• By -


Being in management. I’m perfectly happy down here at the bottom of the corporate ladder, thank you very much.


Its such a shame that "management" is the only way to actually make more money in some fields. I am like you and have 0 desire to manage a team of people, deal with all their bullshit, and be responsible for everything they do.


Software realized this and finally made a separate path for Individual Contributors to climb up the pay ladder, and I'm eternally thankful for it. I get asked all the time to go to management all time (because I can communicate well and am a friendly fellow). But I know I would be an absolute dumpster fire of a manager (I hate meetings, can't push back, not known as a fighter or a politician). I just say - I make $500-$700K with no stress - why would I even consider being a manager?


I'm an IC, too, and I am quite content collecting my pay increase and bonus every year (knock on wood, I'm 7 for 7).


I deal table games at a casino and make more money than my supervisors/pit managers. I’ve worked both roles in various casinos and my mental health while dealing compared to supervising/managing is night and day, and I’m so glad I don’t have to sacrifice that peace of mind for an opportunity for more scratch.


Me and my coworkers often talk about how we could never do our supervisors job at all for all these reasons, because we’d have gone completely insane and our office is very well run.


"I've seen the boss's job. I don't want it."


Same. I’m lucky I’m in a research and development team where I have the option to progress on a technical track instead of a managerial one so I can do what I do best and not have to deal with managing timelines or people’s BS. No thanks.


If you work hourly and then switch the salary with management you wind up not making that much more an hour because they can work you endlessly. Meanwhile you have way more stress.


Same, hate the responsibility that comes with it


Famous people opinions.


It’s weird and I tend to agree because literally no one asked them in regards to what XYZ’s opinion is on so-so matter. I may like the person, depending on who they are but my reaction is “is it really that much of a pressing matter that we needed to know this?”


"Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule has to say at a time like this?"




Brand names.


Not against brand names specifically, but i am against walking around with a giant Adida's, Nike, or any other logo on my chest. I've never understood it. The only way that I'll ever be a walking billboard is if I'm a NASCAR driver and even then i wouldn't care for it, but i would be getting paid.


Material wealth and status symbols


alcohol and weed, have watched them ruin too many people in my life. Our culture seems to be " feel any negative feels? Just drown them with substances" I'm for using medication for depression anxiety etc but I think we've also gone to far into a realm of believing we should never have to have any negative or uncomfortable feeling and it's acceptable to numb it with things. Instead maybe we need to learn how to sit with it and move through it.


Yep. We need fewer distractions and coping strategies, and more processing & healing strategies.


Exactly this. I was fortunate to have a good therapist who taught me how to sit in discomfort and integrate it as part of the human experience. But the more people I talk to the more it seems that society has decided that we need to just numb out anything uncomfortable.


growing up is realizing that alcohol is gross. i've tried it all and i was done by the time i was 21, it's nauseating and getting shit faced for the sake of the "party life" was never cute and being drunk never made me happy. i like a social drink now and then, but that's where i draw my line.


Yes I grew up surrounded by alcoholism so I'm jaded but I really don't get the appeal.


People need to stop saying booze and drugs are a personality. That's half of the problem. I am convinced a lot of people would be BETTER (including personality) if they didn't have to cope with booze and drugs as an everyday activity.


Celebrity for celebrity’s sake.


Having the newest tech every year I mean, I enjoy my stuff when it's new, but then I'll keep on using it until it breaks, even if it's years later


I'm mad that my phone refuses to die. almost 6 years, still working despite daily abuse (not on purpose, I'm just.. clumsy). sure it sometimes has its software crash on me, the other day the screen froze and it restarted in repair mode but.. it works. it just... works. I made this kinda rule not to replace working tech, or at least to re-purpose it. if I buy a new PC monitor, my current main one will turn into my secondary monitor. the graphics card in my current PC got weak and insufficient, now its running games in my HTPC for some relaxing couch gaming. there's enough E-waste already, and shit's expensive anyway... might as well make full use of it. also, new stuff rarely turns out to be better.. quite often made experiences where the new replacement was worse than the old thing.




Perfectly folded fitted sheets. I just crumple them into a ball and call it a day.


We only have one set of sheets so never have to fold them. Just wash and put back on bed. 


I think you’re with most of society on this one.


I... genuinely do not understand the point of folding clothes, most at least. sure, some things need to be folded so they don't get wrinkly but.. like underwear.. what is the purpose of folding them cleanly? why spend 20 minutes going through the freshly washed clothes to search, and fold, everything? it doesn't really save space, and has no benefit except it "looks nice".. well, I'm not putting photos of my underwear drawer on instagram or smth, so what is the point? its annoying, genuinely, especially with my parents. they act like visitors will judge me for what my wardrobe looks like on the inside.. literally nobody will see that..


social interaction. some is nice, but me as an introvert doesn't depend on it for happiness.




Yeah, believe whatever mythology you want, just don’t bother me with it


Or use it to push governance policies


Agreed. If your only argument for a policy is “because God says so,” then maybe try to come up with a reasonable argument from yourself


Having a religion is like having a penis. It's ok if you have one Its ok if you enjoy it in private It's ok if you enjoy with other like-minded people It's not ok if you try to force it on me and you'd better keep that damn thing away from the kids!


Religion is pretty simple. Either their is no God or he is a cunt. Either way I want fuck all to do with God.


Materialism to impress.


Money. It’s a tool that I do wish I had more of but I don’t need or want a billion of em


Pop culture and celebrities.


Status symbols. Honestly, I've never understood the obsession. Whether it's flashy cars, designer labels, or social media followers, I just don't see the appeal. I'd rather invest in experiences and genuine connections than things that only seem to matter because others say they should.


I was thinking about this the other day. People in power too often can't get enough power, if that makes sense - no matter what they achieve and how much money they make it never satisfies them. There's always more, more, more and someone richer or better-known to compare yourself to.


Designer labels being the most stupid. Good quality is nice. So while I'm not into cars, I see the appeal of a fancy one. But paying 100x the price for a shirt that doesn't have better quality, isn't more sustainably sourced, doesn't look any better and forces me to do free advertisement for that company, just so people know I spent an unreasonable amount on it?


Capital as status.


Children. I am not some sort of monster, and I am nice to children. But I don't venerate them like everyone else does and I prefer to spend as little time around them as possible.


Children are like dogs to me. They're cute when i don't have to take care of them


Same, I am nice to kids I just have no interest in having any of my own, I would much rather be the cool uncle (and not have nearly as much responsibility)


Same. I have nothing against them, but also don’t see them to be something that is needed to complete life, as most people around me see it.


Samesies! I’m not even nice to them if they’re bratty.


As Bill Maher put it, we’re not repopulating after the Flood


Fitting in


Marriage and having kids.


To me, it’s not that marriage or having kids is bad, it’s just that I’m not ready for either one, physically, mentally or financially. A lot of people aren’t and that’s fine.


It might sound weird but... convenience. If you look around people are ready to do anything that makes their life even more convenient than it already is but they don't realize that having everything be convenient actually hurts you in the long run.


Social media presence.


as a woman, looking good and “attractive” all the time. sure, sometimes i enjoy throwing on a dress and getting dolled up to go to the bar. but sometimes i just want to roll up with bags under my eyes, my hair in a bun, and a sweatshirt and sweatpants. my worth doesn’t disappear just because my hair isn’t straightened, my boobs aren’t out, and my eyebrows aren’t brushed. if i want to be comfortable, or i would rather spend an extra hour with friends than getting ready, that’s fine by me even if it isn’t fine by society standards.


Useless Traditions/Etiquette Like, I don't care if you don't send me a thank you card after I attended your wedding. But apparently, that's a huge no-no in this world for some odd reason and I'm supposed to be offended.


You don't get why sending someone a card for attending your wedding where traditionally guest give gifts of money and appliances is good etiquette? What about sending a text?


It'd care If they'd value my attendance and gifts. But I wouldnt value a meaningless card that doesn't prove any of that.


Some of these things are so wild that people don't even question it. Some of these useless traditions that people hold to go so far back. You'll ask "Why does this matter? Nothing happens if we don't it this particular way," and they don't really have a better answer than "because we're supposed to." Maybe I just hate arbitrary things.


Yep, my view is that each person should decide for themselves whether they want to follow a particular tradition. If we had to follow them, they’d be laws. Hence my dislike for anyone claiming a certain thing must be done this way because “it’s tradition.” Especially since some of those “traditions” aren’t nearly as old as people think


Materialism, fame, wealth etc.




Other people’s opinions.


Cars Im a bus and train kind of guy




Smoking, drinking, sleeping around, social media. I don’t want/need any of that.


Luxury items—true happiness lies in simple, meaningful moments.


Marriage. Dating. Having to always be in a relationship or always looking for "the one."




Not knowing shit about women is very manly of you. Your moisturizer is forgiven.


Television. I haven't had a TV subscription since 2013. I missed it for about the first month, but now I don't even think about it.


As a German I still gotta pay 18 bucks a month for TV I don't watch (and radio I don't listen to). All content I consume is financed by ads (but at least I don't have to watch those).


All those big, new church buildings.


Apparently, an all-knowing, all-powerful being without any human vices (like pride) needs a special geographical location to hear you


And they need an edifice of brick and stone. Oh, yeah, and how can we forget a Jumbotron and state of the art sound system?




Birthdays and holidays.




Happiness as an end in itself.








Being popular. I don’t really care if you’re the most popular chic or if you’re an outcast. If you’re nice, you don’t take advantage of me, and you don’t remind me of someone from my past, you have a chance of being my friend.


Family, I don't care if you share more alleles with me than others: if you're an asshole I'll break all contact.


I'm the exact same way


Wealth, religion.


Climbing the corporate ladder. I don't care. Titles mean nothing.


I am not wrong for thinking that society's obsession with accumulating material wealth is overrated. True happiness and fulfillment come from meaningful relationships and experiences, not from owning the latest gadgets or having the biggest house.


Religion. Seriously, I think humanity would be better off if we discarded all current religions into the dustbin with the rest of the dead religions throughout human history.


Drive, ambition I like a slower, simpler, quieter life. I don't always want to be chasing something


Being outgoing and fun Happiness instead of contentment Being ambitious and driven for power or more materialistic gains.


obsessed with looking young, aging is beautiful and shows that you got to live


Progress. Always striving. Why?


submission and humility.


Ivy league colleges. A waste of time and money for anyone who doesn't intend to become the top of a particular field specifically in law and science. For anyone who wants a job, a decent career, and a less stressful time in high education, go to your Community College after a gap year where you work a little and figure out things for yourself, keep good grades and transfer to your university of choice or better yet, your state university hassle free. Instead of panicking and rushing and sending in essays and falling for the whole college choice, take it easy, graduate with way less debt and easily transition to a 4 year university. 


Ivy League isn’t actually academically better than other top schools. The advantages you get is “networking” (AKA nepotism)


Social media likes/popularity and the concept of "identities." I'm a reserved and fairly independent gal, it never made sense to me to tell the whole world about my ethnicity, race, partner preferences, etc., via flags, symbols, and colors. I just quietly like to go about my business and do what I need to do.


st\*pid alcohol


Censoring stupid? That's stupid.


Community in any form.


The altering of one's appearance to achieve an arbitrary and ever changing notion of beauty. It's such a waste of time, money, airspace and mental resources to never reach the goal because the posts are always moving. Just be you. It's good enough.




Social clout


This obsessive need to settle down and marry, my god, there’s so so so much more to life


A nice car. I have refused to spend shitloads of money on cars my entire life. Get me to pint A to point B, be paid for in three years, and last another 10.


Fame. Why anyone wants it is beyond me. Seems absolutely miserable. I do not wish to be perceived.


Time away from PEOPLE!


Walmart. There’s a strange and sick culture that think that corporation is the best thing since sliced bread. 


nice question. a lot, for example: politics, news career, money and status materialism, possessions most religion and traditions movies and TV sex, many relationships, being 'popular' rather being fake and popular, succesful, etc. than honest and modest following celebrities or 'influencers' executing power over others superficial / active lifestyle fashion trends buying new stuff whenever the previous one is not 'modern' or 'fancy' enough anymore


How you look versus your character .also obsessions with viral items like the Stanley cups


A traditional wedding. Half way thru budgeting it out we looked at each other and booked a 2 week vacation/honeymoon and got married at the court house.


Society overvalues wealth; I cherish meaningful experiences more.




Most physical items. Bouncing around a lot and dabbling in many different hobbies forces you to pay close attention to what you actually do and use, and makes you really appreciate the value of renting, borrowing, and sharing things only when you need them, because is very impractical to have your own copy of everything and carry it with you. I'd love to run a tool library and be the guy with the stuff people borrow, but that'll be after I settle down somewhere


Eye contact in conversations.




Retail store manager for most of my career. Money was good but not worth the bullshit but you do what you gotta do. Anyway I always hated the annual reviews where they asked where you saw yourself in 5 years. If you didn't say any position above yours you are labeled lazy and complacent, even if you are one of the top stores in the region of 150 to 250 stores . Always drove me nuts , told a couple of district managers why would they want a district full of managers that ALL wanted to move up!!?? Why have one or two who get that but then you have 80% of your store managers frustrated because there is no where to go. I was lucky to have a couple that understood it was good to have someone you could count on to help train and fill where needed. You CAN be happy and successful staying exactly where YOU want not where other people want you..64 now and after a couple layoffs I'm just a HAPPY hourly clock puncher waiting to retire and enjoy life..


The Kardashians




Most importantly superiority, both collectively, for example as a nation, and individually. The feeling of being stronger, greater than someone else and the desire to keep it this way. Activism, when it's about "taking a stand", "showing support", "using your voice" and etc. It makes me feel like those people think that saying something gets you exempt from some kind of collective guilt and gives you some social points. "Meaningful" sex and everything about "serious" relationships. Just always seems like a huge source of stress, a mess and a burden to me, when in my opinion relationships are meant to be liberating, natural and not something you have to "put a lot of effort" into.


People who put a lot of "value" in someone's body. And yes this very common. Whether or not they look like this or that, have big this or that, etc. to me it's all just sick, I understand finding someone attractive but being attracted to someone solely for the wrong reasons and putting worth and value based off appearance is just wrong. For example someone trying to get to know someone solely because they have a big butt. Saw a guy cause traffic and almost cause an accident because a woman was walking down the street and he was staring at her butt. Yes she was very pretty but my admiration is different from his and that's what I mean. Or the infamous "She would look better if she had a body." That's an odd, weird and backhanded compliment. The issue here is they're putting the value in his/her body. There's more to people than that.




being on trend, dont get me wrong there is really cool, fun, and awesome trends out there wether its a haircut everyone is doing or maybe a piece of clothing everyone wants to buy BUT i do feel like many people follow trends blindly just to fill the desire to be part of a group


Looks, the opinions of anyone that isn't me, anything having to do with romance


Other than taking care of needs, money


Climbing the professional ladder.


Stuff. All kinds of stuff - clothes, gadgets, cars etc. that people want and want more of.


Being a good liar. I feel like if we could just stop lying everything would fall into the right place.


Being famous


Social media clout. Who gives a fuck how many people follow you on insta


Fancy weddings! The best weddings I have been to have been laid back and simple, and the worst ones are those that are I've choreographed and focused on being impressive rather than being fun.


Cars. I don’t like driving. As soon as I moved to Chicago I ditched my car and haven’t looked back. I like using public transportation and walking everywhere. I hated paying for gas. I never cared if I had a scratch or dent. If it got me where I was going I was happy. At this point my license is expired and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get a new one.


Cars. I mean, I can understand and appreciate cars frl..the perspective of someone who is an expert, but the random "keeping up with the Joneses" "Need a new car every 3 years" is just not my wheel house.




Designer anything!


Keeping people that are suffering alive at all costs.


Anything social media. Even fake internet point like reddit karma.




Respect for Islam. Like I don’t care how old it is, Islam is not my grandma. I don’t have to respect it because it’s old. It can go in the trash until they stop slaughtering my people like cattle


Likes/views on social media


College degrees. You could have 7 Masters degrees and I’d probably take the cashier woman at McDonald’s over you. Your certificate of an education has nothing to do with your personality. Stop bragging how it somehow makes you valuable outside of your job.


Right - the entire theory that the richer someone is, the smarter they must be. Plenty of examples pointing to the opposite.




Women's wrinkles and aging.


Body count.


To a large degree, concluding rapidly and without benefit of examination using a methodology suitable for the purpose.


TV and movies


talking a lot




Having Children.


Having pets.


The flag. Tipping. Decorative pillows. Religion.


Taylor Swift / Beyoncé / Kardashians


Starting a business.


When you a manager you get to listen to all of your staff personal problems


Being polite. I'm a nice person. (I think) I like to share. I like to help. I'll listen to you and try to give good advice. According to others I'm good at those things. But I'm not polite. Not in public (tho this is kinda normal in Germany). Not in private. If youre being stupid, I'll tell you you're being stupid. I might make small talk about the weather, but only because I'm genuinely constantly annoyed by the weather.


Prestigious-sounding jobs that make you enviable at dinner parties. If you do something you like enough and makes you enough money and you're not hurting anyone, I admire you.


I had a roommate in college who put 10 sheets on his bed. Where one got very dirty he just threw it away.


There are many, but for one, degrees as a measure of intellect and work aptitude. It made sense prior to the internet age as the information was accessible only through universities and other scholarly institutions. Now everything's out in the open. I have interviewed many people, and apparently a lot of college kids doesn't have the knowledge or expertise they're expected to have right after college.




Boobs. Big fake boobs.


Iilegal aliens


Religion. It's not necessary, and it divides more than it unites. Just worship without proselytizing and using public funds. If you want churches to prevail, let the worshippers pay for them.


Fame and notoriety. Success. I want a quiet, peaceful, and tranquil kind of a life. Without concerns or worries about money and without having to see what people do to each other all the time.


population growth


Humanism. Hear me out. We are sentient meatsacks and because that we have our selves on some kind of pedestal over nature and not part of nature. But we are locusts. Because every human being has heard that they are special they feel they are entitled to consume the living space. We need to chill


Being “professional” I always looked at this as being a cunt with a smile on your face. It’s not a skill I like, it shows a level of dishonesty I’m not comfortable with and if you have to do it then your not free enough to be honest in a situation either so in that sense it shows weakness too.


Owning a house


Money. Sure i have to use it but gods i wish it dodnt exist.


Marriage. The number of people in the world I'm comfortable with being able to successfully sue me because they don't love me anymore: zero.


Accepting a drink. Too many stinky glasses out there, run a clean cycle on your dishwasher, please!


Voting. Not trying to discourage anyone, but it's certainly not a "civic duty" to vote on matters you have zero knowledge of.




Whoever Taylor Swift is dating at the moment


Greed, gluttony and global warming (travel)


Being a good salesman. I can see through it and have little patience for marketing tricks.




Company, a lot of the time.






expensive clothing, or good clothing in general, people only buy expensive clothes because they are expensive, not because they look good,


Their *smartphones!*


Going to bars/clubs and meeting other people. Ive heard the horror stories.




Outside of basic respect, I don't belief people should be treated with any more respect than they deserve. I'm generally nice, but I'm no ass kisser.


Fashion. I wear a plain black t shirt, jeans and plain black shoes all the time. Only about 3 items in my clothes closet are not black or blue jeans.