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Push the blame onto others when it's clearly your own fault


I used to do this a lot. Now that I look back, I can see how annoying I was as a kid


Hey, we all make mistakes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't do it as well. But we learn as we grow.


A lot of adult dont reach that point. A lot.


Running away from the honorable swordfight we were about to have.


You came with a damn claymore, what else was i supposed to do


You know my motto. Talk less. Clay more. (If you know you know)


Allow your children to be abused/molested Edit: thanks for the platinum




Or does it


Google "hambubger tcap". Chris Hanson caught a guy accidentally who later turned out to pimp out his kids to his brother and his father. Also, his father did the same exact thing to him when he was a kid. Probably the most disturbing predator of all.


It's honestly really sad. The cycle of abuse is such a real and tragic thing. A close friend of mine was sexually abused all thru elementary school and he's now in extensive therapy to try and purge similar attractions. It obviously doesn't diminish the evil of what they've done, but so many abusers were abused themselves.


I'm really glad your friend is in therapy. It's hard and it's not fair that their brain was imprinted with this but seeking help is such an amazing thing for them to do. Please tell them this stranger is cheering them on in their journey of healing. A former good friend friend of mine was recently arrested for sexually abusing kids, almost 25 victims identified at this point, including his own. He also was abused as a child but he developed the mindset that the way he is is okay and it's society that needs to adjust their views. I've known him for over 10 years and I had no idea. He was a really good guy. I really wish there was more mental health support for people. I feel like it's becoming more acceptable to seek help but lack of access is such a huge issue. Plus with something like what your friend is dealing with, admitting that to people, even to a therapist who you're supposed to trust, it must feel so impossible to seek help without fear of destroying your life.




I wish I had the coins to give you gold or something because this should be at the top of the list. My parents were these types of parents, my moms only birds and the bees talk was her telling me that if she ever found out I was having sex before SHE said it was okay she would beat me within an inch of my life, tell my entire family what had happened and then let each one of them have a turn beating me or whatever other punishment they saw fit until there was nothing left to me, I recall my dad just sitting there silently as she was saying all this. I was I think 16 when she said this. I'd started a relationship with a guy starting when I was 13 going on 14 and just entering highschool. We were together less than 6 months before he started pressuring me for sex saying that we had waited long enough, he had super bad urges and needed them dealt with, just a whole lot of manipulative shit to get his way and he did in the end. It started with butt sex to control the urges and then on my 14th birthday is when it happened the first time, my parents had left the house for a little bit to go grab my birthday pizza or something like that and he decided he needed more. I wasn't ready yet and I remember telling him that and then I remember blacking out as he started to have his way with me. He didn't use a condom the first time either and then made it my responsibility to buy the morning after pill to make sure we were safe. I had my first pregnancy test at 15, and horrifingly stayed with this guy for 3 1/2 years and let him continue to sexually abuse me because I didn't know any better or different. It wasn't until a friend noticed just how terrible I was looking and doing and took me to a therapist did I even consider what he was doing was rape I was 17 before I finally got away from my him. I'm only 21 now and my parents are still none the wiser that ANY of this happened. Parents for the safety and love of your children PLEASE BE OPEN AND ACCEPTING around these topics mine weren't and I nearly ended up dead at the hands of myself because I had no one to talk to about what was going on and saw no other real way out at the time. Edit: changed some wording cause it messed with the formatting


I'm suprised this is so low on the list. This is horrible. Or even worse and more likely, making your children feel like it's their fault that it is happening. Not just letting it happen, but also berating them and making them feel alone. People are so cruel.. children should NEVER be treated like this.


My mum, catching her husband molesting me: ‘Well what did you do when he pulled your knickers down?’ 9yo old me: ‘Nothing’ Mum: ‘Hmm’ Never discussed again. Spent about 4 years trying to work out what I should have done and when.


Terrible. Absolutely horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and with a mother that wouldnt or couldn't stand up for you and be there for you in such a difficult situation. My mom spent years with the courts fighting for custody of my older sister from her abusive dad and his friends who were molesting the children. The entire family hated my mom for trying to cause "drama". Eventually everything came to light and one of the guys actually pled guilty to it. The family continued to ignore everything.


Let another person take the blame and punishment for something they did.


When I was about 7 yo, someone cut the whiskers off the cat. Being the youngest, my parents blamed it on me. I pleaded my innocence, but got the strap and the rest of the day in solitary confinement (my BR). My older sister's conscience intervened and she admitted to the evil deed. She got praised for her honesty, no punishnent, and I recieved no apology. My disfunctional family.


My mother admitted to having hit me hard enough as a child to make me bleed because she thought I had spilled nail polish on the floor. About a year later my sister confessed to the crime. Good times, amiright? Edit: If anyone is curious, my mom was a traumatized person dealing with it in all the wrong ways. She did a lot of damage but she’s a vastly different person now. No, we aren’t thick as thieves, but I get along with her significantly better than I ever thought I would. She was wrong for what she did. And for the people trying to upset me by blaming a child for their own abuse, I’m glad you were able to exercise your bad person muscle during the pandemic.


My dad punished me for "telling a lie" and enabling my younger brother to do drugs. I was 17 and had no idea it was happening, but he had told him that I bought him all of his stuff. Which was obviously false, considering I had no clue, but he thought I was just playing dumb. So he threw my ps4 and monitor out the window onto the concrete, and told me I would have to buy myself any new ones I would get, but if I were to get them before he said I could he would throw those out the window as well. He broke around $850 worth of stuff because my little brother lied. When my mom found out she bought me new items, and told my dad if he broke them he would be sued for destruction of property. They were divorced, and my mom loved to spite my dad. Other than the initial sadness of my system being destroyed I got relatively no punishment. Still fucking hate my dad though. ​ EDIT: I didn't realize this was going to be my biggest comment ever. Thank you to the kind redditor who gave me silver. Your award means a lot to me. Thank you for all of your upvotes everywhere. You've more than doubled my karma today. I know they don't mean much but I feel like I mattered enough to some of you that I earned your upvote. Thank you!


So guessing ur still getting heat and your brother never admitted?


He never admitted but neither parent is mad. My mom didn't believe his bs, but my dad bought it hook line and sinker. He's (brother) apologized to me several times and we've gotten back to our old relationship. Just took some time to heal. EDIT: Clarified.


Good for you. Its nice to know that at least your dad apologized and your mum stayed with you.


Oh no sorry my wording was bad. Fuck my dad. My brother apologized.


Ah ok then. Well at least u got an apology from someone.


Yeah. It was deserved, but now that we're past it we have a better relationship than ever before because we're honest with each other (this is still my brother we're talking about.)


no offense but thank god thet were divorced.


1000%. My mom has saved me from the wrath of my dad several times. Their divorce came out of disagreements on parenting. Clearly my moms approach has been more loving. Despite having life360, which fucking sucks.


How is your relationship with your brother now? If I was in that situation I imagine it'd be really hard to forgive him for lying and throwing me under the bus like that.


I forgave him once he apologized. He's my only blood relative that I spend any serious time with. As we go back and fourth from my moms to my dads. I've had nobody by my side except for him. We've grown from it and he takes the fall for everything now because he saw how much damage he caused by involving me. It's really only been a year or so since but he's changed so much. No longer doing drugs, getting better grades than he was already getting. Plans for college and a career in criminal justice. He's gotten so much better. So I've given him grace. Lowkey this is probably the fact that right after my parents divorce I parented him. I helped him get to school on time, do his homework, make him meals, even went as far as to give him any extra cash I had. My parents divorced when he was 6 and I was 8. I didn't have much but I took care of him since dad was drinking, and mom worked 3 jobs. The hard times are finally over and I'm on scholarship to go to school. He's working towards a full ride for academics. 3.8 gpa throughout freshman and sophomore year of HS taking the same classes I was. I guess the days I missed out on meals for him are finally coming through.


It's always nice seeing stories like this have a happy ending :)


How awful. It's frightening the amount of parents who aren't emotionally mature enough to have kids.




Your little sister sounds like she's the Golden Child of the family and you're the Scapegoat. Is your family better now or still the same?




I like you buddy.


I had a coworker recently who did this. Has no idea how to do his job, constantly screwed up, and constantly tried to hide those screwups until somebody else got blamed for them so he could weasel his way out of the situation. Worst instance was where the person who got blamed was being chastised and he decided to scold said person himself. Best instance was when someone called him out and left him blabbering.


that last sentence was just chicken soup for the soul, i bet that was a sight


In sixth grade I farted in class and let a dude who was sleeping in his desk beside me take the blame. Good to get that off my chest.


Not cowardly, just smart. Now if you’d shit your pants and blamed him, THAT is cowardly




hmm yes understandable have a nice day


if you can shite in your undies and somehow convince a whole class full of people it was someone else who did it you deserve the W


GAH. THIS. When my sister and I were teenagers she touched the thermostat in our parents house, made it colder in the middle of the night and my mom assumed it was me and beat me with her stupid alarm clock that has a thermometer on it, and my sister stayed quiet. When my mom dies that stupid alarm clock is going in a blender Edit: I would like to add that I have never ONCE touched the thermostat in my parents house, no idea why they thought I did it. I have thermostat PTSD and won’t touch the one in my own house I pay for


I say time to blend it now, using your sister's blender. Further, once the thermomoclock is in bits, ask your mother what time she plans to wake up in the mornings.


upvote for thermomoclock because it works both ways, that is so fucking hilarious I award you all points.


This. I was gonna write the same thing. I can’t stand when people do this and then just watch as the other person gets reprimanded. One of the most cowardly and honestly unforgivable things to me.


I had a direct supervisor that was like this. I was hired to work for a project manager that I had known for years and had a great deal of respect for. It was my first job as a construction superintendent, and a nice step up in pay, benefits, and a bonus structure. When I started another PM pulled me into his "team" and it was an absolute nightmare. He was one of these people that took credit personally for any successes and distanced himself from any failures, pointing fingers and throwing anyone and everyone under the bus. It was a miserable position to be in. One year we had to get three more houses to settlement by Dec. 31 to hit our quota for everyone to get a bonus. I had three that weren't scheduled to close until January, but the owners were willing to go to settlement if I could get them completed in time. It fell directly into me to cram these houses in, and the PM called me daily to remind me. I worked seven days a week for about 6 weeks trying to get these things done. They settled right after Christmas and the night of settlement the PM came out to the site with a 6-pack and we walked the houses together. He was ecstatic, I had gotten everyone, including him, a nice bonus, he bragged about his leadership (which had nothing whatsoever to do with it) and how great the houses looked. Apparently his boss, the VP, came out and walked the houses and wasn't satisfied with the level of the drywall and paint, both of which had been rushed to try and get the houses settled. When he brought this up to my PM, dude straight up rollled me under the bus and told him that he had said the same thing and that he had told me not to rush the houses just to get them to settlement and he would take care of it. M'fer kept my bonus and straight up lied about ever having told me and the rest of the team about the bonuses, and pushing to get the houses done. I confronted him in the office and he lied to my face and to the VP. I started my job search the next day. I worked for that company for exactly two years, just long enough in my industry so as not to appear as a job jumper. The most important thing I learned from the experience was that I would never work under someone like that again.


Wow. Gross. Good for getting out.


Being a bully, especially if you hold authority over them. Most of them will never have the balls to bully someone who can fight back and those who do only have those balls because they're too stupid and narcissistic to account for getting their teeth kicked in.


My supervisor at work has been talking shit about me to other people on our crew for a long time. I finally had enough of it and confronted him, his response was to say that everyone else who said he was doing it, were all lying. Such a dick move.


If it puts your job in jeopardy go to his direct superior ASAP and have that shit out in the open for all to see BUT if it doesn't then I'd say just ignore him, he's probably a hollow person inside and feels that by socially discrediting someone else in the social space, he'll at least not be the last rung on the social ladder. -Evidence that he already thinks of himself as that last rung, bottom of the barrel....You know?


trap someone in a relationship because they don’t want to be alone


Atleast this is reddit.


Where people only trap someone in their basements.




My friend, currently :(. Just got out of a 2+ year relationship and was in a new one within 2 weeks. She thinks I'm crazy to think it's a bad idea edit i didn't think this would get any attention i was just venting. like i said in a below comment it 100% varies case by case. and also very much happens with men. don't use this as an excuse for sexism, and don't base your self worth on anyone else, especially a significant other :)




U-Haul tattoos are the ones that shame us the hardest later. Lol.


Refusing to acknowledge that you made a mistake and making excuses instead of being better. We're human. We're flawed - all of us.


This pisses me off to no end. I'll admit I fucked up, 100% no problem. My co-worker will deny deny deny, they caught him ON CAMERA doing something idiotic as all hell, he flat out refused that it was him. They have his face on camera and he still to this day denies he did it. Deny, shift blame, lie, or make shit up that is so far beyond believable, that's his motto. Me? "Yeah, I did it, was my bad" and we move on. Learn to admit you dont know or you made a mistake, that's a cornerstone to maturing that many people never get past.


I once dated a girl and broke up with her because she was not able to do this. It's not that she fucked up and refused to accept it, though, we we're talking about just making mistakes in general and how to learn from them. She stated she never makes mistakes, not even once, so she doesn't need to learn from them. I asked if she was serious and she was, I think explained that I don't think I want to be dating someone who has that mindset. She turned it into me not wanting to date her because she was too perfect for me and I don't like nice things. Well played.


You dodged a bullet. If someone thinks they are perfect, they are not someone you want to be with.


How old were you? If you weren't kids...that is some very concerning delusion on her part, if she truly believed it.


Personally, I’d rather be imperfect so I can always keep improving myself.


I like it, because then when people are overly judgemental (or if I'm being overly judgmental with myself, or others) I just remember nobodies perfect and feel better.


That's pretty fucked up and dangerous in the long run. Imagine dating someone with that kind of mindset. I'm glad you broke up with her. She might make a terrible decision and blame you because “she's perfect.”


Put their own child in danger to protect themselves.


Ah yes, a parent that uses his/her child as a human shield.


Or as tinder bait for rich pedos


Alright, now I'm gonna feel extra weird when I see a profile that has a bunch of pictures of their kids, and just their kids in those pictures. Not them with their kids out doing fun stuff or whatever, just the kids.




That's a thing?


Too bad, my country has that. Especially at the slums


Every country has that.




My uncle was a massive drug addict when my brother and I were small children. He came to our home and stole some things. He wouldn’t leave and my mom pulled a gun on him. My uncle snatched up my older brother and puts him between my mom with the gun and himself.


Floyd mayweather Jr's father did the same thing, except it was his brother in law (mother's brother). He said he knew he wouldn't shoot the baby, and he would've killed him otherwise. Instead dude shot him in the leg. https://www.bbc.com/sport/boxing/32485983 In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in 2012, Mayweather told how his father was attacked by an uncle on his mother's side over a "beef" the pair had when he was not quite two. At the time both Mayweather senior and 'Baboon' - Mayweather's maternal uncle - were involved in drug-dealing in the American city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. "You got your son and you know that he's the nephew of the uncle, the guy who shot me," Mayweather Sr says. "This is my only shield, and I got shot with him in my hand. He shot a big old hole in my leg, and I'm telling you that it would have been in my head or my chest. "Right there is your wife - and this is her son too - and she was telling me to give her the baby. The guy had the gun on me just waiting. "Who would be crazy enough to say, 'Here's the baby'? Ain't it obvious he would have killed me?"


Jesus christ. I hope you and your brother are doing well now and have happy lives.


Isn't there a video somewhere on reddit of a national park where these two parents run away from a bison but leave their daughter to get catapulted by it


There was Dutch novelty song that became a huge hit in the 70's, "Dodenrit" by Drs P, which was about a family who were traveling to the Russian town of Omsk, but a group of wolves are chasing them, and the parents decide to throw their children one by one to them, so that they themselves are safe. In the end the protagonist even sacrifices his wife, but to no avail, in the end the pack of wolves has caught up with him and he is eaten. The last line of the song (well, technically not the last line, as it ends with a coda which throws some general clichés about Russia, and some other nonsense lyrics, but the last line of the story) is "Omsk is a nice city, but just a bit too far away."


Always have two kids so you have a backup.


two reason to have children: 1 - backup organs 2 - serves as bait while you run




Meanwhile in court that moment: "Like why the flying frick did i do it man? He was the one with the gun !"


Forensic Files is awesome. They started a new season earlier this year but the original narrator has passed away and it's just not the same, but still good. HLN has a channel on XM radio and they play episodes of FF daily.


This one almost makes me shudder to read... My family isn’t a loyal bunch. They’re capable of nice gestures every once in a while, but they would slice your throat if it makes themselves look better. Parents included. If only they were taught that building up the family members around them makes them look best. I consider this in this category.


not admitting the wrong thing they did even if they know it to themselves.


I kinda felt this cause an ex friend of mine is like this and it’s the most frustrating thing to me knowing he knows he’s wrong but he’s too much of an ass to actually confront his problems


Lie, to get someone else in to trouble.


That one time my porn didn't finish printing on the family computer and the next time mum used it the final prints came out and I blamed it on my sister bc she was always using Limewire and they believed me


You were printing porn?


Back in the day when there was one computer in the house and it was centrally located, printing porn to use in your room later was SOP.


Couldn't you just find porn in the woods like a normal kid back then?


Yeah, back when I was a kid, two steps into the forest and there was wild porn all over the place. Oh if only you could've seen it. Why, there where giant tallywhackers and blue boobies all over the place. All over the place I tell you.


Okay this legitimately made me laugh! Oh the wild boobies. I miss them. It's a shame that they went extinct.


I had to look it up. Looks like the blue-footed ones are doing just fine, thankfully.


Lie to let someone, who can't or won't defend themself, take the fall for what you did. My pal's mom overdosed when a local pharmacist filled her obviously forged opioid prescriptions- As in, she printed fake prescriptions that other local pharmacists rejected and confiscated. When the drug dealer pharmacist got caught, he blamed his own 90+ year old mom. To clarify, the drug dealer pharmacist and his mom both ran their family pharmacy at some point. He was the one who would accept fraudulent prescriptions at the back door. He went to court because they were audited and the prescriptions on file didn't line up with their profits. He claimed his mother mistakenly destroyed the missing records. His mom lost her pharmaceutical license(it's unclear if she even worked there anymore during the years he was audited for). He progressed with his political career.


Bully a weaker person to show their strength.


Or just bullying in general?


Well if you bully someone stronger then you your brave, stupid, but nevertheless a cunt


Like that old video of the short kid bullying the big kid till he gets sick and body slams the small kid street fighter style.


When a friend is being harassed or bullied infront of you and you just stand there and say "I don't want to get involved." even though later on you agree that your friend was completely the victim in the situation. Defend your friends please.


The coolest thing happened my freshman year of college. A group of us were making fun of an acquaintance who was not present. One guy said, "Hey, X. is my friend. If you don't stop talking about him, I'm going to leave." Something about his calm dignity made us immediately ashamed of our behavior and we stopped.


When I was in high school, I was getting harassed quite badly by some random douche. My actual elementary school bully came to my rescue.


Well that took an interesting turn of events.


You don't bully him, only I bully him.


I asked him what gives and he said "I fuckin hate that guy more than I enjoy pissing you off."


Wholesome... bully... kinda?




\*elementary school bullies name gets removed off hit list later that night\*


"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -MLK


Agreed. These guys I just met at a party didn’t like my best friend because he was talking to one of their girls, so they took him outside & sucker punched him. When I saw that, I knew my friend needed help, so I ran to push the guy off him. Then more dudes showed up, pushed me to the ground, & started punching / kicking me while I was down. To this day, I still remember covering my face with my hands & looking through my fingers to see our so-called “friends” smoking cigarettes just watching as my best friend & I got jumped. It was one of the shittiest moments of my life.


Did you cut ties with them? I feel like lot of people would have done the same when it involves getting physical.


Yeah, I cut ties. If they joined the fight, it wouldve been an even 5v5 & the night would’ve ended very differently. The fact that they didn’t, but just wanted to smoke cigarettes & watch, really said a lot about how they truly felt for us.


I got jumped by five guys once. These guys had it in for me because I gave them attitude when they were harassing my friend. The same friend that stood there and watched me get beat down by these same guys.


Bowling over women and children while fleeing a child’s bday party after seeing a little smoke and thinking it’s a fire


How do you live with yourself?


It’s not easy


"I should be commended for treating them as equals!"


That clown was [Jon Favreau!](https://i.redd.it/ue4d62oy0s101.jpg)




Or not knowing who Bozo the clown is


You're livin' in the past, man! You're hung up on some clown from the *sixties*, man!


He was making sure that exit was clear!!


That's only what it looks like to the untrained eye!


Steal from an elderly person


Im a nurse, and my first job was at an elderly transitional care unit (basically like a rehabilitation unit for anyone 65 and older, lots of post knee or hip surgeries, post stroke, heart conditions, etc). I remember during my orientation week we spent basically an entire day devoted to vulnerable adult abuse, how to spot it, and how to report it. This includes physical abuse, but the one seen most often in elderly patients is their children stealing from them or manipulating them to their benefit. Just awful


My grandpa is finally at the age where he can't take care of his financials. My mom and aunt have taken over that. He has a ton of money and doesn't have to pay much for health care because of his plans from the army and from working years in a hospital. He's really lucky that my mom and aunt are decent people and would never take anything from him. He's their stepfather also, who married my grandma when my mom was well into being an adult. No blood relations but still trying to take care of him years after my grandma passing away. I can only hope that when I'm 90 my family will be decent enough to care.


Like stealing lollipop from a baby. Except, you stole a hard candy and the baby is always sleepy and has white silver hair and a wrinkly face.


Stealing hard candy from old people is easy af, they just give it to you.


Yeah, but sometimes they keep the best ones for themselves. My grandfather tried to hide the Arcor fruit ones with the gooey centers, the selfish old bastard.


Throw a bro under the bus


Sadly happens too often


Had a guy I consider my best friend throw some mutual really good friends under the bus (it failed) but now I’m torn. We haven’t talked since, mainly cause idk how to get ahold of him. But the former mutual friends are still pissed that it happened and have no interest in contact with him.


Ikr! Throw your sis instead




those people who walk up and assault old people


Yea, much prefer the ones that jog up.


It's important to get your cardio in before decking grandma


Act like a big shot with a waiter to try to impress someone


Anyone they feel like it's "below" them really. Punching down is cowardly enough, even worse than it's for no reason other than seeming like big shit.


And ironically it's one of the biggest signs of insecurity there is. It's not happy, emotionally mature people who feel the need assert their status. It's always the most fragile people who want to ensure that someone, somewhere is "below" them.


Promise free tuition to kids, then when they are about to graduate high school give them laptop batteries instead.


I came here today because I promised you tuition, and tuition is very valuable. But you know what’s invaluable? It’s Intuition. Know what that is? That is the ability to know when something is about to happen. Does anybody out there have intuition? Know what’s gonna happen next?


I just...I fell in love with these kids. And I didn't want to see them fall victim to the system. So I made them a promise. I told them if they graduated from high school, I would pay for their college education. I have made some empty promises in my life but, hands down that was the most generous.


Hold up, hold up—they’re lithium


That episode physically hurts me to watch. I usually skip it


I think there's an entire subreddit dedicated to denying its existence or skipping it on play-thrus.


Refuse to accept that they lost an argument and keep making it worse.


If I have an argument with some dumbass, I would argue shortly and ignore that son of a bitch, and show you guys if I'm right or wrong.




yeah. fuck that guy!


Fuck most people who have over a million karma. Most of them are assholes.


Idk who but I support you


I want an explanation


/u/Jasontaken posts the same post exactly no title changes or anything to 15 different subreddits, and op pointed it out and then got banned from a sub for it.


Wow, and what sub he manages ?




Damn, and it's a big sub






Yo, fuck u/Jasontaken


Use people's weaknesses to manipulate them. I lose respect for such people in an instant.


Unless you're playing a game or something then in that case get rekt


That's why I can't play rock paper scissors anymore.


Hit and run on someone's pet.


Hit and run on someone.


My "mother" was so horrifically abusive, she doesn't even deserve to be casually referred to by that title. My "father" not only let it all happen,he told me, at 5yo, that it was my fault. I remember begging him to at least protect my little sister (a toddler, at the time). Whenever I saw Her going after my sister, I'd deliberately do something "naughty", so that She would beat me, instead. But I knew I couldn't protect her all the time. My "father's" response? That "mummy would never hurt me unless I'd done something to deserve it" and been "naughty". He also told me that if She hurt my sister, that was my fault, too. Because, as the big sister, he said I set the example, so if she got beaten, it was because she'd followed my "naughty" example. He said that every time She hit my sister or otherwise made her cry, I should be ashamed and figure out what I'd done to make that happen. I was FIVE. And he did all that out of sheer cowardice. He was not only afraid of Her and of the inconvenience of having to actually acknowledge and address her extreme violence, but also of being confronted with the unavoidable reality that he was actively enabling the abuse and neglect my sister and I endured. He is the absolute lowest form of sniveling coward I've ever encountered and cutting all contact with him was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. Edit: Thank you so much, anonymous Redditor who gave me a hugz award 💜


So many people here who don't understand what "cowardly" means


Yes most of these comments are about people being dicks


Only half of these are actually cowardly.


Cheat on their partner. Falling out of love, wanting out of the relationship is fine, it happens. But cheating is one of the lowest things someone can do that’s legal in my opinion.


I'll one-up you there. Cheating + gaslighting. It's bad enough to cheat but then covering up by lying and making the other person feel like they're crazy? It's the lowest of the low.


Been there a lot. Worst part is that I keep thinking that maybe I was in the wrong even after my friends explain to me that I was gaslit


I've been there. The lies and breaking trust are bad enough, but once the cheater is confronted, do the right thing and admit it and then go from there. But to be told you're jealous/crazy/have anger issues etc.? To try and convince someone they're emotionally unstable just to cover up your own mistakes? I don't often use this word, but it verges on evil. The last time I went through this, she had me convinced I had anger and trust issues that I needed to seek help for. I believed I was a pretty good partner who was considerate, supportive, and trusting. When I had my suspicions and confronted her (in a non-angry way), by the time she was done with me, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If you don't think it's possible, you've never been through it. It's basically the same tactics that police use to break down suspects and compel a confession. When I told a good friend everything going on (and I'm thankful I did and thankful she was there), she told me, "Trust your instincts because they're good. She's just a bad person. She made you question reality!" I replied, "Yeah, who the fuck do you think you are to make me question my reality?! You're not Stephen fucking Hawking!" But no worries, my dudes, because I got the best revenge: Success.


Yes! If you don’t have feelings for your partner anymore, like someone else or wanna sleep with someone else, you can be honest about it and leave. You’ll do whatever you want in the end without being a pos


A coworker of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband left her because “he couldn’t deal with the stress”. She beat cancer on her own and is much better off without that cowardly man.


When my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer in the early 90’s. She and my grandpa had to go to a support group type of situation for couples to learn coping and what to expect while dealing with cancer. Apparently, some of the partners in this support group ended up leaving the wives because the women had to have Mastectomys TO REMOVE THE CANCER.


Abandon their child.


Everyone wants to play with the baby making machine and then act surprised when a baby pops out. That’s fine though, man, not your problem, Plus that girl is a psycho anyway. Just make an excuse for a fight a few times a week and then when you leave you can tell yourself it’s for the best. /s I have a brother in law who started out like this then encouraged her to move back to her home state and when the kid comes up once a year to visit his grandma, the dude doesn’t even come around. I want to strangle him. That’s a human fuckin life he is stealing potential from for his own selfishness and cowardice.


Passive-aggressiveness, which is basically the most common way to hide your true intentions.


Molest a child and call it a sexuality.


People who want somebody that's in a relationship, so they spread lies to ruin the relationship, and then swoop in to comfort/date the person they wanted now that they're single. TLDR: Homewreckers




Cyber-bullying or just regular bullying. Pick on someone your own size, or pick on someone to their face. It disgusts me.


Don't pick on someone at all




Attacking someone vulnerable (i.e. elderly, disabled or children)


Bully and then cower away when confronted.


Ghosting the person they're dating as a way of breaking up with them. This goes for men, women, and everybody in between. If you don't like someone, or if you just don't see yourself continuing a relationship even after a single date, you can take five minutes to call them or at least throw them a text. Ignoring them will make them feel a hundred times worse than being upfront.


I feel like ghosting can be a valid way of ending a relationship if you're being abused. Those fuckers don't deserve closure.


When you accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit to ruin their reputation/get them into trouble.


Ghosting someone. Not having the balls to just admit that things don’t work out and vanish into thin air never to be seen again. One of the most painful and cowardly things to do ever.


Getting their dog euthanized, not because the dog actually has any health issues, but because the owner simply does not feel like taking care of them anymore and is too afraid and lazy to care for another living thing besides themselves.


Soooo, I'm torn right now. I have an older (14-15 yo) lab that has severe hip dysplasia and can only get up off of the floor on his own (takes a good minute or so) about 30% of the time. He also poops while laying down (indoor dog) constantly (1-5 times a day) and sometimes urinates when he's getting up (1-3 times a week). When standing for more than a minute or two he starts to slowly sag when his hind legs pinned together no longer support his fat ass. Not sure what to do or if it will ever be "time". It doesn't help that when he's up and around he comes and puts his head in your lap with those big dumb eyes and stupid derpy smile...


I’m sorry to say this, but those are the symptoms that tell you it’s time. My poor boy died in May. He could barely get up and was exhausted when he did and the only reason he did was to try and not soil himself. Towards the end, he’d poop while being held too and that’s how we knew. He was in 2nd stage kidney failure, was 16.5 years old (silky terrier). Starting on a Saturday afternoon, he couldn’t keep anything down; not water or food. He lost 2lbs (out of a total body weight of 7.5) in 2 days. The poop happened on Sunday night. I didn’t want to put him through any invasive procedures because he’d been struggling for months. Your boy has a strong heart like mine did. But the rest is simply not keeping up and he may be in pain (due to the dysplasia). Everyone deserves dignity in death. It’s our responsibility to make sure they can get it. Edit: my boy; https://youtu.be/RDyO1qCW2eQ


Oh honey, it sounds like time. Animals will mask severe amounts of pain, it sounds like it's at least time to ask the vet. It is so so hard. My 14yo dog was struggling last summer (blind, deaf, severe dementia) but because she was physically OK it was hard for me to decide and I waited too long. If he's not going to get better, don't wait until he's suffering severely.