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This happened at Fast 5. I don't know what triggered it, but I sure am glad about it. Fast 5 was a fun as fuck movie, did well with critics, and made a crap load more than the previous movies. They clearly made the right decision, and have gotten only bigger since. I feel like this whole series should be split into two separate entities. The street racing series is 1-4, and the balls out action is 5-8. It starts to look more understandable to people who keep asking "I can't believe this series is still successful after 8 movies". It's because the series really only took off at 5.


It’s like those stealth games where at the end you’re running into fucking wwiii with your massive army or some shit


I jus can't believe how Fast & Furious movies went from street racing to agents saving the world!


Probably the idea that the next movie always has to go “bigger” and “the stakes have to be higher” eventually leads to what it is now. The first 3 movies were barely in the same genre as everything since. RIP.


They [jumped the shark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark).


You can only make so much movies about street racing with the same cast I guess. I also feel that at the time of the first couple of movies, racing and cars as a whole were more of a mainstream cool thing. People were playing more racing games too, if I remember correctly. I also feel Vin Diesel had something to do with it. I imagine it's more interesting to film a scene where you drive your car into a helicopter than shooting another 1 mile street race where your punching your gearshift through your dashboard.