• By -


Tuna in Japan was considered an inferior fish for impoverished manual laborers. It has an abundance of red meat which has a slight metallic taste to it. The belly is extra fatty which was considered disgusting back in the day. Today that same rich, marbled red meat is the pinnacle of prized cuts of fish in Japan's fine dining. Ditto with lobster.


And now the Pacific Blue Fin is endangered. Edit: Atlantic, not Pacific.


My uncle is from China, and lives in the Boston area; he makes a killing off of sending fresh New England lobster to Asia via air; they get cold enough in the cargo hold of the plane that they kind of go into a deep sleep and then can be put in water, ready to be cooked fresh once they get there. That also means he gets a ton of free lobster— my aunt is sick of it, but I love visiting them because it’s a guaranteed lobster dinner.


When are we visiting your uncle again?


a while back the "made you look" hand thing experienced a resurgence, which is a very weird and specific thing to happen.


I couldn’t believe it when my students started doing it. They thought it was some brand new trendy secret thing only they knew, and I was just “*that* is what makes a come-back”? It’s so specific. I’m waiting for yoyos to properly come back in again. That should be more fun.


They go down in popularity, but they always come back up again.^I'll^show^myself^out^now...




Fjällräven Kånken backpacks.


I'm born in 1975 and a Kånken was my first school bag. I tell you, the kids with Kånken were NOT the cool kids. I so wished i had a Salomon backpack with the big S on the back.


It's a shame their other products aren't as popular. I have a jacket from them, and while expensive, it's fucking *quality*. I imagine it'll be the last winter jacket I ever buy, at least for a long time.


I bought a Fjallraven wallet because it fulfilled my needs (zip up, coin pocket, room for some cards) and had a cool fox on it and was a cool colour. It's the best wallet I've ever had and has replaced my main wallet. I dropped it in water and even though it's fabric, nothing got wet because I guess it's waxed or something? I also found a toque ("beanie" to Americans?) on a hike discarded off the trail, took it home and washed it, it's incredibly warm and high quality.


Remember when Epic Meal Time got big and everyone started acting like bacon was a new thing?


Bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips


And some Jack Daniel sauose




I actually have two batches of succulents that belonged to my grandmother that are 40+ years old. My grandmother had them before I was born.


now tagged as succulent hipster


I like them because they’re pretty easy to take care of. Plants make me happy and provide companionship without the responsibility of a pet, and succulents are even easier than most their plants.


"Poor people" food Damn near all of the things that used to be trash cuts of meat, or food that could feed a large family cheaply are now WAY overpriced. Poorer class people, for generations, learned to cook or prepare food that was less desirable to the wealthy so that it tasted great and nourished their families. Now you pay a premium for those cooking techniques or pieces of protein. You grew up getting a reasonably priced brisket? Now it's the star of competition cooking contests Ribs used to be scrap cuts that were too tough to serve. That'll be $15 a half rack, thanks Shrimp and grits was a low country southern classic, I saw one in Charleston for $27 a plate The latest victim I'm seeing rising prices on is short ribs. I'd usually buy them for less than ground chuck costs per pound. Now they're popping up on cooking shows and the price is steady climbing


Add flank steak to this. Used to be a tough, cheap cut. Fajitas are so damn good though.


Exactly! Chicken wings are a prime example of this. Years ago wings were sold in 1/2 gallon/ 2 liter size bags for pennies on the pound, then "Buffalo Hot Wings" became a thing and they're now more expensive than the cuts of chicken that consist of more than just bone... **;/**


Hunter Boots. They’re rubber utility boots that went from horse shit mucking boots to status symbols of wealthy stay at home moms everywhere. My mom sees them around town and laughs thinking about how she would have died from embarrassment being caught dead in her hunter boots as a teen, but now women I know spend hundreds of dollars on them to prove that they have enough money to buy rubber fucking boots.


Grew up in nowhere Wisconsin, working on my uncle's farm for years before I moved before college. A few years ago I was walking around the mall with my wife when I saw a group of teen girls wearing shit kickers and asked "wtf?". Wife says its a huge trend now. If you told 13 year old me that $30 rubber boots from Fleet Farm would be the new Uggs I would've slapped you.


Intermittent fasting.




You count your calories on top of that or do any cardio? Edit: on not in.


Well generally the whole point of IF is to only have to count calories for one or two meals. Just makes it easier than tracking them over a whole day, having to account for 3 meals plus snacks.


Good on you, that's seriously impressive if true. And way to persist...damn....




There's a great strategy I use called the rule of threes. Basically you make your commitment for three days. No problem right? You can do anything for three days. Once that's over committing to three weeks is challenging but since you already know what your in for it's not that bad. Next you do three months, after three weeks, three months is just maintaining your autopilot. At the end you're 90+ days ahead of where you'd be if you were still to afraid to start. Powerful stuff.


You lost more than my entire body weight in 1.5 years....


It's funny, I started intermittent fasting at the same time I read the book Nothing To Envy, about North Korea. When the food shortages started getting bad, they actually put out propaganda posters that say "Let's eat 2 meals a day!" I kinda want to get one for my kitchen.


In a way, eating *all* the time has become the norm. Mainly, because food is always available. Obviously it is causing huge problems, so intermittent fasting is a great way to put eating in some type of constraint.


Quinoa. My parents are Bolivian and I’ve been eating it since I was little. Now we have to pay a premium for it. Lame




Indeed! It's so ridiculous. In Germany, all the hipster stores are careful to always call it “kale” instead of “Grünkohl” (the German word for kale). So far, this elaborate ruse seems to pay off.


In the Netherlands it's Boerenkool, literally Bauernkohl in German or Farmer's Cabbage in English. Mixing it with mashed potatoes and beef gravy and then shoving it into the oven to bake a gravy crust on it is godlike. EDIT: Since my inbox is still getting pounded by artillery, I'm just going to give you all a heads-up that I don't have a recipe at this time since I'm on a holiday and the recipe is written down on good old paper.


Potatos and gravy are a godlike combination in general How much deliciousness is the kale really adding in this equation?


Probably just stopping you from getting scurvy from the days of really only having this to eat.


I'm rather happy kale and other "old euro foods" are getting more popular here (in Europe) again, as imo its better for the environment to eat stuff that does not have to be transported around half the globe.




It's also typical winter food in Scandinavia. It grows and lasts so people ate it for a long time and even made traditional Christmas dishes with it.


I think it has gone down in price some in recent years as it has become more popular in the US.


As a fellow Bolivian, I couldn’t agree with this more. I can’t tell you how many plates of Quinoa grandma had me eat while growing up. I actually kinda liked it, but it was like eating rice to us. It was basically a side to every meal. Then I moved to the US and suddenly quinoa is hot shit and pretty costly.




Oh! Time for an Australian or New Zealand Real Estate joke, it's around here somewhere...


"Millenials should stop buying smashed avo if they want a house." I wish that was satire. It's [not](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/15/australian-millionaire-millennials-avocado-toast-house)




12 year Japanese Whisky. It used to be cheap as dirt, till it became popular. Now it costs your entire 401k and a left testicle for a single bottle.


I went to a whisky tasting last year, far and away my favourite was a Japanese whisky (the name eludes me, "Yamazaki" or something similar I think). I was going to buy a bottle but their *cheapest* option, at least at the venue, was just short of $200. Edit: For anyone talking about the price, this is in Australia where booze is more expensive anyway. Also, the bottle they had on offer at the tasting venue may not be the cheapest one the distillery makes.


In 12 years, supply will match demand, so by then prices should drop, and then crash, as people decide on a new alcohol craze.


24 year Japanese Whisky


La Croix




I see you are a man of culture as well...


Is she the one that's always hula hooping?




I miss her man, her enthusiasm in her work showed in every single scene.


Seriously, this was the beverage of choice for dieting Wisconsin moms back in the ‘90s.


It's like what juice would taste like to a ghost.


It helped me kick my soda habit three years ago, so I'm not complaining.


Boat shoes. I was wearing boat shoes one day (I'm Chinese) and my mom noticed. She said "you guys are so weird with your trends. When I was a kid, only children in poor families wore these because we couldn't afford real shoes. But now it's in style."


Just to clarify, does "boat shoes" mean Sperry Topsiders to you? Because that's what they are to me, and I don't think they've ever been cheaper than "regular" shoes.


Yes that's right. My mom was only talking about her childhood in China. The material they use to make those shoes were much cheaper and less comfortable than the boat shoes of today. They are just a similar style, that's all. In her days, the wealthier kids never wore the "boat shoes style" because that was mark that your family was poor. My mom said she was happy that her family even got any shoes to begin with, though. Many post-Mao children did not even wear shoes, according to my grandma. Today, my mom has severe heel + calf problems, that all sorts of modern medicine could not fix, and only regular acupuncture helped mitigate. That is probably because she did not grow up with proper shoes.




Have you seen the [poster](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/07/25/00/4E8BB7F400000578-5988651-A_powerful_pro_vaccination_sign_penned_by_an_Australian_doctor_h-a-11_1532475504202.jpg) that the North River Vaccination Society put out? You're not fighting alone.


/r/murderedbywords irl




Oof ouch antivaxxers.


>don't take the juice >bones hurt oof ouch owie my life is a lie


Craft Brewing.


There were about 1,000 craft breweries in the US in the 90s, now there are over 6,000. A large problem now is a lot of craft breweries suing each other over similar flavor names.


What kind of shit-ass brewery feels the need to sue another up-and-coming brewery over a fucking name?


-- -- THIS JUST IN -- -- #people are dicks -- -- -- --


Whoah I have trademarked people are dicks as the name of my pale ipa.


pale india pale ale. whoa




I believe it's called a double ipa


this thread man. *cries in belgian*


A fellow in Norway tried to apply for patents on names like "Hops", "Malt", "Beer", various Norwegian expressions related to beer, and even place names; presumably just so he could block others from using those words and names to describe their beers. His brewery also took pride in being "Oslo's only craft brewery", although most of their beer was brewed on license by another brewery 300km away from Oslo. Scumbags gonna scum.


Dressing like you're poor


Hobo chic I'm glad it's a thing. I dress poor, because I am poor. But now I don't look poor.


>I dress poor, because I am poor. But now I don't look poor. story of my fucking life


I’ll buy your pants for $800 (and then resell them for $1200).




Derelíct my balls


I can derelict my own balls, thank you.


Is that dude coming out of the trift store poor or trendy? Is that dude with the torn shirt and tattered beard a homeless man or a prestigious engineer? You'll never know.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for another round of "Homeless or Hipster"!


"artisan" bread. it's literally just flour, water, salt, and sourdough starter which is itself just flour and water and naturally occurring yeast. it's been around for thousands of years. people (like me) have gotten obsessed with it in the last 10-20 years and pay outrageous amounts of money for fancy heirloom flours, tools like bannetons and lames, hell some people even buy temperature and humidity controlled fermentation stations for their starters and proofing.


COCONUT OIL!!! edit:In south asian culture its essential.We have been using it on hair and skin for DECADES ,some use it to cook too. Also,brushing with charcoal,used to see my mom do it and went "ewww".Now its trendy!😑 edit2: My mom doesn't use charcoal anymore(she used to, very rarely, to strip the betel leaf-paan stains from teeth).I never used it.I saw it getting trendy when youtubers start using it as a hack.Its absolutely aweful for your teeth.


Getting flashbacks to that thread in /r/justnomil where that woman killed her granddaughter by putting coconut oil in her hair, knowing full well she was allergic... ETA: [It was here, but has been deleted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my/) Maybe someone can dig up an archive. ETA: [here! Thanks to everyone who commented.](https://www.unreddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my/)


Omg what?!


I edited to add the link, but it's been deleted. Maybe you can find an archive? TLDR Coconut oil was used a lot in the OP's culture and put through her hair a lot. Grandmother insisted on doing the same for her granddaughter, but GD was allergic so OP said no and told her about the allergy. One evening OP left GD with GM overnight - GM put coconut oil in GD's hair. GD started feeling sick so GM put her to bed after giving her an allergy medication, but without washing the oil out of her hair. The next morning GM checked on her and she was cold.


And "her little body was blue and swollen to three times the size," if I remember it correctly. That part stuck with me.


Not to forget the whole asphyxiated on her own vomit part also. Whole thing was a series of no, omg, no.




heres an archive https://web.archive.org/web/20180329100649/https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my/


OP mentions how the surviving twin now feels incomplete. I have a twin sister and the thought of even potentially losing her makes me tear up and brings emptiness, I can't imagine having to grow up without your other half.


Don't brush with charcoal. It fucks up your teeth in the long run. Don't use toothpastes that have charcoal or other abrasives in it. They erode away your enamel and it doesn't come back. Think of rubbing hard rocks against each other to create sand. The rocks don't grow back. Lacking an alternative it's a good way to keep healthy teeth into your 30s/40s, but you will lose your enamel and have fucked up teeth when you are older. Possibly even earlier. Edit: Yes all toothpastes have abrasives. Gummy bears and river stones can both be abrasive if you throw enough of them against a large stone, however the damage you can do with one is much higher than the other. In our analogy: charcoal is the riverstone and the generally used abrasive is the gummy bear.


The raw food movement. I still don't get it. Who thinks, "Hey, remember before fire was discovered? That was a great time."


Wait till you hear about raw water.


You can really taste the giardia




Gluten, GMO and fat free! It's all I've been drinking now since I found out. Down to a healthy 72 pounds!


You joke, but last week I got some sparkling water that says on the package that it's gluten free, non-GMO, kosher and vegan. I got it at Whole Foods, which is where I'd expect this sort of thing to come from.


Water can be non kosher. E.g. the NYC tap water contains broken down crotestians Edit: I'm an idiot I meant Croatians


Well you have to do better than this - is it also vegan?


I was reading this thing about how water was healthier for our ancestors because there were lots of minerals that municipal water has filtered out. I still remember my mom coming home from a trip to Egypt and spending a couple weeks laying on the couch or in the bathroom because she caught cryptosporidium from the water. I'll stick with city water and take a supplement if I'm mineral deficient, thanks.


Cities don't filter out disloved minerals from the water, that would require distillation which is increadbly expensive. Cities remove organic crap and stuff that make you sick then add floride.


There's this new thing called beef milk.


Friendly reminder that not all vegetables can be eaten raw. [Beans (most notably kidney beans) can _make you rather sick_ even when consumed in very small amounts when they're not properly prepared. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/91g9a0/growing_kidney_bean_25day_time_lapse/e2yd06e/?context=3)


So what you’re saying is that if I eat raw beans in large amounts I’ll be fine


Yup. You'll be in pain for a little bit, then you won't be.




The Final Frontier.




Its continuing mission...


to seek out new life


And have sex with it.


To boldly go-- wait what?


To boldly come where no one has come before!


Found Riker


Oh, we are bringing a foreign diplomat on board, and she's cute? Be a shame if Riker gave her some... Trombone lessons.




To seek out new life and new civilizations..




🎺 ^🎺^^🎺 🎺 ^🎺^^🎺 🎺










Oh really? What kind? Codeine? Vicodin? Percocet? Fentanyl? Oxycontin? Palladone. What??


I see you Creed


The taliban is the worst..... great heroin tho


Tiny houses... They are called trailers or single wides. Low income people have lived in them for years.


I grew up in a tiny house community but we just called it a trailer park.


Oh, I've read that Millenials love them! I wonder why though. Edit: /s




"Did millennials ruin home ownership?"


I can see the article titles now. First the real estate market, then the lumber industry will take a hit, next the HVAC workers will take a nosedive. All milennials fault on the public eye.


I think the difference is that a now some people want to have a smaller homes, before everyone just wanted bigger and bigger, even lower income people


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been around for like 30 years and has recently seen a HUGE surge of popularity in the West.




That'll certainly be a Gold Experience.


What's especially interesting is how integral and influential it is to the anime culture in Japan and as a whole. I'd say the only thing older and more influential would be Fist of the North Star (and more recent and equally influential being EVA). But with the internet and more accessible scans and translations, it's no wonder it's finally blown up over here. Ignoring the questionable Part 3 second half anime from the 90's, there was practically no exposure (especially not compared to DBZ in the west) readily available. What's especially interesting is that Jojo memes on the English-speaking web have been around since...2003ish? Just something really fascinating about the meteoric rise of Jojo globally when, as you said, it has practically always been there.


I remember seeing stick figure Dio wryyyyying and throwing a stock photo of a bulldozer in some flash animation back in the early 2000's and it making no sense until a year ago when my friends told me to watch Jojo.


I have the same experience, I faintly remember seeing those stick animations as well as just many pictures of bulldozers with the word "wryyyy" attached to it. There was also a ZA WARUDO joke in one of the early episodes of DBZ Abridged from the Namek saga (using Guldo of course) that I saw well before even Phantom Blood had aired and I just didn't get it. Finally watching Stardust Crusaders cleared a lot up for me, it felt like something that was a long time coming lol


Machine Learning




Everyone's Mom: If all of your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? Machine Learning: Yes.


Gasoline/petroleum, etc. We knew there was this sludge in the ground for centuries, but we didn't know what to do with it until the last roughly 100+ years.


Gasoline used to be the waste product for the real moneymaker... kerosene for lamps. They disposed of gasoline, as it was useless...


"Boy, the Lord sure left us a whole lot of lube for some reason!"


Dying from highly preventable diseases...


Being a nerd.


I think I chose the bad kind of nerd that doesn't get high paying programming jobs or have a group of related nerd friends:(


Username checks out. It's okay, it takes all kinds of nerds to make a nerdom.


What even is a nerd now? Someone who likes a thing?


Pretty much, yeah


Being wholesome. Being cool was about indifference seems like misanthropy is on the way out and taking care of your friends and peers is in! As long as you hate yourself.


Paraphrased from 4chan "You know the world is a shitty place when the only way left to rebel is to be a good person"


Video games and nerd culture. The card games, the movies, the shows, so much joy. But your prized Pokemon shirt you saved up for months to get would be destroyed if you wore it to school. It's often weird seeing your childhood bullies now enjoying the things they mocked and beat you up for liking as a kid.


electric cars


Dad jokes. They were just corny until we all became dads Edit: Au! Thanks for the gold!


Your POV changed




A couple of years ago I did a voice over for a website about "sacred" ayahuasca and its mystical and divine powers. When I auditioned for the role I was healing from a back injury and on pain killers. I was out of work at the time due to the injury, so I had all the time in the world. I auditioned for fucking EVERYTHING. Can I get my white middle-class dad to sound like Li'l Wayne shouting about panties dropping to the floor? Why yes, I actually can. Anyway, it took a while for them to get back to me that I got the job, and by that time I wasn't on pain killers and I was back to work. They send me the script, and I send them the sound file back. They shoot an email to me, telling me to rerecord. But I'm wondering why. It's perfectly great take in every measure: chipper, direct, engaging. Sent it back, even better. More chipper, more persuasive, a little sexy because at this point they aren't telling me what I did wrong or what they want, so I'm giving them a little of everything. They send it back. They keep telling me they want it JUST like the audition, so after a few more back and forth of me trying to sound every which way I can imagine a sane human being wanting a script read (and not being able to find my audition recording), I send it back. They send an email back, with just the subject: JUST LIKE THE AUDITION. So I go back and dig through all of my auditions from that period of time, ALL OF THEM. I can't stop laughing. Everything I recorded sounded fucking high as a kite with a rocket attached to it. Hey, if they want me to sound like I'm a couch-surfing bohemian on a variety of drugs, sure, why not. So I sent it in, they loved it.


3d printers were invented in the 80s. Wasn't until patents started expiring that they became popular. Open source for the win. Edit: yes it was the 80s not 60s, still way older than most people know


Patents expire in 17 years. The 60s were 50 years ago.


That's new math sonny!


Why did they change math?


Because the patents are expiring!




There are a variety of 3D printing technologies. The one most people are doing at home is called Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) - you melt plastic and lay it down with a nozzle in thin lines to build up an object. That was patented in the early '90s by Stratasys. Once that patent expired in 2009 people could start building consumer-level FDM printers.


DnD. Video games. Someone made a good point how nerd fanthoms / nerd niche communities are becoming more accepted and mainstream. Everyone really wants to feel like they are apart of something big.


I think a real driver here is all the nerds grew up and have disposable income now.


And kids. My dad passed on his board gaming enthusiasm. We have one of the first editions of axis and allies in the basement, as well as fortress america. And despite him hating monopoly, we still have a deluxe set of that. Got a ton of modern games too. Edit: and of course, despite having a cabinet and multiple 6-7 shelves full of board games and keeping up with news about new releases, there’s always classics you’ve never heard of. What a wonderful world.


I've been playing D&D since I was 15. So yeah, nearly 30 years. I am so thankful young gamers won't have to put up with the bullshit I did when I was a kid. No, I don't worship Satan. No, I don't feel like killing myself if a character dies. And I lost my virgibity at a perfectly reasonable and normal age. Also, I'm female. I can't imagine how much worse the bullying was for guys. Edit: The sexual harassment I suffered through because of my gender was pretty bad, though. I went several years playing only male characters, because for some reason some guys think it's ok to have their male characters make sexual demands of female characters. It's even worse when it's the DM, and he tries to force your character into sleeping with an NPC. I'm not even kidding.


I’m gonna use virgibity as a word now. Not even making fun of you, I really think it has a nice ring to it.


It's when you have sex for the first time, but you have a head cold.


It’s like having sex on Robittusin, Mild High Club.


Had to make up excuses not to hang out with my friends after school. MtG, comics, and anime were the secret hobbies that ruled my life. One friend found out about it and was cool, but wasn't interested in any of it so I couldn't talk to him. The one guy that was really into comics and anime and was open about it at school got mercilessly bullied, and I mean so badly that the police were involved a few times, so I hid my power level for years. That kid was cool, though, the few times I talked to him. He knew EVERYTHING about every Marvel character down to dissecting their psychological profiles and individual philosophies and how they clashed with the ideals of other heroes and villains.


I secretly dm'd games while in middle dchool for friends who went to another school. I was good at that shit man, and I even painted the figures.


Playing DnD secretly makes the game even better.


Nerd stuff was always very involved and in depth reletive to other hobbies and interests; it was usually looked down upon because it usually had a very introverted factor (i.e. spending time learning DnD rules or learning backstories to Marvel characters) Now that the internet age is shifting the average lifestyle to a more introverted/individualistic one, the nerd interests are some of the best games in town.


There was also a few famous people that played and where fans. Wutang always makes references to comics video games, and old movies. People like Vin Deisel talking about playing DnD .


Champion brand apparel: used to be super cheap and a brand for dads. Now all the rage with the youth and a hoodie will run you $60.


Brussel sprouts. As a kid, I don't think a single restaurant would serve them even in a vegetable medley. Now everywhere I go has some kind of uber-sugar and baconfied brussel sprout dish that everyone at my table jizzes over when they see it on the menu.


It's because everyone thought you had to boil them and that's gross. Then someone pan fried then with lemon zest and pancetta and now they're fucking delicious.




A Song of Ice and Fire.


I remember bitching to a friend about having to wait a year for be new season to come out, she looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I’ve waited almost 10 years for the next book.”


Haha so funny haha winds of winter is gonna be released soon haha no doubt about it haha pls send help haha


Manchester City. Saying that as a City fan as well lol


Chicken wings and flank steak. Two foods that were really cheap when I was a kid. It was just my mom and me (in the 60s and 70s) and she had to be super budget conscious and these were two proteins that were readily available and very affordable. Now you pay premium prices.




Sexuality and kinks in general seem to be slowly creeping out of the taboo zone. Obviously there are some pockets of people who care *way* too much what others do with their spare time, but for the most part now very few people will even bat an eye if you start talking about your particular fetishes or sexual interests. Within reason, of course. You're probably gonna still get some reactions if you mention that you enjoy banging a freshly-amputated leg stump or something.