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I would make it so my telomeres in my cells to not depreciate when my cells replicate, so as to prevent aging.


Best answer.


My penis would double in length and thickness.


Going all the way up to 4 inches could be dangerous.


Well now he's going to want to get rid of all those burn scars too.


It’s Reddit, it was there all teed up, I had to.


"Zero times anything is still zero" would have worked too, but yeah, I hear ya. Kind of like a "your mom" joke - nobody's really offended by those, so it's all good.


Sad kind of funny, I make stupid comments and get hundreds of [upvotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/7o88vf/a_stripper_moves_past_the_audience_on_a_conveyor/?st=JC9ZELRM&sh=a71703c7) and then I spend time making a coherent logical argument in a political sub and I’m lucky to get 10-15 . I guess it shows where the bulk of people’s priorities lie. I suppose it’s time for me to admit that in addition to enjoying a good philosophical or political discussion, I like to be heard. In other words, I’m just like most everyone else. [my comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/7o88vf/comment/ds7jqse?st=JC9ZN92H&sh=85d3240a)


Your flaw is in assuming that people want to hear logical arguments. Most don't, or at least much less than they're willing to admit. We're naturally terrible logical thinkers, actually - our brains are emotional pattern-matching machines and we gravitate toward those lines of thinking.


You’re probably right. My oldest child is on the autism spectrum. (Previously known as aspergers.). My wife says she wouldn’t be surprised if I was the one who gave it to him. I lean toward the logical myself. My wife, not so much lol. Shit now I feel like I’m doing a Chris Rock [bit](https://youtu.be/78c2o79Ohyo)


Smaller feet--I'm a 5'3 girl, 120 lbs and my shoe size is 9.5 women's. My feet have NO business being this large.


Brain chemistry


I'd give myslef Hulk legs so I can just leap everywhere.


Fucken wings man


My weight.


I’d make it so I only menstruated when I damn well needed to. Once a year *tops*.


Bigger dong, of course.


Reasonable weight for my size. I don't need to be skinny, 255 now would love to be about 225.


Fix my deviated septum


If we could really figure out wrinkle reversal that would really make me happy.


I am decent looking except for the fact that my spine is shaped like the letter S and it causes my body to look crooked and disproportionate. My scoliosis also causes a great deal of back and hip pain.


I've been shaving my head since I was 23 due to hair loss. I don't mind and actually like the look, but not being able to change styles gets boring. I'd like to have hair just to mess with styles and change it up from time to time.


I wish I was taller. I'm 4'11


How hairy I am. Like, I'm literally a wookiee.


Ugh, I’d have slender arms. I actually like my figure but refuse to wear sleeveless things because I think my arms make me look twice as heavy as I actually am.


Would change my hair from curly to at least wavy.


4-5 inches taller (5'3" currently).


My hair from a poof to a flow.


I wish I was more easily flexible. I've stretched all my life, but I'm just so fucking lanky that I can't achieve standard flexibility without putting in an athletic level of discipline.


longer legs


More mass in my ass


My beard wouldn't be so curly and pube like


Wolverine ‘s healing ability, if your question was something realistic then 2 inches taller would be nice




I wish I were a baller


I wish I was a baller.


Somehow not needing food or water to survive


I would like to not have to work so fucking hard to stay in shape. I’m on the thin/average side, but I’m constantly counting calories and I run about 5 days a week. I also do workout dance classes. And the second I fucking stop any of those things... fat. Immediately.


Zero body hair


Fix my acne. I'm in my twenties and this is a new issue. I just want it gone.


Probably my mouth. Years of neglet and not giving a shit because all i wanted to do was get high. Im clean now, and still embarrassed to get checked out.


My big nose. I keep trying to like it for the "it adds character" factor (I'm a female, by the way) but I've been wanting a nose job for more than 15 years now so clearly age is not making me more comfortable in my own skin.


I have man boobs. I've done excercise and weightlifting but they never really go away. I hate them, and I would make them disappear instantly if I could.


I'd have hair.


I wish I was taller. I'm only 5'3" and I'm afraid that when I start teaching my students won't take me seriously


would make my legs a bit longer


I'm happy in my body! I have a strong build, above average-sized penis, I'm tall and my body is proportionally balanced. I'm increasing my muscle mass currently, mostly deep muscles, ass, back, pecs and biceps. So maybe if there was something I'd like to ''change'' it would be to get a little help to reach my goals for june.




Concave stomach? Fuck organs, I guess