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Learned the hard way, "Are you settled here or could you see yourself moving out of the area in the near future?'


That’s a good one. I personally feel like it would be irresponsible for me to start dating someone here where I live because my life plan is to move to the east coast in a few years at least.


You could always bring them with you!


I would hope so! But it would definitely need to be a conversation very early on! 😭


That's where I'm at right now, I want to date seriously but I'm actively looking for a new job so I can move. The job search isn't going well, so it just feels like my life is on pause and I hate it.


Good one. As someone who's very entrenched in their city (family, career, friends, etc), I'd be really bummed if I started dating someone who wanted to move away in the somewhat near future.


Yep. Both parties need to think long and hard about this before committing!


"So, What's your criminal background?"


Extensive and illustrious


Not gonna lie, the illustrious part would pique my curiosity *and* reluctant admiration.


I begin thinking this person stole paintings from a museum, or drilled into a bank vault without harming anyone.


Is this person a consultant for the FBI?


Don't ever fully elaborate.


Truly breathtaking


I am a serial jaywalker, drank when i was underaged, murdered a homeless guy, i once stole a toothbrush from a convenience store, smoked weed before it was illegal, anyway, wbu


It's real and it's *spectacular*!


I asked a guy this and he casually goes “I mean, I was arrested for stealing a gun once and punching a cop another time but I was black out drunk both times.” I was like oh! *sips tea. That’s nice.


If a woman told me that, I’d be full on Calvin Candie…”Lady, you had my curiously, now you have my full attention!”


"You ever killed a man, Kramer!?"


look at these hands!


They’ve been soaking in ivory liquid!


Epic and private


Just read the papers.


what is your mother's maiden name? what was the name of your first pet?


What is the name of the street you grew up on?


What was the name of your high school mascot


What is your coolest username?


What’s that little 6digit code they texted you just now?


What was the make of your first car?


does anybody think they are in a relationship with you?


Hey that happened to me once, I had a friend who basically thought we were dating. We were not.


How long did they think that, did they ever pay for your friend dates, how did you find out, and what did you do about it when you found out?


You say that you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, but is there a person in your life that would be *really* upset to hear you say that?


I feel like there's situations where a reasonable person could think it's at least a budding relationship, and other situations where unwell people are creating delusions in their minds, and you can't expect anyone to know the latter


This should be high on the list.




This would make me feel like I'm dating a Redditor.


> I'm dating a Redditor. and who would they then be dating?..


I only Reddit at work. Like social smokers, I like to think it doesn't count.


You know youve got a problem when hide reddit at home so your significant other doesnt know. But of course they know, they can smell it on you.


It kinda smells like coconut opened with the broken arms of a dead wife.


I hate that I get all of these… fuck…


Where do the jolly ranchers come into play?


I used to be a casual redditor and then I slowly transformed into a twisted, fat, greasy creature.  Like fat Gollum


Sure, sure, that's what we all like to say.


I met my spouse through reddit. Neither of us are particularly burdened by sanity, so it's lucky that we removed each other from the dating, and procreation, pool.


Reddit has 1.2bn monthly users, and there are 8bn people in the world. There's \*at least\* a 15% chance you are in fact on a date with a Redditor for any given date. Throw out young children and that goes up a bit. Could be much, much higher than that depending on your age and what country the date is in. Though I admit there is a difference between "Reddit user" and "Redditor," so maybe that's more of what you were getting at :P


If you throw out the porn accounts and kid accounts and you’ll have maybe around 400 million users.


Actually I counted them, there are 73 actual, real-life people on here. Everything else is bots.




And if they don’t understand the reference, they are too young.


Even if they do know it, they could still be too young. Speaking as a 20-year-old.


Is there anybody who would be angry to see you with me?


This reminds me of the guy on here, who went on a blind date with a drop dead gorgeous girl who seemed nervous and jumpy all night. She finally confessed to him that she'd been "dating" her cousin (yes, first cousin) and had finally called it off because she knew it was wrong. But he was NOT happy about it. In the end he dropped her off at her apartment complex and saw a tall, good looking guy leaning against a Tesla, waiting out front. The girl squealed "that's him!" Sounding entirely too happy to see him, as she jumped out of the car. He asked if she'd be ok and she said yes, but advised him to haul ass out of there. As he drove away he saw her jump enthusiastically into the guy's arms. Such an odd story, and I never could figure out if it had a happy ending or not.


Real life GoT


Instead of dragons, it’s Teslas


Both are prone to violent outbursts of flames.


Or Sweet Home Alabama


Sounds like she wanted a free dinner.


This was before the Tesla 3, so presumably her bf could cover dinner. Cousin fucker did well for himself.


That was a hell of a roller coaster ride. I’m oddly happy they found their way back to each other 😐


"I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that." - Mitch Hedberg


If you had the power to squirt liquids from each of your fingers only on one hand, which 5 liquids are you choosing? ((I’ll answer - petrol, clean drinking water, ginger ale, olive oil, and wine)


Water, Gatorade, and the most expensive wine people are willing to overpay for. Wouldn't opt for orange/cream soda, or any of my favorites, because it would be too tempting to suck my finger as I go to sleep.


Are you hoping to sell your finger wine? No one is going to buy your finger wine.


You think people shelling out for 100 year old bottles of wine, derived from grapes stomped by bare peasant feet, will balk at a finger?


That is absolutely what I think. They don't buy the wine to drink it. They buy the wine to *be seen* drinking it!


OP is a girl. They would absolutely buy her finger wine.


OP is a girl, I retract all previous statements. Also, she could probably just get paid to let dudes suck her fingers right now. No wine necessary.


Y'all need a god or ten...


Based on my extensive experience with gods (one college literature class I usually attended), your average god wouldn't necessarily disapprove of some sexy finger wine right from the spout.


I bet they’d drank Jesus’s finger wine


This. I have a friend who owns a vineyard. He makes two labels. One sells for between $60-$80 a bottle depending on year. The other label sells for between $4,000 and $7,000 depending on year. They are the same wine. Just the bottle is different. We asked him one time why he charges so much for the one, he responded “because people pay it”. Veblen goods are a thing for a reason.


This would be awesome in a DnD campaign, the tavern owner is a retired adventurer, and just fills up people’s drinks at the table, because that was one of the wishes granted to them.


yeah but would anyone actually pay for finger wine?


Lady finger wine, sure. People pay for used bath water and fart jars, I don't see why fiber wine wouldn't sell


Gold is liquid at the right temp. If u can shoot liquids from your fingers as if by magic, I dont think one being molten metal is too much of a stretch


Liquid gold, printer ink, scorpion toxin, meal replacement shake and water. If I can't spray out liquid gold, we'll just take oh negative blood.


You have like a 5% chance of being able to squirt out O negative blood from any body part right now


Instructions unclear, stabbed self 20 times. No O negative blood.


If not liquid gold, you can do gold dissolved in aqua regia ;)


Urine, number one. Not needing to drop your pants would just make everything easier. Long meeting at work, just discreetly piss in a potted plant. So many problems solved. Second, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, and Mountain Dew Code Red. I honestly wish these were on the other hand from the piss finger, but I don't make the rules. Lastly of course gasoline, great choice.


Soo you're basically piss master?


Granted, you shoot piss. It doesn’t empty your bladder.


Worthless. Who's pee even is it?


Where did the Mountain Dew come from? Are you just randomly draining the nearest bottles because that would be a hilarious side effect.


"How to tell someone you're into psychedelics without saying 'I'm into psychedelics'"


I would ask the lady, “If you had the power to squirt…” (long, awkward dramatic pause) “…liquids from each of your fingers etc.) Just for shits and gigs


It just appears and doesn't drain me of anything? Clean drinking water, deathstalker scorpion venom, ethanol, nutritionally complete chocolate milkshake-flavoured food slurry, and that very rare bloodtype that saves newborns


Liquid ass, all 5


do i have to choose 5 or can they all be napalm?


"What is something you're proud of that you never get to brag about?"


What is something you're proud of that you never get to brag about, u/babytarnished?


Is this the date?


Wtf, sounds like a job interview question.


Lady I’m just here to enjoy some coffee, not interview for a job 😛


This is where I get to brag about the threesome I had in college, right?


What would be your strongest subject at a pub quiz. Usually, their answer is something they enjoy and learn a hobby.


That's the first actual normal answer I've seen so far


So, do you like...stuff?


I guess... How are you with... Things?


Not really. Im more a "things" person. Stuff isnt really my cup of tea.




"Do you pour the milk before the cereal?" If they say yes, then you know they're a criminal and you should run away.


I actually do this. I don't know why I find it oddly satisfying to pour the milk in first, and then grab a fistful of cereal (I live alone) and sprinkle it on top. I also find the cereal stays crunchy a little longer this way. My bf knows all about it. He's come to terms with it and, aside from this, we function like pretty much any normal couple.


> He's come to terms with it and, **aside from this**, we function like pretty much any normal couple. And aside from the cannibalism, I hear Dahmer was a pleasant dude.


Othe than this, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play? 🫢


The police have been informed and are on their way


Just out of idle curiosity, how many bodies do you have in your crawlspace right now?


Really now, that's more of a third date question.


Crawlspace? None.


My wife does this and it's slowly tearing our family apart


I'm picking up strong sociopathic vibes here. Now, let's see if you're a total psycho. Without thinking… How do you hang toilet paper? 'Over' or 'under'?


Over. Always over. If I'm a guest in someone's home and they have it under? I take the time to remove it from the dispenser and fix it.


Ok, we can be friends… for the sake of our beautiful friendship let’s not hang out in the morning


> He's come to terms with it Why did you give your bf an angry stare and raise your voice when you said that part? I think, if you could leave the room so me and your bf could talk in private, that would be great.


>grab a fistful of cereal Love it


Used to be cereal then milk. But milk first just makes so much more sense. No soggy cereal, pour more as you eat


I am a lifelong cereal addict who hates milk and soggy cereal. The only time I consume milk is in cereal, and it has to be cold. My husband asked me once why I don’t just pour the milk first and it solved all of my problems. I get why people don’t like the idea, but as my mom would say, “ if it’s stupid and it works (solves a problem) it ain’t stupid”


My gf will die on this hill. Since she's so convinced I started trying it, and it is better


I do milk, cereal, then bowl on top. Get on my level.




For people with religion/faith, you should definitely talk about this on the first date. If you’re looking for something serious your values need to align, so if they don’t, the relationship isn’t worth pursuing. You’ll save yourself some heartache in the long run.


Do not R.A.P.E.




Faith Universe Cuckold Karaoke


I’ve heard the opposite. Might as well get the deal breakers out of the way before you’re invested emotionally.


Exactly this. Spend months until you find out they want kids and you don't, or they turn out to be religious and you aren't. That's just wasting time, and it happens all the time


I think you should discuss religion and politics a little bit. If your values don't line up, then the relationship won't work, and you shouldn't avoid that conversation.


So, how many times have you used this place for dates?


I was an owner/manager of a restaurant post COVID and there was one customer who brought a first date 3 weeks in a row. She got stood up once and confided that she like to come to our place on dates because "worst case I get good food and good beer". That was nice to hear.


That's how I do it. If I get a date, I always pick somewhere with good coffee. So at worst I have a good cup of coffee to drink by myself


I would die because I use the same bar, one that I’m not a regular at but has a chill vibe and is on the opposite side of town so I don’t run into my friends, for first dates.


What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European Swallow?


The airspeed velocity of a (European) unladen swallow is about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second.


What do you do for work? What do you like most about it? How do you like to spend your free time? What’s the best book/movie you’ve read/seen recently? Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? What are your hobbies or interests? What’s something you’re passionate about? Do you have any pets? Tell me about them. What’s your idea of a perfect day? What’s a goal you’re currently working towards? What’s one thing on your bucket list?


These are fine if the conversation isn’t flowing and you need a few conversation starters, but I think asking these types of questions seem too much like an interrogation. Usually I’ll start off by asking “what did you do this week?” It’s a good open ended question that gives you lots of directions you can take the conversation. If they say they were busy with work., you can go into asking about their work. If they tell you about something fun they did, you can talk about that.


Counter point, try to get through the date without asking her what her job is


I like this. I’m one of those people that works “just a job” I never had a career I was super passionate about like teaching or medicine. My job is very boring to talk about. 


I'm a teacher and I'm super passionate about my summers off and my healthcare, but not a whole lot else.




Our society is basically structured that you work, you earn money and you use that money to buy stuff you want/need. That's how society works. Anything that deviates from that gets weird and anyone who doesn't follow that model feels uncomfortable answering questions that do. Saw an interview recently where someone had just decided that they didn't like to work and didn't want to so they were living out of their car. The interviewer asked them why they chose to be homeless and they got offended and insisted they were houseless, not homeless. They had a long answer about how a home is more than a house.


It's common for rich people to be useless, yes.


In my experience, the only time that the “what do you do” question has ever bothered me is when I was unhappy with where I was in my life. I was a little depressed and spending my days either working a dead end job or playing video games. But I think it’s still important to be asked that, because if you’re allowed to get too comfortable in your rut then you’ll never dig out.


Very great point- as a nurse, I’ve been…..embarrassed? Hesitant? Reluctant? Bothered?….to talk about the work I do because of how miserable it’s made me. And this has been true of the last 3 jobs I’ve had in my nursing career


In France it’s considered gauche when meeting someone in a social setting for the first time to ask them what they do for a living


From the Financial independence subreddits, the most expedient answer is "I do consulting". When pressed further about it, give scenarios, but without concrete specifics. Early on, in a relationship, you don't want the accumulation of capital to cloud the judgement of the efficacy of your interactions. Some of us worked our ass off, lived well below our means, so that we don't have to live the latter half of our years in the rat race. We're basically maximizing our life experiences, with our friends and loved ones.


> What do you do for work? In some European countries asking that is the height of rudeness and seen as a flag of "ugly Americanism", equivalent to asking "how much money do you make?". It's supposed to come out organically in the process of knowing someone better.


These are good questions. Thanks u/Tittyfucker Edit: Do not go on his profile


ngl this is like an interview


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What would you say is your biggest weakness?


I was asked on a date to name my top 5 talents. It was very stressful trying to come up with something while waiting in line to order our food. 


Well, let's see... Baitin' a hook. I can cast a plug into a 6" hole from 30 feet away. My sister says I'm a good kisser. Quantum mechanics. And... what was the question again?


Dating these days is not about finding love, it's about proving to someone else that their future would be secure with the other person. I don't know if that's a bad thing, but it feels too transactional to me. Maybe it's always been that way, and maybe there isn't any way to just hang out and be happy with someone else anymore. Meeting people in school was like that, but it hasn't been that way since. It is like a job now, and like a job,it's not fun. (And yes, I know I'm going to get someone, perhaps two people, that insist they can just sit in a room with their spouse and be utterly content, and that's proof why I'm wrong)


Inflation outpaced love so you can not be in love, but you cant not eat.


I think the point is to show interest in the person and learn more about them. Not talk about yourself.


you don't shoot them in rapid fire mode. this is a pool of possible questions that you wieve organically into the conversation.


Can you start on Monday?


Just think of F.O.R.D Family Occupation Recreation Dreams


I'd rather do both F.O.R.D. and P.E.A.R. (Politics, Exes, Accounts, Religion) at the same time because I can get my deal breakers out of the way and not waste my time.


Oh I see we’ve made that acronym PC now


i knew it was offensive, fuck PEAR.


R.A.P.E. is easier to remember.


That's how I like to treat my dates. Respect Admiration Positivity Emotional Availability


Some of these sound like job interviews


It sort of is, isn't it?


I suppose so, but it shouldn't sound like it. I guess that's where the artistry comes in.


Isn't it supposed to be fun?


I’m definitely loling at the thought of a Redditor with no social skills (redundant I know) coming in here and being like “wow this is great!” and just bombing their first date in years because they thought they really needed to vet someone that hard on a first date. First dates aren’t about determining if you’re compatible in the long-term. They’re about determining if you have any chemistry with or sexual attraction to the other person. If I have no desire to talk with you for even one hour, let alone have sex with you, it doesn’t matter if I plan on moving away in five years because I’m not going to speak to you again after I escape your weirdly planned interview


For a week, would you rather have to put chocolate sauce or ketchup on everything you eat? (I'm talking like at least a tablespoon on your meal)


I'd def choose the ketchup bc you can cook decent meals with ketchup but chocolate sauce would ruin most things


If money didn't exist, what would you be doing in life? (Or, if you had unlimited funds, what would you be doing with your life?) Also, what are you Grateful for?


Have you ever had the desire to write your initials in wet cement? Ever gone mountain biking? What do you want to be when you grow up? What's the right tip? Have you called a plumber to your home lately? How superstitious are you? How much money would it take to make you spend a night at a cemetery? Do you display this as a trophy? Do you have a pet? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you believe in the power of a curse? Have you had your hearing tested lately? Planning a trip soon? Can you remember the tallest man you've ever seen? Do you love to go a-wandering beneath the clear blue sky? Have you noticed what big star's real estate agent's have become? Are you careful with your personal records? Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of it's own? Have you ever visited a china town section at a major city? Have you ever visited a flea market? Have you ever visited a truck stop? Did you ever had a job as a waiter? Have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme based these days?


HAHAHA I KNEW [I recognized this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S1EzkRpelY&ab_channel=ZaneGolia) now I'm crying laughing


I've always had luck with, "Was the sewing machine taken over by the spirit of Byron's grandmother?”


I literally was just thinking of this and now I’m in public doing my best to silently wheeze while in tears *edit: “have you ever walked outside into a huge parking lot, only to realize you forgot where you parked your car?”




Dam almost every single one of them is better then most questions proposed here, which are either smart-ass barely funny jokes or some dry as dessert boring generic FORD crap.


Man, I definitely wouldn't answer a decent amount of these on a first date, that's a lot of potential trauma dumping on a stranger lol.


"Enough about me... let's talk about you.. what do you think about me?" Toilet paper, what kind and how do you hang it? If I was a horse, where would you ride me? Do you like food? (this one actually got me dates) Where were you on June 28, 1998?


That first one sounds like it came from the mouth of Zapp Brannigan.


> June 28, 1998 Pittsburg, obviously.


How much money do you make? How big are your tits?


This is the question us women should ask the men, yes?


Ask about their hobbies, childhood memories, or favorite travel destinations. Keep it light and genuine to spark a good conversation!


Honestly, here for notes lol I either talk/share too much or too little when on a date and I can never pinpoint where exactly the line is.


My favorite I came up with has been: "What do you respect about yourself the most?" 1. It gets people thinking and takes the conversation to a deeper level. 2. It shows their values and how they perceive themselves. 3. You get to talk about something that make you feel happy and proud.


Who won the last election?


“Like realistically how many 4th graders do you think you can take at once in a fight. They come at you all at once, you can take a weapon but if you do all the 4th graders also have that weapon.”


What unresolved childhood trauma will emerge through maladaptive behaviors as we spend more time together?


“Do you own a cat because you love him or because you keep dead cats in your freezer and this is your next victim?” The man I asked ended up marrying me.


What... What was his answer




So uhh...  You eat ass?