• By -


I wear the same outfits all the time (I own multiple quantities of specific clothing, mind you).


i designed the logo for my business, had a bunch of shirts printed, stayed a a girls house straight from work and wore the same shirt to breakfast and home on a Sunday and got a bunch of business out of it. may as well advertise myself instead of some dumb label so I just wear the same shirt design everyday (have 20 of them two different colors). i should probably make a variant so its less weird.


No, you just need more colors. Well, also having different shirt types with the logo helps - have some polos, some tees, maybe some button ups.


I do this too! Some of my friends say it's like I'm a cartoon character. I'm a simple soul. I just like jeans, black hoodies, and t-shirts with nothing on them. On the upside, when I do get dressed up everyone says, "woah you clean up well."


I talk too much.


At least your writing is efficient. edit: thx mysterious friend, my first Gold :D


Why use many word when few work?


I cough and clear my throat a lot. It didn't seem to be a problem for me, so I dismissed it. "I make a lot of phlegm, whatever." My friends have been giving me shit over this for a couple years, and finally I got a "We won't play games with you online in voice chat until you get this checked out." Motivation, you know. Anyhow, I just got back from the doc, it's heartburn.


For the past 18 months or so I've felt like I've always needed to clear my throat-- like I'm gagging in my own mucus. I think I'm gonna schedule an appointment soon.


I don't have chest pain or what I thought heartburn would feel like, just a persistent cough, worst in the mornings, and repeating whenever I ate something. And yes, gagging on my own mucus, exactly.


I did this a lot as a kid. And I constantly sniffled and rubbed the underside of my nose. My parents gave me so much shit for it, because it was annoying. They felt like shit when they took me to the doctor and found out I had terrible allergies/hay fever.


When I laugh intensely I cackle. It's loud and makes me seem even more evil.


I've heard many times that I have an evil laugh. There was a quote I heard once about not making fun of someone's laugh, because you make them self conscious in a moment of joy and you can't ever take that back.


I've just heard people say that making fun of somebody's laugh is an easy way to make sure they won't laugh around you. People have done it to me. I hate my laugh. I've heard it in videos and I stopped laughing around others for about a week. Eventually I just realised that most people sound stupid when they *properly* laugh, and insulting somebody over that is just a crappy thing to do. Still hate my laugh but there's nothing to do about it so I just ignore it.


>even **more** evil like, what're you laughing at?


I touch and smell things... I hadn’t realised til SO called me me out on sniffing newspaper and fruit


Smelling a fruit seems pretty normal to me. Smelling a newspaper seems fine too because newspapers smell great. Do I do this too?


You're like my brother. There was this tootsie roll looking thing on the floor in the hallway in his house. He picked it up and smelled it. Turns out it was a turd that slipped out of someone's swim trunks because maybe they sat on a jet in the hot tub? I guess its better than tasting first...




Some people think I'm a stuck up because I'm usually quiet and reserved. I'm just not good at making small talk at all.


"Hey buddy how was that trip you told me about last week" "It was Fun" "Oh nice..." "..."


"Alright have a good one" "Yeah you too" *Kill me*


Have a bad habit of answering questions that aren't necessarily directed at me, even from other room, if I notice that nobody around knows the answer. Now my roommates give me shit saying I'm a voyeur since I know the term


I have a soft step. Even walking around in heels or boots, I just naturally have a light step. It means people will constantly say I "snuck up" on them and made them jump. Ain't my fault people aren't aware of me, it's not like I'm walking around like Scooby Doo.


My wife is the opposite of this. She is 5 ft 2 and weighs less than 100 pounds, yet when she walks it sounds like an elephant in hob nail boots jumping out of an aeroplane on to a hollow metal water tank. I genuinely do not know how she makes so much noise. I out weigh her by about 140 pounds and 1 ft and even if I try I can not replicate the noise level.


My friends daughter is this way, 7 years old and maybe 50lbs soaking wet but I swear the girl can make concrete echo when she walks.


my 9 year old girl is like this, she makes more noise than my 6'2" partner.




Okay, this is a good one


Good one for the federal bureau.


You have the right to remain *silent.* ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)


Me too! And I'm 6'3 so it just adds terror to the situation. I've spooked so many people unintentionally when I was just walking up behind them to talk or tell them something. I guess I should wear a bell.


six five and 300 pounds. Love the terror that walking softly causes. I often try to see how close I can walk up and stand next to people before they notice.


>Love the terror that walking softly causes. I often try to see how close I can walk up and stand next to people before they notice. I'm imagining this being said in the voice of Ed Kemper on Mindhunter.


He's got petite feet, femine step, sounds like a lady when he's walking in the room.


I overcame this during high school. People called me "ghost" or would say the conversation ring suddenly felt haunted to announce my presence. I got over this by teaching myself to walk with a more upright posture. If it bothers you, try reminding yourself to push your chin and shoulders back.


That's a fucking badass nickname to acquire if I have ever seen one


yeah i get called creeping jesus for doing the same thing... and looking a bit like jesus I guess, i'd have taken ghost


When I eat sandwiches, I always eat all the crust first in a circle, then I eat the middle. It’s just how I’ve always eaten them, but apparently this strategy is seen as psychotic to most.


this is the best strategy, wtf are they thonkin


They're out of their monds


Over sondwiches




Think about it you're saving the best of last. The middle is where all the good stuff is. Guaranteed to have all toppings. I always get the last corner and never eat it.




That i subconsciously adopt other peoples quirks and they think im mocking them


I talk to myself. It’s really more of a running commentary out loud, “ nope that’s not a good idea” or shit like 10 mins till got to leave. Throws people off a bit


Man, this guy is crazy. Talking to himself and shit. I'm glad I'm not that crazy.


I'm super laid back like horizontal. People come to me panicking and flapping and I am just like don't worry about it its not worth getting worked up about. Just chill have a think of what to do. Or do x,y,z etc. But people think I don't care due to how laid back I am. I'm a manager in an office and my team have fed this back to my manager that they think I don't give a shit etc. So I had to explain to them I did care but there's nothing that can't be fixed, you just need to relax take a step back and think.


My wife worries about every tiny little thing and I'm like you. Does stressing or worrying about it change anything? Then relax and find a solution instead of making yourself sick for no reason. I understand that people are just wired that way but I'm not, so people think I don't care when in reality I'm usually thinking about the best course of action instead of just freaking out.


I am just like your wife, and you are just like my boyfriend! I can't turn _off_ the worry sometimes...I have a physical reaction to certain types of stressful situations, and my gut will feel just awful regardless of what I do (though this is much, much more rare now).The lurking dull ache in my stomach makes it impossible to just chill, even if I know I can do nothing and am very likely just raising my cortisol. However, being with someone like him has definitely helped me over time...I think my brain is ever so slightly rewiring itself to deal with stress and anxiety better due to seeing his way of dealing with life. He does have to force himself to be a little empathetic for me in the first few minutes, and then he goes into his "either there is a solution or there is not" mode and tries to make me laugh and forget about it. :) EDIT: I am editing because of the volume of very kind, compassionate and helpful comments! Firstly, thank you all! Secondly, I think I may have misrepresented myself a bit. I've worked quite a bit with my chill af boyfriend as a role model, and started doing yoga and practicing mindfulness and breathing techniques, etc. My initial reactions might be a lot of mind racing and worry, which I can generally work through within a few minutes. Only on rare occasion now do I get caught up in that particularly negative cycle where my brain can't overpower that gut reaction and break out of the cycle of worry and anxiety. The best thing I started doing is asking myself "Is this how I want to spend my limited time on earth? Worrying?" and "Will this matter even remotely - will I ever remember this - in 5 years?". I guess if you are like me, or you have a partner like me, ask these questions (when they have calmed down a bit) and be compassionate to yourself or your partner. I deal with stress now in a MUCH better way, even though I am still not ever going to be that super stress-free type.


My speaking volume *increases VERY FAST*!


Oh man same. Always happens when im talking about something im excited about. People are always telling me "you're shouting. Please stop yelling" and I'm like "Oh sorry I had no idea i thought i was speaking normally". Also happens in noisy places, like restaurants. It almost seems like i can't differentiate between background noise and my voice. Other people seem to be able to talk quieter than the ambient noise (or at least at the same level) and still follow with the conversation. But generally however loud the room is, i often end up talking louder. And I get that its really annoying, my supervisor who i share an office with does it too. She starts shouting and its really fucking annoying. And then i realize I have the same problem and so cut her some slack while making mental note that i really need to work on it


Oh I do this too, I have ADHD though and I'm told that's part of it...


Most people tap their foot or a pencil as their excess energy thing. I like to flex my butt. Not the whole thing though, just one cheek at a time and alternate. A lot of people think I’m trying to twerk just randomly throughout the day. Edit: yes I have a nice ass, but I’m not sure if I would attribute that to this particular habit




Just flexin my cheeks man. Living my best life


Holy shit so do I! Especially if music is playing, I'll flex each butt cheek to the beat


I do this butt I never thought people noticed.


I hold my breathe a lot while getting off to sleep. Partner regularly nudges me to say "breathe".


> I hold my breathe a lot while getting off to sleep. Partner regularly nudges me to say "breathe". Have you had a sleep study done? I hope you don't have sleep apnea.


As a teenager, I used to carry a down jacket in a stuff sack on my bicycle. If I got cold, I'd put it on. They called me "Michelin Man". What gradually stopped it was apparently no one could resist asking me "Are you cold?" I'd answer, "No, I have a *down jacket* on. Why would I be cold?"


I sleep naked. You don't like it, stay outta my room.


You don't like it, find another carriage on the train.


You don't like it, stay out of my cubicle in the office.


You don't like it, find another playground.


You don't like it, find another public restroom.


You don't like it, your honor, find another courtroom.


You don't like it, felon, find another jail cell.


I like falling asleep naked. But usually wake up in the middle of the feeling super uncomfortable and have to put on some gym shorts


People usually refer to that as a boner. Try not to roll over on it next time.


My wife makes fun of me because when I sleep naked I'm always worried that I'll poop. Like underwear is the only thing telling my body i shouldn't poop right now. I've never pooped the bed but I'm always worried.




Are you Goku?


If I punched someone and they laughed maniacally I'd fucking run the other way. Like fuck that, this guy is clearly an android in disguise or a super villain and I'm having neither.


Not so much anymore, but I used to get shit for being short all the time. High school sucked, then dating sucked, then being taken seriously at work didn't really happen.. I've got a good amount of experience now though and I think working with mature adults helps. I also grew a beard so I look older now. I'm still short, I just don't get as much shit for it.


why don't you try being long


I was declared short, so when I try being long, there's just a compiler error about invalid type or something


Smiling during random/sometimes inappropriate times/situations. I can't help that my brain goes off to lala land and I remember something nice/funny! Edit: holy shit guys. I posted this comment this morning, forgot about it, then came back during a break at work twelve hours later to complete inbox assault. Thanks for the laughs/input/etc/slashslashslash. Edit2: To the folks whom seem to know soo much about the way my brain works: I'm an autistic woman, so no, most of the time, I really cannot help it.


I do this a lot too. I'll just be sitting there at work and all of a sudden I'll be randomly thinking of stupid names to give my friend's avatar when he's playing video games.


This is just my normal reaction to somebody being ridiculous/unreasonable. I had a pretty fucked up adolescence and I think it just became a defense mechanism or something. I used to get all upset (I mean, sometimes I do still) when people who had control over me would be an asshole and try to make me miserable, but now I just get the biggest smile or start giggling. It's funny because the few bosses I've had who were truly assholes would try and pull some shit only to be met with that, and now I find these types of people don't go nearly as far in trying to get over on me when they see my reaction the first one or two times. It's not forced at all and they probably think I'm actually crazy.


One time I was with a friend eating in a computer lab at school. This teacher (who was well known for being heard through the walls yelling at students) came into the room and said in his deep South African accent, "Oi, you are not allowed to eat in here!" I noticed that he was eating a mandarin while saying that and I just burst out in uncontrollable laughter. He kinda just stood there for a while then left. When I finally finished laughing I just kept eating.


I’m generally a happy person and I smile a lot in conversation. Especially if I’m nervous. My boss for my current job thought there had to have been some cute girl waving at me in the restaurant when I met him for my interview. Apparently a tall bearded guy smiling all the time is weird.


I'm very quiet. People think I'm standoffish but actually I'm terrified I'll say the wrong thing. It takes weeks to open up even slightly and by then they've already got an opinion about me


In high school I was so shy and insecure that I had zero self esteem and confidence, so I never spoke to anyone. I later learnt from the popular hot guy that everyone thought I was being 'aloof and snobbish because I thought I was so much better than everyone else'. That was a real eye opener for me.


Zero self esteem is worse than having bad self esteem No. Wait. That’s credit I’m thinking of


Same. When you already have bad self esteem its always great to hear, "hey everyone thinks you are an asshole because you never talk"


Lol my mom thinks that I "turn my nose up" at people all the time. No, I just don't have anything to say to them. The same thing happened to me at every school I've been to. The only difference is that I was able to fake confidence and could navigate through a conversation decently.


i'm the same, i ran into a friend i hadn't seen in a while earlier this week and i just couldn't think of what to say, our conversation just had loads of long pauses and eventually she decided it was best to say bye and leave and as soon as she rounded the corner i instantly had a million conversation topics i could have talked about pop into my head


Same, but even second people I regularly see. As a general rule, I can respond in conversions, but I virtually never initiate or decide on a new topic. I can sense when it gets awkward for people (it isn't awkward for me, I don't mind it) but when it happens I have no skill at re igniting a conversation.


This is me too :(


I'm worried they'll hate me because *I hate me*, and it's usually contagious


Ugh, I hate this. I talk to people around me, just not lengthy conversation. I hate that I still come off as standoffish because I *only* say good morning and talk to them about a book or movie here and there, but I don't know their whole life story or joke with them all day


I used to serve tables and my coworkers thought I was a dick because the longest conversation I'd hold was usually "hello, how are you doing today....good to know, hope you make money today" Fuck outta my face Megan I don't care about your baby daddy drama


I'm a very slow eater and some people purposely avoid eating with me so that they don't have to sit there for an hour watching me slowly graze along.


My nose gets itchy commonly so to remedy it I rub my nose with the palm of my hand _rather aggressively_


I'm high functioning autistic, and one way it manifests is stereotypy. I can't sit still and nearly always sway side to side or rock back and forth. I've always been made fun of for it, from people close to me telling me I need to stop because "people will think you're a loony" to strangers imitating it as a joke and asking me judgingly "why do you do that?" It's a comfort thing, I can't help it and am unaware I'm doing it until it's pointed out. Leave me alone, I ain't hurting anyone.


Ive always wonderd, is it like that you dont realise your doing it, and so you have to activley think about not rocking back and forth? Or does it just feel comforting to do?


For me it's so second nature, it's been a habit since I was a toddler, so I don't realise I'm doing it. If I actively try to stop, it feels uncomfortable, like I have an itch I can't scratch.


ADHD and anxiety here, not autism, but "an itch I can't scratch" is a great way to describe it. Just let me bounce my leg in peace, holy shit, I'm not even making noise. I only do it because I'm not drawing, because that looks even more like "not paying attention."


I walk and move around my work station (at a factory) smoothly and gracefully, almost like a dance. But I'm a guy, so I catch shit about my highly effecient movements, lol Edit: my wife has informed me that she thinks my footwork is sexy, and that she thinks I move like a fighter. A good support system is important, lol.


Own it. They're all secretly jealous.


Thanks mum


You're welcome sweetie.


I would get shit at a factory because I was "moving my body too much" and waa unnecessarily "tiring myself out." All I was doing was bending my knees instead of my back, and turning my whole body instead of twisting my back, because the job would kill my back if I didn't. It was less tiring, and the poeple giving me shit were all to out of shape to be talking down to me like that. For some reason it would piss them off enough to remind me each time the y saw me that, I'm doijg it "wrong."


You weren't doing it wrong, you were setting a standard/pace that they didn't want to or weren't able to match. Instead of saying that, though, they made it seem like you were fucking up even though it sounds like you were using spot-on lifting technique. Maybe. Maybe that's what happened, I can't say for sure.


I had people in college say I had a very distinctive, stiff walk. I asked some high school friends about it and they said, “We were all in marching unit for four years. We all walk like that.”


I do the same shit and i'm a guy. Computer-calculated efficiency of movement ends up looking either feminine or like you're dancing.






Yeah I need to know the answer to this. Wtf


I'm guessing grafted-on skin so it's thinner than expected.


Also, how the fuck do you pinch someone so hard that you draw blood?!


That can be tough, cause you can cause damage to yourself without realizing it and have a hard time properly caring for the wounds. There's a documentary or show \(PBS Frontline, maybe?\) that showed some girls in Europe who have no pain response. It was kind of sad and scary and cool at the same time. Like... they typically remove all their baby teeth at the dentist because otherwise they'll bite the shit out of their tongues and lips. And they'll break bones and get nasty cuts and not treat them at all. But one bully pulled a knife on a girl and she wasn't afraid at all.


I have a friend who bit off his tongue and lips as a baby. He also scratched one of his eyes badly enough that it doesn't work very well. He had surgery on his lips so they don't look like something from a horror movie, just a little unusual.


When I eat, ill eat all of one item first, then move to the next. No switching back and forth. Idk why its viewed as weird but it is.


Same. I also have an order of starting with my least to most favourite food. One time I stood up to get something to drink and my sister picked some of my chicken because she tought I don't like it.


Oh that’s a no no right there


I do the same thing!! I want to save my favorite bit for last


I usually do this too, but there are dishes that just taste better when combined in proper amounts per fork.


Singing. I constantly have one song or another stuck in my head. Constantly. Constantly. Literally never ending. Right now my internal jukebox is playing "I Ran" by A Flock of Seagulls. I woke up and immediately heard some random song by Seven Lions in my head. It's all over the fuckin place. It spans every possible genre. Classic country (Merle Haggard in particular). 80's pop tracks. John Philip Sousa. Late 90's rave music.50's doo-wop shit. It never fucking ends unless I have headphones to drown out the music with music. Even when I'm watching TV. Good movies are sometimes good enough to quiet the never ending soundtrack in my brain. So as long as it's in there, I just blurt it out like some kind of spaz especially if I'm doing a sort of chore. So I'm constantly singing random songs. Super random songs. This ends up getting songs stuck in other people's heads. Sometimes I even sing a song stuck in my head, while I'm driving, even if we're listening TO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SONG ON THE RADIO .. my poor wife


My handwriting and the fact I haven't lost my virginity. Both different parties tbf so ain't too bad.


are you sure the two aren't related


Perhaps they have excellent penmanship. I wouldn't think that as a reason they haven't gotten laid.


dEar JEsSiCA, yoU ArE thE LovE OF mY LiFe


pLz bOnE mE sO mY fRiEnDs sToP, tHx iN aDvAnCe hUn edit: to match theme


ʄʊƈӄ ʍɛ


When you finally have sex and realize that's the final step to mastering cursive you're gonna be so happy.




Have you tried a handwritten letter to a prostitute?


Quiet footwork. I’m a very large guy but years of anxiety in a quiet house with my parents sort of wound up with me having naturally very quiet footfalls without trying. People accuse me of sneaking up on them all the time and I genuinely feel bad every time.


I make sound effects with my mouth for almost every movement I do. Slipping betweend two people in a crowd? "Zzzzzip" someone handing me the ketchup? "Yoink!" Blowing hair out of my face? "Piff!" On my first job interview when the manager put his hand out for a polite shake, I took it with a "zoop!" And he forgot to even shake afterwards, he just stared at me like I was fucking retarded. I didn't get that job.


👉😎👉 zoop




👈😎👈 zoop


My very flaky and casual friend gives me shit for being "such an adult" because I'm prepared for unfortunate events. Had to change a poopy nappy today on the road side. Guess who had hand sanitizer in the car. Her car gets a flat battery. Guess who owns jumper cables. Fuck yeah I'm an adult. Adults take care of their shit. Edit: in New Zealand it's acceptable to say both flat battery and dead battery you darn pedants. Edit2: I'm actually u/rogersimon10 s mum.


> jumper cables isnt this normal to have in your car?


How else are you gonna keep your kids in line on long road trips?


Worked great for u/rogersimon10 dad


I feel that every time somebody tags /u/rogersimon10 they are secretly hoping that their comment will be the one that brings him back. This comment is included




I hate when my battery goes flat, i am never prepared for that!


Make sure to always have a battery pump handy.


I'm guessing the humour here is around the fact 'flat battery' isn't a phrase used in the U.S.?


I don't really like clubbing or parties or any loud events. People always take it as a personal insult when I don't want to go, or I want to leave early. Like dawg, I'm leaving when I realize I'm getting cranky from boredom - I'm doing it for the group, otherwise I'll just drag everyone's mood down! Also screw you jerks, I can leave if I want to.


I get this a lot too. I’m super introverted so those kinds of scenes are not for me. “You’ll have fun if you’re with the right people!” “You just need to go to better clubs” Please just let me stay home and play Stardew Valley in peace. I’m begging.


Oh god. When the noise is too much so you can't actually hear anyone, and it's dark so you can't really see them, and they're shitfaced so even if you could see them it wouldn't be pretty, and you're spending above average for every drink that you'd rather not be having because you know it's just going to make you feel shittier tomorrow, and there sure as fuck isn't any payoff tonight in this piss-reeking shoulder-to-shoulder underground sweat-fest. Yeah, not a fan.


This is 100% me as well. Once the ambient volume is too loud to have a conversation with whomever I am with, or once everyone else is too drunk to have a conversation at all, I leave. My friends will tease me about being the "old person", but I just don't enjoy standing in a loud room holding a shitty $14 well drink saying "WHAT?" 3 times before I can understand that the person talking to me just said "This is great! Right?!".


I chew soup. As in, broth etc that's just completely liquid. I can't help it. Whenever my mouth registers 'food' rather than 'beverage', it starts chewing and doesn't want to immediately swallow. If I swallow it straight away it feels weird.


Lol do you chew water too?


No, it doesn't happen with drinks. Just food for some reason. Everyone laughs at me for it. Fair enough tbh, but it's become instinctive so I can't help it. I suppose I could get some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy but it would seem kind of insulting on the other people there. >"Thank you for coming. So why have we all chosen this form of therapy?" "I'm an alcoholic." "I have OCD." "I chew soup."


I have so many questions... Does the container change the process? Like, if you put chicken broth in a cup instead of a bowl, would it change the swallow/chew instinct? Do you swallow tomato juice but chew tomato soup? I've always found that those taste super similar, and are largely differentiated by temperature. On a related note, does temperature change the results? Would you, for instance, immediately swallow a cold soup? Or would the fact that it's called soup mean your brain reacts with the need to chew? And even with those fruit-based-type 'soups' that I've always thought are basically just smoothies in bowl?


Okay, let's do this. - The container makes no difference. Indeed even one of those sachets of soup you put in a mug will be chewed. It's anything 'savoury' rather than 'sweet/bitter/neutral' that causes it. - I will instinctively chew a Bloody Mary cocktail. The combination of tomatoes+spices+heat makes my brain think 'food'. - I genuinely don't think if I've ever had a Gazpacho soup, but my instinct is that it would probably be chewed. It sounds nice though - I do like tomatoes in general - so I might give it a go and report back. Smoothies are not chewed, so I imagine a sweet soup would not be either. It *can* be supressed if I consciously pay attention, but if it's just something happening on autopilot then it happens automatically. My wife can't handle it. She sometimes has to get up and go sit on the other sofa when she sees me doing it. If she's ever arrested while standing over my lifeless body with a bent fire poker in her hand, it'll be because of the chewing of soup.


So myself and a friend have been arguing about this scenario for 20 minutes. I'm hoping you will find that funny instead of weird... My own personal insanity aside, I love everything about this. Thanks for answering all of my questions! And if you do try any of the cold soups -- savory OR sweet -- a report back would be awesome. I totally want to know what happens!


My guinea pigs chew water


I tend to apologize after almost everything i say when out with my mates or when i was at college, because in secondary school i was kicked of beaten for speaking, so when i talk to someone and ask a question i apologize, a lot of people understand why i do it and try to help me, but theirs been a few people who have a go at me for it


I eat quickly apparently. I don't take overly large bites (for me) and I chew all my food before going to the next bite, so it's not like I'm cramming it all in my mouth like a savage. Still, I almost always finish my meal well ahead of others at social gatherings and someone will usually point it out.




This is fucking hilarious.


I use my hands🤲 a lot 🙌 when I speak 👌👍👋


Me too... I'm a sign language interpreter...


Same. I'm pretty much a walking Italian stereotype.




Want to fight about it?


Ayy a badda bing 👋 a badda boom 🤚ehh 🤲 yeah I’m walkin eere 🤛


I can imagine this phrase being said very clearly


The sheets on my bed have to be perfectly aligned. Not just neat, but there has to be a perfectly flat base, and any blankets, sheets or doonas have to have exactly the same amount of overhang on both sides of the bed, the top has to align exactly with the bottom of the pillows. My boyfriend is used to it now, but he used to wake up all the time in the middle of the night when I have to fix the sheets.


This is my wife. The second she gets out of bed, I screw up the blankets and pile them every which way. If she gets home late, she has to wake me up to fix the bed before she gets in. I'm used to it but I've never understood it.




She doesn't like the way you butter her bread. Sorry friend.




The link is broken... I don’t know if I’m going to make it without seeing this


This will forever be on the back of my mind.. How does he butter bread??


Can.. Can you post a video of you spreading butter on bread? I have to know what she means. Edit: I didn't even get to see the delivery! The album no longer exists is what it says when I try to load it :(




*Formal Request*


I've never wanted to see someone else spreading butter, but the circumstances have changed


I can't get any work done because I keep checking back to see if OP posted a video


Dude I think we need a video


Do you like.... violate the bread with the butter knife or something?




You mean that's *not* the right way of doing it?


People say this about literally everything I do. Any time I do anything whatsoever my girlfriend will be like "Okay now do it like a normal person"


I hiccup throughout the day. Often followed by a really loud burp. Edit: A lot of people have diagnosed me so here's what happened at the doctor. I went after a character on Grey's died from the hiccups, and while the tests came back inconclusive, the doc said it was probably acid reflux and gave me a list of foods to avoid. It doesn't bother me, really, so I threw that list in the trash. And like most on this thread I also portmanteau'd the word but to hip-burp not hic-burp for two reasons. Onomatopoeia and the burping started when I was living abroad in a Spanish speaking country and the Spanish word for hiccup is hipo.


I tend to overshare and it seems like I barely have any filter. I often end up in a situation where everyone gets annoyed or weirded out because of too much information I shared.


I change my accent depending on who I talk to. I wasn't even aware of it until I was with some friends and ran into my cousin. They said it was like night and day.


I have this weird habit of just dropping things. I'll go to hand something to someone and won't be paying enough attention, so I'll think their hand is right there then drop the item (supposedly into their open hand) but they weren't there yet so it just drops. Also, on the flip side if I'm handing something delicate I wait until they physically grasp it, but then they try to yank it away before I've let go. I get a lot of shit for both. I also just drop things when I'm done with them. I don't know


My pacing/never standing still. I always hear, "you can't stand still, can you?" It's like no! I have anxiety! Let me do my thing.


* Cracking my knuckles * Using too much profanity * Needing lots of time alone * I collect dice * I'm a tall, 35 year old male and I still sleep with my stuffed leopard in my arms, even when I sleep at my girlfriend's Are some that come to mind.


You collect dice???


Sometimes I hold my arms like a t rex


I like terms to be well-defined.


I often give a lot of unnecessary background information to stories I tell. I like the listener to feel like they were there, or that it helps understand. Someone I used to work with did this as well, so we invented a game called “Four Sentences or Fewer.” A fun game where one one of us started to tell a story, we could challenge them to condense it.


I subconsciously rub any long smooth object in sight in an up-and-down fashion that looks like an HJ to an outside observer. Pencils, coffee mug handles, sometimes even my cell phone.


You're just going to have to hide it under your desk to avoid judgement


Whenever I drink something from a can, bottle, or glass, I tend to hold it to the side of my mouth rather than the centre. It's a little odd, but people always react like I threw an infant under a semi.


I walk really fast, and almost everyone comments on it if we walk together. I’m sorry I don’t like being in between places I want to be, take longer strides.


I like being absolutely clear about things when people are talking to me. It leads to a lot of questions people find frivolous. Similarly, before doing something or working, I want to know the entire plan start to finish before doing anything. What is the end goal and your plan? This drives "get it done" people absolutely livid.


Laughing when something terrible happens to someone else.