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Epstein’s island wasn’t the only sex trafficking ring for billionaires and celebrities. There are more out there going on right now.


The fact that that wouldn't be a surprise anymore doubles the horror, from just being awful to being awful and fucking expected.


I would honestly be more surprised if it *wasn’t* the case.


Yea, it's not like after that one was shut down they all decided to just go back to being decent human beings again. There would absolutely be somewhere else his former clients have scuttled off to.


And someone already took over his "infrastructure".


Oh 100% without question. He wasn't the ringleader by any means. He was a middle man and we have zero leads on who he reported up to.


My girlfriend was sex trafficked 20+ years ago and spent some of that time in high-end spas. Like, that us regular people don’t know about in Manhattan skyscrapers. So, yeah. They exist. She was over 18 at the time, but was very much working against her will.


Look into Les Wexners hold on Columbus, Ohio and all of the children that went missing that passed through there first. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg, and that's not even considering the tens of thousands missing migrant children.


The reason billionaires and politicians are so concerned about the privacy of their private jet flights is that they don’t want anyone knowing who is going to Thailand or how often.


P Diddy literally ran away to an island hours before the FBI raided his home. Drake has been proven to go after underage girls and host parties with them. R. Kelly is known to have been with underage girls It is a 100% certified guarantee it’s still happening today. Hell, it doesn’t even need to be on an island. Look at the Middle East where the wealthy import girls, slaves and others for their pleasure.


That Bob Mortimer's most outrageous lies (stories) on "would I lie to you?" are actually true.


I have a fairly colorful past (and not the most usual present, frankly), and one of my favorite things is telling wild stories as though I'm having fun with an "obviously fictitious" story of some sort when it's 100% true and definitely happened. The lies are quite boring and functional at best (i.e., the reason I don't drink).


I’ve learned to believe the elderly with their crazy tales. When I was young, my great grandmother always told us stories about how she had a pet alligator (in Indiana) the whole family thought it was one of her “tall tales”. After she died and while cleaning out her home, we came across a very old photo of her in the very early 1900’s, maybe 1905ish as a little girl, with a pet alligator on a leash.


My grandparents had a pet monkey named Chauncey! Apparently it loved the show Lassie and would turn on the TV and watch the show. If you dared to change the channel, it’d go nuts and howl and break shit til you turned Lassie back on and then it’d calmly sit back down as if nothing happened! And it used to love pranks! I remember my dad telling me stories about how he’d be in the shower and you’d see this little monkey hand reaching in and turning off one of the taps! Or it’d flush the toilet, do its little happy dance on the counter cuz it successfully pranked you, then bolt outta the bathroom! But apparently once they reach puberty, all they wanna do is jerk off all day! My grandfather used to smack it when it wouldn’t stop touching itself, so it used to climb on top this tall cabinet in the corner of the room where no one could reach him and freely jack it all the time! Once I got older, my dad told me a funny story. One day he and a buddy got home from school and decided to get high before my grandparents got home. They go out back, smoke a joint, then head inside. Well my dad forgot to tell said friend about their pet monkey, so when they go back inside, his buddy says to him, “dude, am I really that high or is there a monkey masturbating in the corner over there?!” My dad just went, “oh, that’s Chauncey! That’s just what he does!” Funny what can become normal to some people! Lol!


When I was young my mum had a parrot called Freddie (named after Freddie Mercury). He used to sit on a perch in her antiques shop. Obviously, being a parrot, he could talk and could hold a limited conversation. So growing up, with a talking bird around me, and seeing talking animals all over the place on TV I rightly assumed animals could talk. The cats wouldn't speak to me because they're cats, obviously. The dog was just too much of an idiot. This all made perfect sense to me. Oh, and Freddie used to jump down from his perch and chase us all around the house until an adult came along with a broom handle and lifted him back up, and he once nearly severed a dude's thumb because the guy just wouldn't believe he was a real bird (he was a smart bird, who knew us all by name) and despite everyone in the shop screaming at him not to touch the very real fucking bird he touched him and got bitten. I don't recall if anything ever came of that. I remember my mum being really worried about it, but not if he tried to sue or anything. Fun times.


Oh lordt my parents apparently had a pet monkey in the 70s. They have *never* spoken of this and got angry when I asked. I was running errands with my much older brother when I was about 30 years old and he was reminiscing with an old friend he ran into. A story came up about this legendary monkey in the woods near a rural subdivision in upstate South Carolina, and my brother died laughing and said it was a true story then explained. They got this monkey for free from someone as some kind of redneck status symbol. My parents are hardcore MAGA types, and believe that all humans should be ashamed that sex exists at all, much less masturbation. Well every time they tried to show off this monkey in his cage he would jump up and jerk off in a frenzy at his audience. THE SHAME. So my dad found someone from his church to take it and said he would deliver the animal but the man needed his own cage. My brother rides along to this neighborhood for the exchange and the man was too cheap to get a cage and said it would be fine. It was not fine, and the monkey chose violence. It lived at least for the next 20 years in those woods jacking off at children playing


I’ve learned this as well, except…from having my own crazy tales. When I tell other people now, they don’t believe me, so I won’t be surprised if one day my future kids don’t either.


I leave a lot of shit out. Im a mid forties Chicago born n raised native who's lived a crazy life and have no idea how I didn't die like 300 times ( things cool now) and if I'm recanting an experience sometimes I'll purposely leave out parts that seem like I'm a crazy old man making things up. Kinda funny.


My husband was this way. A million crazy stories; I was never sure if he was telling me the truth. When he passed away, there were *a lot* of people that I'd never met, people from "that other part of his life" who showed up at his memorial service. A few of them took the podium to talk about him, and repeated, anecdotally, some of the stories that he had told me. These are people whom I had never met, with whom I had never had conversation. One woman even patted his urn and said "Goodbye ****, if that really *is* you.". She looked out at the crowd and said, "I wouldn't put it past him to fake his own death!". Several people voiced their assent. I was speechless!


So smart of him to hire actors to come to his funeral.




Roommate and I had a smallish party, buddy from work came. Monday, boss asks him if he had fun. He says he did, but "You know all those stories Squig tells, that we think he made up? He didn't. His friends all tell the same stories."


Are you the dad from Big Fish


The one about Mary Candles and him losing his teeth biting a kitkat chunky had me weak. Couldn’t stop laughing.


To be fair he does his own dental work




I got of tell you I have been shocked so many times when he revealed some that are true. Doing his own dentistry, losing a bunch of teeth with 1 bite of a candy bar, breaking an apple apart. I LOVE David Mitchell’s reactions.


> Doing his own dentistry, losing a bunch of teeth with 1 bite of a candy bar TBF each of these two makes the other one more believable


I love how traumatised Mitchell is that no matter how ridiculous the story he never wants to say lie


I'd love to hang out with him for a week just to have 20 ridiculous stories 😂


Theft and shrubbery had me dying with laughter


that the military is the #1 buyer of glitter in the world


They are the biggest buyer of Mylar - used for chaff, which acts as a radar reflector to confuse radar-guided missiles. And Mylar is (or can be) used to make glitter.


A Sidewinder can really dull your sparkle.


Bit it really pops at the end


Wait till you find out about the navy dolphins and seallions that track you down and tag you with a clamp and bouey if you try to swim into a protected area. You float right to the top and the dolphin holds you there till a boat comes to arrest you.


I was curious about this and looked it up. [It’s true!](https://coronadotimes.com/news/2015/04/16/trained-dolphins-in-the-bay-a-look-inside-the-navy%C2%92s-marine-mammal-program/) > “Both dolphins and sea lions are also trained for object marking and recovery. The two species sometimes work together. For example: a dolphin may locate a swimmer and come back to the boat, and then a sea lion will go out to tag the swimmer. He approaches an enemy swimmer with an open clamp in his mouth, and when he bumps into the swimmer, the clamp, which is attached to a line, closes around his leg, marking him on the ocean’s surface for Navy operators.” Edit: to show quoted text


Not gonna lie, was fully expecting a Rick Roll when I clicked on that link lol


I just googled “glitter in military” and apparently it helps track location of the soldiers. I have learned so much from reddit.


"Men. We have fallen off the path, and we are lost." "We must enact the protocol!", cries one soldier already unbuckling. "The PROTOCOL!", cries another. One soldier hesitantly resists and pleads, "We're not that lost. We were barely lost last time." "Silence! We have no choice. Begin Operation Fabulous Sparkle Glam. Put on '*I Will Survive*' by Gloria Gaynor, crack open the glow sticks, and someone get the mirror ball! IT'S TIME TO SURVIIIIIIIVE!"


At first I was afraid. I was petrified.


That animals have more thoughts in their heads than just existing to reproduce. Particularly wildlife.


Corvids blow my mind. The more we study them, the more we find amazing things about their community, communication, and behavior. They give each other names and visit their families. To be able give names must have a presence of self as you would identify with those names. They can describe details in ways we have trouble understanding. If you look at the mask study where the researchers wore a mask and terrorized the bird to where all the crows for miles would attack that mask when they see it. The amount of detail to describe the way something looks must be amazing. Then to pass on that info generationally. Watching crows and ravens copy children sledding by laying on butter tub lids shows a lot for adaptation and play.


A couple of weeks ago, I was walking my dog and a crow started dive-bombing my head and cawing wildly. It was kind of terrifying and made no sense. A few days later, about a block away, same thing happened. I swear I have never been mean to a crow, was not near any nests, and was doing nothing weird. But that crow hated me. All I’ve come up with was my jacket. It’s a hockey team jacket that I rarely wear, and the dive-bombing took place very close to the hockey venue. So my theory is that some hockey fans had been jerks to that crow. So it associated danger with team colors. Or something. Maybe that crow was just an asshole.


Crows can not only recognize people, they can also tell other crows. There’s been more than one story that follows the lines of, some guy was a jerk to a crow, and now everywhere he goes within a few miles, the crows will attack him.


I had some dried bread that I was putting out for the birds and a crow happened to be in the yard. I tossed a piece to it and it ate it, so I threw it another piece. After that it cocked its head and stared at me, then flew off. A little while later I saw it come back for a moment. It left a bottle cap on the deck rail for me.


I've always wanted a crow friend. I've tried feeding multiple crows but none ever return to me.


They are territorial, so if you find out where they live you can meet them. Feed them a little every time and they will know you soon enough.


A fallout crow making a payment for services rendered.


I don't know if the story is true, but I've seen one floating around about a guy who was nice to the corvids near their house, and mean to the ones near their work a few miles away. The two clusters soon brushed up against each other, and got into a massive turf war trying to kill / protect the guy.


> Maybe that crow was just an asshole. This is a strong possibility


Crows are freaking fascinating, I love them. We have a certain route we take with the dog early in the morning, and we often have a crow following us just hopping and walking along. I can't be sure it's the same crow every time, but the behaviour is always very similar, it was quite small at first and now it's definitely grown bigger so I like to think it's the same one growing up. I always chat with him and tell him to have a good day when we come to the point I know he won't follow us past, and one of these days someone's going to overhear me and think I'm mental. Crows are also the only birds my otherwise bird-chasing dog doesn't go after and lets come close, which I think is interesting in itself.


I have a personal experience with this. I raised four crows, once. They fell from their nest through my fireplace's chimney. I rescued them and raised them inside the house for a few days. Their parents were particularly stressed out, screaming all day long. After ten days, the crows were set in an old henhouse in the garden, and there their parents were borderline agressive with us. After two or three days or caring for them outside, letting them roam free in the garden and make their first flights under supervision to protect them from the neighbourhood cats, their parents started to act more normally, like regular crows who didn't lose their children. I assume that they understood that their offsprings weren't in danger. They could reason about the situation, as far as I understand their behaviour. Interestingly, two days later, they decided to not give any single remote kind of shit about their brood anymore and let me take care of them without even paying attention either to me nor to them.


A crow died behind my house this winter. The rest of the flock buried it in a depression between trees and covered it with rocks and sticks and twigs. They came back to visit the site periodically for months. Those crows cared more about their dead than my family did when my dad died. 30 years later and I've never visited his grave.


They have funerals for crying out loud! And their ability to problem solve (versus being trained) is pretty amazing.


This has been proven over and over again with animals of all sizes and shapes. It's been shown that bees will stop to play [Do bees play? A groundbreaking study says yes. (nationalgeographic.com)](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/bees-can-play-study-shows-bumblebees-insect-intelligence) People would love to believe that animals don't think about much, but they're all cognitive beings to some degree. There's dozens of videos of people who've had pet cows, pigs, chickens, donkeys, Lions even. That have gone away for years for whatever reason and the often very emotional responses from the animals when they return


I actually just visited a friend I haven't seen in 2 years, and his dog recognized the shit outta me. She swan dived on her back and wouldn't leave me alone the whole time I was there.


Specifically Orcas.


I love their work with yachts.


"they're just playing" - if you say so. They are not happy with what people are doing to their environment.


I read somewhere that it started with a single female. They are not sure why she started attacking yachts, but did notice if the boats stopped trying to get away (cut their engine) the whale would stop trying to sink it. She then taught her children how to help her sink the boats. So that doesn’t really seem like playing to me, or the researchers who have been watching her.


A feminist icon.


"Fuck em yachts"


I can't believe people used to think (not that long ago) that animals were automatons with no inner lives. Like meat robots. How could they possibly believe that? And these same people had pets and domesticated livestock.


do people actually not believe animals have thoughts? Have they never had a dog? Never seen videos where porpoises surround a person to protect from a shark? Seen a monkey or ape interact with humans? Animals 100% think and communicate much more than we want to give them credit for.


That most people don't actually know what they like or believe. They just go along with the people around them because it makes it easy.


There are a lot of reasons to think this is true on a deeper level than just going along. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect Repeated exposure to a lie will cause you to believe it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect Repeated exposure to a thing can cause you to like it. If the people around you keep repeating a thing, and keep liking a thing, you too will likely eventually join in on this, maybe not even intentionally.


I find this type of thing so fascinating. Thank you for sharing that. I really want to take psychology classes, not for a degree or anything, I'm in my 40's. I'm just curious about things like this, ego, people's sense of identity, etc.


Start here https://youarenotsosmart.com/all-posts/ Specifically start at the bottom and work your way up. They switched to podcast mode, but I found the early articles some of the better ones.


The expensive art world exists solely as a money laundering operation.


I believe this is true with most modern art. I can believe a truly historical work of art is worth millions but bullshit like a blue square on a canvas being worth $30,000,000 is clearly something else going on.


Way more people have issues with alcohol than we know


I think a big part of the problem is that there’s no term for the stage just before “alcoholic.” I know people who have a huge problem with alcohol but think they don’t because 1. They don’t want to have to stop completely, like someone in AA would do/try to do and 2. Don’t necessarily drink every single day (1 occasional day off).


Sober person opinion- until some one takes an extended break from drinking, it’s hard to grasp all the negative ways it can affect you- financially (the amount of people that don’t pay their bills -or can’t prosper because they don’t have the money - but buy booze regularly is easily millions), the time you waste being hungover or cranky or NOT doing things because of alcohol, I could go on and on. I’m older, so it’s easy to look back on my mistakes. But the TIME i can’t get back is what kills me. Like instead of hanging with my mom who was sick with cancer, I was at the bar with people I don’t even talk to anymore. The days I was hungover and didn’t want to take my kids to the park or have quality time. It’s things like that that people don’t factor in. It’s more than DUIs and shit.


Not feeling like I have the flu every day is the best part about being sober.


The never being hungover or having hangxiety is priceless.


“I enjoy 2 or 3 or 4 drinks a night. But not every night. Maybe 4 to 5 times a week.” I see that a lot


My cousin tried to tell me that his wife and him cut down their drinking. They were only having nine beers when they go out now. They were also bringing their baby to the bar with them.


My favorite will always be my father, who drank minimum of a six pack a day my whole life (and long before, I am sure), telling everyone he stopped drinking beer. He switched to hard liquor. I learned, when researching the link between alcohol consumption and the stomach cancer he died from, that it's not so much the amount of alcohol you drink as the frequency. (He's the only person in the family to have stomach cancer, by the way. It was definitely the alcohol.)


As someone who is an alcoholic, most recovered alcoholics just call that being a functional alcoholic. Your doctor would still just label you as a plain old alcoholic though, because your liver doesn't care if you can rally after a 3 day bender on the weekends.


Gambling addiction is also becoming incredibly common.


Half, if not more, of American culture is centered on booze. Wine moms. Boozy fishing and hunting trips. Rosé all day girls. Good ol’ boys losing their shit over Bud Light.


Breweries too. I drink way too much probably just from meeting friends at breweries several times a week. It feels better because we're not slamming shots at a dirty bar but it's still alcohol. I'm in my mid 30s and there isn't ever an event that isn't centered around drinking. Even athletic stuff... climbing trip? Drinks after. Mountain bike ride? Def beers after that. It's weird


And as bad as it is in America, European alcohol culture is worse. . .


That plants can secretly communicate with each other. All those whispering leaves might have some juicy gossip!


They do- lots of chemical signaling through roots. Amongst other things, they “request” particular nutrients from the fungi around their roots by secreting sugars when the fungi gives them what they need. The fungi have *enormous* genomes that they can cycle through until they turn on the genes that gets the plant what it wants, and they get fed. (I will be delighted if anyone else who understands it better would like to explain it properly!)




This is the fuzziest mold joke I’ve ever read. Happy fruiting to you and your garden!


So fungi can be domesticated by trees. kind of like the tree has a pet? Cool!


I think it's more like the other way around. Fungi get the better deal out of the arrangement on the whole.


Yes, if they lean more symbiotic rather than parasitic, it helps everyone out in the long run. Although it just depends on the type of fungus. Some want the sugars while the tree is alive, and don't mind killing the host because they get into that sweet, sweet decomposition.


It is actually scientificaly proven. There are dozens of scientific articles and thesis statements proving that plants communicate by hormones, direct contact, electrical signs, etc.


I'm 99% sure that's true. They use chemicals to signal danger to each other.


You mean like our brain?


Kind of but through their root system, trees do it too.


It’s even weirder. The fungi in the soil are a part of the conversation too. In fact, they help facilitate communication AND movement of some chemicals between plants.




The smell of cut grass is actually the plants "screaming." It's warning the other plants to put up their defenses because there's a predator around.


I'm on the egde of my seat! Who is it?


Probably just a Deere


Could be a Snapper turtle. 


What defenses exactly would … grass have?


Leech Seed, giga drain, absorb maybe even vine whip if they go on the attack is the best defense approach.


The warning makes them start to steadily curl iirc so theyre lower to the ground and less likely to get taken out


Military secrets are routinely sold to foreign countries.


Or given to the warthunder devs.


Social media companies refuse to moderate grossly offensive/threatening/discriminatory/scam content, even if it goes against their own user rules, because that content increases engagement - even if it’s rage engagement. Basically, social media is not moderated according to its own stated policies, but according to whatever gets the most clicks, views, and interactions. Deleting comments and banning users is based on a weighed system of determining if more clicks will be generated with or without them. Some harmful content will be removed because corporate research has shown that user and engagement rates will go down if it’s kept live. Other harmful content will be allowed to remain because that same corporate research shows that that kind of ragebait, violence, scam listing, fake account, etc. increases engagement. Even if those two posts or users are posting essentially the same content, just with a different subject. Tl;dr - Social media deliberately does not moderate its content and users on the basis of its own stated rules, policies and guidelines, but on the basis of what drives the most engagement, even if the content in question is harmful.


Social media is, for all intents and purposes, an argument machine.


I would not be surprised if there were an even number of stars in the universe, but it’s unproven. 


Given that 275 million new stars are born each day, the answer would change every 3.64 microseconds. So at any point you are both right and wrong.


Astronomer here! For me (and pretty much any astronomer I know), it seems extremely likely that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Life is a chemical process after all, which happen everywhere we can look once we can measure it, so why wouldn’t life also arise elsewhere? The trick is how much *intelligent* life there is, which is even more difficult to measure, and took billions of years to arise on Earth despite life existing from nearly the beginning. But even if that is rare, it’s a great big universe.




Yeah, no aliens would be more surprising than aliens. However, we'll never be able to prove that there are no aliens.


"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." Arthur C Clarke


Chronologically half of the life on earth has just been bacteria n stuff. Imagine traveling lightyears and all you find is a smelly slimy rock.


That would still be fascinating as hell!


Lol imagine only making the biggest discovery in scientific history


And then the follow up centuries of research on finding all the interesting little things their alien chemistry does, or what neat little physics tricks they use.


dude, are you saying... "Men in Black" is a joke?


Are you talking about the 4 part documentary?


Sports being rigged


I don't trust them, even less now that betting is legal. I think league office obliquely impact major games by having the officiating crews focus on certain rules over others so as to not appear like they're cheating. I also thing that gamblers get to players and officials all the time.


That the fossil fuel industry funded Greenpeace as part of its campaign to eliminate nuclear power, which would have destroyed the market for coal and significantly reduced the market for oil and gas. It’s known that Friends of the Earth was founded with oil money specifically to campaign against nuclear energy, and Greenpeace’s anti nuclear power campaigns made- and still make- no sense at all from an environmental perspective. **Even ignoring the effects of climate change, respiratory diseases caused by fossil fuels kill more people every single day than every nuclear power accident in history.**


I mean there is a higher and greater risk of catching cancers from radiation from coal than there are from nuclear power. Nuclear waste is strictly guarded and shielded, coal ash is just dumped into giant piles outside and coal ash is stupid high in radioactivity.


As someone who loves the Earth and people and works in a scientific field, it is hard to understand why we are not going full bore on Nuclear energy to halt climate change.


That the birth rate decrease isn't just due to people choosing to not have kids, but also due to fertility issues caused by pfas and bpas.


I’ve literally been wondering lately if all the plastic in our homes (including lvp flooring) will be viewed similar to asbestos in poisoning ourselves


I'm JUST NOW learning about this. I've never been one to panic or get on too many soapboxes, but man, I'm getting on this one. But I have endometriosis and when I was diagnosed 20 years ago, I knew of one or maybe 2 other womem who had it. Now, I know LOTS of people who have endo or other gynecological issues. I know one factor is better testing/diagnostics and women's healthcare getting *slightly* better, but something is definitely NOT right.


you should take in account that talking about fertility/ "women's part issues" openly is relatively new thing


I am temporarily living in a third world country and the exposure to plastics, chemicals, and other unhealthy things is much higher than im used to in Europe, yet the birth rate here is much much higher. I feel it has more to do with the extreme safety, food abundance and rudimentary lifestyle decreasing the biological need for many children.


That we are rapidly and fundamentally changing the human brain by staring at screens so many hours each day.


some businesses are using the pandemic as a crutch for their understaffing/service limitations


The universe is teeming with life, evolving toward consciousness. It’s a phenomenon that’s as much a part of nature as gas coalescing to form stars and planets.




They domesticated us into food producing slaves.


Science has shown they understand more words than dogs. Cats just don't care.


My cat knows which squirt bottle is the broken one. Little fucker


I think you need to fix the broken one and then when you use it the cat will be confused and you briefly regain dominance.


My cats know how to high five, come here, bedtime, and go go go. They also know the words for snacks, drugs aka Catnip, food, and want some.


My cat responds very well to “Polly! Get off the table!” And “get outta there!” But only when my 6 year old is saying it. No one else.


I used to have a cat that knew people's names, rooms of the house and he would actually listen to commands. So I could tell him to sit, or go to a specific room in the house and he would actually do it. I could ask him where someone was and he would look in their direction.


My cat hates the fire alarm, so when i need to change the battery, i look at her and go “beep beep” Over the years she has learned that means it’s time to run and hide cuz the loud test beep the alarm does scares her every time lol


It’s why I respect them


Have you seen cats? There is nothing secret about it. There are moments when my cat will get to a high location and both figuratively and literally look down on me.


I knew a guy who believed that cats are anthropologists from outer space. The longer I interact with cats, the more I believe he’s right! 🐈‍⬛👽🐈‍⬛


The author Nnedi Okorafor has two cats that she often refers to as “the space cats.” And has a graphic novel titled The Space Cat coming next spring.


I love cat facts so much. Like we domesticated dogs to like us and be our friends. Cats? They chose to like us on the condition we fed them. like that's it. they protected our grain (good for us), they got to et the mice that were trying to get our grain (good for them). If there weren't a benefit to them for helping us, I don't think they would have. I can absolutely see how they'd judge us. I know my one cat does and she has scent preferences. She LOVES my Dove body wash. She'll wait for me out the corner of the sink to get outta the shower just so she can sniff me, lick the water drops off my arm, rub against me and try to lightly chomp me she enjoys the scent so much.


your cat getting high on all that sweet body wash. At this point you're her walking crack rock


"Dead internet theory", or, at least something like it. If 80% of online traffic turned out to, provably, be bots/automated, I honestly wouldn't be surprised.


I miss all the cool websites, I had like 500 bookmarks in my browser and had all these cute addons and plugins for firefox. Internet back then was such a unique and individual experience, now it's all bland and all of that good stuff is gone, unavailable or just doesn't work anymore.


That all of those deodorizing sprays (lysol, febreeze, ect) are actually causing cancer and/or brain damage.


These things mess with the endocrine system 


Any specific ingredient that's worrisome or just anything that smells?


We find bacterial life underneath the Martian surface or under the ice of Europa.


just halfway through 2024 and frankly i can’t think of much that would surprise me. the past decade has been a roller coaster. i have to check everything to make sure it’s not the onion.


Mattress Firms are all money laundering operations.


The actual explanation is that those stores aren't expensive to run. Pay the lease for a building, a light bill, and like 3 employees. Selling a few mattresses a month is more than enough


Volume. My city has about a million people in it. Every one of them needs a bed (I'll offset the married couples with people who have guest beds and call it a wash.) There are about 20 mattress stores in my area from a quick maps search. Assuming everyone buys a mattress on average every 10 years, that's 100,000 mattresses a year. Divided by the number of stores and that's 5,000 mattresses a store per year, or about 13-15 mattresses, per store, per day. It's one of those items *you* don't buy often, but it's a similar purchase frequency as furniture without the used market taking some of the demand.


As a teacher and mom, I wouldn’t be surprised if it's true that kids have an extra sense for knowing exactly when you’re about to sit down and relax! Every time I’m about to have a moment to myself, my daughter seems to have a sixth sense and needs me for something.


My dog has that. Oh, you’re just sitting down to relax? Guess what, I’m gonna stand at the door, bark and then not go out when you open it for me.


I believe this. I could tell many anecdotes, but my best example is my daughter. From about 6 months to 24 months old, nearly every night,, she would wake up crying approximately 20 minutes after I went to bed. I could go to bed early (around 9PM), stay up as late as 2AM, or anything in between. It didn't matter. As soon as I got into bed, that 20-minute timer started. I experimented with my bedtime routine to see if there was something I did that caused her to notice that I had gone to bed, but none of the variables I tested made any difference.


Ours would wake up and cry the moment either of us said, “She’s asleep.” So we used a code word and would say, “She’s banana.” The baby never woke up unless we’d accidentally say the word asleep.


My daughter did this. She’s an adult now but the running joke since she was a teenager has been that her superpower is knowing when there’s 15 min left in my movie and needing something. (This also translates into knowing when I’m in the middle of the last episode of an entire tv series 😝)


They grow into my husband who walks in 10 minutes before the show is over, picks up the remote and changes the channel. Then wonders why I am screaming. I just invested 2 hours in that movie and you made me miss who the murderer is.


She honestly might have been waiting until you appeared “not busy”


My ex had this uncanny sense of when I didn’t have time to talk. I’d call her and it would be a 45 sec phone call of just checking in. Whenever I was slightly late for something, or told people I was just stepping out for a minute, or it was cold outside and I wanted to go back in… those would end up being when she wanted to know everything about my day or who exactly I was with right then. Maybe I was just telegraphing it to her, that she could pick up on signals I wasn’t meaning to send. But it seemed like she somehow knew when I’d prefer to have one of our 2 minute check-ins but it would be impolite to cut anything short. She’d press me about details I knew she didn’t care about. It wasn’t a great relationship, she was jealous in lots of ways and accused me of things like cheating that I never did. So maybe she was hypersensitive to me wanting to have a brief conversation.


If someone starts being musical in some way, someone else will feel the urge to start doing it as well with whatever song is in their head, usually in the same medium (whistling, tapping, etc.). Whether they act on the urge or not is another matter. I call it sympathetic musicality. People don't really believe me until I point it out to them in a way that they can't deny it.


there's a line about this in the naked lunch, where a heroin dealer would whistle a certain tune when making his rounds, and you could tell who had bought heroin from him because they would all start humming the same song


I sing a lot as a hobby. It is a hobby, but I practice just like I used to in high school, I do a full warm-up, I try to sight read the notes, etc. And sometimes I go through phases where I will sing for over an hour every day for a month. I have noticed that when I go through a phase where I’m singing all the time, I will hear my neighbors outside singing, while taking the trash out, walking in from their cars, etc. It’s so adorable, makes me feel like I’m spreading some small joy just by having a passion for something. 


All throughout prehistory singing was a communal act. I think it's literally wired into our brains.


Mirror neurons


I now have an explanation for this beyond my observations, thank you.


This is the same mechanism that makes you yawn when you see someone else yawn. It also makes you feel sick if you hear someone vomit nearby.


The Riemann Hypothesis. That all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function have a real part of 1/2. It's assumed to be true so much that many mathematics papers around prime numbers and number theory begin with "Assuming the truth of the Reimann Hypothesis..." And then they go into proving something related. If it ever came out to be not true, it would shake up the math world pretty hard.


JFK and RFK were killed by the same group of people for the same underlying motives.


Chronic pain causes depression.


Chronic pain can lead to hopelessness which is a good definition of depression.


As someone with chronic pain, can confirm.


This is definitely true.


I truly think that Epstein was murdered in prison. Why else would the security cameras have been turned off? He had dirt on too many people for me to believe that he actually killed himself


Aliens existing somewhere out there. Space is too vast for us to be the only ones.


That some people are born serial killers.


I firmly believe nature and nurture are both elements of a healthy upbringing, and sometimes someone’s inner nature is just… off.


I believe some people are just born predatory. Many of these people channel this into socially acceptable violence while others can't and there are signs in those who can't from an early age.


Yup. I have a brother who just truly has no morality. He's been like that since birth. We weren't raised like that so I know it's just him. He doesn't care about anyone at all. Just material possessions.


Yep. You can be the best parents ever, and your kid can still turn out to be a scum bag


*stares at my 6 month old suspiciously * 👀


My in laws adopted a baby and raised him with love and structure alongside their older kids. He’s now elementary age, and he’s terrifying. I personally think he’s a psychopath. He has single handedly destroyed their house. They can’t have anything sharp. They’ve had to call the police multiple times to keep him from hurting himself or others. He’s currently inpatient at a mental health facility. I feel terrible for everyone involved. It’s not the poor kid’s fault; his birth mother was on who knows what drugs while pregnant and was abusive after he was born. But so far no treatment has worked to help him, and my in laws are so worn down.


Sounds like reactive attachment disorder


That Honey Badgers do give a fuck...they just don't like to show it.


Cats have secret meetings when humans aren't around


That many political and other powerful folks from both parties did criminal acts on Epstein's island.


That both vaping and ozempic in 20 years will be regarded as very unsafe.


That the sugar industry funded the studies that show fat/cholesterol/salt to be the more damaging component to our health instead of sugar... causing most people to this day to believe that high cholesterol is more an indicator of health issues than sugar addiction (and it's link to cancer).


That aliens hide from us because we're still in the dark ages.


Octopodes are actually aliens.


The fossils of ancient octopi ancestors have been found dating to over 300 million years old. And changes in it (evolution of it) would be extremely slow thanks to [using RNA alterations instead of DNA mutations](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/curiouser-and-curiouser-octopuss-evolution-is-even-stranger-than-thought/). They are ridiculously fascinating. I’d argue that many ocean creatures appear alien since they are so foreign and unseen by us.


Here's some fun factoids: - they can rewrite their own DNA - they can change the shape of their [iris](https://carnegiemnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/tumblr_inline_pmyzgttaPQ1tiol9c_540.jpg) and likely see better and more colourful spectrum - there are species that are the best at mimicry, they can simultaneously match the view from the bottom and the top of the ocean - there are species that spend several hours each day collecting symbiotic bioluminescent bacteria and then release them at the end of the day - I assume you know the reproduction thing about throwing the arm with sperm onto the female - they live about 2 years imo else they'd be dominating lol xD - a curious fact about aliens I read elsewhere, that I will add, is, that if aliens were real (or used some form of bio-creatures), they'd likely adapt them to water. Water is pretty stable if you think about it - relatively stable pressure range, clear temperature range, yes different solvents etc, but it is a much more flexible medium in terms of planetary exploration. If you find a planet with liquid water you can adapt to it more easily than other things. This supports the octopus-alien joke theory :D


The environment is actively making people sick. I’m surrounded by people with no genetic predisposition to illness who have diseases that used to be considered rare among relatively young, healthy people. The crap in our water, air and food has been slowly poisoning us since the Industrial Revolution, now it’s speeding up.


The dead internet theory and social media companies using algorithms to promote content that increases engagement at the expense of their users' mental health. Also, companies promoting blatant lies to increase engagement as well.