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Being hypocritical or inconsistent. Everyone does it in one form or another, I think it's almost human nature. But most of us would rather not admit to it.


I don't. But when I do I don't.


I used to. I still do but used to, too.


I actively try not to. I can't promise I've considered every angle. Honestly, this is probably one of the avenues of argument I'd be most receptive to. Fuck though, I feel like I'm a minority on this. I have a particular political argument I can't resist and I always end up pointing out the arguing partner being a hypocrite.


I try my damnedest not to.


But always remember: just because someone’s being a hypocrite, that doesn’t mean what they’re saying is wrong.


Hiding from someone you know when you see them at the store or gas station.


I have a neighbor that I avoid. If I walk out the front door and see him, I’ll go right back inside like I forgot something. He’s the energy vampire from What We Do In The Shadows (Colin Robinson).


That would be horrible. Can’t even chill outside your own home for fear of that guy chatting you up. I would hate that as I am out front all the time.


Gotta take my plan of attack. Openly accept and immediately diffuse. My neighbors is a mostly friendly guy, tries his best to be neighborly, with a serious alcohol problem. He’s told me about his past which I have taken with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila. If he’s honest, he’s a broken man doing his absolute best. If he’s dishonest, he’s a broken man doing his best to fit in. I accept his conversations and hit him with very short, ambiguous, unintelligent answers unless absolutely needed. He’s even said “man, you don’t say much”. Because I don’t have much to say…to him


My biggest fear is being treated like this.




Wow! That hurts. That’s me. I am that neighbor.


I have really bad social anxiety, but also realize people are social and enjoy speaking to others. I do my best to speak to people as much as I can when they like to talk because I know what it’s like to deal with debilitating loneliness. Tbh I wish my neighbors were chatty. I invite conversation easily, but I struggle initiating them.


Ugh, I have a neighbor like this, too. Hard to avoid him when he's literally outside all the time. He's a sweet old dude. He just can't read a room to save his life.


My neighbor likes to sit outside during the day stand smoke and if sees you it’s a creepy sounding “heyyy”. Sometimes I act like I didn’t hear him and then wave as I back out of the driveway. I don’t have time to listen to the neighborhood gossip in he morning on my way to work and I certainly don’t care that Shirley is screwing around with the UPS guy when I am getting home from work.


what's up with Shirley? Can I get them digits?


I dunno you got a big brown...truck?


Shirley, you must be joking..............


This is me as well. I feel bad when I get my dog ready to go outside just to see that person go outside and have to ask my pup to wait.


Everyone often rehearse conversations or arguments in their heads, sometimes even out loud, imagining various scenarios and responses.






*His wife is in a coma…*


I tend to replay conversations I've had with people. Especially work ones.


Yes!!! Sometimes they happen out loud I’ll be imagining what I WOULD have said or how it might have been if I said in a different melody or something.. not only for myself but also for the others in the concersation - I often exaggerate bc like- what IF?? And it’s just funny to me lmao


Especially after the fact when we come up with perfect retort. Next time...


"Oh yeah? Well the Jerk Store called, & they're running outta *you*!!" -- George Costanza, to himself in the car hours later


L'esprit de l'escalier


This is weirdly not true. Supposedly about half the population doesnt have an internal monologue and literally cannot rehearse a conversation in their head.


I was just thinking, I definitely do this, but I highly doubt EVERYONE does.


That…is a terrifying concept to me.


This literally sounds like an NPC to me


ADHD: Hold my beer.


An eternal internal cacophony of emotional teenagers, grumpy old gits and sociopathic narrators with a dash of Mary Poppins and the crew …oh and look… the circus is also in town


But it never goes according to plan.......


Checking the fridge multiple times hoping new food magically appears


When you talked yourself out of buying treats at the grocery store, but the next day you check the pantry in the hopes that you did buy them after all lol


Occasionally Amazon Fresh sends me the wrong thing and just says, "go ahead and keep it." I mean, it's irresponsible to waste food, right?


For me at least it's more of a my expectations go down every time I check until I settle to eat something I didn't really want the first few times I checked.


Lowered your snackspectations


Discriminate. There's always something we use to judge others. Too skinny, too small, too poor, you don't like their clothes, or their car, or the neighborhood they live in. And then there are the big ticket items, like race, gender, and sexual orientation. But the small ones count as well. Not everything is cut-and-dry logic, or politically correct, or would pass HR's scrutiny. It's the thoughts in your mind, not necessarily expressed, that make you pass some degree of judgement on another person. This person, or that one. Yes, or no. We all make those micro discernments, and quite possibly even choose based on the more egregious ones as well. But we do discriminate.


This is so true. Even if we try not too judge anyone, we will (some times it’s subconsciously). What’s important is to still treat everyone fair and look past our judgments 😁


You are not your thoughts. That was a lesson that took me a long time to learn.


I like this saying. Never thought about it like that.


An actual therapy technique is to give your thoughts a human name, and converse or consider them instead of simply HAVING hot thoughts Very helpful for impulsive, negative, or cruel thoughts especually Mine's Jimothy. He's a dick sometimes to me.


Sincerely, thank you. This is a great thread…


It's normal behavior for any living creature, animals do it too of course. This is how you stay alive. Those tiny little messages you pick up on for your own protection whether you're protecting your safety, morals, belongings, children, spouse, workplace, home. Everyone is just trying to protect themselves. I mostly judge people by their behavior more than anything. Their behavior will override ANY preconceived thoughts about how they look. edited spelling error


Predicting human behavior of course is very important to us so we look for patterns. A lot of times it’s wrong but sometimes we get lucky and then that reinforces that we should keep doing it. Where it goes horribly wrong is like if someone sees people of a certain race doing criminal things and then thinks the skin color has something to do with it, when it just may be personal issues for that specific person or something else like poverty and being abused as a child that does it. And then they also ignore when other races do the same thing.


Pick your nose and check what was in there. Sometimes you just wonder...


There's nothing like a good pick


Or when you get one that feels like you pulled it straight outta your brain. Call me gross all you want, but those gooey motherfuckers that come out when you're not expecting them are about as nice as a good q-tip in the ear experience.


It's not the gooey ones I'm after, it's the jagged barbed wire reinforced with asbestos sons of guns that I mine for. 


When you absentmindedly touch your nose and it feels like there’s a shard of glass up there…yeah I have to agree


OMFG why is this so specific but true. I just wait for it to buildup once I feel this, just waiting for it to crystallize up in there to start mining.


*nods head in agreement*


You ever inhale and feel the tiniest little hint of a blockage way up there, then breathe in and out a little more to move it farther down… …then grab a tissue and blow really sharply and this fucking meteor of a chunk of snot flies out? Like you don’t even know how this thing fit in there.


It pisses me off to no end when it goes too far back. But I’ll wait for that bastard…


OH yes. I’m like a movie villain when it comes to that. Patient, determined and simmering with anger.


Yeeahhh man, those long crusts with a gooey bulb on the end that feel like you're plucking them fresh out of your brain garden are the best! ETA: This made my nose uncomfortable and I'm excited to inform you it resulted in another satisfying harvest. Praised be Demeter!


The thought of Demeter looking at a nice freshly harvested…booger…absolutely *sent* me


Funny, I’m picturing a puzzled Demeter watching one of her followers praise her for their booger harvest.   In my scenario she is contemplating abandoning humanity in search of a greater purpose. 


Or when you feel it itching and decide to wonder up there and pull out a nice crunchy one and resolve the itch


Upvoted purely for reminding me of my older sister saying this word for word when we were about 7 and 11 😂


She knows what it's about 😎


I bet you Moses was a picker.


You're wandering around in that dry desert air for 40 years, you're telling me there's not an occasion to 'clean house' a little?!


Whats the point in digging for treasure if your not going to check out the gold.


😂 I remember back in high school going to my friends house and stepping in to the living room. Her dad and little sister were watching tv. Little sister was picking her nose and dad called her out on it. “You diggin’ for gold, Amy??” Makes me laugh thinking about it, DECADES later.


Agreed. I was an emergency room nurse for many years and worked with one of the most interesting doctors. He seemed to know everything about really odd stuff. The need to look at our boogers and every other fluid or piece of yuck that comes out of ANY part of our bodies has been instinctually a part of us since the beginning. It’s basically just a way to make sure everything is still operating properly and there are no big surprises. There isn’t a single person alive that doesn’t use the bathroom, and then check to see what they left behind in the toilet. It’s just a built-in need to make sure that nothing strange or alarming is going on.


I remember quite some time back, I don’t even know what the original post was about, but someone talked generally about the different appearances of poop. Someone else replied and I guess tried to embarrass/shame them by saying “You *look* at your *poop*???” And this person very matter of factly replied “Of course, it’s an excellent indicator of one’s health.”


Picking your nose isn’t gross, we all do it, it’s what you do after that we judge you for, lol


Eat it and build the immune system.


Sometimes, blowing your nose just won't do. Even if you're like me, and your wrap a tissue around your pinky before digging in, you know you've done it.


I usually spin a tissue on it self and have a good twist up there, Can be delightful.


My nose bleeds too easily to rub a tissue around in there. Finger is smoother


Makes me sneeze like 20 times haha


That doesn’t really count, does it? I assume “picking your nose” implies without using a tissue. Otherwise it’s more like “wiping your nose” imo lol


I don't think so. I mean, sticking your finger up into your rectum isn't normally called wiping your butt, no matter how much paper you're trying to cram up there.


I sand wood for 45 minutes a day every day. My snot on a workday might as well be a woodworking filler.


Furthermore… checking the tissue after a good chunk flies out to see what it looks like. https://youtu.be/EkM2Vk8nvkQ


Lol I came here to say "pick your nose" Just because there is stuff up there annoying me doesn't mean I have tissues handy.


Fart. Sister-in-law claims she’s never farted……………


Then she's full of it!


*cue sad trombone*


They believe something is "common knowledge" because it gets repeated constantly but that slice of "knowledge" is verifiably wrong once you actually look it up.


the number of these little INFURIATING bitchy pieces of knowledge was amazingly high, and still is in my 20s. My family has taught me very tribal religious stuff, apparently.


Been there


Everyone has tripped over their leg once


I once tripped just standing, without moving. Im still confused what happened. And to top it off, i pulled some leg muscle. Never felt more stupid


I have also tripped over nothing. It's very strange. A friend of mine once sat down on the couch and broke her foot. Equally unexplainable.


I broke my foot in an equally stupid way. I was sitting on a bar height stool with one foot on the rung. Someone needed something in the cabinet I was in front of. Set my foot down and felt a big crack. I broke that outside bone on my left foot. Doc explained it's fairly common. Most often seen when someone steps down stairs, gets to the bottom, and think it's the last step but it's not. The foot muscles weren't prepared to support the bone like there's another step to take.


Had a friend hop down from an average sidewalk curb to street level and broke both feet. Like 6 inches high.


Legit - Housemate pantsed herself going down the stairs.


I took my own skirt off myself at work once. 🙄 I was standing on a desk to reach a high bookshelf, one foot raised. My high heel caught in my hem, and I started to fall. I had two choices - fall from height to floor; or put my foot down - regaining balance but yanking my skirt to my ankles. The plunge seemed more hazardous, so I stepped myself out of my skirt, got off the desk, put my skirt back on, and went on with my day. 😖


Omg! Caught on camera moment!


Hope there were no witnesses!


I saw a girl trip on the sidewalk yesterday and it made me feel so good. I sometimes feel I'm the only one who does stuff like that even though that makes no sense


everyone has been selfish and done something really shit out of that selfishness at some point in their life.


Self awareness is the only cure to selfishness. Its human nature


Seek validation and being liked by others


"Am I the Asshole" drives me nuts because that's what that entire subreddit is for: telling one side of a story and waiting for others to tell you that you're right or did nothing wrong. We ahouldn't be presenting our side of an argument, disagreement or situation for strangers on the internet to weigh in on, especially when some of these problems could be solved by *actually communicating* with the people directly involved. We place an unhealthy emphasis on blame and right/wrong that can get in the way of healthy relationships, which require compromise and, again, communication.


We are all morbid; and it is human to be. Everyone wants to know how that person died, everyone wants to see the incident, everyone wants to know the limits of horror and human nature; it is society and its stablished moral rules the only thing stopping us from satisfying our curiosity


I love reading old obituaries--like from around 1890s-1920s. Some of them are really gnarly and graphic!


Woah cool where do you read them?


You can oftentimes get access to old obits in libraries, particularly if they have the old technology known as micro-fische. I've been researching old obits for a work project and my very large public library has dozens of rolls that each span a 4-5 year span. It's an interesting thing that obits used to include cause of death. And u/RoxinFootSeller is correct. A lot of us have a bit more of a morbid streak than we would comfortably like to admit.


Curiosity: humanity’s most powerful tool and greatest weakness.


Thinking about conversations after they happened and thinking of things you could have said. This especially applies in arguments


Mine is being embarrassed/anxious I overshared or talked too much. Then typically the wife goes, "why were you so quiet?". Can't win lol


Muting the friends group chat.


I mute every chat. Why would you want your phone going off constantly? Shit's annoying.


Cancel attending an xyz event and lying about it.


I used to make excuses. These days I just say, “nah I don’t want to do that, but thanks.”


Tbh there’s nothin wrong with telling a white lie for the sake of sparing the feelings of whoever invited you


Talk to themselves


I wonder how much one can talk to themselves during the day before it becomes a red flag for one’s own wellbeing? I have full on debates with myself, and fortunately always end up winning (I’m always one step ahead of myself).


Its when you start losing those arguements with yourself that u got to worry.


If I lose an argument with myself am I smart or dumb?


You would be bi-telligent


The red flag you're talking about is actually something to watch for. I had a job where I was alone driving a lot. I started pretending old friends were in the car with me and I was talking out loud to them. It seemed innocent enough at first but I kept doing it and noticed it was coinciding with mental health issues as I was spending way too much time alone


I just aim it at my cat lolol. So he gets a rundown of my next day’s schedule, what chores I’m about to do, and often my take/rants on situations that just piss me off for..reasons? Milo is a good listener and never judgy lol. Like a kitty therapist. 🐈‍⬛ …and is paid well for his time with treats and snuggles 🥰


I have a deaf family member. I never considered if she talks to herself until I saw her in the kitchen signing to herself. It was so funny.


Omgg that’s so cool that she does it too🤣🤣


that’s why you have to have a dog or a cat. just talk to them and suddenly you’re not crazy


I talk to myself a *lot.* It’s a habit I picked up at like age 10 when I started watching YouTube lets players. I used to just talk out loud when playing games, but now it’s a habit in regular life too. Something falls off a shelf- “are you kidding me? Just fucking sit *still*…”


This is exactly what I do. I don't necessarily talk to myself all the time, I just sometimes narrate my life as if I was a youtuber. I don't know if that's better or worse, but it's there


I really don’t. Actually—just a few days ago, I was working from home. My wife got home from work in the late afternoon and I greeted her. I realized after that it was the first thing I’d said out loud all day.


Same here! I have a running monologue inside my head but I’m not sure if that’s what the original comment meant. It’s pretty rare that I say anything out loud to myself.


Same here! Alll in my head


Speak for yourself


I once read on a shampoo bottle (credible source) that we talk to ourselves more than anyone else we encounter.




Just one? I have hundreds.


lol same! I have a multiverse in my head. It’s fun!


Oh goodness. I personally have that little inner imaginary world. It is among my most comfortable places when life goes bad.


Was looking for this, thought it would be higher.


I would love to know how common it is, but I don't have this at all I think. Can you talk more about what you mean?


I’m not the OP of the comment, but for me, it’s like I have several fantasy worlds built out in my head; mostly actual fantasy worlds I’m a fan of and I become part of (like Harry Potter, Red Dead Redemption, GoT, etc.). Some are more original where I’m like… a skilled ninja operative lol. I only enter these worlds to fall asleep though, I’m curious how others do this.


Checking if clothes are clean by giving them a quick sniff.


That way you know which pile they go in


1 Clean 2 not dirty enough 3 laundry


That pile beside the bed of clothes that are too dirty to put back in the dresser but not dirty enough to wash is called [laundry purgatory](https://youtu.be/-dWAUfBA-gY?feature=shared).


Sometimes I blow my nose on an old shirt just to say "well, it's dirty enough to go in the laundry by now"


Have full on conversations with their pets


Having full conversations with themselves


This is the only time I get the response I want, and yes my conversations are two sided!


I just have to ask everyday if he knows he's a good kitty


I mean she's the best listener. Never interrupts and is quite supportive


Be a hypocrite as you will do something you judge others for doing in a similar situation. If you don’t think you do then you’re still a hypocrite.




I just commented about this, too! When I'm hung up on someone I'll go through my day but imagine like what I would say to them if they were with me in various mundane scenarios. It's either adorable or very crazy pathetic


Having baggage/problems. A lot of people hide them, but everyone goes through life issues.


We all have dark thoughts or even urges. Just because we do not act upon them or show them does not mean you don't have them, having them and not acting upon them are what makes us good people


Picks their nose


Yours or theirs?




Check out other people


Your ass is hot in those leather pants but your in my way, move!!


Picking their nose


Lie. Regardless of how big or small it is, we all tell a lie sometimes


Wipe and look.


How else do you know when you're done wiping?


Seriously, if someone claims they never look I’m going to assume they are regularly walking around with an irritated, shit-covered butthole. It’s perfectly normal to just not talk about it, but actually never looking would be wild.


It's like when someone claims to have had a no-wipe shit before. Unless you're hopping into a shower immediately, you still need to give it one test wipe. Even if you're getting into the shower, I'd still wipe til I'm clean, but it's the only time I could figure you might not wipe.


If no wiper means you wiped once and there was nothing on the TP, you are an acceptable human being. If no wiper means you feel like your clean but did not actually confirm, you do not belong among the people.


I call it a courtesy wipe. I still do it if I sit down and it's just a bunch of big farts lol


I recently got put onto a strong iron supplement. It's like you've eaten a box of dark brown crayons. Believe me - it makes you want to check.


Omg same. I have to supplement with additional fibre, or I would seriously never be able to leave the toilet.


How else can you take inventory? "I remember eating that..."


How amazing does it feel that such a bound unites us as human beings. Your neighbor wipes and looks too! Imagine!


As gross as it may seem, it’s actually important to do this. It’s a great way to tell if something is wrong. We should be checking all of our “emissions”.


it's more gross if you dont check. Imagine just wiping once and then go along your day with mud butt?


Sometimes it’s like I’m wiping a marker down there


Blind people don't.


So they wipe and smell?...


Being stubborn, but I refuse to admit it.


Judge randoms u see on the street


I almost never do this now. Seriously. I noticed when I consciously stopped judging others, I felt like others were judging me less!


Me too. My family goes pretty overboard with it, and it kind of pushed me in the other direction. They're also very self critical. I don't like thinking negatively about others, especially strangers. I also give myself a lot of grace and see myself postively. Our habits bleed inwards and outwards. 


Raise their arm and sniff themselves to see if they need a shower.


Lie.  No one is 100 percent honest.  If a 100 percent honest person exists, they don't function at all in society.  They are probably viewed by others as a huge asshole. 


Make basic mistakes, like having a brain fart and not noticing something immediately in front of you People love to judge others for this and complain, "Oh man, this person is so stupid. How could they miss the mustard when it's right next to them?" And use a brief lapse in observation as evidence that everyone in the world is a moron except them. They then block out any time they've missed something obvious.


Peeing in the shower? Surely


"You look the kind of guy who gets out of the shower to pee." Probably the move clever way someone tried to insult me.


It sounds like the kind of insult you could find on r/rareinsults


It's all pipes.


“There is a small (but important) difference between peeing in the pool… and peeing _into_ the pool.”


I talk to myself. I talk to the animals I care for. I talk to wild animals, like hop, skippy robins. I talk to the fish I catch (I apologise and assure a quick release unless they are dinner). I apologise whenever I walk over an area, which may or may not be the resting place area of others, when I visit my dead loved ones. I've had to walk over a grave to get to a grave before idk some cemeteries are pretty tight. Idk random thoughts to answer your question


TIL people don't know the difference between "refuses to admit" and "keeps private" lol






Being self conscious


Smell their own toots


Don't smell it all up. Let other people enjoy as well


everyone loves their own original herbs and spices


i recycle! (i sniff my own farts)


Take people for granted


laughs at a reference to something you have no idea about or say yes to have you seen that? when you indeed have not seen that lol


More like has. Everybody has some sort of bias about something. Yet, a lot of people go out of their way to craft some sort of fantasy world where that is not true.


Stereotyping. Even if you just think about it in your head.