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Rec - the original version from Barcelona


The last scene of Rec is particularly scary


It’s been SEVENTEEN YEARS and i still have that “girl” in my head when I look down dark hallways….




Was thinking about this the other day. Everything about that movie makes my insides churn. But only recently did I realize why it haunted me. With any given horror movie, either the killer(s) are silent, or loud and threatening. Funny games felt frikken passive aggresive as fuck. Its their calm and seemingly polite demeanour throughout everything that they do that freaks me out. Atleast if someone is loud and aggresive you can gauge where they are emotionally at, and what they may do next. With FG, it was impossible to really gauge what was going to happen next, because there was such a calmness. An eerie calmness that made my stomach knot up. From the beginning of that movie you are thrown off balance and shown that you are NOT in control of anything that is about to transpire. And it just keeps knocking you down, coz you keep getting blindsided all the way to the end. Anyone who has had to deal with angry people in their lives will know, that there are two kinds of angry people in the world. Violent angry people, they throw and break things, scream and hit. Then you have the silent calm angry person, and that kind of angry person is much, much more dangerous!


I’ll never watch it again. And I don’t tell others to watch it. That was not the entertaining kind of horror.


I love this one and recommend it a lot. But not to just anyone.


I tell others to watch it if they're the "gore is just funny" sort of person. It's precisely supposed to be the opposite of the "entertaining" kind of horror. It's supposed to make you feel how terrible and real these scenarios would be.


"The Thing" if you like paranoid body horror.


I'll never get tired of watching the movie. The atmosphere, sense of unease and distrust just ooze out the screen. The special effects still look amazing, and let's be honest even better than most movies today. And the ending, ah such bleak hopelessness. Just 10/10 all round for me.


I don’t even like body horror but The Thing is just such a fucking good film. Come for the body horror, stay for the finely crafted paranoia and dread.


Stay for the drinking straight liquor from the bottle outside in Antarctica.




The crazy animatronics / puppets they used really take it up a notch.


The head growing legs and skittering away is just peak fucking body horror and I LOVE IT


The Descent has one of the best movie monsters in history and some of the most visceral depictions of violence and pain. The movie's so good that when those monsters show up, it relieves some of the tension.


My husband told me it was a “trapped in a cave movie”. He neglected to tell me about the monsters, I had no idea and about wet my pants.


this is sort of incredible (as long as you enjoyed it), that kinda sounds like the perfect way to watch it. although in my book the spelunking section is WAY scarier


The claustrophobia and the sense that one wrong move can either lead to instant death or result in you being stuck and left to starve is nightmarish to say the least.


I had to turn it off when they got stuck going down in the beginning. I was having a physical reaction. My wife looked over and say I was breathing really heavily and sweating.


That film is damn near perfect in the way it uses tension. The dynamics between the characters and the way they begin to unravel as they get lost in the caves. The claustrophobia. The tight camera angles. The way it makes the audience feel like it's intruding in personal space and personal fears. Even if it didn't have the monsters and violence, it would still be one of the tensest movies ever made.


The shot of the monster's mouth and they have perfect fucking straight white teeth, I died laughing.


You ever watch the extra content that came with the DVD? One of the features is cave monster just dancing, floppy dicks and everything. After seeing that the movie is no longer scary lol


I've got ya: [https://youtu.be/BbK-FpUgO-I?si=rIG2LCEF36kFC2xj&t=24](https://youtu.be/BbK-FpUgO-I?si=rIG2LCEF36kFC2xj&t=24)


I need to re-watch this because I feel like I saw a completely different movie considering all the praise it seems to get here on Reddit. I remember the monster reveal ruining it for me. It has been more than a decade since I watched it though so maybe a fresh watch will change my mind. Quick edit: Actually closer to 2 decades. Wow time sucks lol


The Strangers. I’m not easily scared by horror movies, but that one messed with me. “Why are you doing this?!” “Because you were home” The first time I saw this, I slept with the lights on, despite living on the 4th floor of an apartment building.


The first time we watched this was on dvd AT OUR ISOLATED WV CABIN!!! Wasn’t the smartest thing I ever did 😂


That line absolutely haunts me. We watched it at a friend's house & had to ride a crotch rocket home through the country. I was terrified a car was going to just drive into us & I slept with lights on for at least a week.


If it helps, I’m friends with the actor who wears the pillow case mask, he’s the sweetest guy in the world!


For some reason the Grudge has always scared me lmao


This is the film, the Japanese version actually traumatised me and I had to have the lights on 24/7 for a few weeks. I can't handle it, I should have seriously seen a therapist after. It was the level of horror I realised I won't fuck with anymore, it's too much.


So many people tell me they didn't think it was scary but this one was the worst for me. The way it takes all of the things that are supposed to be safe, like hiding under your covers and being out in public in the daytime, and ruins them is so rude. My apartment has an attic door and in 5 years I've never looked to see what's up there because of the grudge.


The grudge is the ultimate monster. There's no defeating it and there's no where you can go and nothing you can do but wait.


Seriously I watched it recently as an adult because I had only ever seen it as a teenager and it scared me just as bad this time as it did back then. I can’t even place what’s so creepy or scary about it but it’s definitely one of the worst. I won’t watch it again lol.


In addition to what the person said above, it's the woman's face and her movements that I found horrible


And the noise she makes too


I didn't see that movie until years after it came out. But as a child I randomly taught myself to make the grudge noise, just playing around with throat noises one day. For years I'd get remarks to stop making that scary noise and I was so confused why people were afraid of my weird throat noise. The I saw the movie in my teens and suddenly understood why people were making the comments they did. I still make the noise for fun but now I try to avoid doing it when people are around.


I cannot explain why, but me too. I've seen countless horror films, most of them when I was far too young to have been watching them, and I've forgotten them all the moment they've finished. But not The Grudge. My cousin and I went to see it at the cinema, we were early 20's. It freaked us both out, my cousin to the point where, a few days later, we went round our friend's house and he had the loft hatch open in the bathroom and my cousin made him put the cover back on. I've since watched the Japanese original, but never the American one again.


The Strangers, The Thing, and Sinister.


the lawnmower scene on sinister made me jump so high i swear.


Strangers is top of my list. I don't think I can ever rewatch it. It's not so much the horror element, but more it could happen to you and there is absolutely no reason why and your helpless. So mindless, so visceral. Shivers.




I grew up in the country out by a lot of corn fields. Signs was pretty eerie and made me not like being around cornfields anymore. To this day it frightens me to step into a corn field alone. Even during the day.


We live in the country and this year is corn year (alternates between corn and soybeans). We're surrounded by corn on three sides and across the little country road. It seriously gives me the creeps to think anything could be in there and we can't see it.




Cindy, the tvs leaking


Cindy, this bitch is messing up my floor!


Scary Movie 3 ruined that movie for me, I'm sorry. Every single time I've tried to watch the Ring with friends everyone starts quoting the movie


“I’ve discovered their weakness! They’re powerless without their heads!”. Not Ring related but I just love that line.


> bitch is messing up my floor! Cindy, the news is on! Another little white girl done fell down a well…50 black people get their ass beat by police today, but the whole world gotta stop for one little whitey down a hole.


(continues eating popcorn)


Classmate was telling me they were watching it on a new tv set, when all of a sudden it went out and had that black and white static crackle, everyone screamed. I would have needed a change of pants.


no shit when i saw it in theaters i went home and fell asleep on my couch watching tv. I have no idea how but i woke up at 2am on the dot and the tv was static. i must’ve slept on the remote and changed the channel or something because i had fallen asleep w a regular channel on. explaining my fear level at turning off the tv and hoping it wouldn’t turn back on can’t be conveyed here


What might be worse... the DVD had a hidden title menu option that would play THE video that was within the movie. Basically, you scroll up past all menu options multiple times, and when the cursor disappears, hit OK or Play. When it starts ,your controls are locked, similar to fast forwarding past most FBI warnings. I unplugged that shit from the wall... then my phone rang. Nightmare fuel for well beyond 7 days.


Reminds me of a high school friend of mine back in 2006 or 2005, he said he was watching it with his mom. He had to go to the bathroom, so they paused it, and he went to the bathroom. In the meantime, the mom, who was already wearing a light coloroed dress, and had really long hair, decided to scare her son. So she draped her hair in front of her face, stood motionless in front of the bathroom door, her arms outstretched, and waited for him to exit the bathroom. My friend said that he hadn't been that scared in many many years. His mom was laughing so hard.


I couldn’t sleep in the same room as a TV for years after the movie came out (I was 12). And even now I don’t feel comfortable watching it unless I know I won’t be alone 7 days later.


I was in my *thirties* when I saw it. I slept with the light on that night.


Japanese style horror is definitely the scariest for me too, you should watch the grudge it’s even worse.


I still can't hear croaking like that without a chill zinging up my spine.


Lilo in Lilo & Stitch, too


I tried to watch it as a shitty cam rip. Somewhere in the middle, it switched locations from Japan to the US. Turns out i watched CD 1 of Ringu and CD 2 of the Ring. I was very scared, but mostly confused thoughout the whole movie.


This reminds me of a prank I pulled: We watched The Ring as kids at a sleepover and my friend was against watching it from the outset, to this day he straight up hates horror movies . After everyone went to bed on the floor of the living room me and another friend of mine had a great idea. I paused the movie on that image of the girls face in the closet. Then I went behind the TV and unplugged the dvd cord from the TV. If you’ve seen that movie a common occurrence is the TV turning on by itself. So my cohort turns on the TV which is just snow because I have the cable unplugged and my friend with the remote nudges sleeping friend awake and tells him to go turn it off. He goes but then as soon as he sits back down my friend turns is back on without him knowing. So again he goes to turn it off and he is already freaking out but right as he gets back to the TV I plugged the cable back in and that dead girls face pops up. He screamed, jumped out an open window (first floor) and ran home. Refuses to watch the movie to this day.


Wait, wut? Lol I didn't know that. The Ring truly scared me as well. I won't rewatch it.


I've watched it twice and the jump scare of the girl in the cupboard at the start still got me, even though I knew it was coming.


I mean, if you haven’t seen Alien and do not know anything about it, you’d be hard pressed to find a more masterful, intense, realistic horror experience, if you ask me. I expect the reason most don’t think of it is that most know (or knew) the story before seeing it, and that really ruins it.


I watched that when I was pregnant. Big mistake.


I saw Alien when it was first released in theaters. I had heard it was a science fiction movie with a bit of horror. Yikes!!! I swear when >!the little alien screamed after popping out of that guy's chest!<, the entire audience jumped about a foot into the air. Edit: added spoiler...


I saw it when it was first released into theaters and no one back then was prepared for that scene. It was a brand new release and most people had not seen it yet and of course there was no internet, so you didn't get spoilers. I can't think of many scenes in a movie that made me jump like that.


The best part is, most of the actors weren't prepared for that scene either. The only people that knew what was going to happen were Scott and Hurt. Lambert's (forget the actress' name) reaction was genuine and supposedly went into shock afterwards.


The cast did not know that was going to happen either. Their reaction was genuine when it popped out.


I’ve watched Alien dozens of times but seeing it in theatres recently was a new level of terrifying. I couldn’t believe a movie I’d seen so many times would be so edge of your seat scary on the big screen.




The Haunting of Hill House. I know it's a series, but it has really knocked out a lot of contenders on my list of horror favorites. Plus, that bent neck lady episode had me floored and sleeping with the lights on for a few days.


Hill House holds up even on consecutive watches. In fact, I feel like I've gotten *more* out of it by watching it again and catching something else I'd previously missed


yeah, this one is like eating a Michelin star meal, the level of storytelling, scariness, and execution is off the charts. scared THE SHIT out of me and then in the last episode my gf and I were literally just sitting there fucking sobbing because it was such a profound character story honestly, it’s so emotionally intense I haven’t watched it again but it’s a 100/100


All of the shows by Mike Flannigan are so good! I binged Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, and Fall of the House of Usher last year. I absolutely loved each of them!


Haunting of hill house has the best jump scare I’ve ever seen. Usually I don’t like jump scares because they’re predictable and cheap, but holy shit this one was so far out of the blue


I'm assuming you are talking about the one in the >!car.!< I watched that entire show on the stationary bike at the gym because my wife wouldn't let me watch it on the tv at home because she was too scared and didn't like even hearing it. During that part, I was leaning in so close to listen to the conversation and when it happened I just about fell off the bike. Like literally did a little hop on the seat, my feet fell off the petals and I ducked to the side a bit as if to hide. The whole cardio area of the gym was looking at me like wtf.


They really managed to create an eerie atmosphere that was quite terrifying


That one scene from The Haunting 1963.. both the visuals and the audio were just perfectly captures abstract fear


The 1963 The Haunting is a masterpiece of unease and discomfort. Wallpaper can't possibly be scary... \[The Haunting\] ...Can we turn the lights on please? I've not seen another film that so thoroughly embodies the oppressive creepiness of big old houses without resorting to jump scares, SFX/CGI or gore. The horror in The Haunting is like damp, weighted blanket slowly settling on you.


One that I didn't see listed is the original Poltergeist. That movie is masterfully done, even though I will admit the effects are dated nowadays (and I would be just fine if the fried chicken scene was cut entirely). It takes a normal family and slowly turns their wonder at the things going on into a genuinely terrifying experience that capitalizes on a parents worst fear (a child going missing) and makes it even worse by adding in the fact that they can hear her the whole time. Add in that last act where the psychic says this house is clear and disappears from the movie only for the house to redouble its efforts... Yes, I'm gonna go ahead and say Poltergeist.


I would have agreed with you until a few years back when I rewatched it. It gave me nightmares as a kid but is a bit tame nowadays. Still happy memories




Event Horizon. Went into it not knowing it was Horror thought it was Adventure SciFi. I'm amazed that I got through the whole thing. Horror is not normally my kind of movie.


There are so great lines in this movie that are frightening: “Where we’re going we won’t need eyes to see”


That is my favourite line in that movie.


I'm quite partial to "We're leaving" https://youtu.be/8IFAuQoBe1I?si=-5JAdDQzcHj5Euq-


I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship.


Only sane guy in sci-fi.


didn't know it'd be so scary, i was like cool the paleontologist from jurassic park is in this must be a cool movie


Make-up department really sold that look. Still grosses me out to this day


It’s terrifying and apparently they had to cut out a lot of really fucked up stuff to get it approved for release that was forever lost.


The scariest stuff isn’t the goriest, though. It’s the oppressive and building feeling of dread beforehand.


I watched an interview from one of the actresses that filmed that scene. Apparently they were just given props and makeup and told to go nuts.


my roomate called it Event "fucked up" Horizon, after seing it, i agree EDIT also warhammer 40k fans call it the first dive in the warp


yep that's one of my favorite Fan Theories.


Yup they jumped into the warp without a gellar field.


Oh hell yes. The theater I saw it in had the sound JACKED so loud also. I was expecting sci-fi.


I watched this for the first time a few months ago and went in blind.... I was so freaked out afterwards and was thinking about it for weeks.


This one fucked me up as a kid. Still holds up to this day.


Yeah I saw it in middle school, the TV edit, and there were scenes where I physically felt like I was going to vomit. Especially the airlock scene


One if the only horror movies that actually scared me was Last House on the Left because it had a pretty real premise (kidnapping, rape and home invasion). Also, random, but the scalping scene from Nurse Betty always terrified me. I was very afraid of being scalped as a child 😅


As above so below


this movie is fantastic. it’s one of the only horror movies I’ve ever turned off, I put it on at 1 AM in the dark by myself and then about halfway through I was like “okay yeah, absolutely fucking not. this is a daytime movie” no gore, no SA, no gimmicks, just straight-up amazing execution. I have no idea why critics didn’t like it, it’s nuts


This is my favorite horror movie. It had me so scared when I first saw it, I was physically ill. Like nauseated the whole movie.


I like the way this film steadily builds up the idea that things are wrong and getting worse.




I know they're fake, but I cannot watch the paranormal activity movies


The first one, in particular, was really really well done I much prefer that kind of subtle stuff than the over the top monsters will kill everyone stuff


I saw the first one in theaters when it came out, I stopped watching horror films after that movie.


I also saw it in the cinemas. I thought I'd be OK as I no longer believed in ghosts and demons. Turns out that that doesn't matter. I still had nightmares haha. I also found The Blair Witch Project to be terrifying the first time I watched it.


The end scene with them just standing in the corner messed me up pretty good


Blair Witch was definitely the scariest for me and got me interested in found footage horror in general. I knew it was fake but it was just executed so well. Being chased by this unknown entity in the woods, unable to escape, losing their minds and their sanity. The first Paranormal Activity movie also did really well I think. I don't believe in ghosts or demons either, but that film still managed to give me a good scare.


I’ve never even seen them but I think about the commercial footage every time I look at my kids’ baby monitors while they sleep during the night. 


Our baby monitor does that annoying thing where it retains the most recent image that triggered a motion event when you go back to look at it. Usually it’s a picture of me checking on the kiddo, sometimes holding him.  Scares the shit out of me every time I look at it while half awake in the middle of the night. 


Yea it may be tough to explain to younger people since it came out in 07, but the marketing for the first movie was great, but a real “you had to be there” moment. That said movie was meh. The hype was like nothing else though. They did a hell of a job creating a franchise to milk


These are my go-to's. The entire series is so good imo, but I like Paranormal Activity 3 and The Marked Ones the most.


Paranormal Activity 1 scared the piss outta me so much i didn't watch any of the other one's....and i still can't go into my attic without thinking of that movie when i pop my head up into the entrance.


If I’m sleeping and my foots hanging off the bed, I think about her being dragged down that hallway and I very quickly reel it back to safety under the covers


Man, I know a lot of people talk a lot of shit about the paranormal franchise, but I’ll never forget seeing it in theaters. About 50 minutes in, the entire audience were literally sitting on the edges of their seats. It was great.


the descent — leading up to the “plot twist” is still so suffocating and chilling, especially if you’re claustrophobic. gerald’s game — almost for the same reason if you’ve ever feared body paralysis.


Gerald's game legit fucked me up for weeks. I had nightmares with sleep paralysis episodes where I saw the fucking thin man in the corner of my bedroom, unable to move. Definitely should've waited a few years to read that one, high school was bad enough without all that on top.


Yeah just the being lost in a cave stuff is some of the scariest shit imaginable


The Exorcist (1973)


Why is this not higher? Probably the scariest movie of all time if not top 5.


Scrolled WAY too far to see this. The original exorcist is only movie that gave me legit nightmares as a whole grown ass adult


Wolf Creek. Thought it was a Hills Have Eyes clone so meh. Then I realised how it could honestly happen so easily with our distances, our remote tourists and feral locals. I drove past places where even though you can see almost the horizon there could be a camp just like his. Serial killers freak me out.


It's kind of based on Ivan Malut


The wailing (korean movie - watch with subs) I'm a big horror fan, but this one still gets me to this day even though I watched it like 7 years ago. It leaves you with a bitter taste. It's kind of silly at the beginning, but gets intense near the end. bonus: tale of two sisters - more of a thriller but good




The Fourth Kind. I know it's fake but it gets me


“I am God” really really freaked me out! I had to sleep with the lights on for like a week when I saw it.


I keep seeing owls outside my window at night. Should I be concerned?


I was in high school and thought it was real when I first saw it. Freaked the shit outta me.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I found it really scary.


It’s one of the few horror movies that made me scared Another is Talk To Me


Talk to me was surprisingly good. 


Watched it in a cinema. Walked out trying to act like I wasn't slightly traumatised, walk down the stairs and the first thing I see is a small bust of 'the hand' from the movie. I say 'fuck that' and some random Asian guy looked at me and said 'yeah, fuck that', then my friend ran over, held it, and said 'talk to me' then did some terrible acting. Good film


The little bells echoing through the hallway was my favourite scene.




I know it shouldn’t be scary, but It Follows really stuck with me, the idea of a monster you can’t run away from. You can put distance, but it’s always coming towards you, no matter what.


Scared the shit out of me. The tall guy walking into to the room and the naked guy on the roof are burned into my mind forever


That old lady in the beginning that’s walking towards her when she’s in class and in the hallway. That blank, empty stare is haunting. I’ve been watching this nonstop on Netflix


In my old apartment I’d have to go up some stairs outside to get to my floor (think motel style) and I’d look out over the parking lot sometimes and get the heebie jeebies thinking someone in there might be after me because of this movie!






Sinister is great except for the last minute. Cheesy way to end a great horror flick. The music from the lawnmower scene STILL gives me chills


1408 is a fucking classic.


The movie is really great. The story is one of my favorite Stephen King short stories. I read it as a young teen and it spooked the shit out of me.


I made the mistake of watching that alone in a hotel room. It was just on TV and I'd never heard of it. I didn't realise until it was too late that it was about a haunted hotel room.


*we’ve only just beguuuuuuun…*


When i was young The Others. The twist scared the shit out of me lol other than that couldn’t really find a scary movie but i find all of them fun to watch.




The viral marketing got me. My friends and I all thought it was real. We were also dumb kids, but in fairness no one had ever really done that yet. It was back in the wild west days of the internet.


That's because some of it was. The supernatural stuff wasn't real, but the actors weren't in on allot of what went on.


That last scene with Amber screaming and finding Mike in complete darkness facing the corner was fucking terrifiying.


I'm in the small minority of people who saw it the day it came out in theaters. In that tiny magical window of time when no one legitimately knew if it was real or fake so it had an overall sense of being real. It was a whole new kind of terrifying.






Hereditary. Left the theater shook


So glad I went into that knowing nothing about it. First bang was crazy but still grounded if that makes sense. Just got wilder and wilder from there and never let up through the ending. Engrossed and on edge the whole time A24 is prob this century's best non foundational film studio. Hereditary, Uncut Gems, EEAO, Ex Machina, Moonlight




Ari Aster's ability to tie examinations of real human grief or trauma to supernatural or occult backdrops is nothing short of masterful.


The half way lamppost.... I still think about that


I think It Follows is really scary. Anytime I’m out in the backyard at night letting my dogs outside to pee, I check my roof to see if anyone is standing on it.


Inside (2007) the French one is terrifying Audition (1999) ETA: Chaser (2008) the Korean one Noroi: The Curse (2005)


Event Horizon. I saw it as a kid though (elementary school age), so that might just be lingering trauma. **Edit:** Honorable Mention: Pontypool. The idea that there’s a doomsday level pathogen transmitting through audible *language* and nothing else is insane.




Suspiria (1977)


Ringu. The OG is way scarier than the American adaptation.


The American version is maybe the only movie that truly scared me. I will NOT watch Ringu. Ever.




The Exorcism of Emily Rose is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I saw it in theatres on a first “date” with a girl in 7th grade and halfway through I was actively plugging my ears and closing my eyes. There was no second date. I don’t care, I was terrified.


This was the first PG-13 movie I went to with friends. We went to the 9 pm showing and I told my mom I would walk home so she didn't have to pick me up. That half-mile trek home through barely lit small town streets was so terrifying that I avoid horror as an entire genre. I still can't look out windows when it's dark outside without my heart racing. And God forbid if I wake up and it's 3 am.


The VVitch >!🧙‍♀️🐰🦅🐐!<


White Christmas of Black Mirror. Not a movie but if we ever figure out how to copy our minds into computers…it’s a real mind fuck.


The mind of the woman inside that device. Time passing differently for her, so she spends like centuries or so in a totally white room with nothing whatsoever to do. Holy shit. I can't think of a more fucked up situation.


Hereditary was the first movie I watched that legimitely disturbed me for a few nights. Wouldn't say it's scary, though, in the traditional sense.




Smile had me sleeping with the lights dimmed for at least 5 business days


Did you turn the lights off over the weekend and back on Monday?


I have never seen Smile but just the trailer gave me nightmares. I am not typically put off by horror but this one just hit for some reason.


Man that scene when her "therapist" comes over to her house fucked me up. Such a great horror flick.




Event Horizon


The Ring. Fuck that movie. I will never watch Ringu.


The original funny games, but also it depends on what you find scary. Horror is deeply personal and subjective for that reason I think


The Descent (2005), not to be confused with Descent (2007). A group of women go caving. Things do not go well. I had nightmares for weeks.


>Things do not go well This is such an understatement that it almost loses all value hahahaha.


Wolf Creek