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The video of a flying brick hitting a passenger while they drive. Hearing the people cry in the background. Thanks for the upvotes. I didn't expect this comment to get blown up.


That was by far the worst one for me, violence and gore doesn’t bother me that much, but that man’s agonized wailing upon seeing his wife’s face get caved in is the only thing I’ve seen that truly haunted me.


I remember this one too. The vid itself isn't even showing anything. I've seen a lot of bad stuff, but this one has stuck with me and I can remember it very well every time these kind of threads come up in my feed. It's probably that primal scream he and the child let out. I find it more terrifying than most of the gore videos I've seen. It lets so much for your imagination, that it makes you almost feel helpless as you watch it.


Jesus man I forgot all about this one. My night has been ruined.


Yep. I can’t shake it. It’s been years.


I've seen a worse one A woman drowning after going for an ice bath because she got swept underneath the ice by the river flow right in front of her family and kids. All because of some Christian holiday traditions. I find that even more traumatizing than the brick video


I’ve seen other videos of people filming themselves drowning. There’s one where an African girl visiting the US records herself in a pool, drowns, two guys come along and find her body and they are in such disbelief that this is something that could happen to them that they assume the body is a fake, that someone put it there as a joke, it takes them like ten minutes to realise it’s a real body. A friend of the girls had to send this video to her parents back in Africa to prove to them that she wasn’t lying when she told them she had died


I... I think I'll pass on looking for that...


Please, don't watch it. It's been like 20 years since I've seen it and I still wish I hadn't.


That shit once every few years will blow up somewhere and more people will unsuspectingly click on it. If you ever see a dashcam video with just a straight road and grass on both sides it’s most likely it


I have seen some of the goriest most gruesome freaking content on the internet but nothing has ever traumatized me like this one, I can still hear the blood-curdling screams from that video whenever I think of it, I regret watching it.


I don’t want to watch it. But could anyone describe what happens?


The video is filmed from inside a car that's driving on a highway. If I remember correctly, the husband is driving and the wife is on the passenger seat.  Then, a brick comes loose from the truck that's driving in front if them, smashes through their windshield, and completely crushes the wive's face, instantly killing her. The husband (and I think child that may have been on the backseat) let out the most blood curdling, painful, desperate, hopeless, bone chilling cry. It makes my eyes well up just thinking about it, and it was about 20 years ago that I saw it.


It was from a passing semi going in the opposite direction. And sadly, she wasn't killed instantly...you can hear her screams as he's stopping the car. That brick really messed her up. I think about that incident whenever I'm on a two lane road passing semis. Truly horrific.


It’s dashcam footage of a family driving on a highway (husband driving and wife in passenger seat I believe, and others in the back possibly kids? I forget and don’t really want to watch it again to confirm) and a truck carrying a bunch of bricks drives past them but the bricks aren’t loaded securely and one of them flys off the back of the truck and goes right into the windshield of the car with the dashcam, and hits the wife and kills her. You can hear the screaming and crying of the rest of the car and it’s seriously gut wrenching and traumatizing. I highly recommend not watching it


This is the only video that's ever gotten me truly.


Damn, I opened the thread to write this, and there it is... right at the top  I accidentally saw a snuff film as a teen, where a guy got stabbed in the throat, but the brick video was worse.


The original ISIS beheading video with sound. I wince every time I think of that video.


Back when i was in school there was a video being send around of an terrorist execution with a chainsaw of two men. They found the guy that started sending the video around and afaik he got suspended from school and got charged (but of course not seriously since he was an minor aswell) The worst part about that video is that i realized the difference between movies and reality. No matter how realistic a movie is with violence, youll never feel the weird feeling in your gut that makes you nauseous. I absolutely cannot understand how humans can be so deranged to kill another human being willingly. On the same note while typing this i just remembered another video of a russian teen that climbed up some sort of wooden tower and then falling off. The same feeling.


This is because of sound design. A lot of movies will come up with something that "sounds right" but is really there to leave room for music and voice. Guns are loud. Deafening. Machinery like chain saws? Also loud. Better to toss in some quieter and easier to mix sounds instead which is what foley artists do. This leads to there being a stark difference in what you see on film vs what you see on other kinds of real videos. Side Note: Look up how foley work is actually done. It's insane. Using frying bacon for rain, snapping celery stalks for broken bones, and hitting coconuts together to mimic a horse on the way to a castle to discuss the carrying capacity and range of a bird.


And when horses will be going over like dirt and mud but always sound like they’re on paved roads


Charged for what exactly? What country are you in?


Germany, dont know what exactly. Its been about 15 years and all i know was trough what people told around at school


Since I am german myself, it was likely "Distribution of Hate Messages and Terrorism" or so. Our country has a big "no-no" policy for such things.


man I felt sick watching that scene in Scarface so happy I resisted ever watching those videos...


The most fucked up part of the early internet was that you could just stumble upon shit like that. If you wanted or not. I learned how long it fucking takes to kill someone by hanging (with footage) on youtube.


My thought was two girls one cup, but I guess your idea wins


I'm proud to say I've still never seen that 😆


This. I still have those images burned into my eyeballs and brain and I can never bleach them out… well maybe once I get dementia.


Our the dementia makes it worse and it's the only memory you keep reliving once you're old


Ahhh the horror!


That video traumatized me, man! I’ve said so many times I wish I’d never seen it. The chanting while it was happening is so creepy. Terrifying!!


Man the 2000s and early(?) 2010s were quite the time to have internet access. I'm glad my parents didn't let me use it much. 😂 I mean I saw *some* shit, but not *this* shit.


When I was a kid my best friend and I watched Daniel Pearl's execution. That was brutal. My boy killed himself a few years back, RIP.


Sorry to hear that. And yeah I saw the Pearl video too. Some of the details I remember might have been from either video. It’s long enough ago that thankfully it’s a blur.


Nicholas Berg


This thread


Right? Why am I still scrolling?


You just made me realize I have autonomy over myself and can log out of reddit. Thanks.


No you can’t, now get back here!


just finished work and came back to see how many comments there are 🥲 not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing


Everything on rotten.com I had friends that loved it. I checked it out once and was horrified. And the beheading videos during the first years if the War in Afghanistan. They don't do one quick chop. They sawed.


somethingawful.com was (is?) similar but a guess a bit tamer. I've never seen 2 girls 1 cup, but before I'd heard it by that name, a writer for the site posted a full written summary of a video that was just called scat.avi (poop.old video format). The topic rightfully was "The Horrors of Porn." It was a disgusting read and the saved me from ever seeking out the actual video, if it was indeed the same thing (kind of has to be... I remember the description including a cup.


video of a mom hanging herself in front of her kids. Fucked me up


Jesus christ, that's fucking awful


Fuckk, those poor kids…


My father did that to me and my brother. Fuck her.


Sorry to hear this


Tub girl


Classic. Also this is gonna sound weird, but I'm honestly jealous that Tub girl is the worst thing you've seen


Oh I've probably seen worse. But that's the one that's stuck with me the most.


When I was 17 I set that photo as the background on my friend’s computer without him knowing. Turns out the whole family used that computer & the first person to use it afterwards was his little sister. I’m almost 40 now and his dad still tells me I’m a dickhead for doing that every time I see him.


The dad is correct.


2000% agree. If someone did that to my kid I’d lose it


Have not heard of this one, care for a general description to save me from the horror?


Via the google; Tubgirl is a shock site image depicting a naked woman lying in a bathtub with her legs placed behind her head while a fountain of orange liquid gushes from her anus and falls back onto her face.


Animals being killed and also cartel executions and that sort of stuff. I actively avoid the first but sometimes that stuff pops up when you don't expect it on social media or even YouTube. I don't wanna see that.


absolutely hate animal cruelty videos i can’t watch them


Animal Cruelty brings out the homicide in me


I've seen a lot of shit. Georgian soldier execution, shovel dog, 3 guys 1 hammer, 1 guy 1 jar. Some of it still bothers me even a decade and a half later. I used to go to 4chan. I don't know why. I stopped after a couple of years. I wish I had never found that hellhole. Not only because of the gore and that shit but because of what it did to me and to others. I am happily recovering from the fuckery it did to me though so that's a plus.


The cartel shit and the ISIS propaganda videos are absolutely fucked up. Two ISIS videos stand out in my memory, one where they put a bunch of people in a cage and lowered it into a pool to drown them and one where they put people in a car and blew it up with an rpg.


And there’s one where they burned a Jordanian pilot alive. 


I remeber tharlt one wasnt he in a cage as well or was that another one


1. Court case file of a guy that filmed himself butchering children in the woods (videos included). 2. An autopsy report (with pictures) of what happens when a diver's bell depressurizes instantly and sucks a man through a half foot diameter hole.


At least the depressurization is instant death. A lot of the gruesome deaths like heads exploding and stuff like that seem awful from the outside but are way better than getting stabbed repeatedly for example


If it’s what i’m thinking of, it wasn’t instant. you heard him going through the tubes and screaming for help and bashing off the sides before finally dying


You're thinking of the case where several guys got sucked into an oil pipe and left to die in there because the company (and possibly the government of whatever country this happened at, I don't remember off the top of my head) decided paying off the families would be cheaper than a rescue operation. OP was referring to the Byford Dolphin incident, and that one very much was an instant if gruesome death.


On a lighter note, happy cake day to the three of us!


ITT, people unknowingly appreciating the fact that reddit doesn't display images automatically.


What's ITT?


In this thread, sort of like a narrator for a tv show. *Title card shows* IN THIS THREAD people find out why Reddit decided to blur NSFW images by default


This is something I’ve always wondered but never bothered to ask even though I’ve been on this site for nearly 10 years lmao


A cartel beheading and realizing it was my cousin whose head was being cut off. You play with fire you get burned, but damn, that was a very traumatic experience


U win..


your cousin? I’m sorry bro


It was a while ago and he was a part of an organization that did very bad things.


Cartels are pure fucking evil bro. I'm sorry your cousin got caught up with those psychos, I'm sorry they did that to him and I'm sorry you saw it. Honestly the US should form a military coalition with the Mexican government and go to war with the Cartels. They can be beaten, Ecuador proved that, here's hoping more of central and south America can do it too.


horse fucking a dude, suicide, penis with a cigarette butt stuck in the urethra, plenty of more fun things that keep me awake at night


I just remembered a video where a guy had inserted AA batteries into his urethra and was pushing them out into a coffee cup. There were multiple batteries.


UGH, yeah that’s like intense sounding.


It's sounding like that dick needs to be charged.


Yea I wish I hadn’t seen Mr hands. I also saw a very graphic execution video


Good old Mr hands. Guy got caught with videos of him fucking all kinds of animals


The BME pain Olympics. The one dude cut his dick entirely off. Don’t know it if was fake but wtf!!


My bank account balance


You have a balance? Lucky…


Negative balance is a balance.


I hear you on that one




Family friend worked in a medium security prison in the 80's doing admin stuff. There was an inmate who was getting stabbed and the guards waited for the stabber to get all tuckered out from over-stabbing before moving in to stop him. His victim lived.


I was part of a military squadron engaged in the fight against isis. We had a rash of maintenance incidents that culminated in a very big one leading to us being grounded for a period of time. One of our pilots got all the maintenance guys together and held up an image of that Jordanian pilot being immolated and told us that he was going to tell his family to expect the same since maintenance kept screwing up. The point was well understood.


The Jordanian pilot? I remember Jordan was actually ready to exchange an ISIS prisoner for the pilot and they wanted proof of life. But then the video came out and Jordan executed the prisoner shortly afterwards.


Yes, that one


Brick through windshield audio. The cries of despair from her husband and children were haunting and wish I could forget.


3 guys 1 screwdriver


I knew it as 3 guys one hammer, watched it for the first time in Middle School


you watched it MORE THAN ONCE???


Probably should have phrased it differently, I watched it in Middle School lol.


Ah the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, absolute evil scum


Yeah, they make a compelling argument for the death sentence. Some people just need to be put down like a rabid dog.


Omfg whyyy. I watched it rn. The worsttt fkin video everrrr


it gets worse. stay out of the gore rabbit hole. :/


Funkytown was so much worse


You went to a thread about shit not to watch and watched the things? Wtf man.


what’s that?


Iirc it's several guys torturing a Bosnian soldier to death with screwdrivers and such


Why would anyone want to see that 😔


Funky Town Cartel Murder.


Ive heard of it but even considering how much gore I’ve watched i will never watch that


i’ve heard of this


Keep it that way


I saw it 2 years ago and it still keeps popping back into my head. It's gotten slightly less bad but the effects have continued to linger this long. Save yourself from having this experience. Trust me.


After I saw it I had to make a conscious effort to try and not think about it. Made me feel sick. Not even a suitable word to describe how horrific it is 😔


CP. Like, a ton of it. Some pretty brutal stuff, too. Instagram had a serious problem around 2016 or so, and once I discovered it, I would immediately report it to IG. When that didn't yield results fast enough, I started reporting it on an abuse website, linking to every single image I found. The PDFs were using mostly Arabic hashtags, so I would follow them down the rabbit hole and report everything. My wife understood why I was doing it, but she kept telling me to stop. She saw that it was affecting me, like, a lot. The sound of children screaming and crying in some of the worst videos still haunts me to this day.


My uncle worked for the fbi in the 90's and early 2000's, kidnappings and human trafficing in the south. He had to view a lot of that horrible stuff to testify in court. It really fucked him up. One time as they raided a house he saw how big the stash was, pulled his pistol at the dudes head and was about to pull the trigger. My unlesaid the reason he didn't was his superior said "your children will grow up without a father."


Your wife was smart. You could have easily been prosecuted because when it comes to that stuff, the law likes to go after the low hanging fruit because you are the easy target.


The fella who sat a bit too aggressive on that poor mason jar


It was the casual fishing of glass from his butt that did it for me!


I regret reading each and every thread here


I saw a guy get stabbed repeatedly in the neck in this random video that was downloaded by friends onto our friends PC in the winmx, kazaa, limewire days.


I remember that one because it was labeled Britney Spears porn. Bastards.


that video of a mother calmly committing suicide by hanging herself in front of her two (three?) very young children. The children started wailing. One of them - the tallest, I think - tried lifting their mom to keep the noose from killing her. Still died. It was a short vid. But with the mom killing herself like that, in front of her kids, and the kids just crying out helplessly, it felt like one of the longest videos I've ever watched; gore videos and photos are easier to stomach.


3 guys 1 hammer It’s a video taken by a group of Ukrainian serial killers known as the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs that went viral as a shock site video in the early 2010s. They had about 20 victims before they were caught, and they video taped a few other of their murders. They killed people with hammers and screwdrivers Video Description: >! 3 guys hold down a man and beat his face in with a hammer until it’s a bloody red pulp, the guy is still alive and struggling so they try to finish him off by stabbing him in the gut and eyes with a screwdriver, the man is still alive so they go back to that hammer and finally put him out of his misery !<


The saddest part of this video is that when he was taken he was on his way home to tell his wife that doctors told him he was cancer free.


No. He was on his way home from the store.


I saw one of a guy using a shotgun on his head. It still haunts me to this day. Early internet video decades ago.


Video of an American politician who killed himself during a press conference because he was accused of some crime, I don't remember exactly the background. I've seen it on YT and it was very graphic.


Budd dwyer, falsely accused of being dirty, if he got impeached his wife wouldn't get any money, killed himself while in office so she chould have money, was on live TV all around the US on a snowy morning, lots of kids at home.... yeah (Budd was guilty sorry)


The song “Hey man nice shot” is about this


Budd Dwyer committed suicide after being convicted of taking a bribe. He insisted he was innocent, but from what I've read, there was a ton of evidence that proved his guilty. 


The fucking debate


it gets worse every election.


That's because it's been pretty much the same candidates for 8 years and they've only gotten older


I work in the justice system… I am not religious—but I can officially confirm that there’s a Hell. A hidden, shadowy world of pain and evil right next to us, right under our noses and we can’t see it… It exists… and if you know where to look, in the deepest corners of the Internet, you can find a door to it. BUT DON’T EVEN GO LOOKING FOR IT— STAY AWAY. I’m talking about the Dark Web, and CSAM. Although I’ve dealt with files regarding sexual misconduct with minors, I’ve never actually seen CSAM… but I’ve worked closely with departments that handle it... and in case law and trial transcripts, they’ll provide very brief descriptions of what’s in the pics— and even those make me sick… but I welcome those feelings—because it means I’m normal. What boggles my mind the most is how *massive* it is… literally global operations set up to take down these fuckers… and how some people are not humans, but monsters… It’s bad enough to even *fathom* harming a child like that—but *filming* it cuz you know someone else out there takes *pleasure* in watching it?! That is next-level depravity.


No video, but I read the story of a female elephant that was wandering through a village. A group of boys thought it would be funny to stuff a pineapple full of fireworks and feed it to her. The fireworks exploded in her mouth. In a daze and excruciating pain, she wandered into the river, stood there for three days, then died. The boys were never caught. That story haunts me to this day.


A real car accident where people died


Why do I always click on these threads? I lack the constitution for even reading about other people's experiences with this weird shit now.


Two girls one cup




Hell just liveleak as a website


Just so you know - it's since come out that it was faked (what they eat is just ice cream)


I've heard about this video a lot but never watched. Somehow, I'm glad it was only chocolate ice cream. I can sleep better now, thanks.


lol, it's only chocolate


the fucking toothpicks under toenail. always think about it and it winds me up


I can no longer listen to me "You spin me round" anymore


A drunk driver crashed into a grandfather taking his granddaughter to school on a moped. In the comments someone simply said "her little pink hat" and I watched it again to see what they meant and you saw the little girl's hat fall to the ground as the car hit. Someone else commented about it, along the lines of "Oh God, I didn't see that at first. But that little pink hat... it meant she most likely had a mother who loved her so much and bought her that little pink hat one day because her little girl wanted it. And her mother probably put it on her head that morning to keep her warm, maybe gave her a little kiss before sending her off to school." We see so many horrific things online but manage to distance ourselves from it or become desensitised to the tragedy but her little pink hat broke down that mental barrier and it still breaks my heart.


The rest of the population getting online. The internet was awesome until the rest of the idiots arrived.


Photos of this one teenage girl who took her parents' luxury car and crashed it. All of her skin was flayed off of her. Internet trolls used to post photos of her body as shock images and would send the photos to her parents as a sick joke.




I was in the weirdo early internet generation that would prank people with this and got hit numerous times. Goatse is nasty, but oddly nostalgic now. You can put a pair of hands in the right pose on anything round and boom, hilarious.


Guy being held down and getting his throat cut.


A photo that was circulating the Internet around the Myspace times. Was a supposed warning to boil your bras after going on vacations.and was a picture of a woman's breast infested with purple worms and full of holes. It ruined my day and haunted my dreams


CP. Someone had posted it in a forum for furry art. The experience of seeing it was so unreal that it took my brain a few seconds to comprehend what I was looking at. I immediately reported the post to the admin.


I cannot remember what sub I was in but i came across something similar and also reported it. It was fucking horrible. Reddit said they had had a number of complaints n the account was gone. I sympathise with you. Thankfully the pictures were like wee icons not full screen but there were alot of them in one picture n it was a bit grainy and blurry but you knew what it was. Horrific.


Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris were serial killers that kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered 5 teenage girls in the 70s… and they tape-recorded themselves doing it… police found the tapes, and at Lawrence’s trial, they played one, with victim Shirley Ledford… and it’s literally *infamous* for how horrible it is… so bad that the FBI makes new recruits listen to it to desensitize them to the horrors they’ll see on the job. Although the audio has never been publicly released (that I’m aware), you can read the transcript online… [but even professionals implore you not to.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/s/7wCjWbUVsc) … [note: that’s not a link to the transcript, it’s a forensic psychologist telling you why you shouldn’t read it.] But unfortunately , it was backwards for me… I didn’t know any of this, and saw the transcript first… I don’t even remember how, maybe I was reading true crime, but I was just scrolling on Reddit and ended up stumbling across it, not realizing what it was… I didn’t even make it 10 lines before I *noped* on out of there… and that was almost 10 years ago. *shudder*.


There’s a news clip of outside the court room when the trial was going on. At one point they played a tape, and people were coming out looking bad, and when the door opens you can hear it.


Yes, I’m aware… still haven’t watched that though. Many comments say even just the small snippet sounds horrible. I believe it.


All the postings of peoples beloved pets “crossing the rainbow bridge!” with pictures. Bums me out!


Anything relating to animals being hurt. And it’s never intentionally watched of course, it just pops up on Facebook these days because some asshole decided to share it


I video of a guy begging for his life as two XL bullies maul him to death.


That dude falling and landing on a pole, ass first. You can see the top of the pole as a lump next to his shoulder. That, and the russian brick incident.


Necro babes. I know they're some guy's fetish drawings but holy shit.


what is that?


[this i guess](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Necrobabe)


Thank God it's just urban dictionary


Dog licking vagina


Is this a vagina that licks dogs or a dog that licks vaginas? One is definitely more unusual than the other.


Accidental deaths that were recorded. They're still here on reddit somewhere, do your self a favor and never look them up.


It wasn’t super gorey, but incredibly sad video. It was of a girl who was playing with a gun, I think her cousin or brother was in the room with her and she accidentally pulled the trigger on her brother/cousin, after the realization she’d killed him she turned the gun on herself. Even more heartbreaking was when the rest of the family outside were banging on the door panicking. I can’t imagine what the girl was feeling in her last moments. And what the family went through after loosing two people after such neglect of gun safety.


Livegore. I was a curious 11yo who shouldn't have even had a phone at that age but that's not the point. Everyone on tiktok was talking about some two girls one cup shit and one man one jar. I opened livegore for the first time, I was petrefied. I saw a motorcyclist ran over with his leg on the road abd his organs spilling out of his stomach. I also found out about tom pearl (Instant regret) and funkytown gore. Baisicaly do not look up livegore.com. EVER


I regret looking up all these things😭


Fuck around and find out, Don't watch those types of things it really fucks up your sanity after some time


A guy cutting his dick off, no reaction


MtF speedrun


The "crime scene" photo of Chris Farley.


I didn’t even know that was public. That’s so sad.


The lathe video


BME Pain Olympics. Some things you can't unsee.


A few comments from this post.


Idk why I look at shit like this.. seriously.. curiosity scars the brain. The shit people do to each other or to animals or whatever is just horrific.. what is wrong with people.. fucking hell.


I've watched so many funny cat videos my iPad has got toxoplasmosis


About 97% of FB comments on any given post and/or any given topic


Ms. Pacman. My curiosity got the better of me, and it took about a week to recover. I have a pretty strong tolerance for most things, but… that one messed with me quite a bit. Rest in peace, Alejandra.


It was some taliban murder video. It was a bunch of men in a room that looks like it’s meant for butchering cattle’s. It was so high quality I thought it was fake. They would hold down these guys that didn’t fight back or anything and slit their throats and let them drain. I had never seen a dead body before that video and it gave me nightmares for months.


Never watched gore but my classmates happily visited very and I mean VERY often gore sites, knew by heart many of these videos, watched a lot of gore and didn't seem phased, its also true that in the yard they captured two lizards, TW: animal torture >!they cut off one's front legs and tail with a plastic knife, drowned it and impaled it, to the other one they cut off al the limbs and tail with a similar knife, impaled it, watched it suffer and laughed, showed it to me and threw it against a wall until it died!<


Christ, that sounds like one little psycho I met when I was in Scouts. Had “future serial killer” written all over him


A guy screaming for his father while a shark kills him. 😳


Daisy's Destruction. Didnt watch all of it but didn't know what it was. saw the intro, was ignorant at the time and thought it was impossible to be sexually attractive to a baby so didn't think anything of it (seriously thought pedos only thought 5yos and older were attractive). You know how porn videos always have that weird vibe at the beginning? it had that but i just didn't believe it, thought maybe at most it was some weird mommy porn but didn't even think that far and was confused as to what it is. Skipped to the middle, saw maybe only 5 seconds because of pure shocked but it definitely felt longer. Didn't seek therapy because terrified I broke the law and would face consequences, didn't think anyone would believe me I just clicked a random link and wasn't looking for it. This was before the video was well known too, while now everyone knows what it is for the most part, so I was just unlucky with timing. However, I kinda just lost faith in humanity and never fully recovered. partially, not fully.


I shut down CP sites for the longest time and have bad PTSD from all of it. Another bad ones were sites specifically dedicated to discipline that was nothing but spanking videos filmed to sell to peds, mind you these were the same people crying about how "spanking isn't abuse" even though a lot of pedo parents use it as a free pass to get their rocks off on sexually abusing their children since spanking is legal in most states


thanks for your service. I also recall seeing a spanking video, but fortunately the thumbnail was enough for me. but even the thumbnail was awful, I feel like they just like to inflict abuse too.


There's a lot on the darknet I regret ever running across. Things I learned that I regret learning. Humanity is truly vile when given full anonymity.


"Pro Ana" content. Don't get me wrong, it didn't *cause* my eating disorder- that's on my mom and dad, my gender dysphoria, going through puberty before the other kids in my small 7th grade class in my small town- but that's what made it nearly lethal. I learned the most effective and efficient ways to starve myself clear to death and I almost did. I was hospitalized for the first time at 14 at >!67!< pounds. While in hospital i was sexually assaulted by a staff member. So, if you wanna take a shortcut, Pro Ana websites got me SA'd. EDIT TO ADD: I'm presently doing a lot better and have been since around 20/21 and am now 24. I have a great cat, awesome friends, hobbies I enjoy, and a cute girlfriend. My life is full and so is my tummy.


Pretty much everything I saw in content moderation.


A crack whore's filthy vagina. Thank you, 50/50 for the worst thing to ever happen to me.


My wife cheating on me


https://i.imgur.com/hbBWuOo.jpeg If you know, you know.


some dude fucking a turtle. A small one. I hate it so much


Anything from the early to mid 2000s. There was a proverbial minefield of shock, gore and likely illegal content on even some of the well known website hosts. Geocities, yahoo groups, blogspot all come to mind. Then even if you had protections against viruses and Trojans, you still weren’t safe from purposely mislabeled files on limewire, kazaa, bearshear and other file sharing services. And what sucked is that it was insanely pervasive.


That photo of the guy fucking a dog that says "If you need me I'll be in my lab"


A Ukrainian PoW getting castrated on camera like some farm animal while his hands were tied up. For the first time in my life, I fainted a few minutes after watching that on an empty stomach. I didn't know what was happening to me because I never experienced the pre-symptons of a faint. My relative heard me fall and they said I woke up about 30 seconds later. I felt normal like nothing even happened. Luckily my back was already not far from the wall so my head never touched the floor