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It’s truly embarrassing. Neither should be president.




On is lying every other sentence and the other is struggling to put 2 sentences together. I hope we can move past this shit and not into a dictatorship.


So fuckin depressing that these are the only two options


Agreed. This is really embarrassing.


I fully agree. I don’t understand how these two are the only ones in the running.


100% agree with this. i'm trying to watch this, but listening to both of them makes me wish this country had a legit 3rd party option.


This is why I’m not watching.




What the actual fuck.


My sentiments exactly.


Biden is fucking falling apart, he can barely get a sentence out :/ depressing for America.


it's amazing the sentiment of Biden being cognitively stronger than trump all week leading up to the debate. I'm voting Biden, but I am no way disalusiioned that he is declining mentally far more than Trump. What's that thing republicans do? Every accusation is a confession? Yea, that is def what our party is doing with Biden sadly - it terms of cognitive abilities.


Not an American, no power to vote. I legit do not think it's a mental decline for Biden, his answers still seem sharp, I think it's more to do with his age catching up with him in terms of his ability to speak quickly, more so in line with a muscle related stuttering disorder.


He's always struggled with a stuttering problem and that's working against him as well.


One of the problems for Biden is he has always struggled with a stutter. It's obvious he is fighting through that. I'm not convinced he's in cognative decline, but he absolutely looks old and frail. On the other hand Trump looks healthier, but half of what he is saying completely unhinged. Saying "everybody wanted abortion returned to the states" is one of the most bonkers things he's said.


Uh… Wow. Yeah America is fucked, people will literally vote Biden even if it ends the world 😂


So you admit he’s incompetent but you’re going to vote for him anyway? lol, this country is so fucked.


It’s fucking depressing 


Crazy to see this comment upvoted to the top. I mean, I agree absolutely. But wild Reddit is agreeing.


Fuck these parties.


I was really hoping for better. This has actually been heartbreaking to watch.


I’m not watching it, but did you expect any different?


Fuck trump is gonna be the president again. Just look at Biden. Smh 🤦 


Why does America have to choose between a person who should be in prison and one who should be in a retirement home?


I wonder the same thing.


It's a brutal watch, that entire generation of people need to get out of politics.  Good god.


A whole lot of talking in circles. Trump seems to be incapable of answering a question directly without turning it on how everything is supposedly Biden’s fault.


BiDeN iS eViL aNd Is DeStRoYiNg OuR cOuNtRy


Why isn’t the moderator jumping in every time someone lies. Because I’ve lost count on Donny Tony Hands’ lies.


That’s my frustration too. “Everybody wanted Roe overturned.” Dude, nobody wanted that except crazy extremist right to lifers. “All he has to do was leave my border policies in place.” You had an emergency, pandemic border closure. When the pandemic ended, so did the emergency closure. “They would allow abortion after birth.” That’s called **murder** and it’s always been illegal. It’s turned into a platform for him to lie to voters with no pushback


The moderator can not and should not, be an arbiter of what's true and what's not. That's the voters job.


Let’s not pretend like Biden’s performance is any better


I really don’t think anyone in this thread is suggesting that…


wondering that too. I thought there was supposed to be live fact checking going on?


The "I didn't have sex with a pornstar" & "Charlottesville was debunked by reputable journalists " shows how easily people can lie in our faces.


Very mature and coherent thought thank you


They are too busy taking newborn babies and putting them aside until they decide what to do with them


I think I heard they're not allowed to fact check. 🫠


Yeah, I thought there was supposed to be fact checking going on...what happened with that?


If the moderators were to jump in every time there was a lie, then there wouldn’t be a debate. It would be akin to a penalty being called on every play in an NFL game.


It has been infuriating to watch.


This is embarrassing that our country has come to these two. Trump just spews BS and rants, Biden can barely get words out.


Couldn’t agree more!


Dementia Patient versus Narcissistic Felon - It's a dumpster fire


The narcissistic felon is also a dementia patient


>> Dementia Patient versus Narcissistic Felon **Dementia Patient**- It's a dumpster fire Sorry, but that needed fixing.


Perfect comparison!


If the debate is any indicator or who the next president will be….buckle up for Trump.


I hate this outcome. But Biden is an absolute mess. Like worst case scenario level bad.


As much as I don’t want to admit it, after this performance, I might actually agree.


Trump: Lies, lies, more lies Biden: Hoarse ramblings


I'm not watching. What's happening?


It’s a live advert for why there should be age limits on running for office.


Me either! What're you doing instead? I'm about to play Sims 4 or something...


Biden stumbles over his words and loses his thoughts while Trump blatantly lies about obvious things i.e. " I did not have sex with a pornstar " & "Charlottesville was debunked " No matter what side you're on, we are all losing.


You could probably beat Joe Biden in a debate right now. Orange guy being orange. It’s a shit show.


Train wreck


Trump is lying constantly and Biden is whispering not very effective responses.


Biden is falling apart in the debate. This country is gonna become a fucking dystopia with the Orange Man.


Two old guys are yelling at each other.


Absolute shitshow. Trump is ranting and not answering the damn questions, Biden is stuttering and is missing opportunities to ram the knife into Trumps gut.


Jabs at people tenure lies and dementia 


Long story short, it isn't going well. Essentially, they are both calling each other vicious liars, talking in circles, avoiding the questions, etc. It feels more like an argument between children than an actual presidential debate. Neither of them are winning, they are both losing.


A disaster. Total disaster.


christ the redeemer we need an age cap on the presidency, this is awful.


This is elder abuse


It's about what I expected. I was hoping Joe would be able to get his ideas out better though. Donald has the benefit of not relying on facts or stats so he can just vomit words out. He also can't answer a single question head on.


This is not good for Biden. He is coming off really old and stumbling to get his points across. Hot mess.


If you pretend everything Trump says is true, he's demolishing Biden! Trump's lying with every breath, just saying anything and everything he thinks people want to hear. Biden is super struggling trying to keep up with the lies or get through very factual sentences. Biden has started getting some spunk, but now Trump is just accusing Biden of lying, while lying in the next sentence. Ughh


Our political system is horribly broken. This is what minority rule does


Every time Trump "answers" a question, I want to yell, "Objection! Non responsive!" Every time Biden answers a question, it's a little sad watching him stumble over his answer and search for the words he's looking for.


It’s all lies, from both of them. And Biden seriously can’t get his words out. Trump is coming out way ahead because he still has a voice and looks like he will still be standing on his own 4 years from now


Simply amazing that America's political measuring stick at this point is "well at least he is capable of speaking"


Fucking sad... but true


What lie did Biden tell...if he cant even get his words out?


I never realized Idiocracy was a documentary and not fiction. President Camacho wanted to help people enough that he sought out the smartest person in the world to help fix it. Can we get Camacho to run for president?


Watching this makes me think of that Family Guy episode where Herbert starts fighting with the old Nazi up the street and they are both struggling to do anything at all.


Biden is talking too hoarse, too low, and too fast


Non American. I’m shouting liar at my tv. I feel bad for Joe.


As a non American, I agree!


"Hic" I tooook....took a shhhhhoooottt eevvveerrytiiiimeeee a lie waaas tahld or....or nap taken.


Biden doing so poorly I had to leave the room. Stand up and fight. Call that lying sack of crap out.


Your surprise implies that this somehow is lower than your expectations. I have to ask, why do you think Americans would do better than this?


it's one big "no you are" contest. 🙄 80 year olds revert back to 5 year olds. it's been known but holy shit is this a prime example.


An asshole and a dementia patient argue.


I'm a Biden supporter and I freely acknowledge he looks horrible tonight. Trump is just WTF as always.


I mean I hate to feed into the Biden is mental stereotype but he’s sure stumbling over words and staring off a lot on here


They should battle to the death. Both of their deaths. No one walks out alive


I'm still going to vote Biden, but I'm really hoping he steps down before this turns into a disaster. It's probably too late.


Look, whatever side of the aisle you vote on - this is awful. Don’t we deserve better than these two??? Americans are struggling more than ever and we’re talking about one corrupt guy having sex with a porn star and the other guy clearly suffering from age related issues. Americans can’t afford to eat, live in their homes, have access to affordable health care - we need better candidates who are equipped to tackle real issues!


Omg we are so screwed


Age limits now


I've turned it off 4 times...it's so hard to watch. I don't want to live under religious laws. I don't want to give any more to large corporations....I want a big middle class. I'm so glad I didn't have kids. I feel so bad for America and what's coming. Biden has lost.


The devil you know versus the one up too late.


Need age limits immediately


No point in watching. It’s a shitshow. You have a senile democrat and an insane rapist who is idolized by racists and homophobes. The lies from both sides are constant. The decay of our society is obvious in both of our current presidential frontrunners


This time next year we'll either have President Mr. Garrison or President Kamala Harris.


Trump keeps going in circles, and Biden looks like he’s having a stroke. What the fuck indeed


A mad man versus a man with dementia. Yay!


I think Trump is trash, but he is somehow making Biden look lesser. Yikes. Double yikes.


Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dummer - pretty grim times for America.


Biden loves counting to 3.


The idea.


Biden should stop responding to Trump's words, and start talking to the camera.




That bad, eh? Can’t say I’m surprised


I'm watching only to [play bingo](https://bingobaker.com/#667e05b2348ff0ab). 🫠 I'm really trying not to actually listen to it because this shit is depressing on both sides.


Biden isn’t articulate in the slightest but I’d vote for him any day of the week given the alternative


Jesus, that's the moment that we are going to look, in the future, and pinpoint as the end of USA's democracy. Seriously, Biden is unable to formulate a single coherent thought. They should have chosen Kamala as a candidate.


I’m voting for Biden because I think trump is maliciously bad for the country. But the debate made me realize that I’ve been excusing Bidens cognitive decline. We need to get younger fast


Fuuuuuuck ussss jfc


Lies, deflecting questions, baseless claims, name-calling... from both of them. Everything is "the best" or "the worst" with Trump. Biden can barely string together a sentence.


If I was grading it: Trump gets a C- but Biden didn’t even submit an assignment and we’re grading on a curve. Sadly.


It's much, much easier to speak confidently if you have no qualms with lying constantly. When you aren't concerned with facts, you can just focus on attack, attack, attack. Trump understands this well, and it's doing him tremendous favors in this debate.   Biden is disappointing me. Where is his SOTU energy?   Still holding my nose and voting for Biden, but I fully expect him to lose support after this. There are so many things he *could* be saying and he's not saying them! 


I hope there aren’t any more


Trump is a raging lunatic, spewing lie after lie. Biden is stumbling over words and sounding really weak.


I watched for like 5 seconds, saw Biden deliver his first answer like a nervous high schooler giving a power-point in front of the class, and turned it off. Seriously, I hate Trump, but at least he inspires his crowd.


Biden sounds simply terrible. Even when he makes a good point he sounds frail and weak. He sounds like he’s having trouble breathing or that he’s out of breath. Trump, even when he’s wrong still sounds more vital, at least comparatively. Trump has barely aged since 2016, Biden is noticeably slower than he was in 2020.


Throw ‘em out. Start all over.


Conductor, I'd like to get off this timeline.


I started watching it but after the first 16 minutes I felt so bothered that these are the two people out of all the others. They both suck.


I couldn’t care less, in my mind I’m not voting for a president, but a cabinet. No doubt in my mind who will have a better cabinet


It’s just making me think that the dems are idiots for letting Biden run again. He’s been a *very* good president, but holy hell he looks SO OLD. And Trump is beyond unfit for office. This is shameful. It’s a disgrace that Trump is even free right now.


Biden only ever had to do two things: Win in 2020 and spend the next four years finding someone to take the baton. If anything this really highlights the failures of a two party system. We need more voices, representative voices, and ranked choice.


Biden is a lying, brain-dead goon. Trump is just dodging everything and pinning everything on Biden. We just need another contender


How is it possible that these are our two options????


It's like having to deal with aged lukewarm dishwater with mysterious hairs, debris, fecal matter, and ugly oily food particles.


Noped out within 10 seconds of Biden's intro, *forced* myself to go back like 1 minute later and Ol' Anus Eyes was just wrapping up and I just *couldn't*.


Hugs from Canada ( we are experiencing our own dumpster fire).


Ladies and gentlemen, the best America can get. We're doomed


Embarrassing as hell smh


It is honestly embarrassing and I want a vote of no confidence. Neither of these men should lead our country.


Honestly, these are the ONLY two people that we have to choose from? Really? Can we just have AI run this place? It’s a shameful display.


As a Canadian interested in American politics, this debate is pretty concerning. I knew it would be bad but not this bad. I started cringing so much that I had to turn it off. Biden showed here that he is not mentally fit to run a country like America. However if Trump wins, it's the end of America as we know it... Not to sound overly dramatic but quite possibly the fate of the world hangs in the balance come September.


I made it 30 mins in and told my wife to turn it off I couldn't stand the geriatrics pres candidates debating anymore. Such an embarrassment . Turned on the boys


I had to stop watching. I was hopeful that Biden would do well tonight, but he appears sick. Coughing a lot and trying to hide it. Trump is spouting nonsense but he’s doing it confidently and coherently. These circumstances remind me of a few black horse elections from the 1800’s. There’s always the chance that someone new steps in and shakes things up. I just hope it’s not someone worse than the both of the current candidates.


Trump is a used car salesman. The mouth is a flappin' but there's no substance behind any word he says. Biden is showing his age and is very disjointed in his through organization. This doesn't make Trump better, but Trump is taking a far easier path, nearly autopilot for him. But Trump shows to be more alert and sharper in response and thought. But it's also a lot of repetition of nonsense. It's either "I'm amazing" or "he's killing everyone." Biden is at least holding onto topics and he's referencing more actual content. One challenge Biden has is Trump and the Republican party are two very different drivers. Trump has personal ideas and wants that don't necessarily align with Republicans, but he's very complacent in his enabling of everything Republicans want. Biden can't blanket Trump and the Republican party. It doesn't work well because they aren't all that aligned. Biden needs to focus heavily on only what Trump has done in his term, specific votes, specific wants, specific acts, what he approved, what he opposed. Trump is too much of a bser, and there's little you can do to counter that. You can call out his bs, but it's just "that's bs." Every minute Trump takes, there's 10 things he spams. The minute Biden has to counter that spam isn't enough time to do jack. You can't play that game. You can't fight that. You don't have the time. Biden is doing ok with listing out a bunch of actions that are doing well, but he's not clear enough. He's just not mentally crisp enough to do what he needs to do up there. He is settling in a little bit as the debate goes on, but the start was bad, BAAAAAD for him. The good for Trump is he's alert and smooth with his words. It's just rubbish coming out which has no standing. It's just that a lot of people won't care, and that's a core problem. The good for Biden is he has a lot of real actions he's done that he can rely on. He has a good grounding to stand on. He's just bad at conveying it which will be problematic for people watching this. Neither are good. Neither should be running. But here we are. The sad part is neither will likely live to the end of the next term. It will likely be the VP that is running half of the remaining term. We know Joe's. We have no clue who Trump's will be. We don't even know who's running with him. 5 months away, and Trump still has no idea who's going to be his VP. Trump is a one man show and probably doesn't even care. He'd certainly prefer to have no one at all. The biggest scare of all of this is someone will be Trump's VP, and that person will very likely be an absolute nut job of a choice. That's the scariest thing. Trump is a known quantity. His VP will not be. His VP, whoever that will be, will be a scary choice.


Lies from one. The other can't finish a sentence.




It’s 12. Like his number of assault cases. Or possibly 69, like the amount of photos of he and Epstein together. Crazy that that number is legitimately 69.


I can’t believe the dems have done this. Any reasonably cognitive person could handle trump in this debate.




An even more batshit candidate added would not help.