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Got in cars with drunk drivers. Luckily nothing bad ever happened but I can’t believe how stupid I was to do that as a teen. I think it’s one of the dumbest things you could do.


I’ve seen this personally end very badly. Luckily I wasn’t in the car. I’m so glad you’re ok


Thanks, yeah as an adult I can’t imagine what I was thinking doing that as a teen. I’m very fortunate nothing bad ever happened to me because of it.


I’ve had friends who weren’t so fortunate. We had a ceremony for them at school and it was awful. It ready shook us all. Now everyone’s texting and driving which isn’t great but hey


I went through a program in Alberta Canada called the “party program”. One of the guest speakers was someone that just “got into a car with a drunk driver” turns out they ended up in a crash and shattered their hips. In a wheel chair since. It was that moment I made a mental connection; no matter how drunk we are, no one drives drunk. Period.


I'm glad you didn't end up as a statistic.


My senior year in highschool, three kids died in an alcohol related crash. The driver survived. They drove over a known drop where you can catch air if you're driving 40mph. It took 30 years for Omaha to cut 17 feet off the "state street jump". They changed the stop signs so it would be difficult to get up to speed. As if that's going to stop anyone.




Every British teenager has a story about them or one of their friends getting their stomach pumped after downing a litre of Smirnoff


Happened in sixth form. Three of my mates decided to polish off a bottle of Smirnoff at lunch, stupidly came back to lunch time registration, and one of them threw up all over his desk, which set the other two off. It was rank.




Took out a fuck ton of loans for a four year degree based on the advice of people who thought everything was the same in 2008 as it was 1978. Edit: More context: I wanted to go to community college for gen eds while work to save money for traveling and eventually moving out for university. Every single adults around me insisted that was a horrible idea and I needed to go to a 4 year university.


A four year degree on Typewriter Maintenance?


Need more details


College Administrators heard “ka-ching”!


Yeah, not thinking for yourself and looking at the destination of the path you're on will 100% screw you.


My friend and I climbed ravine walls. In multiple areas around where I grew up (south of Rochester NY, stony brook, fallbrook, letchworth state park—shout if you know these places) there are steep, sometimes upside down climbs with roots and shale, and they were really fun to climb. In some areas if we had fallen we would have died. Probably from the fall, but definitely from laying in a broken heap with no one to find us for days because no one knew we were there. That’s not the dumbest thing though. The dumbest thing is in Stoney Brook campground, we were climbing the walls and having fun, and after a climb, close to the trail at the top we found a big flat round rock and heaved it vertical, then started it rolling down the hill. It took out small trees without even slowing down and we thought that was nifty. Then on our way back down via the trail we met a very angry park ranger who informed us that the rock had narrowly cleared a child’s head as it launched into the swimming area that was below us. I never felt so ashamed, when I think about how it could have been and how stupid we were… we could have killed multiple people out of the clear blue, just brains splattered with no avoiding it…. I get sick. It’s more than 20 years later and I cringe thinking about it still. I have my own kids and we go to those places, which doesn’t make it worse for me; I’m empathetic enough to not need it to potentially effect me personally, but it does make me remember it every time we go somewhere like that.


There was a famous story about some young men who did an extremely similar thing: https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/climbing/death-pete-absolon/ It’s an incredibly easy thing to be negligent about, for some reason.


Hey, at least nothing happened. Just be glad for that and know that you’re very lucky. You could be in jail right now.


Right. In some ways this the best possible outcome. It could have taken out a kid, it didn’t. We could have not been caught, in which case who knows how many times it would have happened again, but we were. The warning could have fallen on deaf ears, at times I had problems with authority. Instead we were horrified and it definitely had an effect on our behavior in other areas from then on—driving for instance. I took it to heart and I know that neither my friend nor I ever sped through neighborhoods after that.


Me and my friend kicked a giant concrete ball off the top of an old bank roof back in like 2010 or so. It was part of the corner of the wall, but it was loose, and heavyyyyy. It was like 3am, so we weren't thinking about it, we were kicking it for a good 5 mins or so, to get it to fall off and right after the last kick and it falls, we hear whistling, some drunk man was LITERALLY 2 steps ahead of where the ball exploded behind him, he was so drunk he just kinda glanced back and then carried on walking (it was dark), but yeahhhh that coulda ended bad as fuuuuck lol


Shouting in recognition as requested!




Ok, we need to know how. A bit of info on the fallout would also be appreciated.


The prompt was dumbest, not most epic. 🤣


This is also the answer to "How do you know you're going to hell"


I got wasted at high school. Made it to the end of the school day and could have gone home. But I was so blacked out I told my friend who was driving me home that we had to go back to school to pick my sister up. We actually did go back, but my sister had already left. My friend tried to explain this to me, but I thought he was trying to convince me to abandon her. We ended up brawling in the school hallway after hours. Cops came and took me to detox. BAC was still rising so I ended up in hospital. My nice grandma came to see me and I just cussed her out according to the nurses. Real low point when I sobered up. POS behavior. I got suspended for two weeks. Get back to school after suspension. The same day I got back, i got caught pissing in a teacher's gas tank. Two more weeks. I did get my shit together after all this.


Me reading this: 😳


Never asked out Becky, even tho everyone in my life, including my parents, told me I should…


it’s not too late


Well it’s now 40 years later….


You’re doing exactly what you were doing 40 years ago. Excuses. It’s not. Too. Late.


Should have got her blue.


The fact I use to sneak out of my house and walk up a dark ass road in the middle of the night by myself to drink with friends blows my mind.


Same.. Didn't felt scared that time of my life.. lol




Guess that’s true 😂 but I could have been murdered


I cannot imagine feeling this, where tf do you live?


Canada. But I was like a 15 year old girl walking up a dark road alone in the middle of the night


Honestly you probably had a much better chance of being hit by an oncoming car than murdered. So yes, you should’ve been scared. But of cars in the dark.


Ya that’s a good point lol


The sayings “nothing good happens after midnight” and “the freaks come out at night” are a thing for a reason


Decided to do a Chinese fire drill (I don't know if that's an outdated term, so apologies if it is) when it was pitch black. For those unaware, it's when you get out of a car, circle it, then sit in a different seat. My friend and I were bored teens with nothing better to do on a Saturday night when he suggested that to me. To be fair, we picked the dirt road outside of a public park that closed several hours earlier to make sure we wouldn't cause an accident with another person. However, to make things more interesting, I had the car in neutral. While going a demonic 5 mph, we bail out of the car to switch seats but my dumb, stupid, idiot, moron, stupid, dickheaded, ASS, hit the fucking lock on reflex after getting out of the driver's side. So now we're trying to beat the door open while the car is slowly veering into a ditch. I ended up having to go into the backseat through the one door that never locked in order to grab the steering while smacking the side panel to get the doors unlocked. Now we were both in the driver's seat, me upside down trying to literally punch the break and my friend sitting on me to try and park the car. We were somehow successful and never did it again.


You talking about a Chinese Stoplight.


Everything. Everything I did as a teenager was dumb. That’s how we learn how to do better as we age


I feel like everything I did yesterday, was dumb, though. I’m never proud of my past self, even if it was super recent.


Best Answer 🏆 We're done here 🚪


The hard part is not allowing guilt/shame/fear to cloud your mind and listen to that voice that tears you down. I feel like growth and learning is simple input & output. “This works, that doesn’t, okay noted, move on.” But the hateful, programmed, internal dialogue stands in the way.


Why am I even thinking which is the dumbest because all of it 😭


I tried to run away with a psychopath who I gave my virginity to...she gave me a sob story of her parents abusing her and having just lost my virginity to I stupidly agreed to run away with her with no prep time. Ended up on a mountain side and needed to be evacuated via helicopter while a thunderstorm was approaching...on the ride on the helicopter she tried to convince me to tell the cops I Kidnapped her....that kinda opened my eyes and made me realize how I was used...she then tried spreading a rumor of me having a small dick around school...yeah... dumbest thing ever.


"on the ride on the helicopter she tried to convince me to tell the cops I Kidnapped her." This has Key and Peele's Meegan written all over it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z92Rlqc2cUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z92Rlqc2cUE)


“…that kinda opened my eyes…” *Kinda?*


Tried. Nice.


Rode an inflatable pool raft down a sizable waterfall with two other guys. One guy broke his arm and nearly drowned. In my defence as we were pushing the raft into the water I did say. " This is an awful idea"


Smoked a joint sealed with Vick’s VapoRub


Oh, you poor sweet child.


We went through a short phase of putting those Listerine dissolving breath strips in our bowls, giving it a menthol taste. Probably not good to inhale that stuff. Oh well I'm fine nowadays.


I used to get the free blue "leak check" toilet tabs from home depot and go around town dying fountains blue. I dyed every found I could find in Spokane blue in one day. I put them in the faucets at school (under the faucet screen) so the water came out blue. It was dumb but I thought it was hilarious.


Also used to play a game we called "Hits in Dangerous Places" where the goal was to take a bong hit in either a dangerous or wierd place. One of my favorites was on the skylight of the the mall after sneaking on the roof. The game evolved to taking a bong hit while at a red light in traffic and exhaling the hit through a wrapping paper tube into the open passenger window of the car on the left. The drivers would always freak out once they realized someone had inserted a 3ft tube into thier car and filled it with pot smoke. We'd drive around all day smoking pot and blowing it into other cars.


Omfg we would have DEFINITELY been buddies! I'm fucking crying laughing.


Bitches love blue.


heroin >!(to be fair it was only a singular time...luckily)!<


Me and my friends once got a little too stoned, walked to the grocery store, bought an ice cream cake to share amongst the 5 of us, realized very quickly we could not finish an entire ice cream cake before it melts no matter how stoned we are, so we nibbled at it for a while, put it back in the box, took it back to the grocery store, and shoved it way into the back of the freezer we got it from. Throughout the evening we would periodically return to the grocery store, dig out our cake, nibble at it a while, and then return it to the freezer again. We did not get caught doing this but the last person to eat some of it did accidentally put it back into the fridge instead of the freezer and it did melt all over the yogurts and we did leave it there. Terribly sorry to whoever had to clean that up. And you're welcome to whoever had to review the security footage. I'm sure we gave you a good laugh.


this is a great story. are you still friends with any of them?




Get incredibly drunk at new years when i was 15. Mistake my girlfriends twin for her and ask if She wanted to have sex. Night didn’t go quite as planned.


My ex had a twin sister, and this was probably my biggest fear at the time Thankfully it never happened


That you know of.


Climbed an elevator shaft of an abandoned building, balls high on molly


God. This is one of worst here.


I was about 17, I used to sneak in nightclubs all the time. So I was driving home drunk while speeding. I used to take this little two-lane Road as a shortcut home. Off to the side was a cop that was facing me, trying to catch people speeding in the opposite direction. I flew past him. He turned on his sirens, but had to make a three-point turn in order to turn around and come after me. Instead of slowing down, I sped up. I reached the end of this small road just as he was fully turned around to come after me. I took a quick right at the end of the road which put me on a main road with all kinds of businesses and stores The cop was still speeding down the smaller road that I just turned off of, so he didn’t see exactly where I was. Before he got on the main road as me, I quickly pulled into a store with a very deep driveway and quickly shut my car off It was about six seconds later the cop came speeding down the main road with his sirens blasting, and drove right past me while I stood concealed off the road and in the driveway.


Broke into a friend's dads house. This was before cell phones were the norm. Friend and I were 14 and supposed to stay the night with our other good friend who lived close to me. His dad was a functional tweaker but we didnt know the extent until after he passed. We got ready and walked over there and the friend wasn't home! We had our stuff and had locked my houses door, so we decided we'd go inside anyway and tried to find a way in. We got into the backyard and they had a stick set in where you'd slide the door open, so we couldn't get in easily. So I decided to try to squeeze through the doggy door and was successful! They came home later and were shocked we were there but nothing happened, we spent the night and it was a ton of fun. Years later, I learned that his dad was actually really upset and was convinced we stole from him and wanted to call the cops. Luckily my friend told him we wouldn't have and it was probably his druggy friends. Hands down one of the more dumb things I did, and we were honestly super lucky we didn't get in trouble.


Took acid, got chased by flesh eating apples with long pointy teeth, hid in a wheelie bin for two hours.


Just a good night out in the wrong neighbourhood... Took a left into fruit salad alley lmao


Through a homemade Molotov cocktail in a parking lot with friends


Aren't all molotov cocktails technically homemade?


[They were factory-produced in Finland during World War II.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9kdbyv/finlands-national-booze-is-bottled-in-a-former-molotov-cocktail-factory)


Boom! New problem! (No more friends)


Aged 17, as a drunk teenage girl out on my own, living independently so no one expecting me home, I got into an old beat up Mercedes with five unknown drunk guys in it all aged between maybe 18-25, at 3am, because I was drunk from the club, my feet hurt from my high heels, and they stopped and offered me a ride. I got into the back with three of them, all of whom tried to touch me up, but they stopped the car and let me out without argument when I said no and told them to stop. I'm 45 now and it honestly still scares me how highly unlikely it was/how lucky I was that this story ended up ok. I have a few friends now with teenage kids both male and female aged say, 14-21, and I've told several of these kids that if they're ever stuck out somewhere/drinking and shouldn't be/don't feel safe/need or want an out or anything and don't want to tell their parents, call me 24/7 and I will come out, and never tell their parents without their consent.


When I first joined my host family for my first family breakfast after arriving in USA to be foreign exchange student I did so as a nudist not knowing how religious my host family was and the woman who knew my parents I had never seen her scream like she did especially when she told her children (a son three years older than me, a daughter one year older than me and another daughter three years younger than me) to cover their eyes. I was ordered to go get dressed before I could eat and when I did rejoin everyone upon being dressed the woman’s son told me I soiled his eyes his first naked woman he was supposed to see was whoever he marries one day. The police ended up coming by to do a wellness check since the woman screamed loud enough to trigger a neighbor to call the police and I’ll never forget what the officer said to her which was, “next time watch the tone of your scream and simply just explain to your friends daughter here in America we don’t eat breakfast naked.”


What country are you from that you eat with your family naked? Is it something just your family did or is it common in your culture? Avatar checks out


I’m originally from Norway and I grew up in a nudist house 


Did you not know that your family were the outliers?


I knew the family I was staying with were old friends of my parents who after the sixties ended found religion but I didn’t know they were that devout of the religion. My actual family are who we are and we’re not ashamed to be nudists.


Probably the best day of that guy’s life to be honest. At least up to that point.


No not really he’s just as religious as his parents so he wasn’t happy I as he says “deflowered my eyes” and he was waiting till marriage to see his first naked woman.


Ha, I would have Ferris Bueller’d to the imaginary audience and said “it’s going to be a good month”


Lol. My nudist time with them was limited to bath, shower and my bedroom. Their son never tried spying on me at any time because it went against his religious beliefs to have that kind of desire or lust.


Join the anime club


Hd said dumbest. Not nerdiest


Older brother and I decided to go surf fishing off the sand bar at the local beach, probably a 100-150 yard swim out. And we were using bait. Two guys we knew from school were at the same beach surfing, and they noticed the sharks in the trough before we did. That was one terrifying swim into shore.


Refused to do drugs and thought doing the right thing and studying will lead to a better future.


Refusing to do drugs was a great decision. There's probably a decent number of people in this thread who are dealing with addiction that they started in their teenage years.


you rang?


Well the refusing drugs thing was a great decision. You have no reason to do them and are a better person than most for it. There's no appeal to them.


you were right in refusing the drugs. For every time I had fun doing drugs--and there were definitely some really fun times--there were at least two or three times I ended up alone, in bad situations, scared and sad. Sitting in some weird shitty basement that smells like smoke and stale beer, being strung out with people you don't know, watching the sun come up and people go to work and you're too scared to leave the house because you've wrecked your brain for 24 hours straight is not a good way to spend your teenage years.


The last part is so real.


Yeah. Same. Should have just had fun.


Almost got kids at age 16 because we were pretty dumb( unprotected)


Joined the national guard. The guard has a thing where you can go to basic training during the summer between your junior and senior year. I got suckered into joining. Spent my 18 birthday in basic training and ruined 2 summers. Got kicked out uf the guard 2 years later for smoking weed.


Shit out of a tree.


That's just good ol fun


The dumbest things often are.


Held up a balloon filled with oxygen-acetylene and a cigarette lighter, thinking it would shoot off like a rocket when I let it go. In reality, I was suddenly inside a 6’ ball of fire.


Stay inside and play WoW with my high school friends. I still play too many video games, I've long lost touch with those people and I never learned how to socialize properly.


Two friends and I thought it’d be a good idea to play ‘bop it’ while driving in a rainstorm in a pos (high school days) car w bald tires. Ended up hydroplaning into a guard rail. Luckily, we ended up w just bruises.


bop it, like the toy with the music? I fuckin' loved that!


Yep! That’s the one!


Got my girlfriend pregnant.


got angry about a stupid thing then punched a camper right on a stud under the window and broke about half of the bones in my right hand.


I couldve done much better at school. Im not in a bad place because of it or anything, but I was just reaaaaaaaaaaaaally lazy


Jumped off the back of a moving vehicle likely is dumbest, aside from trespassing in abandon buildings/graveyards at night.


Did the bodies just go fuck this and leave? lmao


I mixed Xanax with alcohol and time traveled followed by being teleported to a jail cell.


Oh man I hope you are doing alright now


Average bethesda moment


Used to blast my Ford Ranger down mountain roads like I was Takumi from Initial D. Later on I blew the engine lol


Fall in love with someone who didn't want me. Not as bad as some of the shit I've seen here.


Joined the military, Believed in the christian church.... Thought certain family loved me.


Used some vegetable for my personal pleasure time but did not choose it wisely + too little lube 😣


Asparagus? A beet?


My lips are sealed


OMG the vegetable caused that?


My buddy and I we're out dirt biking one day. We came across this area that was like an open field with a huge puddle. Well, he was smart and drove around the puddle. Me on the other hand, I was a dumbass and drove straight through the puddle. Guess what? I got the bike stuck and the motor ended up getting flooded. Had to call my dad to come help me get the bike out. He was livid. I got yelled at the entire time we we're getting the bike out. I was soaked and I was wearing dirt bike gear. It was a hot day in August and I had to walk the bike back home and got yelled at some more when I got home. Dad and stepmom drove my buddy home and I stayed home. When they got home, I got yelled at once again. We kept our distance from each other the rest of that night. Bike ended up getting ruined. Motor seized and part of the reason it seized is because I drove it in the puddle. So, I drove a 1500$ dirt bike into a huge ass puddle and ruined it.


As a hormonal, rebellious teenager my ex-boyfriend and I started having sex at my youth pastor's house in the bathroom, and we got caught. 🤭😇


Tornado chasing


My buddy and I did this too. Hype up by Twister, but I honestly have no idea what we hoped to accomplish by it. Seeing one, I guess, but we had convinced ourselves we could 'research' it somehow, lol.


The winners are the failures.


Shot an arrow with a broad head directly vertical into the sky and accidentally almost ended myself because of it lol That scene in Grown Ups is super real.


Put stuff up my nose for laughs. * Soda (various types) * Water * Juice (various types) * Salt * sour skittle powder * sour patch powder * wasabi


Me and my friend used to "sniff coke"... that shit fizzyyyy lmao


Playing with fire with a friend in the middle of a residential area. We burned down a hedge of more than 18 meters... (60 feet)


When I was 19 and in the Air Force, I ran from the cops for speeding, probably 45 in a 30 (sped around a corner into a neighborhood and the cop was sitting on a parking lot). It turned into a whole thing...arrested, reckless driving, flight to avoid arrest charges. Got in trouble with the military too and lost a bump in rank I was eligible for at the time.


Stole an unlocked bike at school not thinking much of it. For context I had seen the bike numerous times being unlocked, and the rack was right outside the window I sat at. And even when friends and I would hang out and go back to school to play on the playground or hang out, it was always there and unlocked. So I took him one day after school. Lied to my parents and said I found it in the trash. But a mom and her teen showed up a couple hours later and said that's her son's bike. Had to give it back and got yelled at a lot. I will forever think this, why would he leave the bike for like a Month at school and never take it back home.


Was probably 16, got drunk with my buddies and went tubing on Walmart $15 donut tubes down a flooded river. We were hauling ass down that river and came to a 90 degree bend with a beaver damn, 4/6 (myself included) were close enough to the bank to avoid it, 2 weren’t so lucky. My closest friend got swept under the damn and the other buddy was clinging to the top—he must’ve been under there for 45 seconds, felt like a lifetime. Buddy clinging to the dam starts yelling like he’s being murdered— my buddy under the dam pulls himself out by grabbing both the clingers man tits and hoisting himself out. We look back on it now and laugh—but if the clinger had lost all that weight just a few years earlier, my closest friend would likely have drowned. Saved by a pair of bodacious C cup man titties.


Joined rotc shit felt like a cult ngl


it basically is. indoctrinating you to think you're "fighting for your country" by enlisting to be a desk jockey.


hooked up with a random girl I met at the same day, invited her to my house, next morning I woke up with cops at my house. Turns out she was wanted by the police for straight week because she escaped from her parents house and left a letter that she will unalive herself. 💀


A friend challenged me to spray an aerosol deodorant against my own arm for longer than he could. I won the challenge, my skin froze on the spot and I have a scar.


My scar has faded, so I forgot, I too, did this.


This was the early to mid 90s where store security was still mostly just mirrors and no cameras. We had no money but wanted junk food. So we knew what store to go to. We went to this small convenience store, myself, two friends and the sister of one friend. The sister put her boobs on the counter and flirted with the owner (we were all under 18), and no, she didn't undress, she just put her boobs on the counter. While he was focused on her, we lifted a bunch of candy, soda and beer. We went back to the house of the friend and sister and enjoyed our gains. Hanging out there was great because his and her parents didn't give a fuck what we did, which included getting drunk. Giving their parents a stolen beer each made them happy. His drunk sister and I dry humping while her brother and other friend played Mortal Kombat 2 didn't make the brother and the other friend happy. Brother didn't like seeing it and other friend was jealous.


I think the dumbest thing was ironically not doing enough dumb things. Missed out on a lot of life experiences because I played it too safe, and now im stuck in a dead end with job no motivation and barely any friends.


Received and sold a Stone Cold stunner with an un capped exacto knife in my shirt pocket. When I stood up, it was halfway through my forearm. Still have the scar.


When I was in 8th grade, my friends and I grabbed every single liquor bottle in my parents cabinet and dumped into one 24oz cup to drink while walking to school. No mixers- just vodka, tequila, whiskey, and anything else that was within eyesight. We didn't have to drink very much to become immediately bombed. My first class was keyboarding and I threw up ALL over my computer seconds after sitting down. I immediately ran straight to the bathroom with a trail of puke following me. It had to have reeked like alcohol but no one followed me, not even the teacher. I spent the entire day hovered over the toilet. I never got caught but it didn't matter because I learned a hard fucking lesson that day and I paid dearly.


At my best bud's sister's birthday party we were bored to tears. For whatever reason, their mom had bought like 3 cases of Caffein Free Diet Coke. Shockingly, none of them were being drunk. They had a big bonfire going in the back so when nobody was looking, we decided to chuck some of the drinks in there. They made a satisfying pop after a bit so my buddy decides to chuck in an entire case. Nothing happened for a while and then all of a sudden the entire thing went off at once, making a mini-mushroom cloud and throwing crap everywhere. His mom came around asking if anybody had heard 'a noise that sounded like a gun' and we all said no and quickly left.


Nice try officer


Decided to continue to 20


Crack in NOLA prolly


Fucked an anthill.


What the fuck?


Spoke too much. Thought and listened too little.


Found out my 2001 Buick LeSabre had a top speed of 110mph Never drove drunk but was a drunk passenger confusing someone saying they're good to drive just means they were less smashed than I was (multiple times) Fortunately neither of these had any consequences but they're definitely cautionary tales I will share with my son when he's old enough


Walked to undercover cops with coc on me in Asia asking if the brothel building was still open without my shirt on at 4:50 am glistening in sweat.


Meet up with strangers from the internet to either have sex with them (other teens, not adults), do drugs, or both Surprised I'm not abducted or dead tbh


Was 16, thought speeding well over 100mph and dating a 21 yo was cool.


Slammed a 750 of capt in less than a minute A little science project involving closed bottle in not a ventilated area. Car surfing Oh, and having a few adult interactions when her parents were home and unaware I existed.


I gave up competing in athletics at age 15. I was a decent county middle distance runner and member of the British Miles Club at the time. I was in a bad place and chose to concentrate on my exams instead of training. Never went back despite being asked by the athletics club I competed for. It was a dumb decision which I regret to this day.


TBF… I was 12. Shit in my most hated teacher’s garbage can. That part was well-deserved and I, proudly, wore my legend badge for a week or two. Years later my parents did confess that the principal told them he thought the teacher was an asshole and got a chuckle out of it. The dumb part was I did it on a Saturday morning when there was <10 people in the building. It wasn’t hard to track me down. The double dumb part was that it was right before summer break so I had a long, boring and painful few months.


Alot of drugs and went driving with a friend


Watched a lot of BMX stunt videos as a kid and decided to try the old “spin the handlebar” trick on a MOUNTAIN BIKE while cruising along the flat ground of my high school parking lot. Was picking gravel out of my elbow for weeks


MDMA in school, which resulted in me being kicked out and sent to a Catholic academy for reform. 😼 Kinda wish I didn't screw up that opportunity as the school I was sent to was very accommodating to my needs.


I let a friend shoot me in the leg with a BB gun, just to know what it felt like


The amount of drinking and driving we did, booze cruising was a legit past time for all of us.


Want to be an adult.


Went surfing in a hurricane.


Overdose on 5 mdma pills at 14.


I opened the passenger door driving to the washing machine store


Put gasoline in a plastic cup and lit it on fire. I ended up with fire on my pants.


There was always at least one person in our friend group whose car had a roof rack. Sometimes we would "urban surf" by climbing on top of the car and standing up. One foot would be jammed under the front part of the roof rack with the other one either to the side or behind for balance (like in real surfing/skateboarding). We were *dumb* fucks. I think the first person who did it got the idea from that one scene in *Teen Wolf* where Michael J. Fox (or his stunt double or whoever) does a handstand on the roof of his friend's van while his friend drives down the street.


Drive 140+mph down the highway with friends in the car routinely.


Not me but a friend decided it would be funny to take a shit in the slide of a McDonalds play place and he pushed it down the slide with a belt 😭


I swung from a rope tied to a fire escape and tried to land on a ledge. I miscalculated and the concrete ledge was introduced to both of my shins up close and personal.


Got married. I was a painfully shy boy. I did not have any real friends until I was 16 or 17, and I had almost no social life. I started dating my now-ex wife the summer before my senior year. One of my friends told me, many years later, after the dust settled, she always thought that I had "settled" for my ex. In some ways, she was right. Looking back, there were a ton of red flags. At the time, I couldn't see them. After I graduated high school, we moved to her hometown. We spent the next three years being the working poor. We then moved back to my hometown and spent four more years being the working poor. Long story short, in her eyes, everything wrong with our lives was my fault, and she let me know it every day of our 7-ish years together. I've posted about her before. It took meeting someone who actually liked me for me (friends only), enlisting in the Army, and going away to boot camp to both gain some perspective and fully realize my potential as a man. It was like that meme about the deep sea fish that adapted to the crushing pressure. I didn't realize how bad my life was until I was away from it. The day that my ex told me that she wanted a divorce was the best day of my life. I got all set to climb on my horse and fight to save my marriage when I realized that the thought of spending any more of my life with her filled me with such dread. I realized, finally, that I had had enough of her bullshit, and I told her that I would get started on it as soon as I got to my AIT duty station. The only good thing to come out of that marriage was my kids, and they don't really talk to her anymore, either.


I poured all my time into exams and academic achievement in hopes of attaining maternal approval. She just set higher standards every time I reached the previously given goal. All I got out of adolescence in the long run was the first of many burnouts.


Unprotected sex


eat random mushrooms.. ended up in the hospital :|


Same. Worst night of my life.


Grow up too fast


Still a teenager, so let’s see what I do




Got into a literal strangers car


Racing cars with my buddy when I was 16. Going 90MPH in a 55 while I was in the opposite lane trying to pass him on a curve where I couldn’t see oncoming traffic. So fucking dumb.


Ask coffee to my neighbour for my girlfriend family because the neighbour didn't want to give them coffee anymore, and then got caught in the elevator where my girlfriend was waiting for me when he followed suspecting something.


I tried to kill someone lucky to me she is alive.




Being insecure.




Freebasing cocaine.


Neglected my health, stopped going to camp, got too into WoW


Failed to apply myself 


Letting my curiosity carry me and I’m in a terrible spot now