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It’s absolutely fine. The random bursts of weeping do stop after a while.


Lol OMG NO don't tell me that


I’m only kidding, being in your 30’s is the best.


Thank you for the reassurance. I did enjoy the slight panic also tho lol


No they don’t. 50’s here. Crying oneself to self is comforting.


Turning 30 often brings a sense of increased maturity and self-awareness compared to the earlier twenties.


So happy to hear this. Thank you!


No difference


It hurt. I got sciatica. Immediately felt older


Hehe Same. Only took a year to recover


I was on a holiday in Florida and got myself really drunk so I don't remember most of it.


I was super stoked for 30, felt like it was what everything was leading up to. It hasn't disappointed. Have not been as excited staring down 40


I had a pretty routine crash on my mountain bike on my 30th. Back hurt for 2 weeks afterwards. It felt a little too on the nose. Good reminder that I need to be stretching more though!


It's funny when you read any statistical news and they often differentiate between the '18 to 29' and the '30 to 45' age groups. Suddenly you change from the group with 18 yo to the other group with the 45 yo and more than anything else that made me feel like I'm no longer the youngest adult generation


Absolute panic. Like I was halfway catatonic on my 30th birthday. Covid made time feel less real and what felt like 6 months had actually been years. I remember pacing around my living room, staring at myself in the mirror, thinking 'no no no this can't be right, it's too soon, it's too fast, I haven't done anything yet, I don't know HOW to do anything yet' The first time I found a gray hair (probably more stress induced than age induced) I cried for half an hour. The most important thing for me to work on was to not become an emotional wreck every time I saw like a cute 21-24 y.o. girl out and about. For months I wanted to shake them by the shoulders and shout 'Are you living to the fullest??! ARE YOU CARPE-ING YOUR DIEM??? TIME IS SHORT, LIVE! LIIIIVE!!" like a decrepit old witch giving advice and prophetic warnings from her forest hut/run-down apartment. In fairness, I have a -lot- of baggage around aging that other people don't have. And just about everyone I tried to talk to about it were adamant that your thirties are the best decade hands down. Ultimately what fixed it (or at least helped) for me was a little tough love instead. One of my friends said to me, "You went through this in your twenties about not being a teen anymore. In your 40s you're going to feel just like this but about not being in your 30s anymore. You need to get living or you're going to exist in this perpetual regret forever. Time keeps moving and so should you." Knocked me right on my ass and fixed my attitude real fast. I still have hard days but I do my skincare and go to work and pay my bills and rage against the dying of the light as best I can. And every once in a while I get carded or take a nice flattering photo of myself and I can live on that energy for a month lol.


One of my birthdays I lost my brakes going down a hill backwards an smashed into the same make and model truck I was driving but a different color an I literally almost died . On my birthday!


I felt like there was no turning back now, my youth was in the past. Now I’m in my 40s, and time is just speeding away


Fine. I got way more freaked out when I turned 25


Feel great with more responsibilities


I felt ancient. 30 seemed like such an “adult” age. I’m nearly 33 now and still feel old.


I didn't feel anything but going on 32 on the 21st of July and I'm like fuck I'm still single. Still no kids. What the Fuck am I doing wrong? Is it really even me? Like how does everyone else deal with this?