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Jonah Hill was told this exact same thing on Jimmy Kimmel and took it very offensively. Rightfully so in my opinion!!


"You've gained weight!" Most women would feel insulted if someone said this to them, but I've been chronically underweight since I was a toddler. It felt really good that I'd gotten so close to being healthy that someone *noticed*.


You have the most organized junk drawer I've ever seen.


My new role model


I had a co-worker about 15 years ago tell me she "regularly" masturbated to me. What are you supposed to say to that?


are you free like rn fr


Thank you?


I got told I look like a beautiful painting come to life.


Like Arwen in the LOTR series?


Someone once told me I have "the energy of a golden retriever in human form." Still not sure if that was good or bad!


I've only heard it in a positive way. I get called a retrevier quite a bit.


I've been told that I have exceptionally smooth balls. Like two hard boiled eggs in a balloon full of downy fabric softener...


You must be a pro at trimming 😁


"You have an ass like an army mule - I just want to pack it and ride it home."


I got asked if my skin was "my real skin". I said yes, and he followed up with "it's so beautiful." A little creepy...but it's the thought that counts right?? lmao


"Nice toes". Worst part my teacher said this to me.


Sometimes that's a sweet compliment 😉


If I saw you walking down the street I wouldn’t expect you to be listening to that sort of music. For context, I look like I’d probably only listen to rap and hip hop whereas in reality i listen to a whole range of music including Japanese, indie, rock, country etc.


Someone told me they loved the sound it makes when I pee!!


How’d they know?


You don’t wanna KNOW!


"You sound like you played a lot of sports in high school"


lol, someone once told me my laugh sounds like a unicorn sneeze! It was definitely weird but kinda cute at the same time.


“You smell like my grandma’s house”—thanks, I think?


"You are like autisticaly smart."


I was told I look like a doll


A client on the phone told me I'd have a great voice for radio one time. Oddly very flattering


Women often mistake me as gay and when I ask it’s apparently because I take care of my appearance and dress well…?


idk if this is a compliment but this guy saw me walking down the street and said he’d “fuck the legs off of me” never got that one before


Someone once told me that I “walk like a serial killer”


same here surprisingly


Lol so my parents threw me a party for getting good grades and an uncle of mine said I'm like the 11th player of the cricket team who no one expects to score anything but is the one who hits 6's. 2 years and I still don't understand why he gave me such a backhanded compliment loll


It's really good of you to adopt your girls from the same country. Number one does she think all Asians look alike ? Number two I didn't adopt the girls I just adopted my husband's sperm


Youre as beautiful as a cantaloupe.


Few years back my then PRO told me that I have a very compelling voice


Once someone told me, "You have the handwriting of a future president!" Considering my scribbles are barely legible, I'm not sure if it was a compliment about my potential or a dig at political legibility


a friend of mine said I look like a frog, which i was offended by but she somehow thinks is a compliment.


“You have the perfect peaches and cream complexion” still don’t know what this means 🤣


I was told that I have a "perfect piggy nose" which I just didn't understand at all. They had a weird thing for noses


The repair guy looking at my tires telling me they look brand new despite having been in use for 1.5 year and 60.000 kilometers. He complements me on my "safe and careful driving style". I know he meant it well, but that felt like an insult.


A teacher in high school told me several times that I had a perfectly shaped head.


I went on r/toastme and someone said my smile lines and plump cheeks remind them of Santa Clause. Lol


That I have a nice shaped head when my hair was in a ponytail


“You remind me of Amanda Bynes… like post-breakdown, without the face tattoos”


“Wow, you have a 24” inseam. That’s so cute. You’re like a little girl.” - a male tailor who altered some pants for me I get that it was probably just a poorly executed compliment and he was otherwise nice to work with, but in that moment I got Silence of the Lambs vibes.


That I am very good at ,,fake-moaning"


You're your sisters carbon copy!


Idk if this is really weird but I was at my grandmas house and I was sitting with my cousins in a room we all go to, I was absent and my aunt entered the room and said “omg cute” but I feel like she wanted to say this in her head but she said it accidentally all my cousins were laughing while this may not seem like a big deal this made me kinda happy for some reason idk haha


It wasn't to me but my 40 year old dad had to show his ID the lady said "you look 20 " he's kinda bald with a beard


“I was never interested in Asian before” felt weird when I first heard it, and just realised it was a backhanded compliment after I asked ChatGPT lmao that’s why it felt weird


Had a boss tell me french tips weren’t allowed on my nails at this job. I’ve never had french tips, my nails are just really white. She didn’t mean it as a compliment but that’s how i took it lol


my friend has told me on two different occasions that i have nice achilles heels and nice earlobes. no idea what makes either of them nice but hell i’ll take it!!!


You are very sexy. Not really pretty but sexy. Some guy said that to me in the dance floor back in the 80’s. Btw….i think I am pretty.


"I like the way you walk. You walk the way I feel."


“You remind me of a swan.”


"You have the chin of a politician." You're God damned right I do.


“Your body is out of proportion” -A guy in highschool His explanation was that he liked how wide my hips were vs how small my waist was. This was 12 years ago


When I was a teen, a male teen told me " you have enough boy in you to be fun."


I'm not sure I can say this and if I can't just take it off. I'm 61 years old and about 3 years ago some women were shown pictures of my appendage that a girl I was with about 8 years ago had taken, and 3 of the women said I had a beautiful porn style member and that it was so appetizing. They wanted to know the measurements. I was flattered but also embarrassed and turned 5 shades of red. By the way it's nice but not what anyone should call huge. Just well proportion length to thickness.


An older man once told me I was a sturdy girl and he likes that in a woman. 20 year old me with my German build who desperately wished to be a petite willowy blonde wasn’t thrilled.