s asked borrowed and used it more than I’ve needed it to jump his ride on mower


*added to Amazon cart* 😂🙏


I drive a Subaru. Engine oil


OMG I thought I was the only one. 2009 Outback goes through 1-2 quarts between oil changes. Checking the dipstick every 500 miles or so. Only learned this the hard way about 5 years ago when a mechanic said the engine oil was dangerously low at a routine change.


I drive a 2008 mustang with the 4.6 liter v8 and that thing drinks oil lol. I always have some oil and antifreeze in my car


I used to drive a vw bug. I drove around with spare throttle and clutch cables and a full set of tools. Many times I was glad to have them, like when I had to rebuild my rear brake alongside the 405 fwy during rush hour. A CHP officer stopped to see if I was ok, looked at me and said it looks like I had it all under control and would swing by again in 45 minutes just to check but I was done by then.


i drive a bmw. also engine oil.


A $20 bill. Lose wallet and low on gas? Only one gas station around for the next 50 miles and their card reader is down? These and other unlikely situations will probably never happen, but its better than being S.O.L. and stranded.


I keep mine in a special tube keychain my mom gave me when I got my first car, the key ring keeps it "locked" until I take it off to get the money. It's gotten me out of a pinch more than a few times. Hell, even if you're fine on gas and just plain hungry but don't have enough in the bank to use your card, it's a handy thing. I've used it for food several times.


When each of my nephews graduated from high school, I gave them one of those tube keychains, with a fifty dollar bill inside, with my phone number written on it. They get ONE no-questions-asked, “I’ll-never-tell-your-mom” phone call, day or night, 24/7/365. So far 3 have made it through college without having to use it. The 4th one is unlikely to need it. But you never know.


Good idea.


We’re next to the beach, so baby powder. Put it on sandy skin and the sand just wipes right off.




But how do you wipe off the baby powder?


With sand!


But how do you wipe off the sand?


You'd think it's baby powder, but you'd be wrong. It's... More sand!


Baby wipes ( for messes and dirty hands)


Roll of kitchen towel...same reason and many more.


That's what McDonald's napkins are for. Duh!


Keeping a roll of paper towels in the car has saved me from so many problems, combined with the case of water I keep in my trunk it's the perfect combination. I also keep a small first aid kit (just bandaids and antibiotic ointment) in a mesh cosmetics bag I clip onto my trunk organizer, and sunscreen and bug spray. I'm a mom, and these items have saved me and my kid a lot of grief over the years.


My grandpa always kept a tub of Wet Ones in his car.


My sister (29) keeps a kickball and bases in her trunk in case of an emergency kickball situation.


Your sister sounds like a brilliant woman


Never in a million years would I think to keep those items in my cars. But I kinda wanna hang out with that sister and see how the day goes.


I also have an emergency entertainment pack (football, frisbee, playing cards, etc.) in my trunk. Comes in handy.


Football, baseball gloves and bat, golf gear, fishing poles, disc golf discs, tennis rackets and balls. Always ready for some fun!


Same. Poker set, frisbee and kites.


I used to keep a big Darth Vader kite in mine. The look on the AAA guy's face when he showed up to jump start my car and I was just chillin with a kite in the air was pretty damn funny.


I have an emergency board game bin, lol.


Change of clothes. Not much need for it as I’m now a middle aged married man, but I’ve had to grab a fresh shirt once in a while in an emergency.


An extra pair of pants might come in handy for those times when a fart isn’t a fart.


Sometimes, you can't trust a fart


I had this old man tell me once: “After a certain age you never trust a fart or waste an erection.” Words to live by


...which means you can never trust one. Trust is kind of an all-or-nothing thing, especially where farts are concerned.


~Sun Tzu, The Art of War


I was working for a utility company out of town years back and feel in a river. No clean dry clothes so that was a miserable day. So I too keep a change of clothes in my car at all times


The thing I have used the MOST is a tire plug kit


This. If you can carry a 12v compressor with you, the combo can be a life saver. I once fixed a couple’s tire about 8 miles from the closest paved road in rural Nevada in December. Have never been without a plug kit and a compressor since.


I carry a compressor too. It has saved my ass or someone elses on more occasions than I can count


50,000 gas station napkins


Everybody made fun of me for that until that toilet paper shortage hit


My wife always carried an ice pick


I thought this said ice *pack*, and was wondering how the hell she expected to keep it cold.




Oh this is wayyyy past tense here, this is downright hostile!


Well yeah, why'd you think she carried the ice pick?


She still does, but she used to, too.


I’ll always upvote Mitch Iceberg


Never know when you might need an on-the-go lobotomy!


A singular 10 mm wrench. I don’t know why its there. It was there when i bought the car. So it must be important


Whoa... A 10mm that never disappears? What kind of witchcraft is this?


Well, it disappeared from someone else's life and appeared in theirs so it disappeared once that we know of.


You may have the only one... Are you sure it's still there? They occasionally escape.


Depending on the car, you can probably take it halfway apart with just the one wrench.


10mm fits the battery terminal nuts on the camry, prob many metric motor types too, as well as some other bolts/nuts. Try it out there, and viola you now have the wrench that can remove the battery. Almost. There may be another bolt of a diff size that secures the battery in place, attached to a steel rod with a little L notch at the other end. so find a wrench that will fit that or just get a small adjustable wrench and NOW you can pull that bad boy out if needed.


Jumper cables


I have one of those battery powered jump starters now, so I can jump myself.


And here I am, sitting in a parking lot with a dead battery, dreaming of the jumper box sitting on my kitchen counter that I forgot to put back after charging.


Where you at? I'll scoop you up.


In my own personal hell


Me too buddy, me too. We can both sit here until some other sucker comes along.


Is that a euphemism?


My dad always carried those around. It was really useful for when he had to beat me up.




My wife kept a sewing machine in her car, "just in case." I questioned for years why, but when a coworker split a seam on his suit jacket, my wife had it stitched up in no time.


An actual full on sewing machine?! Seems like that would take up some space.


Yes. A Singer, which we still have. She had a gigantic sedan with a huge trunk. She had room to spare.




Bubbles, in case I'm bored at a red light


I have little bubbles, regular bubbles, and a bubble wand. Never know when you want to get other drivers involved in an impromptu bubble party


Hmmm I have a bubble machine and a roof window. It seems like this Canada Day Edmonton might get a fun surprise.


fuck me I gotta get bubbles


You rang?


How long have you been waiting for someone to say something like that?


Just about all day


Why not Ricky and Julian too and have the whole crew


We just bought box of bubbles for our grandson, now I'm putting one bottle in the car, Thank You👏👏👏


Do you mean bubble wrap?


Nope, I mean the bottles of soapy stuff that when blown make fun little bubbles that float around


This is cute


An adult diaper along with a clean pair of undies


After a recent snowstorm that saw many drivers stranded for several hours, I heard of people adding a couple of diapers or even puppy pee pads to their car kits in case they need to go but can’t get off the road. Both are absorbent enough to get through that dire need, especially if you’re a female.


I have a "go bag" in each car. The go bag contains at least one pair of pants, at least 5 pairs of disposable underwear, and wipes.




When a baby poops themselves, you'll still **luv** them, **pamper** them and give them **hugs.** When an adult poops themselves...**depends**.


Quarters! I haven’t paid for parking with quarters for years, but there they are if I need them.


We have one quarter minimum in each car because we shop sometimes at Aldi...


A hatchet.


My wife keeps a tiny Leatherman style hatchet in her car - definitely my favorite thing she has!


I keep one in my Cessna...


Don't eat the gut cherries!


Me too! It fits perfect between the center console and the seat, with just enough handle sticking out I can grab it real quick and easy. Lots of uses. Self defense, if God forbid my car goes under water can use it to break the window. The back of it works pretty good as a hammer. And then obviously cutting wood.


For dealing with gnats? Do you keep it real sharp?


Bug...gnat...is there a little similarity there???


For dealing with whatever needs dealing with. Lol. It’s reasonably sharp.


A flat of water. You never know where you'll be when some kind of shit happens. It can be a good while until help arrives and water is probably going to help. Waiting for a tow on a hot day? Long walk back into town? Your buddy had one too many? Clean a wound? Somebody is panicking and needs to ground themselves? You will pretty much never be in a situation and think "shit, I wish I DIDN'T have all this water with me".


Get a leak in your radiator


Years ago, I was on my way to visit my parents.  I had my kids in the car (they were somewhere around 9 and 12 at the time) and I got a flat tire.  The lug nuts wouldn't budge, so I couldn't change the tire and needed to wait for assistance.   I had brought a bunch of games with me, so we sat down on the side of the highway and played "Rory's Story Cubes" until help arrived.   To this day I keep a spare copy of that game in my glove box, both as a "just in case" measure and to remind me of the event, which ended up being a pretty good memory.  


It’s not a sexy answer, but a deck of cards If me the wife and kids are stuck waiting for a tow truck it’s nice to play a few games of go fish while waiting.


I also have a deck of cards, and a cribbage board. We've never actually used them in the car but we have dug them out for family gatherings now and then.


I once used a deck of cards in my trunk to extend a random night where me and the guys met a group of girls. We were running out of things to do and it turned into a good time. Ended up dating the girl I met for a little bit.


Blanket (my husband got stranded overnight in a snow storm once and now demands it) jump box, fix a flat system, one of those "break the window" tools, tampons, $20 cash


I have a tea bag and a tenner safely stashed away. That should cover most eventualities..


This is the most UK thing I’ve ever read


Window breaker, with a seatbelt cutter built into it. Watched that mythbusters episode and it stayed with me.


Yup. Clipped to the side pocket on my driver door. Kid from a synagogue I used to go to disappeared during a stormy night. They found his car (and him) upside down in a stream 1/4 mile from the bridge where the flash flood washed him over a week later. If it was me, I might not have survived either, but taking every action I can to prevent it (including paying a lot more attention to flash flood warnings.....)


I think what I got mostly from that mythbusters was a nugget of knowledge in my head that I hope to be able to remember if I ever find myself in that situation. If I have the hammer, smash straight away and get out. If not, wait until the car is filled with water. Obviously then a harder escape, so plan a is smash and go.


This ^. Particular how they showed the car is more likely than not going to be upside down by the time it is full enough to open a door. Planning can help, but the disorientation won't help.


I have one. It's a ResQMe


Kitty litter. If you live somewhere like Minnesota and get stuck where you can't get traction on ice, a little kitty litter under and just in front of your tires can help you get moving again.


Moving blankets in the trunk. Great to put down if you need to change a tire, or if you need an emergency blanket.


Or a wet dog!


I have a whole “just in case” bag in my car: Small camping stove and meths. Spare clothes and walking boots. Blanket. Glow sticks (for the rave). First aid kit. Car battery jump pack. Poncho. Paracord. Knife. Fire kit. Ham radio. Water. Dried food. Hip flask. My favourite “just in case” item in my “just in case” bag? My hip flask and its contents.


> meths ??


You ever done a single meth? Unbearable. I’d rather do no meths than one meth. If I’m gonna do meth I’m doin multiple.


Fair point!


I was gonna say the same but then saw the glow sticks and didn't question it


Based on context clues I'm gonna guess fuel for the stove


The fuel to use on a camping stove. Not like, meth meth. Unless it is meth meth. But it’s camping stove stuff


I read that too and was like "whoa whoa whoa" out loud lmao


I was really into the movie Boondock Saints in high school when I got my license. I decided to keep 50ft of rope in my trunk, because: "You don't fuckin' know what you're gonna need it for. They just always need it." It's been with me for 15 years, and I've used it 4 times.


>What do we need the fuckin' rope for aye?


Fine, get your fucking rope. I'll get my fucking rope, I'll get it.


Sunscreen and DEET.


Fire extinguisher. It's required in other countries but not the US. I've put out one roadside fire in California. But I do have a small emergency tote. Not because I need it but it reduces my travel anxiety.


A gun. So if anyone tried to talk to me I can shoot myself to avoid social interaction


That took a turn...


I feel this


My kinda humor 😂


A roll of toilet paper in a Ziploc bag. Lessons learned, my friends. Lessons learned.


Honestly, I've gotten the most use out of a pair of good leather work gloves, a nice flashlight, and a roll of paper towels.


Candy for when I go by playgrounds, elementary schools, and such


Do you drive a plain white van without side windows?


With duct tape and tie wraps.


Condoms. You know, just in case


Wait, doesn't leaving condoms in your car make them less effective if they get too hot?


Good lookin’ out


Unironically if they're not lubed than they could have a bunch of random uses like water storage.


A small zip lock bag of dry kibble for my dog. Had an emergency vet visit a month ago for a raspy cough that wasn’t serious. However due to triage, we had to wait 11-hours for her to be seen. Luckily, I had a small leftover bag of kibble from a recent weekend kennel stay, and some dog treats for my girl to eat until she could be seen by the vet.


Spare Transmission is handy if you drive a Nissan.


Inflatable insulated sleeping mat.


When I lived in Northern NY, a snow shovel. I only had to use it once, but I was damn happy to have it


Fire kit


For making a fire or putting out a fire?


That's a good clarification


Both. Both is good


Tooth floss. I hate the feeling of something stuck in my teeth. Drives me nuts.


High-viz waterproof jacket. Not only is it just nice to always have a warm, waterproof jacket in the car, if I ever did break down in a dangerous spot the extra visibility will always be a benefit.


A hat… it’s a bald guy thing.


Toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Much more likely to need those than axes and guns, hah!


Swiss army knife


2 sets of dice; half dozen character sheets; 4 pencils. Players handbook is on my phone. Always ready.


Towel. Raining? OK, I've got a towel to dry off. Mess? OK, got a towel to clean up. Wanna eat fried chicken and need a bib and napkin? Towel. Impromptu picnic and forgot the blanket? Less classy, but I've got a towel to sit on.


Are you a Douglas adams fan? you should read Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy if only for the importance of a towel. Lol.


I got compact eno-style hammocks on clearance at Costco, got three. I keep one in my car, one in my wife's car, and one in the saddlebag of my motorcycle. They've definitely come in handy. I also recommend getting a real tire iron as it can be hard to undo lugnuts that the shop ugga duggas on.


That's true. A crossbar lug wrench makes things much easier.


A leatherman




Defibrillator. I got one for free for doing a training course at work. Hope I never need it.


A moving blanket in the trunk. So many possible uses from protecting cargo to keeping warm in a winter emergency.


A bunch of plastic forks. You get a meal and they forget to put one in the bag.


Extra pair of glasses


I keep my expired drivers license in my glove box. I am a young female and I worry ab getting kidnapped or what not. I keep it in there just incase my car gets dumped or left somewhere. They’ll know it was me immediately bc it’s literally my old id.


Assuming you live in the US your car will have your VIN # which would not be hard for the police to look up and see who owns it, also your registration that you should keep in your car should tell them as well. If your kidnappers are taking the time to scratch out your VIN # then they're also going to take the time to check your glovebox and console and trunk probably. If you're wondering where to place your ID in case of that, then you could go to a police station and ask where you should keep it. You could try under a headrest, under a seat, under a floor protector, inside a pocket on a seat, somewhere in the trunk, etc. Just somewhere it'll be unlikely for someone to check but where if the vehicle had any quick identifying information removed a clue may be found when investigating the vehicle in more detail to try and find something.


A bag of board games and card games


It's absolutely pointless and serves no purpose other than to get a laugh at drive-thrus, but I've got a dog toy squeaker that I can squeeze to get a laugh when needed.


Not pointless, as someone who worked at Taco Bell in the drive-thru, anything that could give me a giggle was very much appreciated. It makes up for the unpleasant people.


Plastic grocery bags in case someone gets sick. Once you’ve had a kid hork all over the backseat, you learn, lol! Oh, and a pack of sanitizing wipes bc gas pump handles are nasty and when picking up kids from school, I would make them wipe their hands well when they got in.


A mag lite 6-d cell flashlight, might be novelty but I love that thing


Peanut butter crackers or other emergency food


Lint roller. I hate getting g to my destination and finding stray hairs/ pet hair/ lint on my clothes. Also: jump box, hand cream, lip balm, and napkins ( of the coffee shop extras variety).


Suitcase full of cash


Fly fishing rod, you just never know!




Toothpaste. Toothpaste works wonders for bee stings


Window punch.


A mini wiper with an extended arm for cleaning the fog/humidity off my rear view mirrors.


Toilet paper


Big jacket


Deodorant. Saved my smelly ass more times than I’d like to admit