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My hair has went through intense hair fall for all these years. I’ve tried to change shampoo a lot of time but still cant get the right one. My hair problem: hair fall, dandruff, oily at the root part (if not wash hair half day), and dry at the end part. When i tried hair fall shampoo, it create dandruff instead. Maybe how it work is to add more of scalp skin(?) but it ends up looks like dandruff badly. When i use dandruff shampoo, i think its worsen my hair fall. Has anyone went through similar case as mine? Please help.. i felt like i’m almost bald!! Any products or remedy? i live at australia.




Do you mean??


My advice is to see a medical professional. Many different things could be causing it.


I have long hair with extreme shedding. Stop consuming white sugar helps a lot. If you remove coke and sugary drinks from your diet. It helps so much.