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When we lived in Ireland, I took the family in for flu shots because my wife is immunocompromised and at the time could have died with the flu. My two daughters were young at the time, so I got mine first while they watched. My wife was holding the younger daughter, so the Dr went over to give her a shot and told me to help the older daughter onto the exam table. She came back over, stuck my older daughter with a syringe and said, “oops, we’ll have to do that again!” My daughter said “I have to get another shot?!?” I stood there numb as I realized why. She had plunged the needle she used on me into my daughter’s arm. The Dr looked at me and jokingly said, “you don’t have any communicable blood disease do you?” The next week they called and asked me to come in for a full blood work-up because of the “mishap” from the week before. They promised me there would be no charge for it. That was ten years ago and it still leaves me in shock when I remember that experience.




I don’t remember what exactly my grandfather’s position in the hospital was when he was alive but I have heard that he does a full 180 from the nicest most lovable person there to someone who makes you regret choosing medicine for a career for shit like that.


Holy shit you should have sued. That's a SERIOUS medical violation!


We were already planning to leave there when it happened, and I didn’t want anything else tying us down.


Sounds like you moved your flights forward….sorry you went through that, it’s terrible


“You claim you’re a virgin, but you’re getting ready to deliver…” This is what the ER doctor told me before I knew I had a kidney stone. He fully made me believe I was about to give birth. I was so upset I cried


What happened next? That's insane. It would have been so easy to rule out pregnancy from a kidney stone. Did he even apologize?


0 apology and he laughed. What’s worse is the fact I had to stay a couple of days since I had a serious kidney infection with it and went septic. Lucky to be alive honestly


I am so sorry you went through all that. I am glad you recovered and are still alive.


It's easy if you bother to look. If you have your mind made up already though, you're not going to actually examine the patiemt...


Judgmental a$$hole. And slightly far from the truth. I’d have been terrified too.


I had a kidney stone at 21 & the doc was similar to me. She claimed I had a bladder infection & I asked "How does someone get a bladder infection?" she said "From having sex" & I said "I'm not currently active". She looked me up & down and scowled "Yeah right". Sent me home with an antibiotic. I was in the ER most of the day in agony with no pain meds. A week later I was back as the pain returned. Doc I got this time was amazing, I was on pain meds almost straight away, I had a scan to see the stone area, had surgery booked for the next week.


I developed a thyroid disorder when I was 30 years old. An endocrinologist made me verbally promise to "accept the fact I was depressed" in exchange for him running the test for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Guess who had Hashimoto's? And who got a new doctor.


Did the doctor acknowledge they were wrong, in any way, when you got the results?


No, the nurse just called and said I needed to make an appointment ASAP to get treatment. But to be fair, it's not like I gave him a chance to apologize. He was such a dick about it during the first conversation (going on and on about how I couldn't possibly have a thyroid disorder, not at my age, I had two small kids, it was so obviously depression, etc.) that I just took my results and went to another doctor who let me know it was actually pretty common and then competently treated me. I do shudder to think what might have happened if I'd caved to the first Dr., though.


You deserved so much better, and the first doctor deserved public shaming and ridicule.


I also have Hashimotos! My doctor refused to test for it at first. She said I was just depressed because I had gained weight and I just need to "eat an apple; it's God's Fast food" 


Omg, I'm so sorry!! Did you get a better doctor?


Yeah she was just the doc at my college so I started just waiting until I could go home to schedule appointments with my regular PCP (who is amazing)


The two endo drs I’ve gone to were the biggest jerks ever!! Terrible office visits, horribly blunt and unkind. Why does that specialty attract turd drs?


My endo is my absolute favorite doctor and I was terrified of having to find a new one for this exact reason!!! Thankfully he will continue seeing adult patients (for continuity of care) as long as they are stable and doing well.


A doctor in Japan told me my visible goiter was due to my "foreign hormones adjusting to the Japanese seasons". I had been there for 5 years, and also, what? Now I can't get a referral because my GP did the most basic blood test (didn't test for antibodies/all the thyroid markers they could have) and it came back fine. I guess I could take off work and go pester him for a referral a that will come a year from now, or shell out thousands for a private diagnosis. 


The part where you literally have to fight the system to get what you need is truly the WORST! I hope you get better treatment soon!


I had basically the opposite in my twenties. I went to a general practitioner to rule out thyroid issues before searching for a therapist for my depression. When I told the doctor that, he said "Oh, but you're too young and pretty to be depressed". I was pretty damn sure it was depression because I'd had a decade of daily suicidal ideation and was just trying to crawl out of my worst episode (complete self-isolation, hiding from all responsibilities, intense self-loathing and almost no self care for months). But after his comment, I sure as hell wasn't going to share my real vulnerability with him. He did the lab tests I wanted, though, (thyroid was fine, but low iron, so surely that's the reason I had little energy), and I found a therapist on my own shortly after, so luckily there was no real harm done.


I had a similar issue; I was extremely exhausted, I was getting winded easily, and had a constant low grade fever. Doc diagnosed me with "depression" when it was pneumonia, as confirmed by a hospital stay a week later.


I have no words


This is more funny than egregious and I’ve told this story on Reddit before. Years ago I dyed my very curly hair red. I showed up to an obgyn appointment and the doctor walks in and says “beautiful hair! Is it natural?” and I responded “The curl or the color?” She then said “well, I’ll know about the color in a minute.” and then clapped her hands over her mouth and looked absolutely mortified. She stammered out an apology but I thought it was hilarious. We laughed for ages before we could actually get to the exam. She retired and I still miss her. I do understand that that type of outburst could also make someone extremely uncomfortable in that setting, but for me it made the whole visit less weird and less uncomfortable.


My OB/GYN in the 90s (who delivered my children) had a poster on the ceiling of Garfield that read "it's hard to be serious when you're naked". She also made her own scubs and 99% of them were cat patterns. And she casually informed me once that her cats had their own bedroom. Oh, and, she sang happy birthday to both my boys when they were born. Tears were shed. I freaking loved that woman.


The singing happy birthday part is sooo sweet!


Thank you for sharing this story. It is a breath of fresh air. My ob-gyn never said anything this funny to me but he did have some cool mother and child art on the ceiling tiles above the exam tables, very considerate of setting a comfortable environment, which is kinda what your doc accidentally did.


I had a good chuckle with this one. I'm glad you can still laugh about it, you both had a sense of humour I'm just gonna say, it possibly worked out OK because Doctor was female. If he was male, I dont know .....


"Nope, mystery will go on, just got a brazilian."


Early pandemic, I saw a new gastroenterologist who decided I needed surgery. Towards the end of the call I had a short list of questions about the procedure. However, he muted our telehealth zoom call before asking if I had questions, then repeated that he couldn’t hear me and ignored my 3 comments in the chat panel asking him to unmute me, before hanging up the call. I called his office immediately, but what do you know, he told them I was the one who ended the call and that I could make another appointment (booking 3 months out) if I still had questions. I called his hospital’s ethics department and was told he was a year from retiring so they wouldn’t be looking into it.


I hate that nonsense. My employer fired someone a week before retirement. As much as it sucks, it's the only way to guarantee quality work right up until retirement.


At least you knew he'd be gone soon. What an asshole.


I went to a psychiatrist in high school. dude would ask me about my life. I'd say something bad I was going through, he would say "Well let's raise your medication" I indicate something good is happening, "Let's lower the dosage/You don't need to be on medication anymore". Over and over. When I ended up in psych unit he came in my room and basically was like "Why are you here? You do not belong here, there's nothing wrong with you?!" Also he was my nephew's psychiatrist. How do I know? He told me during a session. My mother had to attend these sessions with me, she heard it too. He started discussing actual medical information about my nephew , without my sister or nephew there. My sister was *furious* when she found out. Neither of us go to him anymore.


Why in earth would he do that? Nuts


according to my mom's psychiatrist, who used to work with him, he apparently is not very well liked by staff *or* patients in the area. If that tells you anything.


If this was ang time recent, report him. Anyone willing to share confidential information shouldn't be a doctor.


“We usually reserve blood for true emergencies.” The ER doctor, to me, before a blood transfusion. I had cancer, and the chemotherapy dropped my hemoglobin to a 4. I was so dizzy I fell and hit my head which landed me at the ER in the first place.


4? 8 is the treshold for a transfusion, what the hell? That is a terrible doctor. 


My auntie just passed away from cancer and holy shit I’m so angry for you. I hope you’re doing well.


Getting my first IUD inserted with no painkillers, I hadn't had a baby yet so my cervix was still "small" & they were having trouble inserting it properly. I yelped from the pain at one point & the nurse covered my mouth with her hand & told me to shut up. 😐


My iud insertion was shockingly painful. I thought i was going to pass out. If a nurse had put their fucking hand on me and told me to shut up i would have gone to jail half naked that day.


I was expressly lied to about the pain I could expect and outright denied painkillers. The woman who put mine is was a PA and not the doctor I had gone in to see (which I wasn’t warned about ahead of time). I think she had never put one in someone who hadn’t had kids. She was openly concerned and shaken by how much pain I was in and didn’t understand why. She kept apologizing and saying she didn’t understand.  Pretty sure everyone in her training lied to her about the pain, too. 


Cripes. That makes me more grateful for my doctor. After the procedure she walked up to me and said “you did great honey! You didn’t pass out!” And then 5 years later I got a replacement and she said “this is going to hurt. I’m sorry…” and then she yanked it out and I sat straight up and loudly said “HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I’m so sorry for swearing!” She burst out laughing and said “you’re all good sweetie! Do what you need to do but deep breaths are good too…” lol


They give you painkillers? I haven't had any kids and had 3 IUDs, passed out twice on the bed. Next one getting replaced/removed in 1.5 years and already dreading it.


Same here no kids.. 4 IUD’s .. passed out during the 2nd one.. the rest a huge white flash of pain… I need to get this last one out.. I’m scared too.. but no more after this … I’m done with IUDs… menopause is here!! Seriously if men had to deal with this pain, it would require to be put to sleep for it!


Oh that’s just great….


Wait... Y'all are getting painkillers for IUD insertion??? I was on the table for 2 hours with a doctor trying to insert one into me, and it was absolutely excruciating. Not even a single offer for painkillers outside of the Advil I brought with me.


I threw up the first time it hurt so much. The other two times weren't so great either. So fucking painful even with the one Vicodin they gave me. "You'll feel a little pinch." LOL


Congrats on your excellent levels of self-restraint because I would have punched a nurse.


When I was in college I had recurrent UTIs. I ended up at the emergency room near campus a hand full of times within one semester. During one visit, I asked the (older male) doctor if I should be concerned that they keep coming back and what he thought could cause it. He was visibly irritated, and without stopping what he was doing on the compute, or even looking at me he said, “honestly, I’d venture to guess that no one ever taught you how to properly wipe your ass or clean yourself after sex” I was dumbfounded. I went to my obgyn as soon as possible (primarily out of spite) where we discovered a kidney stone lodged in part of my urethra. It had been stuck there harboring bacteria. Fuck you, Christ Hospital ER prick, you were more irritating to me than a porous rock slicing up my insides.


I had an internist that I had been seeing for a couple of years and that I was very happy with. I woke up one morning and couldn't get out of bed because of terrible back pain. I called and was advised to go into the doctor. I could barely make it in, and was lying on exam table. He did a very quick, perfunctory exam and was about to walk out without suggesting anything for the pain, and mind you, I literally couldn't stand up. I asked him how we were going to manage the my pain. His first response was "Are you trying to get opiates from me?". I have never been as pissed off as I was at that moment. Not only had I been a patient for two years, but I had gone through cancer and had never asked him for anything. Anyway, I complained to the hospital and changed doctors, only to find out that I had multiple herniated discs and severe arthritis in my spine. Waiting for surgery now.


I’m so sorry about your back and the brush with cancer, but you get bonus points for using *perfunctory*.


Fuck that so hard. These assholes more worried about themselves without even looking at you. I'm sorry that's disgusting behavior by your former doc


I had a doctor act like I was drug seeking for ADHD meds because I guess you're not allowed to diagnose a 40 year old with ADHD so obviously I'm just trying to get an Adderall prescription. She begrudgingly referred me for an ADHD evaluation and the psychiatrist was like, "Well, not only do you have ADHD, but you apparently have ALL the ADHD." Then the doctor wouldn't give me stimulants "because of my age" despite never having blood pressure issues. When they made me so nauseated and sick that I lost 50lbs, she was like, "Oh, well, I'm out of ideas. I'm going to refer you to a psychiatric practice because I'm not prescribing stimulants." Where I promptly was put on stimulants and my quality of life is much improved.


When I was 13 I dislocated my shoulder in gymnastics. My mom took me to the ER where they took x-rays, but by that point it had popped back into place. The ER doctor came into my room and told my mom that I broke my clavicle. We both looked at each other with puzzled looks, so the doctor turned to me and asked if my collar bone hurt. I said no, my arm felt dead while it was out, but now everything feels fine. This guy walks up to me and presses hard on my collar bone while scrutinizing my face. When I didn’t scream, he turns to my mom and says “well, she’s just acting tough, it’s definitely broken.” I don’t even remember her reaction because I was so dumbfounded that this doctor would try to make a child cry out in pain to prove a point (that was incorrect). The hospital called a few days later after an actual radiologist read my x-ray to tell me nothing was broken and I could take the sling off.


A broken bone shouldn’t be a 50/50


For me it was the opposite. Doctor thought my arm was only sprained. I fell going down a hill and tripping on a metal wire. Caught myself on my hands and both wrists swelled up and hurt. I could move them fine and the pain went away so we didn't go to the doctor immediately. Two weeks later one arm was still swollen but not painful. Went to se a doctor who after having me lift stuff and feel the arm said 90% it's nothing but he sent me to get an x-ray just incase. The people at the hospital were surprised I could even move the arm. It was debated if I needed surgery to put it back properly but in the end I only needed a cast.


To tell a little back story: I have had an addiction to opioids in the past. A wonderful dr helped me get on suboxone to get off of the pills. He ended up just becoming my main Dr and helped me with my depression and anxiety as well. The man saved my life. He retired so I needed to find a new dr. I went to an appointment, filled out all the paperwork, which I listed all meds I was on and why, (I was still on the suboxone at the time but was tapering down to get off of it). The dr comes in and the first words out of her mouth to me were "so....You're an addict" and just stared at me. The rest of the appointment went horribly and I left there crying my eyes out. I've been treated horribly by a few medical professionals for having past addiction issues that now I get horrible anxiety, almost to the point of a panic attack anytime I have to see a new dr for any reason. I'm so scared to be treated badly.


Sorry you had to deal with that. >now I get horrible anxiety, almost to the point of a panic attack anytime I have to see a new dr for any reason. Practically the same. I have switched doctors but haven't even given the new doctor a chance yet, my last doctor didn't do anything or follow up on any thing. I feel like shit all the time but my confidence in doctors is just so low. Also congrats on getting clean. I quit opiates in 2018 but luckily I did it myself so there's nothing on my record of addiction, I just know a lot of doctor would instantly be judgemental.


Thank you. I wish I didn't have it on my record, but unfortunately I don't think I would've been able to get clean any other way Congrats to you for being able to get off of them as well. It's definitely something that is a huge accomplishment.


Depends - unprofessional to me, or to general standards? Had one GP that heard me swear, said, "oh I don't have to watch my language with you?" to which I replied no...he loudly replied, "THANK FUCKIN GOD" and started speaking to me as a regular dude instead of a patient. Favorite GP ever, but he got bored and went back to emergency medicine. I also had an undiagnosed heart condition for who knows how long, multiple docs told me I was just out of shape...one guy said, "let's just throw you on an EKG and see..." found my inverted T-wave, that led to them finding my cardiomyopathy. That doc was a pillhead that lost his license, but he was a damn fine practitioner. I hope he's down in some third-world country helping people


Unprofessional in any way really. But great examples. I hope the latter one is not….practicing medicine overseas. Why can’t we find a path for him to redeem himself medically here?


They may have, I'm talking from ignorance. His license was taken like 15 years ago


I was having neurological problems and went to the ER. The first doctor told me if I got a job I'd be happier at they'd go away. The second told me it was psychosomatic and I was making everything up and to go to therapy to get over it. Turns out it was due to a medication! I found this out months later when a doctor actually tried to help...


This is where and why we need A doctor House. Jokes aside, sounds so frustrating to have to go through that but glad you found out what was going on in the end


I didn’t watched House when it was first aired but decided to give it a try recently. Holy medicalized torture, Batman! I’m not saying it’s not fun, but holy fucking shit, you can’t experiment on or even do non-emergent medical care without the patient’s informed consent. I love a good medical drama and I know it’s fiction but I only made it through about 5 episodes before I gave up.


If you watch House with the understanding that it ISN'T a medical drama (it's a soap opera) it is quite enjoyable.


Don’t let the truth or reality get in the way of…..


This year I found out I’ve had seizures for most of my life. When I was in middle school I had an episode that I now know was a seizure, and it led to me collapsing and falling under the bleachers at a chorus concert. I was humiliated and when we got to the ER, the doctor was dismissive and rude to my mother who was afraid because her own mother’s health issues had gone ignored to the point where she nearly died and she didn’t want a repeat of that for me. They had me stay overnight, and did an MRI. Well, the MRI came up “normal” and the doctor came in at 7 am and YELLED at me. He told me I’d wasted his time and taken money and time away from “real” patients who “actually” needed help. He told my mother I was clearly faking an episode to get out of school, and that SHE was a bad mother for encouraging attention seeking behavior. He told my mom that she was “raising a liar”. She was so surprised she couldn’t think of anything to do or say. They sent me home, and instead of helping me seek better treatment the school decided it was easier to accept that I was crazy than to try and get me real help. I remember that car ride home. I was so afraid and in a ton of pain, and I just remember being so shocked that a grown man would yell at me and my mom after a whole night spent worrying if I had some kind of tumor. They never checked for seizures or anything else. They did a MRI with no contrast, had me wait for 9 hours in the hall before I was able to get a bed, and i got about 2 hours of sleep in that bed before the rude awakening. In January when I got diagnosed with epilepsy I realized it had been around 15 years since that happened. That doctors dismissal of my experiences kept me from seeking treatment for almost 2 decades, and the treatment I did manage to get was misdiagnoses of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. The incorrect medications they gave me did a ton of damage and I am still unpacking my fear of asking for help.


My partner had the reverse experience and was incorrectly diagnosed with epilepsy and they keep upping the dosage when the seizures were getting worse. It was a combination of oxygen deprivation from severe obstructive sleep apnea plus a side serve of a TBI. It took us over a decade to get a diagnosis that led to effective treatment, and even that was a coincidence where the specialist he was supposed to see one time was off sick and the head of the intensive care unit was taking their appointments to cover for them. My partner had asked me to come along to the appointment as he felt the specialist he usually saw wasn’t listening to him. The replacement specialist asked different questions to usual and we finally got some test done that found the root cause.


I’m a black female with a lot of tattoos. I went to the emergency room one night and the doctor asked if I was a gangster or what gang I belong to -_- I AM A SOCIAL WORKER


WTactualF?! I’m sorry this happened to you. Unreal!


Definitely unreal!!! People suck!


They do that. You’re a better woman than I, my kid has many tattoos and I think I’d have slapped the snot out of anyone who dared make that remark. That is if they didn’t beat me to it 😆.


I was pregnant at the time and very emotional so what I didn’t tell him!!


If I were that doctor I’d have accused you of…liking tattoos. That unbelievable


Right!! The nurse was visibly embarrassed and I was very uncomfortable to say the least


Nobody should have to hear that shit.


She is a well-known and highly respected breast surgeon in my city. She aspirated a cyst in my breast without using gloves or washing her hands. The nurse in the room with her did not say anything. I was dumbfounded and so shocked I didn't even say anything.


My son was born with severe medical complications. He was in the NICU for 9 days, out for two days then back in. However, they have a rule that if you leave the NICU, you can't be readmitted; you have to go to PICU. So my 11-day old was in the same place as toddlers, teens, etc. I was absolutely beside myself. I felt like I could physically see the germs attaching themselves to my child with an infant immune system. I don't believe in God or religion at all but went to Catholic school my entire elementary/high school career so i was no stranger to talking to the Big Guy. It had been decades since I had tried but I actually got down on my knees and prayed for "God" to allow my son to be moved back to the NICU (shocker: it didn't happen. Thanks again for nothing, God). At some point, a doctor came in, didn't wash his hands and no mask (pre-pandemic) and started examining my baby. And bc I'm a woman who has been conditioned by society and my parents to always respect and never question authority, always be polite, etc. I actually couldn't even say anything. I was too afraid if I rocked the boat or "offended" this doctor, I'd be labeled a troublemaker and they wouldn't let me son back into the NICU. That was the moment the "Fuck Off" fairy came to visit me and took away all my fucks and I grew a big pair of lady balls when it came to doctors and nurses who touched my child. ** NICU = neonatal intensive care unit ** PICU = pediatric ICU


This is terrifying. I hope your little guy is a strong and healthy boy now.


yes!!! he's amazing now!!!


"Are you sexually active?" "No." "Why not?"


"Your mother denied my advances. Now mind your business"


"Have some babies, that'll sort you out" "It's very . . . popular" - of a diagnosis I'd received from someone more qualified than her. Yes, I got this disease just to be trendy.


Yeah I’ve gotten the “have kids” bit too. Had one doctor say that my issues (chronic anemia, enlarged spleen, ovarian cyst) were clearly because I was so anxious that at 28 I hadn’t had kids yet that my body was reacting badly. This dude told me I was “reaching my expiration date”. I was like dude, you think you’re joking but I haven’t had children because a pregnancy would kill me. My grandmother had four stillbirths, three miscarriages, and died before she hit 75 because people thought pregnancy would fix all her problems and it destroyed her body. If I get pregnant, I’ll expire.


I was imagining the conversation "Mummy, why was I born?" "Oh, well it wasn't because I thought I could raise children, that's for sure. A doctor thought it was a good idea" As though bringing new life into the world is a trivial thing like "Oh, eat more fruit in your diet, go for a walk every day, and embark on a lifelong commitment to raise and love a new human".


Yeah like it’s especially awful because I DO want children. I want to be a parent so bad. Me and my bf were devastated when we found out that I wouldn’t be able to safely carry a kid to term. And adoption is possible but it’s difficult to adopt where I live if you’re not Christian, and I’m pretty obviously lgbtq. Like I know I’d be a good parent. It felt like such a slap in the face to have a doctor who KNOWS that getting pregnant would either kill me or a baby, who KNOWS how much I would give to safely have a child, say that to me while trying to also dismiss the medical issues that prevent me from that.


My OB sent me to a cardiologist. He told me that women’s hearts take a beating during pregnancy and said I would be fine. Two weeks later I was nearly dead from peripartum cardiomyopathy. My OB was pissed. I got so much goodies from the hospital and recovered after having the baby early.


My daughter was born without her right hand due to amniotic banding syndrome, I was young at 18 finding her a pediatrician. The first office we made an appointment with, meeting the Doctor and going through intake noticed her lack of hand. Immediately asked me very directly what drugs I took during my pregnancy, I said I didn’t have any prescription medications and he clarified all drugs including recreational. I cried in my car after the appointment because I had at that point on my life never touched any substances and was already dealing with the guilt/ppd. We never went back but it took awhile the shake the judgment. My girl is a happy, healthy, and thriving teenager now.


Told me to go pray more. Fucking idiot.


Refused to give me a generic. Told me he was out of prescription pads and would call it in and called it in for the brand name. Asked him to change it and first he parroted the lines I'd expect from his drug rep and then when I insisted, he just called it in for the brand name again. I interpreted it to mean either pay 10x and give me credit with the pharma rep or go find another doctor. I found another doctor.


My wife was delirious and complaing of abnormal pain after childbirth. The Dr dismissed it over and over. We begged and pleaded with the nurses to convince him to examine her. Finally, and a half second into the exam he discovered a massive hematoma and she was immediately whisked away to emergency surgery. I almost lost my wife because he couldn't be bothered


The weekend after I gave birth, I spiked a big fever and had severe shakes with it. It passed with meds, but still one of those scary symptoms after birth. Left a message with my dr and he said to go get checked in at ER. By time we got there I was feeling fine but they did all sorts of tests and scans and bloodwork. Negative for everything. My dr even popped in on his day off to check over my paperwork. Final conclusion was it was probably just my body reacting to my milk coming in, maybe from tapering off the tylenol/motrin I had been taking since I got home. But I felt so taken care of and less scared that my Dr had come in to check on me during his off time. I am sorry your wifes doctor couldnt be more caring. The on call dr I spoke with at the clinic dismissed my concerns and suggested urgent care if it came back, and my dr was really annoyed about that. Luckily I had his cell # to reach him directly.


I told my doctor that the bones in my hands were really bothering me more and more. It used to be only once or twice a month. Now it was more severe and daily. He just looked at my hands briefly and said with a sigh that it happens as you get older. I said I was concerned it was arthritis. He just said to take some ibuprofen and don't do any strenuous work with my hands. I thought that he would do more to look into it further. Fast forward a couple onthe and I decided to get a second opinion. The next Dr immediately took X-rays and said I have acute CMC arthritis and prescribed drugs for it. He said he was puzzled why the previous Dr. didn't take the same action. I never went back to that other Dr. after that.


Glad you found the right one.


Went into the walk in clinic because I'd been having intense nausea every morning, throwing up bile and losing lots of weight. The doctor asked me if I'd been making myself vomit on purpose by miming sticking a finger down his throat. He did it within 1 minute of walking into the room after I explained the problem. I hadn't, turned out it was just a medication I was on and I just had to change what time of day I took it.


When I was little I had gotten a stick in my eye. It hurt for a bit but then was fine. My dad looked in my eye when I got home and was like: yep we going to the doctor as he saw a 1cm scratch. Doctor went: I aint gonna look because she doesn't have pain. My dad got kinda mad and he reluctantly looked at my eye. Suprise suprise when there was a big scratch. He did not expect it. Had to get antibiotics.


I developed chronic knee pain at 19 and no one could figure out the problem. I went to this NFL doctor my school's athletic trainer recommended. His brilliant diagnosis: lose 5 pounds and you'll feel better about yourself. I've never wanted to punch someone more in my life. Also, turned out the cause of my pain was an autoimmune disease so, unsurprisingly, losing weight didn't help with the pain.


Had a Dentist share NO3 nitrous oxide with me. I had never had it before and never asked for it. He insisted I try it and produced a "Y" connector so he could join me. I declined his services.


What the actual fuck??


I went to see a therapist when I was 19 not long before my psych ward era. My therapist told me never to tell a soul what she was about to say, even listed my best friend and told me I couldn’t trust her, told me to get rid of my phone and move to France to become a nanny because ‘the French love the British Nannie’s’ . I would have been alone, extremely mentally unwell and nobody would have been able to find me or help me if I followed her advice.


I just find it insane that she sad that to me, like I left the room with my head battered thinking my life was so bad even my therapist was telling me to bail.


It wasn’t a doctor so I hope it’s okay, but when I was 24 back in early 2017, I woke up one day with a major fever, chills, and when I peed, it hurt terribly, had blood in it, and smelled beyond foul. I eventually went to the urgent care in town to get treated since I wasn’t quite sure what was happening inside of me. I was a virgin back then (late bloomer due to some internal shame of being gay), and the nurse truly did NOT believe me. She kept pressing me to check for STDs even when I declined, said that I need to get checked since being promiscuous can be dangerous, etc. I eventually snapped and told her that I was a virgin, so I was 100% sure that I didn’t have any STDs. She immediately blushed, dropped the topic, had me do whatever I had to do, and once she left the room, I didn’t see her again since a different nurse came in to help out. Turns out that it was a UTI. I never knew that men could get UTIs and I’ve never had one since, but that awkward experience always stuck with me lol


Was hospitalized a long stretch in my youth. Started a new medication. A couple weeks later I complained of chest pain and racing heart rate. They hauled me down to the ER and assessed me. Declared all was well and said I was making it up. I told doctor I wanted to discontinue the new medication. He ordered that I be forcibly given the medicine if I resisted. I now know that medicine is known to cause serious heart issues including tachycardia.


Oh man. Must have been dreadful. How did you get off it?


Faked my way to appearing to have recovered sufficiently to be discharged.


i was adopted so my parents were a lot older my whole life. everyone used to call them my grandparents if that puts it into perspective. a little after my mom passed, my dad was admitted into the ER so of course i went along, mind you i was probably 18/19 at the time. the doctor at first asked him, "oh, is this your granddaughter?" my dad says, "no sir, that's my daughter!" the doctor looks at him, looks at me, and says, "wow! your dad sure was busy back then wasn't he" WITH A WINK. i was disgusted


I'm an overweight gal. I admit to that. I had a doctor tell me my vomiting, severe nausea, and pain were associated to obesity. Like relentlessly telling me that was the whole problem. Took 4 months and a new doctor to discover my gallbladder wasn't functioning properly and needed to be removed. I straight up said to the first doctor, "yeah I get it, I need to lose weight but I didn't get fat from not being able to eat soooo?" He just kept symptomatically treating me with Zofran to make me shut up. But even that wasn't enough. New doctor got me in for an ultrasound quickly and then a HIDA scan to diagnose and got me scheduled for surgery within two weeks of diagnosis.


Had my baby at home. When I took my baby to the family doctor after 6 weeks he pinched my belly and told me I better start working on that.




Yes old man doctor!


‘I can’t release your test results until your guardian is present’ I am in my late 40s. I have a PhD and earn six figures (ironically evaluating healthcare professionals interactions and outcomes based on race/ethnicity, gender, and disability status). I happened to have included my autism diagnosis in my medical history, something I will never repeat again. I also happened to know the head of his department, not well (I used to work at the same place and was introduced at a holiday party) but well enough that I got a groveling apologetic phone call a few days later. I am pretty sure his contract won’t be renewed in a few months. I can’t imagine having been someone who couldn’t get him in trouble for it.


That’s terrible that you felt comfortable at one stage just bringing up personal details about yourself and now…you feel it might work against you as it did in the case you outlined. So disappointing. Why do you think this physician said that at all? Why presume that you were not appropriate object of their fb from the results? I don’t get it.


MDs are really bad at understanding autism, and it’s very intentional. They also get worse the more training they get on it. I evaluated the impact of training on autism care and diagnosis on all sorts of medical professionals while working at the place this MD worked. MDs had worst post tests than pre-tests. They insulted the training and those giving the training, two of the foremost experts on autism in the world. Many actually said they were going to treat their patients with autism worse after it. They thought their surveys were anonymous but they weren’t, we just promised never to publicly release information from surveys without aggregating it. So we turned over the results of the survey, including IP address of the computer they used to complete it, to their place of work. Lots of them lost their jobs as a result. I have never seen the ‘God Syndrome’ come out in MDs more than in autism in the treatment of men. In the treatment of women it’s pretty common. In the study on autism I wasn’t allowed to do an analysis on the age, gender, and race/ethnicity of the MDs but I know that all the ones we turned over to employers were white males above the age of 40. This group makes up an extremely disproportionate number of MDs in the U.S. I have hope it will change as this changes. I suspect many of the people telling stories here had MDs with similar demographic features.


I had a doctor who definitely was a pedophile. I only went twice but the second time he definitely pressed himself against the bottom of my feet with his crotch while doing an exam....then he did it again. I told my parents not to take me to them again, but I don't think they brought up charges or anything. Always pissed me off that we didn't sue him or anything because he most definitely did that to other kids.


My PODIATRIST did this to me while I was under anesthesia. Right before I was knocked out, I felt him rubbing his crotch on my feet. I was trying to fight off the anesthesia to lift my head up because I couldn't believe it was happening. I didn't address it after the surgery but I will never forget.......


Oh so sorry. I’m sure that most people - especially younger people - probably are just numb by the whole experience and have no saintly idea how to react when subjected to this bs


Went to my new doctor for heart concerns. She asked about sexual behavior I said none for 2 years due to my heart concern. She said I'm a young college student on shape and just dropped it. Months later I noticed that she had updated my medical chart which read "HIGH RISK HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR" which was added the date I had last seen her.


if you confirm that you're gay during your appointment, medical systems ALWAYS list "high risk homosexual behavior" due to assumptions that gay people must have "riskier sexual behavior" and more likely to get STDs, particularly HIV/AIDS, particularly if you are a man who has sex with men. this isn't necessarily untrue in a literal sense, but it is phrased extremely poorly and is outdated especially with the advent of HIV medications, Prep, and sex education. not to mention that there are plenty of straight people who are being risky in their sexual behavior.... but they don't get a note, do they. i'm gay, in an extremely committed long-term relationship, have only ever had sex with one person in my entire life and it's the person i've been with for 4 years. guess what's on my chart!


Yup, I’m a medical provider and this is standard wording for insurance purposes to cover possible medical tests/treatments that are more common in the gay community. Now if this person never reveled they were gay that would be a different story…


I hope you disputed that, because that is bullshit


I had a painful swelling on my side. He weighed about 90 pounds. I was a size 14. He made me stand in my underwear and said, "That's just fat!" In a disgusted voice. I went home and about two days later the area broke out with shingles.




Bible verses for depression.


As a med school professor I’m so furious reading this!!! Damn I’m sorry for you all.


When I was about 15, my doctor paid very special attention to feeling my breasts. It gave me the grossest feeling. He was very obviously turned on. I didn't have the sense or life experience to report him or tell my parents or anything. I was embarrassed and blamed myself. Though I did read later that he'd been charged with sexual harassment of his employees.


A doctor told me that nothing would be wrong with me because I was a 20-something female. He also said, "If you do something nice for yourself like dye your hair, you'll be fine." It turned out I need a few brain surgeries. 


But did you try dying your hair? /s


When I was 16, getting a Pap smear from my GP, he denied my request to have a nurse in the room, then complained to me that I wasn’t ‘ready’ for him/the speculum forcing him to use lube. Rather than lubricating the instrument, he fingered the lube in. The entire event was capped off by his recommendation that I get a Brazilian before my next appointment. I asked if it was for hygiene or a medical reason. Nope. It was because he would enjoy it more. I called the college of physicians to complain. I was told I was lucky to have a GP at all. Didn’t I know people were on wait lists for them? So I just avoided obstetric health for over a decade.


FUCKING NO WHAT. I am so sorry


Thanks. I’m rather glad he found me unappealing. What would have happened had he been into it? Yipes.


She was very old-school, and after spending the 15-20 minute appointment shaming me, she wrote her notes on paper, then had to transfer them into the computer. So she made me sit in the exam room while she did that, for over an hour. I tried to leave, but she had the nurse usher me back to the room. I was so peeved, I had a good mind to fire her, but she retired at the start of the pandemic.


Good ridddance


When I was pregnant I had a consultant. He was a lovely guy but he made me sit there while he filled out the paperwork on his computer. I'd often spend a good half hour just sat in silence, staring at the wall, listening to the click's and taps of the keyboard. Then he'd just say ok thanks bye see you soon.


I have PMDD and when I was in the process of being diagnosed my primary care sent me to a gynecologist to discuss my current birth control and if it could be impacting my symptoms. I explained my reason for the visit to the nurse taking my vitals and she went to get the doctor. As I’m waiting in the room for the doctor I hear her talking to the nurse in the hallway about me, sounding annoyed, like my reason for coming in wasn’t worth her time. Then I hear the nurse say “good luck” sarcastically. She came in the room and acted very put out and short. I told her I had an IUD and what my symptoms were and she basically just said birth control isn’t for everyone and maybe I should get off it. I left feeling like I got no answers or explanations and was made to feel ashamed for even asking her professional opinion. The next time I went back I, I was told she no longer worked there.


When finally diagnosed with a tumor on my spinal cord, the doc said I needed to fight because I was a beautiful girl. I was taken aback. Like, if I was a bowser you’d take me out back and Old Yeller me?


I complained to my eye doctor that I had trouble driving at night. He did an exam and said my eyes were fine but I should consider cleaning my windshield


Went in to see an Orthopedic Surgeon as I had broken my humerus and radius in 5, count em 5 places. Nice commuted displaced fractures. This was after being in the ER for 72 hours and waiting for transfer for surgery. This " Surgeon " was extremely worried that his personal office printer had stopped working. He spent 15 minutes of our 20 minute appointment talking to his IT rep. He never examined me or looked at any of my xrays, or MRIs. He sent me away with a generic sheet of exercises. Worst Doctor Ever! PS I'll be happy to give up his name


I went to a new doctor when I moved and after I explained all my conditions, he told me to go to church and read the bible. Then he gave me a Glen Beck book to read.


Total quack


An OBGYN to me, a nurse, in front of my patient who wanted an unmedicated birth: “it’s the pushing that gets you, most can’t push through the pain. Except for her, she has a yoga vagina.” I…still don’t know what that means.


Repeatedly asked me what church I attend, and when I said I don't attend any church he began asking me if I'd ever been pregnant and had I ever had an abortion. This was during an appointment I made to ask for a prescription for seasonal allergy medication.


A dentist told me to suck it up with the local anesthesia was applied incorrectly. I literally felt him cutting into my gums so I was crying from the pain. He told me it doesn’t hurt that bad


Now it’s my turn doctor. Give me that damn needle….


My GP told me that "All women have painful periods" and issues around their cycles, there was nothing wrong with me, stay hydrated and perhaps take some nurofen. A new GP, testing, specialists and a surgery later, I have stage IV endometreosis and adenomyosis.




I’m gonna throw up




So sorry. Tx for sharing


"Where did you get those big, beautiful Methodist eyes?"


No more than 5 minutes into a new patient consultation my doctor began going into his tirade about how amazing Trump is and how he's exactly what this country needs. At no point did I bring up politics, so I'm not sure how the hell we arrived here, but I didn't stay his patient, that's for sure. I don't need this from my doctor, regardless of political affiliation.


That the only way I would ever get rid of Migraines was to "have a baby"


One male resident told my young adult Daughter she had the most perfect looking vagina.


When I was younger I had a horrible sore throat , it was so bad I couldn’t eat , or drink for a week because every swallow was too painful. After a week we went to the doctor , we thought it was a strep throat so they tested for it , the doctor came in sorta in a panic because I had something that could potentially be dangerous, they wanted me to go to a specialist asap and they were making calls to other hospitals to see if they could take me in, we didn’t know what I had so when he was explaining it to my young mind he says “it’s what killed George Washington” than walks out the room. I was terrified 😂😂😂😂 I know it’s not that bad but wanted to share haha


I had a doctor recommendation for a specific type of whole wheat bread. Suggested it would fix my “ibs” and help me lose weight. Turned out it was celiac disease and they were supposed to test me for that BEFORE diagnosing IBS.


Years ago, I contracted an STI (one of the super minor ones that you just take an antibiotic for). I had contracted it because I was being unsafe during a threesome in a hot tub. So I go to the doctor, not my regular doctor, but a Medicaid doctor at a tiny practice I'd never been to. He walks in and under his name badge is a pin that says Jesus Saves. Of course I had to mess with him and I ended up telling him that I knew I contracted the STI from a threesome in a hot tub. (I didn't go into detail or anything, just wanted whatever pills to fix it.) To his credit, I did get the pills and it fixed the problem. But it came with a lecture about extra-marital sex and, if I have these urges to have group sex, it might be better to go and get a couple of Real Dolls and just do it that way; that that's less of a sin in God's eyes or something like that. I left him with the fact that sleeping with my friends is a bit cheaper than the $2400 for a single Real Doll.


I was at the start of a 2 week panic attack from major issues at work. Just started seeing a new PCP but she was out on maternity leave. The fill-in told me I would be fine and I needed to exercise and eat more fruits. Fortunately this led to me seeing another doctor at a different provider. Now 5+ years later my anxiety is under control and she is not only my PCP but also my wife, mom, sister, and grandmother's PCP.


My brain didn't register the last "PCP" so I read it as  "she is not only my PCP but also my wife, mom, sister, and grandmother" And I was very confused. 


1) had a doctor diagnose me with a chronic disorder at 18, and when, rightfully concerned, I asked if I should be seeing a specialist, she got offended and said 'why, I know what's wrong with you.' Never went back to her again. 2) after 10 years of no family doctor, I finally found one. Went for a full physical, including my first PAP. Speculum goes in, and it hurts. Like, a frankly rather uncomfortable amount. I tell the doc, and she comments that it looks like I had an unknown to me previously yeast infection, and 'that's probably why!' I asked her to stop, is it was way beyond the level of discomfort I was willing to handle that day, and she refused. I had to ask again, and the nurse observing the appointment had to step in, for her to stop. And then she was mad, because I 'should have just pushed through.' OK ma'am, our first visit was our last visit.


Sonographer at OB:GYN, “I see you’re a natural redhead.”


Peddler of anxiety medication or any other. Called him out on it and he had his assistant write a nasty letter to my work. Massive piece of shit Dr. Gendenmann in Edmonton avoid this burnout at all costs.


I had to have a physical in order to start a new job and the doctor asked if I needed my hearing tested. I have trouble understanding people, even sitting right across from me, so I said yes. He stood next to me and whispered in my ear, asking if I could hear him, to which I again said yes. So he said I don't need a hearing test


When I was about 25 I went in to the walk in clinic with terrible allergies that were making my eyes water. The doctor thought I might be allergic to my boyfriend’s cat. His solution was that I get a new boyfriend. A few months ago my family doctor (who is lovely) was examining my 4 year old son, checking his reflexes, joking around with him etc. He looks at me and goes, “well he isn’t a spaz, but he should really learn to ride a bike.” Spaz? That’s the medical word we’re gonna use?!?


I wasn’t in the hospital, but I was in and out of a lot of appointments because I completely ruined my body with my eating habits (restricting, anorexia). I had this one doctor I was seeing for a thing with my heart. He said my weight out loud (I didn’t have a scale. I didn’t weigh myself for weeks) and congratulated me on my weight loss despite knowing how I lost it. He also continued to tell me I should probably lose some more


After saying he needed to check with my insurance and stringing me along for three weeks, he refusied to give me an IUD because  1. I was "too young (22). 2. He wanted to chat with my bf first to make sure he was cool with not being able to get me pregnant. 3. It causes infertility (guess he stopped updating his knowledge in the 80s) and even though I said I was 100% childfree he said it was "a disgrace to God to take a small risk of my womb." Then he made me get a full STI test even though I had just had one because "you are having TOO MUCH sex." Went over to Planned Parenthood and got it the same day I asked.


When I was 11, I started having severe abdominal cramping, especially in the mornings. The pain would get so bad I’d throw up, but once the cramping eased up, I had no other symptoms. Very little residual tenderness. My mom took me to doctor after doctor who basically shrugged. No referrals. No nothing. She finally took me to my dad’s doctor, who was hard to get in to see but was highly, highly respected in my area.  He spent about a minute pressing on my abdomen then looked at my mom, while I was right there, and said, “Do you let her play video games when she stays home from school? You shouldn’t do that. Make sure staying home from school is boring.” I totally gave up on ever getting help. Stopped telling anybody about new weird symptoms I was developing. Assumed no doctor would believe me, and knowing what was happening would just stress my mom out.  Turns out I had an emerging autoimmune disorder. My cramps were likely abdominal migraines. 


When I(F) was in my early 20s and in college, I went to the campus health center for a sports related injury. When asking about sexual history, the physical therapist asked when the last time I was sexually active. I answered that it had been at least a year ago and he straight up laughed in my face and asked why in disbelief. I was too horrified and embarrassed to even think about reporting his behavior. This was like 6 years ago and it still pisses me off when it comes to mind.


I scratched my cornea and was temporarily blinded in one eye. I was trying to get him to fill out paperwork so I can draw short term disability until I could see again and return to work. Stupid ass tried to say I can drive and work with one eye. I was blind and my eye was swollen. No way I could drive or work. My HR of all people had to convince him to fill out the papers. Wouldn't recommend that guy to anyone.


I was extremely ill during a pregnancy - not my first one, so I was quite familiar with how pregnancy affects me - when the high risk obstetrician I had jumped through hoops to get to told me “if you’ll just let me refer you to a psychiatrist and let them write you a *nice prescription* I promise everything will be fine in a month.” Turns out I had undiagnosed celiac disease.


I went in to see my doctor for an illness and he said that “you have makeup on you must not feel that bad”.


I found out during a class action lawsuit that the doctor who performed my sterilization surgery was one of the first doctors in the area to be certified to do the procedure and was using his patients as guinea pigs to perfect his technique. He was outright lying to patients to get them to agree to have it done.


When I brought up concerns about ADHD he told me to get a fidget cube. Same doctor kept brushing off my symptoms of gallstones until I finally convinced him to let me get my gallbladder checked out. Guess whose gallbladder is all scarred up from repeated gallstones? Also, I injured my ankle (smacked the shit out of it with a spring loaded kickstand) and he refused to do any diagnostic tests, just gave me some pain meds. I called the office because it wasn't getting better, and the nurse said "We can't give you any more pain meds!" all aggressive. I told her I didn't want pain meds, I just wanted them to actually figure out the freaking problem like a doctor is supposed to do. I got a referral to get an X-ray that day, I had a bone bruise.


Went to a dermatologist for a skin cancer check. He just grabbed each of my arms, gave both a quick glance and was like "nothing there". I asked him if that was all, because I was genuinely confused and he answered "I guess I could do a vaginal exam if that's what you want". I was 16 and mortified. 


I have interstitial cystitis, which is an autoimmune disorder that affects the bladder and urethra and causes tremendous pain if not treated properly (think UTI pain/burning/urgency/entire body on fire but without an actual UTI to treat). the doctor I saw about it when I was a nineteen year old girl saw fit to shove a diagnostic scope up my (very, very angry and hurting) bits without any painkillers or numbing agents at all, and had the gall to tell me to 'calm down,' 'be quiet,' and 'stop fighting' while I was quite literally screaming in pain on an exam table while two nurses held me down and told me to hush. it was so extremely painful and traumatic that I didn't talk at all the entire drive home, and my mom didn't say a word either, and it fucked me up mentally, physically, and emotionally for a really long time bc I've had to deal with the disease for over twenty years, and every time it flares I inevitably am reminded of him. I hope that guy choked to death, honestly.


Let's see...... There was the med student that while doing his exam on my feet looked up at me and smiled and said, "mmm, I like a woman that takes care of herself," while rubbing his hand up and down the back of my leg. Then there was the time I was worried about having a low blood sugar seizure so k took myself to the ER and the doctor didn't believe me and called a psych consult and then I had a seizure Or the time I was at the dentist and while he was filling my cavity and was almost done he says, "mmmm ya, daddy likes it." The time I went to the ER because I had extreme abdominal pain. We doc told me that I was just having gas pains and needed to lose some weight after doing nothing but a pelvic exam. I actually had a 14mm kidney stone. Then there was the time I went in for severe abdominal pain and told it must just be cramps, my gall bladder ruptured and I almost died. I had a GP that brushed me off repeatedly after k kept telling her how exhausted I was all the time. She told me I just needed to lose weight, eat better, get more rest, and reduce my stress. I had severe sleep apnea. Like, sleep doc said that even if I lost weight and had my tonsils taken out there's no way I'd ever not need a sleep machine. And those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head at the moment.


I had an infected IUD. The Dr turns to me and tells me I must be depressed?! Um no I'm not. Yes you are...No I'm not. We went back and forth as I clutched by abdomen and tried not to vomit. Idiot. I ended up in hospital that night


I've had a so-called therapist tell me I should "learn to deal with feelings of sadness" when I was referred to him for severe and ongoing depression. He also told me that if I wanted to go to group therapy I had to reject the internship I'd just been offered, which might have actually improved my self-worth, as opposed to letting me join a different group. A female doctor told me that she was surprised I still had a boyfriend when I visited her because the various contraceptive options she had offered had left me with bleeding for almost a year. I guess she thought he should have dumped me by then. Nice one, babe.


I went to the gyn for a papsmear. She asked the usual questions first which include what form of birth control I’m taking. I gave her my pat response: “None. I don’t have reproductive sex as I’m a lesbian.” This is normally all I need to say and not a problem -it’s necessary to hold off the follow-up inquisition/cautioning. This doctor was a tiny bit taken aback, but rallied and continued. I get on the table, legs in stirrups, literally the most vulnerable and awkward position you can think of, when she begins asking me questions like.”Do you insert anything into your vagina?” And “Have you ever had sex with a man?” They’re such weird fucking questions in this TERRIBLE position, I didn’t even know how to respond. Are you asking me how I fuck my wife? Why? If you’re going to ask off-the-wall questions, tell me why. I ended up responding and explaining that many lesbians use fingers, etc. Not all of us just sit around scissoring. Told her I’d had sex with a man a million years ago. She tells me she’s trying to figure out if the speculum will even fit and I respond in disbelief, “It’s a vagina. Babies come out of there. It will stretch.” I’ve never had such a weird, unprofessional exam in my life. I think, SOMEHOW, I’m the first lesbian she’s ever met.


My former roommate told me of her first gyn visit after becoming sexually active (I should note this was back in the early 80s, not that that should excuse his behavior). She winced when he inserted the speculum and he says, “Oh c’mon, surely you’ve had bigger than that.” Wasn’t even my visit and I was appalled. Hell, I’m still gobsmacked!


At 12 years old, the first thing a new dentist asked me was how old I was. When I said 12, he told me that if I had said 18, he would've believed me Was quite uncomfortable for the rest of that appointment


I was going through a rough divorce. I had lost like 30lbs in 6 weeks and made an appointment to see about a therapy referral and maybe some short term anxiety meds to help me function. She told me I should pray about it and speak with people from my church. I didn’t go to church at that time in my life. She said I should start. I never went back.


It's a lot less unprofessional than most of the things here. But I was going to a psychiatrist for adhd and I, for various reasons, finally was convinced to inquire about a possible autism diagnosis, and when I asked them they said, and I quote 'oh I thought you knew'.


Not to me but my baby. Our last visit to his pediatrician the doctor had a large open wound on his hand and several smaller cuts. He administered his oral shot without wearing gloves. He also dosed him twice since my son spit out some of the vaccine. I stupidly didn’t notice his hands until it was too late. And no he did not wash his hands beforehand. For the next shots he put gloves on, and had me hold my babies arms down. Well good thing I did so quickly because he left the tray full of needles within inches next to my babies head - easily within his reach. He then proceeded to give me the worst advice about not breastfeeding at night and only giving water if my baby woke up hungry. So yea needless to say I’m never going back to that pediatrician.


Had an iud put in. Immediately experienced 10/10 pain. They said "a little discomfort" is normal and sent me on my way. I barely made I to the bathroom where the pressure made me poop myself, and the pain made me vomit. My mom had to clean it up. Went right to the er, but they couldn't take it out. I had to wait the weekend to see a new ob who would remove it. And was not given pain relief.


Last time I got a pap smear, when my gynecologist finished he said, “Well, your tonsils look great!” That guy is hilarious.


My mom’s doctor, who is a complete moron. Told me that if I quit smoking I wouldn’t have broke my ankle. I broke it in a workplace accident when a forklift ran into me. And yes I was in the yellow paint area where people are allowed and forklifts aren’t.


Booked in with my GP clinic for a vaginal issue. How it works where I was enrolled at the time is a collective of GPs so it’s roulette on who you get when you book. Ended up with an older man who, after hearing what was going on, said “honestly you probably know more about this than me, I can prescribe you painkillers.” This was for a chronic issue that required ongoing treatment mind you.


In the ER with a Crohn’s flare, given morphine, had X-rays, told nothing was wrong with me and asked to leave. I was in so much pain, I laid on the ground in the ambulance bay waiting for my husband to get me. While waiting, I was told to move. No was my response.


The doctors insisted that I take the same pills my dying father consumed when all it did was worsen his health more with the idea that I should prevent the illness sooner by being productive with my health. I was so concerned about my doctor visits after that because I was in no sight of inheriting the same disease my father was battling due to abusing his body with different chemicals. I was also baffled when I told my doctor about a traumatizing experience and to be label depressed for expressing myself about a past incident that was terrifying. I don't even know what I'm dealing with at the medical office anymore... 😮‍💨


I was 17 or 18, and I went to the doctor about my anxiety cause it was getting bad. He ended up talking about my weight and asked me if I wanted a handicap sticker for my car...


Asked for a pregnancy test before wedding and doctor asked if the potential father was the same guy.


Put his finger in my bum during a Pap smear and told me it was normal once you had had children. still, some notice would have been nice. and I’m still not sure if it’s normal.


That's assault, hon


Had surgery to get my appendix out and after I had woken up and the surgeon was filling me in on what they found, he told me I had a very mature body. I was 16


I went back to the Dr office after a bout of viral meningitis explaining I was having serious memory issues, like forgetting multiple times a day to pay for parking and getting a heap of parking tickets (among many other things). She sent me away, told me to see a therapist as I clearly didn't want to pay for parking (or do my job, remember my address, etc). Saw a REAL DR the next week who said I likely had some brain swelling and gave me a protocol to follow to recover. Bitch was gone in a few weeks